人教版高中必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 单元复习与测试(表格式)


名称 人教版高中必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 单元复习与测试(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 40.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-03 09:41:22



Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 2 Reading and Thinking (II)
通过本课时学习,学生能够: 1. 梳理、整合人类太空探索的历史进程和挑战; 2. 对人类探索太空的相关话题发表自己的见解。
【重点】 梳理、整合人类太空探索的历史进程和挑战。 【难点】 对人类探索太空的相关话题发表自己的见解。
环节一:交流作业,梳理、整合人类探索太空的历史进程。(5 mins) 教师指导学生在小组内进行第一课时课后作业的交流。学生在倾听同伴的同时不断补充、完善自己从文中所获取的信息,最后通过全班交流和展示来确保获取所有信息;同时,学生还可以分享自己课后查找有关中国太空探索的成就。
教学活动 1. Ss share their homework of the previous lesson and explain in their own words. They need to add information to their work if necessary. (First share with the partners. Then share with the whole class.) 活动层次 学习理解之获取与梳理;概括与整合 应用实践之内化与运用 效果评价 通过查看学生作业以及课堂讨论情况,并有针对性地追问,把握他们获取主要信息的情况。
环节二:深入阅读语篇,完善新知。(12 mins) 教师提出问题:人类的太空探索之旅是一帆风顺的吗?学生给出答案之后接着追问:人类对此有何态度?学生需阅读文本第三段,并获取相关信息。教师继续追问:人类的太空探索之旅是成就和危险并存的,作者认为人类太空探索的前景如何?学生进行小组讨论,需从文中找出相关信息来支撑自己的观点。教师带领学生进一步深入理解文本:人类探索太空的意义何在?学生重读语篇,记录、梳理和整合信息;然后与同伴交流,补充完善听力笔记;最后与全班分享。
教学活动 2. Ss read paragraph 3 and share answers with the whole class. ●Is space exploration always successful ●Do humans stop exploration Why or why not 3. Ss read the text and discuss the question in groups: ●What’s the author’s attitude towards space exploration in the future How do you know 4. Ss read the text again and extract the key information about the significance of space exploration. ●According to the passage, what’s the significance of space exploration Extract an appropriate word to fill in each blank. 活动层次 学习理解之获取与梳理 应用实践之分析与判断 效果评价 通过观察学生作答情况以及倾听他们的解释,通过适当的追问了解他们对作者态度以及主题意义的理解。
环节三:分析文本特点。(5 mins) 教师向学生提问:本文的写作目的是什么?作者在文中使用了哪些写作手法?学生在这些问题的引领下重读文本,从文中找出相关的句子来总结作者使用的写作手法,如:举例子、引用等,由此帮助学生理解本文的写作目的在于用通俗易懂的语言介绍科学事实。
教学活动 5. Ss read the text again and discuss in pairs about the following questions: ●Did the author use technical terms to explain science Why ●What is the author’s purpose of writing this article ●What writing techniques are used in this article Please illustrate with examples. 活动层次 应用实践之分析与判断 效果评价 通过观察和倾听,理解学生对文本写作目的和写作手法的理解情况。
环节四:理解标题,运用新知,发表对人类探索太空的看法。(8 mins) 教师再次呈现语篇标题,询问学生对标题意义的理解以及对人类探索太空的看法。学生两人一组讨论,之后全班分享。
教学活动 6. Ss discuss in pairs. They need to give their opinions based on the information they have got from the passage. ●What does the title “Space: The Final Frontier” mean Why does the author use this title ●What do you think are other frontiers ●Do we have much more yet to discover here on Earth, or is space the only place where real discovery can be made 活动层次 迁移创新之批判与评价;想象与创造 效果评价 通过观察学生讨论情况以及倾听他们的答案,通过适当的追问了解他们对主题意义的理解。
环节五:复述文章内容;基于人类太空探索的努力和成就,谈及自己的体会。(10 mins) 教师引导学生复述文章内容、回顾人类探索太空的初衷和历程,询问学生对人类探索太空所付出努力的认识,并表达自己的观点。
教学活动 7. Ss work in groups to retell the text according to the mind map. 8. Ss discuss in groups. They need to share their own opinions with the help of the following questions. ●Why did humans explore space ●Why didn’t humans give up space exploration in spite of the huge risks ●What do you learn from it (Choose a member from each group to share with the whole class.) 9. Ss think and discuss the following questions in groups. ●What’s your opinion on the future of human’s space exploration (Agree or disagree; Advantages and disadvantages) 活动层次 应用实践之描述与阐释;内化与运用 迁移创新之批判与评价 效果评价 通过观察学生复述及讨论情况以及倾听他们的回答,了解他们对人类探索太空的理解。
作业与拓展学习设计 1. Sort out the information about human’s achievements and the risks in space exploration and fill in the table on worksheet (homework part). 2. Write a short paragraph to show your own opinion on the future of human’s space exploration.
Unit 4 Reading and Thinking (II)
Activity 1: Homework sharing
Activity 2: Read Paragraph 3 and answer the questions
(1) Is space exploration always successful
(2) Do humans stop exploration Why or why not
Activity 3: Read and answer the question
What’s the author’s attitude towards space exploration in the future How do you know
Activity 4: Read again and extract
According to the passage, what’s the significance of space exploration Extract an appropriate word to fill in each blank.
Space exploration _________ human’s curiosity.
Space exploration _________ human’s determination, effort and ambition.
Space exploration _________ international cooperation.
Space exploration _________ China’s progress.
Space exploration _________ humans and future.
Activity 5: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions
(1) Did the author use technical terms to explain science Why
(2) What is the author’s purpose of writing this article
(3) What writing techniques are used in this article Please illustrate with examples.
Activity 6: Discuss and share your opinions
(1) What does the title “Space: The Final Frontier” mean Why does the author use this title
(2) What do you think are other frontiers
(3) Do we have much more yet to discover here on Earth, or is space the only place where real discovery can be made
Activity 7: Work in groups and retell the text
Activity 8: Discuss and share
Step 1: Work in groups to discuss the following questions.
(1) Why did humans explore space
(2) Why didn’t humans give up space exploration in spite of the huge risks
(3) What do you learn from it
Step 2: Choose a member to share with the whole class.
Activity 9: Think and discuss the following questions
What’s your opinion on the future of human’s space exploration (Agree or disagree; Advantages and disadvantages)
Evaluation Form
Items Peer-evaluation Teacher-evaluation
Opinions on the future of human’s space exploration ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆
Language accuracy ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆
Language richness ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆
Fluency ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆
Pronunciation ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆
1. Sort out the information about human’s achievements and the risks in space exploration.
Achievements Risks
Abroad China
2. Write a short paragraph to show your own opinion on the future of human’s space exploration.