人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection写作美句背诵练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection写作美句背诵练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 17.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-03 22:05:21



必修二Unit2 Wildlife Protection 写作美句背诵
2.只有当我们学会与自然和谐相处,我们才能停止对野生动物和我们的星球的威胁。(only +状语)
3.只有你有目标而且持之以恒地去追求,你的梦想才能实现。(only )
4. 最后期限要到了,这就是我们很忙的原因。(that’s why)
5. 你必须趁着还不算太晚尽力改掉你的坏习惯!
7.放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。(make out a herd of)
8. 我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的.(remind)
9.世界各地的人们应该意识到水资源短缺的真实情况。(be aware of)
10.越来越多的人关心濒危动物的保护。be concerned with
11. 现在有很多问题关于污染和环境的问题。concerning /regarding / with regard to):
12.该是我们采取措施保护濒危动物的时候了。take measures to do
13. 青少年长大后,开始质疑父母的权威和智慧。(authority and wisdom)
14. 据观察,成功人士花在阅读上的时间比他们花在看电视上的时间多得多。(observe)
16.她即将完成学业并毕业今年。(be due to)
1.I'm going to volunteer for an environmental protection organization during my summer vacation.
2.Only when we learn to live in harmony with nature can we stop the threat to wildlife and our planet.
3.Only if you have a goal and pursue it consistently can your dream can come true.
4.The deadline is coming up. That's why we're so busy.
5.You must try to get rid of your bad habits before it is too late!
6.Standing on the top of the hill, we could see the whole village clearly.
7.Looking out across the plain, we made out a herb of graceful animals.
8.I think it's absolutely essential that I remind him of the meeting today.
9.People around the world should be aware of the reality of water scarcity.
10.An increasing number of people are concerned about the protection of endangered animals.
11.Now there are a lot of problems concerning pollution and the environment.
12.It is high time that we took measures to protect endangered animals.
13.As teenagers grow older, they begin to question their parents' authority and wisdom.
14.It has been observed that successful people spend much more time reading than they do watching TV.
15.I think you will adapt to the life here very quickly.
16.She is due to finish school and graduate this year.