学科 初中英语 年级 九年级 学期 秋季
课题 Module 4 Unit2 Writing
教科书 书 名:英语九年级下册教材(新标准) 出版社:外语教育与研究出版社
During the process of teaching the class, the teacher will be able to: analyze the purpose、the requirement of writing, list the writing points you will consider. think of the sentences of expressing location,reasons for visiting, dangers, advice and protecting the place and then use them in their own writing. 3. encourage students to evaluate the writing by themselves or between students from different angles such as the structure, content and language.
Key points: Learn the sentences of expressing location,reasons for visiting, dangers, advice and protecting the place and then use them in their own passages. Difficult points: Improve the writing from different angles such as the structure, content and language.
Steps Activities Purposes
Read and analyze The teacher will lead students to read the requirement of the writing and then state the points(write to whom, why to write, how to write and write what) the students will consider when they will write. 通过分析,引发学生对于该写作任务的思考。
Think and analyze The teacher will lead the students to analyze the specific information behind the points . 通过分析,引导学生梳理写作中每个要点的具体内容,以便更好的输出。
Think and say The students will think of the expressions of showing the specific information(location,reasons for visiting, dangers, suggestions of looking after the place and protecting themselves ) behind the points and say 引导学生根据旧知识和新知识习得,构思自己的句子,并口头输出,为笔头输出做准备。
Think and write The students will write sentences from the following aspects:location,reasons for visiting, dangers, suggestions of looking after the place and protecting themselves. 引导学生从location,reasons for visiting, dangers, suggestions of looking after the place and protecting themselves等要点出发进行表达,为后面篇章的输出做准备。
Read and evaluate The students will read the passage written by someone and evaluate the passage. 鼓励学生从多角度对作品进行评价,以便借鉴他人有点来优化个人习作。
Think and improve The students will improve their passages according to the advantages of others’ passages we have showed in class. 引导学反思和评价自己的文章的表达效果,反复修改,完善文章,提升写作质量,实现以评促教。