人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing (II)教案(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing (II)教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 32.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-04 11:44:21



Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 2 Reading for Writing (II)
通过本课时学习,学生能够: 1. 就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题阐明自己的立场并提供相关的论据; 2. 运用所学的语言和语篇结构写一篇议论文来发表自己对人类探索太空的看法。
【重点】 就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题阐明自己的立场并提供相关的论据。 【难点】 运用所学的语言和语篇结构写一篇议论文来发表自己对人类探索太空的看法。
环节一:复习前课(3mins) 教师引导学生复习范文的结构及语言特色,激活已知。
教学活动 1. Ss review the structure of the passage. 2. Ss review the language features of the passage. 活动层次 学习理解之概括与整合 效果评价 通过提问,了解学生对前课的掌握情况。
环节二:分析课本第45页活动三第1题,辨别关于太空探索的观点与立场。(3 mins) 教师引导学生思考课本第45页活动三第1题的四句话,判断每句话对于“太空探索”这个话题的立场。
教学活动 3. Ss read and analyze the four arguments in activity 3 on page 45, and judge which arguments are for space exploration and which are against space exploration. ● Are these arguments for or against exploring space 活动层次 应用实践之分析与判断 效果评价 通过提问学生的答案,了解其对于观点立场的判断情况。
环节设计意图: 引导学生学会分析判断他人的立场观点。
环节三:就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题发表自己观点。(6 mins) 教师引导学生思考“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题,学生结合上节课所学,对这个问题进行再次思考,提出自己的观点,全班学生分为正反两队,就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题展开辩论。两队学生将自己上节课课后搜集到的论据补充到课本第45页活动三的第一大题中,并从中选择合适的论据来支撑自己的论点。
教学活动 4. Based on what they have learnt, Ss rethink the question whether it is worth exploring space and express their opinions. According to the different arguments, students are divided into two teams. One is for space exploration, and the other is against space exploration. Two teams have a debate on space exploration, and support their argument by using the reasonable supporting evidence from the materials they searched for and the sentences in activity 3 on page 45. The teacher makes a comment on their debate. ● Is it worth exploring space 活动层次 迁移创新之批判与评价 效果评价 通过观察两队学生的辩论,了解学生关于太空探索的看法。
环节设计意图: 引导学生就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个问题发表自己观点,为写作做准备。
环节三:明确写作步骤,确定论点与分论点,拟定写作提纲。(9 mins) 教师引导学生明确议论文的写作步骤,再整理自己的论点和辩论时采用的合理的论据,从而确定文章的大纲。
教学活动 5. Ss put the steps of writing an argumentative essay in order. 6. Ss finish the outline. 活动层次 迁移创新之想象与创造 效果评价 通过巡视学生所列的写作提纲,了解学生是否对文章有了一个清楚的框架结构。
环节四:基于框架结构,完成文章初稿。(15 mins) 学生基于确定的写作提纲,完成文章的初稿。
教学活动 7. Based on the outline, Ss finish the first draft of the article. 活动层次 迁移创新之想象与创造 效果评价 通过巡视学生的文章,了解他们初稿的完成情况。
环节设计意图: 引导学生迁移创新,就“是否值得耗费时间和金钱去探索太空”这个话题写一篇议论文。
环节五:学生互换文章,依据评价清单,对其他同学的文章进行评价。(4 mins) 教师引导学生互换文章,认真阅读他人文章,找到论点和分论点,依据评价清单,对其他同学的文章进行评价。
教学活动 8. Ss exchange the essay and evaluate it according to the evaluation checklist: (1) Does the introduction state the topic (2) Does the introduction express different reasonable opinions about the topic (3) Does the body give arguments with suitable supporting information (4) Does the closing express the writer’s opinion and end properly (5) Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors (6) Is the expression coherent and logical (7) Is the handwriting neat 活动层次 迁移创新之批判与评价 效果评价 通过查看学生的评价清单,了解学生是否掌握写好议论文的要求。
环节设计意图: 引导学生之间相互评价,培养学生的互评能力。
作业与拓展学习设计 1. Revise your essay; 2. Exchange the essay with your classmates again and evaluate it according to the evaluation checklist.
Unit 4 Reading for Writing (II)
Activity 1: Review the structure of the passage
Activity 2: Review the language features of the passage
Activity 3: Analyze the arguments
Are these arguments for or against exploring space Put them in the table below.
A There are a lot of unsolved mysteries on Earth. So why are we going into space to explore
B It is necessary to find a new home for people in space, as the resources on Earth will run out.
C I cannot understand spending all this money on expensive research and experiments when so many people need food.
D Exploring space encourages scientists to improve technology that can help people in other ways, too.
Activity 4: Have a debate
Is it worth exploring space
Activity 5: Put the following steps in order
Put the steps of writing an argumentative essay in order.
Choose a topic ___1__
Gather evidence ______
Present argument logically ______
Draw a conclusion ______
Take a position ______
Activity 6: Finish the outline
Paragraph 1: Opinion: (for or against) __________________________________
Paragraph 2: Argument 1: ____________________________________________
Supporting details/Evidence: _________________________________________
Paragraph 3: Argument 2: ____________________________________________
Supporting details/Evidence: __________________________________________
Paragraph 4: Argument 3: ____________________________________________
Supporting details/Evidence: _________________________________________
Paragraph 5: Conclusion: ____________________________________________
Activity 7: Write your draft
Use what you have learnt to write an article to present your argument about space exploration.
Activity 8: Exchange and evaluate
Exchange the essay with your classmates and evaluate it according to the evaluation checklist.
1. Does the introduction state the topic Yes/ No
2. Does the introduction express different reasonable opinions about the topic Yes/ No
3. Does the body give arguments with suitable supporting information Yes/ No
4. Does the closing express the writer’s opinion and end properly Yes/ No
5. Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors Yes/ No
6. Is the expression coherent and logical Yes/ No
7. Is the handwriting neat Yes/ No
1. Revise your essay;
2. Exchange the essay with your classmates again and evaluate it according to the evaluation checklist.