人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage 词汇课件(共75张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage 词汇课件(共75张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 29.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-15 08:56:28



Unit4 Adversity and Courage
adversity n.困境;逆境 pl:adversities,
遇到逆境 meet with/encounter adversity
adverse adj.不利的;相反的;敌对的
adverse conditions 不利条件 adverse effect 不良反应
The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions.
in a dilemma 处于窘境,进退两难
in trouble 处于麻烦中
in need/in danger 在危难中
wage n.工资
weekly/hourly wage 周薪/时薪
词语辨析:wage, income, pay 和salary
1. wage 通常指按周领取的工资、工钱;
2. income 指收入、收益、所得;
3. pay 指工资、薪水;
4. salary 通常指按月发放的薪水、薪金
bitter adj.味苦的;严寒的;激烈而不愉快的
After biting a bitter gourd, bitter tears of embarrassment streamed down his cheeks.
As the saying goes, “ A good medicine tastes bitter.”
a bitter experience 痛苦的经历
on a bitter cold winter morning
shed bitter tears 流下苦涩的泪水
adv. 痛苦地;愤恨地
n. 苦味;悲苦;痛苦
adj 辣的
expedition n.探险;远征;探险队
go on an expedition to North pole
exploration n.探险
endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力 【U】
beyond endurance 忍无可忍
endure vt.
He can’t endure being defeated.
He can’t endure to be defeated.
enduring adj.持久的
endurable adj.可忍受的
unendurable adj无法忍受的
+to do sth/doing sth
vigour / vigor n.精力;力量;活动[U]
be full of vigor/energy 充满活力
vigorous adj.有力的;精力充沛的 同义:energetic/dynamic
turn on/off 打开/关掉
turn out 结果是;证明是
turn to 求助于;翻到
turn sb. down
The changes of quantity cause the changes of quality.
qualify v.使合格,限定
qualified adj.有资格的;具有…的知识
a qualified professor 具有资历的教授
I’m writing to apply to join it, thinking that I’m well qualified__for_the job.
be qualified for sth能够胜任... ,有资格获得...
be qualified to do sth.有资格做...
unqualified adj.没有资历的
overqualified adj.资历过高的
qualification n.合格证书,资格,学历
enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的
She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain.
be enthusiastic about sth./sb 对...有热情的
enthusiastically adv. 热情地
enthusiasm n. 热情;热忱 同义:passion
with (great) enthusiasm (非常)热情地
full of enthusiasm 充满热情
enthusiast n.热心者,爱好者
board n.木板;董事会;伙食 vt.上船(机)
She has a seat on the board of directors. 她是董事会成员。
Have the passengers gone on board yet 在船(或飞机)上
a boarding school 寄宿学校
board the plane 上飞机
aboard adv. & prep.上(船/飞机/汽车等)
go aboard(the plane)上飞机
易混词:abroad adv.国外地;到国外
go abroad 去国外 study abroad 留学
both at home and abroad 国内外
broad adj.宽阔的 a broad smile/grin 咧嘴笑
broaden v.使…变宽 broaden one’s horizons 开阔视野
assign vt.布置;分配
assign sb. sth. = assign sth. to sb. 给某人分派某任务/事物
assign sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事
He assigned me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three times a day.
On receiving the ________________(assign), we set out to work at once.一接到任务,我们就立即开始工作。
assignment n.任务,作业;分派,布置
take on an assignment 承担一项任务
steward n.(轮船、飞机或火车上的)乘务员;
stewardess n 女乘务员
通用词:attendant 服务生
host-hostess waiter-waitress
actor-actress prince-princess
envy n. & vt.羡慕;妒忌
词源:来自一种古老的巫术named“邪恶之眼”(evil eye)—envy
British television is the envy of the world.
be the envy of sb/sth 成为...羡慕/忌妒的对象
He watched the others with envy.
He did that out of envy.
出于嫉妒(out of curiosity/sympathy/pity)
envious adj.羡慕的,妒忌的 同义:jealous adj.嫉妒的
crush vt.毁坏,压坏;压碎 n.拥挤的人群;迷恋,痴情;热恋的对象,痴情的对象
Dating his crush has been the best thing that ever happened to him since a long time ago.
crush one’s hopes/enthusiasm/confidence
have a crush on sb (短暂的)迷恋某人(不熟识的人)
crushing adj.毁坏性的,惨重的 crushed adj.被压碎的
a crushing blow 一次沉重的打击
crushed peanuts 花生碎
同义词: crash n.v.碰撞
sink - sank/sunk - sunk 下沉; vt.使下沉;n.洗碗池
sink into the sea/anger 陷入,沉入
She sank into the chair, not knowing what to do next.
My heart sank when I saw how much assignment I had left.
sb's heart sinks 某人心沉了下去(指心情沮丧)
a sinking feeling 不详的感觉,沮丧之情
Watching the beautiful sinking sun, Mr. King was sunk in thought.
be sunk/lost in thought 陷入沉思中
abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃(主动) 同义:give up/quit
abandon sb./(doing)sth 遗弃某人/放弃(做)某物
1.Abandoned to online games, Peng Zijun’s brother,the internet addict/abuser, didn’t do any homework in the last monthly break. Soon,he became an abandoned child.
2.He abandoned himself to grief because of his wife’s death.
abandon oneself to sth./ be abandoned to sth. 沉溺于某事
a teenager abandoned (abandon) to the internet 沉迷网络的少年
n. 放任;放纵 He signed cheques with abandon. 放纵地
stove n.炉具;厨房灶具
blanket n. 毯子,厚层
a blanket of snow/cloud/fog
The ground was soon covereded with a blanket of snow.
belongings n. [pl.] 财物;动产
personal belongings 个人财物
a sense of belonging 归属感
belong vi.应被放在;属于
Penguins belong to the bird family, not amphibian两栖动物.
belong to 属于
savings 积蓄/ earnings 工资/leavings 剩饭/surroundings 环境/remains 剩余物,残留物,遗迹,遗体
miserable adj. 痛苦的;令人难受的
The play was a thoroughly miserable failure.
He failed miserably (miserable) as an actor.
miserably adv. 痛苦地 miserably poor 极度地贫困
misery n.痛苦,悲惨
make sb’s life a misery 让人痛苦
navy n.海军;海军部队
decent adj.得体的;正派的;穿好衣服的
a decent job/salary/citizen
cosy =cozy adj.温馨的;舒适的
cosily adv. 温馨的,舒适地
a cosy little room
feel cosy and warm
a cosy feeling
selfish adj.自私的
selfishly adv. 自私地
selfishness n.自私 selfless adj.无私的 selflessly adv. 无私地,忘我地
temper n.脾气;性情
(have) a short/quick temper 急性子
(have) a good/bad temper 脾气好/差
keep/lose one’s temper (with sb)
He lost his temper with a customer and shouted at him.
good/ bad-tempered
adj. 脾气好的/坏的
adj. 性急的
genuine adj.真正的;真诚的;可信赖的
a genuine painting of Picasso 毕加索真迹 反义:
show genuine concern for others
表示对他人真诚的关心 同义:
形近:genius n 天才
genuinely adv.真诚地;诚实地
perseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
show great perseverance in the face of adversities
with perseverance adv. 坚持不懈地
persevere vi. 坚持;孜孜以求
persevere in/with one’s study 坚持不懈地学习
The English teacher encouraged us to persevere in practicing our spoken English.
resolve vi. &vt.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难)
resolve a problem 解决问题
resolve to do sth. 决心做某事
strengthen one’s resolve v.坚定了决心
dissolve v 溶解,分解(dis分开+solve=松开分散=溶解)
Resolution n.
resolution n.决议;解决;分辨率 resolute a.坚决的;果断的
a satisfactory resolution to the problem令人满意的解决方案
make a resolution to do sth. 决定做某事
Influenced by my friends, I resolved to improve my spoken English.
crew n.(轮船、飞机等 )全体工作人员;一群人
None of the passengers and crew were injured.
cruel adj.残酷的;残忍的:冷酷的
be cruel to ..
cruel truth/game/king/eyes 目光冷酷
cruelty n.残忍 loyalty/honesty
cruelly adv. cruelty n.
I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.
thorough adj.深入的;彻底的;细致的
a thorough cleaning大扫除
Professor Zhang has a thorough knowledge of Tang poetry.
furniture n.家具 【U】
furniture [U] n. 家具
a piece / an item of furniture 一件家具
a set of furniture 一套家具
furnish v. 为...配备家具
be furnished with 配备着...
unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
fortunately adv.幸运地
fortune n.财富;运气
make a fortune发财
seek/try one's fortune碰运气
fortune n.
fortunate adj.
unfortunate adj.
fortunately adv.
unfortunately adv.
application n.申请;请求;应用
同根词:apply v.申请;应用 applicant 申请人
appliance n.y用具;器械 domestic~家用电器
apply for a job申请工作
apply sth.to sth.把...应用(涂抹)到...
apply what we have learned to our daily life
apply to sth/sb.适用于某事/人
apply to do sth.申请做某事
bark vi. 犬吠& n.(狗)吠叫;树皮
rugby n.英式橄榄球运动
Football n.美式橄榄球
Soccer n.英式足球
bat n.球拍;蝙蝠 vi.& vt.用球板击球;挥打
Batter n击球手
damp adj.潮湿的;湿气重的 n.v.潮湿
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
同义词:wet a.湿的
get wet soaking wet
recreation n.娱乐;消遣;游戏[C][U]
improve facilities for leisure and recreation
同义词entertainment /amusement/pastime
guidance n.指导;引导;导航
guide v.指导n.导游,向导
under one’s guidance=under the guidance of
guide sb. around/to/through+ sp. 给某人领路
_________(guide) by the local farmer, we found the old house easily.
nephew n.侄子;外甥
niece n.侄女;外甥女
siblings 兄弟姐妹
advertise vt.& vi.公布;宣传;做广告
advertisement n.广告
commercial n.商业广告
advertising n.广告业
advertiser n. 广告商人
Our school is advertising for an English teacher online.
corporation n.(大)公司;社团
corporate a.公司的;共同的
corporate responsibility
rough adj.粗糙的;粗野的;粗略的
rough track 凹凸不平的小径
~ hands/skin粗糙的手/皮肤
a rough sea 波涛汹涌的大海
undergo/go through a rough patch/time面临一个艰难的时期
a rough night不眠之夜
be rough on sb.对某人很凶
a tough call艰难的决定
roughly adv. 粗暴地;粗糙地;大约,差不多
treat sb./sth/ roughly 粗暴地对待某人/某物
roughly speaking 粗略地说
navigator n.领航员;导航仪(飞机、船舶等)
Navigation a.
Navigate v.航行,导航
Loyal(老友) adj.忠诚的;忠实的
Royal n.皇室的(讲究忠诚;血统纯正)
Loyalty n.忠诚
be loyal to sb /sth对...忠心
motor n.(小)发动机;马达 adj.机动的,汽车的
an electric motor电动机
give off 放出(热、光、气味或气体)
give in (to) (向...)让步,屈服于...
give up (doing) sth. 放弃(做)某事
give away 泄露;赠送
give out 用完,耗尽;分发,散发
give way to ... 给...让路;向...让步
Fire n.火(灾) v.点火;射击;解雇
Make fire 生火
Set fire to…, 放火烧…
(be) on fire /catch fire 着火
put out a fire
Off adv.prep.离开;下
give off=to produce sth such as a smell, heat, light, etc. 发出,放出(气味、热、光等)
The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.
Some high school boys often give off an unpleasant and moudly odor / od / in summer.
episode n.(人生的)一段经历;(小说的)片段;一集
Watch next week’s thrilling episode!
commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
Make a commitment (to..)做出承诺
同根词:commit (com一起mit发送) vt .犯(罪); vi&vt使承担义务;使做出保证;许诺:
1 Commit a crime/error/suicide 犯罪/错/自杀
2 Commit sb.to (doing)sth.使..承担…责任
The government must commit itself to improving health care.政府必须致力于改善医疗保健服务水平
Commit oneself to=be committed to sth.致力于,全心奉献
=be dedicated/devoted to
Commit sb.to do sth.承诺某人做某事
Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.
motive n.动机;原因;目的
派生词:motivate vt. 刺激;使有动机;激发…的积极性 motivation n.动力
Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
a highly motivated student学习积极性很高的学生
the motive for (doing) sth. (做)某事的动机
Driven by heaven-knows-what motives, he determines to write a book.
Confucianism n.孔子学说;儒家(学说)
Confucian a.儒家的;孔子的 n.孔门弟子;儒家
confucian culture 儒家文化
Confucian Temple 孔庙
Confucius 孔子
1. (2020·全国I卷)They are qualified ________ the marathon. for
2. (2019·天津二考)Touched by their __________ (enthusiasm) expression of affection, Marby thanked them all.
3. (2016·全国II卷)As writer Carolin Alexander makes clear in her forceful and well-researched story The Endurance, adventures was even a __________ (thorough) commercial effort.
4. (2018·浙江一考) It was so fortunate ________ (see) my friends again.
5. (2020·全国III卷)The vocabulary and grammar of the plot need to be adjusted, and we also need your __________ (guide) on our performance.
to see
6. (2017·江苏卷完形)With a _________(sink) feeling, he realized he actually enjoyed doing it.
7. (2017·全国III卷阅读)However, these plans ______________ (abandon) because of financial problems.
8. (2017·全国I卷阅读)Lockers are available to store any __________ (belong) during your visit.
9. (2019·全国II卷完形)A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one __________ (advertise) as lost in the local paper.
10. (2019·天津二考完形)Erin had gone beyongd what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a __________ (bitter) cold night. and for that I was extremely grateful.
were abandoned
1.adversity n.困境;逆境
in adversity 在逆境中
2.wage n.工资;报酬
3.bitter adj.严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;味苦的
bitterly adv.苦涩地;悲痛地;极其;非常
bitterness n.苦味;苦难;怨恨
bittersweet adj.苦乐参半的;又苦又甜的
4.endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力
endure v.持续存在,持久;忍受;忍耐
endurable adj.能忍耐的;可忍受的;
beyond endurance 无法忍受
can’t endure/stand doing sth 不能忍受干某事
5. vigour n.精力;力量;活力 =energy
vigorous adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
6.turn sb. down 拒绝(某人)
turn down 减小;关小;调低;拒绝
turn up 出现;露面;调大音量
turn on 打开
turn off关上
turn to 转向;向...寻求帮助 ;翻书翻到…页
turn out (to be) 结果证明是
turn around 转身
turn into 变成
7.qualified adj.符合资格;具备……的知识
qualify v.使具有资格;胜任;符合
qualification n.资格;学历;资历
be qualified for 有……的资格;可胜任
be qualified to do 有资格做某事
8. aboard adv&prep 上(船,飞机,汽车等)
board v.登上 n.板,甲板
abroad adv. 国外地
at home and abroad 国内外
9.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的
enthusiasm n. 热情;激情;积极性
enthusiast n. 热衷者;爱好者;狂热者
enthusiastically adv.热心地;满腔热情地
be enthusiastic about 对...热情
with enthusiasm 热情地
10.assign v.分派;布置;分配
assignment n.作业;任务
assign sb. to do sth.指派某人做某事
assign sb sth =assign sth to sb 给某人分派....
11.steward n.乘务员;服务员
stewardess n.空姐;女服务员
例: host-hostess waiter-waitress
actor-actress prince-princess
12 envy n./v.羡慕;妒忌 (pl. envies 三单:envies) ( envied-envied)
envious adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的
out of envy 出于嫉妒
13.sink v.沉没;下沉;下降 ;使下沉
sink into 陷入
we sank into our seats.我们瘫坐在座位上。
He sank into anger. 他陷入愤怒中。
14.abandon v.舍弃;抛弃;放弃
=give up/quit
abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事
abandon oneself to 沉湎于
abandon oneself to despair 陷入绝望
15.belongings n.财物;动产
belong v.属于
belong to 属于(无进行时和被动语态)
16.miserable adj.痛苦的;令人难受的
miserably adv.痛苦地
misery n.痛苦;苦难;穷困;悲惨境遇
17.decent adj.相当不错的;正派的;得体的;像样的
decently adv.合适地;高雅地;正派地
decency n.正派;体面;庄重
a decent meal/job/place to live
18.cosy adj.温馨的;舒适的=comfortable
19.selfish adj.自私的
selfishly adv.自私地
selfishness n.自私自利;自我中心;任性
selfless adj.无私的
selflessly adv.无私地;忘我的
selflessness n.无私;忘我
20.genuine adj.真正的;真诚的;可信赖的
genuinely adv.真诚地;诚实地
21.perseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
persevere v.坚持;孜孜以求
22.resolve v.决定;决心;解决 n.决心;坚定的信念
resolve on sth/doing sth;
resolve an issue/a crisis
resolution n.决议;解决;坚定
Nothing could weaken his resolve to continue.
23.cruel adj.残酷的,残忍的
cruelly adv.残酷地
cruelty n.残忍,残酷
be cruel to
24.thorough adj.深入的;彻底的;细致的
thoroughly adv.彻底地;完全地=completely
25.furniture n.家具 【U】
furnish v.为...配备家具,提供....
a piece of furniture 一件家具
furnished adj.配备家具的
be furnished with....配备有....
26.unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的
fortunately adv.幸运地
fortune n.时运;命运;好运;财富
misfortune n.厄运;不幸
27.damp adj.潮湿的;湿气重的
damply adv.潮湿地
dampness n.潮湿;湿气
28.recreation n.娱乐;消遣;游戏
recreate v.再创造; 娱乐;消遣
recreation center 娱乐中心
29.guidance n.指导;引导;导航
guide v.带领;引导;指导 n.指南;手册;导游;向导
under the guidance of sb. =under one’s guidance
30.nephew n.侄子;外甥
niece n.侄女;外甥女
31.advertising n.广告活动;广告业
advertise v.公布;宣传;做广告
advertiser n.广告商
advertisement n.广告(ad)
advertise for 登广告征求;登广告招聘
32.corporate adj.公司的;法人的;社团的
corporation n.社团;公司;法人;企业
33.rough adj.汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的
roughly adv.大略地;粗略地;大约
34.loyal adj.忠诚的;忠实的=faithful
loyally adv.忠诚地;诚实地
loyalty n.忠诚;衷心;忠实
be loyal to 忠于…;忠诚于…
35. give off 发出(光,热,气味等)
give away 泄露,赠送
give in to... 向...屈服
give up放弃
give out 分发,发出,耗尽
mitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
commit v.承诺;犯错;投入(时间或钱)
commit oneself to 致力于;使自己承担;承诺
= be committed to doing
37.motive n.动机;原因;目的
motivate v.激励;促进;激发sb to do
motivation n.动力;诱因;动机;激励