人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Reading for Writing 课件(共60张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Reading for Writing 课件(共60张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 13.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-20 12:17:19



Unit 1
Write a sci-fi short story
To know some famous science fiction writers.
To read for the main idea of the passage.
To discuss what you would do if you could time travel.
To write a sci-fi short story.
Have you read stories or watched films about time travelling Could you name some films
Look at the portrait. Who is he
H.G. Wells, the author of the science fiction 《The Time Machine》He was born in Kent, England. Well's contribution was the idea that all of the details in the story should be closely grounded in reality as possible, with the exception of one element which was fantastical. By having everything else grounded in reality, audiences are more willing to accept the fantastical element was true.
What’s this
This is the photo of time machine from the film The time machine. Time machine is a machine that can move through time, by which it can take you to the future .
A photo from the film The time machine starring Rod Taylor.
Read for the main idea
It is the story of the writer's _____________ of a time machine
first operation
My first attempt to start the time machine
My Various Feelings after accelerating the machine
The official start of the time machine
I finally stopped the operation of the machine
My psychological activity before stopping the time machine
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Read for the main idea of each paragraph
Read for details
1. How does the Time Traveller first know he has travelled through time
He saw the clock move forwards.
2. How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time What rhetorical devices does the writer use to describe his feelings
It felt strange and unpleasant. He uses the simile: “It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.”
3. Why is the Time Traveller worried about stopping the machine
If he stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else, they would be forced together and explode like a bomb.
4. Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it
In some mud in the rain.
Collect some details about how to operate the time machine
Read for details
Collect some details about how to operate the time machine
Collect some details about how to operate the time machine
gave it a last check 最后检查一遍
sat myself in the leather seat 坐在皮椅上
pushed the starting lever forewards an inch
then immediately backwards again 然后又立刻向后拉
gripped the lever and pushed it forwards
pushed the lever further 把操纵杆再往前推了下
Read for details
What did author see during the time travel journey
What did author see during the time travel journey
He saw his laboratory exactly as before and the time changed.
What did author see during the time travel journey
He saw the laboratory went hazy around him and days changed faster and faster.
What did author see during the time travel journey
He saw the walls of the laboratory fall away and he was left in the open air. The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the
sky, but soon there was division between night and day. He saw trees
growing like puffs of smoke; they grew, spread, and died in moments.
What did author see during the time travel journey
He saw huge buildings rise up, then disappeared
like a dream.
He saw the whole surface of the earth was being changed, melting and flowing before his eyes.
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in the story
Read for figure of speech
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in paragraph 1
Time machine began its career.
personification 拟人
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in the story
It probably took her a minute, but to me she moved liked a rocket!
simile 明喻 / overstatement 夸张
Night came as if a lamp was being turned out.
simile 明喻
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in the story
simile 明喻
It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in the story
simile 明喻
The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky. 太阳和月亮看起来似乎正被抛向天空
Around me I saw trees growing like puffs of smoke. 我看到树木似青烟升起。
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in paragraph 3
I saw huge buildings rise up, then disappear like a dream.
simile 明喻
What rhetorical devices does the writer use in paragraph 4
We would be forced together and explode like a bomb.
simile 明喻
Discuss what might happen next in the story. Use the following questions to help you and make brief notes. Then present your story to the class.
*What date do you think it is when the Time Traveller finally stops
*What do you think is different about that time from the time he left
* Who or what do you think the Time Traveller will meet
*What adventures do you think he will have in the future
* Do you think he will ever return to his own time
Story contuniatuoin
The Time Traveller stops in the year 802701. the whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who play all the time, but this hides a horrible truth; there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark, mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food. The Time Traveller meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her. The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks. He is able to escape, but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed.The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait诱饵 to capture and kill the Time Traveller. However, once he is in the Time Machine, he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again and is able to make his escape.
He travels 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. He then travels back to the time from where he started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
Write a sci-fi short story
Imagine and write your own story about a time machine you will invent, and your journey through time. Use the story and the guide below to help you.
1 Think about what your machine will look like. Is it a vehicle or machine
2 How does your time machine work What do you have to do to make it work
3 What period in time do you want to travel to Think about interesting things and people you would like to see there.
4 Imagine what it might feel like to travel through time. Think of words to describe this and make your story as vivid as possible.
5 Include rhetorical devices in your story, like metaphors, similes, overstatements, etc.
After doing research for one year, I invented a time machine, which is shaped like a star with three automatic doors, through which I can go in and out freely. It is so magical that it works just by reading my mind and doesn’t consume any energy, taking me to the places of my dreams.
One day, the moment I thought of Harry Potter, in no time did I meet my best-loved boy wizard at his magic school. Soon we developed close ties, experienced adventures together and confronted 面对with the evil wizards heroically.
This thrilling experience taught me that friendship was the light in the soul that changed hardship into hope and fear into bravery. Without my time machine, I couldn’t have had such a unique experience.
A sample version
某科幻文学杂志的Time Travel栏目正在面向中学生征稿,请你写一篇英文科幻故事投稿。
注意:1. 词数120左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
1.文体介绍style introduction
如何写科幻故事How to Write Science Fiction Stories
Science fiction short story essays are often based on the author's existing life experience and knowledge, using their imagination to conceive story plots that have never been experienced before, or describing life scenes that have never been seen before, in order to create imaginative science fiction stories. The article often uses rhetorical devices to unfold the story plot and describe the emotions of the characters. This type of writing requires students not only to have strong language skills, but also to have broad thinking space.
2.写作指导Writing Guidance
(1)文章的要素Elements of the article
故事类文章的要素有时间、地点、人物、事件,事件又包括它的起因、经过和结果。从英语角度来说,我们通常用五个“W”(what,who, when,where,why)和一个“H”(how)来表示。
The elements of story articles include time, location, characters, and events, and events also include their causes, processes, and outcomes. From an English perspective, we usually use five 'Ws' (what, who, when, where, why) and one' H '(how) to represent it.
(2)文章的结构Structure of the article
Story articles usually consist of three parts: the first part is the beginning, which should clearly explain factors such as time, location, and characters; The second part is the main body, mainly describing the occurrence, development, and climax of the event; The third part is the conclusion, which elaborates 详尽阐述 on the outcome of the event, the fate of the characters, or the author's feelings or opinions on the matter. The writing of an article should have a clear purpose, clear organization, clear hierarchy层次, appropriate details, concise language, vivid image, and a certain emotional color.
(3)人称 person
Story articles can be narrated in first person or third person. Using the first person will make the article more vivid and vivid, and give the reader a feeling of immersive.
(4)叙述的顺序The order of narration
Story articles should focus on narrative, that is, writing about the process of events occurring and developing, so as to connect the entire article. There are generally two types of narrative order: forward narration and backward narration. Sequential narration 顺叙 is often described in the order of events' occurrence and development, usually with the passage of time as a clue. At the beginning of the article, the time, location, and characters of the events are explained. The flashback 倒叙often starts with the ending of the event, and then narrates in the order of the occurrence and development of the event. During the writing process, attention should also be paid to choosing the correct tense, with concise and clear language that closely revolves around the theme紧密围绕主题.
(4)叙述的顺序The order of narration
3.常用表达Commonly used expressions
When writing a story, rhetorical devices can be used to make the language more vivid and vivid.
My love is like a red,red rose.-Robert Burns
He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales and passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
Hope is a good breakfast,but it is a bad supper.
I beg a thousand pardons. 我千百次地祈求宽恕。
When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.
I was very happy and could hear the birds singing in the woods.
All of the details in the story should be closely grounded in reality as possible,with the exception of one element which was fantastical.
4. 文章的内容Content of the article
My time machine looks like a crystal ball with two buttons. One can lead to the prehistoric period and the other one can lead to the future.
One day, after I pressed the button to the future the time machine gave out colourful rays, and carried me into the time tunnel. Overwhelmed with excitement and nervousness, I closed my eyes tightly and held my hands firmly.I wondered what the future city would look like
When I opened my eyes, I arrived in a brand-new floating city, located on a man-made island which was most entirely covered in the vegetation. In the city, many strange carriage- like small planes were floating above the ground. When I drove one to visit the city, I felt I went through a beautiful garden. There was a huge tower in the city
centre acting both as work place and housing for its citizens. The city used solar, wind and wave power to keep it functioning and used its large gardens to supply food.In this city where robots were easy to see everywhere, people were working busily at a rapid pace and, of course, robots became helpful assistants. After hanging around the city for several hours, the time machine transported me back to reality.
It sounds a little fancy but in my opinion, with high technology developing, our society will become more and more intelligent.
Thank you!
普通表达 高级表达
★I made a time machine after one year of study. ★It looks like ... and has three automatic doors. ★I can go in and out freely. After doing research for one year, I invented a time machine, which is shaped like ... with three automatic doors, through which I can go in and out freely.
It is a magic machine that can obey my thoughts and reach a place of dreams without any energy. It is so magical that it works just by reading my mind and doesn’t consume any energy, taking me to the places of my dreams.
普通表达 高级表达
... when I thought of ... in it, I was immediately sent to ... and met my favourite boy wizard (魔法师). ★... the moment I thought of ..., in no time did I meet my best-loved boy wizard at ...
★... flashed into my mind, I instantly encountered with ...
... we became close friends, had adventures together and fought against bad magicians bravely. ... we developed close ties, experienced adventures together and confronted (对抗) with the evil wizards heroically.
普通表达 高级表达
I was happy / excited / shocked at this special / wonderful experience and learned the value of friendship. This fantastic / thrilling (刺激的) / marvelous (不可思议的) experience taught me that friendship was the light in the soul that changed hardship into hope and fear into bravery.
Thanks to ..., I could have such an unforgettable experience! Without ..., I couldn’t have had such a unique experience.
I made a time machine after one year of study. It looks like a star and has three automatic doors. I can go in and out freely. It is a magic machine that can obey my thoughts and reach a place of dreams without any energy.
One day, when I thought of Harry Potter in it, I was immediately sent to his magic school and met my favourite boy wizard.
There we became close friends, had adventures together and fought against bad magicians bravely.
I was excited at this special experience and learned the value of friendship. Thanks to my time machine, I could have such an unforgettable experience!
Soon we developed close ties, experienced adventures together and confronted with the evil wizards heroically.
This thrilling experience taught me that friendship was the light in the soul that changed hardship into hope and fear into bravery. Without my time machine, I couldn’t have had such a unique experience.
The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite.
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Finish your short story.
What would you do if you could time travel back to the Tang/Song Dynasty List at least 5 points.