人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 5 Working the Land学案(6份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 5 Working the Land学案(6份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-10 07:44:57


Unit 5 Working the Land Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
核 心 单 词
1.devote vt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于
①(2022·北京高考)It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness.
②(柯林斯词典)She gladly gave up her part time job to devote herself entirely to her art.
③(牛津高阶)She is devoted to her children.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①Society even praises “burning the candle at both ends” as a sign of our devotion (devote) to work and family.
②But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.
③The scientific team devote themselves to seeking (seek)for traces of wild foxes.
④Devoted to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.
→ Devoting herself to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.
2.convince vt.使相信;使确信;说服
①(朗文当代)The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.
②(剑桥高阶)I hope this will convince you to change your mind.
③(中国日报)A good leader should convince his/her followers that his/her policies serve their interests.
④(剑桥高阶)I didn't find the ending of the film very convincing.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·1月浙江高考卷)Yeah. But I'm convinced  (convince) my parents love having me back. What about you
②Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.
③Nobody could come up with a convincing (convince) reason why the dinosaur died out.
④They tried to convince him to support (support) them.
⑤ Convinced (convince) that the Belt and Road Initiative (“一带一路”倡议) will benefit China's economy, we are optimistic about the future of our country.
⑥Robert's expression obviously convinced her of (使她相信) his honesty.
⑦ I was convinced that (我确信) we were doing the right thing.
3.characteristic n.特征;特点;品质adj.典型的;独特的
①(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.
②(剑桥高阶)The creamy richness is characteristic of the cheese from this region.奶油的丰富是这一地区奶酪的特点。
③(牛津高阶)Characteristically she took the joke very well.
④(剑桥高阶)Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①(2023·1月浙江高考卷) The activity began with a lecture by a local botanist, who taught us about the different characteristics  (characteristic) and uses of various plant species.
②(2023·北京卷)Mangroves, known as “red forest” in China, grow between land and sea, characterized  (characterize) by their complex roots.
③A characteristic of this animal is its ability to live for a long time without water.
④He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.
4.assumption n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得
①(朗文当代)People make a lot of assumptions about me.
②(2022·北京高考)A systems approach to creating change is also built on the assumption that everyone in the system has equal power.
③(剑桥高阶)We can't assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to remain silent.
④(牛津高阶)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.
⑤(牛津高阶)We can all leave together assuming(that) the others aren't late.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①Traditional exercises like sit ups, press ups and pull ups are good for building up your strength, assuming (assume) you do them properly.
②It was impossible to make assumptions (assume)about people's reaction.
③What will you do on the assumption that you can't beat him in the first round of the match
④We must assume him to be (be) innocent until he is proved guilty.
Considering what she has done, we assume her to be warm hearted.
⑤→Considering what she has done, we assume (that) she is warm hearted.
⑥→ It is assumed that she is warm hearted considering what she has done.
5.expand vt.& vi.扩大;增加 vt.扩展;发展(业务)
①(牛津高阶)Why not try to expand your story into a novel
②(中国日报)It is sometimes difficult for companies to expand their advantages to other areas and regions.
③(2022·全国乙卷)In Wickenden's book, she expanded on the history of the West and also on feminism, which of course influenced the girls' decision to go to Elkhead.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①The company has abandoned plans for further expansion (expand).
②(2023· 全国甲卷) As grizzly bears expand their range into  places where they haven't been seen in a century or more, they're increasingly being sighted by humans.
Could you expand on that point, please?
6.estimate vt.估计;估价;估算 n.估计;估算
①(牛津高阶)We estimated his income at/to be about 8,000 a year.
我们估计他一年的收入大约8 000 英镑。
②(剑桥高阶)We'll accept the lowest of three estimates for the building work.
③(牛津高阶)It is estimated (that) the project will last four years.
④(柯林斯词典)An estimated 1,600 vessels pass through the strait annually.
估计每年有1 600艘船经过这个海峡。
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①The hospital will cost an estimated (estimate)£ 2 million to build.
②Organizers estimated the crowd at 50,000.
③(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)The experiment of estimation he conducted showed that in some cases, the average of a large number of independent estimates  (estimate) could be quite accurate.
It is estimated that the project will last four years.
7.reality n.现实;实际情况;事实
①(2021·天津高考)As it became clearer that fashion was what I wanted to do full time, the reality of my day to day work at the insurance company became harder.
②(牛津高阶)She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality.
③(剑桥高阶)I thought it was just a fire practice,but apparently it was for real.
④(2023·全国乙卷) I really loved the experience, and I soon became an eager reader.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①His theories are somewhat remote from reality (real).
②(2023· 全国甲卷) Apart from the knowledge and skills related to my major, I'm really  (real) good with computers.
③Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.
必 备 短 语
1.be known as作为……而出名
①Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid rice”, is one of China's most famous scientists.
②Mo Yan and Tu Youyou are known as Noble Prize winners in China.
③What is Einstein known for
④Jay Chou who is known as a singer is known to the young.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)On March 7, 1907, the English statistician Francis Galton published a paper which illustrated what has come to be known as  the “wisdom of crowds” effect.
③This young lady was known to the whole town for her generosity.
2.be comprised of包括;包含;由……组成
①(中国日报)At the Breeze Ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden, we met tour groups mainly comprised of the elderly.
②(2022·北京高考)But using machine learning and artificial intelligence, some scientists propose that human diets consist of at least 26,000 biochemicals—and that the vast majority are not known.
但通过使用机器学习和人工智能,一些科学家提出,人类饮食至少包含26 000 种生物化学物质——而绝大多数还不为人所知。
③(牛津高阶)The course is made up of 12 two hour sessions.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①The fountain was comprised of three stone basins.
②The entire universe is made up of different kinds of matter.
③Output consists (consist)of both exports and sales on the domestic market.
④So, is happiness honestly just comprised of “things”?
Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea.
重 点 句 型
1.Indeed, his slim but strong body was just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he had devoted his life.
J 句型剖析
这是一个主从复合句。主句是his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。
①(中国日报)The creatures“owners”, most of whom are students, gave us instructions on when and how much to feed through video chats.
②(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)Additionally, from time to time I will assign group work to be completed in class or short assignments to be completed at home, both of which will be graded.
③(柯林斯词典)Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①I finally knew the reason for which she didn't talk to me and comforted her.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅱ卷)Besides, working in the garden seems to have a calming effect on Jaramillo's special education students, many of whom  have emotional control issues.
③He handed me a pen with which I wrote down his phone number.
④Copernicus' theory is now the basis on which all our ideas of the universe are built.
⑤(2021·3月天津卷)William Hastie once suggested that history informs us of past mistakes from which we can learn without repeating them.
⑥My computer, without which (没有它) I can't surf the Internet, crashed yesterday.
⑦The old man has two sons, both of whom are lawyers (两个都是律师).
2.Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed China's farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.
J 句型剖析
本句是一个复合句。it作形式主语, that引导的是主语从句。
①It is estimated that the building will be completed in ten months.
②It is reported that the temperature will decline sharply in one or two days.
G 归纳拓展
因为真正的主语太长,为了避免句子头重脚轻,所以用形式主语 it。英语中还有许多It is estimated that...这样的结构,用来将真正的主语后置。
It is said/believed/reported/supposed that....
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国乙卷) It is reported  (据报道) that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly declining and around half of Britain's consumers would like to change or improve their cooking in some way.
② It is estimated that (据估算)the school art festival will last four days.
③ It is said that (据说)Chinese characters were invented by Cang Jie.
3.Given that Yuan's hybrids made him quite wealthy, one might think he would have retired to a life of leisure.
J 句型剖析
这是一个主从复合句。主句是one might think;后面是省略了that的宾语从句:he would retire to a life of leisure。 given that为连词,此处意为“考虑到……”,引导原因状语从句。
①(中国日报)But given that the movement is so strong and it's so clear that it is so strong, I think something will happen.(原因状语从句)
②(牛津高阶)It was surprising the government was re elected,given that they had raised taxes so much.(条件状语从句).
③(朗文当代)Given that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to enable them to be as independent as possible.(让步状语从句)
G 归纳拓展
given that也可以引导条件、让步状语从句
Considering that 考虑到
Provided/Providing (that)... 如果;假设;在……条件下
Suppose/Supposing (that)... 假定;假设;设想
J 即学即练
①(2023·北京卷)The absence of teaching excellence from the rankings is surprising given (give) the link between high quality teaching and student success.
②Given that I don't earn that much, I decide not to go on vacation this summer.
③ Given his age (考虑到他的年龄), he is very strong and healthy.
④ Given that (考虑到)the students need more exercise, the head teacher has decided to add more PE classes.Unit 5 Working the Land Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
1. hybrid n.杂交植(动)物;合成物;混合动力车
2. devote vt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于→ devotion n.献身,奉献;忠诚;信仰,祈祷;热爱 → devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的
3. shortage n.不足;缺少;短缺→ short adj.不足的;缺少的;短缺的
4. tackle vt.解决(难题);应付(局面);处理
5. crisis n.危机;危急关头→ crises (pl.)
6. boost vt.使增长;使兴旺 n.增长;提高;激励
7. yield n.产量;产出 vt.出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等) vi.屈服;让步
8. convince vt.使相信;使确信;说服→ convincing adj.令人相信的;有说服力的;令人心悦诚服的
9. characteristic n.特征;特点;品质 adj.典型的;独特的→ character vt.使具有特征 n.性格;特点;字母;角色
10. attain vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到
11. conventional adj.传统的;习惯的
12. pollinate vt.授粉;传粉→ pollination n.授粉;传粉
13. assumption n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得→ assume v.假定;设定
14. intense adj.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的
15. overcome vt.(overcame, overcome)克服;解决;战胜
16. expand vt.& vi.扩大;增加  vt.扩展;发展(业务) → expansion n.扩展;发展;扩大
17. output n.产量;输出;输出量 vt.(output, output)输出
18. estimate vt.估计;估价;估算 n.估计;估算
19. domestic adj.本国的;国内的;家用的
20. consumption n.消耗;消耗量;消费→ consume vt.消耗;消费→ consumer n.消费者
21. comprise vt.包括;包含;由……组成
22. generate vt.产生;引起
23. strain n.(动、植物的)系;品种;拉伤;压力
24. leisure n.闲暇;休闲;空闲
25. soil n.泥土;土壤;国土;领土
26. celebrity n.名望;名誉;名人;名流
27. envision vt.展望;想象→ vision n.想象;视力;视野;影像
28. grain n.谷物;谷粒;颗粒
29. reality n.现实;实际情况;事实→ real adj.真的;真实的→ really adv.真正地
30. salty adj.含盐的;咸的→ salt n.盐
1. fulfill/realize one's dreams实现某人的梦想
2.care for 照顾;关心;喜欢
3.be known as 作为……而出名;被称为……
4.devote... to 把……用于;献身;致力;专心
5.be comprised of 包括;包含;由……组成(或构成)
6.far from 远非;绝不
7.deep down 在内心深处;本质上;实际上
8. at heart内心里; 本质上;十分关心(某人的利益或福祉)
9. at home and abroad在国内外
10.open up 将(瓶、盒等)开封;拆开;敞开心扉
1.Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.
2.Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains...
3. Given that Yuan's hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure.
(Ⅰ)Reading for the main idea.
1.What's the main idea of the passage? D
A.Ways to increase the rice output.
B.Yuan Longping's dreams.
C.Yuan Longping's super hybrid rice.
D.Yuan Longping—an agricultural pioneer.
2.Match each paragraph with its main idea.
Para.1  A.Yuan conducted research and developed hybrid rice.
Para.2 B.Yuan is old but still full of dreams that he is turning into reality.
Para.3 C.Yuan considers himself a farmer.
Para.4 D.Yuan decided to study agriculture.
Para.5 E.Yuan's innovation has helped to feed more people.
Para.6 F.Yuan cares little for celebrity or money.
答案:Para.1 C Para.2 D Para.3 A
Para.4 E Para.5 F Para.6 B
(Ⅱ)Reading for the details.
1.From the first paragraph, we know that Yuan Longping B .
A.is a farmer
B.looks like a farmer
C.has a weak body
D.is China's most famous scientist
2.Why did Yuan Longping choose to study agriculture? C
A.Because his parents wanted him to do so.
B.Because he wanted to win awards in this field.
C.Because farmers sometimes suffered from serious shortage of food at that time.
D.Because he wanted to make more money by selling seeds.
3.How long did it take Yuan Longping to develop his super hybrid rice? C
A.12 years.         B.14 years.
C.21 years. D.30 years.
4.Which of the following can we know from the passage? D
A.Yuan Longping is living a life of leisure.
B.Most experts on agriculture agreed on the possibility of developing a kind of hybrid rice.
C.“Seawater rice” is a kind of rice that has a low output.
D.Yuan Longping is not interested in becoming famous or wealthy.Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
D 典例呈现
①What made people moved was that medical workers devoted themselves to treating patients during the outbreak of the virus.
②It worries the mother that her son doesn't have the ability to tackle crisis.
连接词 用法
从属连词 that 在从句中不作成分, that没有实际意义,位于句首时,不可省略
That the driver survived the accident is a miracle. 这个司机在事故中幸免于难简直是一个奇迹。
从属连词 whether 在从句中不作成分, whether意为“是否”,不可省略
Whether the sports meet will be held is not certain now. =It is not certain now whether the sports meet will be held. 运动会是否会举行现在不能确定。
连接代词 who(ever), whom(ever), whose, what(ever), which(ever)等 在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等
Whoever breaks the law is bound to be punished. 无论谁违反了法律,必定会受到惩罚。 Whatever you do in your spare time should do no harm to others. 你在业余时间做的任何事都不应该伤害别人。
连接副词 when, where, why, how等 在从句中作状语,表示时间、地点、原因、方式等
How the book will sell depends on its author. 这本书如何出售取决于作者本人。 Where we shall have the meeting makes no difference. 我们在哪儿开会都无所谓。
J 即学即练1
① That he suddenly fell ill made us surprised.
② Whether she is coming or not doesn't matter too much.
③Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.
④Your support is important to our work. Whatever you can do helps.
⑤ How we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.
⑥ Where Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won't accept it.
⑦ What you need is more practice in order to improve your reading skills.
⑧ How the boy can earn a living in London remains a big problem since he has no money with him.
⑨Because it is rainy, when we shall have our sports meet is a mystery.
⑩Tom is not at home now. Where he has gone is a question.
结构 例句
It+be+形容词(obvious, true, natural, strange, etc.)+主语从句 It is important that people should know how to do first aid. 人们知道如何急救是非常重要的。
It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a pity, a/no surprise, etc.)+主语从句 It's a pity that he failed again despite his efforts. 遗憾的是尽管他努力了,他还是失败了。
It+be+过去分词(said, reported, thought, expected, proved, etc.)+主语从句 It is suggested that the meeting be put off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,有人建议推迟会议。
It+不及物动词(happens, seems, appears, etc.)+主语从句 It seems that you have misunderstood what I said at the meeting. 看来你误解了我在会上所说的话了。
It+及物动词+宾语+主语从句 It shocked me that he should yield to a young man.令我震惊的是他竟然向一个年轻人屈服了。
J 即学即练2
①(2020·江苏)It is not a problem whether we can win the battle; it's just a matter of time.
②(2020·课标全国Ⅲ)It is said that about 20% of 25 34 year olds live with their parents, compared with 16% in 1991.
③(2020·江苏) It is reported (据报道) that the film is well received outside China.
④ It is believed (人们相信)that the movie will be not only meaningful but also interesting.
主语从句中的谓语用(should)do 在“It+be+形容词(important, necessary, strange, etc.)+主语从句”结构中
在“It+be+过去分词(suggested, ordered, required, advised)+主语从句”结构中
D 典例呈现
①It is necessary and important that one (should) master the skill of operating computers to meet the need of a job.
②It is suggested that the work (should) be finished as soon as possible.
主语从句 由一个连接词引导一个从句 谓语动词用 单数
由what引导,且表示复数概念(常可从表语上看出)的从句 复数
D 典例呈现
①What the school badly needs most are books and equipment.(What引导,且表示复数概念)
②When they will start and where they will go have not been decided yet.(两个连词,两个从句)
③When and where they will hold the meeting is not clear.(两个连词,一个从句)他们何时何地召开会议还不清楚。
J 即学即练3
①Where he will get a job after graduation has (have)puzzled him much.
②What he desired to get were (be) novels written by the famous novelist.
③It is necessary that peeple should learn (人们应学会) to face the reality.
④It's suggested that the old man should go (应该去) to the countryside to have a rest.
1.What caused the serious traffic accident remains (remain) unknown.
2.It is a pity that we won't be able to go camping this Sunday.
3.Whoever pollutes (pollute) the environment will be punished.
4. That we shall be late is certain.
5.It is not sure whether he will come to your house or not.
6.The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program.
7. What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes.
8.It's possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence.
9. It is a fact that the earth is round.
10. What parents say and do has a lifelong effect on their children.
1. That she was chosen made us very happy.
2. What caused the accident is a complete mystery.
3. It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting.
4. What he said made me angry.
5.It is required that the students (should) wear school uniforms at school.
6. What she said is not yet known.
7. That he refused this piece of advice/suggestion is silly.
8. It amazes all of us that these vegetables can even be planted without any soil through this new technology.
通过这项新技术,这些蔬菜甚至可以在没有任何土壤的情况下种植,这让我们所有人大吃一惊。Unit 5 Working the Land Section Ⅲ Using Language
核 心 单 词
1.essential adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
①(2022·北京高考)The result—an approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting global challenges.
②(牛津高阶)Breathable, waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sports.
③(牛津高阶)It is essential to keep the two groups separate.
④(牛津高阶)It is essential that you attend all the meetings.
⑤(剑桥高阶)The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①But it's essential that you pick yourself up and move on.
②Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work.
③It's essential to be (be)open to new opportunities when they come your way.
④It is essential for us to set (set) our goal realistically.
⑤It is essential that you (should) learn (learn) Chinese history.
2.alternative n.可供选择的事物 adj.可供替代的;非传统的
①(牛津高阶)Do you have an alternative solution to the problem
②(剑桥高阶)I'm afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave.
③(牛津高阶)We could take the train or alternatively go by car.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
① Alternatively (alternative), you can transfer money via a French bank in London.
②We see no alternative but to change (change)the logo design.
③Public transport serves as an economic alternative to cars.
④(2023·1月浙江高考卷) With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever, why not book your next domestic vacation on a train Compared to other alternatives (alternative), it's comfortable and relaxing.
⑤The criminal had no alternative but (除……别无选择) to tell the truth of his crime.
3.depth n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)
①(朗文当代)Plant the beans at a depth of about six inches.
②(牛津高阶)I haven't looked at the report in depth yet.
③(2022·全国甲卷)Ever since her childhood, Ginni, now 71, has had a deep love for travel.
④(柯林斯词典)As we drew nearer to it the water gradually deepened.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①They studied in depth the situation at home and abroad.
②Water was found at a depth of 30 metres.
③There were plans to deepen a stretch of the river.
④The child is being taught subjects that are beyond his depth.
必 备 短 语
1.in addition除此之外,此外
①In addition, these chemicals can stay in the soil and underground water sources for a long time.
②In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips.
③Add up all the money I owe you.
④The heavy rain added to the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.
⑤In addition, the information about each word in a pocket dictionary is generally limited.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国乙卷)In addition to  the problem of miscomprehension from both sides, there are victories accidentally or deliberately twisted, especially when only the victors know how to write.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)You could ask a friend or family member to help add to  your list.
③The time I spend in commuting everyday adds up to three hours.
2.in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
①(2022·北京高考)This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
②(牛津高阶)The book is, by turns, funny and very sad.
③(朗文当代)Dan and I usually take turns to cook.
④(牛津高阶)I think it's our turn to drive the kids to school this week.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①The two brothers take turns (turn) looking after their father.
②He gets cheerful and depressed by turns.
③I paid a visit to him yesterday in return for his help.
④(2023·新课标全国Ⅱ卷)I post my work on social media and, in  turn, have met some of the kindest people.
⑤It's my turn to clean (clean) the classroom.
3.focus on 集中于;聚焦于
①(2023·1月浙江高考卷) InSPIRE is investigating practical approaches to “low impact” solar development, which focuses on establishing and operating solar farms in a way that is kinder to the land.
②Today, we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.
③If we find those materials interesting, we'll focus our attention on them for long.
④Health and environmental problems have increasingly become the focus of attention.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①When the kitchen is finished, I'm going to focus my attention on the back yard and get that straightened out.
②(2023· 全国甲卷) You value progress and focus on  the quality of work more than the quantity.
③He lay in bed with his eyes focused (focus) on the ceiling.
④There is too much noise. I can't concentrate my attention on the work.
4.for instance 例如;比如
①(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.
②(牛津高阶)Some cautions must be mentioned—for example good tools are essential to do the job well.
③(柯林斯词典)It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国乙卷)There is also research showing that pot plants can clean the air around them by removing harmful gases, such as  carbon dioxide.
②There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions.
③Those who were more self disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old.
④There is a similar word in many languages, for example, in French and Italian.
重 点 句 型
1.For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones.
J 句型剖析
本句是 not only...but also 连接的简单句。
①(2023·北京卷)That project, which I could complete from my sofa instead of in the burning heat of the desert, not only survived the lockdown but worked where traditional methods didn't.
②(2021·全国新高考Ⅰ卷)Not only can these stories relieve my stress, but also they can broaden my horizon.这些故事不仅可以缓解我的压力,还可以开阔我的视野。
G 归纳拓展
not only...but also...不仅……而且…… 连接两个并列成分,着重强调后者
连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时, not only后面的句子要用部分倒装
J 即学即练
①Not only the students but also the teacher was (be)invited.
②Not only the children but also their father is (be)fond of pedaling the tricycle.
Not only do they look beautiful , but studies have shown that they can promote people's wellbeing by improving their mood (心情), reducing stress and helping their memory.(部分倒装)
2.Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops.
J 句型剖析
本句是一个复合句。Why...are grown 是主语从句;because 引导的是表语从句。本句中 making it...为现在分词短语作结果状语,表示前面的情况所造成的结果,相当于and make it ...。
①Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking (=and blocked) roads, paths and railway lines.
1 500万棵树被狂风刮倒了,把大小道路和铁路都堵塞了。
②Her parents died, leaving (=and left) her a lot of money.
③The bus was held up by the snowstorm, thus causing the delay.
④He hurried to the airport, only to be told that the plane had taken off.
G 归纳拓展
现在分词短语 作结果状语表示自然而然的、意料之中的结果
不定式短语 作结果状语表示偶然的、意料之外的结果,且前面常有only修饰
J 即学即练
①(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting (result) in a more accurate estimate.
②European football is played in 80 countries, making (make) it the most popular sport in the world.
③I rushed to the station in a hurry, only to find (find)the train had already gone.
④(2023·全国甲卷) Obviously, if precautions (预防) aren't taken, grizzlies can become troublesome, sometimes killing  (kill) farm animals or walking through yards in search of food.
3.What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world.
J 句型剖析
这是一个复合句。What keeps them from doing so是主语从句;is是系动词;the fact是表语;that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world是同位语从句,用来说明fact的具体内容。
①(牛津高阶)She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.
②(2023·全国甲卷) So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate, and when we experience something outside of our comfort zone, we get impatient about the circumstances.
③(2022·全国甲卷)The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni.
④(中国日报)There remains a big question whether there is a“second Whitlam”in the Australian Labor Party.
G 归纳拓展
从句性质 引导词
同位语从句 名词性从句 引导词在从句中不作成分
定语从句 形容词性从句 引导词在从句中可作主语、宾语、状语等
①(牛津高阶)She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.
②(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)Like most of us, I try to be mindful of food that goes to waste.
J 即学即练
①He gave orders that the work (should)be started (start) immediately.
②I have some doubt whether she will come on time.
③There can be little doubt that this kind of class can help the gifted children to graduate earlier.
④(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)This effect capitalizes on the fact that  when people make errors, those errors aren't always the same.
We are glad at the news that he will come back.
He has no idea when the meeting will be held.Unit 5 Working the Land Section Ⅲ Using Language
1. urban adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的
2. bomb n.炸弹 vt.轰炸;对……投炸弹
3. tunnel n.地下通道;地道;隧道
4. extension n.扩建部分;扩大;电话分机→ extend vt.延伸;扩大;推广 vi.延伸;扩大;伸展
5. chemical adj.与化学有关的;化学的 n.化学制品;化学品
6. wheat n.小麦;小麦籽
7. flavour n.味道;特点;特色
8. nutritional adj.营养(物)的→ nutritious adj.有营养的;营养丰富的→ nutrition n.营养;滋养
9. poverty n.贫穷;贫困
10. organic adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;有机物的
11. pesticide n.杀虫剂;除害药物
12. widespread adj.分布广的;普遍的;广泛的
13. digest vt.& vi.消化 vt.领会;领悟→ digestion n.消化;领悟
14. essential adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
15. mineral n.矿物;矿物质
16. alternative n.可供选择的事物 adj.可供替代的;非传统的
17. grocery n.食品杂货店→ groceries [pl.]食品杂货
18. instance n.例子;实例;事例
19. depth n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)→ deep adj.深的
20. root n.根;根茎;根部;根源
21. entirely adv.全部地;完整地;完全地→ entire adj.全部的;整个的;完全的
22. aspect n.方面;层面
1.take on 承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任);呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)
2.turn... into 把……变成
3.make use of 利用
4. meet one's demands满足某人的需要
5.adapt to 适应
6.now that 既然
7.make up one's mind下定决心
8.complain about 抱怨
9. in turn相应地;转而;依次;轮流
10. as for关于;至于
11.switch to 转到;转换到
12.turn to 求助于;求教于;转向
13.focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于;聚焦于;关注
14.keep... free from/of 使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害物)
15. for instance例如;比如
1.For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones.
2.Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops.
3.What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world.
阅读Reading for writing中的材料,选择最佳答案
1.From the passage, we can see organic farmers are those who B .
A.grow crops with chemical fertilisers
B.grow crops with natural fertilisers
C.produce organic fertilisers
D.care for the environment
2.From the passage, we know that D .
A.the chemicals in the soil will soon disappear
B.pesticides are of great benefit to helpful bacteria
C.crops grown with chemical fertilisers can provide more essential minerals
D.crops grown with chemical fertilisers usually grow too fast
3.Farmers C so that the soil may not get exhausted.
A.grow the same crops year after year
B.use natural fertilisers
C.change crops every few years
D.use chemical fertilisers
4.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage? A
A.To call on farmers to turn to organic farming.
B.To introduce some good ways to make the soil rich.
C.To urge the government to stop using pesticides.
D.To give some advice on how to increase the output of crops.Section Ⅳ 写作指导
赞同者观点 世界人口持续增长,自然资源消耗迅速,有必要增加粮食产量
反对者观点 技术不成熟,是否安全尚未可知
你的观点 ……(至少两条)
Dear Editor,
It has become a heated topic whether the government should give permission for the production of GM (genetically modified) foods.
Li Hua
步骤1 精准审题
本文是议论文;主要时态是 一般现在时 ;人称是
第三人称 。
步骤2 构建框架
第一部分: 提出问题 ;
第二部分: 正方观点 ;
第三部分: 反方观点 ;
第四部分: 自己的观点 。
步骤3 要点翻译
(1)赞成 in favour of
(2)持续增长 increase continuously
(3)提高粮食产量 improve the production of food
(4)对……持有相反的态度 hold an opposite attitude towards
(5)在他们看来 from their point of view
(6)用转基因技术提高粮食的产量是非常必要的。(画线部分用 it作形式主语)
It is necessary to use the GM technology to improve the production of food.
(7)转基因技术还远未成熟,因此很难说转基因食品是否安全。(画线部分用 whether引导宾语从句)
GM technology is far from mature so that it is hard to say whether GM foods are safe or not.
(8)没有转基因食品,似乎不可能养活这样一个人口众多的国家。(画线部分用 it seems impossible)
Without GM foods, it seems impossible to feed a country with such a large population.
步骤4 连句成文:选用下面的词语用在文章中however, in my opinion
Dear Editor,
It has become a heated topic whether the government should give permission for the production of GM(genetically modified)foods.
Li Hua
Dear Editor,
It has become a heated topic whether the government should give permission for the production of GM(genetically modified) foods.
Those in favour of the idea think that with the world population increasing continuously and the natural resources consumed at a very high rate, it is necessary to use the GM technology to improve the production of food.
However, some hold an opposite attitude towards GM foods. From their point of view, GM technology is far from mature so that it is hard to say whether GM foods are safe or not.
In my opinion, I support the production of GM foods. Without GM foods, it seems impossible to feed a country with such a large population. We can't forbid the production of them. We can't throw away the apple because of its core.
Li Hua
J 即学即练
利 1.使作物生长更快;2.节省农民的时间和精力。
弊 1.会杀死有益的细菌和昆虫,破坏土壤;2.施肥过多会导致水污染,破坏生态环境;3.长期使用化肥会影响人们的健康。
个人看法 农民应少使用化肥,而尽量使用有机肥。
参考词汇:细菌bacteria;昆虫insect;有机肥organic fertilizer
Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming
Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming . Although chemical fertilizers have brought a lot of benefits, like making the plants grow much faster and saving farmers’time and energy, the negative aspects of using them can't be ignored. To begin with, chemical fertilizers can damage the soil by killing the helpful bacteria and insects. What's more, using too many chemical fertilizers can lead to water pollution or, even worse, can spoil the ecological environment. And using them for a long time can even have a bad effect on people's health.
From my point of view, farmers should use more organic fertilizers rather than chemical fertilizers.