人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction 练习评讲教案


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction 练习评讲教案
格式 docx
文件大小 22.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-18 21:12:33



Unit 1 Science Fiction
1、Check the answers.
2、Talk about the false questions in groups and find out the reasons.
3、Explain the puzzles by teachers.
1、试题分析: (30min)
Winning a remarkable science award is really a big deal, especially if you are 12 years old. But Shanya Gill, a middle schooler from San Jose, California, won the top award in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge for designing a fire detection system that is superior to existing ones, as stated in the press release.
“The top winners have exhibited boundless curiosity,” Maya Ajmera president and CEO of Society for Science, said in the press release. “Their remarkable research not only reflects their talent but also paves the way for an exciting new future.”
Shanya’s inspiration came after a fire destroyed a restaurant in her neighborhood during the summer of 2022, reported The Washington Post. “I had never really experienced something like that before,” she told The Washington Post about the early morning fire at Holder’s Country Inn, which started in the kitchen. “They had smoke detectors and yet it still burned down,” she added.
After she studied fire statistics, Shaya spent over a year developing a fire detection system that she believes could have prevented the fire. Unlike traditional smoke detectors that sense active fires from the smoke in the air, Shanya’s thermal (热的) imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring.
With a thermal camera and a Raspberry Pi, a tiny computer the device detects when a heat source has been left unattended for ten minutes and sends a text message warning. Creating the prototype(原型) was difficult and the hardest part was the programming, “I had two designs, and my first design completely failed. It was a really big challenge I had to go through.” she said. The final device outperforms smoke detectors in speed and accuracy. Shanya wants to bring the costs down to make it even more common than hardwired smoke detectors.
“Shanya saw a problem, went after it and tried to solve it, and that’s what we need to encourage with all young people,” said Ajmera. She also highlighted the significance of supporting individuals, especially girls and kids of color, in STEM fields, as research indicates that many young people drop out of these areas.
24.What can we learn about Shanya from the first two paragraphs
A. She gained a lot of money in the award.
B. She showed a curious nature as a schooler.
C. She set a big stage for young people her age.
D. She was junior to other winners in performance.
25.What motivated Shanya to develop her fire detection system
A. Her desire to win the science award.
B. Her experience of a destructive fire.
C. Her interest in computer programming.
D. Her goal to improve STEM education for girls.
26.What is an advantage of Shanya’s invention
A. It consists of two parts that are easier to conduct.
B. It can send out a warning against a potential fire.
C. It can detect active fires from the smoke in the air.
D. It functions when a fire breaks out within 10 minutes.
27.Which of the following can best describe Shanya
A. Reliable. B. Cooperative. C. Innovative. D. Generous.
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了来自加州圣何塞的中学生Shanya Gill在赛默飞世尔科学少年创新者挑战赛中获得了最高奖项,因为她设计了一种优于现有系统的火灾探测系统。文章介绍了这种系统开发背后的灵感来源以及优点。
1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“The top winners have exhibited boundless curiosity,” Maya Ajmera president and CEO of Society for Science, said in the press release. (科学学会主席兼首席执行官玛雅·阿杰梅拉在新闻发布会上说:“顶级获奖者表现出了无限的好奇心。”)”可知,Shanya表现出学者好奇的天性。故选B。
2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段“Shanya’s inspiration came after a fire destroyed a restaurant in her neighborhood during the summer of 2022, reported The Washington Post. (据《华盛顿邮报》报道,Shanya的灵感来自于2022年夏天一场大火烧毁了她家附近的一家餐馆)”可知,经历了一场毁灭性的火灾促使Shanya开发她的火灾探测系统。故选B。
3.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“With a thermal camera and a tiny computer, the device detects when a heat source has been left unattended for ten minutes and sends a text message warning. (该设备配备了一个热像仪和一台微型电脑,当热源无人看管超过10分钟时,它就会检测到,并发出短信警告。)”可知,Shanya的发明优点在于可以发出潜在火灾的警告。故选A。提问:
七选五 (难度:较易)
The Spotlight Effect
Have you ever felt as if the entire world was watching while you made a mistake Well, here’s some good news: it’s likely that no one even noticed.
36 We have this experience not only when we make mistakes but also when we perform well. Every time we do something that is a little different from what we usually do, we may assume that everyone around us will notice. The spotlight effect might happen when we make a mistake in a game, have a bad hair day, or give a terrible answer in class. 37 In these moments, it feels like everyone is watching.
The spotlight effect exists because we all get used to seeing things through our own eyes. Every person is the main character in his or her story, and the events of our lives seem to have great importance. 38
The spotlight effect is a very common part of the human experience. However, in some cases, it can lead to extreme social anxiety and nervousness around other people. Everyone suffers some degree of social anxiety. We all care about what others think, and we all want to be liked. It’s normal to wonder about what effect we have on other people. 39 If someone is so nervous that they can’t make good decisions, then it’s time to take action and improve the situation.
Learning about the spotlight effect is important because it can help us reduce our anxiety. Next time you feel like everyone is staring at you, remind yourself that it’s just your mind playing tricks on you. 40 If you fill your mind with thoughts of your friends and family, it will help you be less self-conscious.
A. However, this can be a problem when the anxiety is too much to handle.
B. That’s why fewer people notice the embarrassing circumstances they encounter.
C. Another good exercise is to make an effort to notice the people around you, rather than focusing on yourself.
D. The spotlight effect is a trick of the mind that makes us believe that people notice us more often than they really do.
E. What you can do at this moment is to ignore them.
F. We are so busy examining ourselves that we actually observe very little about everyone around us.
G. It can also appear when we score a big goal, ask someone on a date, or do a good deed.
1.G根据下文“These included tying ribbons through the paper, and melting wax to secure the papers in place. For nearly 600 years, these were the methods used to secure papers.”( 这些方法包括在纸上系丝带,融化蜡油以固定纸张。近600年来,这些都是用来确保文件安全的方法。)可知,选项承接下文说明各种方法来确保文件保存在一起。下文是对选项的具体说明。故选项“因此,从13世纪早期开始,人们创造了各种方法来确保文件保存在一起”切题。故选G项。
2.A根据下文“In 1835, a machine that could mass-produce straight pins was invented by Howe J. L. , an American inventor.”( 1835年,美国发明家Howe J. L.发明了一种可以大量生产大头针的机器)可知,选项承接下文说明大头针的发明。故A选项“下一个纸质发明是大头针”切题。故选项。
3.D根据下文“In 1899 he patented the device, which consisted of a wire bent into a particularly shaped hoop for the purpose of securing papers.”( 1899年,他申请了该装置的专利,该装置由一根弯曲成特殊形状的铁丝组成,用于固定纸张)可知,选项承接下文说明回形针是由谁发明的。故D选项“后来,受大头针的启发,挪威人Vaaler J.想出了第一个回形针的主意”切题。故选D项。
4.E根据上文“Therefore, the Gem Manufacturing Company of England developed a machine to manufacture and standardize the paperclip design”( 因此,英国Gem制造公司开发了一种机器来制造和标准化回形针设计)可知,选项承接上文说明制造回形针的的作用。故E选项“这种制造技术的发展使得现代回形针在世界范围内得以推广”切题。故选E项。
5.F根据上文“Today the paperclip is a famous invention used throughout offices, schoolrooms, and business throughout the world.”( 今天,回形针是一项著名的发明,在世界各地的办公室、教室和企业中广泛使用)可知,选项承接上文说明回形针的特点以及广受欢迎。故F选项“回形针是一种简单而实用的奇迹,它仍然是全世界标准的办公用品”。故选F项。
四、本课小结: (2min)