Unit 3 Environmental Protection Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary 课件(18张PPT)


名称 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary 课件(18张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 106.9KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-05 13:25:32



Unit 3 Environmental Protection
(Learning about language 1: Vocabulary)
Learning objectives
After learning about this lesson, students will be able to:
1. understand the meanings of some important words relevant to the topic of this unit.
2. understand how to use these words correctly in context.
3. figure out the differences of some words and expressions that share similar meanings and then correctly use them to create sentences.
Build up your vocabulary
1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
broadcast  comprehensive  ecology  starve  seize
1 The Amazon basin, known as the “lungs of the world”, not only provides some __   balance for the planet, but also food and resources for the local natives.
2 Thousands of baby penguins _______ to death because the changing climate forced their parents to leave them and travel long distances in search of food.
3 Many experts link China’s economic success to the _______ reform that China has undergone since 1978.
4 The speaker said the media should make more _______ that spread awareness of the climate crisis and possible solutions.
5 To deal with climate change, we must _______ the initiative to do whatever is necessary to protect our environment.
Build up your vocabulary
broadcast  comprehensive  ecology  starve  seize
broadcast v.散布, 传播(信息等); 播撒(种子等); 广播, 播送 n.电视节目, 广播节目; 广播, 播出
comprehensive adj. 综合性的, 全面的; 有理解力的
ecology n. 生态学; 生态
starve v. (使)挨饿, 饿死; 使极其缺乏, 需要
seize v. 抓住, 捉住; (用武力)夺取, 占领; 逮捕, 捉拿; 把握(机会等);(感觉、疼痛)侵袭, 控制; 吸引(注意力), 唤起(想象力)
Build up your vocabulary
1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
broadcast  comprehensive  ecology  starve  seize
1 The Amazon basin, known as the “lungs of the world”, not only provides some ____   balance for the planet, but also food and resources for the local natives.
2 Thousands of baby penguins ________ to death because the changing climate forced their parents to leave them and travel long distances in search of food.
Build up your vocabulary
1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
broadcast  comprehensive  ecology  starve  seize
3 Many experts link China’s economic success to the ____________ reform that China has undergone since 1978.
4 The speaker said the media should make more _________ that spread awareness of the climate crisis and possible solutions.
5 To deal with climate change, we must ______ the initiative to do whatever is necessary to protect our environment.
Build up your vocabulary
2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
fuel  policy  release  restrict  sustain trend
Carbon dioxide is _____ through human activities such as destroying forests and burning fossil _____, as well as natural processes such as volcanic eruptions. The measurements by climate experts show a rising ______ of carbon dioxide emissions. If this continues, our planet will face further environmental disasters. In response to this environmental issue, China is implementing significant _____ and measures to address climate change, aiming to _____ coal consumption, promote a harmonious relationship between man and nature, build a _____ energy system, and advocate a moderate, green, and low-carbon lifestyle.
Build up your vocabulary
fuel n. 燃料, 燃烧剂; 刺激因素, 刺激性言行 v. (给…)提供燃料,加油; 刺激, 加剧
policy n. 政策, 方针; (处事)原则, 策略
release v. 释放, 放走; 使出院, 把(动物)放生; 解救; 放开, 拉开,松开(装置); 发射, 投(弹); 公布, 发布; 发行, 上映; 表达, 发泄; 释放, 排放(物质); 开放, 解禁
fuel  policy  release  restrict  sustain trend
Build up your vocabulary
restrict v. 限制, 控制(大小、数量、范围); 限制(活动或行为), 妨碍; 约束, 管束; (以法规)限制
sustain v. 维持, 保持; 维持…的生命; 遭受, 经受; (在体力或精神方面)支持, 支撑; 承受住…的重量; 证实, 证明
trend n. 趋势, 动态; 时尚, 风尚; 热门话题
fuel  policy  release  restrict  sustain trend
Build up your vocabulary
2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
fuel  policy  release  restrict  sustain trend
Carbon dioxide is _______ through human activities such as destroying forests and burning fossil ______, as well as natural processes such as volcanic eruptions. The measurements by climate experts show a rising ______ of carbon dioxide emissions. If this continues, our planet will face further environmental disasters. In response to this
Build up your vocabulary
2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
fuel  policy  release  restrict  sustain trend
environmental issue, China is implementing significant ______ and measures to address climate change, aiming to ______ coal consumption,promote a harmonious relationship between man and nature, build a _________ energy system, and advocate a moderate, green, and low-carbon lifestyle.
Build up your vocabulary
3. The following words and phrases can all mean “to make something happen”. Look them up in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create sentences of your own using each of them.
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
· According to the report submitted by researchers,between 20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the destruction of tropical forests.
· A breakdown in the computer system was responsible for yesterday’s chaos in the subway station.
Build up your vocabulary
cause vt. to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleasant 使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致
[VN] Do they know what caused the fire
deaths caused by dangerous driving
[VN to inf] The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.
[VNN] The project is still causing him a lot of problems.
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
Build up your vocabulary
be responsible for: being able to be blamed for sth 应受责备 有责任
Who‘s responsible for this mess
He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions.
be responsible for: being the cause of sth 作为原因; 成为起因
Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.
bring about: to make sth happen 导致; 引起 SYN cause
What brought about the change in his attitude
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
Build up your vocabulary
lead to: to have sth as a result 导致, 造成(后果) SYN result in
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
result in: to make sth happen 造成; 导致 SYN lead to
The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths.
[+-ing] These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship.
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
Build up your vocabulary
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
Build up your vocabulary
Most scientists believe climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels.
Every person should be responsible for their own waste.
It may be hard to bring about real change, but we have to try our best.
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in
Build up your vocabulary
Smoking can lead to serious diseases such as cancer.
Charging customers for plastic bags has resulted in a 70% drop in their usage.
cause be responsible for bring about lead to result in