人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Words and expressions课件(共36张PPT,内镶嵌音频)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Words and expressions课件(共36张PPT,内镶嵌音频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 14.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-20 11:49:52



Unit2 Iconic Attractions
Words and expressions
1.iconic[a k n k]: adj. 符号的; 图标的; 标志性的
icon[ a k n]: n. 图标; 偶像
iconic attractions
2. foundation[fa n de n]: n.创建; 基础; 地基
lay the foundation for 为......打下基础
have no foundation 无根据/虚构
1. 这谣传毫无根据。
The rumour totally has no foundation.
2. 阅读不仅使我的视野开阔,还让我的内心世界丰盈,为我进一步的学习打下了坚实的基础。(非限制性定语从句)
Reading can not only broaden my horizons but also enrich my mental world, which lays a solid foundation for my further study.
3. political[p l t kl]: adj. 政治的
politics[ p l t ks]: n. 政治
politician[ p l t n]: n. 政治家; 政客
get into/enter politics
political affairs
4. located[l ke t d]: adj. 位于
locate v. 位于;使…坐落于;
location n. 位置;场所
= be situated in/at/on...
lie in/at/on...
There stands/lies. . .
Located/Lying in the tropical area, this country is rich in a wide range of fruits.
①I was doubly attracted to the house — by its size and its  location  (locate).
②  Located  (locate) at the west end of Singapore, the park has a lot of room for visitors to walk around.
be located in/at/on... “坐落于…”
5. bakery[ be k ri]: n. 面包(糕饼)店; 面包厂
bake[be k]: v.(在烤炉里)烘烤
baker n.面包师;(便携式)烘炉
搭配:bake down 临阵退缩
6. joint[d nt]: n.关节;公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所)
adj. 联合的; 共同的
jointly adv.共同地;连带地
jointed adj.有接缝的;有节的,
with our joint effort 在我们的共同努力下
7. premier[ premi (r)] [pr 'm r]: adj. 最著名的; 第一的; 首要的
n. 总理; 首相
take the premier place 占第一位,占首席
vice premier 副总理
premiership n. 总理职位与任期;首相之职位与任期
prime adj. 主要的,首要的;
prime minister: n. 总理; 首相
His work on the causes of diseases is of premier importance to the whole world.
8. herb[h b]: n.药草; 香草; 草本
herbal adj.药草的,香草的
herbalist n. 草药医生
Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
herd n. 兽群,畜群
9. hollow[ h l ]: adj. 中空的; 空心的
empty[ empt ]: adj. 空的; 空腹的; 无人的v. 使变空; 倒空
hollowness 空旷;空虚;凹陷
(续写人物描写) He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.
10. vibrate[va 'bre t]: vt. /vi. (使)振动
Vibrate Mode 震动模式;振动模式
vibrant 充满活力的; 生气勃勃的;
vibration 振动;心灵感应
In the morning the sun rose brilliant and the warm air all around vibrated with the vapour given off by the awakening earth.
I was walking to the chemistry room when my phone in my left pocket vibrated.
11. straightforward[ stre t f w d]: adj. 坦率的; 简单的
frank: adj. 坦率的; 直率的
be straightforward with sb. about sth. 对某人坦率关于…
straightforwardly adv.简单地;坦率地
straightforwardness n. 坦率
put it more straightforwardly说得更直截了当些
She is very blunt, very straightforward, and very honest.
He was quite straightforward with us about the difficulties involved.
12. minister[ m n st (r)]: n.部长;大臣;外交使节
prime minister 首相,总理
foreign minister 外交部长
finance minister 财政部长
13. arrow[ r ]: n. 箭; 箭头
bow[b ]: n.弓
bow and arrow 弓箭弓和箭
fire/shoot an arrow 射箭
David dashed out like an arrow.
14. entitle[ n ta tl]: vt. 给…命名/题名; 使享有权利
title[ ta tl]: n. 题目; 头衔
name …after…: 以…命名
be named after...: 以…命名
entitled 有资格的;给与名称的
entitlement 权利;津贴
The English Club will organize an English Speaking Contest titled "My Favorite Sports".
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
entitle sb to do sth 使某人有权/资格做某事
entitle sb to sth 给与某人......权利/资格
be entitled +n. 被命名为.......
①The novel  entitled  (entitle) Journey to the West is so attractive that he can’t tear himself away from it.
②It is well known that everyone is entitled  to  their own opinion.
③They lose their  entitlement  (entitle) to welfare when they start work.
【写美】 完成句子
④Your qualifications  entitle you to a higher salary  .
entitle you to a higher salary 
15 getaway[ ɡet we ]: n.适合度假的地方
get away: 离开; 逃脱; 外出度假
destination[ dest ne n]: n.目的地
a tourist attraction: 旅游胜地
Weekend tours are ideal for families who want a short getaway.
16. dive[da v]: vi./n.潜水; 跳水; 俯冲
(dived/dove -- dived )
diving n./adj. 跳水,潜水;跳水的,潜水的
diver 潜水者;
dive from/off ...into ... 从……跳入……
dive into 潜入,钻研
①That young man dived  from/off  the bridge  into  the icy river water to save the drowning girl, which is worth praising.
②He took a deep breath and  dived into the water  . 他深吸了一口气然后潜入水里。
dived into the water 
(续写“水中救人) 我迅速跳入水中,全速向那个男孩游去。
I quickly dived into the water, swimming towards the boy at full speed.
As he dove into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could.
17. peak season: 高峰季节
in season 旺季 off-peak season/out of season 淡季
in/at the rush hour 在交通高峰/拥挤时刻
Autumn is the tourist peak season in Yunnan Province for it enjoys beautiful scenery at that time.
18. freedom[ fri d m]: n.自由; 不受…影响的状态
free 免费的;自由的,freely 自由地;免费地;
freelance n. 自由作家
have the freedom to do sth. 有做某事的自由
freedom from= be not affected by 免于
set. . . free 释放
be free from/of 不受;没有 eg:free of charge  免费
-dom 表名词
1. 领域,…界,集体,总称
kingdomn. 王国
boredom n. 厌烦random n. 任意wisdom n. 智慧
①At one time, I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me, so I hoped I could have freedom  from  them.
②Mr Brown works hard to keep his families free  from/of  worries in their lives.
③We, therefore, come to the conclusion that  nothing is so precious as freedom  in the world.
nothing is so precious as
My heart was fluttering about like a bird flying freely.
19. domain[d me n][ d me n]: n. 领域; 领土; 范围
field(领域), territory/ ter tri/(领土)
domain name 网域名称
public domain 公共域;公有土地
The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear.
20. sponsor[ sp ns (r)] [ spɑ ns r]: vt. 倡议; 赞助; 主办
n. (法案等的)倡议者; 赞助者
sponsor sb /sth 赞助某人/某事
sponsor sb to do sth 赞助某人做某事
be sponsored by......由......赞助
title sponsor 冠名赞助商
The sponsor wants the host to invite the audience to the stage to take part in the competition.
The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.
Sponsored by our Students’ Union, the festival covers a wide variety of activities, among which I pay special attention to the Chinese poetry competition.
22. liberty[ l b ti]: n.自由
freedom[ fri d m]: n.自由
liberation[ l b re n]: n. 解放
liberate[ l b re t]: v. 解放
liberal/ l b r l/ adj.自由的
liberalism/ l b r l z m/ n.自由主义
take the liberty of doing sth 自作主张做某事
be at liberty to do sth 有权做某事
We take liberty of writing to you with a view of building up business relations with your company.
You are at liberty to say what you like.
23. strait[stre t]: n. 海峡
the Taiwan Strait: 台湾海峡
canal n.运河,水道
passage n.通道,走廊,航程
24. monument[ m njum nt]: n. 纪念碑/馆/堂/像等; 历史遗迹
Monument to the People's Heroes人民英雄纪念碑
memorial[m m ri l]: n. 纪念碑/像等; 纪念物/品/仪式
monument to sb/sth:…的纪念碑/馆/堂
memorial to sb/sth: …的纪念碑
set an example to/for sb: 为…树立榜样
The monument was erected in honour of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.
25. geyser[ ɡi z (r)] [ ɡa z r]: n. 间歇泉
spring: n. 春天; 弹簧; 泉; 泉水
fountain: n. 人工喷泉; 喷泉
26. distribution[ d str bju n]: n. 分布; 分配; 分发
distribute[d str bju t]: v.分布; 分配; 分发
make a distribution = distribute 分发
distribute...to... 把...分配给...
distribute ...among...在...中分配
distribute ...into ...  把……分成……
①The head of the department distributed the prizes  to the winners.
②The map shows the  distribution  (distribute) of this species across the world.
【写美】 完成句子
③I told those international students that  tea is widely distributed all over the country  . 我告诉那些国际学生,茶在全国各地广泛分布。
【练透】 单句语法填空
tea is widely distributed all over the
(续写叙述句) 多年来,他一直和母亲一起种菜,他们经常把多余的蔬菜分给邻居。
For years, he had been gardening with his mother, and they often distributed their extra vegetables to the neighbors.
26. temporary[ tempr ri]: adj. 暂时的; 短暂的
temporarily: adv.
permanent[ p m n nt]: adj. 永久的; 长久的
permanently: adv.
a temporary shelter
Scared and helpless, she walked around, trying to find a temporary shelter for the night.
It was at the very moment that he realized that money could do nothing but supply some temporary pleasure.
27. phase[fe z]: n. 阶段; 时期
phrase[fre z]: n. 短语; 惯用语/法;
名言; 警句
during the first/next/last phase 在第一╱下一╱最后阶段
the initial/final phase of the project 工程的初始╱最后阶段
a critical/decisive phase 关键性╱决定性阶段
Likewise, if the members of a family stay together and support each other in every phase of life, no outsiders can harm the family.
The child is going through a difficult phase.
28. trunk[tr k]: n. 树干; 象鼻;(车后的)行李箱(US)
boot:n. 靴子; (车后的)行李箱(UK)
(续写心理描写)Jane leaned against the trunk of the tree, memories of staying with Tom crowding in.
29. licensed[la snst]: adj. 得到正式许可的
license[ la sns]: vt. 批准; 许可n. (= licence)许可证; 执照
driver's/driving license 驾驶执照
Business License 营业执照
license sb./sth. for ... 被颁发...许可证
=sb./sth. be licensed for ...
sb./sth.license sb. to do sth. 批准某人做某事
Are you licensed to drive
The restaurant is licensed for the sale of beer, but not wine.
30. session[ se n]: n. —场; 一段时间; 会议
meeting: n. 会议 conference: n.会议
opening session 开幕式;开幕会议
in session 在开庭;在开会;在上课
31. frequency[ fri kw nsi]: n. 发生率; 重复率; 频率
frequent[ fri kw nt]:adj. 经常的; 屡次的; 频繁的
frequently: adv. 经常地; 频繁地
with...frequency 以...的频率
Frequent exercise improves the volume of oxygen you can use in your body.
32. violent[ va l nt]: adj. 暴力的; 猛烈的
violence[ va l ns]: n. 暴力; 暴行
violate[ va le t]: v. 违反; 违犯;侵犯; 强奸
violently: adv.
他变得极不耐烦。He became violently impatient.(改成无灵主语句)
=A violent impatience overcame him.
All in all, every student should behave well and keep away from violence.
33. biology[ba l d i]: n.生理; 生物学
biochemistry n.________
biodiversity n.__________
biography n._________
biological 生物的;生物学的
biologically 生物学上,生物学地
biologist 生物学家
34. hatch[h t ]: vi. 孵出; 破壳
vt. 使孵出; 策划; (尤指)密谋
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Dad put the egg under an old hen, every day, Chris and I would check to see if it had been hatched.
lay/hatch an egg: 下蛋/孵蛋
hatch a plot=work out a plot 策划,密谋
35. capacity[k p s ti]: n.能力; 容量
have a capacity for sth/to do sth.有………/做某事的能力
within one’s capacity to do sth  有能力做某事
a capacity of... 容纳……
be capable of (doing) sth: 有能力(做)什么
be able to do...: 能够做什么;成功做什么
capable[ ke p bl]: adj.有能力
He has a great capacity for learning languages.
You never know what you are capable of until you force yourself to do it.
①Limited resources are restricting our capacity  for  developing new products.
②With that in mind, do you have the capacity  to do  (do) the remaining items on the list in the near future?
【写美】 完成句子
③The theatre  has a seating capacity of 2,000 audience  .
【练透】 单句语法填空P44
to do 
has a seating capacity of 2,000 audience 
36. a handful of...: 少数人(或物); 一把(的量)
a flock of   一群(羊或鸟) a mouthful of  满嘴的
a bagful of  满满的一袋 a group of  一组;一群
a crowd of  一帮;一群 a spoonful of 一匙
①  A bagful of  gold coins appeared, and the greedy man exploded with laughter.
②  A flock of  sheep are walking on the grassland.
③The boy picked up  a handful of  stones and started throwing them at us.
【写美】 翻译句子
 It is bad manners to speak with a mouthful of food. 
A bagful of 
【练透】 选用上面短语填空
A flock of 
a handful of 
It is bad manners to speak with a mouthful of food. 
37. fence[fens]: n. 栅栏; 围栏;围墙
wall: n. 墙; 壁; 墙壁; 城墙; 围墙
wire fence 铁丝网;铁丝栅栏
bamboo fence 竹篱笆
on the fence 保持中立;抱观望态度
sit on the fence 脚踩两只船;保持中立
With greater anger, the bear roared and tried to tear down the fence with all his strength.
You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.
38. prison['pr zn]: n. 监狱; 监禁
prisoner[ pr zn ]: n. 犯人; 俘虏
in prison: 坐牢; 在狱中 (犯法了) out of prison 出狱
in the prison: 在监狱 (未犯法)
go to prison: 坐牢 (犯法了)
go to the prison: 去监狱 (未犯法)
send sb.to prison把某人送入监狱
throw/put sb.in/into prison把某人投入监狱
give prison sentences to 对……判处徒刑
be sentenced to ten years inprison被判处十年监禁
be released from prison 被释放出狱
She is in prison, awaiting trial.