人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land 词汇导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land 词汇导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-17 12:53:19



选择性必修二 unit4单词part1
1. airline n.航空公司
international airlines国际航空公司 an airline pilot航空公司飞行员
2. bay n.海或湖的)湾
3. craft n.手艺;工艺;技艺 traditional crafts传统工艺
a craft fair/workshop手工艺品交易会/制作车间
an aircraft/a spacecraft 飞机/宇宙飞船
4. antique n.古物;古董a.古老的;古董的
5.pleasant a.令人愉快的;友好的
a pleasant climate /evening/ place令人愉快的气候/夜晚/地方
What a pleasant surprise!这真是一桩令人又惊又喜的事!
live in pleasant surroundings生活在宜人的环境中
music that is pleasant to the ear悦耳的音乐
a pleasant environment to work in舒适的工作
pleasantly adv.令人愉快地;友好地
6. arise vi.( arose, arisen)起身;出现;由…起(无被动;无进行)
arise from/out of… 由……引起;因……产生
7. massive a 巨大的;非常严重的
a massive rock一块巨大的岩石
the massive walls of the castle厚实坚固的城堡围墙
a massive increase in spending开支的大幅度增加
mass n.团;块;堆;大量;许多
a mass of / masses of… 大量的;许多的
8. literally ad.字面上;真正地
He translated this article literally .他一字一句地翻译这篇文章。
The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people around the world.全世界确实有几十亿人观看了奥林匹克运动会。
She was literally blue with cold.她真的冷得全身青紫。
9. breath n.呼吸的空气
hold one's breath屏住呼吸
lose one’s breath喘不过气来
catch one’s breath喘息;恢复正常呼吸
take a deep breath深呼吸
be out of breath喘不上气
draw in a breath of fresh air 吸一口清新的空气
breath taking adj.令人赞叹的
breathe v.呼吸breathe deeply深呼吸breathe in 吸气breathe out 呼气
breathless adj.令人屏息的breathlessly adv. 令人屏息地
10. take sb’s breath away 令人惊叹
11. bound a.准备前往(某地);一定会
(be) bound for准备前往
be bound to do sth一定会做某事;有义务做某事
【 学生】
He recognized that most of his mistakes arose _________ his carelessness in the exam.
He had to ___________(rise/raise) his voice to make himself heard.
The price of petrol has ___________(rise) sharply since last month.
I was out _________ breath when I climbed up to the top of the mountain.
She likes dancing rather than ___________(sing).
I think Tom, rather than you, __________(be) to blame.
I would fail rather than __________(cheat) in the exam.
I preferred to fail rather than ____________(cheat) in the exam.
This is such a difficult question ___________ nobody can work it out.
This is such a difficult question ____________ nobody can work out.
He was fond of reading gradually, __________ made our English teacher very happy.
It was not until yesterday _____________ I noticed it.
Not until I became monitor of our class did I realized the importance of team work.(改错)
According to the expert, the vase has a long history ________(date) back to the early Tang Dynasty.
While ______________(enjoy) the meal, some talented students gave a wonderful folk dance performance, making the elderly very happy.
选择性必修二 unit4单词part2
1. scenery n 风景;景色
enjoy the scenery欣赏风景
2. awesome a.令人惊叹的;可怕的;很好的
an awesome sight惊人的奇观 awesome beauty令人惊叹之美
3. peak n.顶峰;山峰;尖形
reach the peak达到巅峰 at the peak of … ……的高峰期
peak hours(交通、用电等的)高峰时间 a peak season 旺季
4. highlight n.最好或最精彩的部分vt.突出;强调;使醒目
the highlights of the match比赛中最精彩的部分
I've highlighted the important passages in yellow. 我用黄色标出了重要段落。
5. drill vi.&vt.钻(孔);打(眼)n.钻(头);训练;演习
drill for oil/water/gas钻井探油/水/气
drill down 自顶向下搜索;向下钻取
drill sb to do sth训练某人做某事
fire drill消防演练
6. freezing a. 极冷的;冰冻的
above/below freezing冰点以上/以下 a freezing winter 寒冷的冬季
freezing cold 极冷的;冻僵的—burning hot 酷热的—pretty ill 病得厉害
freeze vi.&vt.( froze, frozen)结冰;(使)冻住
nearly freeze to death 差点冻死
be frozen with terror/fear 因害怕而惊呆
frozen adj.冷冻的;冻僵的be frozen with fear被吓呆了
7. anticipate vt.预料;预见;期望
It is anticipated that…据预测…….
anticipate doing sth.预计做某事;期待做某事
anticipation n. 预料;预见;期望
in anticipation of 期待;预期
8. thunder vi. 打雷;轰隆隆地响;轰隆隆地快速移动n.雷声;轰隆声
thunder and lightning雷电 the thunder of applause 雷鸣般的掌声
9. frost n.霜;严寒天气;霜冻vt.使蒙上霜.结霜 frosty adj.严寒的;霜冻的
a sharp/hard/severe frost酷寒
frost damage霜冻害
The car windows were covered with frost.ao.车窗玻璃结了霜。
10. contrary a.相反的;相对立的n.相反的事实(或事情)
on the contrary (做状语)相反的是
to the contrary相反的(起形容词作用,作后置定语)
Show me the evidence to the contrary. contrary to 相反的;相对立的
11. astonish vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊
astonish sb with/by sth通过某事使某人感到惊讶
astonish+-ed→astonished adj.感到惊讶的
be astonished to do sth.因做某事而感到惊讶
be astonished at/by ...对……感到吃惊
It astonishes/astonished sb that… 令某人惊讶的是……
astonish+-ing→astonishing adj.令人惊讶的
astonish+-ment-astonishment n.震惊
to one's astonishment令人惊讶的是 in astonishment惊讶地;惊奇地
【 学生】
If ___________(accept) for the job, you’ll be informed soon.
If is necessary, you should turn to your parents.(改错)
Before starting out, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver, _______(see) the sights.
_________(see) from the train window, the mountains and forest of Canada looked massive.
His words were _________, which made people ___________. (discourage)
The _____ look on her face suggested that she was ________ by the ______ scene. (frighten)
If _________(catch), the thief will be punished by the police.
Just now I saw Jimmy sitting under the tree, ________(absorb) in his video games.
__________(move) by the teacher’s words, the boy cried.
Once ___________(speak), a word becomes a promise.
Once ____________(pour), water cannot be taken back again.