Unit 5 Lesson 25-27
单词 音标 含义 例句
pay /pe / 支付 I need to pay for my groceries.
bake /be k/ 烤 I love to bake cookies.
dollar / dɑ l r/ 美元 The dollar is the currency of the United States.
sixteen /s k ti n/ 十六 I am sixteen years old.
advertising / d v ta z / 广告 Advertising is a way of promoting products or services.
poster / po st r/ 海报 There was a poster for the concert on the wall.
cheap /t i p/ 便宜的 This shirt is very cheap.
pocket / pɑ k t/ 口袋 I put my phone in my pocket.
desk-cycle / d sk sa k l/ 自行车桌 A desk-cycle is a stationary bike that you can use while you work at your desk.
tie /ta / 领带 I always wear a tie to work.
while /wa l/ 同时,当...的时候 I was watching TV while I was eating dinner.
afford / f rd/ 负担得起 I can't afford to buy a new car.
cent /sent/ 美分 A cent is one hundredth of a dollar.
everyday / vr de / 日常的,每一天的 I wear the same clothes to school every day.
ladder / l d r/ 梯子 I used a ladder to climb up to the roof.
position /p z n/ 位置,职位 He is applying for a position at a new company.
congratulate /k n gr tj le t/ 祝贺 I congratulated her on her graduation.
including / n klu d / 包括 The price includes tax.
account / ka nt/ 账户 I have a bank account.
默词 音标 含义 完成句子
/pe / 支付 I need to _______________ for my groceries.
/be k/ 烤 I love to _______________ cookies.
/ dɑ l r/ 美元 The _______________ is the currency of the United States.
/s k ti n/ 十六 I am _______________ years old.
/ d v ta z / 广告 _______________ is a way of promoting products or services.
/ po st r/ 海报 There was a _______________ for the concert on the wall.
/t i p/ 便宜的 This shirt is very _______________.
/ pɑ k t/ 口袋 I put my phone in my _______________.
/ d sk sa k l/ 自行车桌 A _______________ is a stationary bike that you can use while you work at your desk.
/ta / 领带 I always wear a _______________ to work.
/wa l/ 同时,当...的时候 I was watching TV _______________ I was eating dinner.
/ f rd/ 负担得起 I can't _______________ to buy a new car.
/sent/ 美分 A _______________ is one hundredth of a dollar.
/ vr de / 日常的,每一天的 I wear the same clothes to school ____________ ____________.
/ l d r/ 梯子 I used a _______________ to climb up to the roof.
/p z n/ 位置,职位 He is applying for a _______________ at a new company.
/k n gr tj le t/ 祝贺 I _______________ her on her graduation.
/ n klu d / 包括 The price _______________ tax.
/ ka nt/ 账户 I have a bank _______________.
默词 音标 完成句子
/pe / I need to _______________ for my groceries.
/be k/ I love to _______________ cookies.
/ dɑ l r/ The _______________ is the currency of the United States.
/s k ti n/ I am _______________ years old.
/ d v ta z / _______________ is a way of promoting products or services.
/ po st r/ There was a _______________ for the concert on the wall.
/t i p/ This shirt is very _______________.
/ pɑ k t/ I put my phone in my _______________.
/ d sk sa k l/ A _______________ is a stationary bike that you can use while you work at your desk.
/ta / I always wear a _______________ to work.
/wa l/ I was watching TV _______________ I was eating dinner.
/ f rd/ I can't _______________ to buy a new car.
/sent/ A _______________ is one hundredth of a dollar.
/ vr de / I wear the same clothes to school ____________ ____________.
/ l d r/ I used a _______________ to climb up to the roof.
/p z n/ He is applying for a _______________ at a new company.
/k n gr tj le t/ I _______________ her on her graduation.
/ n klu d / The price _______________ tax.
/ ka nt/ I have a bank _______________.
单词 音标 含义 造句
pay /pe / 支付
bake /be k/ 烤
dollar / dɑ l r/ 美元
sixteen /s k ti n/ 十六
advertising / d v ta z / 广告
poster / po st r/ 海报
cheap /t i p/ 便宜的
pocket / pɑ k t/ 口袋
desk-cycle / d sk sa k l/ 自行车桌
tie /ta / 领带
while /wa l/ 同时,当...的时候
afford / f rd/ 负担得起
cent /sent/ 美分
everyday / vr de / 日常的,每一天的
ladder / l d r/ 梯子
position /p z n/ 位置,职位
congratulate /k n gr tj le t/ 祝贺
including / n klu d / 包括
account / ka nt/ 账户