学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit 4 Space Exploration Video Time
教科书 书 名:人教版高中英语必修第三册 出版社:人民教育出版社
1. 语言能力目标: 新课标明确提出,语言能力除了包括听、说、读、写之外,要重视看(Viewing)的能力培养。通过本课的学习,学生可以习得关于火星探索主题的词汇、短语、句子,获取视频传达的信息,并能够自主进行加工、运用这些语料,用于表达自己的观点。 学习能力目标: 通过本课的学习,学生能够在“看(Viewing)”方面得到技巧的提升,选择恰当的策略与方法,学会通过 “听”和 “看”去捕捉视频里的细节信息和主题意义;同时通过视频配音活动进一步拓展自己的听、说、看的能力。 文化意识目标: 通过本节Video time的学习,学生能够进一步对火星相关知识得以了解,坚定人类不懈追求火星探索的决心,理性看待太空探索对人类发展的深远意义,树立正确的科学观和人生观。 思维品质目标: 在本课堂活动中,学生通过看前预测、判断正误等低阶性教学活动,培养自我逻辑思维能力;在排序活动和总结概括活动中,培养学生的逻辑关系梳理能力;在采访活动和课后配音活动中,学生理性表达自己语言学习观点的能力和学习迁移能力得以加强。在整个课堂活动中,通过视频观看和教师提问等活动,逐步养成深度思考的习惯。
教学重点: 帮助学生习得关于火星探索主题的词汇、短语、句子,并能够加以应用。 指导学生通过观看视频、获取视频里关于火星的的细节信息和主题词并归纳整合视频内容。 教学难点: (1)学生对视频内容和细节进行深度挖掘,在理解火星探索具体步骤的同时去感受和思索探索过程的不易和人类的不懈努力,从而逐步形成深度思考的习惯和模式。 (2)学生深刻分析视频涵括的信息,找准火星探索的价值和意义,用以指导自己的学习和生活。
Stage One BEFORE WATCHING Step 1 Warming up Teacher (T) : 1. Greet the students and show the objectives to students. Show students a piece of news on China’s newly results of Mars exploration. Students (S): 1. Greet the teacher and read the news. 2. Know today’s objectives. 3. Get to be interested in exploring Mars. 设计意图: 基于英语学习活动观和学科核心素养,开门见山地明确本课三维目标。通过新闻图片和教师解释激趣,了解本课为Space Exploration话题的延伸,从而迅速投入到整节课中来。 Step 2 A quiz on Mars T: 1. Lead students to participate in the little quiz. 2. Encourage students to be active, cooperative and productive. S: 1. Activate some basic knowledge on Mars. 2. Predict what today’s video topic is. Three questions in the quiz: 1.What do you know about Mars 2. How do people explore Mars 3. What parts does the Mars probe consist of 设计意图: 通过提问启发学生,开展“头脑风暴”,使学生理解关于火星的一些必要知识,激活其背景知识,预判接下来的视频内容,并为理解视频内容做好一些表达和知识储备。 Step 3 Useful Expressions T: 1.Introduce some knowledge of Mar probe. 2.Give the students some phrases and explanations on Mars and Mars exploration. S:Guess and get to know these phrases and expressions by themselves, try to keep all of them in mind. Expressions: the orbiter 轨道器 the lander 着陆器 the rover巡游车 设计意图:介绍火星探测器的组成部分,帮助学生提前预判视频内容,迅速习得一些常用的表达方式和词汇。学生可以通过词汇拼读规则以及教师的教授,为之后的看懂和听懂视频内容,获取信息做准备。 Stage Two WHILE WATCHING Step 1 Watch video part 1 (00:00--02:28) T:1.Lead students to watch video part one,learn some detailed information on Mars. 2.Give students some tips when they meet problems. S: 1.Watch this short video and find the details. 2.Use the details to check their answers to “T ”or “ F” questions. The “ T ” or “ F ” questions are as follows: 1. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the smallest planet in the solar system. 2. It is one of the few planets that we can see with the naked eye. 3. Like Earth, Mars has volcanoes, valleys, polar ice caps, seasons, and weather. 4. Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars, is about twice as high as Mount Qomolangma. 设计意图:在阅读 “T” or “F” questions的时候,学生已经对于答案有所预测,在老师的指导下观看视频第一部分的时候,学生一边观看,一边判断自己之前的答案是否正确,从而提高在“看”媒体传播信息时,提高获取关键细节信息的能力。 Step 2 Watch video part 2 (02:29---05:20) T: With the help of part one and what they have got in before watching, the teacher helps students to read events in task 2. (put them in the correct order) S: 1.Students read events in task two, and watch the video. 2.Discuss with desk mates to better their answers. The correct order is: 1. The probe enters the Earth-Mars transfer orbit. 2. The probe separates from the launch vehicle. 3. The space-to-ground communications link is created. 4. Controllers on Earth guide the probe into the orbit around Mars. 5. The orbiter and the lander separate. 6. The lander discards the protective shield and the parachute. 7. The lander lands on the surface of Mars. 8. The rover transmits data back to Earth and receives orders from Earth. 9. The rover begins to explore the surface of Mars. 设计意图:学生通过小组合作和合作探究的方式,判断火星探测与对接的正确顺序,从而理解火箭发射升空到登录火星的完整过程,并进一步认知中国在这方面不畏艰险所取得的巨大成就。 Step 3 Summary of the video T: 1. Show students a chart to summarize the content of the video. 2. Encourage students to review what they have watched in video part 1 and part 2. S: 1. Summarize what they have got in the video and fill in the blankets. 2.Recall the key steps on how Chinese Mars probe work. The summary: Video part 1: what is Mars Status: the _____planet from the sun; the ______ smallest in solar system. Similarities: it has valleys, seasons, ________ and atmosphere; it has red_____ and ice . Differences: its seasons are_______ as they are on earth; it’s atmosphere is mostly _________________. Video part 2: How Chinese Mars probe work 1.Mars probe separates. 2.controllers guide it into space. 3. the orbiter and the lander separate . 4.discard the protective shield and the parachute. 5.collect ,transmit data and receive orders. 设计意图:教材中给出的video 被笔者分为part 1(介绍火星概况,包括体积大小、地址特点、气候条件等)和part 2(介绍了我国火星探索计划,视频中动画展示我国火星探测器从发射到升空到登陆的过程)。本环节老师带领学生回顾视频内容,以此概述中国对火星过去的推测、现在的形态、未来的希望,以激发学生的爱国热情,同时为下一步After watching中采访活动中记者采访科学家提供话题素材。 Stage 3 AFTER WATCHING Step 1 Make an interview T:1.The teacher give a sample on how the reporter interviews the scientist to talk about information about Mars. 2.Encourage students to make dialogues on this topic. S:1. Students will work in pairs or in groups and summarize what they have known in this class. 2.They act as reporters and scientists to talk about the past, the present and the future of exploring Mars. For example: R: May I ask some questions about Mars E: .OK! Go ahead. R: can we see Mars with our naked eyes E: Yes, it’s Earth’s nearest neighbour, and one of the few planets we can see with the naked eye. R: Is Mars like Earth E: In many ways it is. For example, it has volcanoes, valleys, and seasons like Earth... 设计意图:通过让学生角色扮演科学家和记者,将学生的目光从遥远的中国空间站拉回现实生活。回顾课堂所学内容,对所学所得做深度复盘,在引发学生思考中国为火星探索所付诸的努力的过程中,提高学生的表达能力,当学生不知道如何表达的时候,教师做出指导。 Step 2 APPRECIATION T: 1.Explain why Zhu Rong Rover got its name. 2.Encourage students to pursue their space. S: 1.Students learn about the poem 《登祝融寺兰若》. 2.Learn of what our spirit of human spaceflight is. 《登祝融寺兰若》 ---唐:卢肇 祝融绝顶万余层, 策杖攀萝步步登. 行到月宫霞外寺, 白云相伴两三僧。 设计意图:通过介绍祝融的身份和祝融号获名的缘由,让学生理解我国为探索火星和太空所付出的努力和不易,从而理解航天精神的精髓,并联系自己的生活实际,用科学家不畏困难的品质指导自身的学习和生活。 Step 3 HOMEWORK AND SELF-EVALUATION T: 1.Ask students to enjoy video 3 to get all the subtitles , try to dub this video after class. 2.Teacher makes a summary in the end. Ask students to finish self-evaluation after class. S:Students will enjoy another video. Together with the teacher to make a summary and finish self evaluation after class. Self-evaluation Yes or No questions: I have collected information about Mars and Mars exploration. I have known viewing strategies of videos. I have learnt about scientists’ efforts to explore Mars. I have developed awareness of exploring the outer space bravely. 设计意图:通过展示另一个无字幕视频(话题依然是关于火星探索),布置学生课后作业:看懂视频、为视频配音,进一步提升学生“Viewing看”理解信息和运用信息的能力,升华对视频的理解。同时学生课后完成自我评价,继续引发学生的深层次思考。基于大单元教学的理念,将Video Time课与单元的听说、读写课结合起来,使得在主题语境下大单元整体教学有机统一。