

名称 安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学检测联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频及听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-18 09:31:30


(总分:150分 时间:120分钟)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant. B. In a library. C. On a bus.
2. What does the woman go to Shanghai for
A. Family gathering. B. Travel. C. Business.
3. What will the girl probably do
A. Do her homework. B. Go ride a boat. C. Enjoy the beautiful day.
4. What happened to the driver
A. He hit a bicycle. B. He drove too fast. C. He ran into a tree.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. A couple. B. Neighbors. C. Salesman and customer.
6. What is the color of the chosen bookshelf
A. Brown. B. White. C. Black.
7. What is the man going to do
A. Pay for the bill. B. Wait for the woman C. Check the price.
8. Why is the man moving to New York
A. To find a better job. B. To enjoy the city life. C. To stay with his friends.
9. How old is the man
A. 19 years old. B. 29 years old. C. 39 years old.
10. Where are the speakers now
A. In China. B. In Brazil. C. In America.
11. What’s the man’s work
A. Advertising. B. Running a restaurant. C. Doing the wine business.
12. What does the woman dislike about the Brazilian restaurant
A. Its food. B. Its location. C. Its service.
13. Why does the woman call the man
A. To ask about her sister. B. To borrow books. C. To visit his parents.
14. What was the man doing when the phone rang
A. Shopping. B. Surfing the Internet. C. Working in the garden.
15. What kind of books does Anna want to read
A. Geography. B. History. C. Music.
16. When will the speakers meet
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow morning.
17. Which of the following was in the farmer’s bag
A. Rice. B. Fruits. C. Vegetables.
18. What happened to the farmer’s bag
A. It was broken. B. It got stolen. C. It fell from his horse.
19. Who helped the farmer
A. A rich man. B. A poor man. C. His friend.
20. What can we learn from the story
A. Everyone can become a great man.
B. Everyone should help people in need.
C. Everyone should pay for others’ help.
Many high school students look forward to volunteering abroad. Here are some programs that such students can consider.
Spring Break Voluntary Service
Through this program, you’ll volunteer to build schools and community centers in the Dominican Republic, and help with reforestation (重新造林) or water purification (净化) projects. You’ll also have the chance to spend some free time on beaches, and explore freshwater lakes and underwater caves. This eight-day program costs $1,899.
Tanzania Expedition
Raleigh International’s Tanzania Expedition includes an adventurous hike in the Southern Highlands, through which you can help out with some environmental projects, and also pick up wildness survival skills. Except for these, volunteer work includes planting trees, improving access to clean water, and helping with hygiene (卫生) awareness events. This expedition lasts five, seven, or ten weeks, starting at $2,595.
Volunteer in Sri Lanka
Plan My Gap Year (PMGY) is offering a Sri Lanka volunteering experience to travelers aged 16 and 17. For two weeks, you’ll explore and volunteer, with activities including visiting an elephant center, watching animals at Yala National Park, relaxing on the beach and volunteering for different projects which mainly focus on English teaching, elephants, and sea turtles. The cost starts at $1,599.
Volunteer in Morocco
Another volunteer opportunity perfect for teens is the Morocco program provided by Cross-Cultural Solutions, where you will be able to travel across this beautiful country for two or four weeks and help with education, health, technology, or sports leadership activities. The cost (including housing and meals, in-country transport handbooks, and more) starts at $750, plus a $249 registration fee (注册费).
1. What is special about Tanzania expedition
A. It includes a trip to a national park.
B. It puts volunteering and adventure together.
C. It aims to raise locals’ environmental awareness.
D. It requires volunteers to be equipped with first aid skills.
2. What do the first program and the third one have in common
A. They are of the same lasting time. B. They are for teens aged 16 and 17.
C. They both stress environmental protection. D. They offer volunteers chances to visit beaches.
3. What should you do if you want to attend the Morocco program
A. Pay a registration fee. B. Work out an activity plan.
C. Make a booking online. D. Join Cross-Cultural Solutions.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据Tanzania Expedition部分“Raleigh International’s Tanzania Expedition includes an adventurous hike in the Southern Highlands, through which you can help out with some environmental projects, and also pick up wildness survival skills. Except for these, volunteer work includes planting trees, improving access to clean water, and helping with hygiene (卫生) awareness events. (雷励国际的坦桑尼亚探险包括在南部高地的冒险徒步旅行,通过它你可以帮助一些环境项目,也可以学习野外生存技能。除此之外,志愿者的工作还包括植树,改善清洁水的获取,以及帮助开展卫生意识活动。)”可知,它把志愿服务和冒险结合在一起。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Spring Break Voluntary Service部分的“You’ll also have the chance to spend some free time on beaches, and explore freshwater lakes and underwater caves. (你也有机会在海滩上度过一些空闲时间,探索淡水湖和水下洞穴。)”和Volunteer in Sri Lanka部分的“For two weeks, you’ll explore and volunteer, with activities including visiting an elephant center, watching animals at Yala National Park, relaxing on the beach and volunteering for different projects which mainly focus on English teaching, elephants, and sea turtles. (在两周的时间里,你将探索和做志愿者,活动包括参观大象中心,在雅拉国家公园看动物,在海滩上放松,并志愿参加不同的项目,主要是英语教学,大象和海龟。)”可知,这两个项目的共同之处在于它们为志愿者提供参观海滩的机会。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Volunteer in Morocco部分的“The cost (including housing and meals, in-country transport handbooks, and more) starts at $750, plus a $249 registration fee (注册费). (费用(包括食宿、国内交通手册等)起价750美元,外加249美元的注册费。)”可知,如果你想参加摩洛哥计划,你应该支付注册费。故选A。
This is the last Christmas that Faye and Matthew have spent in their house, which has already been sold. Faye and Matthew Gooding and their five young sons appear to have perfect lives. For the couple themselves, however, this “materially perfect world” was lacking in something—so now they are giving up all their possessions to travel around the world with their children. Most of their belongings have been given to their neighbors. Faye said, “It is a relief to get rid of so many possessions. Thankfully, our parents understand and support us.”
“I hesitated for a while because some friends think Faye and I are mad to give up so much. When we told the older boys, they were so excited that they were going to have so much time as a family. It made me realize the amount of toys or material possessions can’t replace time spent with our children. They’ve had to give away so many toys, bikes and books. My wife Faye was so determined to keep to our plan,” said Matthew.
They will leave this month and plan to start their travels in Sweden where they have friends. Faye said, “My older boys plot where we go next but we hope to see Europe and over two years travel as far as Japan, America, Bali and Thailand. We don’t plan to hire any tour guides. We just depend on a compass and local people to move in the right direction.”
Faye, who posts on Instagram as a mother of five boys, added, “It is a risk because we are giving up so much. I, however, even plan to quit my job after the travel. We can’t wait to spend more time with our sons without the stresses of everyday routines. We don’t know what will happen, but we do know if we didn’t do this we would always regret it.”
4. How will Faye and Matthew cover the travel costs
A. By selling their house. B. By doing part-time jobs.
C. By asking parents for help. D. By borrowing from neighbors.
5. What is Faye’s attitude towards traveling around the world
A. Worried B. Excited C. Uncertain D. Firm
6. Who will decide where the family will travel
A. Faye B. Matthew C. The children D. The tour guide
7. From which is the text probably taken
A. A travel guidebook B. A life journal C. A paper D. A diary
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了Faye和Matthew Gooding夫妇生活富足美,但是她和丈夫发现这些只是物质上的完美。为了追求精神上的完美生活,他们决定卖掉家产带着孩子们环球旅行。
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“This is the last Christmas that Faye and Matthew have spent in their house, which has already been sold.(这是Faye和Matthew在他们的房子里度过的最后一个圣诞节,房子已经被卖掉了。)”和“For the couple themselves, however, this “materially perfect world” was lacking in something—so now they are giving up all their possessions to travel around the world with their children.(然而,对于这对夫妇自己来说,这个“物质完美的世界”缺少了一些东西——所以现在他们放弃了所有的财产,带着孩子环游世界。他们的大部分财产都给了邻居。)”可知,他们通过卖房子来支付旅游费用。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“My wife Faye was so determined to keep to our plan(我的妻子Faye非常坚定地坚持我们的计划)”可知,Faye对环游世界的态度是坚定的。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“My older boys plot where we go next but we hope to see Europe and over two years travel as far as Japan, America, Bali and Thailand.(我的大儿子们正在计划我们接下来要去哪里,但我们希望能看到欧洲,并在未来两年里去日本、美国、巴厘岛和泰国旅行。)”可知,孩子们来决定全家去哪里旅游。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Faye, who posts on Instagram as a mother of five boys, added, “It is a risk because we are giving up so much. I, however, even plan to quit my job after the travel. We can’t wait to spend more time with our sons without the stresses of everyday routines. We don’t know what will happen, but we do know if we didn’t do this we would always regret it.”(作为五个男孩的母亲,菲在Instagram上发帖,她补充说:“这是一种风险,因为我们放弃了太多。然而,我甚至打算在旅行结束后辞职。我们迫不及待地想花更多的时间和儿子们在一起,摆脱日常生活的压力。我们不知道会发生什么,但我们知道,如果我们不这样做,我们将永远后悔。”)”可推知,文章可能出自生活日志。故选B。
Have you ever thought how good it would be if an unfinished handwork project, which stopped because the owner passed away, could be lovingly completed
Friends and knitters (编织者) Jennifer Simonic and Masey Kaplan started the Loose Ends Project in September 2022 The pair match “volunteer finishers” with unfinished projects online so they can carefully complete them and then return them to the people they were being made for.
It all started when founders, Simonic and Kaplan, realized that they had both been asked by friends to finish knitting hats, sweaters or other unfinished projects by their moms. When more friends asked them for help, they felt it would be a good idea to “have strangers be able to finish things for each other”.
Helping strangers this way which also assists (帮助) them to get through their grieving process, was something that the two had happily agreed to do, understanding how wonderful it feels to be dressed in something a loved one has created.
Adding a moving couple of extra steps, once the finishers receive the project, they may highlight (突出) the last stitch (针) worked by the dead maker in a special way before they restart the work.
In just a few months, Loose Ends has built up a global team of over 7, 000 volunteers. New volunteers are asked to share their skill sets and interests. When Loose Ends receives a project, the founders determine a good fit based on these skills. The Loose Ends team will let the volunteers try the work to “check if they’re feeling it too”, as Simonic and Kaplan never want the work to be a boring task.
Volunteers do not charge for their work, while families are only asked to cover the delivery costs. The group tries to match projects to volunteers living nearby to reduce the delivery costs to the lowest.
8. What is the goal of the Loose Ends Project
A. To promote handwork art. B. To sell handwork products online.
C. To complete unfinished handwork projects. D. To recycle good handwork projects.
9. What does the underlined word “grieving” mean in paragraph 4
A. Touching B. Amazing C. Unforgettable D. Painful
10. What extra step may volunteers do with unfinished works
A. They may make a special design for the last stitch.
B. They may mark the original maker’s last stitch.
C. They may add receivers’ information on them.
D. They may sign their names on the works.
11. Which of the following can best describe the service of the Loose Ends Project
A. Quick B. Tiring C. Safe D. Thoughtful
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了编织者Jennifer Simonic和 Masey Kaplan是朋友,他们于2022年9月启动了Loose Ends Project,帮助人们完成由去世的亲人未完成的编织的东西。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Friends and knitters (编织者) Jennifer Simonic and Masey Kaplan started the Loose Ends Project in September 2022. The pair match “volunteer finishers” with unfinished projects online so they can carefully complete them and then return them to the people they were being made for.(Jennifer Simonic和 Masey Kaplan是朋友,他们是编织者,于2022年9月启动了Loose Ends Project。这两个人将“自愿完成者”与网上未完成的项目相匹配,这样他们就可以仔细地完成这些项目,然后将它们返还给他们的目标人群)”可知,Loose Ends Project的目的是完成未完成的手工项目。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据上文“It all started when founders, Simonic and Kaplan, realized that they had both been asked by friends to finish knitting hats, sweaters or other unfinished projects started by their dead moms.(这一切都始于创始人西蒙尼克和卡普兰意识到,他们都被朋友请求完成编织帽子、毛衣或其他由他们去世的母亲开始的未完成的项目)”可知,Simonic和Kaplan帮助人们完成由去世的亲人未完成的编织的东西,以这种方式帮助陌生人度过失去亲人的悲伤的过程,由此可推知,划线单词grieving意为“悲伤的”,与A项“Painful.(痛苦的。)”意义一致。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Adding a touching couple of extra steps, once the finishers receive the project, they may highlight the last stitch worked by the dead maker in a special way before they restart the work.(他们添加了几个额外的感人步骤,一旦收到这个项目,在重新开始工作之前,他们可能会以一种特殊的方式突出由之前死去的编织者所缝制的最后一针)”可知,志愿者对未完成的工作采取的额外措施是,他们会标记由原来编织者所缝制的最后一针。故选B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Adding a touching couple of extra steps, once the finishers receive the project, they may highlight the last stitch worked by the dead maker in a special way before they restart the work.(他们添加了几个额外的感人步骤,一旦收到这个项目,他们重新开始工作之前,他们可能会以一种特殊的方式突出由之前死去的编织者所缝制的最后一针)”和倒数第二段中“The Loose Ends team will let the volunteers try the work to “check if they’re feeling it too”, as Simonic and Kaplan never want the work to be a chore.(Loose Ends团队将让志愿者尝试这项工作,以“检查他们是否也有这种感觉”,因为Simonic和Kaplan从不希望这项工作成为一件苦差事)”可推知,Loose Ends Project的服务是周到的。故选D。
Taking exercise in a crowded, noisy gym will improve your muscle but may not make much difference in your stress level. By contrast, hiking improves not only your physical fitness level, but your mental health as well. “I hike with friends every week. Whether I am wandering down a flat path along a river or climbing a rock y mountain in the wilderness, hiking can be beneficial to me because it exposes (使接触) me to outdoor scenes such as mountain s and rivers, which can always offer me good ideas about paintings and music,” Marry Copper, a hiker said.
Experts agree that hiking reduces stress. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), hiking increases the body’s production of endorphins, a type of chemical that improves mood (情绪). Endorphins also help you sleep more soundly, which will lower your stress level. However, not all scientists agree that hiking raises your endorphin level. Instead, some researchers believe that hiking causes the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which helps make you less excited or upset.
The controversy (争议) is ongoing, but it is clear that however it happens, hiking is useful when you are feeling anxious. Hiking can also help improve your confidence. Walking down a path is a repetitive motion, which can lead your brain into relaxing; you may “zone out” to the point where you won’t be thinking about anything in particular. Being outside in the open air may also help you exercise better because most people do indoors; getting out from under a roof can lift your spirits.
Hiking may improve your mood more than a gym workout will, but your risks are also greater. People sometimes try to make their own way rather than stick to established paths. They are proud to say they like to have an adventure. However, people who try to do something new could be attacked by wildlife and get hurt and lost. So stick to the known roads and bring a cellphone with you, and always tell someone where and when you are going hiking, even if you have a partner going with you.
12. Why does Marry Copper like hiking
A. She dislikes exercising in the gym. B. She can meet new friends when hiking.
C. She can draw inspiration from nature. D. She has the spirit of adventure in the wilderness.
13. What do we know about the study of hiking
A. Scientists have reached an agreement.
B. Sound sleep can increase the body’s endorphin level.
C. Stress is caused by the body’s production of endorphin.
D. The chemical norepinephrine could make people calm.
14. What is the author’s attitude towards exploring new roads during hiking
A. Negative B. Positive C. Objective D. Unclear
15. What is the best title for the text
A. How can hiking cause controversy B. Why do people like exercising outdoors
C. What do hikers like to do in the wilderness D. What benefits can hiking bring to people
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D
细节理解题。根据文章第一段““I hike with friends every week. Whether I am wandering down a flat path along a river or climbing a rocky mountain in the wilderness, hiking can be beneficial to me because it exposes me to outdoor scenes such as mountain s and rivers, which can always offer me good ideas about paintings and music,” Marry Copper, a hiker said.(“我每周都和朋友们一起徒步旅行。无论是在河边的平坦小路上漫步,还是在荒野中攀登岩石山,徒步旅行对我来说都是有益的,因为它能让我接触到山川等户外景色,而且总能给我带来绘画和音乐的灵感。”徒步者玛丽 库珀(音译)说。)”可知,Marry Copper喜欢徒步旅行是因为她能从大自然中汲取灵感。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Instead, some researchers believe that hiking causes the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which helps make you less excited or upset.(相反,一些研究人员认为,徒步旅行会导致化学物质去甲肾上腺素的释放,这有助于减少你的兴奋或不安。)”可知,关于徒步旅行,化学物质去甲肾上腺素能使人平静。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“They are proud to say they like to have an adventure. However, people who try to do something new could be attacked by wildlife and get hurt and lost.(他们很自豪地说他们喜欢冒险。然而,尝试新事物的人可能会受到野生动物的攻击,受伤和迷路。)”可推知,作者对徒步旅行中探索新道路的态度是消极的。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“By contrast, hiking improves not only your physical fitness level, but your mental health as well.(相比之下,徒步旅行不仅能提高你的身体健康水平,还能改善你的心理健康。)”可知,文章主要讨论了徒步旅行能给人们带来什么好处。故选D。
Being healthy is important. Often, we’re crazy about articles in health magazines talking about the latest popular diets, or advertisements that offer cures (疗法) for fatness that are often too good to be true. One of the latest crazy phenomena (现象) is intermittent fasting (间歇性禁食). ____16____
There are different ways of intermittent fasting. ____17____ Another common way is choosing a diet that sees people only eating during a limited part of the day, for example, over eight hours.
____18____ A study suggests intermittent fasting may help control blood sugar and reduce the possibility of suffering related disease. Other studies have shown intermittent fasting may help slow the ageing process, support brain function, lose weight, etc.
Some people try intermittent fasting for weight management, and others use the method to deal with some conditions such as high cholesterol or arthritis. ____19____ Fasting might not suit those who are underweight or with a long-term medical condition. Fasting may cause some people to experience symptoms (症状) such as headaches or make them easily suffer from overeating after a reduced calorie intake (热量摄入) day.
As with many diets, it’s always wise to speak to your doctor or weight-loss professional before changing your eating habits. And, at the end of the day, it could just come down to what lifestyle choice suits you. ____20____ If not, your health may suffer.
A. But what is intermittent fasting
B. However, this diet isn’t for everyone.
C. Intermittent fasting has two main origins.
D. Let’s look at some of the possible benefits.
E. The idea of this is to reduce calories over a period.
F. In a word, you should avoid turning to intermittent fasting blindly.
G. You can eat normally on five days of a week and reduce calorie intake on the other two.
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. D 19. B 20. F
上文“One of the latest crazy phenomena (现象) is intermittent fasting (间歇性禁食).(最近出现的一种疯狂现象是间歇性禁食。)”引出间歇性禁食的话题,空处应承接上文,可能说明这种饮食法的目的。E项中的“this”指代上文中的“intermittent fasting”,因此E项“The idea of this is to reduce calories over a period.(这样做的目的是在一段时间内减少卡路里的摄入。)”符合语境。故选E。
上文“There are different ways of intermittent fasting.(间歇性禁食有不同的方式。)”提到间歇性禁食有不同的方式,下文“Another common way is choosing a diet that sees people only eating during a limited part of the day, for example, over eight hours.(另一种常见的方法是选择一种饮食,让人们只在一天的有限时间内进食,例如超过8小时。)”则是对其中一种方式的描述,空处和下文为并列关系,共同说明间歇性禁食的不同方式。因此G项“You can eat normally on five days of a week and reduce calorie intake on the other two.(你可以一周中有五天正常饮食,另外两天减少热量摄入。)”符合语境。故选G。
下文“A study suggests intermittent fasting may help control blood sugar and reduce the possibility of suffering related disease. Other studies have shown intermittent fasting may help slow the ageing process, support brain function, lose weight, etc.(一项研究表明,间歇性禁食可能有助于控制血糖,减少患相关疾病的可能性。其他研究表明,间歇性禁食可能有助于减缓衰老过程,支持大脑功能,减肥等。)”提到了间歇性禁食可能带来的好处,如控制血糖、减缓衰老过程、支持大脑功能、减轻体重等,空处作为段落主题句,应该是引出这些好处。因此D项“Let’s look at some of the possible benefits.(让我们来看一些可能的好处。)”符合语境。故选D。
上文“Some people try intermittent fasting for weight management, and others use the method to deal with some conditions such as high cholesterol or arthritis.(有些人尝试间歇性禁食来控制体重,还有一些人用这种方法来治疗一些疾病,比如高胆固醇或关节炎。)”提到一些人使用间歇性禁食达到的作用,下文“Fasting might not suit those who are underweight or with a long-term medical condition.(间歇性禁食可能不适合那些体重过轻或有长期疾病的人。)”提到这种饮食法不适合的人群,上下文之间是转折关系,空处应该是一个转折的句子。因此B项“However, this diet isn’t for everyone.(然而,这种饮食并不适合所有人。)”符合语境。故选B。
上文“As with many diets, it’s always wise to speak to your doctor or weight-loss professional before changing your eating habits. And, at the end of the day, it could just come down to what lifestyle choice suits you. (与许多饮食一样,在改变你的饮食习惯之前,和你的医生或减肥专家谈谈总是明智的。在一天结束的时候,这可能只是取决于哪种生活方式适合你。)”提到在改变饮食习惯之前,最好先咨询医生或减肥专家,并且最后要选择适合自己的生活方式,空处应该是一个总结性的句子,强调不要盲目尝试间歇性禁食。因此F项“In a word, you should avoid turning to intermittent fasting blindly.(总而言之,你应该避免盲目地求助于间歇性禁食。)”符合语境。故选F。
On a Friday evening in December, I lost my job. That was ____21____. I was excited about the weekend, when my daughter Kristil and I ____22____ to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail: “We are sorry, but we decided to ____23____ you.” I was a single mother and my income was survival. The next day, I struggled to be ____24____ as I eyed the Christmas tree prices.
Over the next week, I applied for ____25____ like crazy as my bank account grew smaller. On a weekend afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a ____26____ community for a birthday party surrounded by all the nice things that we couldn’t ____27____. I drove home feeling sad.
Back at home, I looked out the window at the heavy snow and ____28____ a woman opening her car door against the strong wind. As she ____29____, I realized it was my old teacher, Sister Esther. I rushed out and asked, “What are you doing out in this ______30______ ” She said, “I looked for you at your ______31______ and it was said that you had left, so I thought I would ______32______.” I made her tea and we talked. Before leaving, she handed me a Christmas card.
Later on when I opened her card, I was ______33______. There was a lot of money inside. Tears of gratitude filled my eyes as I ______34______. Sister Esther had given me $1,000. In 2020, at age of 91, Sister Esther died, but the ______35______ she gave during her life lives on in my heart.
21. A. unexpected B. unfair C. unavoidable D. unnecessary
22. A. forgot B. refused C. managed D. planned
23. A. judge B. monitor C. fire D. charge
24. A. encouraged B. thoughtful C. surprised D. cheerful
25. A. puddings B. posts C. shares D. places
26 A. small B. safe C. wealthy D. unique
27. A. remember B. afford C. find D. appreciate
28. A. spotted B. felt C. imagined D. recognized
29. A. came in B. walked away C. settled down D. got out
30. A. business B. weather C. room D. situation
31. A. company B. school C. hotel D. house
32. A. call B. drive C. visit D. pay
33. A. shocked B. satisfied C. confused D. inspired
34. A. searched B. counted C. packed D. celebrated
35. A. guidance B. joy C. care D. advice
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是出乎意料的。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. unfair不公平的;C. unavoidable无法避免的;D. unnecessary不必要的。根据下文“I was excited about the weekend, when my daughter Kristil and I ____2____ to get our Christmas tree.”可知,作者和女儿本来在高兴地为圣诞节做准备,因此丢失工作是出乎意料的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和女儿Kristil计划周末去买圣诞树,这让我很兴奋。A. forgot忘记;B. refused拒绝;C. managed管理;D. planned计划。根据下文“The next day, I struggled to be ____4____ as I eyed the Christmas tree prices.”可知,此处表示计划周末去买圣诞树。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我听到了自己的语音信箱:“很抱歉,我们决定解雇你。”A. judge判断,评价;B. monitor监控,监视;C. fire解雇,点火;D. charge收费,充电。根据上文“On a Friday evening in December, I lost my job.”可知,作者被解雇了。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天,当我看着圣诞树的价格时,我努力让自己高兴起来。A. encouraged感到鼓舞的;B. thoughtful考虑周到的;C. surprised感到惊讶的;D. cheerful快乐的。根据上文“I was a single mother and my income was survival.”可知,作者的收入是维持生计的,因此失去了工作以后,看到圣诞树的价格,作者只能努力让自己高兴起来。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的一个星期里,我疯狂地申请职位,因为我的银行账户越来越小。A. puddings布丁蛋糕;B. posts帖子,职位;C. shares股份,份额;D. places地点。根据“as my bank account grew smaller”可知,钱越来越少了,作者疯狂地申请职位。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个周末的下午,我把Kristil送到一个富裕的社区参加一个生日派对,周围都是我们买不起的好东西。A. small小的;B. safe安全的;C. wealthy富有的;D. unique独特的。根据“for a birthday party surrounded by all the nice things”可知,此处指把Kristil送到一个富裕的社区参加一个生日派对。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. remember记得;B. afford付得起;C. find找到,发现;D. appreciate欣赏,感激。根据“all the nice things”可知,生日派对上,周围都是作者和女儿买不起的好东西。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:回到家,我看着窗外的大雪,看到一个女人在打开车门抵挡强风。A. spotted看见,注意到;B. felt感觉;C. imagined想象;D. recognized识别。根据“Back at home, I looked out the window at the heavy snow”可知,作者看到一个女人在打开车门抵挡强风。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她下车的时候,我意识到那是我以前的老师Esther修女。A. came in进入;B. walked away走开,转身离开;C. settled down定居;D. got out离开,下车。根据“a woman opening her car door against the strong wind”可知,那个人下车了。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我冲出去问:“这种天气你在外面干什么?”A. business生意;B. weather天气;C. room房间;D. situation情况。根据上文“Back at home, I looked out the window at the heavy snow and ____8____ a woman opening her car door against the strong wind.”可知,此处指天气恶劣。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我到你们公司找过你,听说你已经走了,所以我就想来看看。”A. company公司;B. school学校;C. hotel宾馆;D. house房子。根据“it was said that you had left”可知,老师去公司找过作者。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. call呼唤,打电话;B. drive驾驶;C. visit拜访,探望;D. pay支付。根据“I looked for you at your ____11____ and it was said that you had left”可知,知道作者失业了,老师决定来看望作者。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:后来,当我打开她的卡片时,我惊呆了。A. shocked感到震惊的;B. satisfied感到满意的;C. confused感到困惑的;D. inspired受鼓舞的。根据“There was a lot of money inside.”可知,看到卡片里有很多钱时,作者感到震惊。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我数数的时候,感激的泪水充满了我的眼睛。A. searched搜索;B. counted重要,数数;C. packed打包;D. celebrated庆祝。根据“Sister Esther had given me $1,000.”可知,作者数了一下有多少钱。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:2020年,91岁的Esther修女去世了,但她一生所给予的关怀却一直活在我心中。A. guidance指导;B. joy快乐;C. care照顾,关怀;D. advice建议。根据“Sister Esther had given me $1,000.”可知,作者忘不了老师的关怀。故选C。
36. As a senior high school student, you must make e________to improve your communication and problem-solving skills. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:作为一名高中生,你必须努力提高沟通和解决问题的能力。根据单词首字母以及句意“努力”可知,空格处涉及单词“effort”,意为“努力”,为可数名词,空格前无冠词修饰,故应用“effort”的复数形式“efforts”,“make efforts to do sth.”意为“努力做某事”。故填efforts。
37. Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child t______ create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship. (根据首字母单词拼写)
38. However, if your friend i______ your feelings or makes you suffer, it’s time to rethink your relationship. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:然而,如果你的朋友忽视你的感受或让你受苦,是时候重新考虑你们的关系了。根据句意“忽视”和首字母提示可知,此处为动词ignore,结合“makes”可知,使用一般现在时,主语为your friend,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填ignores。
39. However, like a book, your c______ are much more important than your cover. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:然而,就像一本书,你的内容比你的封面重要得多。根据“like a book”和首字母提示可知,此处为名词content,意为“内容”,通常用复数形式,作主语。故填contents。
40. I’ll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film-making you might not be f______ with. (根据首字母单词拼写)
41. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my ______ (满意) that my balance and flexibility slowly improved, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
42. Luo Yan and his wife and son have ______ (定居) in the big city, far away from their hometown. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
43. A former UN official once said, “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing ______ (经济的) growth... these are one and the same fight.” (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
44. After a roll call________ (确认,证实)that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, laughing, crying and hugging each other. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
45. No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the ______ (大多数) of people turn to for information. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:难怪互联网现在已经成为大多数人获取信息的首选途径。根据汉语提示“大多数”可知,空格处应用单词“majority”,意为“大多数”,为可数名词,“the majority of…”为固定短语,意为“大多数……”。故填majority。
46. Teenagers who do not sleep well may experience situations ________ body development slows down, and their health suffers.(用适当的词填空)
47. Two hours ________(seem) very short when you are having so much fun. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查时态。句意:当你玩得很开心的时候,两个小时似乎很短。陈述客观事实用一般现在时,且此处将Two hours 视为一个整体,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填seems。
48. Weight training classes, for example, ______ (design) and will be added to our programme soon. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】are being designed
【详解】考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:例如,重量训练课程正在设计中,并将很快加入我们的课程。表示现阶段正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,主语Weight training classes和design“设计”为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为复数名词,be动词用are。故填are being designed。
49. That morning, I turned on the TV for some local news, only ______ (hear) that a hurricane was on its way. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】to hear
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:那天早上,我打开电视看一些本地新闻,却听到飓风就要来了。此处是“only+动词不定式”作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果。故填to hear。
50. Mrs Fiona Lin. the lady ________ (run)the website, had the idea after she watched her daughter dancing two years ago. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:Fiona Lin女士,运营网站的夫人,两年前看到女儿跳舞后产生了这个想法。分析句子可知,句中已有动词had,此处应用非谓语动词,逻辑主语the lady与run为主谓关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,修饰名词lady。故填running。
51. 假设你是李华。英语课上,老师让你班同学以“My Life Online”为题,分享自己的网络生活。请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,内容包括:
1. 介绍自己利用网络进行的活动;
2. 谈谈自己的收获或感悟。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
【答案】One possible version:
My Life Online
The most common thing I do on the Internet is learn English. Every day I spend an hour reading international news on various websites, which not only sharpens my mind but also trains me to think in English. Other activities include watching English movies and TV shows on weekends. I love practicing dialogues from movies, saying lines after the actors.
Thanks to the Internet, I have access to all these resources. Now I have made remarkable progress in English.
【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇开放性作文。要求考生以“My Life Online”为题,写一篇短文,分享自己的网络生活。
各种各样的:various→all kinds of
由于:thanks to→due to
原句:Other activities include watching English movies and TV shows on weekends.
拓展句:Other activities include watching English movies and TV shows on weekends, which bring me joy.
【点睛】[高分句型1] The most common thing I do on the Internet is learn English. (运用了省略了that的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Every day I spend an hour reading international news on various websites, which not only sharpens my mind but also trains me to think in English. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“April 23 is English Language Day,” says Melissa, jumping up and down. “What a surprise, dear. What would we have done without you reminding us ” jokes Lindsay.
Melissa burst out laughing loudly. “What I meant was that April 23 is a very special day for all of us and I just wanted to make sure non e of you forgot about it.”
“What are your plans for that day ” questions Rocky. “I want to do something special to promote our beautiful English language,” dreams Jennifer.
“I have an idea,” says Lindsay. “Mango Street’s house No. 10 has been recently occupied (居住) by a family who is not fluent in the English language.”
“Where are they from ” asks Melissa. “I don’t know that but I heard the lady talking to the grocery store owner. She had great difficulty explaining her requirements. Her son and daughter also could not understand much. Why don’t we help them improve their English ” wonders Jennifer.
“It is a wonderful idea. Shall we go and let them know what we think ” asks Rocky. “Not now. We will go to meet them tomorrow,” decides Jason.
The next day, the five friends ring the doorbell of house No.10. A young girl opens the door and smiles at them. “May we come in ” asks Melissa. “We are your neighbors.”
The girl calls her mother. The sweet fat lady invites them inside with a smile. All of them sit on the chairs laid out on the front porch (门廊).
Jason explains their plan of helping them understand and speak English better. The lady seems grateful.
“We will help you in learning how to speak and understand our language,” says Lindsay.
The lady smiles her thanks. She point s to the fruits on the table. Rocky picks up one fruit at a time and names it. Jason asks her to repeat. She tries a few times and is able to call each fruit by its name. Her son and daughter learn the names too.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
The friends stay for about an hour.
Paragraph 2:
On April 23, the new family holds a party for the five children.
【答案】One Possible Version
The friends stay for about an hour. By that time, the mother and her kids have learned the names of most things in the kitchen. “We have to go now but we will be back tomorrow and teach you complete sentences,” announces Jennifer. The lady offers lemonade and cupcakes to all of them and says goodbye, smiling happily. The friends visit the new family every day after school and help them to learn new words and sentences. In about two weeks, the newcomers are able to communicate in pretty good English and have no difficulty at the supermarket and at various social gatherings.
On April 23, the new family holds a party for the five children. They intend to thank these kind children. Through their efforts they have made speaking and understanding English easy for them. Jason and Jennifer together with their parents come to the party and so do the others. The hostess gives a speech at the end, praising the warm-hearted kids, who have helped them overcome their difficulty in speaking the English language and made them feel comfortable in a new place.
【导语】文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了一群朋友计划在英语日(April 23)做一件特别的事情来推广英语。他们注意到Mango Street的10号房子最近住进了一个不太会说英语的家庭。于是,他们决定去帮助他们提高英语。第二天,他们访问了这个家庭,并开始教他们如何说和理解英语。家庭成员,特别是母亲和孩子们,开始尝试学习并记住一些简单的英语单词,如水果的名称。
【详解】1. 段落续写
2. 续写线索:提供食物表示感谢——帮助学习单词和句子——日常交流没有困难——举办聚会感谢并赞美这些孩子
3. 词汇激活
提供某物给某人:offer sth. to sb./provide sth. for sb.
拜访:visit/pay a visit to
克服:overcome/get over
【点睛】【高分句型1】The lady offers lemonade and cupcakes to all of them and says goodbye, smiling happily.(运用了现在分词作状语)
【高分句型2】The hostess gives a speech at the end, praising the warm-hearted kids, who have helped them overcome their difficulty in speaking the English language and made them feel comfortable in a new place. (运用了现在分词作状语,who引导非限制性定语从句)
听力:1-5 ACACB 6-10 BAACA 11-15 CCBCB 16-20 BACAB马鞍山二中高二年级阶段检测
(总分:150分 时间:120分钟)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant. B. In a library. C. On a bus.
2. What does the woman go to Shanghai for
A. Family gathering. B. Travel. C. Business.
3. What will the girl probably do
A. Do her homework. B. Go ride a boat. C. Enjoy the beautiful day.
4. What happened to the driver
A. He hit a bicycle. B. He drove too fast. C. He ran into a tree.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. A couple. B. Neighbors. C. Salesman and customer.
6. What is the color of the chosen bookshelf
A. Brown. B. White. C. Black.
7. What is the man going to do
A. Pay for the bill. B. Wait for the woman C. Check the price.
8. Why is the man moving to New York
A. To find a better job. B. To enjoy the city life. C. To stay with his friends.
9. How old is the man
A. 19 years old. B. 29 years old. C. 39 years old.
10. Where are the speakers now
A. In China. B. In Brazil. C. In America.
11. What’s the man’s work
A. Advertising. B. Running a restaurant. C. Doing the wine business.
12. What does the woman dislike about the Brazilian restaurant
A. Its food. B. Its location. C. Its service.
13. Why does the woman call the man
A. To ask about her sister. B. To borrow books. C. To visit his parents.
14. What was the man doing when the phone rang
A. Shopping. B. Surfing the Internet. C. Working in the garden.
15. What kind of books does Anna want to read
A. Geography. B. History. C. Music.
16. When will the speakers meet
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow morning.
17. Which of the following was in the farmer’s bag
A. Rice. B. Fruits. C. Vegetables.
18. What happened to the farmer’s bag
A. It was broken. B. It got stolen. C. It fell from his horse.
19. Who helped the farmer
A. A rich man. B. A poor man. C. His friend.
20. What can we learn from the story
A. Everyone can become a great man.
B. Everyone should help people in need.
C. Everyone should pay for others’ help.
Many high school students look forward to volunteering abroad. Here are some programs that such students can consider.
Spring Break Voluntary Service
Through this program, you’ll volunteer to build schools and community centers in the Dominican Republic, and help with reforestation (重新造林) or water purification (净化) projects. You’ll also have the chance to spend some free time on beaches, and explore freshwater lakes and underwater caves. This eight-day program costs $1,899.
Tanzania Expedition
Raleigh International’s Tanzania Expedition includes an adventurous hike in the Southern Highlands, through which you can help out with some environmental projects, and also pick up wildness survival skills. Except for these, volunteer work includes planting trees, improving access to clean water, and helping with hygiene (卫生) awareness events. This expedition lasts five, seven, or ten weeks, starting at $2,595.
Volunteer in Sri Lanka
Plan My Gap Year (PMGY) is offering a Sri Lanka volunteering experience to travelers aged 16 and 17. For two weeks, you’ll explore and volunteer, with activities including visiting an elephant center, watching animals at Yala National Park, relaxing on the beach and volunteering for different projects which mainly focus on English teaching, elephants, and sea turtles. The cost starts at $1,599.
Volunteer in Morocco
Another volunteer opportunity perfect for teens is the Morocco program provided by Cross-Cultural Solutions, where you will be able to travel across this beautiful country for two or four weeks and help with education, health, technology, or sports leadership activities. The cost (including housing and meals, in-country transport handbooks, and more) starts at $750, plus a $249 registration fee (注册费).
1. What is special about Tanzania expedition
A. It includes a trip to a national park.
B. It puts volunteering and adventure together.
C. It aims to raise locals’ environmental awareness.
D. It requires volunteers to be equipped with first aid skills.
2. What do the first program and the third one have in common
A. They are of the same lasting time. B. They are for teens aged 16 and 17.
C. They both stress environmental protection. D. They offer volunteers chances to visit beaches.
3. What should you do if you want to attend the Morocco program
A. Pay a registration fee. B. Work out an activity plan.
C. Make a booking online. D. Join Cross-Cultural Solutions.
This is the last Christmas that Faye and Matthew have spent in their house, which has already been sold. Faye and Matthew Gooding and their five young sons appear to have perfect lives. For the couple themselves, however, this “materially perfect world” was lacking in something—so now they are giving up all their possessions to travel around the world with their children. Most of their belongings have been given to their neighbors. Faye said, “It is a relief to get rid of so many possessions. Thankfully, our parents understand and support us.”
“I hesitated for a while because some friends think Faye and I are mad to give up so much. When we told the older boys, they were so excited that they were going to have so much time as a family. It made me realize the amount of toys or material possessions can’t replace time spent with our children. They’ve had to give away so many toys, bikes and books. My wife Faye was so determined to keep to our plan,” said Matthew.
They will leave this month and plan to start their travels in Sweden where they have friends. Faye said, “My older boys plot where we go next but we hope to see Europe and over two years travel as far as Japan, America, Bali and Thailand. We don’t plan to hire any tour guides. We just depend on a compass and local people to move in the right direction.”
Faye, who posts on Instagram as a mother of five boys, added, “It is a risk because we are giving up so much. I, however, even plan to quit my job after the travel. We can’t wait to spend more time with our sons without the stresses of everyday routines. We don’t know what will happen, but we do know if we didn’t do this we would always regret it.”
4. How will Faye and Matthew cover the travel costs
A. By selling their house. B. By doing part-time jobs.
C. By asking parents for help. D. By borrowing from neighbors.
5. What is Faye’s attitude towards traveling around the world
A. Worried B. Excited C. Uncertain D. Firm
6. Who will decide where the family will travel
A. Faye B. Matthew C. The children D. The tour guide
7 From which is the text probably taken
A. A travel guidebook B. A life journal C. A paper D. A diary
Have you ever thought how good it would be if an unfinished handwork project, which stopped because the owner passed away, could be lovingly completed
Friends and knitters (编织者) Jennifer Simonic and Masey Kaplan started the Loose Ends Project in September 2022. The pair match “volunteer finishers” with unfinished projects online so they can carefully complete them and then return them to the people they were being made for.
It all started when founders, Simonic and Kaplan, realized that they had both been asked by friends to finish knitting hats, sweaters or other unfinished projects by their moms. When more friends asked them for help, they felt it would be a good idea to “have strangers be able to finish things for each other”.
Helping strangers this way which also assists (帮助) them to get through their grieving process, was something that the two had happily agreed to do, understanding how wonderful it feels to be dressed in something a loved one has created.
Adding a moving couple of extra steps, once the finishers receive the project, they may highlight (突出) the last stitch (针) worked by the dead maker in a special way before they restart the work.
In just a few months, Loose Ends has built up a global team of over 7, 000 volunteers. New volunteers are asked to share their skill sets and interests. When Loose Ends receives a project, the founders determine a good fit based on these skills. The Loose Ends team will let the volunteers try the work to “check if they’re feeling it too”, as Simonic and Kaplan never want the work to be a boring task.
Volunteers do not charge for their work, while families are only asked to cover the delivery costs. The group tries to match projects to volunteers living nearby to reduce the delivery costs to the lowest.
8. What is the goal of the Loose Ends Project
A. To promote handwork art. B. To sell handwork products online.
C. To complete unfinished handwork projects. D. To recycle good handwork projects.
9. What does the underlined word “grieving” mean in paragraph 4
A. Touching B. Amazing C. Unforgettable D. Painful
10. What extra step may volunteers do with unfinished works
A. They may make a special design for the last stitch.
B. They may mark the original maker’s last stitch.
C. They may add receivers’ information on them.
D. They may sign their names on the works.
11. Which of the following can best describe the service of the Loose Ends Project
A. Quick B. Tiring C. Safe D. Thoughtful
Taking exercise in a crowded, noisy gym will improve your muscle but may not make much difference in your stress level. By contrast, hiking improves not only your physical fitness level, but your mental health as well. “I hike with friends every week. Whether I am wandering down a flat path along a river or climbing a rock y mountain in the wilderness, hiking can be beneficial to me because it exposes (使接触) me to outdoor scenes such as mountain s and rivers, which can always offer me good ideas about paintings and music,” Marry Copper, a hiker said.
Experts agree that hiking reduces stress. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), hiking increases the body’s production of endorphins, a type of chemical that improves mood (情绪). Endorphins also help you sleep more soundly, which will lower your stress level. However, not all scientists agree that hiking raises your endorphin level. Instead, some researchers believe that hiking causes the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which helps make you less excited or upset.
The controversy (争议) is ongoing, but it is clear that however it happens, hiking is useful when you are feeling anxious. Hiking can also help improve your confidence. Walking down a path is a repetitive motion, which can lead your brain into relaxing; you may “zone out” to the point where you won’t be thinking about anything in particular. Being outside in the open air may also help you exercise better because most people do indoors; getting out from under a roof can lift your spirits.
Hiking may improve your mood more than a gym workout will, but your risks are also greater. People sometimes try to make their own way rather than stick to established paths. They are proud to say they like to have an adventure. However, people who try to do something new could be attacked by wildlife and get hurt and lost. So stick to the known roads and bring a cellphone with you, and always tell someone where and when you are going hiking, even if you have a partner going with you.
12. Why does Marry Copper like hiking
A. She dislikes exercising in the gym. B. She can meet new friends when hiking.
C. She can draw inspiration from nature. D. She has the spirit of adventure in the wilderness.
13. What do we know about the study of hiking
A. Scientists have reached an agreement.
B. Sound sleep can increase the body’s endorphin level.
C. Stress is caused by the body’s production of endorphin.
D. The chemical norepinephrine could make people calm.
14. What is the author’s attitude towards exploring new roads during hiking
A. Negative B. Positive C. Objective D. Unclear
15. What is the best title for the text
A. How can hiking cause controversy B. Why do people like exercising outdoors
C. What do hikers like to do in the wilderness D. What benefits can hiking bring to people
Being healthy is important. Often, we’re crazy about articles in health magazines talking about the latest popular diets, or advertisements that offer cures (疗法) for fatness that are often too good to be true. One of the latest crazy phenomena (现象) is intermittent fasting (间歇性禁食). ____16____
There are different ways of intermittent fasting. ____17____ Another common way is choosing a diet that sees people only eating during a limited part of the day, for example, over eight hours.
____18____ A study suggests intermittent fasting may help control blood sugar and reduce the possibility of suffering related disease. Other studies have shown intermittent fasting may help slow the ageing process, support brain function, lose weight, etc.
Some people try intermittent fasting for weight management, and others use the method to deal with some conditions such as high cholesterol or arthritis. ____19____ Fasting might not suit those who are underweight or with a long-term medical condition. Fasting may cause some people to experience symptoms (症状) such as headaches or make them easily suffer from overeating after a reduced calorie intake (热量摄入) day.
As with many diets, it’s always wise to speak to your doctor or weight-loss professional before changing your eating habits. And, at the end of the day, it could just come down to what lifestyle choice suits you. ____20____ If not, your health may suffer.
A. But what is intermittent fasting
B. However, this diet isn’t for everyone.
C. Intermittent fasting has two main origins.
D. Let’s look at some of the possible benefits.
E. The idea of this is to reduce calories over a period.
F. In a word, you should avoid turning to intermittent fasting blindly.
G. You can eat normally on five days of a week and reduce calorie intake on the other two.
On a Friday evening in December, I lost my job. That was ____21____. I was excited about the weekend, when my daughter Kristil and I ____22____ to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail: “We are sorry, but we decided to ____23____ you.” I was a single mother and my income was survival. The next day, I struggled to be ____24____ as I eyed the Christmas tree prices.
Over the next week, I applied for ____25____ like crazy as my bank account grew smaller. On a weekend afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a ____26____ community for a birthday party surrounded by all the nice things that we couldn’t ____27____. I drove home feeling sad.
Back at home, I looked out the window at the heavy snow and ____28____ a woman opening her car door against the strong wind. As she ____29____, I realized it was my old teacher, Sister Esther. I rushed out and asked, “What are you doing out in this ______30______ ” She said, “I looked for you at your ______31______ and it was said that you had left, so I thought I would ______32______.” I made her tea and we talked. Before leaving, she handed me a Christmas card.
Later on when I opened her card, I was ______33______. There was a lot of money inside. Tears of gratitude filled my eyes as I ______34______. Sister Esther had given me $1,000. In 2020, at age of 91, Sister Esther died, but the ______35______ she gave during her life lives on in my heart.
21. A. unexpected B. unfair C. unavoidable D. unnecessary
22. A. forgot B. refused C. managed D. planned
23. A. judge B. monitor C. fire D. charge
24. A. encouraged B. thoughtful C. surprised D. cheerful
25. A. puddings B. posts C. shares D. places
26. A. small B. safe C. wealthy D. unique
27 A. remember B. afford C. find D. appreciate
28 A. spotted B. felt C. imagined D. recognized
29. A. came in B. walked away C. settled down D. got out
30. A. business B. weather C. room D. situation
31. A. company B. school C. hotel D. house
32. A. call B. drive C. visit D. pay
33. A. shocked B. satisfied C. confused D. inspired
34. A. searched B. counted C. packed D. celebrated
35. A. guidance B. joy C. care D. advice
36. As a senior high school student, you must make e________to improve your communication and problem-solving skills. (根据首字母单词拼写)
37. Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child t______ create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship. (根据首字母单词拼写)
38. However, if your friend i______ your feelings or makes you suffer, it’s time to rethink your relationship. (根据首字母单词拼写)
39. However, like a book, your c______ are much more important than your cover. (根据首字母单词拼写)
40. I’ll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film-making you might not be f______ with. (根据首字母单词拼写)
41. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my ______ (满意) that my balance and flexibility slowly improved, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
42. Luo Yan and his wife and son have ______ (定居) in the big city, far away from their hometown. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
43. A former UN official once said, “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing ______ (经济的) growth... these are one and the same fight.” (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
44. After a roll call________ (确认,证实)that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, laughing, crying and hugging each other. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
45. No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the ______ (大多数) of people turn to for information. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
46. Teenagers who do not sleep well may experience situations ________ body development slows down, and their health suffers.(用适当的词填空)
47. Two hours ________(seem) very short when you are having so much fun. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. Weight training classes, for example, ______ (design) and will be added to our programme soon. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. That morning, I turned on the TV for some local news, only ______ (hear) that a hurricane was on its way. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. Mrs Fiona Lin. the lady ________ (run)the website, had the idea after she watched her daughter dancing two years ago. (所给词的适当形式填空)
51. 假设你是李华。英语课上,老师让你班同学以“My Life Online”为题,分享自己的网络生活。请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,内容包括:
1. 介绍自己利用网络进行的活动;
2. 谈谈自己的收获或感悟。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“April 23 is English Language Day,” says Melissa, jumping up and down. “What a surprise, dear. What would we have done without you reminding us ” jokes Lindsay.
Melissa burst out laughing loudly. “What I meant was that April 23 is a very special day for all of us and I just wanted to make sure non e of you forgot about it.”
“What are your plans for that day ” questions Rocky. “I want to do something special to promote our beautiful English language,” dreams Jennifer.
“I have an idea,” says Lindsay. “Mango Street’s house No. 10 has been recently occupied (居住) by a family who is not fluent in the English language.”
“Where are they from ” asks Melissa. “I don’t know that but I heard the lady talking to the grocery store owner. She had great difficulty explaining her requirements. Her son and daughter also could not understand much. Why don’t we help them improve their English ” wonders Jennifer.
“It is a wonderful idea. Shall we go and let them know what we think ” asks Rocky. “Not now. We will go to meet them tomorrow,” decides Jason.
The next day, the five friends ring the doorbell of house No.10. A young girl opens the door and smiles at them. “May we come in ” asks Melissa. “We are your neighbors.”
The girl calls her mother. The sweet fat lady invites them inside with a smile. All of them sit on the chairs laid out on the front porch (门廊).
Jason explains their plan of helping them understand and speak English better. The lady seems grateful.
“We will help you in learning how to speak and understand our language” says Lindsay.
The lady smiles her thanks. She point s to the fruits on the table. Rocky picks up one fruit at a time and names it. Jason asks her to repeat. She tries a few times and is able to call each fruit by its name. Her son and daughter learn the names too.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
The friends stay for about an hour.
Paragraph 2:
On April 23, the new family holds a party for the five children.
听力:1-5 ACACB 6-10 BAACA 11-15 CCBCB 16-20 BACAB