

名称 吉林省白山市抚松县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-21 17:17:11


1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers. B. Schoolmates. C. Roommates.
2. What will the speakers do next
A. Go to the supermarket. B. Drive home. C. Make a list.
3. What is the man doing
A. Riding a bike. B. Driving a car. C. Checking a motorbike.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a cleaner’s room. B. In a bookshop. C. In a school.
5. How many times was Philip told his dinner was ready
A. Three. B. Two. C. One.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What has the weather been like recently
A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
7. What is the man’s advice for the woman
A. Buying a new phone. B. Taking an umbrella. C. Traveling by car.
8. What happened to the woman’s story
A. It was copied. B. It was lost. C. It was stolen.
9. Why is the woman advised to eat something
A. To avoid her misfortune. B. To cheer herself up. C. To kill her time.
10. When will the man graduate
A. This week. B. In a year. C. In three months.
11. What does the woman suggest the man do before graduation
A. Borrow some money. B. Get a part-time job. C. Keep studying.
12. What has the woman started doing
A. Looking for full-time jobs. B. Working as a teacher.
C. Applying for jobs.
13. What is the man doing
A. Preparing for a meeting. B. Exercising. C. Cooking.
14. How does the Woman sound at the man’s weight loss
A. Serious. B. Surprised. C. Happy.
15. How does the man get to work now
A. By train. B. By bus. C. By bike.
16. What will the man do to help the woman
A. Make salads for her. B. Go jogging with her. C. Lend a book to her.
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. His feeling after receiving an award.
B His experience about traveling around.
C. His preference for different music types.
18. Where is the speaker from
A. Ireland. B. Scotland. C. England.
19. What did the speaker most recently announce to the public
A. A single song. B. A three-song collection. C. A twelve-song collection.
20. Who will speak next
A. A young musician. B. One fan of the speaker’s. C. The host of the ceremony.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Searching the OED
How to use the quick search
The quick search bar can be found on the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) homepage and at the top of every entry page, and finds main dictionary entries, such as alphabet, break, xylophone. It also finds phrases and compounds listed within main entries, such as to look up or alphabet book, and different forms of spellings such as dictionaries.
Wildcard searches
A wildcard is a symbol which stands for any character. The question mark represents the occurrence of any one single character, and the asterisk* represents the occurrence of any number of characters (or no character at all). Wildeards are useful if you do not know how to spell a word, or if you want to find several terms beginning with the same root.
How to use the advanced search
An advanced search is a full search of the entire dictionary text which is for readers who have logged in or subscribed to the dictionary. Advanced search can be especially useful for very specific searches. You can use the search area functionality to search by each section of an entry. You can also use filters to narrow your search to match certain criteria.
Browsing by categories
Categories allow you to explore the dictionary through groupings of words in, for instance. a subject or from a particular origin. If you want to find all the Caribbean borrowings in English, or find the first word related to friend to enter the dictionary, this is the function for you.
Further explore your search by using the options that appear on the right-hand side of the results page.
1. What will you use if you want to look up some terms beginning with the same root
A. The quick search. B. The advanced search.
C. Wildcard searches. D. Browsing by categories.
2. What’s the requirement of using the advanced search
A. Matching certain criteria. B. Registering for the dictionary.
C. Searching with specific words. D. Searching with purpose.
3. What is the purpose of the text
A. To promote a search engine. B. To recommend a shopping website.
C. To tell learners how to surf the Internet. D. To explain how to use an online dictionary.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
细节理解题。根据小标题Wildcard searches下的段落中“Wildcards are useful if you do not know how to spell a word, or if you want to lined several terms beginning with the same root.(如果您不知道如何拼写一个单词,或者如果您想要以相同的词根开始排列几个术语,通配符搜索就很有用)”可知,如果您想查找一些以相同根开始的术语,您可以使用通配符搜索。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据小标题How to use the advanced search下的段落中“An advanced search is a full search of the entire dictionary text which is for readers who have logged in or subscribed to the dictionary.(高级搜索是针对已登录或订阅词典的读者对整个词典文本进行的完整搜索)”可知,需要注册并且登录或订阅词典的读者才能使用高级搜索。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据各个标题“How to use the quick search,Wildcard searches,How to use the advanced search,Browsing by categories(如何使用快速搜索;通配符搜索;如何使用高级搜索;按类别浏览)”可推知,短文的主要目的是解释如何使用在线词典。故选D项。
B (错题重组)
I started playing the piano when I was around four years old—that was 15 years ago!—and since then, the longest I haven’t touched piano keys was probably two months. This was an enormous amount of devotion to something that I wasn’t even planning to make money off of—so there must have been something worth holding on to, right
The easy guess is that I was always so purely in love with music and piano that I couldn’t bear to let them go. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I struggled a lot with piano. I felt pressure to improve, innovate, and be the best in order to prove something to others. The seed of my musical interest was grown with competition and doubt.
It’s difficult to learn to love something that you didn’t choose in the first place. But somehow, sometime, love grew. And by high school, it was strong enough that I found the strength to hold on tighter, dig further, and find something of my own to grow. In a way, I had to start over.
And so, I took a pause. I switched teachers, and got incredibly lucky with one who encouraged me and helped me tunnel into what I loved, not what I was told I should learn. Anything I had was good enough to be loved.
This summer, I started learning the guitar. I deliberately wanted to learn on my own—this was just for me, to form a new relationship to music. Even though my guitar skills are miles lower than my piano skills, I feel I can express myself even more wholly through strings than keys. There’s just something about doing it all for myself that has helped me heal the damages to my relationship to music.
The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something you once loved—or something you never chose—remember that with dedication, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. There is always time. There is always room.
4. What can we learn about the author’s experience from Paragraph 1
A. He probably spent two months in playing the piano.
B. He began to play the piano when he was 15 years old.
C. He thought it necessary to start playing the piano early.
D. He committed himself to the piano not for financial factors.
5. Which of the following words best describes the author’s relationship with the piano
A. Bittersweet. B. Harmonious. C. Painful. D. Passive.
6. What inspired the author to learn the guitar
A. His teacher’s constant encouragement. B. His desire for a new relationship with music.
C. His interest in strings rather than keys. D. His talent for playing musical instruments.
7. What is the best title for the text
A. Practice makes perfect B. Love cannot be forced
C. Love is a thing that grows D. There is no end to learning
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中“This was an enormous amount of devotion to something that I wasn’t even planning to make money off of it—so there must have been something worth holding on to, right (这是对一件我甚至不打算从中赚钱的东西的巨大投入,所以一定有值得坚持的东西,对吗 )”可知,作者投身于钢琴并非出于经济原因,没打算从中赚钱。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“The easy guess is that I was always so purely in love with music and piano that I couldn’t bear to let them go. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I struggled a lot with piano. (简单的猜测是,我对音乐和钢琴的爱一直是如此纯粹,以至于我不忍心让它们离开。然而,实际情况比这要复杂一些。我学钢琴很吃力。)”以及最后一段中“The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. (我对钢琴的爱恨情仇既是种植下的也是逐渐增长的。)”可知,作者和钢琴的关系是苦乐参半的。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“This summer, I started learning the guitar. I deliberately wanted to learn on my own—this was just for me, to form a new relationship to music. (今年夏天,我开始学吉他。我有意地想要自己学习——这只是为了我自己,与音乐建立一种新的关系。)”可知,作者渴望与音乐建立一种新的关系而学习吉他。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something you once loved—or something you never chose—remember that with dedication, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. (我对钢琴的爱恨情仇既是种植下的也是逐渐增长的。如果你也学会了恨你曾经爱过的东西——或者你从未选择过的东西——记住:只要付出努力,它可以被连根拔起,而爱则可以在它的原地建立一个家。)”可知,本文中,作者通过自己学习乐器的经历说明爱是能够种植培养的。选项C“爱是一种种植的东西。”符合主题,适合做标题。故选C项。
Most air conditioners and fridges rely on contracting and expanding a liquid to either absorb or release large quantities of heat. While these systems are relatively cheap and simple to produce, they aren’t very efficient and require lots of energy. Besides, many of the coolants used are environmentally harmful.
Now, Emmanuel Defay at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and his colleagues have developed a coolant-free refrigeration device made from the metals lead, scandium (钪) and tantalum (钼). It can reach maximum efficiencies of more than 60%, almost double that of typical single-room air conditioning units. The technology is based on a principle called electrocaloric cooling, in which an electric field applied across a material changes the direction of electric charges, causing a temporary increase in temperature and a succeeding decrease when the electric field is removed.
To make their cooling system, Defay and his colleagues piled up eight strips of the material known as lead scandium tantalate, which is electrocaloric, on top of one another and dipped them in a heat-carrying liquid, silicone oil. When an electric field is switched on and the strips heat up, the liquid moves to the right, and when it cools down, it moves to the left, creating permanent regions of hot and cold of about 20℃difference. These regions can be used as hot and cold reservoirs from which the oil can be circulated through pipes to cool or heat rooms or objects as desired.
“Although the efficiency of the device is theoretically 67%, the efficiency of the current design is around 12%. This could be improved if a better conductor of heat than the lead scandium tantalate were found,” said Defay.
“A highest performance has been achieved by combining known elements,” said NeilMathur at the University of Cambridge. However, he added, the team only looked at the cooling power of the pile of metal strips themselves, while it would be interesting to see how the entire device performs together.
8. What does the author think of the system of traditional air conditioners
A. Efficient. B. Expensive.
C. Highly energy-consuming. D. Environmentally-friendly.
9 What is the third paragraph mainly about
A. The aim of Defay and his colleagues. B. The material of the new cooling system.
C. The proposal of Defay and his colleagues. D. The working principle of the new cooling system.
10. What matters in the current efficiency of the device researched by Defay’s team
A. The extensive experiments. B. The proper equipment.
C. The ideal temperature. D. The appropriate materials.
11. What’s the author likely to talk about next
A. The performance of the new cooling system. B. The research team’s next arrangement.
C. The sales promotion of the new device. D. Neil Mathur’s comments on the device.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“While these systems are relatively cheap and simple to produce, they aren’t very efficient and require lots of energy.(虽然这些系统相对便宜且生产简单,但效率不高且需要大量能源)”可知,作者认为传统的空调系统是高耗能的。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“To make their cooling system, Defay and his colleagues piled up eight strips of the material known as lead scandium tantalate, which is electrocaloric, on top of one another and dipped them in a heat-carrying liquid, silicone oil. When an electric field is switched on and the strips heat up, the liquid moves to the right, and when it cools down, it moves to the left, creating permanent regions of hot and cold of about 20℃difference. These regions can be used as hot and cold reservoirs from which the oil can be circulated through pipes to cool or heat rooms or objects as desired.(为了制造他们的冷却系统,德菲和他的同事们将8条被称为钽酸铅钪的材料堆叠在一起,这是一种电热材料,并将它们浸入导热液体硅油中。当电场打开时,这些条带被加热,液体向右移动,当它冷却下来时,它向左移动,形成了大约20℃的永久冷热区。这些区域可以用作冷热储层,油可以通过管道循环,根据需要冷却或加热房间或物体)”可知,本段主要介绍了新型制冷系统的工作原理。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“This could be improved if a better conductor of heat than the lead scandium tantalate were found(如果能找到一种比钽酸铅钪更好的导热体,这种情况可能会得到改善)”可知,恰当的材料在这个装置的当前效率方面起着重要作用。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““A highest performance has been achieved by combining known elements,” said NeilMathur at the University of Cambridge. However, he added, the team only looked at the cooling power of the pile of metal strips themselves, while it would be interesting to see how the entire device performs together.(剑桥大学的NeilMathur表示:“通过将已知元素组合在一起,实现了最高性能。”然而,他补充说,研究小组只研究了一堆金属条本身的冷却能力,而观察整个设备的整体性能将是一件很有趣的事情)”可知,本段主要介绍了Neil Mathur对这个新装置的期待。由此可推出,接下来作者可能会介绍这个研究团队的下一步计划安排。故选B。
Mothers who eat apples in early pregnancy could be protecting the brain health of their children and grandchildren. The discovery is part of a project that found a mother’s diet can affect not just her child’s brain but also those of her grandchildren. Published in Nature Cell Biology, the study found that certain foods could help protect against the deterioration (退化) of brain function. More specifically, the study used roundworms as the genetic model because many of their genes are also found conserved in humans, allowing insights into human cells.
The researchers found that a molecule (分子) present in apples helped reduce the breakdown of communication cables needed for the brain to work properly. Senior author Professor Roger Pocock and his team investigated nerve cells in the brain that connect and communicate with each other through about 850, 000 kilometers of cables called axons. Professor Pocock explained that a breakdown that caused the axons to become weak led to brain dysfunction. He said his team used a genetic model with fragile (脆弱的) axons that break as animals age.
“We asked whether natural products found in the diet can stabilize these axons and prevent breakage,” he said. “We identified a molecule found in apples(ursolic acid) that reduces axon fragility. How We found that ursolic acid causes a gene to turn on that and makes a specific type of fat. This particular fat also prevented axon fragility as animals age.”
Professor Pocock said this type of fat, known as a sphingolipid, had to travel from the mother’s intestine, where food is digested, to eggs in the uterus for it to protect axons in the next generation. “This is the first time that a fat has been shown to be inherited,” he said. “Further, feeding the mother the sphingolipid protects the axons of two subsequent generations. This means a mother’s diet can affect not just their offspring’s brain but potentially subsequent generations.” He said while the results were promising, they still need to be confirmed in humans.
12. What is the finding of the study
A. Roundworms help understand human cells.
B. What a mother eats decides the child’s future.
C. Roundworms have similar genes with human beings.
D. Some foods taken by the pregnant benefit children ‘s brain.
13. What does “dysfunction” underlined in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Quality. B. Abnormality. C. Unavoidability. D. Flexibility.
14. What do the researchers aim to confirm with natural products
A. Production of ursolic acid. B. The success of gene therapy.
C. The aging process in roundworms. D. The connection between diet and axon fragility.
15. What might the follow-up study focus on
A. Clinic trials. B. Benefits of ursolic acid.
C. Functions of sphingolipids. D. Specific brain-influencing foods.
【答案】12. D 13. B 14. D 15. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“Published in Nature Cell Biology, the study found that certain foods could help protect against the deterioration (退化) of brain function.(发表在《自然细胞生物学》上的这项研究发现,某些食物可以帮助防止大脑功能的退化)”可知,研究发现,孕妇吃的某些食物对孩子的大脑有益。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“He said his team used a genetic model with fragile (脆弱的) axons that break as animals age.”可知,该研究团队使用了一个带有脆弱轴突的基因模型,随着动物变老,这种轴突会失去功能,由此可知引起轴突(神经元的突起)变弱的故障会导致大脑异常,故画线词意为“异常”。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段““We asked whether natural products found in the diet can stabilize these axons and prevent breakage,” he said. “We identified a molecule found in apples(ursolic acid) that reduces axon fragility. How We found that ursolic acid causes a gene to turn on that and makes a specific type of fat. This particular fat also prevented axon fragility as animals age.”(他说:“我们想知道,饮食中天然产物是否能稳定这些轴突,防止断裂。”“我们在苹果中发现了一种分子(熊果酸),可以降低轴突的脆弱性。如何 我们发现熊果酸会使一个基因开启并产生一种特定类型的脂肪。这种特殊的脂肪还可以防止轴突随着动物年龄的增长而变得脆弱。”)”可推知,研究人员的目标是用天然产品来证实饮食和轴突脆弱性之间的联系。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“He said while the results were promising, they still need to be confirmed in humans.(他说,虽然结果很有希望,但它们仍然需要在人类身上得到证实)”可推知,接下来的研究很可能关注临床试验。故选A。
As fall approaches, like many of us who either follow an academic calendar for our work or have children in school, I’m preparing for a significant change in my schedule. As I anticipate more demands on my time, I reflect on how to maintain some sense of balance in my life. ___16___
First of all it is sensible to think small. We often feel like our values-based actions need to take a significant amount of time. ___17___ Look over the areas that you are having trouble fitting into your life. Is there a way to engage in a small part daily or weekly Maybe instead of 90 minutes of yoga, you can do a few poses in the morning or stretch during work break.
___18___ A good friend of mine often sets up calls with me while she is taking her daily walks. She still gets her exercise and her time outside, and we also get to connect. Doing housework as a family can help parents have valued family time while still keeping their homes running smoothly.
As we know, life is messy and ever-changing. It’s also important to pay attention while we are doing the actions that matter to us. It can be easy to think of the areas we aren’t engaged in. ___19___ Bringing mindfulness to our actions makes them more rewarding.
One more thing that needs to be added is the fact that no matter how much attention we bring to balancing our lives, we will unavoidably fall out of balance again. ___20___ Please be gentle with ourselves. And it may be helpful to think of the saying, “Fall down seven times; get up eight.”
A. Don’t take it too much to heart
B. We may put meaningful actions together.
C. However, we don’t notice what we are doing.
D. Balancing our lives requires planning and action.
E. I often underestimate how long it takes me to do a task.
F. Hence, I can do what matters to me across many areas of my life.
G. Even small numbers of values-based actions can be meaningful, though.
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. B 19. C 20. A
根据上文“As I anticipate more demands on my time, I reflect on how to maintain some sense of balance in my life.”(当我预计我时间会有更多的需求时,我开始思考如何在我的生活中保持一些平衡感。)可知,选项与上文为因果关系,且起到引起下文的作用。故F选项“因此,我可以在生活的许多方面做对我有意义的事情。”切题。故选F项。
根据上文“We often feel like our values-based actions need to take a significant amount of time.”(我们经常觉得我们基于价值观的行动需要花费大量的时间)以及下文“Look over the areas that you are having trouble fitting into your life. Is there a way to engage in a small part daily or weekly Maybe instead of 90 minutes of yoga, you can do a few poses in the morning or stretch during work break.”(看看那些你在生活中难以适应的地方。有没有办法每天或每周参与一小部分 也许比起90分钟的瑜伽,你可以在早上做几个姿势,或者在工作休息时做伸展运动。)可知,选项与上文为转折关系且承接下文说明少量基于价值的行动也是有好处的。故G选项“然而,即使是少量基于价值的行动也可能是有意义的。”切题。故选G项。
根据下文“A good friend of mine often sets up calls with me while she is taking her daily walks. She still gets her exercise and her time outside, and we also get to connect. Doing housework as a family can help parents have valued family time while still keeping their homes running smoothly.”(我的一个好朋友经常在她每天散步的时候给我打电话。她仍然有锻炼和户外活动的时间,我们也可以交流。作为一个家庭一员做家务可以帮助父母珍惜家庭时间,同时保持家庭的平稳运行。)可知,本段再告诉我们一起做一些有意义的事情。故B选项“我们可以一起采取有意义的行动。”切题,为本段的标题。故选B项。
根据上文“It can be easy to think of the areas we aren’t engaged in.”(我们很容易想到我们没有参与的领域。)可知,选项与上文为转折关系,说明我们忽视了一些事情。故C选项“然而,我们没有注意到我们在做什么。”切题。故选C项。
根据上文“One more thing that needs to be added is the fact that no matter how much attention we bring to balancing our lives, we will unavoidably fall out of balance again.”(还有一件事需要补充的是,无论我们多么关注平衡我们的生活,我们将不可避免地再次失去平衡)以及下文“Please be gentle with ourselves.”(请对自己温柔一点)可知,我们将不可避免地再次失去平衡,所以我们对于这样的情况不要太往心里去。故A选项“不要太往心里去。”切题,承接上文。故选A项。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15题;每题1分,满分15分)
With my degree in education and an internship (实习) in a high school under my belt, I felt ready for my first real job teaching fourth graders. I prepared clear lesson ___21___ and plans. I broke down ___22___ ideas into concepts kids at this level could understand. Then I got into the classroom, and it all ___23___. “Why isn’t this working ” I thought at the end of another ___24___ day.
It was easy to think my job was impossible, but I knew that wasn’t true. I had ___25___ right across the hall, in Marcia’s ___26___. Marcia taught third grade. She was a ray of sunshine in her kids’ ___27___. The children ran up to her in the hall, giving her hugs.
The next day, I asked Marcia if I could ___28___ her for a while in her class. “How about a ___29___ ” she asked, taking out a guitar. The children ___30___ immediately. What a contrast!
Marcia seemed to have all the time in the world — not just for singing, but for each child. When one ___31___ looked a bit lost, she walked over to the student’s desk and dropped to her knees to give up-close attention.
I couldn’t ___32___ to put some of the things I’d learned into practice. It wasn’t easy at first to ___33___ my lesson plans. But I discovered I enjoyed walking from desk to desk, talking to my students one-on-one, getting to know them as ___34___.
Marcia left our school at the end of the year, but she ___35___ me every day of my 40-year career.
21. A. quotes B. objectives C. instructions D. remarks
22. A. interesting B. informal C. serious D. complicated
23. A. fell apart B. went over C. worked out D. got through
24. A. exciting B. shameful C. discouraging D. impressive
25. A. experience B. selection C. company D. proof
26. A. classroom B. concert C. club D. journal
27. A. dreams B. lives C. schedules D. assignments
28. A. describe B. disturb C. assess D. observe
29. A. discussion B. game C. song D. quiz
30. A. cheered B. fled C. allowed D. performed
31. A. even B. instead C. regularly D. purposely
32. A. mean B. refuse C. choose D. wait
33. A. review B. ignore C. prepare D. acknowledge
34. A. students B. strangers C. supermen D. individuals
35. A. reminded B. followed C. inspired D. greeted
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我准备了明确的课程目标和计划。A. quotes引用;B. objectives目标;C. instructions说明;D. remarks评论。根据后文“and plans”可知,作者身为老师,要准备明确的课程目标和计划。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我把复杂的想法分解成这个水平的孩子可以理解的概念。A. interesting有趣的;B. informal非正式的;C. serious严肃的;D. complicated复杂的。根据后文“ideas into concepts kids at this level could understand”可知,把复杂的想法分解成简单概念。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后我走进教室,一切都崩溃了。A. fell apart解体;B. went over检查;C. worked out解决;D. got through经历,通过。根据后文“Why isn’t this working (为什么不起作用?)”可知,作者的准备在走进教室的时候都崩溃了。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“为什么这不起作用?”在又一个令人沮丧的日子结束时,我想。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. shameful羞愧的;C. discouraging令人沮丧的;D. impressive印象深刻的。根据上文“Why isn’t this working (为什么不起作用?)”可知,作者的教学方式不起作用,因此是沮丧的一天。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的证据就在走廊对面,在玛西亚的教室里。A. experience经历;B. selection选择;C. company公司;D. proof证据。根据上文“It was easy to think my job was impossible, but I knew that wasn’t true.”可知,作者知道教学是可以进行下去的,并非不可能,而证据就在另一个老师的教师里。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的证据就在走廊对面,在玛西亚的教室里。A. classroom教室;B. concert音乐会;C. club俱乐部;D. journal杂志。后文“she walked over to the student’s desk and dropped to her knees to give up-close attention”主要描述了玛西亚老师的教室里的场景,证明了作者的观点是错误的。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她是孩子们生活中的一缕阳光。A. dreams梦想;B. lives生命;C. schedules安排;D. assignments作业。根据上文“She was a ray of sunshine in her kids’”指她是孩子们生活中的一缕阳光。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我问玛西亚我能不能在她的课上观察她一会儿。A. describe描述;B. disturb打扰;C. assess评估;D. observe观察。根据后文“she walked over to the student’s desk and dropped to her knees to give up-close attention.”可知,作者留在了她的课堂上观察她是如何上课的。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“唱首歌怎么样?”她问,拿出一把吉他。A. discussion讨论;B. game游戏;C. song歌曲;D. quiz测试。根据后文“taking out a guitar”可知,拿出吉他说明要唱歌。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子们立刻欢呼起来。A. cheered欢呼;B. fled逃走;C. allowed允许;D. performed表演。根据上文“Marcia taught third grade.(玛西亚教三年级)”以及常识,小孩子听到要唱歌应当是欢呼。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:甚至当一个学生看起来有点迷茫时,她走到学生的桌子前,跪下来近距离关注。A. even甚至;B. instead而不是;C. regularly定期地;D. purposely故意地。根据后文“she walked over to the student’s desk and dropped to her knees to give up-close attention”可知,玛西亚会调动学生情绪,当发现学生看起来迷茫时,甚至会走到学生的桌子前,跪下来近距离关注。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我迫不及待地想把我所学到的一些东西付诸实践。A. mean意味着;B. refuse拒绝;C. choose选择;D. wait等待。根据后文“to put some of the things I’d learned into practice”可知,此处指作者迫不及待地想把所学到的一些东西付诸实践。短语couldn’t wait to do sth.表示“迫不及待地做某事”。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始要忽略我的教案并不容易。A. review复习;B. ignore忽视;C. prepare准备;D. acknowledge承认。根据上文““How about a song ” she asked, taking out a guitar.”可知,马西亚临时提议常识,可知并没有完全按照教案进行上课,即一开始要忽略教案对作者来说不容易。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我发现我喜欢走在课桌之间,一对一地和学生交谈,了解他们。A. students学生;B. strangers陌生人;C. supermen超人;D. individuals个人。根据上文“talking to my students one-on-one”可知,作者开始重视学生的个人。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:玛西亚在年底离开了我们学校,但在我40年的职业生涯中,她每天都在鼓舞着我。A. reminded提醒;B. followed跟随;C. inspired鼓舞;D. greeted问候。根据上文“Marcia left our school at the end of the year, but she”中but表示转折,说明虽然玛西亚离开了,但她一直在鼓舞着作者。故选C。
On Jan 23, the third batch of national-level ski tourism resorts was announced. ___36___ the seven successful entries nationwide, the Changbai Mountain Ski Resort in the Chibei area of Northeast China’s Jilin province was listed, potentially becoming the province’s fifth national-level ski resort destination.
Prior ___37___ this announcement, Jilin province was already home to four national-level ski resorts, including Lake Songhua Resort, Changbai Mountain Wanda International Resort, Beidahu Ski Resort, and Wanfeng Tonghua Ski Resort.
Up to now, a total of 26 resorts ___38___ (become) national-level ski resort destinations, with Jilin province ___39___ (hold) five spots, the highest number nationwide. ___40___ you’re a beginner or an ___41___ (advance) skier, there are suitable ski slopes for you.
___42___ (employ) its abundant ice and snow resources, Jilin has been actively promoting the development of its ice and snow economy. It is focusing on cultivating new momentum for this sector and transforming its “cold resources” into “hot industries”, which attract many ski enthusiasts from home and abroad.
Jilin is now home to 75 ski resorts, making it ___43___ attractive destination for winter activities. The Changbai Mountains offer ___44___ (exception) winter resources ___45___ are considered one of the world’s top three powder snow destinations, alongside the Swiss Alps and the Rocky Mountains.
【答案】36. Among
37. to 38. have become
39. holding
40. Whether
41. advanced
42. Employing
43. an 44. exceptional
45. and
考查固定短语。句意:在这次公告之前,吉林省就已经拥有四个国家级滑雪度假区,包括松花湖度假区、长白山万达国际度假区、北大壶滑雪度假区和万峰通化滑雪度假区。prior to“在…之前”,为固定短语。故填to。
考查时态。句意:迄今为止,共有26个度假区已成为国家级滑雪度假目的地,其中吉林省占据了五个名额,是全国最多的。分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词。根据时间状语“Up to now”可知,句子为现在完成时态,主语为复数。故填have become。
考查连词。句意:长白山提供了极其优质的冬季资源,这些资源被认为与瑞士阿尔卑斯山和落基山脉并列为世界上三大粉雪目的地。空处需要并列连词and,连接“offer exceptional winter resources”和“are considered one of the world’s top three powder snow destinations”,这两个部分共同描述了长白山的特点,表达了长白山不仅拥有极佳的冬季资源,而且在全球范围内享有与瑞士阿尔卑斯山和洛基山脉同等的顶级滑雪胜地地位。故填and。
第四部分 写作(共两节 满分40分)
第一节 66题,(满分15分)
46. 假设你是高二学生李华,你校将于下周一举行成人礼(coming-of-age ceremony),请你作为学生代表进行发言,内容包括:
1. 你对师长亲友的感谢;2. 你的收获与感想;
1. 词数不少于80词;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow schoolmates,
Thanks for your attention!
【答案】Dear fellow schoolmates,
It’s my privilege to stand here sharing feelings related to coming-of-age ceremony on behalf of all the schoolmates. Admittedly, it’s high time to extend endless gratitude to people backing us up selflessly.
Initially, I’d like to convey heartfelt gratitude to our beloved teachers and parents. But for your dedication and care, we couldn’t gain the tremendous improvement today. We are growing up gradually while you are aging unconsciously. Ultimately, I couldn’t thank my relatives and friends too much. Words fail to demonstrate my sincere love to you.
Congratulations again! What we should do is endeavour to take an adult’s responsibility. After all, the marvellous future belongs to us.
Thanks for your attention!
代表:on behalf of→in the name of
支持:back up→support
原句:Initially, I’d like to convey heartfelt gratitude to our beloved teachers and parents.
拓展句:Initially, I’d like to convey heartfelt gratitude to our beloved teachers and parents, who have dedicated themselves to nurturing our minds and shaping our characters.
【点睛】【高分句型1】But for your dedication and care, we couldn’t gain the tremendous improvement today. (运用了含蓄虚拟条件句)
【高分句型2】We are growing up gradually while you are aging unconsciously. (运用了while引导的时间状语从句)
第二节 67题,(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Michael saw the trouble coming. There standing in the hallway was Frank, the boy who enjoyed making fun of anyone at any given moment. Frank was tall and strong, so few of his victims stood up to him. Michael hated the idea that Frank always got away with his wrongdoing. Yet like most kids who were picked on, he just took it quietly and waited for the unpleasant to pass.
Frank walked up, his eyes locked on the books in Michael’s arms. When they met, Frank stopped unexpectedly, “Hey, let me see those books!” Some students watched as Michael held out the books he was carrying, trying not to give away his nervousness.
Frank took a book, looked inside for a second, and then threw the book at Michael, who dropped all the other books. “Hey, those are school property,” Frank barked, “Be careful!” Then he walked away, laughing loudly.
Michael, his cheeks turning red, half kicked the fallen books. Suddenly a hand picked up one book. “You look like you could use a p ally (盟友),” a friendly voice said. It was Ramon, the most athletic boy in the high school. Michael couldn’t believe Ramon was stopping to help him as they barely spoke.
“Thanks,” Michael sighed with relief. “It’s confusing. I don’t know what his problems is.”
“Well, as I see it,” Ramon said, “you need to find a way to end this.” Michael nodded, stuck for what to say. Ramon continued, “You know my grandmother used to tell me whenever I had a problem with someone. She’d say, ‘You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar (醋).’”
Looking puzzled, Michael asked, “What does that mean ”
“It means kindness may be more effective than anger,” Ramon explained.
“Can you just tell Frank to stop picking on me ” Michael suggested.
“That’s vinegar,” Ramon laughed as he walked away. “Try honey instead.”
Ramon’s words left Michael thinking.
The next school day brought Michael’s usual pain. There stood Frank, and Michael knew it would be just seconds before he had to face him in the middle of the hall. Frank came nearer.
Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened.
Michael bent down and quickly picked up Frank’s books on the floor.
【答案】 Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened. Just as Michael looked nervously, Frank somehow tripped over something. Down he fell onto the ground, sending all his books flying and spreading out on the floor. Although Michael was just as shocked, his mind was racing. Then Ramon's Grandma's words popped into his mind, “You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” He knew what to do. Barely had Frank gotten up with loads of embarrassment when Michael went up.
Michael bent down and quickly picked up Frank's books on the floor. Offering them to him, Michael said with a smile, “You look like you could use an ally.” Now, it was Frank's turn to be numbed there with burning cheeks. He quickly took his books, muttered in a low voice, “Uh, thanks” and fled the scene. Out of the corner of his eye, Michael caught Ramon approaching with a knowing smile and a thumbs-up. “My grandma would be proud of you,” Ramon remarked. “Well, I guess that's just honey,” Michael grinned. “And I hope it sticks.”
①.绊倒:trip over / trip up
②.想起:pop into one’s mind/call to mind
①.震惊的:shocked /stunned
②.紧张地:nervously / tensely
[高分句型1]. Although Michael was just as shocked, his mind was racing.(由连接词although引导的让步状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Barely had Frank gotten up with loads of embarrassment when Michael went up.(运用了倒装句和barely...when...固定句型)
[高分句型3]. Offering them to him, Michael said with a smile, “You look like you could use an ally.”( 运用了现在分词作状语)
听力:1-5 BBACA 6-10ABBBC 11-15 BACBC 16-20 CACAC抚松县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中考试英语试卷
1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers. B. Schoolmates. C. Roommates.
2. What will the speakers do next
A. Go to the supermarket. B. Drive home. C. Make a list.
3. What is the man doing
A. Riding a bike. B. Driving a car. C. Checking a motorbike.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a cleaner’s room. B. In a bookshop. C. In a school.
5. How many times was Philip told his dinner was ready
A. Three. B. Two. C. One.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What has the weather been like recently
A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
7. What is the man’s advice for the woman
A. Buying a new phone. B. Taking an umbrella. C. Traveling by car.
8. What happened to the woman’s story
A. It was copied. B. It was lost. C. It was stolen.
9. Why is the woman advised to eat something
A. To avoid her misfortune. B. To cheer herself up. C. To kill her time.
10. When will the man graduate
A. This week. B. In a year. C. In three months.
11. What does the woman suggest the man do before graduation
A. Borrow some money. B. Get a part-time job. C. Keep studying.
12. What has the woman started doing
A. Looking for full-time jobs. B. Working as a teacher.
C. Applying for jobs.
13. What is the man doing
A. Preparing for a meeting. B. Exercising. C. Cooking.
14. How does the Woman sound at the man’s weight loss
A. Serious. B. Surprised. C. Happy.
15. How does the man get to work now
A. By train. B. By bus. C. By bike.
16. What will the man do to help the woman
A. Make salads for her. B. Go jogging with her. C. Lend a book to her.
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. His feeling after receiving an award.
B. His experience about traveling around.
C. His preference for different music types.
18. Where is the speaker from
A. Ireland. B. Scotland. C. England.
19. What did the speaker most recently announce to the public
A. A single song. B. A three-song collection. C. A twelve-song collection.
20. Who will speak next
A. A young musician. B. One fan of the speaker’s. C. The host of the ceremony.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Searching the OED
How to use the quick search
The quick search bar can be found on the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) homepage and at the top of every entry page, and finds main dictionary entries, such as alphabet, break, xylophone. It also finds phrases and compounds listed within main entries, such as to look up or alphabet book, and different forms of spellings such as dictionaries.
Wildcard searches
A wildcard is a symbol which stands for any character. The question mark represents the occurrence of any one single character, and the asterisk* represents the occurrence of any number of characters (or no character at all). Wildeards are useful if you do not know how to spell a word, or if you want to find several terms beginning with the same root.
How to use the advanced search
An advanced search is a full search of the entire dictionary text which is for readers who have logged in or subscribed to the dictionary. Advanced search can be especially useful for very specific searches. You can use the search area functionality to search by each section of an entry. You can also use filters to narrow your search to match certain criteria.
Browsing by categories
Categories allow you to explore the dictionary through groupings of words in, for instance. a subject or from a particular origin. If you want to find all the Caribbean borrowings in English, or find the first word related to friend to enter the dictionary, this is the function for you.
Further explore your search by using the options that appear on the right-hand side of the results page
1. What will you use if you want to look up some terms beginning with the same root
A. The quick search. B. The advanced search.
C. Wildcard searches. D. Browsing by categories.
2. What’s the requirement of using the advanced search
A. Matching certain criteria. B. Registering for the dictionary.
C. Searching with specific words. D. Searching with purpose.
3. What is the purpose of the text
A. To promote a search engine. B. To recommend a shopping website.
C. To tell learners how to surf the Internet. D. To explain how to use an online dictionary.
B (错题重组)
I started playing the piano when I was around four years old—that was 15 years ago!—and since then, the longest I haven’t touched piano keys was probably two months. This was an enormous amount of devotion to something that I wasn’t even planning to make money off of—so there must have been something worth holding on to, right
The easy guess is that I was always so purely in love with music and piano that I couldn’t bear to let them go. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I struggled a lot with piano. I felt pressure to improve, innovate, and be the best in order to prove something to others. The seed of my musical interest was grown with competition and doubt.
It’s difficult to learn to love something that you didn’t choose in the first place. But somehow, sometime, love grew. And by high school, it was strong enough that I found the strength to hold on tighter, dig further, and find something of my own to grow. In a way, I had to start over.
And so, I took a pause. I switched teachers, and got incredibly lucky with one who encouraged me and helped me tunnel into what I loved, not what I was told I should learn. Anything I had was good enough to be loved.
This summer, I started learning the guitar. I deliberately wanted to learn on my own—this was just for me, to form a new relationship to music. Even though my guitar skills are miles lower than my piano skills, I feel I can express myself even more wholly through strings than keys. There’s just something about doing it all for myself that has helped me heal the damages to my relationship to music.
The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something you once loved—or something you never chose—remember that with dedication, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. There is always time. There is always room.
4. What can we learn about the author’s experience from Paragraph 1
A. He probably spent two months in playing the piano.
B. He began to play the piano when he was 15 years old.
C He thought it necessary to start playing the piano early.
D He committed himself to the piano not for financial factors.
5. Which of the following words best describes the author’s relationship with the piano
A. Bittersweet. B. Harmonious. C. Painful. D. Passive.
6. What inspired the author to learn the guitar
A. His teacher’s constant encouragement. B. His desire for a new relationship with music.
C. His interest in strings rather than keys. D. His talent for playing musical instruments.
7. What is the best title for the text
A Practice makes perfect B. Love cannot be forced
C. Love is a thing that grows D. There is no end to learning
Most air conditioners and fridges rely on contracting and expanding a liquid to either absorb or release large quantities of heat. While these systems are relatively cheap and simple to produce, they aren’t very efficient and require lots of energy. Besides, many of the coolants used are environmentally harmful.
Now, Emmanuel Defay at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and his colleagues have developed a coolant-free refrigeration device made from the metals lead, scandium (钪) and tantalum (钼). It can reach maximum efficiencies of more than 60%, almost double that of typical single-room air conditioning units. The technology is based on a principle called electrocaloric cooling, in which an electric field applied across a material changes the direction of electric charges, causing a temporary increase in temperature and a succeeding decrease when the electric field is removed.
To make their cooling system, Defay and his colleagues piled up eight strips of the material known as lead scandium tantalate, which is electrocaloric, on top of one another and dipped them in a heat-carrying liquid, silicone oil. When an electric field is switched on and the strips heat up, the liquid moves to the right, and when it cools down, it moves to the left, creating permanent regions of hot and cold of about 20℃difference. These regions can be used as hot and cold reservoirs from which the oil can be circulated through pipes to cool or heat rooms or objects as desired.
“Although the efficiency of the device is theoretically 67%, the efficiency of the current design is around 12%. This could be improved if a better conductor of heat than the lead scandium tantalate were found,” said Defay.
“A highest performance has been achieved by combining known elements,” said NeilMathur at the University of Cambridge. However, he added, the team only looked at the cooling power of the pile of metal strips themselves, while it would be interesting to see how the entire device performs together.
8. What does the author think of the system of traditional air conditioners
A. Efficient. B. Expensive.
C. Highly energy-consuming. D. Environmentally-friendly.
9. What is the third paragraph mainly about
A. The aim of Defay and his colleagues. B. The material of the new cooling system.
C. The proposal of Defay and his colleagues. D. The working principle of the new cooling system.
10. What matters in the current efficiency of the device researched by Defay’s team
A. The extensive experiments. B. The proper equipment.
C. The ideal temperature. D. The appropriate materials.
11. What’s the author likely to talk about next
A. The performance of the new cooling system. B. The research team’s next arrangement.
C. The sales promotion of the new device. D. Neil Mathur’s comments on the device.
Mothers who eat apples in early pregnancy could be protecting the brain health of their children and grandchildren. The discovery is part of a project that found a mother’s diet can affect not just her child’s brain but also those of her grandchildren. Published in Nature Cell Biology, the study found that certain foods could help protect against the deterioration (退化) of brain function. More specifically, the study used roundworms as the genetic model because many of their genes are also found conserved in humans, allowing insights into human cells.
The researchers found that a molecule (分子) present in apples helped reduce the breakdown of communication cables needed for the brain to work properly. Senior author Professor Roger Pocock and his team investigated nerve cells in the brain that connect and communicate with each other through about 850, 000 kilometers of cables called axons. Professor Pocock explained that a breakdown that caused the axons to become weak led to brain dysfunction. He said his team used a genetic model with fragile (脆弱的) axons that break as animals age.
“We asked whether natural products found in the diet can stabilize these axons and prevent breakage,” he said. “We identified a molecule found in apples(ursolic acid) that reduces axon fragility. How We found that ursolic acid causes a gene to turn on that and makes a specific type of fat. This particular fat also prevented axon fragility as animals age.”
Professor Pocock said this type of fat, known as a sphingolipid, had to travel from the mother’s intestine, where food is digested, to eggs in the uterus for it to protect axons in the next generation. “This is the first time that a fat has been shown to be inherited,” he said. “Further, feeding the mother the sphingolipid protects the axons of two subsequent generations. This means a mother’s diet can affect not just their offspring’s brain but potentially subsequent generations.” He said while the results were promising, they still need to be confirmed in humans.
12. What is the finding of the study
A. Roundworms help understand human cells.
B. What a mother eats decides the child’s future.
C. Roundworms have similar genes with human beings.
D. Some foods taken by the pregnant benefit children ‘s brain.
13. What does “dysfunction” underlined in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Quality. B. Abnormality. C. Unavoidability. D. Flexibility.
14. What do the researchers aim to confirm with natural products
A. Production of ursolic acid. B. The success of gene therapy.
C. The aging process in roundworms. D. The connection between diet and axon fragility.
15. What might the follow-up study focus on
A. Clinic trials. B. Benefits of ursolic acid.
C. Functions of sphingolipids. D. Specific brain-influencing foods.
As fall approaches, like many of us who either follow an academic calendar for our work or have children in school, I’m preparing for a significant change in my schedule. As I anticipate more demands on my time, I reflect on how to maintain some sense of balance in my life. ___16___
First of all, it is sensible to think small. We often feel like our values-based actions need to take a significant amount of time. ___17___ Look over the areas that you are having trouble fitting into your life. Is there a way to engage in a small part daily or weekly Maybe instead of 90 minutes of yoga, you can do a few poses in the morning or stretch during work break.
___18___ A good friend of mine often sets up calls with me while she is taking her daily walks. She still gets her exercise and her time outside, and we also get to connect. Doing housework as a family can help parents have valued family time while still keeping their homes running smoothly.
As we know, life is messy and ever-changing. It’s also important to pay attention while we are doing the actions that matter to us. It can be easy to think of the areas we aren’t engaged in. ___19___ Bringing mindfulness to our actions makes them more rewarding.
One more thing that needs to be added is the fact that no matter how much attention we bring to balancing our lives we will unavoidably fall out of balance again. ___20___ Please be gentle with ourselves. And it may be helpful to think of the saying, “Fall down seven times; get up eight.”
A. Don’t take it too much to heart
B. We may put meaningful actions together.
C. However, we don’t notice what we are doing.
D. Balancing our lives requires planning and action.
E. I often underestimate how long it takes me to do a task.
F. Hence, I can do what matters to me across many areas of my life.
G. Even small numbers of values-based actions can be meaningful, though.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15题;每题1分,满分15分)
With my degree in education and an internship (实习) in a high school under my belt, I felt ready for my first real job teaching fourth graders. I prepared clear lesson ___21___ and plans. I broke down ___22___ ideas into concepts kids at this level could understand. Then I got into the classroom, and it all ___23___. “Why isn’t this working ” I thought at the end of another ___24___ day.
It was easy to think my job was impossible, but I knew that wasn’t true. I had ___25___ right across the hall, in Marcia’s ___26___. Marcia taught third grade. She was a ray of sunshine in her kids’ ___27___. The children ran up to her in the hall, giving her hugs.
The next day, I asked Marcia if I could ___28___ her for a while in her class. “How about a ___29___ ” she asked, taking out a guitar. The children ___30___ immediately. What a contrast!
Marcia seemed to have all the time in the world — not just for singing, but for each child. When one ___31___ looked a bit lost, she walked over to the student’s desk and dropped to her knees to give up-close attention.
I couldn’t ___32___ to put some of the things I’d learned into practice. It wasn’t easy at first to ___33___ my lesson plans. But I discovered I enjoyed walking from desk to desk, talking to my students one-on-one, getting to know them as ___34___.
Marcia left our school at the end of the year, but she ___35___ me every day of my 40-year career.
21. A. quotes B. objectives C. instructions D. remarks
22. A. interesting B. informal C. serious D. complicated
23. A. fell apart B. went over C. worked out D. got through
24. A. exciting B. shameful C. discouraging D. impressive
25. A. experience B. selection C. company D. proof
26. A. classroom B. concert C. club D. journal
27. A. dreams B. lives C. schedules D. assignments
28. A. describe B. disturb C. assess D. observe
29. A. discussion B. game C. song D. quiz
30. A. cheered B. fled C. allowed D. performed
31. A. even B. instead C. regularly D. purposely
32. A. mean B. refuse C. choose D. wait
33. A. review B. ignore C. prepare D. acknowledge
34. A. students B. strangers C. supermen D. individuals
35. A. reminded B. followed C. inspired D. greeted
On Jan 23, the third batch of national-level ski tourism resorts was announced. ___36___ the seven successful entries nationwide, the Changbai Mountain Ski Resort in the Chibei area of Northeast China’s Jilin province was listed, potentially becoming the province’s fifth national-level ski resort destination.
Prior ___37___ this announcement, Jilin province was already home to four national-level ski resorts, including Lake Songhua Resort, Changbai Mountain Wanda International Resort, Beidahu Ski Resort, and Wanfeng Tonghua Ski Resort.
Up to now, a total of 26 resorts ___38___ (become) national-level ski resort destinations, with Jilin province ___39___ (hold) five spots, the highest number nationwide. ___40___ you’re a beginner or an ___41___ (advance) skier, there are suitable ski slopes for you.
___42___ (employ) its abundant ice and snow resources, Jilin has been actively promoting the development of its ice and snow economy. It is focusing on cultivating new momentum for this sector and transforming its “cold resources” into “hot industries”, which attract many ski enthusiasts from home and abroad.
Jilin is now home to 75 ski resorts, making it ___43___ attractive destination for winter activities. The Changbai Mountains offer ___44___ (exception) winter resources ___45___ are considered one of the world’s top three powder snow destinations, alongside the Swiss Alps and the Rocky Mountains.
第四部分 写作(共两节 满分40分)
第一节 66题,(满分15分)
46. 假设你是高二学生李华,你校将于下周一举行成人礼(coming-of-age ceremony),请你作为学生代表进行发言,内容包括:
1. 你对师长亲友的感谢;2. 你的收获与感想;
1. 词数不少于80词;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow schoolmates,
Thanks for your attention!
第二节 67题,(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Michael saw the trouble coming. There standing in the hallway was Frank, the boy who enjoyed making fun of anyone at any given moment. Frank was tall and strong, so few of his victims stood up to him. Michael hated the idea that Frank always got away with his wrongdoing. Yet like most kids who were picked on, he just took it quietly and waited for the unpleasant to pass.
Frank walked up, his eyes locked on the books in Michael’s arms. When they met, Frank stopped unexpectedly, “Hey, let me see those books!” Some students watched as Michael held out the books he was carrying, trying not to give away his nervousness.
Frank took a book, looked inside for a second, and then threw the book at Michael, who dropped all the other books. “Hey, those are school property,” Frank barked, “Be careful!” Then he walked away, laughing loudly.
Michael, his cheeks turning red, half kicked the fallen books. Suddenly a hand picked up one book. “You look like you could use a p ally (盟友),” a friendly voice said. It was Ramon, the most athletic boy in the high school. Michael couldn’t believe Ramon was stopping to help him as they barely spoke.
“Thanks,” Michael sighed with relief. “It’s confusing. I don’t know what his problems is.”
“Well, as I see it,” Ramon said, “you need to find a way to end this.” Michael nodded, stuck for what to say. Ramon continued, “You know my grandmother used to tell me whenever I had a problem with someone. She’d say, ‘You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar (醋).’”
Looking puzzled, Michael asked, “What does that mean ”
“It means kindness may be more effective than anger,” Ramon explained.
“Can you just tell Frank to stop picking on me ” Michael suggested.
“That’s vinegar,” Ramon laughed as he walked away. “Try honey instead.”
Ramon’s words left Michael thinking.
The next school day brought Michael’s usual pain. There stood Frank, and Michael knew it would be just seconds before he had to face him in the middle of the hall. Frank came nearer.
Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened.
Michael bent down and quickly picked up Frank’s books on the floor.
听力:1-5 BBACA 6-10ABBBC 11-15 BACBC 16-20 CACAC