人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions Reading for Writing导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions Reading for Writing导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 40.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-30 09:57:52



XB4U2 Iconic Attractions
Using Language导学案
Class:_____ Group:_____ Name:__________ 组内评价:________ 教师评价:_______
【Learning Objectives】 n this class, you will be able to 1.grasp the structural and linguistic features of argumentative essay; 2.master the skills of giving strong support to your argument; 3.think critically about the pros and cons of exploring the ocean. 4.write a powerful argumentative essay on sea exploration; 【Learning procedures】 Activity1:Lead in Qustion: Ocean is the body of salt water which covers approximately 71% of the surface of the Earth. Should we explore the sea ( Yes or No ) Activity2:While reading 1. What is the type of this text A. Narration 叙述文 B. Exposition C. Practical writing应用文 D. Argumentation Activity 3 Discussion Read the 1st paragraph of the two texts and figure out the opinion of each text. It covers 70% of the Earth’s surface, provides the oxygen we breathe. It feeds us and regulates(控制) our climate. We share one ocean.But human impacts are threatening the ocean’s fragile(脆弱的) ecosystems, and the benefits it provide us. Plastic was invading(入侵) every last corner of the world’s seas. Read Text 1 and find the arguments and evidence in them. We do not know what we don’t know; We need to explore the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification(酸化) which leads to seawater to become more acidic, and how to fight these problems; Studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas. Activity4: Writing learn for language 1. Plastic pollution is also bad, killing many birds and fish, and has even been found in our tap water. 仿写:人们往海里排放废水,破坏了生态系统。__________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Because of climate change, there is less ice now, which means we can look for more fossil fuels further north. 仿写:由于过度捕捞,许多海洋生物的数量锐减,这意味着生物多样性遭受到了巨大威胁。 ___________________________________________________________________ 3.Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources. Logging new species will improve our understanding of life on earth. Accessing the deep ocean may also help us to predict events such as earthquakes. 仿写:打破自然的平衡会对人类有非常恶劣的影响。 ___________________________________________________________________ 4.Although this was banned in 1982, some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy. 仿写:尽管人们已经采取了措施去保护环境,自然仍需要花好多年才能恢复。 _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Acitivity 5:writing practice 假定你是李华,应邀为学校网站英文版写一篇有关海洋生物保护的文章,请根据下面要点写一篇短文。 1.简述海洋受到污染的现状 2.保护海洋的重要性 3.你的看法 注意:1、词数100左右; 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 The Importance of Protecting Our Oceans __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 一、审题定调 1.确定体裁:本次写作是一篇 议论文 ,内容涉及 海洋保护的重要性 。 2.确定人称:本文要用 。 3.确定时态:时态以 为主。 二、谋篇布局 首段: 简述海洋受到污染的现状 中段: 保护海洋的重要性及采取的措施 尾段:个人看法 三、高级句式训练 1.众所周知,海底有各种各样的资源。(as引导的非限制性定语从句) ,there are resources under the sea. 2.过去的十年见证了一些生物的灭绝。 The past ten years has witnessed that some creatures . 3.一方面,我们必须使人们认识到保护海洋的重要性。 另一方面,政府应立即采取措施保持自然的平衡。(on the one hand...on the other hand...) ,we must make people realize . ,the government should . 4.只有提高人们保护环境的意识,努力防止污染,才能解决这个问题。(倒装句) Only by_________________________________ protecting the environment and making great efforts to prevent pollution ____________________________. 四.Writing The Importance of Protecting Our Oceans ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (参考答案: The Importance of Protecting Our Oceans As we all know, there are varieties of resources under the sea. However, the past ten years has witnessed that some creatures have died out. Therefore, marine pollution has been greatly concerned by the whole world. On the one hand, we must make people realize the importance of protecting the ocean. As a matter of fact, to protect the ocean is to protect human beings. On the other hand, the government should take immediate measures to keep the balance of nature. In no way should we abandon protecting the environment. Only by raising people’s awareness of protecting the environment and making great efforts to prevent pollution can the problem be solved. (== can we solve the problem)