人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 词汇导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 词汇导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 19.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-17 12:41:46



选择性必修一 unit4单词 part1
1 vary /veari/ n.
1) vi (大小、形状等)相异;不同(differ):
vary considerably / greatly/ widely 大不相同
vary from person to person 因人而异
2) vi 变化;vt改变:
Class activities will vary from day to day.班级活动每天都会有变化。
varied adj各种各样的;形形色色的
vary,variable,variation,varied, variety, various, variously
2 differ v. differ from...
different adj. be different from.....
3 favour v&n. favourite adj.
4 break down (车,机器等)坏了;(身体)跨了
break away (from) 摆脱;脱离;破除(旧习,陈俗)
break in 强行进入;插语;打岔
break into 强行进入;打进
break out 突然发生,爆发
break out of (从囚禁处)跑出,摆脱
break through 冲破,突破
5 anger n & v--angry adj.
6 rely on sb to do依赖某人去做某事
rely on sb. doing 指望某人做某事
rely on sb for sth 依靠某人某事
rely on/upon it that 相信…,指望…
7 bend--bent--bent
8 in others words
9 educate v.--educated. adj.--education n.--educator n.
During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France.
2)占用/占去(时间、空间)(take up):
His speech occupied only three minutes.他的演讲仅用了三分钟。
The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.床似乎占据了大半个房间。
His work occupies him for the whole day.
occupation /pkjuperfn/l
a country under occupation 被占领的国家
What do you imagine will be your future occupation
occupied adj
2) [不用于名词前]被占用的;有人使用的:
Sorry, this seat is occupied. 抱歉,这个座位有人了。
be occupied with (doing) sth / (in) doing sth:
I have been so occupied with work that I haven't had time for social activities.工作太忙,我一直没有时间参加社会活动。
1.Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.2. My doctor said I should vary my diet more.
3.You may rely on ___ that he will come to meet you.
4.I rely on her __________(pay) back the money.
5.I rely on her ______ help.
6. He's fully ______(occupy) looking after three small
1.stare at....
2. anxiety n.
He was waiting for his brother's return with acute / A deep anxiety.他极度焦虑地等待兄弟的归来。
anxiety for knowledge 求知欲
anxious adj.
1)忧虑的;焦虑的 feeling worried or nervous (worried):
be anxious for sb / about sth 为某人/某事忧虑
2)令人焦虑的causing worry,fear and nerves (worrying):
We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.我们惴惴不安地过了几个星期,等待着考试成绩出来
3)焦急的;急切的 wanting sth very much (keen):
① (be) anxious to do sth:
The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. 文母建议旅行期间住宾馆,但孩子们急切想去露营。
② (be) anxious + (that) ... should do sth:
He was anxious that they should have all they want. 他希望他们得到所有想要的东西。
anxiously/aenkfasli/ adv 忧虑地;不安地
3 call on①拜访(某人): I'll take a walk and then call on some friends.
We call on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
4 adjust
1) vt调整;调节:
adjust the indoor temperature 调节室内温度
Watch out for the sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.当心急转弯并相应调整速度。
2) vi & vt(使)适应;(使)习惯(adapt):
well-adjusted 能适应环境的
Over the years, we all learned to adjust and to become more comfortable with each other.几年来, 我们都学会了适应,学会了彼此宽容。
** adjust to (doing) sth:
After a while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the cave.过了一会儿,我的眼睛适应了山洞里的黑暗。
It took him a while to adjust to working night shifts. 他过了一段时间才适应了上夜班。
**adjust oneself to sth:
You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life.你将很快适应学生生活。
**adjustable /a'd3Astabl/ adj可调整的;可调节的:
an adjustable seat 可调节座椅
**adjustment n[C]&[U] 调整;调节;适应:
I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situarion.我努力适应这里的新环境
1 Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about / over their first day at school.
2Millions of jobless Americans might be suffering in anxiety and lacking a sense of security.
3His anxiety to win the vote was obvious.
4Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone She was anxious (that) it might be cancer.
5 My mother always gets a bit anxious if we don't arrive when we say we will.