人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 写作美句背诵 任务单(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 写作美句背诵 任务单(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 18.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-04 09:17:52



必修二Unit3 THE INTERNET 写作美句背诵
1.我非常感激我妈妈为我做的一切。(be grateful to)
她看到这一切,拿过一杯热牛奶让我静下来然后耐心得与我交谈。(非谓语动词 calm down )
4.正是因为她我已经学会了用另一种方式思考,这让我获益良多。(强调句 非限制定语从句)
6.你所受的压力越大,越有可能患感冒.(be under stress)
8.四处走走,我们依然处于进退两难的境地。(be stuck in)
9.多锻炼对你有好处。(benefit vt.) (benefit n.) (beneficial adj.)
10.医务人员所做的事深深地感动了我激励了我。(noun clause+inspire)
12.人们可以使用在线社区和社交网络。(access vt.) (access n.)(accessible adj.)
15.经常有家人陪伴的老年人往往更长寿、更快乐。(be accompanied by )
1.I am very grateful for everything my mother has done for me.
2.Seeing all this, she took a glass of hot milk to calm me down and then patiently talked to me.
3.My mother told me not to care too much about grades and to see the meaning of these experiences.
4.It is because of her that I have learned to think in another way, which has benefited me a lot.
5.I want to know whether it is convenient for you to join my birthday party on Saturday.
6.The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold.
7.The more diligent we are, the more likely we are to be successful.
8.Walking around, we are still stuck in a dilemma.
9.Taking more exercise benefits your health.
Taking more exercise is beneficial to your health.
Taking more exercise is of benefit to your health.
10.What the medical staff did moved me deeply and inspired me.
11.Many organizations are trying to encourage people to do acts of kindness whenever and wherever they want.
12.People can have access to online communities and social networks.
13.I would appreciate it if you would consider my application.
14.We should keep it in mind that getting up early is good for health.
15.Older people who are regularly accopmaied by the faimily tend to live longer and happier.
假设你是李华,你的朋友Jim最近沉于玩电脑游戏,为此你很担心。请给Jim 写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
1.词数 80 左右:
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
Dear Jim,
I feel upset that you are going through(经历) such an expeience.
Playing computer games may make you feel relaxed but if you get stuck (陷入)in them, you won't benefit (得益)from them at all. You used to be in good shape(状况良好) while you're now completely out of shape. Socrazy are you about computer games that you never chat with (与……聊天)your friends or keep your family company(陪伴你的家人). It has done great harm toyour health , your school work and your family relationships.
I hope you can keep in mind(牢记) that nothing is more important than your health and your family(没有什么比你的健康和家庭更重要). Why not join in some outdooractivities or have a face-to-face chat with your friends I believe youcan make it!
Li Hua
注意:词数 80左右。
About Internet
About Internet
With the development of the network(网络), our life is going through(经历) signifcant changes. We beneft a lot from it(受益匪浅). It's convenient (方便的)to shop and study online , contact friends and carry out a distance(距离) job. However, each coin has two sides. When we are surfing the Internet(上网), our privacy(隐私) may be stolen. When running the blog(博客), we may suffer a cyberbully.In conclusion, the Internet has its advantages anddisadvantages. Only if we use it properly can we make the most of it.(只有我们正确地使用它,我们才能充分利用它。).