课题 普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册 Unit 5 The value of money教学设计Period 2 Reading and thinking
学科 英语 学段:高中 年级 高一
教材 人教版统编高中英语必修第三册
二级备课 英语备课组 三级备课教师 主备
教材分析 (课文位置)《百万英镑》是2019版英语必修三第五单元的reading部分,(单元主题)这一单元的主题是“金钱的价值”(value of Money),聚焦人与社会主题范畴,(课文内容)《百万英镑》是高中英语必修阶段第一次呈现戏剧题材,该故事由narration提供的背景,引出来整个故事:两个富豪兄弟用一张百万英镑的钞票打赌,身无分文的亨利恰巧路过,在询问了一系列的问题后,两兄弟确认他就是最合适的人选,于是将那张百万英镑钞票放在信封交给他,亨利稀里糊涂接受了约定。这场戏充分展现了亨利正直,诚实,坦率,要强的性格。(课文特色)从文本结构来看,剧本的主要构成元素包括剧本题目,剧本主题,剧本角色,剧本对话,剧本动作指导,且全文的戏剧语言较为口语化、生活化,具有较强的感染力,充分展现了戏剧角色的性格和内心状态。(学习任务群)根据2022年版《课标》要求,在本课教学中可以落实以下学习任务: 文本结构内容的梳理:通过narration和话剧六要素入手,老师通过搭建支架引导学生主动分析文本结构,了解剧本的基本信息(who,where,what)和基本元素——剧本题目,剧本主题,剧本角色,剧本对话,剧本动作指导,进一步掌握分析和整理文本基本信息的能力。 文本深层情感的感知:坚持学用结合,引导学生在角色扮演活动中,内化所学语言(日常用语的运用)和文化知识(戏剧知识),在戏剧对话活动中加深对人物性格和态度变化的理解;坚持学思结合,引导学生发展批判性思考的能力,发散思维回答开放性问题,联系实际生活,形成正确的金钱观。 学情分析 教学对象为高一学生,普遍英语基础较差,自主学习的能力较弱,但是经过一个多学期的英语学习,认知能力有了进一步的发展,逐渐形成用英语获取信息,处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力。(知识层面)经过前几单元的文化话题的学习,学生对描写人与社会的文体比较熟悉,(技能层面)已基本掌握了从“when,where,what,how”方面来分析文本的基本信息,(不足)但是学生在归纳,总结,推断方面还存在比较大的问题,不太擅长从表面信息入手去挖掘文本深层信息。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习主动性在慢慢提高,学会主动参与到课堂活动中。 学习目标 (1)通过利用可视化图表,梳理文章结构和内容,并从表层信息挖掘主人公的情感变化和性格特征。 (2)通过学习该篇文本,能够感受戏剧语言的特点,了解英语戏剧的特点,提升文学修养,陶冶情操 (3)以小组的形式对文本进行角色扮演 教学重难点 教学重点:通过利用可视化图表,梳理文章结构和内容,并从表层信息挖掘主人公的情感变化和性格特征。 教学难点:通过学习该篇文本,能够感受戏剧语言的特点,了解英语戏剧的特点,提升文学修养,陶冶情操 高考考点 阅读
教学环节 教师主要教学活动 学生学习活动 三级备课
Step 1 Lead-in Guide students find the location of England and London. Where is the UK Where is the London Introduce the background of article. (Purpose: 通过地图和相关背景知识的普及,让学生初步感知时代氛围,对课文有更加深刻的感受) Show a picture and ask questions: Q1:What is he holding in this man’s hand Q2:If you have one million pound bank note, how would you feel What would you do with money (Purpose: 通过图片和问题,巧妙引出one million pound bank note,并初步引导学生思考金钱问题) Step 2 Prediction 1. What is the text type of this reading A A. Play B. Novel C. Popular science article (purpose: 引导学生观察文章体裁特点,预测文章题材) Step 3 while-reading Fast reading 1. Match these six elements with different parts of this text. (purpose:列出戏剧六要素,引导学生分析文章基本要素) 2.Divide the dialogue into three parts and complete the blanks (purpose:根据what did they do来分part) Step 3 while-reading Careful reading Narration—— provide background information (purpose: 引导学生分析戏剧的基本信息:who;where;what) what is the bet about ①学生带着问题观看文章涉及的视频片段, Q:Why did the brothers choose Henry for their bet ②观看完影片,老师对问题进行剖析,来帮助学生从两个方面回答。 (purpose:从bet入手引出贯穿全文的问题:why did the brothers choose Henry, 并且老师建立回答的支架,帮助同学们从两个方面去分析文本内容) Why does the brothers choose Henry for their bet Underline all the questions and their answers and fill in the form. What kind of people Henry is 再次总结 Step 4 Post reading 思考题 T: Why don’t the brothers want Henry to open the envelop before 2 o’clock Please guess that what changes will happen to Henry’s life after receiving one million pounds Complete the passage with words from the table. ①The two gentlemen had been having a heated argument for a couple of days, and decided to make a ___bet_________ which would settle their argument. ②They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry walking on the street outside. They invited him into their house, where Henry told them he had landed in Britain by ___accident______. ③Although he had gone to the American consulate to _______seek______ help, he had not received any. Henry hoped that the brothers would offer him some ______sort_____ of work because he had no money. Step 5 Homework Role-play 完成导学案和优化方案相关作业。