人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Words and Expressions 词汇学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Words and Expressions 词汇学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-30 10:09:50



Unit 3 Words and Expressions
diversify : v. 使多样化
diverse : adj. 不同的额,多种多样的
diversity : n. 差异性,不同点,多样性
a diversity of 各种各样的
fortune --misfortune
fortunate ---unfortunate
(un)fortunately : adv.
try one’s fortune 碰运气
make a fortune 发财
seek one’s fortune 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
be fortunate to do sth. / in doing sth.
have the good/bad fortune todo sth.
admit : v.(admitted))承认;准许进入;接纳,招收
admission : n. 接纳,准许入学;承认;入场费
admit doing / having done sth.承认做了某事
be admitted to /into ... 被允许进入,被录取
Eg. I shall be very likely to be admitted to my dream university .
occur: (occurred/ occurring )vi 发生;出现
occurrence : n. 发生,出现;发生的事情
occur to sb. 浮现于脑中,被想起
It occurs to sb. to do sth.
It strikes(struck)/hits sb. that ...
Eg. It occurred to him to phone the police .他想到了给警察打电话。
seek -sought -sought
seek for / after 寻找,寻求
seek for a solution 寻找解决方案
seek after happiness 追求幸福
seek help from sb.向某人寻求帮助
seek to do sth. 设法做某事,争取做某事
seek one’s fortune 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
earn /make money 挣钱
earn a reputation 赢得声誉
earn one’s respect 赢得某人的尊重
earn /make a living 谋生
select : v. 选择,挑选;选拔
selection : n. 挑选;入选者;可供选择的事物
select ....from ... 从中选择
be selected as ... 被选为...
be selected to do sth. 被选出做某事
导致,引起: bring about =result in = contribute to =lead to
bring up 养育,抚养;提出;呕吐
bring back 带回;使回忆起;恢复
bring forward 把...提前;提出
bring out 出版;使表现出
Eg. He never criticized us , but used praise to bring out our best .
claim : 夺取(生命);宣称;断言
claim that ...
It’s claimed that ..... 据称,有人声称
major --minor
majority --minority
the majority /minority of people 大多数人/少部分人
in the majority/ minority 占大多数/少数
escape : v. 逃走,逃脱;避开n.逃跑,解脱
escape from ... 从..逃跑
escape doing sth. 逃避做某事→escape being done
escape being punished /punishment逃脱惩罚
have a narrow escape 死里逃生/九死一生
fold : v. 折叠----unfold 展开,打开
fold up sth. 把...折叠起来
fold it in half 把它对折起来=fold in two 折成两半
collect : v. 收集,募捐,收藏 collect money 筹钱,集资
collector : n. 收藏家,收藏者
collection : n. 作品集,收集物,收藏品;一批物品,一群人
a collection of 一群,一批,....集
a collection of interesting people 一群有趣的人
a collection of short stories 短篇小说集
settle : v. 定居;结束争论;解决纠纷
settler: n. 定居者,移民者
settlement : n. 解决,协议,定居点
settled : adj. 固定的,不变的
settle in/into 安顿下来;适应,习惯
settle down 定居;平静下来
settle down to (doing) sth. 着手认真做某事
suit : vt. 适合;满足...的需要;相配;合身
n. 西服,套装
suit one’s need / taste 满足某人的需要;适合某人的口味
suitable : adj. 合适的,适当的
be suitable for ... 适合....
to do sth. 适合做某事
contain: v. ①包含,含有②容纳③容忍④控制,克制
contain oneself 克制自己
container : n. 容器;集装箱
Exercises :
Each level has four apartments ______(contain) six bedrooms ,toilet facilities and a kitchen .
② Hearing the news , he couldn’t_____ _____ and burst into tears .听到这个消息,他难以克制自己,放声大哭起来。