人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Learning About Language导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Learning About Language导学案(含答案)
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文件大小 45.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-28 13:52:03


Learning About Language 导学案
1. n.思想;思维;见解
2. n.蛋白质
3. _n.细胞;小房间;单间牢房
4. n.病毒
5. n.发现;调查结果;(法律)判决
6. adj.最初的;开始的;第一的
7. n.疫苗
8 .n.框架;结构
9. adj.可靠的;固体的;坚实的 n.固体 Ⅱ.短语互译
1. carry out
2. decide on
3. calm down
4. in the end
5. depend upon/on
6. 有意义;讲得通
7. 关心;在乎
8. 着手处理;开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事 9 .原先;首先;起初;第一
10. 集中(注意力、精力等)于…… Ⅲ.单词拼写
1.The (发现)of the commission will be published today.
2. She explained to us the (思想;见解)behind the campaign.
3. Now that the (最初的;开始的) shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain.
4. With the appearance of teeth, a child can begin to eat (固体的)food.
5. The paper offers a helpful (框架)for processing the news and thinking about the challenges we face.
6. Thanks to proper measures, the number of the animals dying from the (病毒) is on the decrease.
7. Fish was a major source of (蛋白质) for the working man. 8.Those (细胞)divide and give many other different types.
9. Seven million doses of (疫苗) are annually given to British children.
10. Use separate chopping boards for (生的) meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.
Activity 1 Reading the following sentences and underline the predicative.
1. The person stood on playground is my headmaster.
2. 2.I don’t know that it was you at that time. 3.My lucky number is six.
4.The door remained closed.
5.Mary’s job is cleaning the house.
6.The house is not only large but also beautiful. 7 ,When I went to your house,you were out.
8.No one was in the classroom.
9.My job is to teach you English.
结构:主语+系动词+表语 系动词
be 类(am/is/are ,was/were)
感官类(look ,taste ,feel , sound ,smell )
变化类 (become, turn, go ,grow ,get, grow 等) 保持类 (keep , stay , remain, stand,lie 等)
其他类 (turn out , prove ,seem ,appear 等)
成分:在简单句中,通常由名词、代词、数词、介词、形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词、现在分词、 不定式充当
Predicative clause
This is his job.主+系+表
This is what he does every day.
(1)that 引导的表语从句
that 引导表语从句仅起连接作用,无意义,在句中不作任何成分,通常不能省略。这种从句往往对主句主语的内容起进一步 解释的作用。
The fact is that fish can't go without water. 事实是鱼离开水不能存活。
1. The truth is
真相是保罗撒谎了。 .
2. All I know is
3. 我只知道她曾在银行工作 .
4. The point is
关键是我们应该依靠自己 .
5. The reason was
原因是你不信任她 .
②连接副词who(ever),whom(ever),,whose,what(ever),when(ever), where(ever), how(ever), which(ever),why 除在句中起连接作 用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。
Their difficulty is where they can raise enough money. 他们的困难是他们到哪里能筹到足够的钱。
That is why they were late for the meeting. 那就是他们会议迟到的原因。
1. Something else I’d like to know is
我想知道是谁家强行闯入了 .
2. The difficulty is
3. 困难在于我们应该选择哪条路线
3.Home is regardless of where we go. 不管我们去哪里,我们聚在一起的任何地方都是家。
(3)whether 引导的表语从句
The question remains whether they will be able to help us.
[关键点拨] if 只能引导宾语从句,whether 可引导宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。
1. The question is
2. All she’s worried is about is 她所担心的是他是否安然无恙。
引导词在句中充当的成分 引导词
不充当成分 无意义且不能省略
(4)连词 as if/though, because 等引导的表语从句
because 引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is/was because...”结构中。as if/though/like 引导的表语从句常置于系动词 look, seem, sound, be, become 等后面,常用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气。
He looked just as if he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。
It looks as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。
Observe the sentences and summarize the special sentence patterns
He was fired by the company. That’s he had made a serious mistake. 2. He had made a serious mistake. That’s he was fired by the company. conclusion:
That’s why ... 意为 ,强调 ,前 后 。
That’s because...意为 ,强调 ,前 后 。 The reason why she was sad was she failed the exam.
She was sad. That was she failed the exam.
当表语从句描述原因, 主句主语为 reason 时,连接词用 。 because 引导表语从句通常只用于_ 结构中。总结句型为 。
在表语从句中,表示间接的命令、要求、请求、建议、决定等, 主句中的主语通常是:advice, suggestion, proposal, request, order, idea 等,从句谓语形式是“should+动词原形”(should 可以省略,但不可换成 would)。
His request is that they should stay here for the night. 他请求他们应该在这儿逗留一晚。
My suggestion is that we (should) leave the village right now.
1. He looks as if he (know)the truth. 非真实条件句:他看起来好像知道了真相似的.
2,She looks like she . 真实条件句:她看起来似乎已经发胖了。
3. My suggestion is that we (have)a discussion about this matter. 我的建议是我们应该讨论一下这件事。
Practice makes perfect 句式仿写
1. I’d like to start my own business—that’s what I'd do if I had the money. (what 在表语从句中作宾语)
In the past few years, great changes have taken place in our school and it is no longer (what)
注意:表语从句使用陈述语序,used to be 过去常常
2.He failed the exam. That’s because he didn’t review.
(That’s because...结构) 句式仿写:
He failed. That is . (That’s because)
1 .The trouble is_ ___ I am anxious to telephone Mr. Smith but I have lost his number.
2 .I'm wondering _____ you are always late for class.
3 .Can you tell me the strengths of the computers lie
4 .My parents are very kind to me and always let me do I think I should do.
5 .We are talking about we admit students into our club.
6 .The reason why he didn't sign up for the course is he had no interest in body building.
7 .Contrary to many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.
8 .I am not sure or not he is willing to help me.
9 .What makes the school famous is more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.
10 .She gave up she was doing.
Fill each blank with a word or expression that introduces a predicative clause.
Science is simply you can do. And doing science makes you a scientist! So, what do scientists do Actually, what matters is
not only they observe in the world around them and what questions they ask, but also they use evidence or data to
answer the questions. They identify useful data and take new measurements. Some of the key issues that scientists face are
calculations they do and they analyse their data to draw conclusions about the questions they ask. The final issue,
which many believe to be the most important, is they need to communicate their results. This is they want everyone
to benefit from their work! It seems science is all around us. You see, by doing science, scientists get a better
understanding of the world around them and share that understanding with the whole world.
[2018·北京卷]This is my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best.
[2021 天津卷]What puzzles Lily’s friends is she always has so many crazy ideas.
[2019·江苏]The question, however, is this is what the developing countries need the most. [2021·山东春招]The reason for his not coming is his mother has been ill.
[2022 新高考 II 卷]Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising sharply. That is partly _________ people are driving
Learning About Language 导学案
1. n.思想;思维;见解
2. n.蛋白质
3. _n.细胞;小房间;单间牢房
4. n.病毒
5. n.发现;调查结果;(法律)判决
6. adj.最初的;开始的;第一的
7. n.疫苗
8 .n.框架;结构
9. adj.可靠的;固体的;坚实的 n.固体 Ⅱ.短语互译
1. carry out
2. decide on
3. calm down
4. in the end
5. depend upon/on
6. 有意义;讲得通
7. 关心;在乎
8. 着手处理;开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事 9 .原先;首先;起初;第一
10. 集中(注意力、精力等)于…… Ⅲ.单词拼写
1.The (发现)of the commission will be published today.
2. She explained to us the (思想;见解)behind the campaign.
3. Now that the (最初的;开始的) shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain.
4. With the appearance of teeth, a child can begin to eat (固体的)food.
5. The paper offers a helpful (框架)for processing the news and thinking about the challenges we face.
6. Thanks to proper measures, the number of the animals dying from the (病毒) is on the decrease.
7. Fish was a major source of (蛋白质) for the working man. 8.Those (细胞)divide and give many other different types.
9. Seven million doses of (疫苗) are annually given to British children.
10. Use separate chopping boards for (生的) meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.
参考答案 预习自测
I.1. thinking 2. protein 3. cell 4.virus 5. finding 6. initial 7. vaccine8. framework 9. solid II.1.执行;实施 2.决定 3.冷静下来 4.最后;终于 5.依靠;依赖
6. make sense7. care about8. get down to9. in the first place10. focus on
II.1. finding 2.thinking 3.initial 4. solid5. framework 6.virus 7.protein 8. cells 9. vaccine 10. raw
Activity 1 Reading the following sentences and underline the predicative.
1.The person stood on playground is my headmaster.名词作表语 2.I don’t know that it was you at that time.代词作表语
3.My lucky number is six.数词作表语
4.The door remained closed.过去分词作表语
5.Mary’s job is cleaning the house.现在分词作表语
6.The house is not only large but also beautiful.形容词作表语 7 ,When I went to your house,you were out.介词作表语
8.No one was in the classroom.介词短语作表语
9.My job is to teach you English.动词不定式作表语
结构:主语+系动词+表语 系动词
be 类(am/is/are ,was/were)
感官类(look ,taste ,feel , sound ,smell )
变化类 (become, turn, go ,grow ,get, grow 等) 保持类 (keep , stay , remain, stand,lie 等)
其他类 (turn out , prove ,seem ,appear 等)
成分:在简单句中,通常由名词、代词、数词、介词、形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词、现在分词、 不定式充当
Predicative clause
This is his job.主+系+表
This is what he does every day.
(1)that 引导的表语从句
that 引导表语从句仅起连接作用,无意义,在句中不作任何成分,通常不能省略。这种从句往往对主句主语的内容起进一步 解释的作用。
The fact is that fish can't go without water. 事实是鱼离开水不能存活。
1. The truth is that Paul told a lie
真相是保罗撒谎了。 .
2.All I know is that she once worked in a bank
我只知道她曾在银行工作 .
2. The point is that we should depend on ourselves
关键是我们应该依靠自己 .
3. The reason was that you don’t trust her
原因是你不信任她 .
②连接副词who(ever),whom(ever),,whose,what(ever),when(ever), where(ever), how(ever), which(ever),why 除在句中起连接作 用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。
Their difficulty is where they can raise enough money. 他们的困难是他们到哪里能筹到足够的钱。
That is why they were late for the meeting. 那就是他们会议迟到的原因。
1. Something else I’d like to know is whose house was broken into
我想知道是谁家强行闯入了 .
2. The difficulty is which route we should choose
3. 困难在于我们应该选择哪条路线
3.Home is wherever we are together regardless of where we go. 不管我们去哪里,我们聚在一起的任何地方都是家。
(3)whether 引导的表语从句
The question remains whether they will be able to help us.
[关键点拨] if 只能引导宾语从句,whether 可引导宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。
1. The question is whether we can reduce the cost of the product 问题是我们能否降低产品的成本
2. All she’s worried is about is whether he is all right 她所担心的是他是否安然无恙。
引导词在句中充当的成分 引导词
主语 who, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever
宾语,表语 whom, who, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever
定语 whose, which, what
状语 when, where, why, how
不充当成分 无意义且不能省略 that
有意义 whether, because, as if, as though
(4)连词 as if/though, because 等引导的表语从句
because 引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is/was because...”结构中。as if/though/like 引导的表语从句常置于系动词 look, seem, sound, be, become 等后面,常用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气。
He looked just as if he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。
It looks as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。
Observe the sentences and summarize the special sentence patterns
He was fired by the company. That’s _because he had made a serious mistake. 2. He had made a serious mistake. That’s why he was fired by the company.
That’s why ... 意为 那是 … ... 的原因 ,强调_结果 ,前 因 后 果 。
That’s because...意为 那是因为 … ... ,强调 原因 ,前 果 后 因 。
The reason why she was sad was that she failed the exam. She was sad. That was because she failed the exam.
当表语从句描述原因, 主句主语为 reason 时,连接词用 that 。
because 引导表语从句通常只用于 This/That/It is because
结构中。总结句型为 The reason why ... was/ is that ..._。
在表语从句中,表示间接的命令、要求、请求、建议、决定等, 主句中的主语通常是:advice, suggestion, proposal, request, order, idea 等,从句谓语形式是“should+动词原形”(should 可以省略,但不可换成 would)。
His request is that they should stay here for the night. 他请求他们应该在这儿逗留一晚。
My suggestion is that we (should) leave the village right now. 我的建议是我们立刻离开这个村子。
1. He looks as if he knew (know)the truth. 非真实条件句:他看起来好像知道了真相似的.
2,She looks like she she has already put on weight . 真实条件句:她看起来似乎已经发胖了。
3. My suggestion is that we (should) have (have)a discussion about this matter. 我的建议是我们应该讨论一下这件事。
Practice makes perfect 句式仿写
1. I’d like to start my own business—that’s what I'd do if I had the money. (what 在表语从句中作宾语)
In the past few years, great changes have taken place in our school and it is no longer _what it used to be . (what)
注意:表语从句使用陈述语序,used to be 过去常常
2.He failed the exam. That’s because he didn’t review.
(That’s because...结构) 句式仿写:
He failed. That is because he didn’t work hard . (That’s because) 含有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态和从句时态可以不一致。
1 .The trouble is that I am anxious to telephone Mr. Smith but I have lost his number.
2 .I'm wondering why you are always late for class.
3 .Can you tell me where the strengths of the computers lie
4 .My parents are very kind to me and always let me do what/whatever I think I should do.
5 .We are talking about _whether we admit students into our club.
6 .The reason why he didn't sign up for the course is that he had no interest in body building.
7 .Contrary to _what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.
8 .I am not sure whether or not he is willing to help me.
9 .What makes the school famous is _whether more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.
10 .She gave up what she was doing.
Fill each blank with a word or expression that introduces a predicative clause.
Science is simply what you can do. And doing science makes you a scientist! So, what do scientists do Actually, what
matters is not only what they observe in the world around them and what questions they ask, but also how they
use evidence or data to answer the questions. They identify useful data and take new measurements. Some of the key issues that
scientists face are what calculations they do and _how they analyse their data to draw conclusions about the
questions they ask. The final issue, which many believe to be the most important, is why they need to communicate their
results. This is because they want everyone to benefit from their work! It seems that/as if science is all
around us. You see, by doing science, scientists get a better understanding of the world around them and share that understanding with the whole world.
[2018·北京卷]This is _what my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best.
what 在表语从句中作 taught me 的直接宾语
[2021 天津卷]What puzzles Lily’s friends is _why she always has so many crazy ideas.
why 在从句中作原因状语
[2019·江苏]The question, however, is whether this is what the developing countries need the most.
主句主语 question 含有疑问含义,且从句结构完整不缺成分,所以填 whether
[2021·山东春招]The reason for his not coming is that his mother has been ill.
The reason 做主语,且从句结构完整,所以填 that。固定句型 The reason for is that...
[2022 新高考 II 卷]Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising sharply. That is partly because people are
driving more.
从句结构完整,根据句意填 because