

名称 福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-21 18:16:35


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读每一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What do we know about the man
A. He had no alarm clocks. B. His car broke down. C. He got up late.
2. What does Mr. Black look like
A. He wears glasses. B. He is short. C. He has black hair.
3. How does the man feel about the class
A. He is fond of it. B. He can’t follow it. C. He has been used to it.
4. Why does the woman want to meet Miss Jones
A. To make an apology.
B. To have an interview.
C. To know about Miss Peters.
5. Where are the speakers
A. In a library. B. In a college. C. In a bookstore.
6. What does the man think of mountaineering
A. Dangerous. B. Tiring. C. Interesting.
7. What can we learn about the woman
A. She will visit Mount Huangshan with the man.
B. She climbed Mount Huangshan last summer.
C. She is professional in mountaineering.
8. Why does the woman make the call
A. She was charged twice.
B. Her bill has not yet arrived.
C. Her television doesn’t work properly.
9. What is wrong with the shop
A The shop assistants are always careless.
B. The computer system is out of order.
C. It doesn’t accept credit cards.
10. What will the woman do next
A. Get a written apology. B. Offer her receipt number. C. Have her television fixed.
11. Why does the girl talk to the man
A. To ask for permission. B. To make an invitation. C. To get some advice.
12. What will the man do during the party
A. Sing an English song. B. Tell a folk story. C. Perform an English play.
13. What will the headmaster do before the party
A. Deliver a speech. B. Share his resolutions. C. Decorate the classroom.
14. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a camera shop. B. At the man’s home. C. On the street.
15. How many camera shops are still open in town
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
16. Why does the man think some camera shops went out of business
A. Cameras are old-fashioned.
B. There are fewer photographers.
C. People buy things on the Internet.
17. What will the man do this Saturday
A. Go to a camera shop.
B. Take pictures for a wedding.
C. Take care of his friend’s kids.
18. What happened to Sam
A. He was knocked down by a truck.
B. He fell to the ground when crossing the road.
C. He stopped the truck driver when crossing the road.
19. Who signaled the driver to stop
A. David. B. The boy’s mother. C. The little boy.
20. Why did David help that woman
A. She couldn’t walk.
B. She was David’s neighbor.
C. She couldn’t afford enough food.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
As people worldwide focus on a healthy planet, renewable (可再生) energy engineers are key. These engineers work on cool projects that use the power of the sun, wind, and water to create energy. Their work combats climate change, leading to a cleaner world. Here are details.
Key responsibilities:
System Design: It’s like being an inventor who figures out the best way to turn sunlight, wind, or water into electricity that we can use to power things like homes and schools.
Project Management: This is like being the leader of a team working on a school project, but instead, it’s for big energy projects. The engineer makes sure everything is done right on time, and doesn’t cost too much money.
Technical Research: Here, the engineer is like a detective or a scientist, always looking for new and better ways to make energy. They try to find methods that are more effective and less expensive.
Maintenance and Optimization: This part is about taking care of the energy systems that are already built. The engineer checks the systems, fixes any problems, and makes improvements so they work even better.
Skill requirements:
Engineering background: A degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field.
Analytical Skills: Abilities to analyze data and system performance to propose improvements.
Innovative Thinking: Maintain (保持) an openness to new technologies and methods, constantly seeking innovation.
Environmental Awareness: A deep understanding of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Career prospects:
The renewable energy industry is having a period of rapid development, with strong support from both the government and the private company. Renewable energy engineers can find opportunities in energy companies, consulting firms, research institutions or government agencies. With technological advances and the growing demand for energy, the future prospects to r this career are very bright.
1. What do renewable energy engineers mainly do
A. Do fuel tests. B. Do plant preservation.
C. Make use of clean energy. D. Make a great many budget plans.
2. Which ability is unmentioned as for renewable energy engineers’ requirements
A. Analytical skills. B. Innovative thinking.
C. Environmental awareness. D. Fluency in multiple languages.
3. What is the future of renewable energy engineers
A. Promising. B. Uncertain. C. Decreasing. D. Limited.
Thomas was a well-known wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small town. Because of his fame, people from nearby towns who heard of his arrival all came to visit and seek his advice.
Many who came sought help with difficulties in daily life, and Thomas, unable to bear turning them away, patiently offered suggestions. Word spread quickly, and more and more people came to see Thomas for guidance.
One day, dozens of people crowded outside Thomas’s door, all clamoring (大声地要求) that their problems were the most serious and urgent, each insisting that Thomas address their concerns first, with no one willing to yield (让步).
After a moment of thought, Thomas took out some paper and a pen and said, “I can’t hear clearly with everyone talking at once. How about everyone write down your problem on a piece of paper and place it in this basket beside me ”
Once everyone had placed their notes in the basket, Thomas shook the basket and said, “Please each take a piece of paper from the basket and read what it says.”
As everyone read a note from someone else, they all realized that indeed, each person has their own troubles, and every household has its own challenges. Then Thomas spoke up, “Now, whose problem is the most urgent to solve ” Hearing that question, no one spoke again, because now no one dared to claim that their problem was the most severe.
Often we are bound by our immediate feelings. When difficulties and problems strike, it feels as though we are caught in a vortex of pain. But if we shift our focus from ourselves and look towards others, we might discover that the problems we face are not so significant. Perhaps others are the ones who need help more urgently, or maybe there is something within our power that we can do for them.
4. Why did people visit Thomas
A. For advice. B. For a meeting.
C. For a competition. D. For introductions.
5. How did Thomas handle the crowd
A. He ignored them. B. He listened to each one individually.
C. He prioritized the problems himself. D. He asked them to write down their problems.
6. What did reading others’ problems show to the people
A. The complexity of their difficulties. B. The similarity of their situations.
C. Their need for more advice. D. Their living conditions.
7. What lesson did Thomas teach
A. Competition. B. Sympathy. C. Prioritization. D. Self-confidence.
A study following nearly 30,000 older adults for more than 10 years has found six key healthy lifestyle factors can significantly reduce memory loss and those adults engaging in between four and six of the healthy lifestyle behaviors could dramatically reduce their risks of developing dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks of Alzheimer’s disease.
“Six healthy lifestyle aspects were assessed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active social contact, active cognitive (认知的) activity, never smoking, and never drinking alcohol,” the researchers explained in the new study. Participants were classified (分类) into the favorable group if they had four to six healthy lifestyle factors, into the average group for two to three factors, and into the unfavorable group for zero to one factor.
The study found that people with four to six healthy habits had a much slower loss of memory than those with fewer healthy habits. People with these good habits were also much less likely to get dementia than those with one or no healthy habits. Those who had two or three good habits were 30% less likely to get dementia.
The study didn’t figure out which of the six healthy habits is the best for stopping dementia or which combination is the best. However, the information did show that eating healthy seemed to help prevent memory loss the most, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise also very helpful.
About 20% of the people in the study had a gene that makes Alzheimer’s disease more likely. Even so, having several good health habits helped slow down memory loss. This shows that changing how we live can really help.
Even though each health habit helped in a different way, overall, the study found that people with more good health habits had much less memory loss than those with fewer good habits. This suggests that the choices we make in how we live can help protect our memory. The study adds to the evidence that we might be able to change our risk of memory loss.
8. What were the groups categorized based on
A. The participants’ age. B. What hobbies the participants got rid of.
C. The healthy lifestyles the participants had. D. What the participants’ attitudes to factors were.
9. What can we infer from paragraph 3
A. The favorable group was happier than the other two.
B. More healthy lifestyles were of more benefit to health.
C. Healthy habits had little impact on memory or dementia.
D. People with a healthy diet wouldn’t suffer a loss of memory.
10. Which plays the second greatest role in reducing memory loss
A. A healthy diet. B. Active social contact.
C. Active cognitive activities. D. Never drinking alcohol.
11. What can be the best title for the text
A. Healthy Lifestyles Slowing Memory Loss B. A Study Making A Great Breakthrough
C. A Healthy Diet Being The Best Lifestyle D. Old Adults Suffering From Health Problems
To produce the classic clothing, blue jeans, producers rely on indigo dye (靛蓝染料), the only molecule known to provide jeans’ unique, beloved color. While indigo itself naturally comes from a plant, growing demand for blue jeans throughout the 20th century gave rise to synthetic (合成的) indigo, which is now more commonly used.
Indigo is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it doesn’t mix with water. To dye clothes, usually, chemicals are needed to make the color stick to the cloth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way to dye clothes using an enzyme (酶), which is a kind of protein that can cause chemical reactions, instead of harmful chemicals. This new method is better for the environment and doesn’t use poisonous stuff.
The chemical process for dyeing blue jeans has persisted for the last century. Workers are exposed to the poisonous chemicals, which also pollute the environment near factories. Waste water from those factories often ends up in waterways, decimating local ecosystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme works really well and is strong enough for making lots of jeans without breaking down. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indigo, much less harmful to the planet — about 92% better than the old way.
However, the new method doesn’t fix all the environmental problems of making jeans. Making a single pair of jeans uses a lot of water — enough to fill many bathtubs — from growing the cotton to putting the final touches on the jeans.
Even though the new dyeing process is better for the environment, it’s not always easy or cheap to change to it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans companies will find it easy or affordable to switch to this method. It costs a little bit more — just seven cents extra per pair of jeans — to use the enzyme for dyeing. But Welner believes it’s worth it because it’s much better for the environment.
12. Why was synthetic indigo created in the 20th century
A. It made jeans’ color unique. B. It was easy to dye cloth with it.
C. People liked jeans made from it. D. People were in greater need of jeans.
13. What does the underlined word “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Troubling. B. Entering. C. Destroying. D. Defeating.
14. Which is an advantage of the new method
A. The colour is more beautiful than the synthetic indigo.
B. The market can keep stable goods supplies.
C. Enzyme facilitates the advance of science.
D. The dye is more environmentally friendly.
15. What makes Welner worried about the new method
A. Production costs. B. Environmental benefits.
C Water consumption. D. Laborer shortage.
To get the most out of literary works, one must approach them with intention and skill. Here are five key strategies to enhance your reading experience.
Engage with the text. Engagement is crucial when reading literature. ____16____. Ask questions as you read: Why did the character do that What does this scene symbolize What might the author be trying to say This active engagement helps you to think critically and to immerse (沉浸在) yourself in the literary world.
Understand the historical and cultural context. ____17____. It reflects the culture in which it was written. By researching the historical period, the author’s life, and the social norms (规范) of the time, you can gain a deeper understanding of the text.
____18____. Literature is an art form that uses language in creative and often complex ways. Pay attention to the author’s use of literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and irony. Knowing these techniques can reveal hidden layers of meaning and give you a greater appreciation of the author’s craft.
Reflect on themes and personal relevance. Great literature often deals with themes that are universal and timeless. Reflect on the themes you encounter in the text and consider how they relate to your own experiences and beliefs. ____19____. Besides, it can offer insights into both the literature and your own life.
Discuss and share insights. Literature is meant to be shared and discussed. Conversations with others can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of a text. Join a book club, participate in online forums, or simply discuss the book with friends or classmates. These discussions can provide you with new perspectives (观点). ____20____
A. Think of words in the book
B. Analyze literary techniques
C Every piece of literature is a product of its time
D. They can lessen your appreciation of the literature
E. Interacting with others will lead you about the book
F. This personal connection can make reading more meaningful
G. This means actively interacting with the text, not just reading the words
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In early January 2024, Jimmy struggled through snow and ice to summit the Vinson Massif, Antarctica’s highest peak.
After decades of traveling and mountaineering, Jimmy could ____21____ another achievement, a great adventurer, which ____22____ reaching the highest peak on every continent, and visiting both the North Pole and the South Pole in addition to visiting every country.
Jimmy had ____23____ spent ten years of his life, between 2007 and 2017, visiting every country in the world. The ____24____ journey saw him meet with many difficulties and gain achievements as well. But once he’d managed to visit every country in the world, Jimmy went into a ____25____.
“It had been a huge life goal, over a ____26____ of my life. However, when I finished that, I was a bit ____27____,” he said. “I started eating badly, ____28____ weight and ignoring my own ____29____.”
Jimmy decided that the best way to ______30______ this was to challenge himself again. He began running ultramarathons and climbing mountains, and soon found that with the ______31______ and direction, he was back to loving life again. He’s hoping that he doesn’t ______32______ bad habits again after completing the latest challenges. For now, Jimmy is putting all his ______33______ into helping others to achieve their travel goals.
“From an adventure perspective, what I really want to ______34______ to people is just how many benefits they can get from ______35______ experiences. All good things come after suffering,” said Jimmy.
21. A. claim B. plan C. report D. evaluate
22. A. explained B. described C. involved D. highlighted
23. A. rarely B. easily C. angrily D. previously
24. A. relevant B. peaceful C. incredible D. ideal
25. A. plot B. confusion C. risk D. fight
26. A. century B. year C. week D. decade
27. A. disappointed B. lost C. addicted D. surprised
28. A. gaining B. balancing C. controlling D. watching
29. A. freedom B. horror C. calm D. business
30. A. share B. overcome C. facilitate D. adapt
31. A. guidance B. contribution C. purpose D. ability
32. A. eat up B. get into C. keep off D. suffer from
33. A. breakthroughs B. elections C. appearances D. efforts
34. A. demonstrate B. complain C. apologize D. promise
35. A. study B. teaching C. travel D. volunteer
Located near a wide stretch of cornfields in Xinjia Village is a museum focusing on Mahu Opera, a traditional art of the Manchu ethnic group in Northeast China. Developed on a site ____36____ (former) used as a primary school, this museum has five exhibition rooms with nearly 2,000 objects or t display, including manuscripts, masks, costumes, instruments and books, most of ____37____ were donated by a local inheritor of intangible cultural heritage.
Besides cultural artifacts related to Mahu Opera, other old objects in the museum ____38____ (collect) from the local area, such as traditional agricultural implements (农具) also reflect ____39____ history of this village situated in Shuangyang District in Changchun City.
Shuangyang District, ____40____ more than 300 years of history in the field of deer breeding, has a sika deer museum. ____41____ (wander) through the 7,200-square-meter building, people can learn in detail about this local history and tradition of raising deer, and the development of the industry. People here have gone through hardships in developing the deer industry, and they need to pass on this spirit to ____42____ (they) future generations through the museum.
The Mahu Opera and the sika deer museum are among the ____43____ (achievement) of a project of rural museum construction in Jilin Province, which was initiated in 2016. So far, 91 museums ____44____ (build) in rural areas in the province.
While modernizing its rural regions, China is also seeking solutions _____45_____ (preserve) the distinct history and vibrant culture of different regions, with the building of rural museums being an important part of this strategy.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 你校英文报正在征文,主题是“生活中最难忘的一个画面”。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
An Unforgettable Scene
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“When I grow up, I’m going to travel on my own,” said my little daughter, Sophia, reading her favorite picture book in the sunshine. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at the beautiful pictures. “Well, I think you can!” I said, believing in her ambitions.
Being a hard-working and reliable child, she could help do the housework skillfully. She had the potential to make her dreams come true. However, we were poor farmers, and all profit had to go back into the farm to keep it going.
When Sophia was ten, a tornado (龙卷风) struck Texas, destroying our farm. We were forced to deal with everything that we faced. This disaster completely changed our lives. My husband, Steve, was disabled by the tornado. After trying and failing at several methods of earning income, finally he decided to become a baker (面包师).
We purchased a small bakeshop, fully equipped, and moved it onto our farmland. In fact, our bakeshop business did very well. Regrettably, Steve did not. His disability was so severe that after several months of trying he simply could not continue. The bakeshop closed.
While our family was going through difficult times, the dream and spirit of Sophia was not lost. She was doing well in school, and I smiled the day I read Sophia’s essay entitled, “Things I would like to do.” Topping the list were these words: I want to travel someday. Again I whispered, “Maybe you can someday.”
A few years later, Sophia started high school and enrolled in a foreign language class in her second year. This class occasionally organized a trip abroad. One day, she came home from school, hardly able to control her excitement, and said, “Mum, our class will arrange for us to travel abroad.”
“Fantastic!” I said. “You can achieve your dream!”
“But it would probably cost a lot of money to go,” she said.
She was right. My salary paid the bills, and nothing was left. Steve was still unable to work. Our hearts sank deeply.
Sophia’s face lit up the moment she thought of her father’s bakeshop.
Orders came flooding in.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读每一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1 What do we know about the man
A. He had no alarm clocks. B. His car broke down. C. He got up late.
2. What does Mr. Black look like
A. He wears glasses. B. He is short. C. He has black hair.
3. How does the man feel about the class
A. He is fond of it. B. He can’t follow it. C. He has been used to it.
4. Why does the woman want to meet Miss Jones
A. To make an apology.
B. To have an interview.
C. To know about Miss Peters.
5. Where are the speakers
A. In a library. B. In a college. C. In a bookstore.
6. What does the man think of mountaineering
A. Dangerous. B. Tiring. C. Interesting.
7. What can we learn about the woman
A. She will visit Mount Huangshan with the man.
B. She climbed Mount Huangshan last summer.
C. She is professional in mountaineering.
8. Why does the woman make the call
A. She was charged twice.
B. Her bill has not yet arrived.
C. Her television doesn’t work properly.
9. What is wrong with the shop
A. The shop assistants are always careless.
B. The computer system is out of order.
C. It doesn’t accept credit cards.
10. What will the woman do next
A. Get a written apology. B. Offer her receipt number. C. Have her television fixed.
11 Why does the girl talk to the man
A. To ask for permission. B. To make an invitation. C. To get some advice.
12. What will the man do during the party
A. Sing an English song. B. Tell a folk story. C. Perform an English play.
13. What will the headmaster do before the party
A. Deliver a speech. B. Share his resolutions. C. Decorate the classroom.
14. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a camera shop. B. At the man’s home. C. On the street.
15. How many camera shops are still open in town
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
16. Why does the man think some camera shops went out of business
A. Cameras are old-fashioned.
B. There are fewer photographers.
C. People buy things on the Internet.
17. What will the man do this Saturday
A. Go to a camera shop.
B. Take pictures for a wedding.
C. Take care of his friend’s kids.
18. What happened to Sam
A. He was knocked down by a truck.
B. He fell to the ground when crossing the road.
C. He stopped the truck driver when crossing the road.
19. Who signaled the driver to stop
A. David. B. The boy’s mother. C. The little boy.
20. Why did David help that woman
A. She couldn’t walk.
B. She was David’s neighbor.
C. She couldn’t afford enough food.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
As people worldwide focus on a healthy planet, renewable (可再生的) energy engineers are key. These engineers work on cool projects that use the power of the sun, wind, and water to create energy. Their work combats climate change, leading to a cleaner world. Here are details.
Key responsibilities:
System Design: It’s like being an inventor who figures out the best way to turn sunlight wind, or water into electricity that we can use to power things like homes and schools.
Project Management: This is like being the leader of a team working on a school project, but instead, it’s for big energy projects. The engineer makes sure everything is done right on time, and doesn’t cost too much money.
Technical Research: Here, the engineer is like a detective or a scientist, always looking for new and better ways to make energy. They try to find methods that are more effective and less expensive.
Maintenance and Optimization: This part is about taking care of the energy systems that are already built. The engineer checks the systems, fixes any problems, and makes improvements so they work even better.
Skill requirements:
Engineering background: A degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field.
Analytical Skills: Abilities to analyze data and system performance to propose improvements.
Innovative Thinking: Maintain (保持) an openness to new technologies and methods, constantly seeking innovation.
Environmental Awareness: A deep understanding of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Career prospects:
The renewable energy industry is having a period of rapid development, with strong support from both the government and the private company. Renewable energy engineers can find opportunities in energy companies, consulting firms, research institutions or government agencies. With technological advances and the growing demand for energy, the future prospects to r this career are very bright.
1. What do renewable energy engineers mainly do
A. Do fuel tests. B. Do plant preservation.
C. Make use of clean energy. D. Make a great many budget plans.
2. Which ability is unmentioned as for renewable energy engineers’ requirements
A. Analytical skills. B. Innovative thinking.
C. Environmental awareness. D. Fluency in multiple languages.
3. What is the future of renewable energy engineers
A. Promising. B. Uncertain. C. Decreasing. D. Limited.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“These engineers work on cool projects that use the power of the sun, wind, and water to create energy. Their work combats climate change, leading to a cleaner world. (这些工程师从事一些很酷的项目,利用太阳能、风能和水能来创造能源。他们的工作对抗气候变化,带来一个更清洁的世界)”可知,可再生能源工程师主要是利用清洁能源对抗气候变化。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Skill requirements下的“Analytical Skills (分析能力)”、“Innovative Thinking (创新思维)”以及“Environmental Awareness (环境意识)”可知,可再生能源工程师的要求中未涉及“精通多种语言”的能力。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Career prospects下的“With technological advances and the growing demand for energy, the future prospects to r this career are very bright. (随着技术的进步和对能源需求的不断增长,这一职业的未来前景非常光明)”可知,可再生能源工程师的未来是有前途的。故选A项。
Thomas was a well-known wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small town. Because of his fame, people from nearby towns who heard of his arrival all came to visit and seek his advice.
Many who came sought help with difficulties in daily life, and Thomas, unable to bear turning them away, patiently offered suggestions. Word spread quickly, and more and more people came to see Thomas for guidance.
One day, dozens of people crowded outside Thomas’s door, all clamoring (大声地要求) that their problems were the most serious and urgent, each insisting that Thomas address their concerns first, with no one willing to yield (让步).
After a moment of thought, Thomas took out some paper and a pen and said, “I can’t hear clearly with everyone talking at once. How about everyone write down your problem on a piece of paper and place it in this basket beside me ”
Once everyone had placed their notes in the basket, Thomas shook the basket and said, “Please each take a piece of paper from the basket and read what it says.”
As everyone read a note from someone else, they all realized that indeed, each person has their own troubles, and every household has its own challenges. Then Thomas spoke up, “Now, whose problem is the most urgent to solve ” Hearing that question, no one spoke again, because now no one dared to claim that their problem was the most severe.
Often, we are bound by our immediate feelings. When difficulties and problems strike, it feels as though we are caught in a vortex of pain. But if we shift our focus from ourselves and look towards others, we might discover that the problems we face are not so significant. Perhaps others are the ones who need help more urgently, or maybe there is something within our power that we can do for them.
4. Why did people visit Thomas
A. For advice. B. For a meeting.
C. For a competition. D. For introductions.
5. How did Thomas handle the crowd
A. He ignored them. B. He listened to each one individually.
C. He prioritized the problems himself. D. He asked them to write down their problems.
6. What did reading others’ problems show to the people
A. The complexity of their difficulties. B. The similarity of their situations.
C. Their need for more advice. D. Their living conditions.
7. What lesson did Thomas teach
A. Competition. B. Sympathy. C. Prioritization. D. Self-confidence.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“Because of his fame, people from nearby towns who heard of his arrival all came to visit and seek his advice.(由于他的名声,附近城镇的人听说他来了,都来拜访他,征求他的意见。)”可知,人们拜访托马斯是为了寻求建议。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段“How about everyone write down your problem on a piece of paper and place it in this basket beside me (大家把你们的问题写在一张纸上,放在我身边的篮子里,怎么样?)”可知,托马斯通过让他们写下他们的问题来应付他们。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“As everyone read a note from someone else, they all realized that indeed, each person has their own troubles, and every household has its own challenges.(当每个人读到别人的纸条时,他们都意识到,确实,每个人都有自己的烦恼,每个家庭都有自己的挑战。)”可知,阅读别人的问题让他们意识到他们的处境相似。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Perhaps others are the ones who need help more urgently, or maybe there is something within our power that we can do for them.(也许其他人更迫切需要帮助,或者我们可以为他们做一些力所能及的事情。)”可知,托马斯通过让大家写下自己的问题并阅读别人的问题让大家知道,要对其他人抱有同情心。故选B。
A study following nearly 30,000 older adults for more than 10 years has found six key healthy lifestyle factors can significantly reduce memory loss and those adults engaging in between four and six of the healthy lifestyle behaviors could dramatically reduce their risks of developing dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks of Alzheimer’s disease.
“Six healthy lifestyle aspects were assessed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active social contact, active cognitive (认知的) activity, never smoking, and never drinking alcohol,” the researchers explained in the new study. Participants were classified (分类) into the favorable group if they had four to six healthy lifestyle factors, into the average group for two to three factors, and into the unfavorable group for zero to one factor.
The study found that people with four to six healthy habits had a much slower loss of memory than those with fewer healthy habits. People with these good habits were also much less likely to get dementia than those with one or no healthy habits. Those who had two or three good habits were 30% less likely to get dementia.
The study didn’t figure out which of the six healthy habits is the best for stopping dementia or which combination is the best. However, the information did show that eating healthy seemed to help prevent memory loss the most, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise also very helpful.
About 20% of the people in the study had a gene that makes Alzheimer’s disease more likely. Even so, having several good health habits helped slow down memory loss. This shows that changing how we live can really help.
Even though each health habit helped in a different way, overall, the study found that people with more good health habits had much less memory loss than those with fewer good habits. This suggests that the choices we make in how we live can help protect our memory. The study adds to the evidence that we might be able to change our risk of memory loss.
8. What were the groups categorized based on
A. The participants’ age. B. What hobbies the participants got rid of.
C. The healthy lifestyles the participants had. D. What the participants’ attitudes to factors were.
9. What can we infer from paragraph 3
A. The favorable group was happier than the other two.
B. More healthy lifestyles were of more benefit to health.
C. Healthy habits had little impact on memory or dementia.
D. People with a healthy diet wouldn’t suffer a loss of memory.
10. Which plays the second greatest role in reducing memory loss
A. A healthy diet. B. Active social contact.
C. Active cognitive activities. D. Never drinking alcohol.
11 What can be the best title for the text
A. Healthy Lifestyles Slowing Memory Loss B. A Study Making A Great Breakthrough
C. A Healthy Diet Being The Best Lifestyle D. Old Adults Suffering From Health Problems
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. C 11. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“A study following nearly 30,000 older adults for more than 10 years has found six key healthy lifestyle factors can significantly reduce memory loss and those adults engaging in between four and six of the healthy lifestyle behaviors could dramatically reduce their risks of developing dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks of Alzheimer’s disease.(一项对近3万名老年人进行了10多年跟踪调查的研究发现,六种关键的健康生活方式因素可以显著减少记忆丧失,那些拥有四到六种健康生活方式行为的成年人可以显著降低患痴呆症的风险,即使他们携带有增加患阿尔茨海默病风险的基因)”可知,分类的依据是参与者的健康生活方式。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“The study found that people with four to six healthy habits had a much slower loss of memory than those with fewer healthy habits. People with these good habits were also much less likely to get dementia than those with one or no healthy habits. Those who had two or three good habits were 30% less likely to get dementia.(研究发现,拥有四到六个健康习惯的人比那些没有健康习惯的人记忆力衰退的速度要慢得多。拥有这些好习惯的人也比那些只有一个或没有健康习惯的人更不容易患痴呆症。那些有两到三个好习惯的人患痴呆症的可能性要低30%)”可知,更健康的生活方式对健康更有益。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第四段“The study didn’t figure out which of the six health y habits is the best for stopping dementia or which combination is the best. However, the information did show that eating healthy seemed to help prevent memory loss the most, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise also very helpful.(这项研究并没有弄清楚这六种健康习惯中哪一种对预防痴呆症最好,或者哪种组合最好。然而,这些信息确实表明,健康饮食似乎最有助于防止记忆丧失,大脑锻炼和定期体育锻炼也很有帮助)”可知,在减少记忆丧失方面起着第二重要的作用是大脑锻炼和定期体育锻炼,也就是积极的认知活动。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“A study following nearly 30,000 older adults for more than 10 years has found six key healthy lifestyle factors can significantly reduce memory loss and those adults engaging in between four and six of the healthy lifestyle behaviors could dramatically reduce their risks of developing dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks of Alzheimer’s disease.(一项对近3万名老年人进行了10多年跟踪调查的研究发现,六种关键的健康生活方式因素可以显著减少记忆丧失,那些拥有四到六种健康生活方式行为的成年人可以显著降低患痴呆症的风险,即使他们携带有增加患阿尔茨海默病风险的基因)”以及纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述了健康的生活方式对老年人记忆力减退和痴呆风险的影响,所以A项“Healthy Lifestyles Slowing Memory Loss(健康的生活方式减缓记忆丧失)”是本文最好的标题。故选A项。
To produce the classic clothing, blue jeans, producers rely on indigo dye (靛蓝染料), the only molecule known to provide jeans’ unique, beloved color. While indigo itself naturally comes from a plant, growing demand for blue jeans throughout the 20th century gave rise to synthetic (合成的) indigo, which is now more commonly used.
Indigo is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it doesn’t mix with water. To dye clothes, usually, chemicals are needed to make the color stick to the cloth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way to dye clothes using an enzyme (酶), which is a kind of protein that can cause chemical reactions, instead of harmful chemicals. This new method is better for the environment and doesn’t use poisonous stuff.
The chemical process for dyeing blue jeans has persisted for the last century. Workers are exposed to the poisonous chemicals, which also pollute the environment near factories. Waste water from those factories often ends up in waterways, decimating local ecosystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme works really well and is strong enough for making lots of jeans without breaking down. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indigo, much less harmful to the planet — about 92% better than the old way.
However, the new method doesn’t fix all the environmental problems of making jeans. Making a single pair of jeans uses a lot of water — enough to fill many bathtubs — from growing the cotton to putting the final touches on the jeans.
Even though the new dyeing process is better for the environment, it’s not always easy or cheap to change to it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans companies will find it easy or affordable to switch to this method. It costs a little bit more — just seven cents extra per pair of jeans — to use the enzyme for dyeing. But Welner believes it’s worth it because it’s much better for the environment.
12. Why was synthetic indigo created in the 20th century
A. It made jeans’ color unique. B. It was easy to dye cloth with it.
C. People liked jeans made from it. D. People were in greater need of jeans.
13. What does the underlined word “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Troubling. B. Entering. C. Destroying. D. Defeating.
14. Which is an advantage of the new method
A. The colour is more beautiful than the synthetic indigo.
B. The market can keep stable goods supplies.
C. Enzyme facilitates the advance of science.
D. The dye is more environmentally friendly.
15. What makes Welner worried about the new method
A. Production costs. B. Environmental benefits.
C. Water consumption. D. Laborer shortage.
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“While indigo itself naturally comes from a plant, growing demand for blue jeans throughout the 20th century gave rise to synthetic(合成的) indigo, which is now more commonly used.”(虽然靛蓝本身来自天然植物,但在整个20世纪,人们对蓝色牛仔裤的需求不断增长,于是现在更常使用的合成靛蓝应运而生)可知,20世纪,由于人们对牛仔裤的需求增加,才有了合成靛蓝。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据文章第三段画线词前的“pollute the environment near factories”(污染工厂附近的环境)和“Waste water from those factories often ends up in waterways”(那些工厂排出的废水经常流入水道)以及画线词后的“even dyeing rivers blue”(甚至将河流染成蓝色)可知,工厂的废水经常流入水道的后果是破坏当地的生态系统,即“decimating local ecosystems”。所以,decimating在这里的意思是“破坏”。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indigo, much less harmful to the planet—about 92% better than the old way.”(这种酶可以用类似靛蓝的籼稻染色,对地球的危害要小得多——比旧方法好92%左右)可知,新方法使用酶替代有害化学品染色,对环境更友好,减少了对地球的伤害。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Even though the new dyeing process is better for the environment, it’s not always easy or cheap to change to it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans companies will find it easy or affordable to switch to this method. It costs a little bit more—just seven cents extra per pair of jeans—to use the enzyme for dyeing.”(尽管新的染色工艺对环境更好,但改变它并不总是容易或便宜的。Welner的团队不确定牛仔裤公司是否会觉得改用这种方法容易或负担得起。使用这种酶染色,每条牛仔裤要多花7美分)可知,新方法的成本略高,每条牛仔裤增加了7美分的成本,这使得Welner担心牛仔裤公司是否愿意或能够承担这种方法的成本。所以,Welner担心的是新方法的生产成本。故选A。
To get the most out of literary works, one must approach them with intention and skill. Here are five key strategies to enhance your reading experience.
Engage with the text. Engagement is crucial when reading literature. ____16____. Ask questions as you read: Why did the character do that What does this scene symbolize What might the author be trying to say This active engagement helps you to think critically and to immerse (沉浸在) yourself in the literary world.
Understand the historical and cultural context. ____17____. It reflects the culture in which it was written. By researching the historical period, the author’s life, and the social norms (规范) of the time, you can gain a deeper understanding of the text.
____18____. Literature is an art form that uses language in creative and often complex ways. Pay attention to the author’s use of literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and irony. Knowing these techniques can reveal hidden layers of meaning and give you a greater appreciation of the author’s craft.
Reflect on themes and personal relevance. Great literature often deals with themes that are universal and timeless. Reflect on the themes you encounter in the text and consider how they relate to your own experiences and beliefs. ____19____. Besides, it can offer insights into both the literature and your own life.
Discuss and share insights. Literature is meant to be shared and discussed. Conversations with others can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of a text. Join a book club, participate in online forums, or simply discuss the book with friends or classmates. These discussions can provide you with new perspectives (观点). ____20____
A. Think of words in the book
B. Analyze literary techniques
C. Every piece of literature is a product of its time
D. They can lessen your appreciation of the literature
E. Interacting with others will lead you about the book
F. This personal connection can make reading more meaningful
G. This means actively interacting with the text, not just reading the words
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. B 19. F 20. E
根据前文“Engage with the text. Engagement is crucial when reading literature. (与文本互动。在阅读文学作品时,投入是至关重要的)”可知,本段的主题是讲述与文本互动,所以G项“This means actively interacting with the text, not just reading the words (这意味着积极地与文本互动,而不仅仅是阅读单词)”是对前句的进一步解释,而后文“Ask questions as you read: Why did the character do that What does this scene symbolize What might the author be trying to say This active engagement helps you to think critically and to immerse (沉浸在) yourself in the literary world. (当你阅读的时候问一些问题:为什么这个角色要那样做?这个场景象征着什么?作者可能想说什么?这种积极的参与可以帮助你批判性地思考,让自己沉浸在文学世界中)”是讲述互动的具体方法。故选G项。
根据前文“Understand the historical and cultural context. (了解历史和文化背景)”以及后文“It reflects the culture in which it was written. By researching the historical period, the author’s life, and the social norms (规范) of the time, you can gain a deeper understanding of the text. (它反映了它被创作时的文化。通过对历史时期、作者生平、当时社会规范的研究,可以对文本有更深的了解)”可知,本段讲述通过了解文章背后的历史和文化背景,来增加对文章的了解,所以C项“Every piece of literature is a product of its time (每一部文学作品都是它所处时代的产物)”是对前文的进一步解释,并引出下文,符合文意。故选C项。
设空处位于段首,为本段中心句,根据后文“Literature is an art form that uses language in creative and often complex ways. Pay attention to the author’s use of literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and irony. Knowing these techniques can reveal hidden layers of meaning and give you a greater appreciation of the author’s craft. (文学是一种艺术形式,它以创造性和复杂的方式使用语言。注意作者对意象、象征、隐喻和反讽等文学手法的运用。了解这些技巧可以揭示隐藏的含义层次,让你更好地欣赏作者的技巧)”可知,本段主要讲述了解文学技巧来分析文章,所以B项“Analyze literary techniques (分析文学技巧)”符合本段主题,为本段中心句。故选B项。
根据前文“Reflect on themes and personal relevance. Great literature often deals with themes that are universal and timeless. Reflect on the themes you encounter in the text and consider how they relate to your own experiences and beliefs. (反思主题和个人相关性。伟大的文学作品往往涉及普遍和永恒的主题。反思你在文章中遇到的主题,并考虑它们与你自己的经历和信仰的关系)”可知,本段主要讲述,通过联系文章主题和个人经历来理解文章,所以F项“This personal connection can make reading more meaningful (这种个人联系可以使阅读更有意义)”介绍前文提到的方法的好处,符合文意。故选F项。
设空处位于段尾,应承接前文,根据前文“Discuss and share insights. Literature is meant to be shared and discussed. Conversations with others can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of a text. Join a book club, participate in online forums, or simply discuss the book with friends or classmates. These discussions can provide you with new perspectives (观点). (讨论和分享见解。文学是用来分享和讨论的。与他人交谈可以提高你对文章的理解和享受。加入一个读书俱乐部,参加在线论坛,或者只是和朋友或同学讨论这本书。这些讨论可以为你提供新的视角)”可知,本段主要讲述了和他人互动来了解文章,所以E项“Interacting with others will lead you about the book (与他人的互动将引导你了解这本书)”符合本段主题,是对前文的总结。故选E项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In early January 2024, Jimmy struggled through snow and ice to summit the Vinson Massif, Antarctica’s highest peak.
After decades of traveling and mountaineering, Jimmy could ____21____ another achievement, a great adventurer, which ____22____ reaching the highest peak on every continent, and visiting both the North Pole and the South Pole in addition to visiting every country.
Jimmy had ____23____ spent ten years of his life, between 2007 and 2017, visiting every country in the world. The ____24____ journey saw him meet with many difficulties and gain achievements as well. But once he’d managed to visit every country in the world, Jimmy went into a ____25____.
“It had been a huge life goal, over a ____26____ of my life. However, when I finished that, I was a bit ____27____,” he said. “I started eating badly, ____28____ weight and ignoring my own ____29____.”
Jimmy decided that the best way to ______30______ this was to challenge himself again. He began running ultramarathons and climbing mountains, and soon found that with the ______31______ and direction, he was back to loving life again. He’s hoping that he doesn’t ______32______ bad habits again after completing the latest challenges. For now, Jimmy is putting all his ______33______ into helping others to achieve their travel goals.
“From an adventure perspective, what I really want to ______34______ to people is just how many benefits they can get from ______35______ experiences. All good things come after suffering,” said Jimmy.
21. A. claim B. plan C. report D. evaluate
22. A. explained B. described C. involved D. highlighted
23. A. rarely B. easily C. angrily D. previously
24. A. relevant B. peaceful C. incredible D. ideal
25. A. plot B. confusion C. risk D. fight
26. A. century B. year C. week D. decade
27. A. disappointed B. lost C. addicted D. surprised
28. A. gaining B. balancing C. controlling D. watching
29. A. freedom B. horror C. calm D. business
30. A. share B. overcome C. facilitate D. adapt
31. A. guidance B. contribution C. purpose D. ability
32. A. eat up B. get into C. keep off D. suffer from
33. A. breakthroughs B. elections C. appearances D. efforts
34. A. demonstrate B. complain C. apologize D. promise
35. A. study B. teaching C. travel D. volunteer
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。这篇文章讲述了 吉米 ,一位伟大的冒险家,在成功登顶南极洲最高峰文森峰后的心路历程。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过几十年的旅行和登山,吉米可以宣布另一项成就,一个伟大的冒险家,这包括到达每个大陆的最高峰,并访问了北极和南极,除了访问了每个国家。A. claim宣称;B. plan计划;C. report报告;D. evaluate评估。根据上文“After decades of traveling and mountaineering”可知,吉米可以宣布另一项成就。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过几十年的旅行和登山,吉米可以宣布另一项成就,一个伟大的冒险家,这包括除了访问了每个国家,还到达每个大陆的最高峰,并访问了北极和南极。 A. explained 解释;B. described描述;C. involved包含;D. highlighted强调。根据下文“reaching the highest peak on every continent, and visiting both the North Pole and the South Pole in addition to visiting every country.”可知,这包括除了访问了每个国家,还到达每个大陆的最高峰,并访问了北极和南极。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:吉米之前花了10年的时间,也就是从2007年到2017年,走遍了世界上的每个国家。A. rarely很少;B. easily容易地;C. angrily 生气地;D. previously之前。根据下文“between 2007 and 2017”可知,吉米之前花了10年的时间走遍了世界上的每个国家。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这段不可思议的旅程中,他遇到了许多困难,也取得了成就。A. relevant相关的;B. peaceful和平的;C . incredible难以置信的;D. ideal理想的。根据上文“visiting every country in the world”可知,这是段不可思议的旅程。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,当他成功地走遍了世界上的每一个国家后,吉米陷入了迷失自我。A. plot情节;B.confusion迷失,困惑;C. risk风险;D. fight斗争。根据下文““I started eating badly, ____8____ weight and ignoring my own ____9____”可知,,吉米陷入了迷失自我。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我十多年来的一个巨大的人生目标。A. century世纪; B. year年;C. week周;D. decade十年。根据上文“between 2007 and 2017”可知,十多年来的一个巨大的人生目标。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我完成后,我有点失落。A. disappointed失望的;B. lost失落的;C . addicted上瘾的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据下文“he said. “I started eating badly, ____8____ weight and ignoring my own ____9____”可知,完成后,有点失落。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始饮食紊乱,体重增加,忽视自己的事业。A.gaining 增加;B. balancing 平衡;C . controling控制;D .watching观看。根据上文“I started eating badly”可知,体重增加。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始饮食紊乱,体重增加,忽视自己的事业。A. freedom 自由;B .horror 恐惧;C. calm 平静;D. business 事业。根据上文“However, when I finished that, I was a bit ____7____”可知,忽视自己的事业。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:吉米决定克服这一点的最好办法就是再次挑战自己。A. share分享;B . overcome克服; C. facilitate 促进; D. adapt 适应。根据下文“was to challenge himself again”可知,吉米决定克服这一点的最好办法就是再次挑战自己。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他开始跑超级马拉松和爬山,很快就发现有了目标和方向,他又重新爱上了生活。A. guidance 指导; B .contribution贡献; C purpose 目标;D .ability能力。根据下文“direction”可知,很快就发现有了目标和方向。故选C项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他希望自己在完成最新的挑战后不会再染上坏习惯。A. eat up吃光;B. get into陷入;C. keep off 避免;D. suffer from遭受。固定短语get into bad habits “染上坏习惯”。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,吉米正竭尽全力帮助别人实现他们的旅行目标。A. breakthroughs突破;B. elections选举;C . appearances 外观;D. efforts 努力。根据下文“helping others to achieve their travel goals.”可知,吉米正竭尽全力帮助别人实现他们的旅行目标。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:从冒险的角度来看,我真正想向人们展示的是他们可以从旅行经历中获得多少好处。A.demonstrate展示;B. complain抱怨; C. apologize道歉;D. promise承诺。根据上文“From an adventure perspective”可知,从冒险的角度来看,真正想向人们展示的是他们可以从旅行经历中获得多少好处。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:从冒险的角度来看,我真正想向人们展示的是他们可以从旅行经历中获得多少好处。A. study学习; B. teaching教学;C.travel旅行 ;D. volunteer志愿者。根据上文“visiting every country”可知,展示的是他们可以从旅行经历中获得多少好处。故选C项。
Located near a wide stretch of cornfields in Xinjia Village is a museum focusing on Mahu Opera, a traditional art of the Manchu ethnic group in Northeast China. Developed on a site ____36____ (former) used as a primary school, this museum has five exhibition rooms with nearly 2,000 objects or t display, including manuscripts, masks, costumes, instruments and books, most of ____37____ were donated by a local inheritor of intangible cultural heritage.
Besides cultural artifacts related to Mahu Opera, other old objects in the museum ____38____ (collect) from the local area, such as traditional agricultural implements (农具) also reflect ____39____ history of this village situated in Shuangyang District in Changchun City.
Shuangyang District, ____40____ more than 300 years of history in the field of deer breeding, has a sika deer museum. ____41____ (wander) through the 7,200-square-meter building, people can learn in detail about this local history and tradition of raising deer, and the development of the industry. People here have gone through hardships in developing the deer industry, and they need to pass on this spirit to ____42____ (they) future generations through the museum.
The Mahu Opera and the sika deer museum are among the ____43____ (achievement) of a project of rural museum construction in Jilin Province, which was initiated in 2016. So far, 91 museums ____44____ (build) in rural areas in the province.
While modernizing its rural regions, China is also seeking solutions _____45_____ (preserve) the distinct history and vibrant culture of different regions, with the building of rural museums being an important part of this strategy.
【答案】36. formerly
37. which 38. collected
39. the 40. with
41. Wandering
42. their 43. achievements
44. have been built
45. to preserve
考查定语从句。句意:句意:这个博物馆建在一个以前是小学地方,有五个展览室,展出近2000件物品,包括手稿、面具、服装、乐器和书籍,其中大部分是由当地的非物质文化遗产传承人捐赠的。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的manuscripts, masks, costumes, instruments and books,在从句中作宾语,指物,所以应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
考查非谓语动词。句意:除了与玛虎戏有关的文物外,博物馆从当地收集的其他旧物品,如传统农具,也反映了这个位于长春市双阳区的村庄的历史。本句已有谓语动词reflect,所以collect用非谓语形式,和逻辑主语other old objects之间是被动关系,用过去分词作定语。故填collected。
考查介词。句意:双阳区在养鹿方面有300多年的历史,有梅花鹿博物馆。结合“more than 300 years of history”可知,此处表达“有300多年的历史”之意,介词with“具有”符合语境。故填with。
考查非谓语动词。句意:漫步在7200平方米的建筑中,人们可以详细了解当地的养鹿历史和传统,以及养鹿产业的发展。本句已有谓语动词can learn,所以wander用非谓语形式,和逻辑主语people之间是主动关系,用现在分词,作状语,位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Wandering。
考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,该省已在农村地区建立了91个博物馆。空处作本句谓语,build和主语91 museums之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据So far可知,用现在完成时,且主语是复数名词,助动词用have。故填have been built。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在农村地区现代化的同时,中国也在寻求保护不同地区独特的历史和充满活力的文化的解决方案,建设农村博物馆是这一战略的重要组成部分。本句已有谓语动词is,所以preserve用非谓语形式,根据句意,此处表目的,用不定式作状语。故填to preserve。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 你校英文报正在征文,主题是“生活中最难忘的一个画面”。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
An Unforgettable Scene
An Unforgettable Scene
An unforgettable scene occurred in the summer of 2022, right on the bustling streets of Beijing. It was a hot and humid day, yet a group of volunteers stood unwaveringly, providing water and guidance to tourists. Their smiles and tireless efforts were the highlight of that day.
This scene struck me deeply because it epitomized the spirit of selflessness and dedication. It showed me that true kindness and compassion are the driving force behind true heroes.
This inspiring moment has had a profound impact on me. It taught me the importance of being generous with my time and resources, and always ready to lend a helping hand. It's a lesson that has stayed with me ever since.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
2. 句式拓展
原句:An unforgettable scene occurred in the summer of 2022, right on the bustling streets of Beijing.
拓展句:In the summer of 2022, an unforgettable scene unfolded on the bustling streets of Beijing, a city that never sleeps and is always full of energy.
【点睛】[高分句型1]This scene struck me deeply because it epitomized the spirit of selflessness and dedication.(because引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]It showed me that true kindness and compassion are the driving force behind true heroes.(that引导的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“When I grow up, I’m going to travel on my own,” said my little daughter, Sophia, reading her favorite picture book in the sunshine. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at the beautiful pictures. “Well, I think you can!” I said, believing in her ambitions.
Being a hard-working and reliable child, she could help do the housework skillfully. She had the potential to make her dreams come true. However, we were poor farmers, and all profit had to go back into the farm to keep it going.
When Sophia was ten, a tornado (龙卷风) struck Texas, destroying our farm. We were forced to deal with everything that we faced. This disaster completely changed our lives. My husband, Steve, was disabled by the tornado. After trying and failing at several methods of earning income, finally he decided to become a baker (面包师).
We purchased a small bakeshop, fully equipped, and moved it onto our farmland. In fact, our bakeshop business did very well. Regrettably, Steve did not. His disability was so severe that after several months of trying he simply could not continue. The bakeshop closed.
While our family was going through difficult times, the dream and spirit of Sophia was not lost. She was doing well in school, and I smiled the day I read Sophia’s essay entitled, “Things I would like to do.” Topping the list were these words: I want to travel someday. Again I whispered, “Maybe you can someday.”
A few years later, Sophia started high school and enrolled in a foreign language class in her second year. This class occasionally organized a trip abroad. One day, she came home from school, hardly able to control her excitement, and said, “Mum, our class will arrange for us to travel abroad.”
“Fantastic!” I said. “You can achieve your dream!”
“But it would probably cost a lot of money to go,” she said.
She was right. My salary paid the bills, and nothing was left. Steve was still unable to work. Our hearts sank deeply.
Sophia’s face lit up the moment she thought of her father’s bakeshop.
Orders came flooding in.
Sophia’s face lit up the moment she thought of her father’s bakeshop. An idea sparked in her mind, and she rushed to share it with us. “What if we reopen Dad’s bakeshop to fund my trip ” she proposed enthusiastically. We were hesitant at first, considering Steve’s condition, but Sophia’s determination and the prospect of fulfilling her dream ignited a spark of hope within us. Deciding to give it a try, we organized ourselves into a team where Steve, despite his health, supervised the recipes, and Sophia and I took charge of operations.
Orders came flooding in. Word spread quickly about the bakeshop’s reopening, fueled by the community’s love for Steve’s artisanal bread and the inspiring story behind Sophia’s dream. The local newspaper even featured our little bakeshop, turning it into a symbol of resilience and dreams coming true. People, who traveled from neighboring towns, eagerly flocked to our bakeshop to extend their support, not just for the delicious treats but also to be a part of Sophia’s journey. Every batch sold out within hours, and the funds for her trip began accumulating rapidly.
②犹豫的: hesitant/uncertain/reluctant
【点睛】【高分句型1】Deciding to give it a try, we organized ourselves into a team where Steve, despite his health, supervised the recipes, and Sophia and I took charge of operations.(运用了where引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】People, who traveled from neighboring towns, eagerly flocked to our bakeshop to extend their support, not just for the delicious treats but also to be a part of Sophia’s journey. (运用了who引导的定语从句)