

名称 河南省三门峡市2023-2024学年高二下学期5月调研测试英语试题(含答案,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 37.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-19 23:33:54



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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Bring her a blanket. B. Turn down the heat. C. Shut the windows.
2. What might the boy do after school
A. Wait at school for his mother.
B. Play on the swings with Katie.
C. Go to the park with his mother.
3. How does the woman feel
A. Annoyed. B. Relieved. C. Nervous.
4. What happened to the man
A. He paid 10 dollars for a shirt.
B. He got a shirt from his friend.
C. He bought the shirt at a higher price.
5. Where did the woman put up the painting
A. In the living room. B. In the bedroom. C. In the bathroom.
6. Who is the man
A. A baseball coach. B. A baseball fan. C. A baseball player.
7. How much did the woman charge the man
A. Four dollars. B. Eight dollars. C. Ten dollars.
8. Why can't Jeremy cut the woman's hair
A. He isn't working.
B. He is cutting someone else 's hair.
C. The woman didn't make an appointment.
9 What does the woman ask the man
A. If she can stay in the waiting area.
B. If Landon can cut her hair instead.
C. If someone will call her when it's her turn.
10. Where might the speakers be
A. In New Zealand. B. In Australia. C. In the US.
11. When might the man's daughter receive the package
A. In four to five days. B. In two or three weeks. C. In a month.
12. What happened to the woman during Christmas
A. She got a package from Africa.
B. She tried to send a present to her brother.
C. She received a package one month late.
13. What do we know about the speakers
A. They are colleagues now.
B. They used to be childhood friends.
C. They graduated from the same college.
14. What does the woman say about Hawaii
A. The weather there is nice. B. It's hard to find a job there. C. People there are friendly.
15. Where does the man live
A. In his parents'house. B. In an apartment. C. In the school dormitory.
16. What does the woman want to do for work
A. Work in the fashion industry. B. Keep working for Google. C. Study the brain.
17. What does the woman think is the most valuable part of the tour
A. Telling stories about classes.
B. Getting to know the college as a whole.
C. Learning detailed facts about the student center.
18. What does the woman suggest about the library
A. Food is sold there.
B. It is only popular for studying.
C. The rules are not very strict there.
19. When does the student center close on weekend nights
A. At two o'clock in the morning.
B. At twelve o'clock at night.
C. At ten o'clock at night.
20. What will the woman probably discuss next
A. School sports teams. B. Gym equipment. C. Famous professors.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
It is thought that music can make maths more enjoyable, keep students engaged and help case fear or anxiety they have about maths.
To find out more, Turkish researcher Dr Ayca Akin, from the Department of Software Engineering. Antalya Belek University, searched academic databases for research on the topic published between 1975 and 2022. She then combined the results of 55 studies from around the world, involving almost 78、000 young people from kindergarten pupils to university students, to come up with an answer.
Students took maths tests before and after taking part in the intervention and the change in their scores was compared with that of youngsters who didn't take part in an intervention. The use of music. whether in separate lessons or as part of maths classes. was associated with greater improvement in maths over time. The integrated lessons had the biggest effect, with around 73% of students who had integrated lessons doing significantly better than youngsters who didn't have any type of musical intervention. Some 69% of students who learned how to play instruments and 58%of students who had normal music lessons improved more than pupils with no musical intervention.
The results also indicate that music helps more with learning arithmetic than other types of maths and has a bigger impact on younger pupils and those learning more basic mathematical concepts. Dr Akin points out that maths and music have much in common, such as the use of symmetry symbols. Both subjects also require abstract thought and quantitative reasoning.
Limitations of the analysis include the relatively small number of studies available for inclusion. This meant it wasn't possible to look at the effect of factors such as gender. socioeconomic status and length of musical instruction on the results.
Dr Akin adds. “Encouraging mathematics and music teachers to plan lessons together could help ease students' anxiety about mathematics, while also boosting achievement.”
21. How did Dr Akin conduct her research
A. By launching a questionnaire online. B. By creating a data model.
C. By analyzing data worldwide. D. By surveying university students.
22. What were the students asked to do to reflect the effect of the intervention
A. Take maths tests. B. Develop abstract thought.
C. Plan lessons with music teachers. D. Lear n more basic mathematical concepts.
23. What does the author think of the research
A. Overall B. Sensitive C. Subjective D. Imperfect
Dragons, a famous imaginary beast born from fantasy, are often present in stories in the west and east. In both cultures, dragons are generally recognized as massive creatures capable of flight. They have great power and are often associated with magical abilities. However. due to their different cultural roots and images, there exist significant differences in the way dragons are regarded in the west and east, particularly in China.
Chinese dragons most resemble snakes, and have four claws and no wings. They often have features of other animals, including carp, tigers, and eagles. In the contrast. Western dragons look like huge lizards with big claws and large bat-like wings, and are often shown with spines or rough scales.
In traditional Chinese culture, a dragon is a symbol of luck, power and high status. They can cause weather changes and bring rainfall to the fields to ensure rich harvests. They are considered divine creatures, which hold an important position as the head of the four spirits. Therefore. to symbolize their power, ancient Chinese emperors decorated their clothes with dragon patterns . These clothes are known as dragon robes. Many Chinese view the dragon as a national symbol, proudly referring to themselves as “descendants of the dragon”. In the west. however. a dragon symbolizes an evil creature that spreads violence and terror throughout the land. They are believed to be transformed by the devil, with the ability to breathe fire or spit poison. Many western tales show dragons being defeated and killed to protect people from danger.
Today. dragons continue to evolve. exceeding traditional boundaries and finding new significance in global culture. They are no longer associated with evil or good, but rather as complex characters with their own unique personalities and motivations . For example. Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon begins as a dangerous dragon but evolves into a misunderstood being with love and compassion. This challenges the idea of dragons as naturally evil, presenting them as complex beings with emotions and motivations.
24. What do western dragons and eastern dragons have in common
A. They are huge and powerful. B. They have rough skin.
C. They are in the shape of snakes. D. They have big claws and wings.
25. What do we know from paragraph 3
A. Western dragons are a symbol of authority and violence.
B. Dragons are believed to cause chaos in western culture.
C. Chinese dragons can control rainfall and breathe fire.
D. Dragons in China can protect people from danger.
26. What is new about dragons in today's global culture
A. They have more diverse feelings and characters.
B. They have complicated motivations with born love.
C. They are commonly regarded as adventurous creatures.
D. They tend to represent human spirits facing challenges.
27. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Images of Dragons in Western Traditions. B. The Origin of Dragons in Chinese History.
C. The Magical Animals in Different Countries. D. The Dragon Elements in Global Culture.
In a Parisian old shoe factory on the city 's outskirts, a new kind of life is taking root. Neoplants. a startup from Paris, has developed a special houseplant that could potentially help improve indoor air quality by removing harmful pollutants.
The plant is a modified variety of one of the most popular and low-maintenance houseplants. Its DNA has been altered to enhance its capacity to absorb volatile organic compounds(VOCs) from the air we breathe inside our homes. These VOCs include substances like formaldehyde, benzene. toluene. ethylbenzene, and xylene, which are commonly found indoors and can be harmful in large quantities.
The genetic tweaking also allows the plant to convert the absorbed VOCs into substances it can use. such as sugars and carbon dioxide, which then fuel its growth. While Neoplants'concept is quite promising, proving its effectiveness is a challenge.
Plant shops often claim their greenery can purify the air, but much of this belief stems from research conducted by NASA back in 1989. They found that houseplants could indeed absorb certain toxins. However, achieving the same level of toxin removal as simply opening a window would require an impractical number of plants—anywhere from 10 to 1.000 per square meter.
So, does Neoplants'genetically modified houseplant offer a better solution Field tests haven't yielded definitive results yet, but there is hope for more conclusive testing in the future with the help of a new lab equipped with unique non-absorbent rooms that mimic real-life conditions . Additionally. the company is exploring potential applications for its gene-editing technology in areas such as carbon capture and phytoremediation. where plants are used to clean up contaminated environments
Neoplants is relying on patience and a bit of faith. It takes time for innovations to mature. “This will be the first time such a product exists.” says the company's CEO. drawing a parallel to the early days of computers, which were not very powerful initially but still represented a significant breakthrough.
With Neoplants' vision, the old shoe factory on the edge of Paris isn't just a place where shoes were made; it's where a novel approach to cleaning our indoor air is being cultivated—one that could someday make our homes healthier and more environmentally friendly
28. What does Neoplants'genetically modified houseplant aim to do
A. maintain its capacity easily. B. absorb VOC's massively
C. alter its DNA completely. D. fuel its growth quickly
29. What can be inferred from this passage
A. The absorbed VOCs can enhance the growth of the plant.
B. Opening a window can remove the same level of toxins as the Neoplants.
C. Neoplants will need powerful computers to make a significant breakthrough.
D. Conclusive testing needs conducting to achieve definite results.
30. What does the underlined term “phytoremediation” in paragraph 5 most likely mean
A. The process of using plants to absorb nutrients. B. The process of using plants to purify the air.
C. The process of using plants to explore applications. D. The process of using plants to edit certain genes.
31. Where is the text probably taken from
A. Science fiction. B. A scientific textbook. C. A news article. D. An art magazine.
TikTok, the widely popular social media platform, has taken the world by storm with its short-form videos and addictive content . But did you know that there is also a Chinese version of TikTok
The Chinese version of TikTok is called Douyin, and it has quickly become one of the most widely used apps in China. Launched in 2016 by Beijing-based tech company ByteDance, Douyin has attracted an enormous user base and reshaped the social media landscape in China.
So. how did Douyi n gain such vast popularity in China
One of the factors contributing to Douyin's success is the large population of smartphone users in China. With over 1.4 billion people, China has a massive user base for social media platforms. Additionally, the rise in internet penetration and the availability of affordable smartphones have made it easier for people to access and use Douyin.
Douyin takes advantage of China's culture of sharing and enjoying bite-sized content. In China. there has always been a strong demand for short-form entertainment, including popular formats like variety shows, quick comedy skits, and music videos. Douyin provides a platform for users to easily create and share short videos, allowing them to express their creativity and talent.
Douyin leverages the power of social network effects. Users can follow each other, like and comment on videos, and engage with a large community of like-minded individuals. This sense of belonging and community encourages them to spend more time on the platform.
Moreover. Douyi n continuously improves its features and algorithms to enhance user experience and keep users engaged. The app uses advanced AI technology to analyze user preferences and provide personalized recommendations, ensuring that users see content that is relevant and interesting to them.
Overall, the rise of the Chinese version of TikTok. Douyin, can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the large smartphone user base, the popularity of short-form entertainment in China, social network effects, and continuous improvements in features and algorithms.
32. How is Douyin different from TikTok
A. its algorithms B. its target groups C. its user experience D. its main functions
33. Which of the following is one of the factors of Douyin's success in China
A. The popularity of long-form videos.
B. The low technology requirements to Douyin.
C. The large population of smartphone users.
D. The availability of different brands of mobile phones.
34. What does the underlined word “leverages” mean in Paragraph 6
A. brings about B. believes in C makes up for D. makes full use of
35 How is the passage organized
A. Opinion —Description —Discussion B. Topic—Argument—Emphasis
C. Introduction —Explanations—Summary D. Main idea—Supporting examples —Conclusion
Experts often tell students to center their efforts on a narrow field to get a job after school. 36
One of the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry was Danish scientist Morten Meldal, who is 68 years old and works at the University of Copenhagen. When describing his career, Meldal said he started out as an engineer but changed to chemistry because he “wanted to understand the world.”
37 They might believe they have to center their work and school lives in one field to be successful. But a study from professors at Michigan State University shows that is not always the case. The researchers looked into past Nobel Prize winners and their students. 38 some of what they learned from their teachers is how to live a life with many interests. They are, in a way. learning how to be creative.
Nobel winners are nine times more likely to have experience in working with wood, metal or in the arts than most scientists. The researchers also found that the Nobel winners have an open mind about their life experiences. Unlike many people who spend long hours at work and give up their outside interests. 39
The researchers say that, even among people who do not win big prizes, those with many interests are often successful. They pointed to a 2022 report about students who study two major fields in college. 40 Double majors are often more creative and more interested in starting their own businesses than those who centered on only one study area.
A. What we believe is of great benefits to them.
B. Meldal's experience may come as a surprise to students.
C. They discovered that if they helped each other afterwards.
D. Nobel winners believe their hobbies are important to creativity.
E. They found that when the students of winners went on to win Nobel Prizes.
F. But recent research into Nobel Prize winners suggests that wider interests are important.
G. That study plan is called a “double major”.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“I'll be back in three hours,” Dad said as he hurried out for a meeting that late afternoon. “Three hours,” I told myself. “You can do this.” I took a 41 breath and turned to Mom. Through her vision problems, at least, she couldn't see the 42 in my face. If she had an Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默症) attack, I didn't know if I could handle it 43 especially at the end of the day.
I 44 Mom to her chair. “Turn a little more.” Mom moved her feet slowly while I helped her get into a good position. Once she was 45 with a blanket on her lap. I sat next to her in Dad's chair and hoped she could 46 now. As she fell asleep. I opened a book, and time passed 47 as I became fully absorbed in the words. Then Mom cried, “I'm scared”. 48 drew lines across her face. “The snow's getting on me. I'm cold, so cold.”
“Mom. you're safe. You're here at home.”
“Help me!” She grabbed 49 to my hand.
“I won't 50 you.” As much as I tried to promise her. I knew she could hear the 51 in my voice. I prayed for Dad to hurry home.
Maybe words weren't the 52 I did the only thing I could think of I rubbed her forehead and hummed. which 53 her. This was what she'd done for me as a child when I had a bad headache.
As the minutes 54 , the tension left her face. She began to hum along. It was the 55 sound I'd ever heard.
41. A. deep B. sudden C. short D. light
42. A. puzzle B. unwillingness C. worry D. excitement
43. A. carefully B. safely C. quickly D. alone
44. A. guided B. forced C. waved D. encouraged
45. A. warm B. secure C. silent D. comfortable
46. A. talk B. rest C. remember D. smile
47. A. peacefully B. sorrowfully C. slowly D. eagerly
48. A. Wish B. Dream C. Panic D. Care
49. A. gently B. bravely C. tightly D. lovingly
50. A. leave B. scare C. judge D. disappoint
51. A. hope B. love C. doubt D. shake
52. A. objective B. answer C. command D. permission
53. A. surprised B. calmed C. touched D. pleased
54. A. sped by B. ran out C. wore on D. counted down
55. A. weakest B. loudest C. clearest D. sweetest
Longmen Grottoes
Set on the banks of the Yi River. 12km south of the current Luoyang City. the Longmen Grottoes are ranked first of the Four Great Grotioes in China, together with Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Yungang Grottoes in Datong and Mount Maiji Grottoes in Tianshui. They were also listed in the World Cultural Heritages and Relics by UNESCO in 2000.
56 (Locate) between the Xiangshan Mountain and the Longmen Mountain, with the YiRiver flowing below, the Longmen Grottoes are 57 (harmony) with mountains, forests and rivers displaying a peaceful atmosphere. Viewing it at a distance, it looks like 58 natural gate. which gave it the name “Yi Que (the gate of the Yi River)”. According to legend. 59 Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty climbed on Mount Mang north of Luoyang, he was very pleased and ordered the eastern capital 60 (build) here with its pa lace ga te opposite the Yique. Thus, it came to be named, Longmen Gate.
Longmen Gate also houses 61 (rough) 2860 stele inscriptions(碑刻). making 62 a treasure for ancient calligraphy study. In total, more than 100,000 Buddhist statues and niches
63 (carve) into the cliffs by ancient Chinese people ranging from the largest one. the Vairocana Buddha with a 64 (high) of 17. 14 meters, 65 the smallest one of 2 centimeters.
Wandering in the Longmen Grottoes, one is amazed by the delicate carving skills, deep Buddhist culture and great art achievement s of Chinese people.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Community Management. Sincerely, Li Hua
One morning in December 2023, my co-worker Al's email caught my attention: “Found: $20 bill on the floor in the lab at the end of the hall from the main building . See Alan W. to claim.”
Al's email reminded me of an incident that occurred on Christmas 40 years ago. Before heading out for Christmas shopping that evening, I had withdrawn $400 from the bank, foolishly stuffing eight fifty dollar bills in my front trousers pocket. On my way to Oakbrook Shopping Center, I stopped at SportMart to look at skiing equipment for my son.
Returning to the car, I discovered the bills were gone. This was $400 in 1983—a huge sum of money! Feeling terrible, I turned my pockets inside out, thinking how I could have been so careless! I turned on my car headlights and desperately looked for the bills in the snow covering the parking area, but found nothing. This was the Chicago area. It was said that people in neighborhoods were not in the habit of turning in cash they found. At the thought of this, I was so sad. With low expectations, I returned to SportMart and started telling my awful tale to the store manager.
Hearing I'd lost cash, he interrupted, stating he needed to page(呼叫 ) the store quickly. Someone had earlier reported finding money. The customer wouldn't say how much or leave the money with the manager, but left his name. The manager was concerned he may have left.
I stopped breathing as the page broadcast. Minutes passed, and I was about to give up hope when a man and a boy approached the manager. The manager pointed them in my direction. He was in his mid-thirties, with dark hair, a winter jacket, and a son about 10 or 12 He smiled, “The manager tells me you lost some money. Can you describe the amount and denominations(面额) ”
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I told him I'd lost $400, eight fifties. They left before I could ask them their names.
1—5 CBACC 6—10 BBACC 11—15 ABCAB 16—20 ABCAA
56. Located 57. harmonious 58. a 59. when 60. to be built
61. roughly 62. it 63. were carved 64. height 65. to
One possible version:
Dear Community Management,
I am a resident affected by the ongoing construction near our residential area. The noise from the site, which operates from early morning till late night, is excessive and has become a significant disturbance. It disrupts our daily lives, including rest, study, and work.
The constant loud machinery and crashing sounds have made it difficult for neighbors to enjoy peace indoors. This noise pollution seems to be in violation of local regulations on construction hours and environmental impact.
We kindly request prompt intervention to resolve this issue and restore tranquility in our community. We look forward to your immediate response.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I told him I'd lost $400, eight fifties. “That's good enough for us,” he said, reached into his pocket and pulled out the roll of bills. Touching the bills carrying the father's body temperature, I felt waves of warmth on this cold night. I took out two bills and tried to hand them to his son, but his son shook his head. “You wouldn’t want to ru in Christmas for me and my son, would you They are yours, and my son and I won't take them,” the father said.
They left before I could ask them their names. This is the most regrettable thing for me. I was too excited at the time and just kept thanking them without asking their names in a timely manner. However, while I don't have their names, I'll never forget the Christmas gift from the two total strangers. Who said that in the Chicago area, people didn't return money when they found it In fact, there are many honest and kind people around us. Al's email has also proved this point.
Text 1
W: I'm freezing. Can you turn up the heat and close the windows
M: Are you kidding It's summertime. You can get a blanket if you want to.
Text 2
M: Let's go to the park after you pick me up from school today! I want to go on the swings.
W: I'm sorry, sweetie. Mommy has a meeting this afternoon. But your sister Katie will pick you up, and maybe she could take you there.
Text 3
W: John, you do things like this all the time! Can't you knock on the door before you enter my office next time
M: Sorry. I'm just in a hurry.
Text 4
M: Nancy, look at my new shirt.
W: Oh, that's pretty nice. You know, my friend Peter bought the same one. It cost him 10 dollars. How much did you pay for it
M: 10 dollars Oh, my God! I paid twice as much as that.
Text 5
M: I love this new painting you have decided to put over the bathtub! It really makes the color of the room pop!
W: Thanks. Usually, people put art up in their living room or bedroom, but I want to be creative.
Text 6
W: Peanuts! Get your peanuts here!
M: Hey, I'll take two bags!
W: All right, look alive!
M: Whoa! Whoa!
W: Ha-ha, nice catch! You must have played some baseball yourself, huh
M: Only when I was little. I used to coach my son's team, too. But now I love coming here to watch others play. It doesn't get any better than this! How much do I owe you
W: Four dollars each, sir.
M: Here's a ten. Keep the change!
W: Hey, thanks a lot! Have a wonderful day!
Text 7
M: Welcome to The Cut! Do you have an appointment with someone today, Miss
W: Uh, no. But Jeremy cut my hair last time. Is he available
M: No, today is Jeremy's day off. He'll be back tomorrow afternoon. And Landon over there has another person ahead of you. Let's see who else is available.. Hmm, so it looks like everyone is booked for the next half an hour. Do you want to put your name down and wait here for a bit
W: Sure. Is there any way I can leave my phone number and have someone call me when there's an opening I just want to go to the music store across the street.
M: Well, we can't promise anything unless you're here in the waiting area. It gets pretty busy in here, as you can see.
Text 8
M: I'd like to send this package to New Zealand.
W: Okay. But we have to ask you to declare what's inside for safety reasons.
M: Well, there's nothing dangerous. They're just some snacks and bath items.
W: Okay. Would you like regular delivery, rush delivery, or overnight delivery
M: The package is for my daughter. It's not necessarily urgent, but she misses American food and American products. I guess I'll do rush delivery. How long will that take
W: Usually, four to five days. Regular mail can take up to two or three weeks, so rush delivery is a good choice.
M: I sent a package to my mom in Australia last year, and it took over a month to get to its destination.
W: Yes, overseas shipping can take a long time sometimes. It can take up to two months to get to some places in Africa. I tried to send a Christmas present to my brother in Kenya last year, and it didn't get there until Valentine's Day!
Text 9
M: It's so nice to see you! How long haven't we seen each other Nine or ten years
W: Eleven years! The last time I saw you, we were graduating from college together. I can't believe it's been that long!
M: I know! What have you been doing
W: Well, I work for Google. I'm married and I have a one-year-old daughter. We're planning on moving to Hawaii soon. My husband has family and friends there, and we just love the weather!
M: That sounds fantastic! Will you be able to work for Google there, too
W: They said I could, but I think I will look for a different job. What about you How have you been
M: I've been okay. The years after college were hard. I couldn't find a job and I was still living with my parents, but now, I'm back in school to become a doctor. I live in a small apartment in the city, and I have some great friends. Life is looking good!
W: That's great! I remember you always did love science.
M: Yes, I want to become a brain doctor. It's a lot of schooling, but it's worth it. What kind of job will you look for in Hawaii
W: Well, I've always dreamed of becoming a clothing designer! I might try to find something that involves fashion.
M: Good luck!
Text 10
Good afternoon. Welcome to this tour of Davidson College. As a senior here, I could tell you all about my experiences in classrooms and labs. But I think it would be most valuable to talk about the campus as we walk around outside to get an overall feel of this amazing place. Over to my left is the library, and besides being the main place where students do research for papers, it's also where a lot of students hang out between classes. There are computers and comfortable chairs everywhere, and on each floor, there are areas that do not require you to be quiet. Perhaps this is why our students like it so much! Down the road to my right is the student center, where students can buy coffee, snacks, and official Davidson College clothing. The student center is open until 10: 00 p. m. on school nights and until 2: 00a. m. on weekend nights. Carson Gym, which is named after one of Davidson's most famous professors, is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can play almost every sport you can imagine there, and there are health classes like yoga and group dance every day except Wednesday. The best part about the gym is the cost: students pay a yearly fee of $50, and they get to use the facilities as much as they want. All right, we're coming up to the stadium now...