人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Using Language 教案


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Using Language 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 15.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-19 09:56:22



Unit 1 People of Achievement
Period 5 Using Language 2
该部分的活动主题是“介绍你钦佩的人”(Introduce someone you admire)。阅读文本是一篇介绍爱因斯坦的人物传记,以青少年为目标读者,通过叙述爱因斯坦的一生,深入浅出地激发学生的情感共鸣。学生通过阅读,学习以人物传记的方式介绍自己钦佩的人,学会用故事说明人物品质、用细节刻画人物形象。与此同时,学生应树立正确的人生观、价值观,懂得普通人如果拥有梦想,坚持不懈地努力,脚踏实地地做好每件事,在自己平凡的岗位上为社会作出贡献,就有其伟大之处。
1. 读懂并理解人物传记,掌握该类型语篇的特点,掌握用故事说明人物品质的方法。
2. 能够以书面的形式,有条理地叙述人物经历和评价人物成就。
3. 能够多角度、多层次地认识、分析具体人物,并形成自己的观点。
Step 1 Warming-up
Look at the picture and think of the questions.
(1) What do you know about Albert Einstein
(2) What words would you use to describe him
Step 2 Reading
1. Read the tittle and think of the questions.
(1) What do you predict from the tittle
(2) What do you expect to read from the text
2. Read the text quickly and complete the table.
3. Work on Activity 1. Read the text and complete the timeline. Then introduce Einstein’s life story and achievements in your own words.
4. Work on Activity 2. In pairs, discuss the following questions.
(1) Apart from his remarkable achievements, what does the passage tell us about Einstein’s life
(2) What impressed you most about Einstein State your reasons.
5. Work on Activity 3. Study the organization and language features.
(1) What type of writing is this text How does the writer develop the text
(2) Find the descriptions that tell us what Einstein looked like and what kind of person he was.
(3) What rhetorical devices are used in the passage Give examples.
设计意图: 通过活动1激活学生对爱因斯坦的已有认知,帮助学生厘清叙述思路,体会按时间顺序叙述人物生平的技巧;活动2从不同角度引导学生理解语篇;活动3旨在帮助学生分析语篇中的写作技巧。
Step 3 Writing
1. Work on Activity 4. Write an introduction about someone you admire.
2. Work on Activity 5. Exchange your draft with a partner.
3. Work on Activity 6. Share your introduction with the rest of the class.
Step 4 Assignment
Revise your article again and upgrade the sentences.