人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking教案-


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking教案-
格式 docx
文件大小 23.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-18 10:02:01



Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
Reading and Thinking
内容分析:本单元的主题是“文化沟通与交流”。本节课分为两个部分:1.通过讨论主题图(国外大学课堂的场景),引出留学生在沟通中外文化,架起中国与世界的桥梁的话题。阅读板块主题是“阅读交换学生Xie Lei的留学经历”。阅读语篇是一篇刊登在伦敦一所大学校报上的文章,讲述中国商科留学生Xie Lei初到国外时遇到种种困难和挑战(具体表现为语言障碍、想家、学术要求以及中外教学方式的差异带来的挑战)并逐渐适应新环境的经历(参与文化沟通与交流,包括体验、适应当地文化,和向身边人介绍中国文化)。Xie Lei的学习和生活经历反映了大多数留学生初到国外时的真实体验,和如何应对并适应文化冲击(culture shock)。学生在阅读过程中感受不同文化碰撞产生的新奇感和危机感,理解留学生发挥着向世界讲述中国故事,传播中国文化,提升我国国际影响力的重要作用。同时理解青年人在帮助“世界看中国”,让世界感受中华文化之美的过程中获得文化自信。
1. 理解跨文化交流在当今时代的特殊意义;
2. 通过校报文章了解商科学生Xie Lei的英国留学经历,遇到的问题和应对策略;
3. 理解中国文化的魅力,坚定文化自信;
4. 谈论留学生在跨文化沟通和文化传播中的特殊身份和作用;
Step 1 Warming-up
1. Look at the theme picture and discuss the following questions.
(1) What does Bridging Cultures mean
(2) What do you think this unit is about
(3) What are the young people doing in the picture
(4) How is the girl on the left different from others?
(5) How do you think her life differs from that in her home country
2. Appreciate and understand the quote on the theme picture.
3. Try to answer the following questions.
(1) Why do you think people are not the same after seeing the moon shining on the other side of the world
(2) Do you have such an experience If not, what kind of people may feel this way?
(3) Have you ever dreamed of going abroad for further education If so, can you list some of your dream universities
4. Look at some pictures of highly reputable universities.
Step 2 Pre-reading
Predict what the text will talk about by looking at the title and picture.
(1) Who is Xie Lei
(2) Who do you think is saying “Welcome, Xie Lei!”
(3) Who is the business student building bridges How do you think she is building bridges
(4) Where is the article from and what is it about
Step 3 While-reading
1. Listen to get the main idea of each paragraph and fill in the blanks.
2. Why did Xie Lei have the following feelings during her years studying abroad Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt/feels … because …” according to the article.
3. Take notes on what you read in the article by filling the table.
设计意图:先引导学生通过泛听获取段落大意,找出关键词填空。之后结合课本活动3,梳理文章的情感线:Xie Lei在适应国外学习和生活的过程中,伴随着一系列情感体验的变化,即离开祖国和家人、朋友,飞往陌生国度时的兴奋、紧张与迷茫(excited, nervous, don’t know what to expect),与寄宿家庭相处过程中获得的安慰(comforted),听到导师提出的学术要求时的困惑(confused),在学业上取得进步后的惊喜(surprised),作报告成功后重获的自信(confident),以及逐渐适应新生活后内心的轻松自在(feel at home)。活动4引导学生聚焦文本理解和分析,让学生对语篇结构、核心内容和重要信息进行梳理、分析、概括和提炼。
Step 4 Post-reading
1. Group discussion
(1) What other challenges may Xie Lei face How can she overcome them
(2) How do you think we should prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad
(3) How has Xie Lei acted as a cultural messenger
(4) What makes a good cultural messenger
2. Pair work
Suppose one of you is the reporter for your school newspaper and the other is Xie Lei. The report needs to interview Xie Lei about her life in the UK. Xie Lei could give more information than what is written in the text if necessary.
Step 5 Assignment
1. Write a short summary of the text.
2. Finish Exercise 4 on P68 (benefits of studying abroad) & Exercise 3 on P69 (four stages of culture shock).
设计意图:通过写文章摘要的方式促进学生回顾课文内容,Workbook的两个练习对benefits of studying abroad和four stages of culture shock做有效的补充。