

名称 广西百色市示范性高中2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 45.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-18 17:49:59



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The mountains. B.An accident. C.Some interesting courses.
2.When is the train leaving
A.At 10:15. B.At 10:30. C.At 10:40.
3.How old is the man now
A.62. B.65. C.68.
4.Why is the woman waking up at six o’clock
A.To go to work.
B.To buy tickets to a concert.
C.To buy tickets to a sports event.
5.What job did the man probably use to do
A.A waiter. B.A manager. C.A cook.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
6.Why does the man want to drink green tea
A.To get energized. B.To relax. C.To be healthy.
7.Why won’t the man have any food
A.His wife would be angry. B.He’s not hungry. C.He doesn’t like the food there.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第10 两个小题。
8.What does the woman dislike about owning a business
A.She doesn’t get a lot of help.
B.Her employees are not very responsible.
C.She is responsible for everything.
9.Where is her business located
A.In the countryside. B.Next to the post office. C.Near the Bank of America.
10.Why won’t the woman give the man any cookies
A.She needs to make money.
B.She wants him to be healthy.
C.She doesn’t know him very well.
11.Where is the woman going
A.To her office. B.Out for a walk. C.Home.
12.What does the man want to bring
A.A radio. B.His phone. C.A computer.
13.What does the man keep on during the day time
A.The computer. B.The lights. C.The TV.
听下面一段对话,回答第14和第17 两个小题。
14.What did the class do before starting the first chapter
A.They took a short exam.
B.They talked about their hometowns.
C.They asked questions about the tests and papers.
15.What is the man’s teacher like
A.Very serious. B.Relaxed. C.Hard to please.
16.Which pop star does the man mention
A.Brimey Spears. B.Justin Bieber. C.Lady Gaga.
17.Who is the man
A.A college student. B.An art student. C.A high school student.
听下面一段对话,回答第 18 和第20 两个小题。
18.According to the man, what mistake do dieters make
A.Their goals are too specific.
B.They occasionally eat sweets.
C.They don’t eat enough.
19.What does the man suggest about exercise
A.Doing different types of exercises.
B.Doing challenging exercises.
C.Drinking water when they exercise.
20.Who is the man probably
A.An expert. B.A TV host. C.A salesman.
第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)
A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.
Memory loss is a common part of aging. While there is no cure for most conditions that cause cognitive decline, lifestyle has received increasing attention as it is relatively easy to manage with potential benefits for overall health, including memory.
In a report in the latest issue of British Medical Journal, researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical institutes followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years with normal cognitive abilities for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.
The participants were from 12 provinces from the north, south and west of China, representing the geographical characteristics, degree of urbanization, economic status, dietary patterns, and cultural and social differences in China.
At the beginning of the study in 2009, the researchers tested participants’ memory function with the Auditory Verbal Learning Test, one of the most widely used word-learning tests. They were also tested for the APOE gene, the most common gene linked with Alzheimer’s. Around 20 percent of the participants were carriers of the risk gene.
The participants received assessments in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019. In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet (adherence to recommended food items), regular physical exercise (at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises per week), active social contact (for example, seeing friends and family at least twice a week), active cognitive activity (for example, reading, writing, playing chess at least twice a week), non-smoking and never drinking alcohol.
21.According to the study, what can help us reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s
A.Regular mental training.
B.A healthy diet.
C.Non-smoking habit.
D.All of above.
22.How does the author support the theme of the text
A.By giving examples.
B.By stating arguments.
C.By explaining statistical data.
D.By providing research results.
23.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Causes of memory loss.
B.Lifestyle to rate of memory decline.
C.The study about memory decline.
D.Healthy diet and memory loss.
In 2004, Pen Hadow became the first person to trek (跋涉) to the North Pole alone, without being resupplied on the way. That meant swimming through cold waters, and risking meeting polar bears. Just eight months later, he made a similar trip to the South Pole. Now he is back in the Arctic again, preparing for a more ambitious expedition (远征). This time, however, more significance is attached. Pen and two colleagues will set out on a three-month, 1000-kilometre trek to the North Pole, taking detailed measurements of the thickness and density of the ice. Nobody has ever done this before, and he knows the results will be of vital significance to the scientific community. This will be the truest picture so far of what global warming is doing to the ice that covers the polar region.
Pen and his wife, Mary, live in the country with their two children. “It’s much harder to be away from them this time,” he admits. They were one and five when I last went, and I made a mistake in the way I said goodbye. I thought it would be a good idea to say to my son, “You’re the man of the house now, look after your mum and your sister.” He absolutely took it to heart, asking his mum how she was all the time, but the stress eventually became too much. While it was well intentioned, it was an unfair thing to do.
He is spending these last days before departure preparing his things. With him will be Ann Daniels, one of the world’s leading polar explorers, and the photographer, Martin Hartley. They will be supported by a crew of six, flying in supplies. Being part of a team is actually more stressful to someone like him. Besides, something else is on his mind too. “I’m going to be 47 on Thursday. I’ve done far less training.” Why “Organizational things always seem more urgent. So I’m almost fearful of what I’m going to ask of myself.”
Pen believes his mission reconnects exploration with the search for knowledge that drove previous generations into the unknown. “Making it to the North Pole was a personal ambition and of limited value to anyone beyond the polar adventuring community. This time, scientists will profit from the data, and we’re creating a platform to expose as many people as possible to what’s happening in the Arctic Ocean. This is important work, and nobody can do it but us,” he says. “Our skills, which are otherwise not that necessary, have become really relevant. Suddenly, we’re socially useful again.”
24.What can we learn about Pen Hadow’s opinion of the new expedition in paragraph 1
A.He is aware of its huge importance.
B.He feels certain that it will be stressful.
C.He thinks it similar to his previous journeys.
D.He is confident with the help of a regional picture.
25.What does the underlined phrase “took it to heart” in paragraph 2 mean
A.He started to feel unwell.
B.He memorized his father’s words.
C.He was afraid of the responsibility.
D.He carried out his father’s words carefully.
26.What is worrying Pen about the new expedition
A.Whether he will be mentally prepared.
B.Whether supplies will be enough in time.
C.Whether he will still be fit enough to take part.
D.Whether the arrangements will turn out well.
27.Comparing the new expedition to his previous ones, Pen feels ______.
A.uncertain if it will collect information
B.doubtful about its long-term usefulness
C.proud that they can contribute to scientific research
D.relieved that the general public will be more supportive
More than 80 colleges are creating a website where students will be able to apply to dozens of them. Some of the top names in higher education are joining the effort under a group called the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, whose goal is to simplify the application process, especially for low-income students.
The website not only gives students one place to send their applications, but also gives them tools to get started years in advance. On the site, students will be able to request advice from college admissions offices and they can create digital portfolios(文件夹) with the help of their teachers and instructors.
Members of the coalition(联盟) include private universities such as Harvard and Stanford and public counterparts such as the University of Virginia, University of Florida and Ohio State University. The colleges came together to fix a problem: Complex admissions processes deter students from applying and those who come from low-income families can’t afford the instructors and classes within reach of their wealthier peers. High schools, for example, can already buy software to help instructors track their students through the application process, but many can’t afford it.
More than 600 colleges now accept the standardized Common Application. Unlike the Common Application, which aims to create a uniform application process among schools, the new website aims to help students dive deeper into many distinct applications. It will give them a place to store their checklists and essays and invite anyone to provide feedback and edit.
Each college will have its own portal(入口) where students can submit applications, but they’ll all be accessible through the same site. The portfolio tool will let students add any extra information they want. Artists can include samples of their work and musicians can link to performance videos.
28.What is the aim of the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success
A.To make applying for college easier.
B.To give students more choices of subjects.
C.To donate money for low-income students.
D.To increase the quality of higher education.
29.What do we know from the passage about Harvard University
A.It is the founder of the website. B.It is the most famous among them.
C.It is a public counterpart. D.It is a private university.
30.What does the underlined word “deter” most probably mean
A.Assist. B.Prevent. C.Protect. D.Separate.
31.What can we infer about the software mentioned in the 3rd paragraph
A.It is hard to use. B.It is very practical.
C.It is very effective. D.It is very expensive.
Japan said Tuesday that it would start pouring treated radioactive water (放射性废水) from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean within two years. Officials in Tokyo said the water would be filtered and diluted (稀释) to safe levels first, but most locals remain firmly opposed to the plan. Protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s residence in downtown Tokyo to criticize the government’s decision.
More than a million tons of radioactive water is currently being stored at the Fukushima power plant in a massive tank farm big enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The wastewater comes from water pumped in to cool the plant’s damaged reactors (反应堆). The government says it has simply run out of room to store all the water. The plan to dump the water into the ocean first came to light in the autumn of last year, when Japanese news reported anonymous (匿名的) officials said the decision had been taken.
On Tuesday, Suga said that after years of study, his scientific advisors had concluded that ocean discharge was the most possible way to cope with the wastewater. But the decision to pour Fukushima wastewater into the ocean has drawn fire from neighboring Asian countries and local fishermen along Japan’s coast.
China called the decision “extremely irresponsible,” and South Korea summoned (召唤) the Japanese ambassador in Seoul over the matter. “They told us that they wouldn’t release the water into the sea without the support of fishermen,” Kanji Tachiya, who leads a local cooperative of fisheries in Fukushima, told national broadcaster NHK ahead of the announcement on Tuesday. “We can’t support this move to break that promise and release the water into the sea unilaterally (单方面地).”
The actual release of water from the Fukushima plant will take decades to complete. Critics have called on Japan’s government to at least ensure that independent monitoring is in place to check the level of radiation in the poured water is safe for the environment.
32.How do most of the local people react to the plan
A.Indifferent. B.Uncertain. C.Supportive. D.Disapproving.
33.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The wastewater is being stored in 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
B.It was last year that the plan was exposed to the public.
C.Ocean discharge is the only way to deal with the wastewater.
D.The plan has aroused anger in all the Asian countries.
34.What does Kanji Tachiya probably agree with
A.The plan is to pull the whole world into the disaster.
B.It’s imperative that the plan should be carried out immediately.
C.It’s safe and easy to pour the wastewater into the ocean.
D.It’s unacceptable to pour the water into the ocean without fishermen’s permission.
35.What can we infer from the passage
A.The Japanese government has checked the level of radiation in the poured water.
B.Neigboring Asian countries agreed the decision to pour Fukushima wastewater into the ocean..
C.It will actually take the Fukushima plant long to release treated radioactive water.
D.Independent monitoring of the water from the Fukushima plant aren’t necessary.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Say you’re on vacation at Niagara Falls. You want to take an amazing photo that captures(捕捉) the exceptional beauty of the waterfalls. 36 The thing is you’re not a professional photographer. So, what do you do Here are some tips that can step up your photography game.
Before you snap (拍摄) a shot, ask yourself: What are you trying to document and why That may be as simple as saying to yourself: “I’m going to take a picture of this painting at the museum because I like the colors.” It can help you focus on what you want to remember.
Make a shot list.
Professional photographers often create “shot lists”—a checklist of every photo they hope to capture, along with notes on style and composition—to ensure they get the coverage they need. You can try this same approach on your vacation. 38
Capture the ordinary.
39 These scenes may not feel impressive enough to photograph in the moment, but they’re ones you’re likely to want to remember after your trip is over. The images may be as simple as your dad napping(打盹) on the plane or your beloved backpack.
Study your photos.
It can be hard to appreciate your photos in the rush of a trip. 40 You’ll most likely find some surprises—a glance (一瞥) of a friend in the background or a dangling (悬挂的) flower from a tree branch. Keep an eye out for anything that makes you happy. Above all, what matters is that the photo is meaningful to you.
A.Learn from the professionals.
B.Think before you take a photo.
C.Try to capture moments or objects that may seem “ordinary”.
D.Thus, wait until you’re back home to study your images more carefully.
E.Making use of your senses is another way to add dimension to your pictures.
F.However, you don’t want to take the same photo that everyone else is taking.
G.Such a list can help figure out your photo goals and identify what you’re most excited about.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Nuclear pollution is a serious global 41 , brought to the forefront by major accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. These events have demonstrated the significant health and environmental risks 42 by nuclear disasters. Not only have they caused immediate health problems, such as radiation sickness and increased cancer rates, but they have also 43 lasting environmental damage and genetic changes in affected communities. As a result, nuclear pollution remains a pressing concern for governments, scholars, and individuals worldwide.
When nuclear accidents occur in coastal areas, the 44 environment becomes a critical concern due to the crucial role that oceans play in 45 the climate, ensuring food security, and supporting the livelihoods of billions of people globally. In recent years, the increasing threats to marine ecosystems from ocean pollution have 46 public awareness of the need to protect the marine environment. Studies have shown that human activities pose a 47 threat to marine environments, emphasizing the importance of improving environmental management and taking measures to mitigate environmental risks.
Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, efforts to cool the reactors by pumping in seawater resulted in the 48 of a significant amount of nuclear waste in the water storage tank at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. 49 attempts to manage this waste, the Japanese government’s decision to release nearly 1.26 million tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean over the next 40 years has faced opposition 50 neighboring countries, local 51 , and international environmental organizations.
This 52 poses serious risks to marine life, fisheries, and human health. Radioactive isotopes present in the wastewater, such as tritium, carbon-14, cobalt-60, and strontium-90, can accumulate in marine organisms and ultimately affect human populations through the food 53 . Therefore, there is an/a 54 need for further research and mitigation measures to 55 the widespread impacts of nuclear pollution on the environment and human health.
41.A.change B.opportunity C.concern D.possibility
42.A.caused B.posed C.created D.increased
43.A.resulted in B.led to C.brought about D.caused
44.A.terrestrial B.aquatic C.marine D.atmospheric
45.A.balancing B.regulating C.considering D.stabilizing
46.A.heightened B.raised C.decreased D.lifted
47.A.minor B.slight C.substantial D.insignificant
48.A.accumulation B.storage C.deposition D.buildup
49.A.Therefore B.Despite C.However D.Hence
50.A.from B.by C.of D.in
51.A.residents B.citizens C.inhabitants D.dwellers
52.A.issue B.measure C.release D.disposal
53.A.web B.chain C.network D.system
54.A.urgent B.immediate C.pressing D.critical
55.A.address B.tackle C.solve D.resolve
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
Antarctica, the southernmost part of Earth, is covered with snow and ice all year round. 56 it has amazing views, many people are still frightened by this icy desert.
But 34-year-old US explorer Colin O’Brady is different. Three months ago he became the first person 57 (cross) Antarctica alone. During the 932-mile journey, O’Brady spent 54 days in extreme conditions. He had to push 58 (he) to the limit. He carried everything he’d need on a sled. But even with enough food, O’Brady began to become 59 (thin) and weaker after six weeks. “I 60 (lose) a ton of weight so far. My legs feel more like the size of my arms at this point,” he wrote on the US social media Instagram.
Adding to the pressure, O’Brady was racing against Louis from the UK. The two men set off together, with O’Brady 61 (take) the lead. But on Christmas Day, O’Brady resolved to make a final effort without stopping for a rest. 62 (lucky) for him he made it, getting to the finish line earlier than Louis.
O’Brady thinks that he has the spirit 63 exploration in his blood: He is 64 athlete, who loves to move. He also believes we can all have this 65 (strong) and achieve much.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
66.今年的5月1日—3日你和班级同学参加了一次野外生存训练 (wildness survival program)。请根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文来描述一下这次活动并谈谈自己的感受。
时间 5月1日—3日
活动 1.携带物品:指南针、帐篷、手电筒、地图、急救包、火柴、食品和衣物等。 2.途中翻过三座山,经过了两个小山村。在穿越森林时迷了路,最后靠指南针找到了正确的方向。 3.在营地,支起帐篷,自己生火、做饭。 4.学习紧急救护。
你的感受 ……
3.参考词汇:指南针compass;手电筒 flashlight;急救包first-aid kit;宿营地campsite。
第二节(满分 25 分)
Valerie studies at a big university. At the same time, she maintains a full-time job so that she can pay for her tuition and her living expenses. So Valerie spends most of the day at the office, then goes to class three days a week. She also stays up late at night to study for her classes.
Valerie does not do any physical exercise. Between work and university, she is so busy that she thinks she does not have time for any physical activity.
Sadly, she rarely eats home-made meals. She usually just grabs a bag of chips or a hamburger as she leaves her office to take the bus to university. Since she is convinced that she does not have time to make a healthy dinner when she gets home, she eat slots of pizzas that she orders over the phone.
After dinner, she starts studying and preparing her assignments. Valerie does not sleep very much because of it. She feels grumpy (脾气坏的) when she wakes up early in the morning, and she is irritable (易怒的) at work. After her long day, she feels tired in class, and it is hard for her to concentrate.
To make matters even worse, Valerie keeps getting sick. This makes her miss work and class. She is miserable! She just wants to feel good. Her grades start to go down because of her illnesses. As she thinks about her whole life situation, she gets so frustrated that she does not even want to study anymore.
During her mid-year break, Valerie decides to make some big changes. First, she learn show to make some easy, healthy recipes. She actually finds that she saves a lot of money by preparing her food herself, and the food tastes much better too! After a nearly dinner and some quiet reading, Valerie goes to bed early every night. Now she really feels refreshed in the morning.
Then she decides to give something else a try.
When the new term begins, Valerie maintains her healthy habits.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 B C A B C C A C C A
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 B B C C B C A C A A
题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 D D B A D C C A D B
题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 D D B D C F B G C D
题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
答案 C B A C B A C A B A
题号 51 52 53 54 55
答案 A C B A A
56.Although/Though/While 57.to cross 58.himself 59.thinner 60.have lost 61.taking 62.Luckily 63.of 64.an 65.strength
My classmates and I took part in a wildness survival program from May 1st to 3rd.
Before we started, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a first-aid kit, tents, flashlights, some food, some clothes and so on. On the way we climbed three hills and passed two small mountain villages. We lost our way in the forest. Luckily we found the right direction with the compass. As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned how to give first aid.
It was quite an unforgettable experience for me.
Then she decides to give something else a try. Her office is not really so far from her university, so one day after work she tries walking there. As she walks down the street, looking at all the people, the shops, and the movement in the city, she remember show much she hates being stuck on the bus in traffic. In fact, she finds that she can get to class almost as fast by walking. And she is so much happier when she arrives!
When the new term begins, Valerie maintains her healthy habits. She sets time aside on the weekends to study and do her assignments. Because she is sleeping and eating better now, she can finally concentrate and needs to spend much less time studying. It is a huge improvement. Valerie saves money on food and transportation, she has much more energy, she feels less stressed, and her grades are better. She is glad she finally started to take care of herself. Now she finally enjoys all of her different activities and feels happy about her life.
1.M: Did you hear a light passenger plane flew off course and crashed in the mountains
W: Oh, my God! Are there any survivors
2..M: So, when are the other guys going to get here The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever.
W: It’s 10:30 already. They are supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.
3..M: When I’m 65, I will retire from my position as a teacher.
W: Oh, you only have three years to go.
4..W: Can you turn down that music a little bit I’m trying to get some sleep! I need to get up at six o’clock in the morning.
M: Well, it’s not like you have to go to work or anything. You’re waking up early to get the concert tickets!
5..W: Why did you leave your job with us, Peter
M: It was so hot standing in the kitchen all day. I just couldn’t bear it.
W: Good evening, sir. What can I get for you today
M: May I have a cup of tea, please
W: Of course. What kind can I get for you
M: I’m not sure. What do you recommend
W: Well, that depends on what you need. Black tea is best if you need a pick-me-up. Tea made from flowers is good if you need to calm down, and green tea is the best for your health.
M: I’ll take some green tea.
W: Coming right up. Can I get you any food to go with that
M: No, I shouldn’t ruin my appetite, My wife would be furious with me later tonight!
W: Did you know I started my own business
M: Really That’s great. I always wanted to be my own boss.
W: I’ll admit it’s nice not to take orders from anyone, but it can be stressful, too. I have a lot more responsibility. If anything goes wrong, I have to fix it, even if it’s not my fault.
M: True. But there must be advantages.
W: Oh, of course. I get to use my creativity. And I make bread every day, which I love.
M: What kind of business do you run
W: A bakery. It’s in a great location—right next to the Bank of America downtown. Next time you get some cash out of the ATM, you should drop in for a snack.
M: How about a free cookie for an old friend
W: Hey, if I gave away my goods for free, I wouldn’t be a successful business owner, would I
W: Hi, Ray! Bye, Ray!
M: Hey, where are you going, Alice
W: I have no plans today, so I’m just going to walk until I find something to do.
M: That sounds nice. May I come with you
W: I don’t know if it will work with two people. You see, I want to feel free today. I’ve been working very hard lately and I want to stay away from anything that might cause stress.
M: Well, I won’t bother you. I’ll just walk next to you.
W: Promise you won’t talk much
M: I promise.
W. OK, you can come. You have to leave your phone at home, though.
M: But what if we get lost and need to call a taxi
W: I want to stay away from techlology today. No computers or phones ... not even a radio!
M: That won’t be easy for me. I’m always online, no matter where I go. I keep my TV on all day, and I sleep with the lights on. And I’m usually listening to music on my iPod.
W: You’re the one who really needs a break!
W: How was your first class
M: It was pretty fun.
W: What did you do
M: We introduced ourselves by saying who we lived with and what we liked to do in our free time. Then we went over the plan for the whole term.
W: That sounds like a pretty normal beginning. Did you do any real work
M: Oh, absolutely. Once we asked a few questions about the exams and the papers, we jumped right into the first chapter of our textbook. Then we even had a short test.
W: What How could you have a test on the first day of class
M: It wasn’t a real test. All the questions had at least one answer that was meant to be funny and silly. And most of the questions could be answered without even thinking.
W: Like what
M: Oh, here’s one, “Who painted The Mona Lisa ” I think, the choices were Leonardo da Vinci, Lionel Messi, and Lady Gaga.
W: You call that a test
M: I told you it wasn’t real. The professor just wanted us to relax and have some fun. Art history can be very serious sometimes, so it’s important to keep things interesting.
W: Cool. Do you think you might want to choose art history as your major
M: Oh, it’s a little early to say. This was my first college class ever. I think I’ll give it some time.
W: I would like to introduce Dr. Jacobs. He is here to talk to us about healthy ways to lose weight, Dr. Jacobs, what are some of the mistakes people make when trying to lose weight
M: When people decide to lose weight, they often make promises to themselves to eat healthily.
The problem with this goal, however, is that it’s not specific enough. To be successful on a diet, you have to have a specific plan. First, decide which foods you want to include in your diet and which foods you want to avoid. Then, plan your meals for the week and make a shopping list. You will be much more likely to eat a healthy diet throughout the week if you do this. Another mistake that people make is that they eat too little. Believe me, if you only allow yourself three very small meals each day, you are going to be hungry all the time. That means that when your colleague offers you a cookie at work, you will end up eating four of them. Additionally, when it comes to exercise, people also make mistakes. Many people do the same exercise routine over and over. The problem with this is that they get bored with it and stop exercising. It’s much better to add variety to your schedule. One final mistake that people make is failing to drink enough water. Drinking water helps people not eat too much, and should be part of any weight loss plan.
21.细节理解题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”及最后一段“In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet (adherence to recommended food items), regular physical exercise (at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises per week), active social contact (for example, seeing friends and family at least twice a week), active cognitive activity (for example, reading, writing, playing chess at least twice a week), non-smoking and never drinking alcohol(在随访中,分析了六种健康的生活方式因素:健康的饮食(坚持推荐的食物),定期的体育锻炼(每周至少150分钟的中等强度或75分钟的高强度锻炼),积极的社会交往(例如,每周至少两次与朋友和家人见面),积极的认知活动(例如,阅读,写作,每周至少两次下棋),不吸烟,从不喝酒)”可知,健康的生活方式有助于降低阿尔茨海默症的风险,具体包括健康的饮食,定期的脑力认知方面的训练及不吸烟的生活习惯。故选D项。
22.推理判断题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”提出的本文主题是健康的生活方式有助于减慢记忆衰退,降低阿尔茨海默症的风险,下面第三段“In a report in the latest issue of British Medical Journal, researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical institutes followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years with normal cognitive abilities for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.(在最新一期《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)上发表的一份报告中,来自中国国家神经疾病中心和其他医疗机构的研究人员对2.9万名60岁以上、认知能力正常的人进行了长达10年的跟踪调查。49%的参与者是女性)”及下面的三个段落详细地介绍了研究过程和具体的成果及具体数据。所以说作者是提供研究成果来证明主题的。故选D项。
23.主旨大意题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”提出的本文主题是健康的生活方式和记忆衰退速度有关系,下文详细介绍了这个研究的过程,研究发现有助于减慢记忆衰退,降低阿尔茨海默症的风险。所以,B项“Lifestyle to rate of memory decline.(生活方式与记忆力衰退的速度有关)”作为本文标题,与文章主题相符合。故选B项。
这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Pen Hadow即将进行北极探险,这次探险极具意义,因为他将把探险与探索知识联系起来。
24.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“This time, however, more significance is attached. Pen and two colleagues will set out on a three-month, 1000-kilometre trek to the North Pole, taking detailed measurements of the thickness and density of the ice. Nobody has ever done this before, and he knows the results will be of vital significance to the scientific community.(然而,这一次有了更多的意义。潘和他的两名同事将开始为期三个月、1000公里的长途跋涉,前往北极,对冰的厚度和密度进行详细测量。以前从来没有人这样做过,他知道结果将对科学界具有至关重要的意义。)”可推断,他意识到这次新探险的重要性。故选A。
25.词句猜测题。根据第二段上文“I thought it would be a good idea to say to my son, “You’re the man of the house now, look after your mum and your sister.”(我认为我对儿子说:“你现在是家里的男人了,照顾好你的妈妈和妹妹。”是个好主意。)”可知,Pen Hadow让儿子照顾自己的妈妈和妹妹。再根据下文“asking his mum how she was all the time(一直问他妈妈感觉怎么样)”可知,他的儿子认真执行父亲的话。所以,took it to heart意为“他认真执行父亲的话”。故选D。
26.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Being part of a team is actually more stressful to someone like him. Besides, something else is on his mind too. “I’m going to be 47 on Thursday. I’ve done far less training.” Why “Organizational things always seem more urgent. So I’m almost fearful of what I’m going to ask of myself.”(对像他这样的人来说,成为团队的一员实际上压力更大。此外,他心里还有别的事。“周四我就47岁了。我接受的训练要少得多。”为什么 “有组织的事情似乎总是更紧急。所以我几乎害怕我要问自己的问题。”)”可推断,他担心自己不能胜任此次探险。故选C。
27.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““Making it to the North Pole was a personal ambition and of limited value to anyone beyond the polar adventuring community. This time, scientists will profit from the data, and we’re creating a platform to expose as many people as possible to what’s happening in the Arctic Ocean. This is important work, and nobody can do it but us,” he says. “Our skills, which are otherwise not that necessary, have become really relevant. Suddenly, we’re socially useful again.”(“去北极是个人的抱负,对极地探险圈以外的人来说价值有限。这一次,科学家们将从这些数据中获利,我们正在创建一个平台,让尽可能多的人了解北冰洋正在发生的事情。这是一项重要的工作,除了我们没有人能做。”“我们的技能本来不是那么必要,但现在变得非常重要。突然间,我们在社会上又有用了。”)”可推知,与以前的探险相比,这次探险可以为科学研究做出贡献,这让Pen感到自豪。故选C。
本文为一篇说明文,介绍了80多所大学正在创建一个网站,学生们可以申请其中的几十所大学,这项名为Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success的组织的目标是简化申请流程,尤其是对低收入家庭的学生。
1.细节理解题。根据第一段“Some of the top names in higher education are joining the effort under a group called the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, whose goal is to simplify the application process, especially for low-income students.(高等教育领域的一些顶尖名校加入了一个名为“入学、负担和成功联盟”的组织,该组织的目标是简化申请流程,尤其是对低收入家庭的学生)”可知,这个联盟网站的目的是使大学申请程序更加方便。故选A项。
2.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Members of the coalition include private universities such as Harvard and Stanford and public counterparts such as the University of Virginia, University of Florida and Ohio State University.(该联盟的成员包括哈佛大学和斯坦福大学等私立大学,以及弗吉尼亚大学、佛罗里达大学和俄亥俄州立大学等公立大学)”可知,哈佛大学属于私立大学。故选D项。
3.词句猜测题。根据划线词前“to fix a problem”和“Complex admissions processes”可知,此处意为“复杂的入学程序阻止了学生申请”。由此可知,该词的意思是“阻止;妨碍”,与prevent意思相同。故选B项。
4.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“High schools, for example, can already buy software to help instructors track their students through the application process, but many can’t afford it.(例如,高中已经可以购买软件来帮助教师跟踪学生的申请过程,但许多高中负担不起)”可知,学校现在可以购买能跟踪学生大学申请过程的软件,但是很多学校买不起,由此判断该软件很贵。故选D项。
32.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Officials in Tokyo said the water would be filtered and diluted(稀释) to safe levels first, but most locals remain firmly opposed to the plan.(东京官员表示,将首先对水进行过滤和稀释,使其达到安全水平,但大多数当地人仍然坚决反对该计划。)”可知,大多数当地人反对日本在未来两年内将福岛核电站处理过的放射性废水排入太平洋的计划。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The plan to dump the water into the ocean first came to light in the autumn of last year, when Japanese news reported anonymous(匿名的) officials said the decision had been taken.(将污水排入海洋的计划在去年秋天首次曝光,当时日本新闻报道一位匿名的官员表示,这一决定已经做出。)”可知,将污水排入海洋的计划在去年秋天已经曝光。故选B。
34.推理判断题。根据文章第四段““They told us that they wouldn’t release the water into the sea without the support of fishermen,” Kanji Tachiya, who leads a local cooperative of fisheries in Fukushima, told national broadcaster NHK ahead of the announcement on Tuesday. “We can’t support this move to break that promise and release the water into the sea unilaterally(单方面地).”(“他们告诉我们,如果没有渔民的支持,他们不会把水放入海中,”福岛当地渔业合作社的负责人Kanji Tachiya在周二宣布这一消息之前告诉日本国家广播公司NHK。“我们不能支持这种违背承诺,单方面将水排放入海的举动。”)”可知,Kanji Tachiya认为未经渔民允许,把核废水排进海洋是不可接受的。故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The actual release of water from the Fukushima plant will take decades to complete. Critics have called on Japan’s government to at least ensure that independent monitoring is in place to check the level of radiation in the poured water is safe for the environment.(福岛核电站的实际放水工作需要几十年才能完成。批评人士呼吁日本政府至少要确保独立监测机构到位,以检查倾倒水中的辐射水平是否对环境安全。)”可知,实际上福岛核电站需要很长时间才能释放处理过的放射性水。故选C。
36.根据上文“Say you’re on vacation at Niagara Falls. You want to take an amazing photo that captures (捕捉) the exceptional beauty of the waterfalls.(假设你在尼亚加拉大瀑布度假。你想拍一张惊人的照片,捕捉到瀑布的非凡之美)”指出假设你正在尼亚加拉瀑布度假,你想拍一张令人惊叹的照片,捕捉瀑布的非凡之美。下文“The thing is you’re not a professional photographer. So, what do you do Here are some tips that can step up your photography game.(问题是你不是专业摄影师。那么,你是怎么做的 这里有一些技巧可以提高你的摄影水平)”提到了你并非专业摄影师,那么你会怎么做,接下来的几段介绍了能提高摄影水平的几个技巧,可知本句与上文构成转折关系,指出想拍出不同的照片。故F选项“但是,你不会想拍和别人拍的一样的照片”符合语境,故选F。
37.根据本段内容“Before you snap (拍摄) a shot, ask yourself: What are you trying to document and why That may be as simple as saying to yourself: “I’m going to take a picture of this painting at the museum because I like the colors.” It can help you focus on what you want to remember.(在你拍照之前,问问你自己:你想要记录什么,为什么?这可能就像对自己说:“我要在博物馆给这幅画拍张照片,因为我喜欢它的颜色。”它可以帮助你专注于你想要记住的东西)”可知,设空处为小标题,起总结全段主旨的作用。通读该段内容可知,该段介绍的技巧是在拍照之前,你可以问问自己:你想记录什么?为什么?B项概括了本段主旨,适合作小标题。故B选项“拍照前要三思”符合语境,故选B。
38.根据上文“Professional photographers often create “shot lists”—a checklist of every photo they hope to capture, along with notes on style and composition—to ensure they get the coverage they need. You can try this same approach on your vacation.(专业摄影师通常会创建“拍摄清单”——一份他们希望拍摄的每张照片的清单,以及风格和构图的注释——以确保他们得到他们需要的内容。你可以在度假时尝试同样的方法)”说明了专业摄影师通常会拟订一个“拍摄清单”,确保他们能拍到自己想要的内容。在度假时,你也可以尝试一下这个方法。G项中的Such a list呼应上文中的shot lists。故G选项“这样的清单可以帮助你找出你的摄影目标,并确定你最感兴趣的是什么”符合语境,故选G。
39.根据该段小标题“Capture the ordinary.(捕捉平凡)”可知,该段介绍的拍照技巧是捕捉普通的事物,C项中的capture和ordinary分别与小标题中的Capture和ordinary构成原词复现。故C选项“试着捕捉那些看起来“普通”的瞬间或物体”符合语境,故选C。
40.根据上文“It can be hard to appreciate your photos in the rush of a trip.(在匆忙的旅行中很难欣赏你的照片)”说明了在匆忙的旅行中,你可能很难顾得上欣赏你的照片。下文“You’ll most likely find some surprises—a glance (一瞥) of a friend in the background or a dangling (悬挂的) flower from a tree branch. Keep an eye out for anything that makes you happy. Above all, what matters is that the photo is meaningful to you.(你很可能会发现一些惊喜——背景中朋友的一瞥,或者树枝上悬挂着的一朵花。留意任何能让你开心的事情。最重要的是,照片对你来说是有意义的)”指出你很可能会发现一些惊喜,并进行举例说明。D项中的study your images与小标题Study your photos相呼应。故D选项“因此,等到你回家后再仔细研究你的照片”符合语境,故选D。
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:核污染是一个严重的全球问题,三里岛、切尔诺贝利和福岛的重大事故使其成为人们关注的焦点。A. change改变;B. opportunity机会;C. concern担忧;D. possibility可能性。根据“Nuclear pollution is a serious global”可知,核污染是一个严重的全球担忧的问题。故选C项。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些事件显示了核灾难造成的重大健康和环境风险。A. caused导致;B. posed造成;C. created创造;D. increased增加。根据“environmental risks ____2____by nuclear disasters”可知,这里指核灾难造成的风险。故选B项。
43.考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:它们不仅造成直接的健康问题,如放射病和癌症发病率增加,而且还在受影响社区造成持久的环境破坏和基因变化。A. resulted in导致,指最终产生的影响;B. led to导致;C. brought about引起,使发生;D. caused使发生;造成;引起。根据“lasting environmental damage and genetic changes in affected communities”可知,此处指核灾难最终产生的结果和影响,result in强调最终产生的影响。故选A项。
44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当沿海地区发生核事故时,海洋环境成为一个关键问题,因为海洋在调节气候、确保粮食安全和支持全球数十亿人的生计方面发挥着关键作用。A. terrestrial地球上,陆地上的;B. aquatic水生的;C. marine海洋的;D. atmospheric大气的。根据“When nuclear accidents occur in coastal areas”可知,当沿海发生核事故,海洋环境就会变成担忧的问题。故选C项。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当沿海地区发生核事故时,海洋环境成为一个关键问题,因为海洋在调节气候、确保粮食安全和支持全球数十亿人的生计方面发挥着关键作用。A. balancing平衡;B. regulating控制,管理,调节;C. considering考虑;D. stabilizing使稳定。根据“that oceans play in ____5____the climate”并结合常识可知,海洋在调节气候方面发挥着关键作用。故选B项。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:近年来,海洋污染对海洋生态系统的威胁日益严重,提高了公众保护海洋环境的意识。A. heightened加强,提高;B. raised举起,提升;C. decreased减少;D. lifted举起。根据“public awareness of the need to protect the marine environment”可知,此处表示提高了公众保护海洋的意识,heighten表示加强,可以与awareness搭配,为正式用语。故选A项。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:研究表明,人类活动对海洋环境构成重大威胁,强调了改善环境管理和采取措施减轻环境风险的重要性。A. minor次要的;B. slight轻微的;C. substantial大量的;D. insignificant微不足道的。根据“human activities pose a ____7____threat”并结合常识可知,人类活动对海洋环境产生大量威胁。故选C项。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2011年福岛核灾难发生后,通过泵入海水冷却反应堆的努力导致福岛核电站的水箱中积聚了大量核废料。A. accumulation积累;B. storage储存;C. deposition沉积(物);D. buildup增强,发展。根据“in the water storage tank”可知,海水冷却核反应堆使得核电站水箱中积累了大量的废料。故选A项。
49.考查介词和副词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A. Therefore因此;B. Despite尽管;C. However然而;D. Hence因此;由此。根据“attempts to manage this waste”及后文日本决定排放核废水事件可知,此处表示“尽管”,表示让步。故选B项。
50.考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A. from来自;B. by通过;C. of属于……的;D. in在……里。根据“opposition ____10____neighboring countries, local _____11_____, and international environmental organizations.”可知,此处表示“来自”邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。故选A项。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A. residents居民;B. citizens市民;C. inhabitants(某地的)居民,栖息动物;D. dwellers居住者。根据“local”及“countries”和“organizations”可知,此处表示排放核废水引起当地居民的反对。local residents意思为:当地居民。故选A项。
52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种释放对海洋生物、渔业和人类健康构成严重风险。A. issue问题;B. measure措施;C. release释放,发布;D. disposal去掉;清除。根据“the Japanese government’s decision to release nearly 1.26 million tons of nuclear wastewater”可知,日本政府决定排放核废水会对海洋和人类构成严重风险。故选C项。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:废水中存在的放射性同位素,如氚、碳-14、钴-60和锶-90,可以在海洋生物中积累,并最终通过食物链影响人类。A. web网;B. chain链;C. network网络;D. system系统。根据“accumulate in marine organisms and ultimately affect human populations through the food”可知,废水中的放射性物质会累计,最终通过食物链影响人来。food chain为固定短语,意思为:食物链。故选B项。
54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,迫切需要进一步研究和采取缓解措施,以解决核污染对环境和人类健康的广泛影响。A. urgent紧急的;B. immediate立即的;C. pressing急迫的;D. critical关键的。根据“need for further research”可知,这一事件急需进一步研究。urgent常与need连用,正式用语。故选A项。
55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,迫切需要进一步研究和采取缓解措施,以解决核污染对环境和人类健康的广泛影响。A. address处理;B. tackle应付,解决;C. solve解答,处理;D. resolve解决(问题或困难),决心。根据“to ____15____the widespread impacts”可知,此处表示处理解决影响,正式用语用address。故选A项。
这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述美国探险家Colin O’Brady独自横跨南极的经历。
57.考查动词不定式。句意:三个月前,他成为第一个独自跨越南极的人。此处名词person作表语且被序数词the first修饰,后用不定式作定语。故填to cross。
59.考查形容词比较级。句意:但是,即使有足够的食物,六周后,O’Brady开始变得更瘦、更虚弱。由空后的“and weaker”可知应该用比较级,指与六周之前相比他的身体更瘦、更弱了。故填thinner。
60.考查动词的时态。句意:到目前为止,我已经瘦了很多。由句中的“so far(到目前为止)”可知应该用现在完成时,主语是I,助动词应用have,故填have lost。
62.考查副词。句意:幸运的是,他做到了,比路易斯更早到达终点。此处应填副词,构成副词短语luckily for him,在句中作状语,首字母应大写,故填Luckily。
63.考查介词。句意:O’Brady认为自己的血液里流淌着探索精神:他是一名运动员,热爱运动。此处of表示“关于……”,the spirit of exploration意为“探索精神”。故填of。
Before we started, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a first-aid kit, tents, flashlights, some food, some clothes and so on.(运用了before引导的时间状语从句)
As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking.(运用了As soon as引导的时间状语从句)
As she walks down the street, looking at all the people, the shops, and the movement in the city, she remember show much she hates being stuck on the bus in traffic.(as引导的时间状语从句)
2. Because she is sleeping and eating better now, she can finally concentrate and needs to spend much less time studying.(because引导的原因状语从句)