人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Speaking 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Speaking 教学设计(表格式)
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文件大小 215.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-06 12:12:37



Unit 4 Listening and Speaking 教学设计
课题 Book 3 Unit 4 Space Exploration
备课人 学科 英语
学段 高中 年级 高一第二学期
主要教材 书名:普通高中教科书·英语必修第三册 出版社:人民教育出版社(2019)
本单元由名人名言、访谈、太空探索状况介绍、太空宇宙科普知识介绍、视频等多模态语篇构成。 本单元围绕“太空探索”这一主题展开,属于《课标》明确的课程内容中“人与自然---宇宙探索”这一主题群中“地球与宇宙奥秘探索”这一主题语境内容和“人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系”这一主题语境内容。
语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容语篇主题Quote from Neil Armstrong名人名言(阅读)神秘激发好奇心,而好奇心则是人们探索未知事物的前提。好奇心激发探索欲Talk about how to become an astronaut访谈(听力)介绍中国人杨利伟成长为著名航天员的过程国内著名人物的太空探索Space:The final frontier人类太空探索历程(阅读)人类太空探索的伟大成就国内外太空探索的伟大成就 介绍Talk about life in space访谈(听力)介绍Captain Brown在太空站的生活。地球之外---太空站的生活Is exploring space a waste of time and money 关于太空探索的不同看法(读写)太空探索是否值得 ---太空探索的好处太空探索的意义Exploring Mars火星探索介绍(视频)火星是个神秘的星球,人类探索火星的步伐火星探索进程Homes on Mars关于火星家园的探索(阅读)关于在火星建立人类居住地的看法和科学实验人类生活在火星上的可行性 探讨Expanding your world太空宇宙相关知识介绍(阅读)四种与单元主题太空探索有关的知识介绍关于宇宙的科普知识
学生已有经验,知识及能力储备: 学生在初中阶段的已经储备了相对于同龄人较为扎实的英语学科基础。用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力较为出众。 对于本单元的主题——太空探索学生们很感兴趣。根据学情调查,了解到学生们对于人类探索宇宙、太空旅行、外星人等话题一直都是非常感兴趣的,学生有着强烈的愿望探索该主题,并且表达他们对于太空探索的看法和展望。 问题与不足及发展路径: 问题与不足:学生对于与太空探索主题相关的词语、词块及句式积累量不足,导致阅读、口头和书面输出有一定的难度。 发展路径:培养学生根据上下文的语境猜词,扩充主题词汇。运用图片,视频等多模态语篇及多种感官激发学生的联想记忆,丰富主题相关表达的积累。引导学生在多种主题相关的活动中运用主题词汇,例如:制作海报,演讲,写作,展示等。 问题与不足:学生对于本单元的语法不定式做定语和状语学起来感觉难度较大。 发展路径:在本单元听说课,读思课及读写课中引导学生观察多模态语篇中不定式的使用方法,从而进行归纳和总结。并且在主题意义引领下,创设输出活动,不断引导学生巩固及运用不定式。 问题与不足:学生个体发展差异较大,听说读写各项技能发展不均衡。 发展路径:提炼学生太空探索主题意义下的共同点:strong desire。以此为出发点通过多种活动引领学生在听说读写四个方面加强训练,提升技能,争取在学生的薄弱环节逐渐突破取得长足的发展。
四月份既有国际航天日也有中国航天日,学校将四月份设定为太空探索主题月。学生完成该主题月系列活动。通过多模态语篇的学习,学生能够: 获取、梳理、整合太空探索主题相关的信息。 巩固提高听、说、读、写技能。 观察文本,分辨用作定语和状语的动词不定式,理解其功能和意义,并在主题语境下运用到口头和笔头表达中。 分析和评判科技发展带来的利与弊。 梳理、整理中国在太空探索领域做出的卓越贡献,增强文化自信和民族自豪感。
课时内容语篇课型学习目标与主题相关的表达(拼写+认识) 语法结构to do1 Opening PageTalk about how to become an astronaut听说了解成为宇航员的必备条件。 在听力技能方面训练准确捕捉数字信息的能力。 谈论宇航员的必备条件及个人自我评价是否适合做宇航员。astronaut, intelligent, gravity, be determined mental and physical training, flight experience, experienced pilot, very difficult thing to achieve selection procedure, space programme,Listening and Speaking2、3Reading and ThinkingSpace: The final frontier读思了解人类太空探索的发展历程与重大历史事件。 在阅读过程中还原文章缺失信息,准确而简练地归纳段落大意的能力。 在主题语境下,运用与主题相关的词汇、词块、不定式进行输出训练。 思考太空探索的意义。 the universe, launch satellite, orbit around the Earth, on board, despite huge risks, their dream to explore space, the first person to go into space, to study deep space, desire to explore the universe, China’s plan to establish a space station, to make measurements and observations, plans to further study, an easy goal to achieve, It took over two years to get to …, figure out a way to do, so as to help make rockets, escape Earth’s gravity, vehicle, beyond the solar system, sufficient food and water 4Listening and TalkingTalk about life in space听说看了解太空站的生活。提高边听边记录信息的能力。 在输出练习中练习有关好奇心的英文表达。 课后观看关于火星的视频,增加对小单元话题的热情。be curious about, I’d love to know, I’m very keen to know, I hope you won’t mind me asking about, I wonder, I’d particularly like to know, I’m most interested to discover…space station, in space, soapy towel, tissue, space camp, facilities, float around, Video timeExploring Mars5Reading for features of an argument- ative essayHomes on Mars?读思 微写作阅读科学家对于人类未来在火星上定居的可能性分析,练习推理论证的阅读技能。 观察并感知议论文写作技巧,进行表达观点的微写作练习。 思考人类移居地球之外的可能性。Some …think the idea of, Stephen hawking believed, Robert Zubrin agrees and thinks, Another big concern for scientist is, The organization believes that, move into space to survive, the ability of humans to live in, the chance to be part of the first human crew ever to live on Mars6Reading for Writing Is exploring space a waste of time and money 读写阅读一篇议论文来理解太空探索需要付出的代价,练习阅读技能。 认识到太空科技对人类生活的影响,结合自己的理解发表看法,从而提升批判性思维能力。 通过文本分析了解议论文写作的结构和语言特点,进行写作输出练习。Some people argue that, instead, Others feel this is a shallow view, however, firstly…secondly…finally… in closing, therefore, provide for, make a difference in, result in, planet’s resources are limited, solution to, for example, in order to, so as to, efforts to grow enough food to feed Earth’s increasing population, to meet the requirements for space exploration, promote technological improvements, space technologies, 7Opening pageGive a presentation on China’s space exploration展示通过小组合作完成关于中国太空探索伟大成就的项目汇报,学会运用本单元所学的语言做事情,增强民族自豪感和文化自信,从而达成立德树人的根本目标。 回到开篇页,回顾名人名言,进一步深化单元主题。Space exploration China’s space missions Launch time Launch vehicles Mission goals China’s achievements Technological breakthroughsProject
教学设计 Teaching Design
Listening and Speaking Period 1
Analysis of the teaching material The theme of this unit is space exploration. In this class, students will learn about the requirements for becoming an astronaut. There are pictures, an interview, related exercises and tips in this part. This interview can show students how to become an excellent astronaut like Yang Liwei.
Analysis of the students Students are interested in this topic and eager to know how a person can grow into a brilliant astronaut. Students of senior one have already possessed the basic skills of listening and speaking smoothly. Students lack some necessary words and chunks relevant to space exploration.
Learning Objectives
Core competencies Application in this period
Language proficiency Understand what are the requirements of becoming an astronaut
Learning capacity Listen for numbers and get to know how to distinguish stressed syllables from unstressed syllables
Cultural awareness Appreciate good qualities of the great astronauts.
Thinking quality Evaluate oneself of being suitable to be an astronaut or not
Important and difficult points
1. Have a clear idea of the requirements for becoming an astronaut
2. Show your own opinions about being an astronaut
Teaching procedures
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Intention
Present the quote Try to interpret the quote from Neil Armstrong To understand the role of wonder in exploration
Warming-up Quiz Take part in a small competition Activate students’ knowledge about some famous astronauts
Lead-in Show some pictures of famous astronauts from China and abroad Thinking Let students be familiar with famous astronauts
Before- listening Present the picture on Page38 Brainstorm Share the background information about Yang Liwei and be prepared for listening
Listening 1st listening 1st listening Listen for true or false
2nd listening 2nd listening Listen for numbers
3rd listening 3rd listening Listen for more details and take short notes while listening
Speaking Create a situation Make up a dialogue Read the listening text and then work together with your partner to talk about your knowledge of being an astronaut and your self-evaluation of being suitable to be an astronaut or not. You ‘d better make up your dialogue by using what the teacher highlights ---some words, chunks and “to-do”s in the listening material.
Pronunciation Tips on Gravity Absorb the skills on stressed and unstressed syllables
Presentation Time for presentation Improve students’ spoken English
Evaluation Make an evaluation according to the checklist. Promote students’ awareness of self-reflection and evaluation of peer’s work
Assignment To consolidate what they have learned including words, chunks and theme-related expressions. Draw a mind map for the theme-related expressions. Introduce the requirements for being an astronaut in English.
课题:人教版Book 3 Unit 4 Space Exploration
【What】: 本课的话题是“如何成为一名宇航员(Talk about how to become an astronaut) ” 。听力内容是一段访谈对话,访谈嘉宾是我国宇航员杨利伟。访谈内容包括他简单介绍如何通过宇航员选拔,以及筛选宇航员的标准和条件,包括教育背景,飞行时长,身体条件及心理素质等。
【Why】: 宇航员这一职业对青少年充满了魅力,听力内容这一学生感兴趣的话题切入,充分激发学生的好奇心和求知欲。让学生了解宇航员的选拔条件和标准,既开阔了学生的眼界,又能使学生体会到任何辉煌的成就都离不开勤奋的学习、刻苦的磨练和不懈的努力。
1. To learn and talk about how to become an astronaut and life in space by listening to two interviews with astronauts.
2. To learn and use some expressions about the topic as well as cultivating the spirits of astronauts and scientists.
3. To learn and practice some listening strategies such as listen for numbers and listen for details.
教学过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Lead–in 1.观看视频,引入话题--探索宇宙 2.根据提示,匹配国内外宇航员名字。 The first man going into the space: Yuri Gagarin, Soviet Union, in 1961. The first man landing on the moon: Neil Armstrong, America, in 1967. The first Chinese going into space: Yang Liwei, in 2003. China's first female astronaut: Liu Yang, in 2012. 通过图片和视频引起学生对航空航天这一话题的关注和兴趣,激发他们的回忆和表达欲望。 6mins
While–Listening 1. 听录音,选择正确的陈述。 ⑴The audience is curious about how Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut. ⑵ Mr. Yang always believed that he would become an astronaut one day. ⑶Mr. Yang was selected to attend pilot training with 13 other people. ⑷To become an astronaut in China, you have to have 1,350 hours of flying experience. ⑸Astronauts not only had to learn how to use space equipment, but also had to do a lot of mental and physical training. 2.教师指导学生学习本单元听力策略。 Listen for numbers Number questions are typically related to: time, telephone numbers, addresses, prices, weights, distances, etc. When you listen for numbers, you need to pay special attention to big numbers as well as those that sound quite similar, such as thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. 3. 教师引导学生听录音并运用听力策略完成填空。 T: Listen again and fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. ⑴Yang Liwei graduated from college at the age of ________. ⑵Before he joined China’s space programme, Mr Yang trained as a fighter pilot for ____ years. ⑶ Mr Yang was one of the _____ pilots who were chosen to train for space flights. ⑷ At the time when Mr Yang entered the space programme, astronauts had to be shorter than ________ cm in height and less than ____ kg in weight. ⑸Mr Yang became China’s first astronaut when he was _____ years old. 4.教师引导学生再听录音,然后根据内容完成表格。 T:Listen to the interview again and make a list of the requirements for becoming an astronaut and figure out the qualities of astronauts. Education background:________ degree, trained to be _____________Qualities品质:Experience:______ hours of _______ experienceQualities:Health condition:must be in perfect ________ and _______Qualities:Courses:__________,___________and____________Qualities:Special training:Practice using ___________________ , and do a lot of ______________________trainingQualities:5.教师引导学生再听录音,完成文本填空。
本活动旨在培养学生对数字的熟练度和敏感度。 帮助学生熟悉航空航天需用到的相关表达,巩固知识点。 22mins
Speaking 教师将学生分成8人一组进行小组讨论。 T:Work in pairs. Discuss whether you would like to be an astronaut in the future and give your reasons. Use what you have learnt from the interview to help you. A: You know, I think being an astronaut would be cool. B: Yeah, that’s right. You can see other planets......You have a chance to......Do you want to work in space in the future A: I’m not sure, but I think it might be too difficult for me. There are so many requirements. First of all, you ___________________________. Then you have to __________________________. Finally, you must ___________________________. B: Sounds so difficult. 本阶段的学习活动引导学生在归纳和整理核心语言的基础上,通过对话表演将语言内化,从学习理解过渡到应用实践。 12mins
Homework: 1. 画出本主题的词语、词块或者表达的思维导图。 2. 制作关于宇航员选拔的标准和条件的海报。 课后反思 通过学习: 1. 学生提升了对数字的敏感度和熟练度; 2. 学生能综合所学知识,独自阐述选拔宇航员的标准和条件。 本节课是听说课,结合单元的主题语境和单元的主要学习任务,在导入部分带领学生理解并讨论主题图,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过听力活动的训练,引导学生通过关注数字的信息,并掌握关于航天的相关表达。在教学过程中,采用互动合作的形式教学,发挥学生的主导作用。