人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science fiction Reading for writing 写作 课件(共34张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science fiction Reading for writing 写作 课件(共34张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 36.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-14 18:11:48



Unit 1 Science Fiction
Using Language
Write a sci-fi short story
Social Practice in My School
Social practice is regarded as a colorful and meaningful event in my school, in which every student of our school has an opportunity to participate in.We all devote ourselves to different tasks such as greeting teachers and students at the school gate, cleaning the playground and paths, putting the bikes in order tidying up the dormitory and helping workers in the canteen.
What attracts me most is to wash vegetables with my classmates in the canteen.Though many students can’t tolerate the mud on the vezetables,I really enioy the process. We students can learn to avoid food waste and respect the labor workers after finishing the tiring but meaningful task in the canteen.
In a word, social practice brings us knowledge and pleasure we fail to pain from daily study.All the students involved can have first-hand labor experience and learn the value of cooperation.
Hi ,Mom你好,李焕英
Have you seen this film What is it about
If you could take a time travel like Jia ling , when would you like to go back to What would you like to do
The film Hi,Mom is about a daughter who went back to the 1980s and met her mother ,who had died in an accident.
the time machine
the starting lever
the leather seat
The main panel
Sometimes referred to as “The Father of Science Fiction”, Herbert George Wells (1866 — 1946) was an English novelist, teacher, historian and journalist.
How many times the Time Traveller pushed/ pulled the lever
I pushed the
starting lever on
the main panel forwards an inch then immediately
backwards again.
l drew a breath, gripped the lever and pushed it forwards.
I pushed the lever further.
Like an impatient tool, I pulled the lever
backhards hard.
4 times.
Para 1
Para 2
Para 2
Para 4
Read for information
1. How does the Time Traveller first know
he has travelled through time
2. How does the Time Traveller feel when
travelling through time
3. Why is the Time Traveller worried
about stopping the machine
4. Where does the Time Machine arrive
when the man finally stops it
Read for information
1. How does the Time Traveller first know he has travelled through time
He saw the clock move forwards.
reference objects 参照物
2. How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time
It felt strange and unpleasant.
3. Why is the Time Traveller worried about stopping the machine
4. Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it
1. What rhetorical devices(such as metaphor, simile, overstatement,etc) are used in this text Give examples.
2. What is the function of these literary devices
Read for language I
metaphor: Night came as if a lamp was being turned out.(para 2)
The sun and the moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky.(para 3)
Simile: but to me she moved like a rocket.(para 2)
It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.
Around me I saw trees growing like puffs of smoke.
...then disappear like in a dream. (para 3)
overstatement: but to me she moved like a rocket.
they grew, spread and died in moments(para 3)
to make the description
more vivid and make the details more appealing.
1. 操作机器的动作描写
give it a last check
sit myself in the leather seat
push the starting lever forwards an inch then immediately backwards again
draw a deep breath, grip the lever and push it forwards
push the lever further
pull the lever backwards hard
2. 视觉感知
the laboratory went hazy around me
night came as if a lamp was being turned out
came the day
skip to day
trees growing like puffs of smoke
huge buildings rise up
Read for language II
move like a rocket
the walls of the laboratory fall away
the sun and moon looked as if they are being thrown across the sky
3. 沧海桑田
The whole suface of the earth was being changed, melting and flowing before my eyes.
4. 感受
strange and unpleasant
feel like I am being driven fast on a winding road
5. 心理活动
I calculate that ...
I have thought about the risk of ...
I have a strong urge to...
Post -reading
Time Travel
When he finally stops
Who or what he will meet
What adventures
he will have
Will he return to his own time
Discuss what might happen next in the story.
Clue from the film
I stopped in the year 802701. The whole earth looked like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who played all the time, but this hided a horrible truth; there was a whole world of people called Morlocks who lived underground in a dark, mechanised society who used the Eloi as a source of food. I met an Eloi woman and fell in love with her. We are attacked by Morlocks. I was able to escape, but I lost contact with the woman and perhaps she was killed. The Morlocks then stole the Time Machine and used it as bait to capture and kill me. However, once I was in the Time Machine, I pulled the lever and began to travel in time again and was able to make my escape.
I traveled 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. I then traveled back to the time from where I started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
A sample
I stopped in the year 802701. The whole earth looked like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who played all the time, but this hided a horrible truth; there was a whole world of people called Morlocks who lived underground in a dark, mechanised society who used the Eloi as a source of food. I met an Eloi woman and fell in love with her. We are attacked by Morlocks. I was able to escape, but I lost contact with the woman and perhaps she was killed. The Morlocks then stole the Time Machine and used it as bait to capture and kill me. However, once I was in the Time Machine, I pulled the lever and began to travel in time again and was able to make my escape.
I traveled 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. I then traveled back to the time from where I started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
A sample
I stopped in the year 802701. The whole earth looked like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who played all the time, but this hided a horrible truth; there was a whole world of people called Morlocks who lived underground in a dark, mechanised society who used the Eloi as a source of food. I met an Eloi woman and fell in love with her. We are attacked by Morlocks. I was able to escape, but I lost contact with the woman and perhaps she was killed. The Morlocks then stole the Time Machine and used it as bait to capture and kill me. However, once I was in the Time Machine, I pulled the lever and began to travel in time again and was able to make my escape.
I traveled 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. I then traveled back to the time from where I started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
A sample
Language points

1 对它进行最后一次检查
2 把……向前推
3 启动杆
4 主面板
5 环顾四周
6 完全像以前一样
7 片刻之前 / 刚才
give it a last check
push … forwards
the starting lever
the main panel
look around
exactly as before
a moment before
Language points: Important phrases (P8 ~ P9)
8 大约
9 吸一口气
10 熄灭;关掉;使朝外;结果是
11 变得模糊
12 一条蜿蜒的公路
13 (逐渐)消失;减少
14 在野外;在户外
or so
draw a breath
turn out
go hazy
a winding road
fall away
in the open air
Language points: Important phrases (P8 ~ P9)
puffs of smoke 缕缕青烟
15 一瞬间
16 有强烈的冲动做某事
17 ……的风险
18 在我眼前闪过
19 只要
20 被……占据
21 被抛向空中
in moments
have a strong urge to do sth
the risk of
flash before my eyes
so long as
be thrown through the air
be occupied by
Language points: Important phrases (P8 ~ P9)
next to the machine 在机器旁
a fine welcome 一个别开生面的欢迎
1. It was at ten o’clock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career. (Para. 1)
2. Looking around, I saw my laboratory exactly as before. (Para. 1)
3. Night came as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day. (Para. 2)
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
4. The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky, but soon there was division between night and day. (Para. 3)
5. I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes! (Para. 4)
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
1. It was at ten o’clock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career. (Para. 1)
(1) Was it in 1969 ______ the American astronaut succeeded ______ landing the moon
(2) It was ______ the help of the local guide ______ the mountain climber was rescued.
(3) John’s success has nothing to do with luck. It is years of hard work ______ has made him ______ he is today.
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
2. Looking around, I saw my laboratory exactly as before. (Para. 1)
(1) China’s National Highway 318, __________ (extend) over 5,000 kilometers from Shanghai to Zhangmu, Tibet, is known _______ the “heavenly road” for its ________ (amaze) views. (2021 天津)
(2) The beautiful long branches of Plum Blossoms _______ (cover) with pink-colored buds make fantastic __________ (decorate). (2020 全国II)
(3) When he saw the mists ________ (rise) from the river and the soft clouds ____________ (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears. (2020 全国III)
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
3. Night came as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day. (Para. 2)
4. The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown _______ the sky, but soon there was ________ (divide) between night and day. (Para. 3)
(1) The boss speaks loudly as if he were angry.
(2) She cried as if her heart would be broken.
(3) The two strangers talked as if they had been friends for years.
Compare and find
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
(4) Tom raised his hands as if (he is ) to say something.
(5) He stared at the girl as if (he was) seeing her for the first time.
(6) He acts as if (he were) a fool.
总结:as if 引导的状语从句,主从句的主语一致时,从句的主语和be动词可以省略
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
Compare and find
1. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _______ (see) whether he was going in the right direction.
2. Jack wasn’t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him as if he _________ (do) something very clever.
3. When a pencil is partly put in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____________ (broke).
to see
had done
were broken
Language points: Important sentences (P8)
(1) There stands an old temple which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
(2) In the center of our school lies our library, which is between the garden and the teaching building.
(3) Present at the evening party was our favourite English teacher.
(4) Lying on the floor was a wounded peasant boy.
(5) Such were his words.
Compare and find
...in another moment came the day. 运动方向副词/地点状语置于句首
(1) here, there, now, then, in, out, off, away 等表示地点或时间的副词位于句首,谓语动词是be, come, go, remain, lie, run等,且主语为名词时,用完全倒装。
(2) 介词短语位于句首时,用完全倒装。
(3) 作表语的分词、形容词等位于句首时,用完全倒装。
(4) such 作表语置于句首时,用完全倒装。
1.Out of the darkness came a familiar voice, which made us
________________ you have been looking forward to.
________________________ a small stream lined by
green trees.
_________________ some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
Here is the letter
At the foot of the mountain runs
On the ground lay
Thank you for your listening!