

名称 四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语(含答案,有听力音频有听力原文)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-21 19:28:29


树德中学高 2022级高二下学期半期考试英语试题答案
听力:1-5 BCABC 6-10 CACCA 11-15 BBCCB 16-20 CACAA
阅读:21-23 CCA 24-27 DBCA 28-31 CDCB 32-35 CBDD
36-40 CAFBD
完型:41-45 DABCA 46-50 ABDDC 51-55 ABDBC
Covering 57. the 58. were 59. to increase
60. is designed 61. and 62. homes 63. eventually
64. as 65. that
第一节 应用文
Dear Shawn,
Hope this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere appreciation for your prompt sharing of the photos that bring back the cherished memories we’ve created together.
Last month, our exploring the event themed “Check out Rongcheng” was an
unforgettable experience. Wandering through its renowned destinations, such as the romantic Jiuyanqiao Bridge across the Jinjiang River, the picturesque Tianfu Greenway around the city, as well as the Broad and Narrow Alley featuring the local leisure life, left a lasting impression on my memory.
With the summer vacation approaching, I would like to invite you to come again,
should your schedule permit. It would be an absolute delight to have you here, allowing us to further immerse ourselves in the many attractions Chengdu has to offer. I’m looking forward to your visit.
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写
Everybody on her team started screaming, “Elizabeth!Get the sock!” However, she couldn’t
hear them.It was time for desperate measures.A girl on my daughter’s team jumped in the pool,
grabbed the sock, and swam after Elizabeth.“ You have to put the sock on,” the girl screamed. The girl in lane two was about to pass Elizabeth.With the sock finally, Elizabeth swam her heart
out for the last 15 meters. It was close.But Elizabeth beat the other girl to the wall for the victory.
On the ride home, she shared her moment of winning again and again. She talked about how
scared she was when someone grabbed her foot and how funny it was when she came to the finish and how great the night was. She told me that if the T-shirt relay was an Olympic event—and she is quite sure it should be—her team would win the gold medal. I told her that in my professional view, she was absolutely right.
Text 1
M: Did you hear a light passenger plane flew off course and crashed in the mountains
W: Oh, my God! Are there any survivors
Text 2
M: So, when are the other guys going to get here The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever.
W: It’s 10:30 already. (2) They are supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by
Text 3
M: When I’m 65, I will retire from my position as a teacher.
W: Oh, you only have three years to go. (3)
Text 4
W: Can you turn down that music a little bit I’m trying to get some sleep! I need to get up at six o’clock in the morning.
M: Well, it’s not like you have to go to work or anything. You’re waking up early to get the concert
tickets! (4)
Text 5
W: Why did you leave your job with us, Peter
M: It was so hot standing in the kitchen all day. I just couldn’t bear it. (5)
Text 6
W: Good evening, sir. What can I get for you today
M: May I have a cup of tea, please
W: Of course. What kind can I get for you
M: I’m not sure. What do you recommend
W: Well, that depends on what you need. Black tea is best if you need a pick-me-up(提神的东西).
高二英语半期 2024-05 第6页 共 5页
Tea made from flowers is good if you need to calm down, and green tea is the best for your health.
M: I’ll take some green tea. (6)
W: Coming right up. Can I get you any food to go with that
M: No, I shouldn't ruin my appetite, My wife would be furious(愤怒的) with me later tonight! (7)
Text 7
W: Did you know I started my own business
M: Really That’s great. I always wanted to be my own boss.
W: I’ll admit it’s nice not to take orders from anyone, but it can be stressful, too. I have a lot more responsibility. If anything goes wrong, I have to fix it, even if it’s not my fault. (8)
M: True. But there must be advantages.
W: Oh, of course. I get to use my creativity. And I make bread every day, which I love.
M: What kind of business do you run
W: A bakery. It’s in a great location—right next to the Bank of America downtown. (9) Next time you get some cash out of the ATM, you should drop in for a snack.
M: How about a free cookie for an old friend
W: Hey, if I gave away my goods for free, I wouldn’t be a successful business owner, would I
Text 8
W: Hi, Ray! Bye, Ray!
M: Hey, where are you going, Alice
W: I have no plans today, so I’m just going to walk until I find something to do. (11)
M: That sounds nice. May I come with you
W: I don’t know if it will work with two people. You see, I want to feel free today. I've been working very hard lately and I want to stay away from anything that might cause stress.
M: Well, I won’t bother you. I’ll just walk next to you.
W: Promise you won’t talk much
M: I promise.
W. OK, you can come. You have to leave your phone at home, though. (12)
M: But what if we get lost and need to call a taxi (12)
W: I want to stay away from techlology today. No computers or phones ... not even a radio!
M: That won’t be easy for me. (12) I’m always online, no matter where I go. I keep my TV on all day, and I sleep with the lights on. (13) And I’m usually listening to music on my iPod.
W: You’re the one who really needs a break!
Text 9
W: How was your first class
M: It was pretty fun.
W: What did you do
M: We introduced ourselves by saying who we lived with and what we liked to do in our free time. Then we went over the plan for the whole term.
W: That sounds like a pretty normal beginning. Did you do any real work
M: Oh, absolutely. Once we asked a few questions about the exams and the papers, we jumped right into the first chapter of our textbook. (14) Then we even had a short test.
W: What How could you have a test on the first day of class
M: It wasn’t a real test. All the questions had at least one answer that was meant to be funny and silly. (15) And most of the questions could be answered without even thinking.
W: Like what
M: Oh, here’s one, “Who painted The Mona Lisa ” I think, the choices were Leonardo da Vinci, Lionel Messi, and Lady Gaga. (16)
W: You call that a test
M: I told you it wasn’t real. The professor just wanted us to relax and have some fun. (15) Art history can be very serious sometimes, so it’s important to keep things interesting.
W: Cool. Do you think you might want to choose art history as your major
M: Oh, it’s a little early to say. This was my first college class ever. (17) I think I’ll give it some time.
Text 10
W: I would like to introduce Dr. Jacobs. He is here to talk to us about healthy ways to lose weight, Dr. Jacobs, what are some of the mistakes people make when trying to lose weight
M: When people decide to lose weight, they often make promises to themselves to eat healthily.
The problem with this goal, however, is that it’s not specific enough. To be successful on a diet, you have to have a specific plan. First, decide which foods you want to include in your diet and which foods you want to avoid. Then, plan your meals for the week and make a shopping list. You will be much more likely to eat a healthy diet throughout the week if you do this. Another mistake that people make is that they eat too little. (18) Believe me, if you only allow yourself three very small meals each day, you are going to be hungry all the time. That means that when your colleague offers you a cookie at work, you will end up eating four of them. Additionally, when it comes to exercise, people also make mistakes. Many people do the same exercise routine over and over. The problem with this is that they get bored with it and stop exercising. It’s much better to add variety to your schedule. (19) One final mistake that people make is failing to drink enough water. Drinking water helps people not eat too much, and should be part of any weight loss plan.
高二英语半期 2024-05 第7页 共 5页
树德中学高 2022级高二下学期半期考试英语试题
命题人:宁夏高二英语备课组 审题人:石海、肖洪林、杨朝辉
时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The mountains. B. An accident. C. Some interesting courses.
When is the train leaving
A. At 10:15. B. At 10:30. C. At 10:40.
How old is the man now
A. 62. B. 65. C. 68.
Why is the woman waking up at six o’clock
To go to work.
To buy tickets to a concert.
To buy tickets to a sports event.
What job did the man probably use to do
A. A waiter. B. A manager. C. A cook.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,
每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6段材料,回答第 6至 7题。
Why does the man want to drink green tea
A. To get energized. B. To relax. C. To be healthy.
Why won’t the man have any food
A. His wife would be angry. B. He’s not hungry. C. He doesn’t like the food there.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
What does the woman dislike about owning a business
She doesn’t get a lot of help.
Her employees are not very responsible.
She is responsible for everything.
Where is her business located
A. In the countryside. B. Next to the post office. C. Near the Bank of America.
Why won’t the woman give the man any cookies
She needs to make money.
She wants him to be healthy.
She doesn’t know him very well.
听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。
11. Where is the woman going
A. To her office. B. Out for a walk. C. Home.
What does the man want to bring
A. A radio. B. His phone. C. A computer.
What does the man keep on during the day time
A. The computer. B. The lights. C. The TV.
听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 17题。
What did the class do before starting the first chapter
They took a short exam.
They talked about their hometowns.
They asked questions about the tests and papers.
What is the man’s teacher like
A. Very serious. B. Relaxed. C. Hard to please.
Which pop star does the man mention
A. Brimey Spears. B. Justin Bieber. C. Lady Gaga.
Who is the man
A. A college student. B. An art student. C. A high school student.
听第 10段材料,回答第 18至 20题。
According to the man, what mistake do dieters make
Their goals are too specific.
They occasionally eat sweets.
They don’t eat enough.
What does the man suggest about exercise
Doing different types of exercises.
Doing challenging exercises.
Drinking water when they exercise.
Who is the man probably
A. An expert. B. A TV host. C. A salesman.
高二英语半期 2024-05 第1页 共 5页
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题; 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Which book probably explores the link between science and human nature
A. None B. Don Quijote
C. A Treatise of Human Nature D. The Brothers Karamasov
Which of the following contributes to the popularity of The Brothers Karamasov
A. Rich imagination. B. Humor applied to writing.
C. Themes of love, law and duty. D. Characters representing ruling classes.
What’s the purpose of the passage
A. To inform readers of the books. B. To share studies of the books.
C. To evaluate the contents of the books. D. To compare the features of the books.
“Don Quijote” by Cervantes Saavedra
Much reading and book-learning can drive you to try and become one of the characters in your favorite novels. This is what happens to Don Quixote, who attempts many knightly acts while stopped by a world that has rejected knightly virtues.
Cervantes combines all three
elements-madness, comedy and fantasy-in between conversations and adventures.
“None” by B. Kovner
Einstein’s favourite reading during his last few months of his life were humorist stories of B. Kovner, a writer for the Jewish Daily Forward. Kovner wrote a series of humorist stories in Yiddish for the forward.
“A Treatise of Human Nature” by David Hume
Examining a scientifically applied moral philosophy is the goal of this Treatise.
Building on early complaints against the
endless guesses and arguments between
philosophers, this work promotes a move away from metaphysical speculation (形而上学的思
辨) and a permanent shift toward systems
based on observational fact.
“The Brothers Karamasov” by Dostoevsky
In the book, each character is representative of one of the ruling classes.
There is the father Fyodor, the landowner
who is careless about his land, but greedy in using its produce for himself. There’s Dmitri, who has been passed around from house to house. And gentle Alyosha, the mystic peacemaker. Throughout are themes of love, law and duty, which makes this one of the best Dostoyesky books to read.
I used to believe that only words could catch the essence of the human soul. The literary works contained such distinct stories that they shaped the way we saw the world. Words were what composed the questions we sought to uncover and the answers to those questions themselves. Words were everything.
That belief changed.
In an ordinary math class, my teacher posed a simple question: What’s 0.99 rounded to the nearest whole number Easy. When rounded to the nearest whole number, 0.99 = 1. Somehow, I thought even though 0.99 is only 0.01 away from 1, there’s still a 0.01 difference. That means even if two things are only a little different, they are still different, so doesn’t that make them
completely different
My teacher answered my question by presenting another equation (等式): 1 = 0.9· , which
could also be expressed as 1 = 0.999999... repeating itself without ever ending.
There was something mysterious but fascinating about the equation. The left side was unchangeable, objective: it contained a number that ended. On the right was something endless, a
number repeating itself limitless times. Yet, somehow, these two opposed things were connected by
an equal sign.
Lying in bed, I thought about how much the equation paralleled our existence. The left side of
the equation represents that sometimes life itself is so unchangeable and so clear. The concrete, whole number of the day when you were born and the day when you would die. But then there is that gap in between life and death. The right side means a time and space full of limitless possibilities, and endless opportunities into the open future.
So that’s what life is. Objective but imaginative. Unchangeable but limitless. Life is an
equation with two sides that balances itself out. Still, we can’t ever truly seem to put the perfect words to it. So possibly numbers can express ideas as equally well as words can. For now, let’s leave it at that: 1 = 0.999999... and live a life like it.
高二英语半期 2024-05 第2页 共 5页
What does the author emphasize about words in Paragraph 1
A. Their wide variety. B. Their literary origins.
C. Their distinct sounds. D. Their expressive power.
What made the author find the equation fascinating
A. The repetition of a number. B. The way two different numbers are equal.
C. The question the teacher raised. D. The difference between the two numbers.
Which of the following can replace the underlined word “paralleled” in Paragraph 6
A. Measured. B. Composed. C. Mirrored. D. Influenced.
What is a suitable title for the text
A. The Perfect Equation B. Numbers Build Equations
C. An Attractive Question D. Words Outperform Numbers
Recently it has dawned on the government that closing more than 1,000 of England’s railway station ticket offices would not be very smart politics. The transport secretary, Mark Harper, announced that train operators had been asked to withdraw the cost-cutting strategy, which the
government itself had originally pushed on them. The writing was already on the wall in the
summer, when public anger led to an extension of the consultation period on the proposed closures. By the time it ended, 750,000 responses had been recorded, 99% of them negative.
The public’s concerns were over future access to travel advice and information, assistance for
disabled people, safety at understaffed stations, and consequences for the digitally excluded. But the passionate opposition also underlined a widespread sense that railway stations must be more than transit (交通) bined with a reformed ticketing system, that insight should now inform a positive approach to breathing life into England’s railways and attracting more people back on to trains.
As a report published this autumn by the Campaign for Better Transport sets out, there is an
urgent case for fairer ticketing reform across the network. For over a decade, the relative cost of taking the train rather than the car has skyrocketed, as fares have risen while fuel duty has been frozen. Over a third of the public are confused by the numerous types of ticket available, and the complex regulations that apply to them. Why should an anytime return from Chelmsford to London cost 32.60, when to cover the same distance from Grays to London costs 13.40
The failed attempt to shut down ticket offices had its roots in a short-term ministerial response
to falling revenues (收入). But as the country strives to achieve a challenging green transition, the government should work to establish a simpler, fairer ticketing system that offers imaginative rewards to take the train; and to develop an ambitious plan for our stations — one that reflects their important role in the lives of the travelling public.
What does the underlined words in the first paragraph probably mean
A. The public expressed their anger. B. The proposal was put up on a wall.
C. Unfavorable outcome was expected. D. The government adopted the policy.
What can be inferred about England’s railways
A. They have expanded their services. B. They have undergone ticketing reform.
C. They have included more transit zones. D. They have seen a decline in public favor.
What does Paragraph 3 mainly focus on
A. The popularity of car ownership. B. The development of ticketing reform.
C. The problems of the ticketing system. D. The application of complex regulations.
What is the best title for the text
A. Rising Prices of Train Travel B. Urgent Calls for Rail Revival
C. Failed Closure of Railway Stations D. Tough Route to Green Transit Initiatives
Dreams have fascinated people for thousands of years, yet we struggle to understand their purpose. A more recent theory suggests nighttime dreams protect visual areas of the brain from being taken over during sleep by other sensory functions, such as hearing or touch.
David Eagleman, a neuroscience at Stanford University, has proposed the idea that dreaming
is necessary to protect the visual cortex (大脑皮层) — the part of the brain responsible for processing vision. He argues that neurons (神经元) compete for survival. The brain, Eagleman explains, distributes its resources by “implementing a do-or-die competition” for brain territory in which sensory areas “gain or lose neural territory when inputs slow, stop or shift.” Eagleman points to people who lose sight or hearing. They show heightened sensitivity in the remaining senses because the region of the brain normally used by the lost sense is taken over by other senses.
When you sleep, you can smell, hear and feel, but visual information is absent — except
during REM sleep. About 90 minutes after drifting off to sleep, you enter REM. It begins when neurons in your brain stem signal the beginning of two important tasks. Activity of these neurons, for one, paralyze major muscles, preventing the sleeper from acting out what is happening in the dream. Also, these brain cells send messages directly to the visual cortex, which starts the dreaming process. Scans of dreaming people show most of the brain activity associated with REM is within the visual cortex. Dreams are the brain’s way of fighting takeover from other senses, according to Eagleman.
Eagleman says that his theory can accommodate other explanations for dreams and that REM
sleep may serve many purposes besides protecting the visual cortex. Think of dreaming like a computer screen saver that is set to go off every 90 minutes — except that instead of protecting
高二英语半期 2024-05 第3页 共 5页
against frozen images, dreams prevent the visual cortex from being occupied by other functions.
What is Eagleman’s primary theory about dreams
A. They strengthen sensory functions. B. They process emotional experiences.
C. They safeguard certain brain territory. D. They heighten visual responsiveness.
How does Eagleman interpret neurons’ activity regarding resource distribution
A. Precise selection. B. Desperate struggle.
C. Rapid adaptation. D. Harmonious balance.
What do we know about REM sleep
A. It lasts for about 90 minutes. B. It consists of two critical stages.
C. It allows sleepers to act out their dreams. D. It starts with brain stem’s signaling process.
Why are dreams compared to a computer screen saver
A To show their creative aspect. B. To highlight their randomness.
C. To signify their repetitive nature. D. To illustrate their protective function.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Once, I had an American friend. After she went back home, I never heard from her again. I can’t help but wonder if there can ever be real friendship between Westerners and us Chinese.
What is friendship The Oxford English Dictionary says, “The emotions or conduct of friends.”
In both Western and Chinese culture, we have similar proverbs when it comes to friendship, such
as “a friend in need is a friend indeed.” 36
Chinese people value friendship highly. As you know, Chinese people are known to be
extremely hospitable and open-hearted. 37 However, there are different types of friendship
and they treat them differently.
One type of friend in China is a “close acquaintance” who only occasionally eats and drinks
and hangs out with you. In the West, they are called “a fair-weather (不可共患难的) friend.” Nikki
was that kind of friend. Despite our language barrier, we had a lot of fun together. 38 Only
real friends can enter your inner circle, where assistance and special care are always provided.
They tend to make friends with those who share the same values or interests. When
foreign friend of mine asks for favors on behalf of his or her friend, I often have to clarify whether that person is a “close friend” or just a friend, and then I will decide how much I will help.
But the depth of that friendship is different. So how will you know how I feel about
you Well, the moment I stop being polite around you, you are my real friend.
They refer to anyone they know as a “friend”.
Friendship in the West is mostly pursued for fun.
However, there is a cultural gap between the two sides.
Of course, Westerners and Chinese people can be good friends.
Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.
The second type of friend in China is a “real friend” who is practically your family.
They’ll take turns with you in picking up the bill, because that’s what good friends do.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Black people left the South for multiple reasons, including severe Jim Crow laws that denied
black people their civil rights and economic conditions that made advancement next to impossible.
They saw 41 for them to get in northern cities, where workers were needed during labor
shortages 42 by World War I. Between 1915 and about 1960, northern industrial cities 43
five million black people, becoming majority black.
Many went to the northern city of Harlem — a New York neighborhood that had once been a
rural 44 white area. During a real estate crash at the turn of the 20th century, the 45 of
property became more willing to rent to black renters. Property values then 46 as white
residents attempted to offload their real estate and move away. 47 , the area became majority
black, and Harlem tuned into an attraction for migrants 48 economic chance and a rich
cultural and social life.
These 49 weren’t just from the American South: A group of people came from Caribbean
countries like Jamaica, Antigua, and Trinidad, 50 economic downturns because of the decline
of sugar prices throughout the West Indies.
That cultural 51 stimulated new types of expression and thought. Promoted by black
churches and businesses, Harlem 52 life. There, a poor black worker could brush 53
with educated, wealthy black residents. They could take part in entertainment by black people, for
black people. The Jamaica-born black, Marcus Garvey, even 54 the Universal Negro
Improvement Association to 55 racial pride and economic independence.
A. guilt B. ability C. electricity D. opportunity
A. caused B. stopped C. changed D. improved
A. adjusted B. absorbed C. abandoned D. advertised
A. empty B. hungry C. wealthy D. temporary
A. owners B. creators C. donators D. consumers
A. dropped B. recovered C. doubled D. exploded
A. Enormously B. Eventually C. Especially D. Exceptionally
A. in charge of B. in defence of C. in advance of D. in search of
高二英语半期 2024-05 第4页 共 5页
A. travelers B. defenders C. entertainers D. newcomers
A. researching B. observing C. escaping D. exploring
A. mixture B. future C. adventure D. departure
A. was bored with B. was filled with C. was loaded with D. was decorated with
A. arms B. faces C. hands D. shoulders
A. accused B. founded C. discovered D. certificated
A. judge B. control C. support D. forgive
第二节 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内的单词的正确形式。
The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park
(GPNP). 56 (cover) an area about three times 57 size of Yellowstone National Park, the
GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. The plan will extend protection to a
significant number of areas that 58 (be) previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing
protected areas for giant pandas under one authority 59 (increase) effectiveness and reduce
inconsistencies in management.
After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next year. The
GPNP 60 (design) to reflect the guiding principle of “protecting the authenticity and integrity
(完整性) of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer
zones, 61 leaving behind precious natural assets (资产) for future generations”. The GPNP’s
main goal is to improve connectivity between separate populations and 62 (home) of giant
pandas, and 63 (eventual) achieve a desired level of population in the wild.
Giant pandas also serve 64 an umbrella species, bringing protection to a host of plants
and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of China. The GPNP is intended to provide
stronger protection for all the species 65 live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly
improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
假定你是李华,上个月你和外国朋友 Shawn 一起参加了“打卡蓉城”的 City Walk 活动。他回国后给你发来了照片,请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
词数 80 左右;
参考词汇: 打卡蓉城 Check out Rongcheng
第二节(满分 25分)
My 11-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, started to talk about quitting swimming, which broke my heart because she loves swimming. So when the swim season began, I cut a deal with her. She would practice three times a week and try really hard. I wouldn’t make her compete in the swim meets. Elizabeth does not like swim meets. She gets horribly nervous but not because she wants to win. She doesn’t care if she wins.
Recently, Elizabeth’s team announced a special swim night: Members 11 and older would
swim a timed 50 meters relay. It wasn’t exactly a meet, because it would involve only team members. That was my view. Elizabeth argued that it absolutely was a meet because there would be races. I told Elizabeth I really wanted her to go. She fought back angrily but finally agreed.
When the day of the special swim night arrived, Elizabeth was nervous. She was the youngest
person and shorter by at least a foot than most of the other kids. She panicked when it was time for the T-shirt relay. The relay works like this: One person from each relay team puts on a T-shirt, a pair of socks, and a swim cap; swims 50 meters; and gets out of the pool. She takes off the clothes and puts them on the next person, who then swims 50 meters. This continues until everyone on the team has completed a lap.
Then it was Elizabeth’s turn to swim. She seemed to swim faster in the T-shirt and socks than
she did when she wasn’t wearing them. Approaching the halfway mark, Elizabeth was in the lead. Suddenly, somebody noticed that one of Elizabeth’s socks had fallen off and was floating in the pool. “She has to get that sock on before the end of the race,” a swimming official told Elizabeth’s team, “or you will be disqualified.”
续写词数应为 150左右;
Everybody on her team started screaming, “Elizabeth! Get the sock!” ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
On the ride home, she shared her moment of winning again and again. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
高二英语半期 2024-05 第5页 共 5