人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters句子翻译练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters句子翻译练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 14.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-13 07:27:16



1. 1976年7月28日凌晨3:30, 唐山即将发生二十世纪最大的地震,当时,人们同往常一样正在酣睡,对于 即将来临的危险一无所知。(定语从句; unaware)
2. 每个人都很震惊,觉得肯定是世界末日到了! (doing做状语;come to end)
3. 成千上万的救援工人立即被派往地震受灾区,给失去家园的幸存者建立庇护所。(定语从句;rescue; shelter)
4.洪水到来之前,90%的村民已经从村子里疏散到避难所。(evacuate; flood)
5. 遭受飓风袭击的幸存者在当时差点被吓死了。(定语从句)
6. 那些被困在废墟下的人震惊地发现他们的饮水短缺,但他们团结一致,直到一架直升机来营救他们。(trap; rescue)
7. 那些从地震中活下来的人仍要承受着精神上和肉体上的疼痛。(survive; suffer; 定语从句)
8.被掩埋在废墟下的伤员们能做的只有等待被救援。(nothing but; 定语从句)
9.最终,在政府和人民的共同努力下,唐山又开始恢复了生机,并在重建之后呈现出崭新的面貌。(effort; breathe)
10.全球变暖(Global warming)对世界上数百种动植物产生了重大的影响。(affect )
13.当旅行时,因为一场台风,他们被困在了山上,只能等待着被救援。(trap; rescue)
15.Jack是如此地专注于听音乐,以至于他没有听到快递员在敲门。(bury; delivery man)
16.如果你不想陷入麻烦,你最好尽一切努力准时到达。(trap; effort)
17.一场可怕的地震几乎破坏了一切,留下了严重受损的建筑物。(destroy; leave)
18.在政府的强烈支持和市民的大智慧下, 唐山开始复苏和重建光明的未来。(revive; wisdom)
19.面对灾难, 我们要记住最重要的事是不管发生什么我们都要保持冷静。(stay; in times of)
20. 海啸造成的破坏使救援人员难以帮助幸存者,他们急需安全的饮用水、食品和基本医疗用品。(make it difficult; 定语从句)
1. 1976年7月28日凌晨3:30, 唐山即将发生二十世纪最大的地震,当时,人们同往常一样正在酣睡,对于即将来临的危险一无所知。(定语从句; unaware)
→The most deadly earthquake of the 20th century would attack/hit/strike Tangshan at 3:30 on July 28, 1976, when people were sound asleep as usual, totally unaware of the coming danger.
2. 每个人都很震惊,觉得肯定是世界末日到了! (doing做状语;come to end)
→Every was in great shock, thinking the world must be coming to an end.
3. 成千上万的救援工人立即被派往地震受灾区,给失去家园的幸存者建立庇护所。(定语从句;rescue; shelter)
→Tens of thousands of rescue workers were instantly sent to the earthquake-stricken area and built shelters for survivors whose houses had been destroyed.
4.洪水到来之前,90%的村民已经从村子里疏散到避难所。(evacuate; flood)
→Ninety percent of the villagers had been evacuated from the village to shelters before it was flooded.
5. 遭受飓风袭击的幸存者在当时差点被吓死了。(定语从句)
→Survivors who suffered from this hurricane were frightened to death at that very moment.
6. 那些被困在废墟下的人震惊地发现他们的饮水短缺,但他们团结一致,直到一架直升机来营救他们。(trap; rescue)
→Those trapped under ruins were in shock to find that their water was in short supply, but they united their wisdom and efforts until a helicopter came to their rescue.
7. 那些从地震中活下来的人仍要承受着精神上和肉体上的疼痛。(survive; suffer; 定语从句)
→Those who survived the earthquake still suffered from both physical and mental injury.
8.被掩埋在废墟下的伤员们能做的只有等待被救援。(nothing but; 定语从句)
→The injured who were buried in the ruins could do nothing but wait for rescue.
9.最终,在政府和人民的共同努力下,唐山又开始恢复了生机,并在重建之后呈现出崭新的面貌。(effort; breathe)
→Finally, with the common efforts of people and government, Tangshan started to breathe again and take on a new look after the reconstruction.
10.全球变暖(Global warming)对世界上数百种动植物产生了重大的影响。(affect )
→Global warming has a great effect/influence/ impact on hundreds of plants and animals around the world.
→Global warming greatly affects/influences/ impacts hundreds of plants and animals around the world.
→It came as a shock (to hear) that the factory would have to close.
→People were shocked at/by the news that the factory would have to close.
→The news that the factory would have to close shocked people.
→It was shocking news that the factory would have to close.
→With the government’s aid, those who were affected by the flood have moved to shelters.
13.当旅行时,因为一场台风,他们被困在了山上,只能等待着被救援。(trap; rescue)
→When traveling, they were trapped in the mountain because of a typhoon, and they had to wait to be rescued.
→The huge earthquake left 80 percent of the city’s factories and buildings in ruins.
15.Jack是如此地专注于听音乐,以至于他没有听到快递员在敲门。(bury; delivery man)
→Jack buried himself in listening to music so much that he didn’t hear a delivery man knocking on the door.
→Jack was so buried in listening to music that he didn’t hear a delivery man knocking on the door.
16.如果你不想陷入麻烦,你最好尽一切努力准时到达。(trap; effort)
→If you don’t like to be trapped in trouble, you’d better make every effort to arrive on time/on schedule.
17.一场可怕的地震几乎破坏了一切,留下了严重受损的建筑物。(destroy; leave)
→A terrible earthquake destroyed almost everything, leaving badly damaged buildings.
18.在政府的强烈支持和市民的大智慧下, 唐山开始复苏和重建光明的未来。(revive; wisdom)
→With the strong support from the government and the wisdom of the city’s people, Tangshan started to revive itself and rebuild a brighter future.
19.面对灾难, 我们要记住最重要的事是不管发生什么我们都要保持冷静。(stay; in times of)
→The most important thing that we should remember is that we should stay calm in times of disaster.
20. 海啸造成的破坏使救援人员难以帮助幸存者,他们急需安全的饮用水、食品和基本医疗用品。(make it difficult; 定语从句)
→The damage caused by the tsunami makes it difficult for rescue workers to help the survivors, who is in desperate need of safe drinking water, food and basic medical supplies.