人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money Listening and speaking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money Listening and speaking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 23.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-04 11:45:23



Unit 5 The Value of Money
Listening and Speaking
开篇页主题图展现的是电影《百万英镑》中发生在酒店的一幕。在这幅剧照中,主人公亨利高高举起百万英镑大钞给债主们看,剧照的背景就是这张在故事发展中起重要作用的巨额钞票。开篇页的名言警句为英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根的语句“Money is a good servant and a bad master.”名言所揭示的金钱作用的双重性与本单元的“金钱的价值”主题相呼应,本单元的主题意义由此引出:探讨对金钱的正确态度,培养树立健康的金钱观。
听说板块的主题为“讨论拾金不昧的善举”(Discuss the good deed of returning lost money)。该板块通过一则“清洁工拾金不昧”的新闻报道开启本单元关于金钱价值的主题讨论,为后面探究《百万英镑》戏剧的主题意义做铺垫。同时,新闻体裁的引入也体现了语言学习的实用性,旨在帮助学生熟悉新闻报道的文体特点,培养听英语新闻的技能。发音板块提供了《百万英镑》的几个剧本音频片段用作语音练习素材,旨在引导学生关注语调和语流节奏。一方面,学生可通过模仿学习掌握正确的语音语调,体会句子的重读、弱读和节奏;另一方面,学生可模仿学习剧中角色如何运用语流节奏来表达情感,增加语言感染力。
1. 能正确理解和使用下列单词/词块:basis, on the basis of, loan, take out a loan, plastic, apologise, ignore, in return, judge。
2. 能通过听说模仿掌握正确的语音语调,体会句子的重读、弱读和节奏。
3. 能通过阅读开篇页信息,熟悉单元主题语境,预测单元内容,明确学习内容。
4. 能通过听新闻报道获取具体信息,梳理事件的来龙去脉。
5. 能通过运用听力材料中所提取的语言信息,谈论“金钱的价值”这一主题。
Task 1
Step 1 Warming-up
1. Look at the opening page and discuss the following questions.
(1) What is the man holding in his hand How much is the bank note
(2) What do you know about the story of The Million Pound Bank Note
(3) What does Francis Bacon’s saying mean Do you agree with him
2. Scan the list on opening page and think of the questions below.
(1) What topics will you read about / listen to
(2) What topics will you talk / write about
(3) Which part do you think will interest you
(4) What do you expect to learn from this unit
Step 2 Pre-listening
1. Work on Activity 1. Before listening, discuss these questions in pairs.
(1) What will you do when you find someone’s lost money
(2) What will you do when someone gives you back the money you’ve lost
(3) What should be included in a news report (5W1H)
2. Work on Activity 2. Before listening, read the content of Activity 2 & 3, and try to match the people with the correct information.
1 2 3 4 Chen Liyan Wang Zheng Ma Dongbao Liu Xia A B C D the owner of the lost money a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station a police officer living in Chen’s apartment building Chen’s 16-year-old daughter
Step 3 While-listening
1. Check the answers of Activity 2, meanwhile, work on Activity 3. Listen again and put these events in the correct order.
2 Chen Liyan found Wang Zheng’s money and returned it to him.
6 Chen gave an interview to the local newspaper.
5 Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia.
4 Ma Dongbao shared Chen’s story with Wang.
1 Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan.
3 Wang offered Chen 5,000 yuan.
2. Work on Activity 4. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
(1) It was the first time Chen Liyan’s story was reported. (F)
(2) Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station. (F)
(3) Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money. (F)
(4) Chen took out a large loan to cure her daughter. (T)
(5) Wang set up a fundraising website for Chen’s daughter after Chen told him about her situation. (F)
Step 4 Post-listening
1. Show the text of listening. Read it and work out the structure of the new report. Retell the story.
2. Work on Activity 5. Discuss your answers to the questions with your partner and explain your reasoning.
(1) What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is
(2) Did Chen return the money because she didn’t need it
(3) Is it common for people to do what Chen did
(4) How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money
(5) Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family
(6) How did the news reporter feel about Chen’s actions
3. Work on Activity 6. Work in groups of four. Discuss the following questions.
(1) Do you agree with Chen Liyan What would you do if you were in her situation
(2) When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return
(3) What do you think is the best way to get money
(4) Should we judge people based on how much money they have
Task 2(选做)
1. Listen to the short conversation and mark the intonation with rising, falling or falling rising symbols. Then discuss with a partner what they intend to convey by using different intonation.
2. Listen to the conversations. Underline the parts that are stressed and mark the intonation. Then talk about the implied meanings of the responses with different intonations. Listen again and repeat.
Step 5 Assignment
Write a summary of the news report.