人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Words 词汇讲解课件(共61张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Words 词汇讲解课件(共61张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 11.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-15 10:36:24



Unit 5 Launching Your Career
1.bounce /ba ns/ vi. & vt. (使)弾起;上下晃动
n. [C]弹跳;[U]弹性;活力(energy)
jump, leap, spring, hop单脚, bounce, skip蹦跳
bouncing / ba ns / adj.(球)跳跃的;(婴儿)有活力的;巨大的;健壮的,茁壮的(healthy and full of energy)
bouncy / ba nsi/ adj.有弹性的;生气勃勃的;精神饱满的(lively and full of energy)
bouncer / ba ns (r)/ n.跳跃的人;(俱乐部、酒店等的)门卫,保安(保镖bodyguard,triggerman);吹牛者
Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.
The rumor bounced around the office all day.
The old basketball looked very used and had lost its bounce.
I felt my chest胸膛 could hardly hold my racing heart which was bouncing wildly.
The ball will bounce back.
He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.
We've won six matches on the bounce.
bounce around 四处跳动;反复讨论
bounce n.弹力,弹性力
bounce back 反弹,迅速恢复,重新振作
on the bounce 连续不断地
2.aptitude / pt tju d/ n. 天资;天赋(gift;talent)
natural ability or skill at doing sth
aptitudinal / pt tju d n l/ adj. 聪明的;有倾向的
She showed a natural aptitude for the work.
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
attitude n.态度; 看法 altitude / lt tju d n. 海拔
show/ have an aptitude for (doing) sth.有......的天资
3.head start 起步前的优势 ; 有利开端; 占先; 抢先
have/get a head start on/over ... 比……有优势
give sb a head start over...让某人领先一步……
head start in ...  在……方面有优势
Being already able to read gave her a head start on/over the other pupils.
Being able to speak French gave her a head start over the other candidates.
A good education gives your child a head start in life.
bury one’s head in the sand   逃避现实
keep a clear/cool/calm head   保持头脑清醒
①He lived in America for a year, so he has a head start  on/over  the other students in English.
②A good education gives your child a head start  in  life.
【写美】 完成句子
③Get to sleep early tonight —  you’ll need to keep a clear/cool/calm head  tomorrow at the trial在审判中.
【练透】 单句语法填空P102
you’ll need to keep a clear/cool/calm head 
4.scenario /s nɑ ri / n. (复数: scenarios)
a description of how things might happen in the future
a written outline of what happens in a film/movie or play
(电影或戏剧的)剧情梗概(SYN.synopsis/s n ps s/)
Let me suggest a possible scenario.
the worst-case scenario
a nightmare scenario
5. lawyer / l (r)/n.律师
law /l / n. 法律(体系);法规;
v. 起诉,控告
lawn /l n/ n. 草坪,草地
judge /d d / n. 法官; 审判官; 裁判
court /k t/ n. 法院; 法庭
6. assemble / semb( )l/
to fit together all the separate parts of sth, for example a piece of furniturevt.组装;装配
to come together as a group; to bring people or things together as a groupvi.& vt.收集;聚集;
assembled / semb ld/ adj. 组合的;安装的
assembling adj. 装配的;组合的
assembly n. 装配;集会,集合;立法机构;会议
national assembly 国民大会
All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.
The shelves are easy to assemble.
7. drawer /dr (r)/ n.抽屉
draw画;拉,拖 ;吸引
a chest of drawers 抽屉柜
top drawer社会最上层;最上层抽屉;最高级的
bottom drawer 底层抽屉;(尤指旧时)女子为结婚而储存的物品,压箱钱财
8. breast /brest/ n. 乳房,胸部;心情,内心
chicken breast 鸡胸肉
a troubled breast 忧虑的心情
9. hydrogen [ ha dr d n]: n. 氢; 氢气
10. bridegroom/groom/ bra dɡru m/n. 新郎
bride /bra d/ n. 新娘
11.geometry /d i m tri/ n. 几何学;几何图形
geometric / d i metr k/ adj.几何学的
geometer /d m t (r)/ n.几何学者
12.debt /det/ n.[C] 债务,欠款;[U]负债情况
a sum of money that sb owes;
the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay
grant /ɡrɑ nt/ n. 拨款 loan /l n/ n.贷款; 借款
debtor n. 负债人
be in debt 欠债;负债(表状态)
be in one's debt=be in debt to sb 欠某人的人情(债)
fall/get/run into debt 负债(表动作)
be out of debt 还清债务(表状态)
pay off a debt 还清债务(表动作)
It’s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.
Help and advise people in serious debt.
【练透】 单句语法填空 P102
①We were poor, but we never got ____ debt.
②Don't get the merchant商人 to lend you money any more,because he himself is ____ debt, too.
【写美】 翻译句子
It's hard to stay out of debt after you have bought a house.
13.categorise / k t ɡ ra z/ vt.把……分类(加以归类)
category / k t ɡ ri/ n. 类别,种类(pl-ies)
categorised / k t ɡ ra zd/ adj.分类的
classify / kl s fa / v. 把……分类,把……分级
be categorized as 被归类为...
be categorized into 被归类为...
garbage classification垃圾分类
【练透】 单句语法填空P102
①These 335 cases  were categorised  (categorise) according to area of residence住宅,住所.
②Applicants申请人 fall into two  categories  (category):Green Form or White Form.
were categorised 
【写美】 完成句子
③  There are three categories of accommodation  — standard, executive行政的 and deluxe/d l ks/豪华的.
There are three categories of accommodation 
14. profile / pr fa l/ n.
a description of sb/sth that gives useful information;
the outline of a person's face when you look from the side, not the front侧面轮廓
to give or write a description of sb/sth that gives the most important information vt.扼要介绍;概述;写简介
in high/low profile 惹人/不惹人注目
keep a low profile 保持低调
categorise employee profiles对员工档案进行分类
15. participant /pɑ t s p nt/ n.参与者;参加者
participate /pɑ t s pe t/ v. 参加;参与
participation /pɑ t s pe n/ n. 参加;参与
participate in …= take part in... = join in... 参加
accountant 会计/applicant 申请人
immigrant 移民/emmigrant 移民
attendant 侍者,护理人员/assistant 助手
= be an participant in… = be involved in…
①The  participants  (participate) are required to perform English programmes in ten minutes.
②As scheduled如期;按照预定时间, we participated  in  several instructive有教益的,有启发性的 activities.
【写美】 完成句子
③Everyone in the class is expected to  participate actively in these discussions .
【练透】 单句语法填空P102
participate actively in these discussions 
16. code /k d/ n.代码;密码;道德准则;行为规范
postal code 邮政编码/dialling code 区号
QR code 二维码(quick response)
error code 错误代码/source code 源代码
a strict code of conduct 严格的行为准则
break/crack a code 破译密码
Each order is coded separately.每个订单都单独编码。
17. orient / rient/ vt.使适应(adapt sb/sth for );使面对;确定方向(direct sb/sth towards)(=orientate/ ri nte t/)
the Orient东方诸国,east(n.);easten(adj.);to the east(vi.)
You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.
oriental / ri ent( )l/ adj 东方的
oriented adj.(to/towards)以…为方向的,重视...的
orientation n.方向/目标/定向;基本信仰/态度/观点
profit-orientated organizations 以赢利为目的的机构
orient /adapt oneself to 适应
18. detective /d tekt v/ n.侦探;警探
a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals
detect vt. 发现;侦察出
detection n. 侦查;发现
detectable /d tekt b( )l/ adj. 可发觉的,可看穿的
detector n. 探测器
representative 代表 alternative 替代品
perspective 观点 relative 亲属
19. graphic / ɡr f k/ adj.图案的(connected with drawings and design) ; n. 图表( a diagram or picture especially appearing on a computer screen or in a newspaper or book)
diagram / da ɡr m/ n.图解; 图表; 几何图形;v.以图表示
chart /t ɑ t/ n.图表; 海图(a map of the sea or stars)
graph /ɡrɑ f/ n.图表; 曲线图 v.用图表表示
graphical adj.绘画的;用图表示的
graphically adv.以书画(或图表)形式
graph v.用图表表示
-graph= write、records 写,画,记录
photograph / f t ɡrɑ f/ 照片
calligraphy /k l ɡr fi/ 书法
geography /d i ɡr fi/ 地理
biography /ba ɡr fi/ 传记
autobiography / t ba ɡr fi/ 自传
demography /d m ɡr fi/ 人口统计学
20. estate / ste t/ n.[C](通常指农村的)大片私有土地,庄园;住宅区;工业区;[C,U]个人财产;(尤指)遗产
real estate:[U]房地产(real) estate agent: 房地产经纪人
21. accountant / ka nt nt/ n.会计;会计师
count v. 计数; 数数; 重要; 有影响
account v.占(比例); 认为; 说明; 总计 n. 账户; 解释; 记载
on account of 因为,由于account for 对...做出解释
by (from) all accounts 根据各种说法
keep an account of 记录
take something into account 将...考虑进去
on no account 绝不
turn something to good account 利用;善用
21.spy /spa / n.密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动
vt.突然看见;发现to suddenly see or notice
(spy -- spies -- spying -- spied)
spy on (sb/sth) 暗中监视;侦查
spy (sth.) out 暗中查明
spy sb doing sth   看到有人在做某事
①They’re using villagers to spy  on  each other.
②I spy someone  coming  (come) up the garden path yesterday evening.
【写美】 完成句子
③Ellen suddenly  spied her friend in the crowd  .
【练透】 单句语法填空P103
spied her friend in the crowd 
I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do.
I wish I were a bird and could fly wherever I want.
I wish (that)+宾语从句(虚拟语气):
【练透】 单句语法填空P103
①I wish I  had been  (be) at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday.
②How I wish I  could  (can) win the lottery中彩票 and fulfill all my dreams and desires.
had been 
【写美】 完成句子
③How I wish  I could become an astronaut in the future  !
④I wish  I could go back in time and correct my past mistakes  .
I could become an astronaut in the future 
I could go back in time and correct my past mistakes 
表示“命令,建议,要求”等的动词,如 suggest, order, insist 等后的宾语从句,谓语动词用“should do”,should 经常省略。
一坚持(要求) insist
二命令 order command
三建议 advice, suggest, propose
四要求 demand, desire, request, require
I suggest that we (should) set off at once.
I recommend that everyone (should) attend the party.
当suggest 表示“暗示,表明”insist表示“坚持认为”时,从句不用虚拟语气。
The smile on his face suggested that he agreed to this plan.
The boy insisted that he hadn’t broken the window.
Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I ________ (dance) as well as her.
I wish he__________(go) home last weekend.
-Can you come to attend our party tonight
-Sorry, but I do wish I ________.
4. I insist he _____________(pay) back my book tomorrow.
had gone
(should) pay
However, it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance.
①It is+形容词(important/necessary/useful ...)+to do ...
②It is+名词(a pity/surprise/wonder ...)+that ...
③It is+形容词(amazing/surprising/wonderful ...)+that ...
④It is+过去分词(said/reported/believed ...)+that ...
⑤It seems/happens/appears/matters(有重大影响;事关紧要) ...+that ...
【写美】 完成句子P104
①  It is important for students to study diligently  in order to achieve academic success.
②  It is obvious that  the temperature changes when the season changes.
③  It is necessary that we have social connections  and relationships for our emotional well-being.
④It is difficult that  we break bad habits and create/form/develop positive ones  .
It is important for students to study diligently 
It is obvious that 
It is necessary that we have social connections 
we break bad habits and create/form/develop positive ones
22.justice / d st s/ n.公平;公正;合理(OPP. injustice)
just adj.公正的;正义的;正当的;合理的
[(OPP.unjust) SYN. fair (OPP. unfair)]
adv. 正好;恰好/只是;仅仅是/正当...时/刚才;方才
the criminal justice system 刑法体系
fairness and justice 公平和公正
They are demanding equal rights and justice.
Children have a strong sense of justice.
Justice has long arms.
23. accuse / kju z/ vt. 控告;控诉;谴责
accuse sb of (doing) sth 因某事而控告/指责某人
=charge sb.with (doing) sth.
There was a huge debate about whether the reporter should be accused of spying on the star couple.
accusation / kju ze ( )n/ n. 控告;起诉
accusing adj. 谴责的;指责的
(the)accused / kju zd/ n.被告
accuser / kju z (r)/ n.指控方
be accused of=be charged with被控告
【辨析】 accuse, charge, blame
accuse 控告;控诉;谴责。accuse sb of (doing) sth指控某人(做了)某事
charge 控告;谴责。charge sb with (doing) sth指控某人(做了)某事
blame 责备,谴责;归咎于,归罪于。blame sb for sth因某事指责某人;blame sth on sb把某事归咎于某人
【练透】 选词填空(accuse, charge, blame)P103
①That his friends _______ him of not being honest made Jack very angry.
②He was _______ with murder yesterday, which made us all surprised.
③On no account should the soldiers be ______ for what happened.
【写美】 补全句子
④He _________________________________ fake certificates.
was accused of making and selling
与accuse sb.of sth.结构相似的短语:
warn sb.of sth. 提醒/警告某人某事
inform sb.of sth. 通知某人某事
convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事
cure sb.of sth. 治愈某人的疾病
rob sb.of sth. 抢劫某人的某物
rid sb.of sth. 使某人摆脱某事
suspect sb.ofsth. 怀疑某人某事
e to a conclusion 得出结论= draw a conclusion
arrive at /lead to/ reach / draw / make a conclusion
总而言之in conclusion /on balance/all in all
to conclude/in a word /to sum up/in brief/in short on all
I find it difficult to come to a conclusion.
They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.
The boss finally drew a conclusion that the lady wasn't the right person for the job.
②After hours of debate and analysis, we  came to/arrived at/reached/drew the conclusion that the new marketing strategy  would be the most effective.
came to the conclusion
that the new marketing strategy 
【写美】 完成句子
【练透】 单句语法填空P108
①When the Prime Minister is about to finish his speech, he always  concludes  (conclude) it with important points.
25. greedy / ɡri di/ adj.贪婪的;贪心的
out of greed 出于贪婪;因为贪吃
be greedy for sth./ to do sth. 贪图/渴望...
=be eager/longing/dying to do sth.
=long to do sth. /desire to do sth.
greedily / ɡri d li/ adv.贪婪地
greed /ɡri d/ n.贪婪, 贪心
①I’m greedy to visit the Great Wall some day.
②She is greedy and selfish.
③He was driven by greed for money and power.
be greedy to do渴望做
①They’re not professional actors,yet they’re greedy  for  applause on stage.
②He as well as his children was greedy  to see  (see) the tiger show in the circus.
【写美】 完成句子
③  His greedy ambitions  led him to step on others to climb the corporate
/ k p r t/ ladder(企业阶梯,公司的晋升制度).
to see 
【练透】 单句语法填空P107
His greedy ambitions 
26. entrepreneur [ ntr pr n (r)]: n. 创业者; 企业家 enterprise [ ent pra z]: n. 公司; 企业 单位; 事业单位
27. receptionist /r sep n st/ n.接待员
receive v.收到;接到/遭受;经受/接待;接见
reception /r sep ( )n/ n. 接待处;欢迎会;欢迎
receptive /r sept v/ adj.愿意倾听的;乐于接受的
28. socialist / s l st/ adj. 社会主义的 n. 社会主义者
munist / k mj n st/ adj.共产主义的 n.共产主义者
society/s sa ti/ n. 社会;社群
social / s ( )l/ adj.社会的=societal /s sa tl/
socially adv.在社会上;善于社交地
socialism / s l z( )m/ n. 社会主义
socialistic / s l st k/ adj.社会主义的
communism / k mj n z m/ n. 共产主义
communistic / k mj n st k/ adj.共产主义的
the Chinese Communist Party: 中国共产党(CCP)
30. dedicate / ded ke t/ vt.把……奉献给
dedicated / ded ke t d/ adj. 献身的;专心致志的;专用的
dedication n. 献身;奉献;(书、音乐或作品前部的)献词
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to our English teacher who has dedicated herself to our education.
The story we just read highlighted the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving success.
dedicate oneself to/sth to (doing) sth 把…奉献给; 致力于… =devote…to sth/doing sth…
= be devoted/ committed to sth/doing sth.
31. fox /f ks/ n.狐狸;狡猾的人
foxy adj.狡猾的
32. council/ ka ns( )l/ n. 委员会,理事会;政务委员会
a city/county/district council: 市/郡(县) /区政务委员会
33. canal /k n l/n. 运河; 灌溉渠
river: n. 江河
stream: n. 小河; 溪
brook: n. 溪; 小河
the Panama/Suez Canal: 巴拿马运河/苏伊士运河
34. attend vt.出席;参加;照顾;护理vi.专心;留意
attend / tend/ to 关怀;照料;处理
= look after= take care of=watch over=pay attention to
Attend to the lecture, or you will learn nothing.
I have some urgent business to attend to.
attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding/school/church
【练透】 单句语法填空P114
①His father passed away recently.He had to attend  to  his affairs.
②If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone  who/that  is hurt or injured, you care for them.
【写美】 完成句子
③I feel greatly honoured  to have been invited to attend this international conference  .
to have been invited to attend this international
35. supervise / su p va z/ vt.&vi. 主管(in charge of) 指导;监督
supervisor / su p va z (r)/ n.监督人,[管理] 管理人;检查员
supervision / su p v ( )n/ n.监督,管理
under supervision 在监督之下
without supervision 无人照看
The drug should only be used under medical supervision .
36. sew /s / vi.& vt. 缝制;缝;做针线活
sewed -sewn/sewed
sow/s /--sowed--sowed/sown (播种)
sew by hand/machine: 手工缝制/用机器缝
sew sth onto...: 把什么钉在什么上
sew ... back on: 把什么接上
sew up: 缝合; 缝补
do some sewing:缝衣服
a sewing/washing machine: 缝纫机/洗衣机
37. intermediate / nt mi di t/
adj.中级的;中等的;中间的 n.中级学生
advanced高级的 proficient /pr f ( )nt/熟练的
表示初级一般用primary, 表示高级用advanced。
38. priority /pra r ti/ n. [C]优先事项; 首要的事; 优先
prior / pra (r)/ adj. 优先的;在前的
prior to 在……之前
give priority to 优先考虑;认为优先
have/take priority over 优先于…
according to priority 依次
top priority 当务之急; 首要任务
I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years,so I know how to lead and decide on priorities.
①The government gave (top) priority to reforming the legal system.
②The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
【写美】 完成句子P114
①You must decide what your  priorities  (priority) are.
②According to the chemist, it is important to enrich the soil prior  to  planting crops.
③We  give priority to  projects affecting people’s well-being in allocating public resources.
④To manage your time effectively, you need to  list your tasks in order of priority  .
give priority to 
list your tasks in order of
39. proficiency /pr f ( )nsi/ n. [U]熟练;娴熟;精通~ (in sth/in doing sth)
develop proficiency提高熟练程度
a high level of oral proficiency in English一口流利的英语
a certificate of language proficiency语言水平证书
proficient /pr f ( )nt/ adj.熟练的;精通的;训练有素的
be proficient (in/at sth /doing sth)
proficiently adv.精通地
40.finance / fa n ns/ n.资金;财政;金融 v.提供资金
financial /fa n n ( )l/ adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的
financially adv. 财政上;金融上
finance an enterprise 供给企业资金
international finance 国际金融
finance department 财务部;财政部;财会部
finance for ... 用于…的资金
financial crisis 金融危机;财政危机
41.receipt/r si t/ n. 发票,收据;接收
make out/ write a receipt: 写收据
42. certificate /s t f k t/ n. 合格证书;证明
certificated adj. 有执业资格的
certify / s t fa / v. 证明证实;颁发专业合格证书
certified adj.有合格证书的,合格的,达到标准的
diploma /d pl m / n.文凭课程; 毕业文凭
43. desert / dez t/ n. 沙漠;荒漠 v. 抛弃;舍弃;离弃
deserted adj.无人居住的;被抛弃的
dessert [d z t]: n. (饭后)甜点; 甜食
44. employer/ m pl (r)/ n. 雇主
employee/ m pl i / n. 雇员
employ / m pl /
v. 雇用;使用,利用;忙于,从事(be employed in)
n. 受雇(in the employ of)
employable/ m pl bl/ adj. 适宜雇用的;称职的
employment/ m pl m nt/ n. 雇用;使用;利用;工作,就业
45. acquire / kwa (r)/ vt. 获得; 购得
(acquires acquiring acquired acquired)
to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour;
to obtain sth by buying or being given it
acquired / kwa d/ adj. [医] 后天的;已获得的
acquirement n. 取得;学得;才能
acquisition / kw z ( )n/ n. 获得 ,习得, 购买, 收购
acquire knowledge/skills 获得知识/技能
an acquired taste 爱好;嗜好
acquire a reputation for ... 得到……的名声
acquire good habits 养成好习惯
acquire a good knowledge of ... ...学地很好
①He acquired a good knowledge  of  English by careful study.
②It is by learning that we can acquire the habit of  thinking  (think) logically.
【写美】 完成句子
③  In order to acquire a better understanding of Tang poems  , I advise you to learn some brief history of the Tang Dynasty in advance.
【练透】 单句语法填空
In order to acquire a better understanding of Tang poems 
 I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years, so I know how to lead and decide on priorities.
 As she was struggling about which one to choose, the teacher gave her a clue.
(3)动词tell、 show、 understand、 know、 explain、 teach、 learn、 advise等常接“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语。
句中how to lead and decide on priorities是“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在句中作谓语动词know的宾语。“疑问词+动词不定式”结构用法如下:
(3)动词tell、 show、 understand、 know、 explain、 teach、 learn、 advise等常接“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语。
【练透】 单句语法填空P116
①When and where  to hold  (hold) the meeting remains to be discussed further.
②I really don’t know whether  to accept  (accept) her invitation or not.
to hold 
to accept 
【写美】 完成句子
③Li Jiang and Su Hua  don’t agree on what to wear  when greeting the British students.
④The book provides you with some practical strategies on  how to win friends and influence people  .
don’t agree on what to wear 
how to win friends
and influence people