人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage 课文语法填空 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage 课文语法填空 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-02 21:59:43



新人教选择性必修三Unit 4 Adversity and Courage
Reading and Thinking
根据高考语法填空考点设计, 原文略有改编。答案见教材
2023年新高考一卷语法填空考点 56词性转换:名词---形容词 taste-tasty 57非谓语动词:不定式to do 58连词 whether…or… 59非谓语动词:-ed作定语 60介词:by hand 61非谓语动词:不定式 allow sth to be done 62代词:they-their 63冠词: a touch of 一点点;稍许 64词性转换:形容词—副词 rare—rarely 65非谓语动词:-doing :leave sb+ wanting
2022年新高考一卷语法填空考点 56.非谓语动词 –ing形式作状语 57.冠词 倍数+the+度量词+of 58.动词的时态和主谓一致:一般过去时 59. 非谓语动词:不定式作目的状语 60.动词的时态语态和主谓一致:一般现在时 61.并列连词 and 62.名词的数:populations 63.词性转换:eventually 64.介词 serve as担任;充当 65.定语从句:that ( 用that不用which的情况)
Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in 1914. Shackleton was one of the most famous __________(explore) of his day and it was considered __________ great honour to be part of his expeditions. Below __________(be) some of Blackborow’s diary entries.
31 Oct, 1914
… Well, it so happened __________ one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition.
An expedition to the South Pole with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton — this is the adventure that I have been dreaming __________. And I was ready for it. At the age of 19, I am fit and full of vigour. However, when I applied __________(join) the expedition, Shackleton turned me __________ because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified. But I was __________ enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship, the Endurance, and __________(hide) in a small cupboard. __________(unfortunate), three days after we set off I was discovered. Shackleton did not want to turn back so he offered me a job, __________ only after he promised me, “If anyone has to be eaten, then you will be the first!” He assigned me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three times a day.
How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the __________(amaze) places I have been to!
The journey has not been easy. Endurance became __________(stick) in the ice as we approached Antarctica. The ice froze around us and we were well and __________(true) stuck! We saw the ship get crushed by the ice. And when the ship sank, our hearts sank with it.
Before we abandoned the ship, Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential __________(supply) — the small boats, our food, the cook stove, candles, clothes, and blankets. This was no time __________(panic). We were not allowed to take most of our personal __________(belonging), and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold. But to our surprise, he allowed Hussey to keep his banjo. Hussey often plays it to keep our __________(spirit) up.
We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing __________(survive), but spring is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt.
20 May, 1916
We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going __________ bad to worse. We are now crowded together under one of our boats on the rocky shore of this miserable place. Soon after we arrived, Shackleton left us__________(find) help on South Georgia Island, 1,320 kilometres away — the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us __________(make) it in our small boats. If Shackleton __________(fail), will we have any hope of rescue No. No navy in the world ever stops at Elephant Island, and no one else knows that we are here.
I feel low. It’s cold and windy. The island has no plants. Sometimes we are able to catch a seal or a penguin to eat. Otherwise, there is no food. I try to think of happier things: decent food, warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, __________ my mother’s face ... However, these happy memories are soon interrupted by a sudden cold rush of air.
I shouted. “Shut the door!”
“Hold on now, Perce. Don’t you go turning into another Tom,” came the reply. “We’ve caught another penguin, so it’s penguin soup tonight!”
Bless Frank Wild, the kindest man there is after our leader, Ernest Shackleton. How could I become as __________(self) and bad-tempered as Thomas Orde-Lees!
__________ Frank and Ernest, we’d all be dead by now. Their genuine concern for others, their __________(persevere), and their resolve fill me with hope.
Perhaps there is a chance we will return home, after all.
explorers, a, are, that, of/about, to join, down, so, hid, Unfortunately, but, amazing, stuck, truly, supplies, to panic, belongings, spirits, to survive, from, to find, to make, fails, and, selfish, Without, perseverance
新人教选择性必修三Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language
We watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. __________ was easy to imagine the danger ahead of them. Would they ever return to find us What might happen to them What if they were delayed We felt so alone and desperate. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner and some music to cheer us up.
Life fell into a regular pattern. __________(stay) alive took all our time and energy. For example, we needed water, and Elephant Island had none. We found that we could melt ice from the ocean and drink the water from it. But how could we make fire There were no trees __________(grow) on Antarctica and no oil, so the only fuel we could use was animal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke, but it stayed __________(burn) even in strong winds.
Food was also a problem, as we did not find any vegetables __________ fruit on the island. One of our group members, Lionel Greenstreet, noted in his diary about how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat of sea creatures.” If it __________(be) not for sea animals, we would all starve. As a chef, it was my duty to cook, so I tried to vary the meals __________ whatever way I could. But it was difficult.
We had to be careful not to go outside too often, as the __________(change) temperatures could make us ill. It was almost __________ dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. The sweat could freeze very quickly. Many of us also became ill from the black smoke of the animal fat we burnt for our fires. __________ damaged our eyes and burnt our lungs.
The twenty-two of us lived like this in the cold for four months. Our discipline and team spirit kept us __________(optimist) and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way. We also celebrated our birthdays, festivals, and even the times __________ we caught a sea animal. This was an episode in my life that I would never forget.
When we were finally rescued, we felt __________ relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to warm beds, good food, __________ the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith __________ Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive. And he paid us back by his __________(commit) to save us from a slow but painful death.
It, Staying, growing, burning, or, were, in, changing, as, It, optimistic, when, such, and, in, commitment
新人教选择性必修三Unit 5 Poems Reading and Thinking
根据高考语法填空考点设计, 原文略有改编。
2023年新高考一卷语法填空考点 56词性转换:名词---形容词 taste-tasty 57非谓语动词:不定式to do 58连词 whether…or… 59非谓语动词:-ed作定语 60介词:by hand 61非谓语动词:不定式 allow sth to be done 62代词:they-their 63冠词: a touch of 一点点;稍许 64词性转换:形容词—副词 rare—rarely 65非谓语动词:-doing :leave sb+ wanting
2022年新高考一卷语法填空考点 56.非谓语动词 –ing形式作状语 57.冠词 倍数+the+度量词+of 58.动词的时态和主谓一致:一般过去时 59. 非谓语动词:不定式作目的状语 60.动词的时态语态和主谓一致:一般现在时 61.并列连词 and 62.名词的数:populations 63.词性转换:eventually 64.介词 serve as担任;充当 65.定语从句:that ( 用that不用which的情况)
There are __________(vary) reasons why people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. __________ try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include __________(economy) use of words, descriptive and vivid language, integrated imagery, literary devices such as similes and metaphors, __________ arrangement of words, lines, rhymes, and rhythm. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express __________(they). Now we will look at a few of the simpler forms.
Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes. They are usually the traditional poems or folk songs. The language of these rhymes, like Poem A, is __________ the point but has a storyline. Many children enjoy nursery rhymes because they rhyme, have a strong rhythm, __________ often repeat the same words. The poems may not make sense and even seem __________(contradict), but they are easy __________(learn) and recite. By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won’t sing,
Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns to brass,
Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking-glass gets broke,
Papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won’t pull,
Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull.
One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or __________(describe) that develop a particular theme. List poems have a flexible line length and __________(repeat) phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm __________ the poem. Some rhyme (like B and C), while others do not.
Hundreds of stars in the deep blue sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather,
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world over
George Cooper
Life can be good,
Life can be bad,
Life is mostly cheerful
but sometimes sad,
Life can be dreams,
Life can be great thoughts
Life can mean a person,
Sitting in court.
__________simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, __________ is made up of five lines. With these, you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Look at the example (D)
Beautiful, athletic
Teasing, shouting, laughing
Friend and enemy too
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that __________(consist) of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables __________(respective). It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers. It is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling __________(use) very few words. The haiku poem (E) on the right is a __________(translate) from Japanese, which shows a moment in the life of a delicate butterfly.
English speakers also enjoy poems from China, those from the Tang Dynasty __________ particular. A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English, such as this one (F).
A fallen blossom
Is coming back to the branch.
Look, a butterfly!
Where she awaits her husband
On and on the river flows.
Never looking back,
Transformed into stone.
Day by day upon the mountain top,
wind and rain revolve.
Should the traveller return,
this stone would utter speech.
Wang Jian
With so many different forms of poetry to choose __________, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. Give it a try!
various, Others, economical, and, themselves, to, and, contradictory, to learn, descriptions, repeated, to, Another, which, consists, respectively, using, translation, in, from