人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture巩固复习练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture巩固复习练(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 19.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-17 12:52:26



Book5 unit 3 复习巩固
prior adj.先前的;早前的____________n.优先, 优先权; 优先事项
consist vi.由...组成____________ adj.前后一致的;连续的______________adv.连续地
stuff n.东西 v.把...填进___________ adj.塞满的
elegant adj.优雅的____________n.优雅
except prep.除...之外____________ n.例外____________ adj.特别的;罕见的____________ adv.极其;非常
consume vt.消耗;消费______________n.消耗; 消费______________n.消费者
vegetable n.蔬菜______________n.素食者
stable adj.稳定的_______________ n.稳定性______________adj.不稳定的
associate vt.把...联系起来 vi.交往;结交 n.同事 adj.副的_________________ adj.有关的;有联系的_________________n.联系;联想;关联;协会
regard vt.将...视为 n.尊敬;致敬,问候______________adv.不顾______________ prep.关于
moderate adj.适度的______________n.适度;合理
idea n.主意______________adj.理想的 n.理想中的人/事物______________n.理想主义______________n.理想主义者
fundamental adj.基础的;根本的;十分重大的 n.(常用复数)基本原理;根本法则;基础________________ adv.基础地;根本地
modest adj.谦虚的;不太大的;不太贵的______________n.谦虚
trick n.诡计;把戏 vt.欺骗______________ adj.棘手的;难对付的
1.priority 2.consistent;consistently 3.stuffed 4.elegance 5.exception;exceptional;exceptionally 6.consumption;consumer 7.vegetarian 8.stability;unstable 9.associated;association 10.regardless;regarding 11.moderation 12.ideal;idealism;idealist 13.fundamentally 14.modesty 15.tricky
put more ______(simple) 简单地说
relate ...... ____...... 把......和......联系起来
refer _____指的是
seem ______(do)//___ seems that...似乎,好像
___ case in point一个很好的例子
prior ____... 在......之前的
consist ____...由......组成
___ authentic Chinese recipe 地道的中餐做法
_____ the one hand...on the _______ hand...
be afraid of ____(do) sth. 害怕做某事
be afraid ______(do) sth.
have a chance ______(do) 有机会做某事
look ____ a good place _____(eat)
have _____ idea 不知道
fill our table ______... 把我们的桌子摆满......
have the pleasure ______experiencing ____ entirely new taste
move _____sp.搬到某地
_____the eastern part of North China
boiled dumplings serve ______ vinegar
be important ______... 对......重要
join___ to help加入进来帮忙
____ a result因此
____a minimum至少
tend _______(do)往往做
go hand_____ hand 密切相关
____ it is实际上
regardless ____不管,不顾
the rest _____... ......的剩余
less ______少于
_____other words换言之
cut down_____ 减少,节省
cut ______ 停止,除去,裁剪
be full____充满
rather ____而不是
________(process) foods加工食品
have higher quantities ______sugar
as______ ......如同......,和......一样
a fundamental key_______...
______ the same time 同时
start _____ having a healthy attitude _______ food始于有一个健康的饮食态度
up ____you取决于你
Keys: 1.simply 2.to 3.to 4.to do; It 5.a 6.to 7.of 8.an 9.on; other 10.doing; to do 11.to do 12.for; to eat 13.no 14.with 15. of; an 16.to 17.in 18.with 19.to 20.in 21.as 22.at 23.to do 24.in 25.to 26.up 27.as 28.of 29.of 30.than 31.in 32.on 33.out 34.of 35.than 36.processed 37.of 38.with 39.to 40.at 41.with; towards/to 42.to
1. Most of these new tools and services have been marked to the ___________(consume).
2. We recommend that you solve all errors prior ______ testing the system.
3. Our greatest happiness consists _____ serving the people.
4. The teacher came in with some students __________(follow) him.
5. ____________(exhaust), I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.
6. Put more ________(simple), happiness lies in hard work.
7. Let us go hand _____ hand to create a more harmonious society.
8. The football team, _____________(consist) of 22 players and three coaches, was set up about 3 years ago.
9. I _______(do) study English in university.
10. __________ surprised me most was his way of speaking.
11. With the _____________(popular) of smart phones, people gradually lose their appetite ______ watching TV, which makes TV a ______________(decorate) of the house.
12. Since there is still much to do in this area, this will be the focus _______ least for the next 150 years.
13. Mountains are regarded ______ spiritual places by many cultures.
14. Unfortunately, last spring he had his house seriously __________(damage) in the unexpected hurricane.
15.Treating the whole thing _____ a joke, my uncle ignored the importance of the matter.
16. My parents _____________(live) in this city for a long time before 1990.
17. Please slice _____ enough meat for your dinner, and put the rest back.
18. The scenery of Daming Lake is so ____________ that it _________ hundreds of visitors at home every year, and it also has much _______________ for foreigners. (attract)
19. It was eleven years since I ____________________(graduate) from university.
20. My father asked me if I ________________(finish) reading that book.
21. I received the sad news that he ______________________(kill) in an accident.
22. Li Ming went to London last year, which was the first time that he _____________(go) abroad.
23. The situation has changed _________(有点;稍微) since we last met.
24. All these results are _____ consistent with theoretical predictions.
25. He insisted that he ___________________(send) there.
26. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick ______ them.
27. ________ regard to a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.
28. I’d advise you to be in ___________(associate) with him, because he’s a kind guy.
29.Large ____________(quantity) of clothes and food ____________(provide) for the earthquake area.
30. The trip to Paris will be _____ ideal opportunity to practise my French.
31. She always associates the smell of fresh bread ______ her grandmother, who loves baking.
32. I think it’s very unkind of you ____________(make) up stories about him.
33. The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless ______ race, religion, or sex.
34.He cut down ______ coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.
35. Happiness consists ______ contentment.
36.The most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls __________(stuff) with sliced Chinese green onions.
37.Lighting accounts _____ about 7% of the total electricity ___________(consume) in the US.
38. Fresh air is _____________(fundament) to good health.
Keys: 1.consumers 2.to 3.in 4.following 5.Exhausted 6.simply 7.in 8.consisting 9.did 10.What 11.popularity; for; decoration 12.at 13.as 14.damaged 15.as 16.had lived 17.off 18.attractive; attracts; attraction 19.had graduated 20.had finished 21.had been killed 22.had gone 23.somewhat 24.in 25.(should) be sent 26.on 27.With/In 28.association 29.quantities; are provided 30.an 31.with 32.to make 33.of 34.on 35.in 36.stuffed 37.for; consumed 38.fundamental
Before I came to China, the Chinese food I 1.________(have)inAmericawaschanged to suit American tastes.Later, I had a chancetoexperienceauthentic ChinesefoodinChina.Whenmyfamily and I had just arrived in China, we wentto a Sichuan restaurant, 2._______ had been recommended to us bya friend.There,we had the pleasure of experiencing an3.______ (entire) new taste:Sichuanpeppercorns.WesoonwenttoShandong Province in the eastern part of NorthChina.My favourite dish therewas boileddumplings 4. _______( serve)withvinegar.I found 5._______( make )dumplings has always been a family
affair witheveryone.Besides,anotherkindoffoodimpressed me a lot, named pancake rolls stuffed6._____
sliced Chinese green onions.Then we went to northern Xinjiang, where wetasted the 7._________(tradition)
foods---usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lambkebab. Then our travels took 8.______ (we) toSouth China, and then on to centralChina. Everywhere we went, we experiencedwonderful local 9._______(dish). Thoughthe food was as varied as the people, Chinesepeople showed friendship and 10.________(kind) in each place.
There is much debate nowadays as to______makes up a healthy diet. For example, scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food. However, there is increasing evidence______the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar. Put more _______(simple), while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a _______(kill).Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks. The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves_____ less than 100-150 calories a day from sugar. In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether.
Beyond this, you can keep healthy_____consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, which are full of vitamins and fibre, rather than ________(process) foods. Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have _____(high) quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. The ideal diet is a balanced one, without too much or too little of any one thing.
Finally, a fundamental key____ healthy eating is to eat slowly. People who chew too quickly end up_____( eat) too much food because they still feel hungry. It is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time, rather than to eat a lot in one meal, and then a little in the next.
There is no one trick to healthy eating. Rather, healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food. One question you can ask yourself is, “Do I eat to live, or live to eat ” If you are using food ______(most) for nutrition, then you are on the right track with your diet. However, if food has become the centre of your life, you might be on the road to bad health.It is up to you ___(decide) how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
Keys: 课文一:1.had had 2.which 3.entirely 4.served 5.making 6.with 7.traditional 8.us 9.dishes 10.kindness
课文二:what; that; simply; killer; to; by; processed; higher; to; eating; mostly; to decide