

名称 江苏省常州市天宁区常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(含答案,有听力音频及听力原文)
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文件大小 5.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-20 11:04:45


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What will the man do next
A.Collect some information.
B.Discuss with some students.
C.Get the woman’s opinion.
2.Why is the woman in a hurry
A.To answer a call. B.To search for a store. C.To look for a washroom.
3.What happened to Larry last night
A.He fell into water.
B.He couldn’t find his hotel.
C.He was caught in the rain.
4.Where will the woman go tomorrow night
A.To the man’s house. B.To a cinema. C.To a restaurant.
5.What does the woman think of the man
A.Bad-tempered. B.Warm-hearted. C.Absent-minded.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What is the man worried about
A.His friend’s visit. B.Loss of his friend. C.His poor cooking.
7.What does the woman suggest the man do
A.Download an app. B.Cook unique cuisines. C.Go out with his friend.
8.What does the woman show the man
A.Her visa. B.Her passport. C.Her ID card.
9.What will the woman do with her luggage
A.Check it in. B.Make it lighter. C.Take it with her.
10.Why does the woman find the study hard
A.The poems focused on some difficult topics.
B.She has to compare poems across languages.
C.She lacks knowledge about different cultures.
11.What day is it today
A.Sunday. B.Saturday. C.Monday.
12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Father and daughter. B.Teacher and student. C.Husband and wife.
13.Where will the speakers park their motorhome
A.At their home. B.In the woods. C.On a beach.
14.What did the woman do in the morning
A.She stored water in the vehicle.
B.She took a picture of the vehicle.
C.She filled the vehicle up with gas.
15.What season is it now in Scotland
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Winter.
16.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Take a shower. B.Turn the heat on. C.Check the amount of gas.
17.When will the event be held
A.From January 12th to February. 10th.
B.From January 10th to February 12th.
C.From January 12th to February 12th.
18.How much should a couple with a child of 8 pay for their entrance
A.$20. B.$10. C.$30.
19.Which event is new this year
A.A flower show. B.A fancy dress competition. C.A winter sport.
20.Where will the food shops be
A.In the center of the site.
B.Next to the entrance.
C.Beside the amusement rides.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Going away for your mini break Bring these long weekend essentials to make the most of the leave.
ECCO Offroad Athletic Sandals, 59.38
Whether you’re off on a city break or exploring beaches, chances are you’re getting your steps in this holiday, which will be hard going on your feet. These ECCO sandals are specially designed and most comfortable when hiking, with an EVA footbed and ECCOFLUIDFORM design offering extra cushioning (减震) and flexibility.
Kindle(2022 release), 84.99
Every travelling bookworm’s best friend is now smaller and lighter, at just six inches screen width. With 16GB storage, you can download thousands of books to keep you busy on any long holiday journeys, and the battery life now lasts up to six weeks on one single charge, but may vary depending on use.
PowerAdd Portable(便携式的)Charger Power Bank, 15.99
Portable chargers have gained popularity recently, but this one is genuinely pocket-sized without any loss of the charging power. The power bank itself can be fully charged within a speedy two hours, and delivers roughly two charges for an iPhone 15. At10.5cm length, and 99g weight, you can easily slip this into your bag without feeling weighed down.
Lixada Sling Chest Bang, 29.99
Give yourself some extra pence of mind with this anti-theft crossbody bag, which helps you keep your valuables secure and within easy reach. The chest bag has an extreme slim design at less than half an inc h thick, which makes it lightweight and easy to fit under your clothes.
21.What is an advantage of ECCO Offroad Athletic Sandals
A.Reasonable price. B.Light weight.
C.Great comfort. D.Maximum security.
22.Which product best suits people with low battery anxiety
A.ECCO Offroad Attletic Sandals. B.Kindle(2022 release).
C.PowerAdd Portable Charger Power Bank. D.Lixada Sling Chest Bag.
23.Who will be more interested in the text
A.Bag lovers. B.Holiday makers.
C.Nature explorers. D.Electronics enthusiasts.
The latest bad but unsurprising news on education is that reading and writing scores on the SAT have once again declined. The language competence of our high schoolers fell steeply in the 1970s and has never recovered. This is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal(语言的) score of 17-year-olds. This score correlates with the ability to learn new things readily, to communicate with others and to secure a job. It also predicts future income.
The most credible analyses have shown that the chief causes are vast curricular changes, especially in the critical early grades. In the decades before the Great Verbal Decline, a content-rich elementary school experience evolved into a content-light, skills-based, test-centered approach. Cognitive psychologists agree that early childhood language learning (ages 2 to 10) is critical to later verbal competence, not just because of the remarkable linguistic plasticity of young minds, but also because of the so-called Matthew Effect.
The name comes from a passage in the Bible: “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” Those who are language-poor in early childhood get relatively poorer, and fall further behind, while the verbally rich get richer.
The origin of this cruel truth lies in the nature of word learning. The more words you already know, the faster you acquire new words. This sounds like an invitation to vocabulary study for babies, but that’s been tried and it’s not effective. Most of the word meanings we know are acquired indirectly, by intuitively(凭直觉的) guessing new meanings as we understand the main idea of what we are hearing or reading. The Matthew Effect in language can be restated this way: “To those who understand the main idea shall be given new word meanings, but to those who do not there shall follow boredom and frustration.”
Clearly the key is to make sure that from kindergarten on, every student, from the start, understands the main idea of what is heard or read. If preschoolers and kindergartners are offered substantial and coherent lessons concerning the human and natural worlds, then the results show up five years or so later in significantly improved verbal scores. By staying on a subject long enough to make all young children familiar with it (say, two weeks or so), the main idea becomes understood by all and word learning speeds up. This is especially important for low-income children, who come to school with smaller vocabularies and rely on school to pass on the knowledge base children from rich families take for granted.
Current reform strategies focus on testing, improving teacher quality, and other changes. Attention to these structural issues has led to improvements in the best public schools. But it is not enough.
24.The drop in verbal scores on the SAT is worrisome because ________.
A.it will lead to a short supply of talents in the labor market
B.it reveals young people’s negative attitude towards verbal study
C.it shows the schools’ inability to meet the national requirements
D.students’ reading and writing ability affects their future development
25.Which of the following is the reason for the falling verbal competence
A.Children’s lack of language learning ability.
B.Fewer courses on reading and writing in school.
C.The shift of curricular focus from content to skills.
D.Heavy pressure that numerous tests have resulted in.
26.The implication of Mathew Effect in language is that ________.
A.children should be trained to understand the content
B.teachers should focus on one topic in language teaching
C.children’s family background determines their verbal ability
D.teachers should make everything understandable for students
27.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Mathew Effect in Language Learning
B.How to Stop the Drop in Verbal Scores
C.Try to Understand the Main Idea
D.Don’t Overestimate Your Verbal Scores
In the autumn of 2020, while stargazing on his balcony in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Teju Cole was inspired to start taking photos of his kitchen counter. He compared the daily migrations of his pots, pans, spoons, and graters to the revolutions of celestial bodies (天体), and began to track them in a “counter history”. A year later, he published the results as Golden Apple of the Sun (2021), a book-length photo essay that expands his isolated domestic experiment until it seems to include the whole world. Cole writes about the hunger he suffered as a boarding-school student in Nigeria, Dutch Golden Age still-lifes, slavery and the sugary recipes in an ancient cookbook. “The later a photograph is in a given sequence, the heavier it is,” Cole explained. Somehow, from this kitchen sink of memoir (回忆录), art history, and observant boredom emerges a portrait of the pandemic’s collective solitude, “this year of feeling buried in the dark earth like bulbs.”
Cole’s work makes an art—and a necessary virtue—of close looking. Open City (2011), his first novel, won praise for its portrayal of post-9/11 New York, whose buried histories of violence and displacement resurface in the course of a medical student’s wanderings. In Cole’s essays, tranquil Vermeers reveal traces of empire in colonial times, and stormy Caravaggios picture beforehand the uncertain journeys of twenty-first-century migrants.
His great theme is the limits of vision, and the way that these limits can serve as the basis for a kind of second sight. “Among the human rights is the right to remain unseen and dark,” Cole writes in Black Paper (2021); a recent essay collection. In his own pictures, people seldom appear directly, but their presence is everywhere implied. Blind Spot (2017), an experimental photo book recording his travels, gathers images of hotel rooms, border fences, ships, and tombs. “Darkness is not empty,” Cole writes. “It is information at rest. Beauty, briefly, slips from the shadows.”
28.What made Cole start to take photos of his kitchen counter
A.His isolated domestic lifestyle. B.The inspiration he got while stargazing.
C.His great interest in photo-taking. D.The suffering as a boarding-school student.
29.What do we know about Cole’s first novel
A.It was praised for making a new art. B.It resurfaces traces of a colonial empire.
C.It was written through a student’s view. D.It foresees the uncertain journey of migrants.
30.Why does Cole prefer the limits of vision in his works
A.He starts a new style to write about common people.
B.Human rights can be well protected in the theory.
C.It is one of the basic skills for the artists like him.
D.People can feel what is unseen by themselves.
31.What can we infer about Cole
A.He has a limited vision. B.He published a cookbook.
C.He focuses on stories behind pictures. D.He enjoys taking photos of people.
One by one, prejudices are disappearing in the West. People may harbor private suspicions that other people’s race or sex makes them inferior—but to say so openly is totally taboo. One old prejudice remains respectable, though. Just ask a childless person.
They are not charged to special taxes, as they were in Soviet Russia; nor are they driven from their homes, as they still are in some poor countries. The childless nonetheless come in for a lot of criticism. Some point out that non-parents are failing to produce the future workers who will pay for their pensions. Childless politicians are charged with not having a proper stake in society. “He talks to us about the future, but he doesn’t have children!” complained Jean-Marie Le Pen, co-founder of the National Front party, of Emmanuel Macron, who went on to win the French presidency. Similar attacks on Theresa May and Angela Merkel also failed but researchers find that many voters quietly agree.
The charges against the childless should be thrown out, along with other social prejudice. In many rich countries, between 15% and 20% of women, and a slightly higher proportion of men, will not have children. The share is rising. Some have medical problems; others do not meet the right person in time; still others decide they do not want them. Whatever the cause, the attacks on the childless are baseless.
If non-breeders are selfish, they have a strange way of showing it. They are more likely to set up charitable foundations than people with children, and much more likely to donate money to good causes. According to one American estimate, the mere fact of not having children raises the amount a person leaves to charity by a little over $10,000. The childless are thus a small but useful counterweight to the world’s parents, who stop social immobility by passing on their social and economic advantages to their children.
The fact that so many senior politicians lack offspring ought to put to rest the idea that they do not care for society. Five of the G7 countries are led by childless men and women. Mr. Macron, Mrs. May, Mrs. Merkel, Shinzo Abe and Paolo Gentiloni have their faults, but they are not notably less able than Justin Trudeau (who has three children) let alone Donald Trump (who has five). Their opportunities for nepotism are limited. And they spare their countries dynastic politics.
The charge that childless people fail to pull their weight in population is correct, but is less serious than it appears. Those who do not have children do put pressure on public pension systems. Governments have to do unpopular things like making pensions less generous, as Japan has done, or accepting more immigrants, as some Western countries have done. But to sustain public pensions in the long term, countries do not actually need more parents. What they need instead is more babies. It is possible to combine a high rate of childlessness with a high birth rate, provided people who become parents have more than one or two children. That was the pattern in many Western countries a century ago. Ireland, yet another country with a childless leader, still manages it today.
The childless also do everyone else a favour by creating wonderful works of art. British novelists have been especially likely to have no offspring: think of Hilary Mantel, P.G Wodehouse and the Bronte sisters. In September last year Britain put Jane Austen on its ten-pound note. That decision was controversial, though it was hard to see why. Few people have written as shrewdly about money or about families even though Austen did not marry, and had no children.
32.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2
A.The childless often get punished in society. B.Most successful politicians have no children.
C.The childless often come under sharp criticism D.Childlessness affects the result of an election.
33.The childless are prejudiced because people think the childless ______.
A.have a strange way to show selfishness B.set a bad example for young people
C.are not as able as those with children D.are the government’s financial burden
34.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refer to
A.Encouraging parents to have more children. B.Reducing the pensions for the aged.
C.Accepting more immigrants. D.Supporting the political leaders with no children.
36.What is the best title for the passage
A.In hope of having a child or not. B.In defence of the childless.
C.Reasons for not having children. D.Measures to address aging problems.
第二节 (共5小题: 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Signs You Might Be Dehydrated(脱水的)
Dehydration is a big problem in the summer months. Unfortunately, knowing when you begin to dehydrate isn’t always easy. So, as summer heats up, here are a few secret signs that you need to drink as soon as possible.
Your breath smells or your mouth is dry. There is a potential relationship that links dehydration and less than-pleasant breath, When you're dehydrated, you don't produce as much saliva(唾液). 37 So if you notice your breath is a little smelly, it could be a red flag that you need to drink a glass or two of H2O.
38 Dehydration can actually temporarily shrink brain tissue, and that shrinkage may cau se pain. Such pain is a really common sign of slight to middle dehydration, and it can be either tolerable or serious.
Your pee(尿液)is dark. One way health professionals diagnose dehydration is by testing a patient’s pee to see if it's too concentrated. But it can also help to do an easy check at home. Simply look at the color of your pee. If it’s pale yellow, you’re hydrated. If it's a darker yellow, it’s time for a glass of water. 39
You’re hungry. Thirst and hunger signs always come together. 40 So if you find that you’re feeling hungry soon after eating, it’s worth considering whether the real reason is thirst.
41 Staying hydrated is a really key part of maintaining energy throughout the day. Not getting enough water to support the body to do their functions can make you feel like you’re dragging. Plus, hydration can have a direct effect on sleep quality.
A.You’re tired.
B.You have a headache.
C.You feel like you have a summer “flu”.
D.While this isn’t a guarantee, it could be a sign.
E.They are both produced in the same region of your brain.
F.The liquid helps break down food and brings it from your mouth.
G.In general, the more you drink, the clearer your liquid waste should be.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
My father decided to start learning French when he was 57. On the surface, his retirement hobby seems a little random — our family has no connection to French-speaking countries — but his 42 ran deeper than a passion for cakes. My grandmother developed signs of Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔兹海默症) in her early 70s, and studies suggest that being bilingual, that is, being able to speak two languages equally well, can 43 the start of the condition by up to five years. Drawn by that 44 benefit, many people have attempted to pick up a new language in adulthood.
Lots of activities are linked to better brain health in old age, like getting more education when you’re younger and physical activity. Experts say regularly speaking multiple languages may be especially 45 though. “We use language in all aspects of daily life, so a bilingual brain is 46 working,” said Mark Antoniou, a professor at Western Sydney University who specializes in bilingualism.
The age at which you learn another language appears to be less important than how 47 you speak it. The cognitive (认知的) benefit is from having to 48 your mother tongue, which your brain is forced to do if you’re trying to recall the right words in another language. So if the second language is used a lot, you’re getting that cognitive 49 . That process is called cognitive inhibition. In theory, by improving these types of processes, the brain becomes stronger to the 50 caused by diseases like dementia. The stronger your mental power, the thinking goes, the longer you can function normally, even if your brain health starts to 51 .
However, evidence for the benefits of learning a second language as a hobby in your 60s is 52 . Research by Dr. Antoniou and colleagues found that while Chinese adults 60 and up improved on cognition tests after a six-month language learning program, people who played games like Sudoku did as well. Two more recent studies on the topic found virtually no 53 in cognitive performance after people took part in language-learning programs.
The scientists who conducted those studies offered a few potential 54 . One is that the participants were highly motivated volunteers, who may have already been at peak performance for their age, making it hard to see any 55 . Another is that the language interventions were perhaps too short. The handful of studies looking into the issue have used language lessons that were very different in their 56 and frequency. Some studies taught participants for eight months, others for just one very intense week.
41.A.affection B.contribution C.struggle D.motivation
42.A.prevent B.delay C.signal D.stimulate
43.A.potential B.educational C.lasting D.additional
44.A.impractical B.common C.beneficial D.rare
45.A.carelessly B.delicately C.creatively D.constantly
46.A.long B.well C.soon D.often
47.A.restrict B.practice C.command D.spread
48.A.function B.psychology C.training D.system
49.A.pains B.operations C.damages D.signs
50.A.decline B.improve C.matter D.restore
51.A.available B.weaker C.stronger D.mounting
52.A.reduction B.involvement C.point D.difference
53.A.applications B.suggestions C.findings D.explanations
54.A.diversities B.possibilities C.outcomes D.improvements
55.A.content B.length C.intention D.requirement
第二节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. Before making any decisions, she sought advice from___________(knowledge)mentors who had sown the seeds of wisdom in her mind.
57.___________(resign) to her fate, she accepted the challenges that lay ahead,knowing that her decisions would shape her future.
58. No matter how clearly___________(clarify), the issues can't still get through to all of us.
59.Weak___________I am in English for the moment, I am confident that I can catch up.
60. No one will be allowed to enter the private club unless___________(privilege).
61.Worry___________all others worry; rejoice after all others have rejoiced.
62. With the gift brightly___________(wrap), she handed it to her best friend at the birthday party.
63.___________(suspect) of being involved in the recent string of burglaries, he was summoned by the police for questioning.
64. The teacher emphasized the importance of cultivating___________(美德)such as determination, kindness, and courage in order to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
65. To live a life of honesty and___________(正直)is a responsibility of every decent person.
第四部分 书面表达 (满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
你校英文报正在组织英语征文活动,请以“Have a Strong Sense of Responsibility”为题,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
注意: 1.词数100左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.
第二节 (满分25分)
I was a vet in Yorkshire. One day I received a call from Mrs Tompkin asking me to cut the beak (喙) of her budgie (虎皮鹦鹉). I armed myself with a pair of clippers and stepped onto the narrow strip of pavement which separated the door from the road. A pleasant-looking red-haired woman answered my knock.
“I’m Mrs Dodds from next door,” she said. “I keep an eye on the old lady. She’s over eighty and lives alone.”
She led me into the cramped little room. “Here’s Mr Herriot coming to see Peter for you,” she said to the old woman who sat in a corner. Mrs Tompkin nodded and smiled, “Oh that’s good. Poor little fella can hardly eat with its long beak and I’m worried about him. He’s my only companion, you know.”
“Yes, I understand, Mrs Tompkin.” I looked at the cage by the window with the green budgie perched (栖息) inside. “These little birds can be wonderful company when they start chattering.”
She laughed, “Yes, but it’s a funny thing. Peter never has said that much. I think he’s lazy! But I just like having him with me.”
“Of course you do,” I said, “but he certainly needs attention now.”
The beak was greatly overgrown, curving away down till it touched the feathers of the breast. I would be able to revolutionize his life with one quick snip from my clippers. The way I was feeling this job was right up my street.
I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand.
“Come on, Peter,” I wheedled (哄骗). As I lifted him out, I felt in my pocket with the other hand for the clippers. Then I stopped.
The tiny head was no longer poking cheekily from my fingers but had fallen loosely to one side. The eyes were closed. He was dead.
Mrs Dodds and I looked at each other in horror. When I turned my head towards Mrs Tompkin, I was surprised to see that she was still nodding and smiling.
I drew her neighbor to one side. “Mrs Dodds, how much does she see ”
“Oh, she’s very short-sighted but she’s right vain despite her age. Never would she wear glasses. She’s hard of hearing, too.”
“Well, look,” I said. My heart was still pounding. “I just don’t know what to do. If I tell her about this, the shock will be terrible. Anything could happen.”
Mrs Dodds nodded, stricken-faced. “Yes, you’re right. She’s that attached to the little thing.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I decided to do something for her instead of telling her the truth.
It was a long time before I went to see how Mrs Tompkin got along with the bird I bought for her.
【原文】W: How is your research going, Jack
M: Well, not bad. I collected some information about it. And now I’m going to talk to some students and get their opinions.
【原文】M: Madam, can I help you
W: Oh, thank God. The department store is so huge that I can’t find the toilet to answer the call of nature. I am in such a hurry.
【原文】M: I saw Larry last night. He was looking very wet.
W: But it wasn’t raining last night.
M: Well, he hadn’t seen the hotel swimming pool and had fallen in with his clothes on.
【原文】M: Hi, Beth. My family and I are having a few people over for dinner tomorrow night. Then we might watch a movie at my house. Can you come
W: Sure. I’d love to. That’d be more fun than eating at a restaurant alone.
【原文】M: Have you seen my maths textbook, Mom I forget where I placed it.
W: What gives Again Why do you always pay no attention to your personal belongings I am not your babysitter, dear!
6.C 7.A
【原文】M: Lucy, one of my long-lost friends will come around to have a meal with me. Afterwards, we will hang out in the walking district nearby.
W: So will you dine out
M: Nope, I will cook for her, but my cooking will surely upset her.
W: Don’t worry and I recommend a very useful app, definitely a hit recently.
M: Wow, could you tell me the name of it
W: No problem. It is called Sweetisine, integrating the word sweet and cuisine. And it offers so many recipes to choose from.
8.B 9.C
【原文】M: Hello. Where are you heading today
W: I’m off to Paris for a week.
M: Do you have your passport with you
W: Yes, here you are. I don’t need a visa to go to France, do I
M: Fortunately for you, you don’t. Er, how many pieces of luggage are you checking in
W: I like to travel light so I just have this one.
M: If that’s your only piece of luggage, it is small enough to carry on with you. Here’s your boarding pass. Enjoy your flight!
10.B 11.B 12.A
【原文】W: This study is taking me forever. I have to compare the poems from different cultures. It is really difficult because they are all in different languages!
M: Yes, I can imagine that this would be pretty hard! Which poets are you studying
W: Xu Zhimo from China, T. S. Eliot from America, and Kahlil Gibran from Lebanon in the Middle East.
M: Why do you choose those poets Are they your favorite ones
W: Not really, but I do like them. They all wrote poetry around the same time, which is really interesting.
M: Well, how much time have you got
W: My professor wants it by next Monday, which is the day after tomorrow. So, I don’t have much time!
M: Tell you what, dear, you get on with your work and I’ll make you some nice hot coffee.
W: Oh, you’re the best. That’s why Mom married you!
13.C 14.A 15.C 16.C
【原文】W: This place is really far away, but the scenery is so beautiful here. Shall we park the motorhome now It’s getting dark.
M: Sure, how about stopping the vehicle over there
W: Yes, perfect. That’s much more convenient than putting up a tent when we went camping in the woods in the spring of this year.
M: True. We can park here right on the beach!
W: Oh, yes. I filled the vehicle up with freshwater in the morning. So, we can have a shower if necessary.
M: Great! There we go. Let’s get out and have a look around.
W: Wow, the scenery is amazing here in Scotland. Look at the sunset above the sea and the snowy mountain behind us. Let me take a picture!
M: The bad thing is that it’s not summer now, but we’re so lucky to spend the cold night in the warm motorhome! And we can have a good view of everything from there.
W: Anyway, let’s get back inside and I’ll turn the heat on! Would you please go and check if there is enough gas to cook our dinner
M: Sure.
17.B 18.A 19.B 20.B
Hello, everyone. The winter carnival is coming soon. We prepare different kinds of activities for it. I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about our plan for the winter carnival this year. We plan to hold the event from January 10th to February 12th at the Sky Site. We suggest an entrance fee of $10. You can also bring your children aged 12 or under. No admission charge for them. The site will be divided into six areas. In the center, there will be a flower show. It is a good place to take pictures. To the side of the flower show, there will be two areas for amusement rides. We will set up 30 rides in these areas. This year, there will be two new events -- a fancy dress competition and an ice sculpture exhibition. We will set up a tent for the fancy dress competition. If you are good at designing clothes, bring your works to the competition. Finally, next to the entrance, there will be four food shops where visitors can enjoy food from around the world, such as Italian food, Chinese food, Japanese food, Mexican food and so on. We have attached a map for your reference. You can pick one up at the ticket office. That’s all. Thank you.
21.C 22.C 23.B
21.细节理解题。根据“ECCO Offroad Athletic Sandals, 59.38”部分的句子“Whether you’re off on a city break or exploring beaches, chances are you’re getting your steps in this holiday, which will be hard going on your feet. These ECCO sandals are specially designed and most comfortable when hiking, with an EVA footbed and ECCOFLUIDFORM design offering extra cushioning (减震) and flexibility.(无论你是去城市度假还是去海滩探险,你都有可能在这个假期里迈开脚步,这对你的脚来说是很困难的。这些ECCO凉鞋是特别设计的,徒步旅行时最舒适,EVA鞋垫和ECCOFLUIDFORM设计提供额外的缓冲和灵活性。)”可知,ECCO Offroad Athletic Sandals的优点是它的舒适性。
22.细节理解题。根据“PowerAdd Portable(便携式的)Charger Power Bank, 15.99”部分的介绍“Portable chargers have gained popularity recently, but this one is genuinely pocket-sized without any loss of the charging power. The power bank itself can be fully charged within a speedy two hours, and delivers roughly two charges for an iPhone 15. At10.5cm length, and 99g weight, you can easily slip this into your bag without feeling weighed down.(便携式充电器最近很流行,但这款是真正的口袋大小,不会损失任何充电功率。充电宝本身可以在两小时内充满电,为iPhone 15充电大约两次。它长10.5厘米,重99克,你可以轻松地把它塞进包里,而不会感到沉重。)”可知,PowerAdd Portable Charger Power Bank适合那些对低电量焦虑的人。
23.推理判断题。根据文章内容,特别是第一句话“Going away for your mini break Bring these long weekend essentials to make the most of the leave.(出去度个小假?带上这些长周末必备用品,充分利用假期。)”可知,外出度假的人会对这篇文章感兴趣。
24.A 25.B 26.D 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据首段中的“This is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal(语言的) score of 17-year-olds. This score correlates with the ability to learn new things readily, to communicate with others and to secure a job.(这是非常令人担忧的,因为衡量我们中小学整体质量的最佳单一指标是17岁学生的平均语言成绩。这个分数与学习新事物的能力、与他人沟通的能力以及获得工作的能力有关。)”可知,这一分数是衡量中小学整体质量的单一指标,而这一分数与学生的学习能力,沟通能力以及获取工作的能力相关,由此可知,之所以担忧是因为学生的阅读能力直接影响了学生未来的发展。
25.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The most credible analyses have shown that the chief causes are vast curricular changes, especially in the critical early grades. In the decades before the Great Verbal Decline, a content-rich elementary school experience evolved into a content-light, skills-based, test-centered approach.(最可信的分析表明,主要原因是课程的巨大变化,特别是在关键的早期年级。在“语言大衰退”之前的几十年里,内容丰富的小学经历演变成了内容少、以技能为基础、以考试为中心的方法。)”可知,语言能力下降的原因是在关键的早起年级课程发生巨大变化,课程内容减少,转变为以技能为基础,以考试为中心。
26.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The Matthew Effect in language can be restated this way: “To those who understand the main idea shall be given new word meanings, but to those who do not there shall follow boredom and frustration.”(语言中的马太效应可以这样重述:“对于那些理解主旨的人,应该给予新的单词含义,但对于那些不理解的人,则会感到无聊和沮丧。”。)”可知,马太效应讲述的是理解主要思想的人被赋予新的单词含义,对于不理解的人来说,会感到无聊和沮丧,由此可推断,需要对儿童内容的理解。
27.主旨大意题。根据首段中的“The latest bad but unsurprising news on education is that reading and writing scores on the SAT have once again declined. The language competence of our high schoolers fell steeply in the 1970s and has never recovered. (关于教育的最新坏消息是,SAT的阅读和写作分数再次下降,但这并不令人意外。我们高中生的语言能力在20世纪70年代急剧下降,并且从未恢复。)”可知,高中生的语言能力自20世纪70年代急剧下滑且从未恢复,进而在下文中分析了产生这一结果的原因,结合尾段中“Current reform strategies focus on testing, improving teacher quality, and other changes. Attention to these structural issues has led to improvements in the best public schools. But it is not enough.(目前的改革策略集中在考试、提高教师素质等方面。对这些结构性问题的关注导致了最好的公立学校的改进。但这还不够。)”可知,就此现象,已经有了一些教育改革策略并得到了一定的改善,但仍是远远不够的,由此可知,本文主要讲述的是语言能力下滑以及采取的相应的策略,所以题目为“如何止住语言分数下降”与本文内容吻合,且概括全文的主题。
28.B 29.C 30.D 31.C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了摄影师兼作家Teju Cole的一些作品及创作灵感。
28.细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“In the autumn of 2020, while stargazing on his balcony in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Teju Cole was inspired to start taking photos of his kitchen counter.(2020年秋天,Teju Cole在马萨诸塞州剑桥市的阳台上观星时,受到启发,开始拍摄厨房柜台的照片)”可知,在观星时得到的灵感让科尔开始拍厨房柜台的照片。
29.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Open City (2011), his first novel, won praise for its portrayal of post-9/11 New York, whose buried histories of violence and displacement resurface in the course of a medical student’s wanderings.(《开放城市》是他的第一部小说,因其对9/11后纽约的描绘而赢得赞誉。在一名医学生的流浪过程中,纽约被掩埋的暴力和流离失所的历史重新浮现出来)”可知,他的第一部小说是从一个学生的角度写的。
30.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“His great theme is the limits of vision, and the way that these limits can serve as the basis for a kind of second sight.(他的伟大主题是视觉的局限,以及这些局限可以作为第二视觉的基础)”可推知,科尔在他的作品中更喜欢视觉的局限因为人们可以洞察看不见的东西。
31.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“In his own pictures, people seldom appear directly, but their presence is everywhere implied.(在他自己的照片中,人物很少直接出现,但他们的存在无处不在)”可知,他关注的是图片背后的故事。
32.C 33.D 34.A 35.B
32.主旨大意题。根据第二段第二句“The childless nonetheless come in for a lot of criticism.(尽管如此,没有孩子的人还是受到了很多批评。)”并结合下文可知,本段主要讲述了无子女者常常遭受尖锐批判。
33.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Some point out that non-parents are failing to produce the future workers who will pay for their pensions.(一些人指出,非父母者无法培养出未来的工人来支付养老金。)”和倒数第二段中的“Those who do not have children do put pressure on public pension systems. Governments have to do unpopular things like making pensions less generous, as Japan has done, or accepting more immigrants, as some Western countries have done.(那些没有孩子的人确实给公共养老金系统带来了压力。政府不得不做一些不受欢迎的事情,比如像日本那样降低养老金的慷慨程度,或者像一些西方国家那样接受更多的移民。)”可知,由于无子女者没有生孩子来为养老金系统作贡献,这会给公共养老金系统带来压力,政府不得不做一些不受欢迎的事情。由此可推测出,无子女者遭受人们的偏见是因为人们认为他们成为政府的经济负担。
34.词句猜测题。根据画线词所在句前面的“It is possible to combine a high rate of childlessness with a high birth rate, provided people who become parents have more than one or two children. That was the pattern in many Western countries a century ago.(如果成为父母的人有一个或两个以上的孩子,就有可能把高无子女率和高出生率结合起来。这是一个世纪前许多西方国家的模式。)”可知,画线词it指代前文的内容,即一个世纪前许多国家采取的模式是鼓励成为父母的人生孩子,从而兼顾高无子女率与高出生率。
35.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,第一段最后一句“One old prejudice remains respectable, though. Just ask a childless person.(然而,一种古老的偏见仍然受人尊敬。问问一个没有孩子的人就知道了。)”引出话题:无子女者遭受偏见;第二段具体讲述了无子女者面对的批判;根据第三段中的“The charges against the childless should be thrown out, along with other social prejudice.(对无子女者的指控以及其他社会偏见应该被驳回。)”讲述作者的看法,作者认为不应当对无子女者怀有偏见;接下来几段作者分别从慈善、政治能力、人口增长、艺术文学贡献等方面讲述无子女者的贡献。由此可推测出,本文主要指出人们对无子女者的偏见,并为无子女者辩护,由此可推测出,A项“为无子女者辩护”最适合作本文标题。
36.F 37.B 38.G 39. E 40.A
36.本段讲解的特征是“有口气或口干”。空白前句“When you're dehydrated, you don't produce as much saliva”点明人体脱水时唾液分泌会减少,F选项“这些液体会帮助分解食物并将其带离口腔”中提到的The liquid显然是指唾液,可以承接前句,也解释了唾液的作用。故选F项。
37.后句“Dehydration can actually temporarily shrink brain tissue, and that shrinkage may cause pain”指出缺水会导致大脑组织收缩从而引发疼痛,容易推断应该是引发头痛,B选项“你会感到头痛”为本段的小标题。
38.本段讲解的特征是“尿液颜色深”。前句指出我们可以通过观察尿液颜色来简单判断是否脱水,即“If it’s pale yellow, you’re hydrated. If it's a darker yellow, it’s time for a glass of water”呈淡黄色说明不缺水,深黄色说明需要补水了,G选项“一般来说,你喝的越多,你的液体排泄物就会越清澈”总结了前句的结论,也符合段落主题。故选G项。
39.本段讲解的特征是“你会感到饥饿”。前句“Thirst and hunger signs always come together”指出饥饿和口渴总是一起出现的,E选项“它们都是由大脑中同一区域产生的”中both一词正好对应到前句说明的两个对象,也解释了其原因。故选E项。
40.后面两句“Staying hydrated is a really key part of maintaining energy throughout the day. Not getting enough water to support the body to do their functions can make you feel like you’re dragging”表明保证不脱水是维持能量的关键,补水不足会使人感觉到被拖累,A选项“你会感到累”涵盖的正是文段中显示的特征,适合作为段落主题句,与前几段小标题的格式也很类似。
41-45 DBACD 46-50DACCB 51-55BDDDB
57.Resigned/Having been resigned
59. as/though
61. beforc
63.Suspected/Having been suspected
Have a Strong Sense of Responsibility
Responsibility is one of the most important virtues of a person.
Firstly, a man with My role model is Zhang Guimei, who founded a high school offering free education to girls in a less-developed area of Yunnan province. She took the responsibility for nearly 2,000 girls and helped them enroll in college, laying a solid foundation for rural development.
Her story has taught me to develop a strong sense of responsibility. In my view, as human beings, we should be responsible for ourselves, for each other, and for our natural environment. Therefore, we must take responsibility for our physical safety, emotional well-being and professional life. Besides, care for others around us, and protect the environment.
Responsibility makes a full man. Let’s develop a strong sense of responsibility. (123 words)
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以“Have a Strong Sense of Responsibility”为题写一篇倡议书,号召同学们做一个有责任感的人。
加入:enroll in→participate in
在某人看来:in one’s view→from one’s point of view
原句:Responsibility makes a full man.
拓展句:It is responsibility that makes a full man.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Firstly, a man with My role model is Zhang Guimei, who founded a high school offering free education to girls in a less-developed area of Yunnan province. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] She took the responsibility for nearly 2,000 girls and helped them enroll in college, laying a solid foundation for rural development. (运用了现在分词作状语)
One possible version:
I decided to do something for her instead of telling her the truth. Suddenly it occurred to me that I could buy her a new bird in the nearby store. Mrs Dodds also thought it a good idea and even suggested one in the town. I cleared my throat, telling Mrs Tompkin that I was going to take Peter along to the surgery to do the job. I left her still nodding and smiling and, cage in hand, fled into the street. I soon found the shop and luckily there was a green budgie in the shop. With the bird in the cage, I sped back and hung it in its place by the window. “I think you’ll find everything is well now,” I told Mrs Tompkin.
It was a long time before I went to see how Mrs Tompkin got along with the bird I bought for her. “How is the bird ” I said. The old lady led me in and then laughed. “Oh, you mean Peter. He is grand.” In the little room, the cage still hung by the window and Peter, the Second, hopped around the bars of the cage, running up and down his ladder. Mrs Tompkin looked lovingly at him. “You wouldn’t believe it,” she said. “He’s like a different bird, chattering to me all day long. It’s wonderful what cutting a beak can do.” Hearing this, I feel relieved — my efforts did bring her happiness.