人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement学案(6份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement学案(6份打包,含答案)
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文件大小 2.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-10 07:56:20


Unit 1 People of Achievement Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
核 心 单 词
1.crucial adj.至关重要的;关键性的
①(2022·北京高考)Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition because it requires considering the way in which food is produced, processed, delivered and consumed.
②(朗文当代)It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.
③(中国日报)2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics are an important landmark event China held at a crucial moment.
④(剑桥高阶)Crucially, almost 50 percent of participants felt they were more productive at work.
G 归纳拓展
M 名师点津
It is crucial that...that引导的主语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”的形式, should可以省略。
J 即学即练
①It's crucial to measure (measure)inpatients' signs of life.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅱ卷)Seeking and accepting constructive feedback (反馈) is crucial to  growth.
③It's crucial that you keep it in your heart.
④Chewing properly is crucially important.
He wasn't there at the crucial moment.
2.vital adj.必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
①(柯林斯词典)Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy.
②(剑桥高阶)It is vital to get medical supplies to the area as soon as possible.
③(牛津高阶)It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.
G 归纳拓展
①(2019·天津卷)Understanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation.
②Education is vitally (vital)important for the country's future.
③Young people, full of vigour and vitality (vital), are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning.
④It is vital that human beings (should)obey (obey)the rules of nature.
It is vital that we(should)have a good state of mind in the face of failure.
3.commit vt.承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)
①(剑桥高阶)The government must commit itself to improving health care.
②(柯林斯词典)You don't have to commit to anything over the phone.
③(柯林斯词典)We made a commitment to keep working together.
④(柯林斯词典)He said the government remained committed to peace.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①He is regarded as a committed (commit)supporter of the reform policy.
②Our company has a commitment (commit)to quality and customer service.
③He has committed himself to the cause of education.
④This development area is committed to (致力于)creating a perfect investment environment.
⑤There's no doubt that her colleague committed a crime (犯了罪)and was put into prison.
⑥If you are serious about our relationship, you should make a commitment (做出承诺).
4.extract n.提取物;摘录 vt.提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
①(牛津高阶)The following extract is taken from her new novel.
②(剑桥高阶)The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking.
③(剑桥高阶)The tooth was eventually extracted.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①This article is extracted from his new book.
②These are all extracts (extract)from the long poem.
③The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.
④She enjoys reading literary classics, making extracts as she goes along.
5.obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得 vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行
①(中国日报)Governments at all levels should help enterprises to obtain more orders through various online and offline channels.
②(朗文当代)Further information can be obtained from head office.
③(剑桥高阶)Information on the subject is easily obtainable on the Internet.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①Some of the salt that we use is obtained from the sea.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)For instance, the average obtained  (obtain) from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained  (obtain) from 20 independent individuals.
③You should obtain permission (获得允许) from the headteacher before you leave school.
④Both of these books can be obtained from (从……中得到)the library.
6.acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢
①(中国日报)We must acknowledge the challenges when a city is locked down, as happened in Shanghai and some other cities.
②(牛津高阶)It is generally acknowledged to be true.
③(朗文当代)Many of the poor acknowledged him as their spiritual leader.
④(剑桥高阶)She acknowledged having been at fault.
⑤(中国日报)It has been widely acknowledged that these emerging pollutants are increasingly becoming a hazard.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①The director of the factory had to acknowledge releasing (release)chemical waste into the river.
②These flowers are a small acknowledgement (acknowledge)of your great kindness.
She was widely acknowledged as/to be one of the best players in the world.
④ It was widely acknowledged that she was one of the best players in the world.
7.defeat n.失败;挫败 vt.击败;战胜
①(牛津高阶)He has not yet learned how to be gracious in defeat.
②(朗文当代)She was a woman who hated to admit defeat.
③(牛津高阶)He defeated the champion in three sets.
④(中国日报)Stefanos Tsitsipas was defeated by Danish teenager Holger Rune 7-5,3-6,6-3,6-4 earlier in the French Open.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①If you are defeated by failures, you are a failure indeed.
②The world champion has only had two defeats (defeat)in 20 fights.
③They suffered a defeat (遭遇失败)in the battle.
④It was lack of effort, not of money, that defeated their plan (使他们的计划失败).
⑤This time our team was defeated (被击败)by 2 goals to 5.
8.insist vi.& vt.坚持;坚决要求
①I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation.
②(柯林斯词典)She insisted on being present at all the interviews.
G 归纳拓展
M 名师点津
insist 后接 that 从句时,应分清两种情况:
(1)表示“坚决要求”“一定要”,从句所指的一般是尚未实现的事实,此时谓语通常用虚拟语气should +动词原形, should 可省略。相似用法的动词有:一命令(command, order),二要求(request, require/demand),三建议(suggest, advise, recommend),四主张(advocate)。
(朗文当代)He insisted I (should)take a taxi and offered to pay for it.
(2)表示“坚持说”“坚持认为”,从句所指的通常是已经发生的事或已存在的状态,谓语一般用陈述语气,引导词 that可省略。
(朗文当代)His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs.
易混辨析:insist on(doing)sth./stick to(doing)sth./persist in(doing)sth.
insist on(doing)sth. 坚持某种做法、意见、主张
stick to(doing)sth. 表示继续努力从事于某项工作时,后接动名词;表示坚持原则、计划、诺言、决定、真理、路线时,后多接名词
persist in(doing)sth. 指不作任何改变地坚持某事:可能是一件好事,也可能是一件坏事。常包含固执己见的意思,但也可指意志的坚定
①(柯林斯词典)I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.
②(牛津高阶)Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened
J 即学即练
①(2022·全国乙卷)They simply insist on mutual (相互的)recognition and regard.
②He insisted that he had done (do)nothing wrong and (should)be set (set)free.
③I suggest you (should)take (take)the forms away and read them at your leisure.
④Though there was only a slim chance to win the game, all of the team members chose to stick to the end.
⑤Papa insisted that we (should)learn at least one new thing every day.(insist that)
⑥Papa insisted on our learning at least one new thing every day.(insist on)
必 备 短 语
1.get stuck卡住;陷入;被难住
①This drawer keeps getting stuck.
②The car got stuck in the mud and had to rely on horses to get rid of it.
G 归纳拓展
get lost 迷路 get punished 受惩罚
get divorced 离婚 get washed 洗脸
get separated 被分开 get paid 得到报酬
get dressed 穿衣服 get married 结婚
get engaged 订婚 get drunk 喝醉
(2)常用的表示“陷入……之中”的短语:be/get stuck in, be/get trapped in, be/get caught in。
M 名师点津
“get+过去分词”强调过程或动作。“ be+过去分词”强调既成的结果。
The vase was broken, but he wanted to know how it got broken.
J 即学即练
①In April, thousands of holiday makers remained stuck (stick)abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.
②(2021·3月天津卷)While rock climbing, you need to remain very focused (focus)so that you won't make any dangerous errors.
③The little girl who got lost (lose)decided to remain where she was and wait for her mother.
④At first they disliked each other, but they ended up getting married (marry) after going through a lot together.
⑤—Sorry I'm late. I got stuck in (陷入了)traffic.
—Never mind. You're here e in and sit down.
2.by chance偶然;碰巧
①I heard their talking by chance.
②I heard them having a heated argument by chance when I passed by.
G 归纳拓展
take a chance冒险
take one's chances 碰运气
have a chance of doing/to do sth.有机会/可能做某事
There is a chance that.../There are chances that.../Chances are that...有可能……
by accident偶然;碰巧
by design=on purpose故意地
J 即学即练
①I met him by chance at Saint Basil's Cathedral.
②I won't take a chance on a July holiday in Britain—it always rains.
③He often hurts my feeling by design.
④Research has confirmed that the accident happened by chance/by accident (偶然).
⑤You should never take a chance/take your chances (冒险)when driving a car.
3.other than除……以外(通常用于否定陈述后);绝不是
①He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.
②He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.
G 归纳拓展
none other than...正是……
for no other reason than that只是因为
more than超过;多于;不仅仅;非常
less than不足;不到;少于
rather than而不是
J 即学即练
①By serving others, a person focuses on someone rather than (而不是)himself or herself, which can be very eye opening.
②The expert is none other than (正是)his younger brother.
辨析填空:other than/more than/less than/rather than
③The truth was known to no one other than herself.
④(2023·1月浙江高考卷) I'm more than  happy to be here.
⑤In less than three days, she finished all the work, which surprised us greatly.
⑥(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)There you will find them prepared differently—more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed by hand rather than rolled.
重 点 句 型
1.Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
J 句型剖析
这是一个简单句。and连接两个并列的谓语has become与is thought。
be thought to do sth.被认为做某事,该句型可以转化为It is/was thought that...。本句可以转化为:Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and it is thought that artemisinin saves 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone。
①(2021·全国甲卷)Around age six they start to avoid activities said to be for children who are“really, really smart”.
②(朗文当代)At 115, Mrs Jackson is believed to be the oldest person in the country.
③(牛津高阶)The house was reported to be in excellent condition.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国乙卷) It  is recently reported that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly declining and around half of Britain's consumers would like to change or improve their cooking in some way.
②The vase on the bookshelf is thought (think)to be as old as the tree in front of the church.
③The diary tells the children and parents what is required to be (be)done on any one evening.
④(2023·北京卷)A person is thought to develop (develop) a habit in the course of pursuing goals by beginning to associate certain cues(刺激) with behavioural responses that help meet the goal.
⑤The mayor is reported to (据报道)visit our school next week.
⑥An agreement was announced to have been reached (被宣布已达成)at the end of the meeting.
⑦It is thought that the Chinese people started to use paper money earlier than westerners.
→The Chinese people are thought to start to use paper money earlier than westerners.
2.In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.
J 句型剖析
本句是由and连接的并列句。介词短语with the objective...for malaria作第一个分句的状语,表示目的。第二个分句中chosen 是过去分词用作后置定语,修饰the first researchers。
①The ground was covered with fallen leaves.
②The building built last year(=which was built last year)is our classroom building.
G 归纳拓展
过去分词作定语 位置 功能
单个过去分词:通常作前置定语,也可作后置定语,用以强调动作 相当于一个形容词
过去分词短语:作后置定语 相当于一个定语从句
现在分词作定语 表示动作正在进行 逻辑主语和现在分词构成主动
过去分词作定语 表示动作已经完成 逻辑主语和过去分词构成被动
J 即学即练
①Due to the admission of more students, our school needs much more qualified (qualify)teachers.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)First, he constructed a series of clear fiberglass tanks connected  (connect) to each other.
③(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)But a new study led  (lead) by Joaquin Navajas offered an interesting twist (转折) on this classic phenomenon.
④I'm writing to share with you the information about the speech delivered by Professor Zhang.(画线部分变为从句)
→ I'm writing to share with you the information about the speech which was delivered by Professor Zhang.
⑤I was instructed to carry out a plan supported by most people (被大多数人支持).(分词作定语)
⑥Who were the so called guests invited to your party (受邀参加你的晚会)last night?(分词作定语)
3.Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said,“The honour is not just mine...”
J 句型剖析
upon/on (doing)...意为“当……的时候;一……就……”,在本句中作状语,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。
①(剑桥高阶)Upon your arrival(=As soon as you arrive), please report to the reception desk.
②(中国日报)Upon joining the mission, the team was prepared for any unexpected situation.
③(牛津高阶)Hardly had we sat down, when the phone rang.
④(剑桥高阶)Immediately she'd gone, the boys started to mess about.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·北京卷)How did the author feel upon  /on  seeing the email sender's name
② The moment I heard the news, I hastened to the spot.
③As soon as/Once I saw my mum, I told her that I was the No.1 in the exam.
→ Immediately/Directly/Instantly/The moment/minute/second/instant I saw my mum, I told her that I was the No.1 in the exam.
→On/Upon seeing my mum, I told her that I was the No.1 in the exam.Unit 1 People of Achievement Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
1. crucial adj.至关重要的;关键性的
2. vital adj.必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
3. commit vt.承诺;保证(某个人、机构等) vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)→ committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的→ commitment n.投入,奉献;承诺,许诺,保证
4. academy n.(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院;学会;专科院校→ academic adj.学业的;学术的
5. objective n.目标;目的 adj.客观的→ subjective adj.主观的
6. botanical adj.植物学的→ botany n.植物学
7. evaluate vt.评价;评估→ evaluation n.评价;评估
8. property n.性质;特征;财产
9. distinct adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的→ distinction n.区别;特点,特性;卓著→ distinctive adj.与众不同的
10. extract n.提取物;摘录 vt.提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
11. boil vt.& vi.(使)沸腾;煮开;烧开 n.沸腾;沸点→ boiling adj.达到沸点的;沸腾的
12. liquid n.液体 adj.液体的;液态的→ solid n.固体 adj.牢固的,可靠的
13. obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得 vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行
14. acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢→ acknowledgement n.承认,确认;鸣谢
15. defeat n.失败;挫败 vt.击败;战胜
16. analyse vt.分析→ analysis n.分析→ analyses n.[pl.]分析
17. apparently adv.显而易见;看来;显然→ apparent adj.显然的;表面上的
18. substance n.物质;物品;事实根据
19. insist vi.& vt.坚持;坚决要求
20. scientific adj.科学(上)的;关于科学的→ scientist n.科学家 → science n.科学
21. mostly adv.主要地;一般地→ most adj.大部分;多数的
1.commit oneself to do承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)
2.insist on 坚决要求
3.die from 死于(外因)
4.graduate from 毕业于
5. with the objective of...以……为目的
6.acknowledge defeat 承认失败
7.get stuck 卡住;陷入
8. by chance偶然
9.draw out 抽出;拖延;拉长
10. other than 除……之外
1.Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
2.In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen .
3. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said...
(Ⅰ)Reading for the main idea.
1.What's the main idea of the passage? C
A.Tu Youyou's problems in discovering artemisinin.
B.Introduction about Tu's research team.
C.Behind Tu Youyou's Nobel Prize and its value.
D.Tu Youyou's personal life.
2.Match each paragraph with its main idea.
Para.1  A.Tu Youyou's evaluation of the award.
Para.2 B.Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize.
Para.3 C.The introduction to Tu Youyou and her team.
Para.4 D.How artemisinin was discovered.
答案:Para.1 B Para.2 C Para.3 D Para.4 A
(Ⅱ)Reading for the details.
1.Why was Tu Youyou given the Nobel Prize in 2015? A
A.She discovered artemisinin.
B.She found the cause of getting malaria.
C.She cured 100,000 lives a year in Africa.
D.She is a committed and patient scientist.
2.When did Tu Youyou act as the head of the research team? D
A.In 1930.        B.In 1955.
C.In 1967. D.In 1969.
3.What did Tu Youyou decide to turn to for a new treatment for malaria? C
A.Peking University Medical School.
B.The Chinese government.
C.Ancient Chinese medical texts.
D.A world famous research team.
4.How did Tu Youyou discover artemisinin? D
A.By collecting and drying the sweet wormwood leaves.
B.By boiling the fresh wormwood and getting its liquid.
C.By destroying the sweet wormwood's medical properties.
D.By extracting a substance from the sweet wormwood at a low temperature.
5.Where does this text probably come from? D
A.A TV interview. B.A medical report.
C.A book review. D.A newspaper.Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句
意义 不可省略,否则原句句意不完整 若去掉从句,主句意思完整
结构要求 紧跟先行词,从句与先行词之间不加逗号 用逗号与先行词或主句隔开
功能 修饰先行词 修饰先行词或整个句子
引导词 所有的关系代词及关系副词 关系代词或关系副词,但是关系代词that及关系副词why除外
省略情况 关系代词在从句中作宾语时可省略 所有关系词均不可省略
D 典例呈现
Self driving is an area where China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.(限制性定语从句)
(2021·全国乙卷)Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they'd been dumped(倾倒)from a truck all at once.(非限制性定语从句)
Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for two or three weeks.(非限制性定语从句)
We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may be better.(非限制性定语从句)
The speech (that/which)he has made today is far from his yesterday's pronouncement.(限制性定语从句)
Ted came for the weekend wearing only a T shirt, which is a stupid thing in such weather.(非限制性定语从句)
A young man had a new girlfriend, whom he wanted to impress.(非限制性定语从句)
J 即学即练1
(1)(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which  are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter.
(2)The students benefitting most from college are those who are totally engaged in academic life.
(3)Cathy, whom you met in London while you were studying in Oxford University, is now back in China.
(4)It is very important for children to have a harmonious school, where teachers treat students like their own children.
(5)But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.
(6)But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid 1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.
(7)My eldest son, whose work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.
(8)I don't know the reason why you were absent from the meeting, and I am not sure that someone will tell me the reason that/which you haven't told me.
1.非限制性定语从句不能用that和 why引导
D 典例呈现
The old woman, who lives on her own, has a cat for company.
I had told the manager the reason, for which I didn't attend the meeting.(非限制性定语从句不能用 why)
I had told the manager the reason why I didn't attend the meeting.(限制性定语从句中可以用why)
2.which 与 as引导非限制性定语从句的区别
which as
位置 只能放在主句的后面 位置灵活,可位于句首、句中也可置于句末
意思 这一点 正如……,正像……的那样
D 典例呈现
As you expected, he didn't believe me.
He heard a terrible noise, which brought his heart into his mouth.
3.非限制性定语从句由“介词+关系代词”引导时,其中的关系代词用 which 或 whom
D 典例呈现
English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of which uses it differently.
The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city.
这个聚居地居住着将近1 000人,他们中的许多人都背井离乡去城市追求更好的生活。
J 即学即练2
(1)(2023·新课标全国Ⅱ卷)Naming each nature experience creates a usable language, which  helps people recognize and take part in the activities that are most satisfying and meaningful to them.
(2) As we have stressed many times,“serve the people”is our first policy.
(3)Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, which , of course, made all the others upset.
(4)The reason why we didn't go was that we were notified too late.
(5)The children, all of whom had played the whole day long, were worn out.
1.They have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance with the new theory, which is announced in today's newspaper.
2.Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, who , for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.
3.The two policemen were completely trusted, which in fact they were.
4.I didn't become a serious climber until the fifth grade, when I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.
5.Just as a famous saying goes, every coin has two sides.
6.The owner paid the worker for cleaning the whole building, most of which hadn't been cleaned for at least one month.
7.Her father works in a factory, where he makes cars.
8.The old lady has two daughters, one of whom is working abroad.
9.This is one of the reasons why you have to give it up.
10.May 21st this year marks the first International Tea Day, which was named officially by the United Nations on November 27th, 2019.
1.I borrowed the book Jane Eyre from the library last week. My classmates recommended the book to me.
I borrowed the book Jane Eyre from the library last week, which my classmates recommended to me.
2.Xi'an is one of the few cities with city walls. Its walls remain as good as before.
Xi'an, whose walls remain as good as before, is one of the few cities with city walls.
3.On an autumn afternoon, I went to a farm with my father. I learnt to plant potatoes there.
On an autumn afternoon, I went to a farm with my father, where I learnt to plant potatoes.
4.The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room. My brother is talking to the old man.
The old man, whom my brother is talking to, saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room.
5.John invited about 40 people to his wedding. Most of them are family members.
John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of whom are family members.Unit 1 People of Achievement Section Ⅲ Using Language
核 心 单 词
1.conclusion n.结论;推论
①(剑桥高阶)Did you come to/reach/draw/arrive at any conclusions at the meeting this morning
②(中国日报)In conclusion, only by being smart online learners can we truly enjoy the benefits of modern technology.
③(朗文当代)To conclude, I'd like to express my thanks to my family.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.
②We can safely draw some conclusions (conclude)from our discussion.
③He concluded his speech with a famous saying:It's never too late to start.
④We conclude that she's a very great writer.
→We come to/arrive at/draw/reach a conclusion that she's a very great writer.
⑤In a word, it's worthwhile to rebuild the old bridge.
→ In conclusion/To conclude , it's worthwhile to rebuild the old bridge.
2.circumstance n.[usually pl.]条件;环境;状况
①(柯林斯词典)She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.
②(牛津高阶)Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.
③(牛津高阶)I know I can trust her in any circumstances.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①I know Tina will stand by me forever; I know I can trust her in any circumstances.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)You can view these practices as a toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that works for your particular circumstances (circumstance).
③Under no circumstances did (do)I know I would meet so many difficulties when I decided to take the job.
Under normal circumstances, I would say “yes”when my grandma asks me to help with some housework.
3.flow n.流;流动;流畅;供应 vi.流;流动
①(柯林斯词典)We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good.
②(牛津高阶)Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine.
③(中国日报)In general, people enjoy their travels and goods flow smoothly.
④(剑桥高阶)The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.
②Since there's nothing I can do about the problem;I might as well go with the flow.
③(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)A dirty stream, for example, often became clear after flowing  (flow) through plants and along rocks where tiny creatures lived.
④Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text.
There's a lovely stream that flows through their garden.
4.found vt.创建;建立;把……建立在
①(中国日报)The company was founded in 1994 as a small glassware producer with only 60 employees.
②(柯林斯词典)The village was founded by settlers from the Volga region.
③(柯林斯词典)His game is founded on power and determination.
④(剑桥高阶)She is the founder and managing director of the company.
⑤(2023·全国甲卷) His teachings shaped the moral and ethical foundation of Chinese culture, fostering respect for authority, harmonious relationships, and the pursuit of knowledge.
G 归纳拓展
found—founded—founded 创建
find—found—found 找到
J 即学即练
①Their conclusions were largely founded on guesswork.
②Adam Smith is considered one of the founders (found)of classical economics.
③The university has been famous for medical studies ever since its foundation (found).
④I like reading novels founded on facts (依据事实创作的).
⑤ Founded in the early 20th century (建于20世纪早期), the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.
5.infer vt.推断;推定
①(朗文当代)A lot can be inferred from these statistics.
②(柯林斯词典)I inferred from what she said that you had not been well.
③(牛津高阶)The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国乙卷)What can we infer from  the author's trip with friends to Devil's Lake
②There were two inferences (infer)to be drawn from her letter.
③I infer that my proposal has been accepted.
I inferred this fact from the evidence I had gathered.
6.passion n.酷爱;激情
①(剑桥高阶)Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.
②(中国日报)With great passion in the sports, the game lovers can always have their fun with fancy ideas.
③(牛津高阶)I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①(2023·1月浙江高考卷)Her passion for  the work made Miss Johnson choose teaching as a profession.
②(2023·北京卷)You are passionate  (passion) about creating positive change in your community.
③The French feel passionately (passion)about their native tongue.
④Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters.
Without passion, you will achieve nothing.
7.consequence n.结果;后果
①(牛津高阶)This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.
②(牛津高阶)Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.
③(中国日报)He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.
④(朗文当代)Our use of harmful chemicals and the consequent damage to the environment is a very serious matter.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①She always missed the bus and consequently (consequent)was late for work.
②(2023·北京卷)The inability to engage with longer term causes and consequences  (consequence) leads to some of the world's most serious problems: climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more.
③Many species have died out as a consequence of man's activities.
④She was over the age limit and, in consequence/as a consequence (因此), her application was rejected.
⑤She doesn't feel like eating anything in consequence of/as a consequence of (因为)heavy pressure.
⑥I'm willing to take the chance and suffer/take the consequences (承担后果).
8.remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的
①(2023·全国乙卷) The remarkable development of this city, which is consciously designed to protect the past while stepping into the modern world, means there is always something new to discover here, and I could be photographing Beijing for the next 50 years.
②(剑桥高阶)The 20th century has been remarkable for its inventions.
③(柯林斯词典)Charles was brave and remarkably good humoured.
G 归纳拓展
T 图解助记
J 即学即练
①Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it's a remarkably (remarkable)bad idea.
②These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.
③It is quite remarkable that doctors have been so wrong about this.
④It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character.
必 备 短 语
1.come to power (开始)掌权;上台
①(牛津高阶)The party came to power at the last election.
②(柯林斯词典)When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.
③(剑桥高阶)The game really came to life in the second half.
④(剑桥高阶)I'm enjoying my English class, but it's about to come to an end.
⑤(牛津高阶)New evidence has recently come to light.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
用come to的相关短语填空
①When you were a child, did you ever wish that your toys could come to life
②He has come to power in difficult circumstances.
③(2023·全国甲卷)Terri, who now rents a house with friends in Wandsworth, South West London, says DIY also saves her from losing any deposit when a tenancy (租期) comes to an end .
④When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind.
After he came to power, the country was becoming richer.
2.take up a position 担任;任职
①(柯林斯词典)He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.
②(朗文当代)Rick took up the challenge and cycled the 250 mile route alone.
③(柯林斯词典)I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
写出下列句子中 take up的含义
①A double bed took up the greater part of the room. 占据
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅱ卷)I once took up a challenge to create a painting every day for a month and post the works online. 接受
③Stephanie took up making jewelry after leaving art college this summer. 开始从事
④Let's take up the story from where we stopped last time. 继续
⑤Since taking up writing novels in 1967, she has brought out over fifty books.
3.pass away去世;消逝;消失
①Last Friday, his mother passed away after a long battle with cancer.
②The old world is gradually passing away while the new is coming.
③She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.
④Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.
⑤If you don't know the answer to the second question, then just pass it over.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2023·全国甲卷)Carson proves that a simple lyric form that has been passed down  through the ages can still be employed today to draw attention to important truths.
②(2023·全国甲卷)If people remove food and attractants from their yards and campsites, grizzlies will typically pass by  without trouble.
③I was sad to learn that his mother passed away yesterday.
重 点 句 型
1.He made numerous contributions to the world, the most well known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2.
J 句型剖析
本句中 He made numerous contributions to the world 是主句,谓语动词是 made。后面 the most well known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2是“名词+现在分词短语”构成的独立主格结构。
①So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.(help 还未发生,故用不定式 to help)
②More time given, we should have done it much better.(逻辑主语 more time和give构成被动关系,故用过去分词 given)
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①I heard that she got injured in the accident, my heart full of worry. 结构
②If we don't hurry, we may miss the bus. 句子
③The rain having stopped, he went out for a walk. 结构
④A lot of homework to do (do), the little boy was unhappy.
⑤I have received letters from so many people, all expressing (express)their concern.
⑥Weather permitting (permit), we'll go climbing tomorrow.
⑦Roadworks finished (finish), they went home.
2.After studying for another year, he managed to pass the exam, entering university in 1896 and graduating in 1900.
J 句型剖析
①(2023·全国乙卷)Not only do they look beautiful,but studies have shown that they can promote people's wellbeing by improving their mood (心情), reducing stress and helping their memory. (结果状语)
②(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷)The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some.
③Being ill, she didn't go to school as usual.
G 归纳拓展
M 名师点津
不定式作结果状语时,常与only, never连用,表示一种出乎意料的结果。
(牛津高阶)She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.
J 即学即练
① Stepping (step)carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by a bike.
②I fell, striking (strike)my head against the door and cutting it.
③(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting  (result) in a more accurate estimate.
Approaching me quietly like that, you gave me such a fright!
Seeing the police, he made a run for the exit.
After that meeting, they parted (company), never to see each other anymore. 3.Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions closed to him.
J 句型剖析
本句中 closed to him 是过去分词作宾语补足语。found the doors of academic institutions closed 是“find+宾语+宾补”的结构,在这个结构中宾语 the doors of academic institutions 和宾补 closed 构成被动关系。
①We found a thief stealing a girl's mobile phone in the street yesterday.
②The girl found her mobile phone stolen in the street yesterday.
③When she woke up, she found herself in hospital.
④I found it a pleasure to visit the exhibition.
G 归纳拓展
J 即学即练
①(2021·全国卷Ⅰ)When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering (wander)down to Southbank, spending hours there.
②(2023·新课标全国Ⅰ卷)There you will find them prepared  (prepare) differently—more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed by hand rather than rolled.
③With no one to turn to for help, I found myself helpless (help).
④Lots of senior high school students find it hard/difficult to get up (发现很难起床)in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.Unit 1 People of Achievement Section Ⅲ Using Language
1. conclusion n.结论;推论→ conclude vt.推断出,断定;终止,结束
2. flee vi.& vt.(fled, fled)迅速离开;逃跑
3. circumstance n.[usually pl.] 条件;环境;状况
4. novelist n.小说家→ novel n.(长篇)小说
5. flow n.流;流动;流畅;供应 vi.流;流动
6. chart n.图表 vt.记录;制订计划
7. found vt.创建;建立;把……建立在→ founder n.创建者,创立者→ foundation n.地基;基础; 基本原理;根据
8. infer vt.推断;推定
9. politician n.从政者;政治家;政客→ politics n.政治→ political adj.政治的
10. theory n.理论;学说
11. relativity n.相对论;相对性
12. genius n.(pl.geniuses)天才;天资;天赋
13. gentle adj.温柔的;文静的→ gently adv.温柔地;文静地
14. patent n.专利;专利证书;获得专利 adj.有专利的;受专利保护的
15. passion n.酷爱;激情
16. doctorate n.博士学位
17. extraordinary adj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的
18. gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地→ gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的
19. institution n.社会公共机构;制度;习俗→ institute n.(教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑
20. consequence n.结果;后果→ consequent adj.作为结果的→ consequently adv.所以;因此
21. encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到 n.邂逅;遭遇
22. professor n.教授→ profession n.职业
23. remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的→ remark vt.评论
24. device n.方法;技巧;装置;仪器
25. sum vi.总结;概括 n.金额;款项;总数;总和
26. draft n.草稿;草案 vt.起草;草拟
1. wear and tear (正常使用造成的)磨损;损耗
2. flow chart 流程图
3.make great contributions to 对……做出巨大贡献
4.manage to do 设法做成
5.come to power(开始)掌权;上台
6. as a consequence因此,作为结果
7.take up a position担任职位;任职
8.be mistaken for 被误认为
9.pass away 去世
10.sum up 总结;概括
1.He made numerous contributions to the world, the most well known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2.
2.After studying for another year, he managed to pass the exam, entering university in 1896 and graduating in 1900.
3.Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions closed to him.
阅读Reading for Writing中的材料,选择最佳答案
1.What subjects did Albert Einstein like best in middle school? B
A.Politics and geography.
B.Physics and maths.
C.English and art.
D.Chemistry and history.
2.When did Einstein publish four extraordinary physics papers? C
A.In 1902.     B.In 1904.
C.In 1905. D.In 1906.
3.Why was Einstein awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics? A
A.Because of his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
B.Because of his courageous and kind character.
C.Because of his strong passion for knowledge.
D.Because of his full time research at a university.
4.What happened to Einstein in 1933? B
A.He came to power in Germany.
B.He was forced to leave Germany.
C.He moved to Europe for his degree.
D.He refused to work as a researcher in the US.
5.Which of the following is NOT Einstein's contributions according to the text? D
A.The general theory of relativity.
B.The famous formula E=mc2.
C.The explanation of the photoelectric effect.
D.The law of gravitation.
6.What is the purpose of the author in writing this text
A.To introduce Einstein's contributions to the world.
B.To introduce Einstein's winding life in Germany.
C.To show that Einstein is a genius in physics and maths.
D.To let the world know all about Einstein by his life and achievements.Section Ⅳ 写作指导
The Person I Admire
There are many admirable people around us.
步骤1 精准审题
本文是记叙文;主要时态是 一般现在时 ;人称是 第三人称 。
步骤2 构建框架
第一部分: 介绍敬佩的人是谁 ;
第二部分: 解释敬佩他(她)的原因 ;
第三部分: 再次表示敬佩
步骤3 要点翻译
a middle aged man of few words
win him great popularity and a good reputation
whatever difficulties we come across
without hesitation
come to our aid
a beacon of hope
It is his rich experience and devotion to teachingthat not only give us easy access to professionalknowledge but most importantly shape our character.
Such is Mr Li, for whom I have the greatest respect.
步骤4 连句成文:选用下面的词语用在文章中
first, in a sense, on top of that
The Person I Admire
There are many admirable people around us.
The Person I Admire
There are many admirable people around us.I have great admiration for Mr Li, my English teacher, a middle aged man of few words.I admire him for the following reasons.
First, his helpfulness and kindness win him great popularity and a good reputation among us.Whatever difficulties we come across, he comes to our aid without hesitation.In a sense, he is virtually a beacon of hope, encouraging us never to give up.On top of that, it is his rich experience and devotion to teaching that not only give us easy access to professional knowledge but most importantly shape our character.
Such is Mr Li, for whom I have the greatest respect.
J 即学即练
假如你是李华,你的外国笔友 Lucy对中国诗人李白很感兴趣,写信向你询问该诗人的相关信息。现请你根据下面的中文材料,写一封回信,向她介绍李白。
姓名 李白
朝代 唐朝
称号 诗仙
代表作 《静夜思》等
特点 作品浪漫,追求自由,喜爱饮酒
参考词汇:诗仙Poetic Genius;《静夜思》A Tranquil Night
Dear Lucy,
I'm so glad that you're interested in the Chinese poet Li Bai, and I'd love to tell you what I know about him.
Li Bai is one of the most famous poets of the Tang Dynasty.His poems are so great that he's known as the “Poetic Genius”.In addition, his poems are full of romance and imagination, such as his most famous one, A Tranquil Night.Li Bai loved freedom very much, which was reflected in his poems.What's more, he also loved to drink while he was creating poems, and it seemed that drinking was able to inspire him.
That's what I know about Li Bai.Now do you know much more about him?Yours,
Li Hua