人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Words and Expressions 词汇导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Words and Expressions 词汇导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-16 13:16:12



Unit 3 Book 3 Diverse Cultures
New Words and Expressions
Class____________ Name____________
学习目标: 1. Read the words correctly.
Master the usage of some key words and phrases.
Translate sentences using related words.
Autonomous learning; Think independently (自主先学,独立思考)
diverse adj. 不同的,多种多样的; n. diversity
a diversity of = diversities of = a variety of = varieties of 多种多样的
fortune n. 机会,运气 misfortune n. 厄运;不幸
fortunate adj. 幸运的 adv. fortunately
unfortunate adj. 不幸地 adv. unfortunately
admit v. 承认,准许进入 admitted - admitted
be admitted into / to 被录取; 允许进入
admission 承认;入场费;门票费;
With his eyes in tears he admitted ____________(cheat) in the final exam.
occur vi. 发生,出现 occurred- occurred - occurrence n. 发生;出现;存在
It occurred to sb that ... 某人突然想到......
联想:It struck / hit sb that ...
seek v. 寻找,争取;请求 sought-sought
In early years he went to seek his fortune in a foreign country. ________________
Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends and seeking for your dreams. ________
claim v. n. 声称,断言;夺取生命;索要,认领;
Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fighting against cancer. ________
Over 3000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. _______________
So far nobody has claimed the money discovered in the library. __________________
settle v. 定居;结束(争论); 解决(纠纷)
n. settlement 定居点;协议;解决
settle down 安定下来; 平静下来
After a long discussion, the two sides reached a _____________(settle).
When are you going to get married and settle down _______________
construction n. 建筑;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构 v. construct
under construction 正在建设中,在施工
under repair _____________ under control ___________
(at) first hand 第一手;亲自
at hand 在手边;在附近; 即将到来 by hand _____________
hand in hand _______________ on (the) one hand, on the other hand ____________
contain v. 包含;含有; 容纳; 抑制
The little girl couldn’t contain herself with delight when she received her birthday present. 小女孩收到生日礼物时高兴得控制不住自己。
Consolidation in class
I. Word Formation
1. diverse n. _____________________
3. admit n. _________pt/pp._________
5. occur pt. __________pp.___________
7. minor n. ______________________
9. poison adj. ____________________
11. collect n. ____________________
13. boot pl. ______________________
2. fortune adj. __________adv.__________
4. definite adv. ____________________
6. seek pt. _________ pp. ___________
8. finance adj. ____________________
10. herb adj. _____________________
12. construct n.____________________
14. select n. _____________________
II. Key phrases
1. 各种各样的_______________________ 2. 被......录取______________________
3. 某人突然想到_____________________ 4. 第一手,亲自 ___________________
5. (朝)前进_______________________ 6. 寻找成功致富之路________________
7. 谋生_____________________________ 8. 一系列,一连串__________________
9. 除了......之外,此外________________ 10. 九死一生_______________________
11. 定居下来 ________________________ 12. 在建设中_______________________
13. 仅举几例_______________________ 14. 对......适合______________________
plete the following sentences
1. Jason applied for ____________(admit) to more than one university and was finally ______________(admit) to a key university.
2. A lot of ____________(poison) waste water come from that chemical factory and many animals are ____________(poison) after drinking the water.
3. As far as I am concerned, his new poetry is not ___________(suit) for children in the kindergarten.
4. In our class, the students who keep journals every day are in a ____________(minor).
5. I have to admit that it _____________(definite) feels good to be back in the city again.
6. ______________(fortunate), the climate in our city is fairly mild.
IV. Sentence translation
1. 这对双胞胎试图做一顿美味的早餐,但是失败了。因此,他们突然想起向他们亲爱的爸爸征求意见。 (seek; occur)
位于我们城市南部,绿湖附近的一个迷人的公园,正在建设中。(under construction)
让我害怕和震惊的是,我的马开始疯狂地奔跑,好像它要被杀死似的。(what 引导主语从句)
cheating; 5. 寻找成功致富之路; 追求; 6. 声称;夺取生命;认领 7. settlement;
安定下来 8. 在修理中; 在控制下; 9. 用手; 手拉手,密切联系; 一方面...另一方面
diversity 2. fortunate,fortunately 3.admission,admitted 4.definitely 5.occurred, occurred 6.sought,sought 7. minority 8.financial 9.poisonous
10. herbal 11.collection 12.construction 13. boots 14. selection
1. a diversity of/diversities of 2.be admitted into 3.It occurred to/hit/struck sb. that... 4. at first hand 5.head to 6. seek one’s fortune 7.earn/make a living 8.(a) series of 9.apart from/aside from 10.a narrow escape 11. settle down 12.under construction 13.to name but a few 14.be suitable for
admission; admitted 2. poisonous; poisoned 3. suitable 4. minority 5. definitely
The twins sought to make a delicious breakfast, but failed. Therefore, it occurred to them to seek advice from their beloved father.
An attractive park, located in the south of our city, is under construction near the Green lake.
What made me scared and shocked was that my horse began running wildly as if it were to be killed.