人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Workbook Symbols of American Culture 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Workbook Symbols of American Culture 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 24.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-20 18:39:41



Page76 Reading and Writing
Teaching Plan
Teaching objectives:
1.learn new words and expressions in the text.
2.Analyze the structure of the text to improve the students’ comprehension ability.
3.Read the text to broaden the students’ horizon on diverse cultures.
Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ. Learn new words and expressions.
1.remote, adj, 遥远的Para1 ,Line1
2.descent, n. 后代子孙Para1 ,Line3
3.renowned, adj.著名的;闻名的;有名的;受尊敬的Para2 ,Line1
renown,n. 英/r na n/美/r na n/ 名声;声望;名誉
4.canoe, n. 独木舟Para2 ,Line3
5.skillfully, adv. 有技术地Para2 ,Line3
6.carving, n. 雕刻品;雕像;雕刻图案Para2 ,Line4
carve, v. 英/kɑ v/美/kɑ rv/ 雕刻;刻;
7.tribal, adj. 部落的Para2 ,Line5
tribe, n. 英/tra b/美/tra b/ 部落;(动物或植物的)群,族;(同一职业的)一伙(人),一帮(人)
8.rugby, n. 橄榄球Para3 ,Line2
9.sequence, n.英/ si kw ns/美/ si kw ns/ 序列;顺序;次序;一系列;一连串Para3 ,Line6
10.visual, adj.视觉的;视力的 n.视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等) Para4 ,Line1
11.spiral, adj.螺旋形的;螺旋式的 n.螺旋形;螺旋式;逐渐加速上升(或下降) Para4 ,Line2
spire, vi.英/ spa (r)/美/ spa r/ 螺旋形上升
12.chin, n下巴;颏Para4 ,Line3
13.status, n.英/ ste t s/美/ ste t s/ 地位;身份;职位;高级职位;社会上层地位Para4 ,Line3
14.ritual, n.英/ r t u l/美/ r t u l/仪式;(尤指)宗教仪式;习惯;礼节;程序;老规矩;仪规
adj.习惯的;仪式上的;庆典的;例行公事的;老套的Para4 ,Line5
15.essential, adj. 基本的Para5 ,Line1
16.multicultural, adj. 多文化的Para5 ,Line2
17.evolve, v. 英/i v lv/美/i vɑ lv/ 发展;进化;(使)逐渐形成;逐渐演变Para5 ,Line3
The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.
evolution. n. 英/ i v lu n/美/ i v lu n/演变;进化;发展;渐进
StepⅡ. Remember the following phrases.
1.the majority of. 大部分 Para1 , Line2
2.ethnic minority group.少数民族 Para1 , Line3
3.be up to. Para2 , Line6
up to达到,接近于;(数目上)一直到,不多于,多达;取决于……的,须由……决定的;(深度、高度、地位等)一直到;(时间上)一直到;胜任……的;忙于……的
Learn how you can reduce up to 40% of your electric bill!
Up to seventy per cent of French Canadians favour Quebec independence.
What are you up to these days I have been writing an article on Wenzhou’s history.
What is he up to Why are we in the play
Can I receive a tattoo to increase my attractiveness It is up to you.
Her work is not up to standard.她的工作不合格。
I've been trying, but I don't think I'm up to this work.
4.in addition. 另外Para2 , Line10
5.honor ancestors or legends纪念祖先或传说Para2 , Line10
6.preserve a story for future generations为后代保留一个故事Para2 , Line11
7.make up a whole. 组成一个整体Para3 , Line6
8.represent a person’s status代表一个人的地位Para4 , Line3
9.increase attractiveness增加吸引力Para4 , Line4
10.as such. 因此 Para4 , Line5
11.evolve in new and interesting ways以新的和有趣的方式发展Para5 , Line3
StepⅢ.Learn the functions and forms of attributes in the following phrases.
1.the ethnic minority group known as the Maori被称为毛利人的少数民族Para1 , Line2
2.the first to settle there第一个在那里定居的人Para1 , Line3
3.skillfully carved canoe out of a tree trunk用树干巧妙地雕刻成的独木舟Para2 , Line3
4.see beautifully carved wooden architecture观赏雕刻精美的木结构建筑Para2 , Line9
5.another well-known part of culture这是文化的另一个众所周知的部分Para3 , Line1
6.countless small objects and masks无数的小物体和面具Para3 , Line10
7.a traditional dance performed for celebrations为庆祝而表演的传统舞蹈Para3 , Line4
StepⅥ.Analyze the structure of the text
1.Present the simple structure.
Beginning: Para1
Body: Para2
Ending: Para5
2.Find out the topic sentences in each para.
Para1: Today, both past and present Maori culture can be found all over the country for all welcomed visitors to appreciate.
Para2: Maori arts and crafts are world-renowned and very popular with tourists.
Para3: Another well-known part of Maori culture is the traditional kappa haka dance.
Para4: Traditional tattoos, known as “moko” are also a strong visual part of Maori culture.
Para5: There is so much more for visitors to discover about Maori culture.
3.Present the diagram of the structure.

分 分 分

4.Read Para1.Introduce the country briefly and present the theme---Maori culture.
Introduction: location, natives, the origin of the name,→culture.
5.Read Para2.Write about Maori arts and crafts.
a. topic sentence
b. canoe
c. historical buildings(tribal meeting halls)
d. smaller objects and masks
6. Read Para3.Write about Maori kappa haka dance.
a. topic sentence
b. brief introduction
c. dance sequence
7. Read Para4.Write about Maori traditional tattoos.
a. its forms
b. its significance
b01.represent status
b02.increase attractiveness
b03.see it as a great honour(a ritual, a story of a person’s life)
8. Read Para5.
topic sentence →cultural evolution(the country is forever evolving)
StepⅤ.Present the following material for student’s reference if necessary.
1. due to its remote location因为它的位置偏远
2. for all welcome visitors to appreciate欢迎各位游客前来欣赏
3. world-renowned arts and crafts世界闻名的工艺品
4. be popular with tourists受游客欢迎
5. a traditional canoe /k nu /传统的独木舟
6. with beautiful carvings added to show tribal history and culture用美丽的雕刻来展示部落的历史和文化
7. a strong visual part of its culture这是它文化中很重要的视觉部分
8. in spiral / spa r l/ forms以螺旋形式
9. an essential part一个重要组成部分
10. multicultural country多元文化的国家
StepⅥ.Present the text and translation for student’s reference if necessary.
  Due to its remote location in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand was one of the last countries to be discovered by humans. Although the majority of the current population is of European descent, it was the ethnic minority group known as the Maori who were the first to settle there. They named the country “Aotearoa”—the “Land of the Long White Cloud”. Today, both past and present Maori culture can be found all over the country for all welcomed visitors to appreciate.
由于地处太平洋的偏远地区,新西兰是人类发现的最后几个国家之一。虽然目前人口的大多数是欧洲人后裔,但首先在那里定居的是被称为毛利人的少数民族群体。他们把这个国家命名为 “ Aotearoa”-- “长长的白云之地”。今天,全国各地都可以找到过去和现在的毛利文化,供所有受欢迎的游客欣赏。
Maori arts and crafts are world-renowned and very popular with tourists. The Waka is a traditional canoe that has been skillfully carved out of a tree trunk, with beautiful carvings added to show tribal history and culture. A large war canoe could be up to 40 metres long and hold up to 80 people. Visitors to Maori historic buildings, such as tribal meeting halls, can see beautifully carved wooden architecture.In addition, there are countless smaller objects and masks that were made to honour ancestors or legends, or to preserve a story for future generations.
Another well-known part of Maori culture is the traditional kapahaka dance-made famous by New Zealand’s national rugby union team, who often perform it before games. The kapa haka is a traditional dance performed for celebrations, special guests, and battle ceremonies. The performance includes different dances and songs that make up a whole. A common dance sequence could be waiata tira (warm-up song), whakaeke (entrance song), waiata-ā-ringa (action song), haka (challenge), pou (old-style singing), poi (ball-swinging), and whakawātea (closing song).
毛利文化中另一个著名的部分是传统的卡帕哈卡舞蹈,这种舞蹈因新西兰国家橄榄球联盟队而闻名,他们经常在比赛前表演卡帕哈卡舞蹈。卡帕哈卡是一种传统的舞蹈表演的庆祝活动,特殊的客人,和战斗仪式。表演包括不同的舞蹈和歌曲,组成一个整体。一个常见的舞蹈顺序可以是 waiata tira (热身歌曲) ,whakaeke (入场歌曲) ,waata-ā-ringa (动作歌曲) ,haka (挑战) ,pou (老式歌曲) ,poi (摇球) ,和 whakawātea (结束歌曲)。
Traditional tattoos, known as “moko”, are also a strong visual part of Maori culture. They are most often done in spiral forms across a man’s face, and on the chin and lips of a woman. They represent a person’s status, and are also believed to increase attractiveness. Receiving moko is seen as a great honour, and it is often part of a ritual to signal a person has passed an important milestone. As such, it is usually added in stages as a person grows older and achieves more, in a sense telling a unique story of a person’s life.
传统纹身,被称为“ moko”,也是毛利文化的一个强大的视觉部分。它们通常以螺旋形式在男人的脸上、女人的下巴和嘴唇上进行。它们代表一个人的地位,也被认为可以增加吸引力。接收木琴被视为一种巨大的荣誉,它通常是一种仪式的一部分,表示一个人已经通过了一个重要的里程碑。因此,它通常是随着一个人年龄的增长和成就的增加而逐步增加的,在某种意义上讲述了一个人生活的独特故事。
There is so much more for visitors to discover about Maori culture. It is an essential part ofwhat makes New Zealand the modern country that it is: a multicultural country that is forever evolving in new and interesting ways.
对于游客来说,毛利文化还有很多值得探索的地方。它是使新西兰成为现代国家的一个重要组成部分: 一个永远以新的和有趣的方式发展的多元文化国家。