

名称 广东省深圳市盐田高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-18 00:31:08


考试时间:120分钟 分数:130分
第一部分 基础知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the ______ of the crime.
A. assumption B. motive C. ambition D. welfare
2. These 18th-century oil painting are ______ so well that the visitors are greatly amazed.
A. analysed B. associated C. preserved D. assessed
3. The patient was still in danger, because his body ______ the new heart after the surgery.
A. attained B. restored C. rejected D. repaid
4. Silent Spring was regarded as a milestone in the ______ of the green movement in the Western World.
A. launch B. wisdom C. expression D. weapon
5. ______of the painstaking efforts, the businessman owed his achievements to all the setbacks and obstacles that stood in the way.
A. Reminded B. Recalling C. Being reminded D. Recalled
6. ________seems strange to us is ________the troublesome boy is getting along well with his teachers now.
A. It; that B. What; whether C. It; how D. What; that
7. He is the only one of his coworkers who _____ in the company for more than ten years.
A. has worked B. have worked C. were working D. are working
8. Since 1993, the number of people living in Old Montreal ________ from 100 to 6, 000.
A. has grown B. have grown C. is growing D. are growing
9. Mr. White, together with his wife and children, ______ by his friend to visit China last month.
A. have invited B. has been invited C. were invited D. was invited
10. The little deer escaped ______ by the lions and it managed ______ away.
A. to be caught; running B. to be caught; to run C. being caught; to run D. being caught; running
11. His job is taking notes of the participants’ speeches, while his task at that moment was ________ the necessary facilities.
A preparing B. prepare C. prepared D. to prepare
12. The biodiversity in Tibet is vast, with a wide range of species ________ in their natural habitats.
A. existing B. existed
C. exist D. being existed
13. Extensive renovations ______ to the old warehouse in the Westside area have brought the building back to good condition.
A. being made B. made C. having been made D. to be made
14. ________ with many other children, he found himself ________ with love and care all the way. It is no wonder that he grew to be a loving kid.
A. Compared; surrounded B. Compared; surrounding
C. Comparing; surrounding D. Comparing; surrounded
15. ________ children to understand the need to obey rules is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents.
A. Being educated B. Educating C. Having educated D. To be educated
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms (节气). Cold Dew (寒露), the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct. 8 and ends on Oct. 23. At this time, the dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe. Here are three things you should know about Cold Dew.
Foggy autumn
Temperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation (饱和状态), and then it turns into fog. When the humidity is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China.
Season for fishing
People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn makes sense. That’s because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine doesn’t reach deep water thoroughly. Fish swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high.
Season for drinking chrysanthemum (菊花) wine
Chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew. To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. This is a tradition of the Double Ninth Festival, which often falls around Cold Dew. According to ancient records, drinking wine made with chrysanthemums, poria cocos mushroom and pine oleoresin grants (给予) people long-lasting youth.
16 What is NOT the characteristic of Cold Dew
A. Wet weather. B. Low temperatures.
C. Foggy conditions. D. Fully-grown crops.
17. Why is Cold Dew a time for fishing
A. Because fish become mature in autumn.
B. Because fish move slowly in cold water.
C. Because fish eat more in low temperatures.
D. Because fish tend to gather in warm areas.
18. Which is the function of drinking chrysanthemum wine
A. Celebrating Cold Dew. B. Relieving people from autumn dryness.
C. Ensuring people a stronger build. D. Keeping people warm in low temperatures.
Like many others who are autistic (患自闭症的), Bobby Latheron has known for most of his life that there was something that made him different from his peers. As a child, he often preferred spending time with adults.
Throughout school, Bobby struggled. He suffered from panic attacks that would cause him to run out of the room crying, which made teachers view him as a “naughty child”. Then, at around 13 years old, he was officially diagnosed (诊断) with autism. But because autism was still so misunderstood, this didn’t improve his situation by much.
Still, Bobby persevered and made it to university. But after a while, he struggled academically here, too. Things were looking up when he switched to art, design, and photography, but he simply couldn’t do it. That’s when a kind teacher changed his life for the better.
“I was telling one of the music teachers about my life with autism—my relationships and my struggles,” Bobby tells InspireMore. “She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book about your life ’ So I did.”
This is how My World in My Words by Bobby Latheron came to be. When writing this book, Bobby remained incredibly focused. Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.
“I’m not here to say it’s always been perfect and that I haven’t made mistakes,” Bobby tells InspireMore, “but you have to learn in life.”
19. What can we infer about Bobby’s childhood
A. He behaved as a grown-up.
B. He had a happy childhood.
C. He was misunderstood at school.
D. He got along well with his teachers.
20. What gave Bobby the idea of writing
A. His desire for success. B. A teacher’s advice.
C. His unhappy experience. D. A wish to battle loneliness.
21. What is the main idea of paragraph 5
A. Bobby benefited from his book.
B. Bobby got more appreciation.
C. Bobby became more popular.
D. Bobby got a job opportunity.
22. Which word can best describe Bobby
A. Inspiring. B. Generous. C. Modest. D. Talented.
When Hurricane Ian made landfall on the southwest Florida coast as a Category 4 storm, it brought strong winds and heavy rain. It was a deadly hurricane, attacking more than four million people, and causing serious flooding and at least 150 deaths. However, during the disaster, there was one innovative community that weathered the storm well: Babcock Ranch, the brainchild of Syd Kitson.
Located 30 miles inland, Babcock Ranch is an environmentally friendly and fully sustainable town that Syd Kitson and his partners hoped would be hurricane proof. Its homes are built to go through severe weather without losing essential services like electricity, water, or the Internet. A significant factor in its design is that power and. Internet lines are buried to avoid wind damage. Additionally, large ponds surround the development to protect houses from flooding. As a backup, streets are designed to absorb floodwaters and spare the houses.
Central to Babcock Ranch’s sustainability is its extensive use of solar energy. The community possesses an 870-acre solar farm with 700,000 individual panels operated by Florida Power & Light, capable of powering 30,000 homes — far more than the 5,000 residents currently living there. At night and on cloudy days, a natural gas generator kicks in to fill the gap.
Hurricane Ian served as a true test for the community. While the surrounding regions suffered, Babcock Ranch’s minimum damage and quick recovery showcased its effective design against natural disasters. Residents even opened their community center, doubling as a storm shelter, to the victims from other hard-hit communities.
Kitson’s vision for Babcock Ranch is not just about creating a sustainable and resilient (适应性强的) community but also about learning and improving. He hopes that the lessons learned from Babcock Ranch can be applied to other developments, contributing to more climate-resilient communities across the United States. This approach reflects a growing awareness of the need for sustainable and resilient urban planning in the face of increasing climate challenges.
23. What does the underlined word “weathered” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Predicted. B. Changed. C. Ignored. D. Survived.
24. What do we know about Babcock Ranch from the text
A. Its streets allow houses the capability to take in floodwaters.
B. Its design guarantees availability of power in the hurricane.
C. Its solar farm lacks the ability of producing sufficient power.
D. Its main source of electricity supply is provided by natural gas.
25. What is the central theme of the fourth paragraph
A. Babcock Ranch’s community and social life.
B. Babcock Ranch’s future expansion strategies.
C. Babcock Ranch’s resistance to natural disasters.
D. Babcock Ranch’s novel technological innovations.
26. How does Kitson find the future of Babcock Ranch
A. Promising. B. Pessimistic. C. Uncertain. D. Doubtful.
Young male zebra finches (斑胸草雀) learn to communicate by listening to adults. In the lab, researchers have found that these songbirds can learn from audio recordings. But zebra finches learn better when they listen to live male finches, notes Ralph Simon. He studies how animals make and use sounds at the Nuremberg Zoo in Germany. Simon is part of the team that built RoboFinch, a robotic singing coach for finches.
The researchers recorded videos of adult males to analyze how their beaks (喙) move when they sing. They then programmed their robots to copy those beak movements. Finally, the researchers painted their RoboFinches the same colors as the real birds.
The team divided 45 young finches into four groups. Some only heard recordings of finch songs played by a speaker. Others listened with female birds that weren’t singing. RoboFinches taught the two other groups of chicks. The birdsongs played from a speaker right behind the robots. And the robots’ beaks moved either in or out of syne (协调) with the songs. That allowed the team to investigate whether beak or head movements aid song learning.
The birds housed with RoboFinches eventually spent most of their time near the robot and its speaker. During the first week, finches living with a RoboFinch whose song was in sync with its beak motions spent 27 percent of their time near the robot. Those caged with a robot playing songs out of syne only spent 5 percent of their time near the setup during the first week. Finches that heard only the audio without RoboFinch or female birds spent even less time around the sound source. Young finches partnered with RoboFinches sang less while the songs played. This was especially true when the robots’ beaks moved in sync with the songs. Those paired with a female also sang less while hearing songs. The young finches seemed to pay close attention to the robots’ movements during training sessions.
Simon hopes researchers will adapt this approach to building robots of other species, too.
27. Whose song did the researchers record
A. Adult male finches’. B. Adult female finches’.
C. Yong finches’. D. RoboFinches’.
28. How did the researchers divide the subject finches
A. By how fast they learn. B. By where they were kept.
C. By how they react to the robot. D. By what they are accompanied with.
29. The finches with ______performed better than the other groups in the research.
A. speakers behind them
B. female finches keeping silent
C. RoboFinches moving their beaks to the songs
D. a recorder playing the songs
30. What’s the best title of the text
A. RoboFinches Are Used as Singing Coaches
B. Machine Learning Are Adapted to Building Robots
C. Yong Finches Communicate Through Beak Movements
D. Researchers Discovered How Finches Make and Use Sounds
We’re getting more used to chatting to our computers and smart phones through all kinds of voice assistants. ____31____ People who can’t read or write can send and get information using the spoken web.
Some think voice could soon become the main way to interact online. They believe online interaction would soon depend mainly on the spoken web. ____32____
Building the spoken web-web-to-voice and voice-to-web—is by no means an easy task. For software, to answer simple questions about the weather and play music for us is easy. ____33____ AI technology isn’t smart enough yet. Even turning your voice into text is one of the hardest problems for it to solve. There are as many ways to pronounce things as there are people on the planet.
Using voice interaction makes people feel much kinder than surfing the net in the old way. ____34____ But if something speaks, it must also listen. Our phones are always near us and they are constantly collecting our personal information. This has already raised privacy concerns.
____35____ When you are driving or cooking, the voice assistant will be helpful. On the other hand, in a quiet library, using voice assistants to do something may not be as suitable as typing, as it could disturb others. The effectiveness of using voice depends on the specific surroundings.
A. But who can use the spoken web
B. But what are the challenges of moving to the spoken web
C. It is also possible to help teachers give lessons.
D. The benefits of using voice obviously depend on the situation you are in.
E. The voice of the assistant makes us feel like talking to a real person.
F. But to have a conversation with users on different kinds of topics is a long way off.
G. Out of these voice assistants, Siri is the most well-known spoken web(语音网络).
第三部分 语言应用(共两节,满分30分)
It was a hot Saturday at a crowded mall, and I was walking alongside my mom. Mom is short, skinny, and easy to be ____36____ in a crowd. As we walked, I ____37____ up at the people passing by. Some were stylish young ladies, who wore fashionable ____38____ and walked confidently in high heels. An uneasy feeling started to ____39____ in my chest. It got more unbearable with every second until I could deny it no longer; I was ____40____ of my mother.
We lived in a small but ____41____ apartment building that Mom chose to move to because she knew the schools there were good. We were in a high-class neighborhood, but as I examined the passers-by and then turned ____42____ eyes on Mom, I realized for the first time that we didn’t ____43____ there. I could see the heavy lines around Mom’s eyes and mouth, without fancy creams to ___44___ them away. Her eyes were tired from working long hours to make ends meet and her hair too gray for her age. My mom is nothing extraordinary, yet at that moment she ____45____ because she was just so plain.
My mind was ____46____ when Mom suddenly called out: my name. She was standing in the middle of a high-end store, holding a sweater that looked much too expensive. She said, “This will look good on you. Do you want it ” I almost agreed ____47____ and thoughtlessly. Then I took a closer look at the small, weary woman with a big smile ____48____ across her narrow face and a sweater in her hands, and my words ____49____ in my throat. She looked so tired all the time because she was busy working to provide for me. She didn’t wear jewelry or scented perfumes because she was just ____50____ with me. I was no longer ashamed of her, but of myself. “Do you want it ” My mom repeated. “No thanks.” I responded.
36. A. overlooked B. separated C. caught D. raised
37. A. pointed B. glanced C. waved D. reached
38 A. clothing B. uniforms C. trend D. smiles
39. A. end B. recover C. settle D. escape
40. A. ignorant B. ashamed C. afraid D. guilty
41. A. cheap B. cozy C. simple D. expensive
42. A. accusing B. convincing C. terrifying D. stunning
43. A. connect B. involve C. belong D. equal
44 A. put B. ease C. blow D. shake
45. A. got across B. took over C. held on D. stood out
46. A. chasing B. wandering C. observing D. guarding
47. A. secretly B. regularly C. carelessly D. differently
48. A. exchanging B. lifting C. disappearing D. stretching
49. A. returned B. existed C. rose D. died
50. A. impressed B. patient C. content D. strict
As winter draws in many flock to the south of China for its warmer climate and great beaches. However, those who are more daring head north looking for snowy adventures in the icy climates of Northeast China. ____51____ particular, an increasing number of tourists have been drawn to the frosty delights of Harbin, known as the Ice City.
Harbin, whose name is said to originate from a Manchu word that means “a place for drying fishing nets”, sprung up from a small rural ____52____ (settle) along the Songhua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China and capital of Heilongjiang province.
The city flourished with the arrival of the Chinese Eastern Railway, ____53____ connected it to the outside world, especially the Russian Empire. This paved the way for Harbin’s future development of ____54____(it) unique culture where East meets West.
The city is ____55____ (distinguish) for its ice and snow festivals across the globe. These attract thousands of visitors, with sculptors ____56____ (travel) from all corners of the world to showcase their talents and a variety of winter-themed activities and sports.
Apart from these festivals, the city has much more to offer, from its ____57____ (tradition) European-style architecture to its more modern buildings, such as the Harbin Grand Theatre and the city’s most famous landmark, the Saint Sophia Cathedral. The unique cuisine, including Harbin-style smoky-savory red sausage, guo bao rou and kvass, a fermented cereal-based drink, can all ____58____ (sample) along Zhongyang Street.
While winter may be the best time ____59____ (visit) Harbin, the city has plenty to offer all year round and its individual charms make it ____60____ must-see spot no matter the weather.
第四部分 补全语篇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A.accurately B.advantage C.desirable D.humble E.curious F.knowing G.processing H.rapidly J.translate
A successful translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source language, full facility in the handling of his ____61____ language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitual use, and a knowledge of the latest subject-matter in his fields of specialization. This is his professional ____62____. In addition to this, it is desirable that he should have a (n) ____63____ mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on his own, often at high speeds, but should be ____64____ enough to consult others should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and ____65____ and if he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to switch ____66____ from one source language to another, as well as from one-subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently required of him in such work. Bear in mind the nature of the translator’s work is the ____67____ of the written word; it is, strictly speaking, unnecessary that he should speak the language he is dealing with. If he does speak them, it is a (n) ____68____ rather than a weakness, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that makes no much difference to him. It is, however, ____69____ that he should have a rough idea about the pronunciation of his source languages, even if this is restricted to _____70_____ how proper names and place names are pronounced.
第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)
71. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The streams were long gone back into the earth.
I was in the kitchen making lunch for the family when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. I could only see his back. He wasn't walking in his usual way. He was obviously walking with a great effort, trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.
Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow and long step toward the woods. This activity went on for over an hour—walking cautiously to the woods, then running back to the house. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey.
He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill the water he carried. Branches and thorns slapped (拍打) his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much greater purpose. As I came closer, I saw the most amazing sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them, at the sight of which I almost screamed for him to get away. A hug buck (雄鹿) was dangerously close, but it neither threatened Billy nor even moved as Billy knelt down. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and heat exhaustion, lifting its head with great effort to lap (舔) up the water in my boy's hands.
Paragraph 1:
When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house.
Paragraph 2:
This time I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen.
考试时间:120分钟 分数:130分
第一部分 基础知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the ______ of the crime.
A. assumption B. motive C. ambition D. welfare
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止收集到的所有证据都表明这起犯罪的动机是抢劫。A.assumption假设;B.motive动机;C.ambition野心;D.welfare社会福利。根据“All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the”可知,此处是指犯罪的动机。故选B。
2. These 18th-century oil painting are ______ so well that the visitors are greatly amazed.
A analysed B. associated C. preserved D. assessed
【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些18世纪的油画被保存得这么好,以至于游客们都惊讶极了。A. analysed分析;B. associated联系;C. preserved保存,保护;D. assessed评估。根据主语oil paintings和副词so well,并结合结果状语从句“the visitors are greatly amazed”可知,这里应该指油画被保存得很好。故选C项。
3. The patient was still in danger, because his body ______ the new heart after the surgery.
A. attained B. restored C. rejected D. repaid
【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:病人仍然处于危险之中,因为手术后他的身体排斥新心脏。A. attained获得;B. restored恢复; C. rejected拒绝,对……产生排斥反应; D. repaid付还,偿还。根据上文“The patient was still in danger”可知,他的身体排斥新心脏。故选C项。
4. Silent Spring was regarded as a milestone in the ______ of the green movement in the Western World.
A. launch B. wisdom C. expression D. weapon
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:《寂静的春天》被视为西方世界发起绿色运动的里程碑。A. launch发起;B. wisdom智慧;C. expression表情;D. weapon武器。结合of the green movement可知,空格处应表达“发起”,故用launch。故选A。
5. ______of the painstaking efforts, the businessman owed his achievements to all the setbacks and obstacles that stood in the way.
A. Reminded B. Recalling C. Being reminded D. Recalled
【详解】考查过去分词。句意:这位商人想起了自己的辛勤努力,他将自己的成就归功于所有的挫折和障碍。remind sb. of sth“让某人想起某事”,remind与句子主语the businessman构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词在句中作状语,Being reminded“正在被提醒”,是现在分词的被动式,表示“正在被”,不符合语意,recall“回忆起”通常不和of连用。故选A项。
6. ________seems strange to us is ________the troublesome boy is getting along well with his teachers now.
A. It; that B. What; whether C. It; how D. What; that
7. He is the only one of his coworkers who _____ in the company for more than ten years.
A. has worked B. have worked C. were working D. are working
【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:他是他的同事中唯一一个在这家公司工作了十年以上的人。根据“for more than ten years”可知,用现在完成时have/has done的形式,当“the only one of+复数名词+定语从句”,且关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词 单数形式,强调“只有他一个人在这家公司工作了十年以上”。故选A项。
8. Since 1993, the number of people living in Old Montreal ________ from 100 to 6, 000.
A. has grown B. have grown C. is growing D. are growing
【详解】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:自1993年以来,居住在老蒙特利尔的人口已经从100人增加到6000人。grow“增加”是句中谓语动词,根据时间状语Since 1993可知,用现在完成时态,the number of...作主语,表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式。综上,谓语动词grow用现在完成时单数形式。故选A项。
9. Mr. White, together with his wife and children, ______ by his friend to visit China last month.
A. have invited B. has been invited C. were invited D. was invited
【详解】考查主谓一致、动词语态。句意:怀特先生和他的妻子和孩子上个月应朋友的邀请访问了中国。together with连接两部分名词作主语时,谓语动词要与其前面的主语保持一致。所以本句谓语和Mr. White一致。根据时间状语last month可知,事情发生在过去,故时态用一般过去时,且主语Mr. White和invite“邀请”为被动关系,句子用一般过去时的被动语态。故选D。
10. The little deer escaped ______ by the lions and it managed ______ away.
A. to be caught; running B. to be caught; to run C. being caught; to run D. being caught; running
【详解】考查非谓语。句意:小鹿逃脱了狮子的追捕,它设法逃跑了。分析句子可知,第一空考查escape doing表“逃离做某事”,且The little deer与catch为被动关系,所以这里应用动名词的被动式being done;第二空考查manage to do表“设法做”,为固定搭配。故选C项。
11. His job is taking notes of the participants’ speeches, while his task at that moment was ________ the necessary facilities.
A. preparing B. prepare C. prepared D. to prepare
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他的工作是记录参与者的发言,而他当时的任务是准备必要的设施。空处应用非谓语动词,作表语。根据句中的at that moment 可知,这里特指他当时的任务,应用不定式作表语,表示具体的、某一次的动作。故选D。
12. The biodiversity in Tibet is vast, with a wide range of species ________ in their natural habitats.
A. existing B. existed
C. exist D. being existed
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:西藏生物多样性丰富,自然栖息地的物种种类繁多。句子中使用了with复合结构“with+宾语+宾补”,动词exist和宾语a wide range of species之间是主谓关系,应该用现在分词作宾补,故选A。
13. Extensive renovations ______ to the old warehouse in the Westside area have brought the building back to good condition.
A. being made B. made C. having been made D. to be made
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在西区的旧仓库进行的广泛的翻新,使建筑物恢复到良好的状态。分析句子可知,本句已经存在谓语have brought,所以空处作非谓语动词,make与逻辑主语renovations之间是被动关系,且表示动作已经完成,应该使用过去分词形式made作后置定语。故选B项。
14. ________ with many other children, he found himself ________ with love and care all the way. It is no wonder that he grew to be a loving kid.
A. Compared; surrounded B. Compared; surrounding
C. Comparing; surrounding D. Comparing; surrounded
15. ________ children to understand the need to obey rules is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents.
A. Being educated B. Educating C. Having educated D. To be educated
【详解】考查动名词。句意:教育孩子们理解服从规则和尊重他人的需要被广泛认为是父母的责任。A. Being educated受教育(被动语态);B. Educating教育(动名词);C. Having educated教育(现在分词的完成时);D. To be educated教育(不定式)。根据句子结构可知本句缺少主语,动名词可作主语,故选B项。
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms (节气). Cold Dew (寒露), the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct. 8 and ends on Oct. 23. At this time, the dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe. Here are three things you should know about Cold Dew.
Foggy autumn
Temperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation (饱和状态), and then it turns into fog. When the humidity is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China.
Season for fishing
People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn makes sense. That’s because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine doesn’t reach deep water thoroughly. Fish swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high.
Season for drinking chrysanthemum (菊花) wine
Chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew. To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. This is a tradition of the Double Ninth Festival, which often falls around Cold Dew. According to ancient records, drinking wine made with chrysanthemums, poria cocos mushroom and pine oleoresin grants (给予) people long-lasting youth.
16. What is NOT the characteristic of Cold Dew
A. Wet weather. B. Low temperatures.
C. Foggy conditions. D. Fully-grown crops.
17. Why is Cold Dew a time for fishing
A. Because fish become mature in autumn.
B. Because fish move slowly in cold water.
C. Because fish eat more in low temperatures.
D. Because fish tend to gather in warm areas.
18. Which is the function of drinking chrysanthemum wine
A. Celebrating Cold Dew. B. Relieving people from autumn dryness.
C. Ensuring people a stronger build. D. Keeping people warm in low temperatures.
【答案】16. A 17. D 18. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“At this time, the dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe. (这个时候,露水更大、更冷,雨水也会更少。秋天的庄稼将成熟)”和第二段中“When the humidity is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China. (当湿度高时,中国许多地区会形成大雾)”可知,寒露时节温度下降,雨水减少,多雾,庄稼将成熟,因此多雨的天气不是其特征。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“That’s because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine doesn’t reach deep water thoroughly. Fish swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high. (这是因为在寒露期间,温度迅速下降,阳光不能完全到达深水。鱼游到水温相对较高的浅水区)”可知,寒露时节鱼会聚集在阳光能够照射到的温暖的浅水区,因此适合捕捞。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. (为了预防秋季干燥,中国许多地区都有喝菊花酒的习俗)”可知,寒露时节喝菊花酒是为了预防秋季干燥。故选B项。
Like many others who are autistic (患自闭症的), Bobby Latheron has known for most of his life that there was something that made him different from his peers. As a child, he often preferred spending time with adults.
Throughout school, Bobby struggled. He suffered from panic attacks that would cause him to run out of the room crying, which made teachers view him as a “naughty child”. Then, at around 13 years old, he was officially diagnosed (诊断) with autism. But because autism was still so misunderstood, this didn’t improve his situation by much.
Still, Bobby persevered and made it to university. But after a while, he struggled academically here, too. Things were looking up when he switched to art, design, and photography, but he simply couldn’t do it. That’s when a kind teacher changed his life for the better.
“I was telling one of the music teachers about my life with autism—my relationships and my struggles,” Bobby tells InspireMore. “She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book about your life ’ So I did.”
This is how My World in My Words by Bobby Latheron came to be. When writing this book, Bobby remained incredibly focused. Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.
“I’m not here to say it’s always been perfect and that I haven’t made mistakes,” Bobby tells InspireMore, “but you have to learn in life.”
19. What can we infer about Bobby’s childhood
A. He behaved as a grown-up.
B. He had a happy childhood.
C. He was misunderstood at school.
D. He got along well with his teachers.
20. What gave Bobby the idea of writing
A. His desire for success. B. A teacher’s advice.
C. His unhappy experience. D. A wish to battle loneliness.
21. What is the main idea of paragraph 5
A. Bobby benefited from his book.
B. Bobby got more appreciation.
C. Bobby became more popular.
D. Bobby got a job opportunity.
22. Which word can best describe Bobby
A. Inspiring. B. Generous. C. Modest. D. Talented.
【答案】19. C 20. B 21. A 22. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“He suffered from panic attacks that would cause him to run out of the room crying, which made teachers view him as a “naughty child”.(他患有恐慌症,会让他哭着跑出房间,这让老师们认为他是一个“淘气的孩子”)”可知,在上学期间鲍比受到老师们的误解。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“That’s when a kind teacher changed his life for the better.(就在那时,一位善良的老师改变了他的生活)”以及第四段中““I was telling one of the music teachers about my life with autism—my relationships and my struggles,” Bobby tells InspireMore. “She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book about your life ’ So I did.”(“我告诉一位音乐老师我的自闭症生活——我的人际关系和我的挣扎,”鲍比告诉InspireMore。“她说,‘你为什么不写一本关于你生活的书呢 ’于是我照做了。”)”可知,鲍比是在一位老师的建议下开始写书。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第五段“This is how My World in My Words by Bobby Latheron came to be. When writing this book, Bobby remained incredibly focused. Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.(这就是鲍比·拉瑟隆《My World in My Words》一书的由来。在写这本书的时候,鲍比保持着难以置信的专注。找到写第一本书的灵感在很多方面改变了鲍比的生活。他遇到了和他一样的人,而且,他甚至找到了一份自己喜欢的工作。他甚至接受了各种新闻和广播电台的多次采访。最重要的是,这个新的生活方向让鲍比有机会帮助像他一样的人,让他们不那么孤独,通过这样做,他向自己证明了他比自己曾经认为的要能干得多)”可知,本段主要讲述了写这本书为鲍比打开了很多扇门,他开始接受媒体采访,开始帮助他人,这些都是他写的书给他带来的改变,也就是他从中获得的益处。故选 A。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Like many others who are autistic (患自闭症的), Bobby Latheron has known for most of his life that there was something that made him different from his peers.(像许多其他自闭症患者一样,鲍比·拉瑟隆(Bobby Latheron)知道,在他生命的大部分时间里,有一些东西让他与同龄人不同)”以及倒数第二段“Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.(找到写第一本书的灵感在很多方面改变了鲍比的生活。他遇到了和他一样的人,而且,他甚至找到了一份自己喜欢的工作。他甚至接受了各种新闻和广播电台的多次采访。最重要的是,这个新的生活方向让鲍比有机会帮助像他一样的人,让他们不那么孤独,通过这样做,他向自己证明了他比自己曾经认为的要能干得多)”可知,鲍比通过写书获得了更多的自信,而且他还开始帮助其他的自闭症患者;由此推断他的成功会给他人带来激励,因此他是“鼓舞人心的”。故选A项。
When Hurricane Ian made landfall on the southwest Florida coast as a Category 4 storm, it brought strong winds and heavy rain. It was a deadly hurricane, attacking more than four million people, and causing serious flooding and at least 150 deaths. However, during the disaster, there was one innovative community that weathered the storm well: Babcock Ranch, the brainchild of Syd Kitson.
Located 30 miles inland, Babcock Ranch is an environmentally friendly and fully sustainable town that Syd Kitson and his partners hoped would be hurricane proof. Its homes are built to go through severe weather without losing essential services like electricity, water, or the Internet. A significant factor in its design is that power and. Internet lines are buried to avoid wind damage. Additionally, large ponds surround the development to protect houses from flooding. As a backup, streets are designed to absorb floodwaters and spare the houses.
Central to Babcock Ranch’s sustainability is its extensive use of solar energy. The community possesses an 870-acre solar farm with 700,000 individual panels operated by Florida Power & Light, capable of powering 30,000 homes — far more than the 5,000 residents currently living there. At night and on cloudy days, a natural gas generator kicks in to fill the gap.
Hurricane Ian served as a true test for the community. While the surrounding regions suffered, Babcock Ranch’s minimum damage and quick recovery showcased its effective design against natural disasters. Residents even opened their community center, doubling as a storm shelter, to the victims from other hard-hit communities.
Kitson’s vision for Babcock Ranch is not just about creating a sustainable and resilient (适应性强的) community but also about learning and improving. He hopes that the lessons learned from Babcock Ranch can be applied to other developments, contributing to more climate-resilient communities across the United States. This approach reflects a growing awareness of the need for sustainable and resilient urban planning in the face of increasing climate challenges.
23. What does the underlined word “weathered” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Predicted. B. Changed. C. Ignored. D. Survived.
24. What do we know about Babcock Ranch from the text
A. Its streets allow houses the capability to take in floodwaters.
B. Its design guarantees availability of power in the hurricane.
C. Its solar farm lacks the ability of producing sufficient power.
D. Its main source of electricity supply is provided by natural gas.
25. What is the central theme of the fourth paragraph
A. Babcock Ranch’s community and social life.
B Babcock Ranch’s future expansion strategies.
C. Babcock Ranch’s resistance to natural disasters.
D. Babcock Ranch’s novel technological innovations.
26. How does Kitson find the future of Babcock Ranch
A. Promising. B. Pessimistic. C. Uncertain. D. Doubtful.
【答案】23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A
词句猜测题。根据前文“It was a deadly hurricane, attacking more than four million people, and causing serious flooding and at least 150 deaths.(这是一场致命的飓风,袭击了400多万人,造成了严重的洪水,至少150人死亡。)”可知,这场飓风造成了严重的破坏,由However可知,前后文是转折关系,因此推断画线句“during the disaster, there was one innovative community that weathered the storm well: Babcock Ranch, the brainchild of Syd Kitson.(在这场灾难中,有一个创新社区很好地weathered了风暴的考验:巴布科克牧场,它是西德·基特森的创意产物。)”中的画线词与survived意思相近,说明这个社区幸存下来,没有受到破坏。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“Its homes are built to go through severe weather without losing essential services like electricity, water, or the Internet.(他们建造的房屋可以经受恶劣天气,而不会失去电力、水或互联网等基本服务。)”可知,它的设计保证了飓风中电力的可用性。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第四段“Hurricane Ian served as a true test for the community. While the surrounding regions suffered, Babcock Ranch's minimum damage and quick recovery showcased its effective design against natural disasters. Residents even opened their community center, doubling as a storm shelter, to the victims from other hard-hit communities.(飓风伊恩对社区来说是一次真正的考验。当周边地区遭受损失时,巴布科克牧场的最小损失和快速恢复显示了其抵御自然灾害的有效设计。居民们甚至向其他受灾严重的社区的受害者开放了他们的社区中心,兼作风暴避难所。)”可知,本段讲述了巴布科克牧场经受住了这场飓风的考验,并帮助其他社区,因此推断本段主要讲述巴布科克牧场对自然灾害的抵抗力。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Kitson’s vision for Babcock Ranch is not just about creating a sustainable and resilient (适应性强的) community but also about learning and improving. He hopes that the lessons learned from Babcock Ranch can be applied to other developments, contributing to more climate-resilient communities across the United States. This approach reflects a growing awareness of the need for sustainable and resilient urban planning in the face of increasing climate challenges.(基特森对巴布科克牧场的愿景不仅仅是创造一个可持续和适应性强的社区,还包括学习和改进。他希望从巴布科克牧场学到的经验可以应用到其他发展中,为美国各地更多的气候适应社区做出贡献。)”可知,基特森对巴布科克牧场的未来充满希望。故选A。
Young male zebra finches (斑胸草雀) learn to communicate by listening to adults. In the lab, researchers have found that these songbirds can learn from audio recordings. But zebra finches learn better when they listen to live male finches, notes Ralph Simon. He studies how animals make and use sounds at the Nuremberg Zoo in Germany. Simon is part of the team that built RoboFinch, a robotic singing coach for finches.
The researchers recorded videos of adult males to analyze how their beaks (喙) move when they sing. They then programmed their robots to copy those beak movements. Finally, the researchers painted their RoboFinches the same colors as the real birds.
The team divided 45 young finches into four groups. Some only heard recordings of finch songs played by a speaker. Others listened with female birds that weren’t singing. RoboFinches taught the two other groups of chicks. The birdsongs played from a speaker right behind the robots. And the robots’ beaks moved either in or out of syne (协调) with the songs. That allowed the team to investigate whether beak or head movements aid song learning.
The birds housed with RoboFinches eventually spent most of their time near the robot and its speaker. During the first week, finches living with a RoboFinch whose song was in sync with its beak motions spent 27 percent of their time near the robot. Those caged with a robot playing songs out of syne only spent 5 percent of their time near the setup during the first week. Finches that heard only the audio without RoboFinch or female birds spent even less time around the sound source. Young finches partnered with RoboFinches sang less while the songs played. This was especially true when the robots’ beaks moved in sync with the songs. Those paired with a female also sang less while hearing songs. The young finches seemed to pay close attention to the robots’ movements during training sessions.
Simon hopes researchers will adapt this approach to building robots of other species, too.
27. Whose song did the researchers record
A. Adult male finches’. B. Adult female finches’.
C. Yong finches’. D. RoboFinches’.
28. How did the researchers divide the subject finches
A. By how fast they learn. B. By where they were kept.
C. By how they react to the robot. D. By what they are accompanied with.
29. The finches with ______performed better than the other groups in the research.
A. speakers behind them
B. female finches keeping silent
C. RoboFinches moving their beaks to the songs
D. a recorder playing the songs
30. What’s the best title of the text
A. RoboFinches Are Used as Singing Coaches
B. Machine Learning Are Adapted to Building Robots
C. Yong Finches Communicate Through Beak Movements
D. Researchers Discovered How Finches Make and Use Sounds
【答案】27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一个研究团队使用鸟形机器人 RoboFinches教斑胸草雀鸟学鸟鸣的情况。
细节理解题。根据第二段“The researchers recorded videos of adult males to analyze how their beaks (喙) move when they sing. (研究人员录制了成年雄性的视频,以分析它们唱歌时喙是如何移动的。)”可知研究人员录下了成年雄性斑胸草雀鸟的歌。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“The team divided 45 young finches into four groups. Some only heard recordings of finch songs played by a speaker. Others listened with female birds that weren’t singing. RoboFinches taught the two other groups of chicks. The birdsongs played from a speaker right behind the robots. And the robots’ beaks moved either in or out of syne (协调) with the songs. That allowed the team to investigate whether beak or head movements aid song learning. (研究小组将45只幼雀分成四组。有些只听到了扬声器播放的雀鸣录音。其他则和不唱歌的雌雀一起听。机器雀教另外两组幼雀。鸟儿的歌声从机器人后面的扬声器里传出来。机器人的喙会随着歌声的变化而变化。这使得研究小组可以研究喙或头部的运动是否有助于歌曲学习。)”可知,一组斑胸草雀鸟和扬声器在一起,一组和不鸣叫雌雀一起,另外两种和鸟形机器人RoboFinch在一起,研究人员就这样把那些雀和与它们相伴的东西分成了四组,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段“During the first week, finches living with a RoboFinch whose song was in sync with its beak motions spent 27 percent of their time near the robot. (在第一周内,与机器雀生活在一起的雀,其歌声与喙的运动同步,它们在机器人附近的时间占27%。)”及下文可知,和RoboFinches结伴,并且 RoboFinches喙动作与鸟鸣唱协调一致的那组有27%的时间在一起,是这四组中最高的,故选C项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其第一段“Simon is part of the team that built RoboFinch, a robotic singing coach for finches. (西蒙是制造RoboFinch团队一员,RoboFinch是一个为雀类提供歌唱指导的机器人。)” 可知,文章介绍了一个研究团队使用鸟形机器人 RoboFinches教斑胸草雀鸟学鸟鸣的情况。故A项“机器雀被用作歌唱教练”能概括文意,是合适的标题。故选A项。
We’re getting more used to chatting to our computers and smart phones through all kinds of voice assistants. ____31____ People who can’t read or write can send and get information using the spoken web.
Some think voice could soon become the main way to interact online. They believe online interaction would soon depend mainly on the spoken web. ____32____
Building the spoken web-web-to-voice and voice-to-web—is by no means an easy task. For software, to answer simple questions about the weather and play music for us is easy. ____33____ AI technology isn’t smart enough yet. Even turning your voice into text is one of the hardest problems for it to solve. There are as many ways to pronounce things as there are people on the planet.
Using voice interaction makes people feel much kinder than surfing the net in the old way. ____34____ But if something speaks, it must also listen. Our phones are always near us and they are constantly collecting our personal information. This has already raised privacy concerns.
____35____ When you are driving or cooking, the voice assistant will be helpful. On the other hand, in a quiet library, using voice assistants to do something may not be as suitable as typing, as it could disturb others. The effectiveness of using voice depends on the specific surroundings.
A. But who can use the spoken web
B. But what are the challenges of moving to the spoken web
C. It is also possible to help teachers give lessons.
D. The benefits of using voice obviously depend on the situation you are in.
E. The voice of the assistant makes us feel like talking to a real person.
F. But to have a conversation with users on different kinds of topics is a long way off.
G. Out of these voice assistants, Siri is the most well-known spoken web(语音网络).
【答案】31. G 32. B 33. F 34. E 35. D
根据上文“We’re getting more used to chatting to our computers and smart phones through all kinds of voice assistants. (我们越来越习惯于通过各种语音助手与电脑和智能手机聊天)”可知,本句应承接上文,继续举例说明语音助手。故G选项“Out of these voice assistants, Siri is the most well-known spoken web (在这些语音助手中,Siri是最知名的口语网络)”符合语境,故选G。
根据上文“Some think voice could soon become the main way to interact online. They believe online interaction would soon depend mainly on the spoken web. (一些人认为语音很快就会成为在线互动的主要方式。他们认为,在线互动很快将主要依靠口头网络。)”以及下一段“Building the spoken web-web-to-voice and voice-to-web—is by no means an easy task.(建立语音网络——网络到语音和语音到网络绝不是一件容易的事。)”可知,后文提到了建立语音网络绝不是一件容易的事,可知本句与上文构成转折,指出语音网络存在挑战。故B选项“But what are the challenges of moving to the spoken web (但是转向“语音网络”的挑战是什么?)”符合语境。故选B。
根据上文“Building the spoken web-web-to-voice and voice-to-web—is by no means an easy task. For software, to answer simple questions about the weather and play music for us is easy. (建立语音网络——网络到语音和语音到网络绝不是一件容易的事。对于软件来说,回答关于天气的简单问题和为我们播放音乐是很容易的。)”以及后文“AI technology isn’t smart enough yet. Even turning your voice into text is one of the hardest problems for it to solve. There are as many ways to pronounce things as there are people on the planet. (人工智能技术还不够聪明。甚至把你的声音转换成文字也是最难解决的问题之一。地球上有多少人,就有多少种发音方法。)”可知,上文提到了运用语音网络询问关于天气的简单问题,后文则提到了人工智能还不够聪明,可知本句与上文构成转折关系,指出存在的缺点。故F选项“But to have a conversation with users on different kinds of topics is a long way off. (但是与用户就不同的话题进行对话还有很长的路要走)”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“Using voice interaction makes people feel much kinder than surfing the net in the old way. (使用语音交互让人们感觉比用旧的方式上网更友好。)”以及后文“But if something speaks, it must also listen. Our phones are always near us and they are constantly collecting our personal information. This has already raised privacy concerns.(但如果有东西说话,它也必须倾听。我们的手机总是在我们身边,它们不断地收集我们的个人信息。这已经引起了人们对隐私的担忧。)”可知,本句承接上文,说明语音互动可以带来的亲密感,故E选项“The voice of the assistant makes us feel like talking to a real person. (助理的声音让我们感觉像在和一个真人说话。)”能承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
根据后文“When you are driving or cooking, the voice assistant will be helpful. On the other hand, in a quiet library, using voice assistants to do something may not be as suitable as typing, as it could disturb others. The effectiveness of using voice depends on the specific surroundings. (当你开车或做饭时,语音助手会很有帮助。另一方面,在安静的图书馆里,使用语音助手做一些事情可能不像打字那样合适,因为它可能会打扰别人。使用声音的有效性取决于特定的环境。)”可知,后文提到了使用语音的不同环境,有的环境里使用语音很方便,而有的环境会打扰别人,说明使用语音取决于环境。故D选项“The benefits of using voice obviously depend on the situation you are in.(使用语音的好处显然取决于您所处的环境。)”能承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
第三部分 语言应用(共两节,满分30分)
It was a hot Saturday at a crowded mall, and I was walking alongside my mom. Mom is short, skinny, and easy to be ____36____ in a crowd. As we walked, I ____37____ up at the people passing by. Some were stylish young ladies, who wore fashionable ____38____ and walked confidently in high heels. An uneasy feeling started to ____39____ in my chest. It got more unbearable with every second until I could deny it no longer; I was ____40____ of my mother.
We lived in a small but ____41____ apartment building that Mom chose to move to because she knew the schools there were good. We were in a high-class neighborhood, but as I examined the passers-by and then turned ____42____ eyes on Mom, I realized for the first time that we didn’t ____43____ there. I could see the heavy lines around Mom’s eyes and mouth, without fancy creams to ___44___ them away. Her eyes were tired from working long hours to make ends meet and her hair too gray for her age. My mom is nothing extraordinary, yet at that moment she ____45____ because she was just so plain.
My mind was ____46____ when Mom suddenly called out: my name. She was standing in the middle of a high-end store, holding a sweater that looked much too expensive. She said, “This will look good on you. Do you want it ” I almost agreed ____47____ and thoughtlessly. Then I took a closer look at the small, weary woman with a big smile ____48____ across her narrow face and a sweater in her hands, and my words ____49____ in my throat. She looked so tired all the time because she was busy working to provide for me. She didn’t wear jewelry or scented perfumes because she was just ____50____ with me. I was no longer ashamed of her, but of myself. “Do you want it ” My mom repeated. “No thanks.” I responded.
36. A. overlooked B. separated C. caught D. raised
37. A. pointed B. glanced C. waved D. reached
38. A. clothing B. uniforms C. trend D. smiles
39. A. end B. recover C. settle D. escape
40. A. ignorant B. ashamed C. afraid D. guilty
41. A. cheap B. cozy C. simple D. expensive
42. A. accusing B. convincing C. terrifying D. stunning
43. A. connect B. involve C. belong D. equal
44. A. put B. ease C. blow D. shake
45. A. got across B. took over C. held on D. stood out
46. A. chasing B. wandering C. observing D. guarding
47. A. secretly B. regularly C. carelessly D. differently
48. A. exchanging B. lifting C. disappearing D. stretching
49. A. returned B. existed C. rose D. died
50. A. impressed B. patient C. content D. strict
【答案】36. A 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. B 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈又矮又瘦,在人群中很容易被忽视。A. overlooked忽视;B. separated分开;C. caught抓住;D. raised筹集。根据上文“Mom is short, skinny, and easy to be”可知,妈妈身材瘦小,在人群中容易被忽视。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们走着走着,我抬头瞥了一眼路过的人。A. pointed指着;B. glanced瞥见;C. waved挥动;D. reached到达。根据上文“As we walked”可知,此处指走路的时候瞥见了这些人。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:有些是时髦的年轻女士,她们穿着时髦的衣服,穿着高跟鞋自信地走着。A. clothing衣服;B. uniforms制服;C. trend趋势;D. smiles微笑。根据上文“Some were stylish young ladies, who wore fashionable”可知,此处指这些女士穿着时髦的衣服。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一种不安的感觉开始在我的胸中萌生。A. end结束;B. recover恢复;C. settle安定;D. escape逃走。根据上文“An uneasy feeling started to”可知,此处指心中萌生了不安的感觉,此处为短语settle in表示“安定,萌生”。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每过一秒,这种感觉就变得越来越难以忍受,直到我再也无法否认;我为我的母亲感到羞耻。A. ignorant无知的;B. ashamed感到羞耻的;C. afraid害怕的;D. guilty内疚的。根据上文“An uneasy feeling”可知,作者看到时髦的女士,开始为自己的身材矮小的母亲感到羞耻。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们住在一幢很小但很贵的公寓楼里,妈妈选择搬进来是因为她知道那里的学校很好。A. cheap便宜的;B. cozy舒适的;C. simple简单的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据后文“Mom chose to move to because she knew the schools there were good.”可知,妈妈选择搬进来是因为她知道那里的学校很好,推测公寓很小但是很昂贵。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们住在一个高级住宅区,但当我打量过路人,然后把指责的目光转向妈妈时,我第一次意识到我们不属于那里。A. accusing指责的;B. convincing令人信服的;C. terrifying可怕的;D. stunning令人震惊的。根据上文“We were in a high-class neighborhood, but as I examined the passers-by and then turned”可知,作者住在高级住宅区,和里面的人格格不入,因此指责母亲的决定。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们住在一个高级住宅区,但当我打量过路人,然后把指责的目光转向妈妈时,我第一次意识到我们不属于那里。A. connect连接;B. involve涉及;C. belong属于;D. equal等于。根据上文“An uneasy feeling”可知,作者住在高级住宅区,看到路人感到不安,意识到自己不属于那里。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以看到妈妈眼睛和嘴巴周围的粗重皱纹,没有高档的面霜来缓解它们。A. put放置;B. ease减轻;C. blow吹;D. shake摇晃。根据上文“the heavy lines around Mom’s eyes and mouth”可知,母亲脸上的皱纹没有高档的面霜来缓解,ease away表示“缓解,减轻”。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的妈妈并没有什么特别之处,但在那一刻,她很显眼,因为她很普通。A. got across理解;B. took over接管;C. held on坚持;D. stood out显眼。根据后文“because she was just so plain”可知,母亲因为太过平凡在高级小区里显得很显眼,故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当妈妈突然叫我的名字时,我的脑子在走神。A. chasing追赶;B. wandering走神;C. observing观察;D. guarding守卫。根据上文可知,作者当时在想着母亲与这里格格不入,即思维在走神,故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我几乎漫不经心地答应了。A. secretly秘密地;B. regularly定期地;C. carelessly不经意地;D. differently不同地。根据后文“and thoughtlessly”可知,作者对母亲的话漫不经心,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我仔细地看了看这个瘦小而疲惫的女人,她窄窄的脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,手里拿着一件毛衣,我的话哽在了喉咙里。A. exchanging交换;B. lifting举起;C. disappearing消失;D. stretching展开。根据后文“across her narrow face”可知,此处指母亲窄窄的脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,stretch此处表示笑容在脸上展开,故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我仔细地看了看这个瘦小而疲惫的女人,她窄窄的脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,手里拿着一件毛衣,我的话哽在了喉咙里。A. returned返回;B. existed存在;C. rose上升;D. died消失。根据上文“my words”此处指作者看到母亲,嘴里说不出话,die此处理解为嘴里的话消失在喉咙里,即话哽在了喉咙里。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她不戴首饰,也不喷香水,因为她只是满足于我。A. impressed印象深刻的;B. patient耐心的;C. content满足的;D. strict严格的。根据上文“She looked so tired all the time because she was busy working to provide for me.(她看起来总是很累,因为她忙着工作养活我)”可知,母亲不戴首饰,也不喷香水,因为她只是满足于作者,故选C。
As winter draws in, many flock to the south of China for its warmer climate and great beaches. However, those who are more daring head north looking for snowy adventures in the icy climates of Northeast China. ____51____ particular, an increasing number of tourists have been drawn to the frosty delights of Harbin, known as the Ice City.
Harbin, whose name is said to originate from a Manchu word that means “a place for drying fishing nets”, sprung up from a small rural ____52____ (settle) along the Songhua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China and capital of Heilongjiang province.
The city flourished with the arrival of the Chinese Eastern Railway, ____53____ connected it to the outside world, especially the Russian Empire. This paved the way for Harbin’s future development of ____54____(it) unique culture where East meets West.
The city is ____55____ (distinguish) for its ice and snow festivals across the globe. These attract thousands of visitors, with sculptors ____56____ (travel) from all corners of the world to showcase their talents and a variety of winter-themed activities and sports.
Apart from these festivals, the city has much more to offer, from its ____57____ (tradition) European-style architecture to its more modern buildings, such as the Harbin Grand Theatre and the city’s most famous landmark, the Saint Sophia Cathedral. The unique cuisine, including Harbin-style smoky-savory red sausage, guo bao rou and kvass, a fermented cereal-based drink, can all ____58____ (sample) along Zhongyang Street.
While winter may be the best time ____59____ (visit) Harbin, the city has plenty to offer all year round and its individual charms make it ____60____ must-see spot no matter the weather.
【答案】51. In 52. settlement
53. which 54. its
55. distinguished
56. traveling
57. traditional
58. be sampled
59. to visit 60. a
考查固定短语。句意:特别是,越来越多的游客被哈尔滨的冰雪美景所吸引,被称为冰城。根据句意和空后的particular可知,此处使用介词in,in particular“特别是”为固定短语,位于句首,首字母大写。故填In。
考查名词。句意:哈尔滨,这个名字据说来源于一个满语单词,意思是“晒渔网的地方”,从松花江沿岸的一个小村庄发展成为中国东北最大的城市之一和黑龙江省的省会。根据空前的a可知,此处使用名词settlement“定居点”的单数形式,作from的宾语。rural settlement“农村居民点;农村聚落”。故填settlement。
考查定语从句。句意:随着中国东方铁路的到来,这座城市繁荣起来,将它与外部世界,特别是俄罗斯帝国连接起来。分析句子结构可知,本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the Chinese Eastern Railway,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
考查代词。句意:这为日后哈尔滨独特的东西方文化的发展铺平了道路。此处使用形容词性物主代词its“它的”,作定语,修饰unique culture。故填its。
考查非谓语动词。句意:这些雕塑吸引了成千上万的游客,来自世界各地的雕塑家们展示了他们的才华和各种冬季主题的活动和运动。逗号后为with复合结构,即with+宾语+宾补,此处为非谓语动词,且sculptors 与travel“长途行走”为主动关系,应用现在分词,作宾补。故填traveling。
考查形容词。句意:除了这些节日,这座城市还有更多的东西可以提供,从传统的欧式建筑到更现代的建筑,比如哈尔滨大剧院和这座城市最著名的地标——圣索菲亚大教堂。此处使用形容词traditional“传统的”,作定语,修饰名词European-style architecture。故填traditional。
考查动词语态。句意:在中央大街上,你可以品尝到哈尔滨风味的烟熏红肠、锅包肉和一种谷物发酵饮料kvass。cuisine“饭菜,菜肴”与sample“品尝”为被动关系,应用过去分词,位于情态动词can后,用be sampled。故填be sampled。
考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然冬季可能是游览哈尔滨的最佳时间,但这座城市全年都有很多景点,其独特的魅力使其成为一个无论天气如何都必去的景点。the best time to do sth.“做某事的最佳时间”,visit“游览”用不定式形式,作定语,修饰time。故填to visit。
第四部分 补全语篇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A.accurately B.advantage C.desirable D.humble E.curious F.knowing G.processing H.rapidly J.translate
A successful translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source language, full facility in the handling of his ____61____ language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitual use, and a knowledge of the latest subject-matter in his fields of specialization. This is his professional ____62____. In addition to this, it is desirable that he should have a (n) ____63____ mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on his own, often at high speeds, but should be ____64____ enough to consult others should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and ____65____ and if he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to switch ____66____ from one source language to another, as well as from one-subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently required of him in such work. Bear in mind the nature of the translator’s work is the ____67____ of the written word; it is, strictly speaking, unnecessary that he should speak the language he is dealing with. If he does speak them, it is a (n) ____68____ rather than a weakness, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that makes no much difference to him. It is, however, ____69____ that he should have a rough idea about the pronunciation of his source languages, even if this is restricted to _____70_____ how proper names and place names are pronounced.
【答案】61. I 62. K
63. E 64. D
65. A 66. H
67. G 68. B
69. C 70. F
考查形容词。句意:除此之外,他还应该有一个好学的头脑,广泛的兴趣,良好的记忆力和迅速掌握新发展的基本原理的能力。根据下文的“wide interests, a good memory”可知,空处为形容词,修饰名词mind。inquiring,形容词,意为“好学的”,与下文“广泛的兴趣、良好的记忆力”相一致。故选E。
考查形容词。句意:他应该愿意独自工作,经常以很高的速度工作,但如果他自己的知识不足以胜任手头的任务,他应该谦虚地向别人请教。分析句子成分可知,空处为形容词担当表语。再根据下文的“to consult others should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand.”可知,这是在请教他人。根据常理可知,请教他人应该谦虚。humble,形容词,意为“谦虚的”。符合句意,故选D。
考查副词。句意:他应该能够相当快速和准确地打字,如果他的工作基本上是一个信息翻译,比如说,为一个工业公司,他应该有灵活的思维,使他能够迅速地从一种源语言切换到另一种源语言,以及从一个主题到另一个主题,因为这种能力经常需要他在这类工作中。根据上文的“he should have the flexibility of mind”可知,翻译家需要有灵活的思维,而有了灵活的思维才能迅速从一个源语言转到另一种源语言。rapidly,副词,意为“迅速地”,修饰动词switch。故选H。
考查名词。句意:牢记翻译工作的性质,即对文字的处理;严格地说,他不必说他正在处理的语言。根据上文的“the nature of the translator’s work”可知,空处阐述的是翻译工作的性质,也就是对文字的处理。processing,名词,意为“处理过程”,符合文意,作表语。故选G。
考查名词。句意:如果他会说这些语言,这是一种优势而不是缺点,但这种技能在许多方面是一种奢侈,对他来说没有多大区别。根据下文的“rather than a weakness”可知,空处指的是weakness的反义词。advantage,名词,意为“优点”。符合文意。故选B。
考查形容词。句意:然而,最好的情况是,他应该对他的源语言的发音有一个粗略的了解,即使这仅限于知道专有名称和地名的发音。空处为原词的重现,通过上文“In addition to this, it is desirable that he should have a (n) 3 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments.”可知,desirable,形容词,意为“值得做的”。符合文意。故选C。
考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,最好的情况是,他应该对他的源语言的发音有一个粗略的了解,即使这仅限于知道专有名称和地名的发音。根据空前的“is restricted to”和空后完整的句子可知,空处为动词的ving形式,因为to为介词。再根据上文的“have a rough idea about(了解)”可知,空处应和这个短语有着相似的意思。knowing,v-ing形式,意为“了解、知道”,符合句意。故选F。
第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)
71. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The streams were long gone back into the earth.
I was in the kitchen making lunch for the family when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. I could only see his back. He wasn't walking in his usual way. He was obviously walking with a great effort, trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.
Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow and long step toward the woods. This activity went on for over an hour—walking cautiously to the woods, then running back to the house. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey.
He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill the water he carried. Branches and thorns slapped (拍打) his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much greater purpose. As I came closer, I saw the most amazing sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them, at the sight of which I almost screamed for him to get away. A hug buck (雄鹿) was dangerously close, but it neither threatened Billy nor even moved as Billy knelt down. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and heat exhaustion, lifting its head with great effort to lap (舔) up the water in my boy's hands.
Paragraph 1:
When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house.
Paragraph 2:
This time I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen.
【答案】When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to the tap and found the water was running. Billy cupped both his hands, letting water slowly fill up his "cup". But it was still running away through his fingers. And in that case he even had great difficulty turning off the tap. When he turned around, I walked towards him. His eyes were filled with tears, and said, "Mom, I'm not wasting." Never mind, honey." I responded.
This time I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. Billy immediately understood what was happening. "Thank you, mom. Follow me!" Overwhelmed by great joy, he walked fast ahead of me, leading the way into the woods. There before the baby deer Billy knelt down again, took over my pot of water, and reached out for the baby deer to drink. Minutes later, the baby deer seemed to have had enough. It rose slowly, and stared at Billy with its big eyes as if to say "Thanks". My heart was melted, more by my loving boy than the little creature.
【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。本文叙述了由于一个多月没有下雨了,眼看就要颗粒无收,这时作者看见自己的儿子Billy 多次向森林跑去,她很好奇,于是就悄悄地跟去,发现儿子小心翼翼地端着水在拯救快要渴死的小鹿。
【详解】续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:水没了,Billy 跳起来跑回屋里。所以本段应该描写Billy回屋后所做的事情,他回屋取水,他双手捧成杯状,让水慢慢装满他的双手,可是水还是从指间流出去了,这都被妈妈发现了。第二段开头是:这次作者和儿子一起,从厨房里拿了一小壶水。Billy明白了妈妈的用意,他喊妈妈一起,去给小鹿喂水。看到这一切,作者被儿子所做的事情感动了。
【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如: run back to,in that case,be filled with,ahead of,take over , stare at等高级词汇;现在分词作状语Billy cupped both his hands, letting water slowly fill up his "cup";what引导宾语从句Billy immediately understood what was happening.等高级句式。