人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and thinking 课件(共31张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and thinking 课件(共31张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 52.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-19 09:32:04



Morals and Virtues
Mother of Ten Thousand Babies
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the period, you will be able to:
1)figure out the main structure and the text type of the passage through the textual pattern analysis;
2)identify the characteristics of biographical genre and language.
3)make reasonable inferences and generalizations about the characters' personality and quality.
1. a moral ________(困境) 2. Nothing is more ________(珍贵的) than their life 3. _______(委托) me with that life 4. the __________(大多数) of life 5. ________(抱怨) about the poor conditions 6. __________(答复) to your questions7. be _______(雇用) as a resident physician 8. _________(拒绝) my invitation
9. be _________(任命)as director of the OB-GYN department10. over the next several _______(十年) 11. be interested in _______(照顾) patients12. be ______(害怕的) in the interview 13. the _____(急剧的) increase in the cost14. keep a busy mind smart and ________(充满活力的) 15. _______(取代) plastic bags with paper bags
Can you name some famous doctor
Activity 1 Guessing Game
At the age of 18, he participated in the organization of the Communist Party of China.(中国共产党)
At the age of 25, she began to engage in the research of traditional Chinese medicine.
At the age of 26,she began to observe and record chimps' daily activities for over 25 years.
At the age of 29, he began to study hybrid rice.
Q:What do they have in common
1.They made wise choices when they were .
2.They kept on chasing(追逐) their .
3.They made great achievements that made the world a place.
30 seconds
Making wise choices
Keeping on chasing their dreams
Making the world a better place
Today, we are going to learn another great person with these qualities.
Look at the title (标题) and pictures,
1.What do you think the text is about
2.How do you understand the title of the text
Mother of Ten Thousand Babies
While-reading:fast reading
Go through the text and choose the answers.1. What type(类型)of the text is it A. A news event(新闻事件) B. a biography(传记)
C. a science report(科学报告) 2. How are the events arranged (安排)?A. In time order(顺序). B. In space order
C. In importance order
Step 2 Fast-reading
1.What type of writing is this passage
A. Argumentative writing(议论文) B. Narrative writing(记叙文)
C. Expository writing(说明文) D. biography(传记)
story of a person’s life written _________.
autobiography (自传)
story of a person’s life written __________.
A. by someone else B. on one’s own
Analysing the structure of the passage
Mother of Ten Thousand Babies
1.From the title and the pictures, we can know the passage might be about a female _______who___________________
delivered a lot of babies.
①What was she
②What did she do
Read for the structure and main idea.
Para.1: The principle carried Dr Lin through a life of .
The life as a _________.
Para.3-6: The life as a _________.
hard choices
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother's death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medidne. “Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I'd rather stay single to study all my life!”
Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wehai Scholarship, the highest prize given to graduates. She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Within six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a position that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in 1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department was closed because of the war. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role. In 1954, she was elected to the first National People's Congress and, over the next several decades, she held many important positions. Her heart, however, was elsewhere. She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. “The OB-GYN department cares for two lives,” She told new staff in her department. “As doctors, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
◆ How does the writer arrange the text
In chronological/ time order
While-reading:careful reading
Time Important events
1901 Lin Qiaozhi was born.
1906 Lin’s mother died.
At the age of 18 Lin chose to study medicine instead of following the traditional path of marraige like the majority of girls.
At the age of 26 Lin graduated from PUMC with the Wenhai scholarship.
From age 26 to 27 Lin was hired as a resident physician of the PUMC Hospital.
In 1939 Her American colleagues invited her to stay, but Lin rejected the offer and chose to serve at home.
While-reading:careful reading
Time Important events
In 1941 Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital
During the war Dr Lin opened a private clinic and helped many poor patients.
From 1954 to 1983 Lin held many important positions in politics, but she was interested in tending patients, publishing medical research and training the next generation of doctors.
22 April 1983 Dr.Lin passed away.
Read for information.
“Life is precious. ... To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold, hungry, or tired ”//These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.
Q1. What is the function of the first paragraph
To introduce the topic.
Q 2. What is the purpose of quoting Lin Qiaozhi’s words in the first paragraph
It helps us know Lin Qiaozhi(look into the heart of ...) better.
While-reading:careful reading
1. Read the text carefully, focusing on Lin Qiaozhi’s important hard choices.
Paragraph Hard choices
2 to study or to (1) __________
3 to (2) ________________ or to stay in USA
4 to (3) ______________________ or to stop
5 To spend more time on (4) ________________________________ or on political affairs
get married like the majority of girls
serve the women and children at home
open a new clinic to help patients
tending patients, pubilshing articles and training doctors
Read for information.
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother’s death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine. “Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
Her 1st choice
to marry
to study medicine
study medicine
Q1: What kind of person was she
Post-reading:Activity 1 Making an interview
Here is a program named “Hard Choice”. One is the interviewer, and the others are the interviewees, talking about one of Lin Qiaozhi’s important hard choices, for example:
l What was Lin Qiaozhi’s choice when she was at the age of 18
l Why was it hard for Lin Qiao zhi to make the choice ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
l What was the result (结果) of her hard choice
to study or to get married like the majority of girls
1. Because her family was poor and the tuition fee was too high for them. 2.Because the majority of girls at that time chose to get married.
She became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital and made contributions to thousands of patients.
Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize given to graduates. She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department(妇产科) of the PUMC Hospital. Within six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a position that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in 1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
Read for information.
Her 2nd choice
stay in the US
go back home
go back home
Q1. According to this paragraph, how was Dr. Lin in the field of medical research
Outstanding/Excellent/ Successful.
Rejecting the offer to stay in the US
Opening a private clinic
Tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training new doctors
Studying medicine instead of finding a husband
different periods of Dr Lin
Dr Lin’s life choices in different periods
At age 18
in 1939
during the war
From 1954 to 1983
Thread / Transition Analysis
22 April 1983
Leaving her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors
Choice 3
She opened a clinic, helping the poor.
Para.4: She charged very low fees to treat patients and reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
kind, empathetic (共情的), and treating people equally...
Choice 4
She was interested in tending patients, publishing medical research and training the next generation of doctors.
Para. 5: “The OB-GYN department care for two lives,” she told new staff in her department. “As doctors, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
Two lives refer to the lives of women and children.
responsible, caring, generous(慷慨的), ...
When she was five years old, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply _________ (affect) by her mother’s ______ (die). At age 18, she chose to study medicine. Eight years later, Lin graduated ______ Peking Union Medical College and ______________ (immediate) became the first woman ever __________ (hire) as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. In 1941, the department was closed because of the war.
__________ (think) of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. In 1954,she 7.___________(elect) to the first National People’s Congress. Dr Lin did not retire 8._________ the day she died, 22 April 1983. Since she had no children of her own, she left her 9._________ (save) to a kindergarten and 10.______ fund for new doctors.
to be hired
was elected
Post-reading:Assessment (评价)
Questions Evaluation
Is your group cooperative(合作) 1 2 3 4 5
Is your expression logical (逻辑性的) 1 2 3 4 5
Is interviewcomplete(完整)and vivid(生动) 1 2 3 4 5
1) 此例句用比较级句型表达最高级的含义,即等于:To a person, life is the most precious.
2) 此处 “nothing is +(形容词) 比较级+than...” 是一个常见的句型,表示“没有什么比……更加……”。例如:As for me, nothing is important than a healthy body. 对我来说,没有什么比健康更重要的了。
1. To a person nothing is more precious than their life,...
拓展:在比较句型中使用no, never, nobody, nothing等否定意义的词+ adj/adv比较级 + than, 表示最高级的含义。
例句:1. Nobody can do the work better than he did.
2. I have never read a more interesting book.
3. No other building is as grand as the hotel.
2. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine.
1) Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead.
2) We will skate instead of playing football.
4) I'll go instead of her. → She won't go.I'll go instead.
instead of 意为“代替……;而不……”,后加名词、代词、动名词、介词短语等作宾语。
instead adv. 意为“代替;顶替”,一般放在句末,如果位于句首常用逗号与后面句子隔开。
3) We should encourage them instead of throwing cold water on them.
entrust sb. with
give sb. a look
carry sb. through sth.
be affected by
at age 18/at the age of 18
follow the traditional path
the majority of
choose to do…
would rather do…(than do)
graduate from
the first to do …
reject the offer
in need of
private clinic
play a key role
tend patients
publish medical research
care for
be responsible for
treat …as
be known as
deliver babies
(Group work) Discuss the morals and virtues of Lin Qiaozhi Good qualities(品质):generous (慷慨); selfless (无私); kind; considerate (体谅人的); responsible (负责的); devoted(全心全意的); hardworking; determined (有决心的); patriotic(爱国的);
Post-reading:Activity 2
Tips:I think she was devoted because _______________________
1. Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.
2. Morality is eternal, and wealth changes its owner every day.
3. Fame is the mother of virtue.
4. Virtue mostly exists in good habits
5. We all make choices, but in the end the choices make us.
Thank you