湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月联考英语试卷(有答案解析与听力原文 有音频)


名称 湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月联考英语试卷(有答案解析与听力原文 有音频)
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文件大小 19.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-22 09:02:23


考试时间:2024年5月21日8:00-10:00 考试时长:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
( )1.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In the bookshop. B.In the register office. C.At Linda’s wedding.
( )2.How will the woman probably go there
A.By air. B.By walk. C.By train.
( )3.What is the probable relationship between the man and Peggy
A.Father and daughter. B.Manager and secretary. C.Neighbors.
( )4.What is the woman doing
A.Changing a reservation. B.Making a reservation. C.Checking a reservation.
( )5.What does the woman think of the dress
A.It’s too sticky. B.It’s too thin. C.It’s too costly.
( )6.What does Mr. Brown think of the gift
A.Fancy. B.Special. C.Practical.
( )7.What is Mr. Brown probably going to do this Christmas holiday
A.Stay at home. B.Go on a trip. C.Vis it some friends.
( )8.What was the man’s attitude toward advertisements
A.Objective. B.Supportive. C.Critical.
( )9.How did the woman know about her favorite advertisement
A.From her phone. B.From television. C.From a computer.
( )10.What does the woman like in her favorite advertisement
A.Its inspiring plot.
B.Its well-known actors.
C.Its vivid images and sound effects.
( )11.Why doesn’t Jay move
A.He is short of money.
B.He likes where he lives now.
C.His wife does not want to move.
( )12.What does Molly advise Jay to do
A.Buy a house in a special way.
B.Save time as much as he can.
C.Make a decision within two days.
( )13.Who owns a house bought from the government
A.Jay’s son. B.Molly’s aunt. C.Jay’s aunt.
( )14.Where are the speakers now
A.At the hospital. B.On the plane. C.At the airport.
( )15.What will the speakers probably do after arriving in France
A.Visit some relatives. B.Buy some luxury goods. C.Go to the local duty-free shops.
( )16.What can we learn from the conversation
A.The man likes smoking.
B.The woman is badly hurt.
C.The man disagrees with the woman.
( )17.How long will the speakers probably stay in France
A.Nine days. B.Nine weeks. C.Nine months.
( )18.How many kinds of raw materials for chopsticks are mentioned
A.4 B.5 C.6
( )19.What can we learn from the talk
A.Chopsticks have a history of 5,000 years.
B.There are some manners with chopsticks.
C.About 1.5 million people are using chopsticks.
( )20.Why does Asian cooking come in small pieces
A.More tasty. B.More convenient. C.More energy-saving.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
4 poetry collections to read and enjoy
In honor of National Poetry Month, celebrated every April, we’re sharing a roundup of poetry collections that have been published within the last year.
Black Girl You Are Atlas
By Renee Watson,
illustrated by Ekua Holmes
Renee Watson, the best-selling author of Ways to Make Sunshine, draws from her childhood for some of these poems, which include haiku and free verse. The subjects range from racial injustice to self-love. The artwork is spectacular.
Ages 12 and up
In and Out the Window
By Jane Volen,
illustrated by Cathrin Peterslund
In addition to being the author of more than 350 novels, Jane Yolen is an esteemed poet. This new collection includes more than 100 of her works on popular childhood topics including school, animals, and sports. One title: “On My Toes: A True Story. ”
Ages 8-12
Poetry Comics
By Grant Snider
illustrated by Leo Dawson
The dozens of short poems in this collection are written and illustrated in comic panels. The book contains four chapters—one for each season of the year. Titles for the spring poems include “Bubbles,” “Balloon Story,” and “Tadpole.” The subjects for the poems feel fresh and fun.
Ages 8-12
She’ll Be the Sky
By Ela Risbridger,
illustrated by Anna Shepeta
Dozens of female poets, including Amanda Gorman, contributed to this collection. Topics range from animals to activism. Most poems are accompanied by a full-page color illustration.
Ages 8 and up
( )21.Which book is tailored for readers who are over 12 years old
A.Poetry Comics. B.She’ll Be the Sky.
C.In and Out the Window. D.Black Girl You Are Atlas.
( )22.What is Poetry Comics about
A.Animals and activism. B.Four seasons of the year.
C.Popular childhood topics. D.Racial injustice and self-love.
( )23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To fascinate poetry-goers. B.To advertise 4 poetry collections.
C.To celebrate National Poetry Month. D.To comment on 4 poetry collections.
Our old, artificial Christmas tree was in rough shape by the time we retired it. At least a decade had passed since my wife and I bought the tree, a medium-size fake tree with built-in lights, at a Target in Brooklyn and carried it on the subway to our tiny apartment. Over the years, we dragged that tree from apartment, jammed it onto a moving truck to Los Angeles and later packed the weathered box onto another moving truck, this time to Chicago and our current home. By the end, layers of duct tape (强力胶布) held the box together, the wear and tear of a decade of delivering holiday cheer.
Our little tree looked run down, but it was the only tree our family ever knew. It stands proud and glowing in the background of photos of me and my pregnant wife during our last Christmas in Brooklyn without children. Our oldest was born a month later during a January snowstorm. The tree shows up again in the next year’s photos, this time surrounded by holiday gifts for a boy about to turn 1. Then it appears in photos of our son and his 1-month-old brother, this time with California palm trees just outside the door. And in more recent photos, our tree lights up windows overlooking shining Chicago snow. This year, after much debate, we decided to retire our dear old tree, with its bent branches and the lights that had burned out years ago. Rather than feel depressed, we used the moment to launch a new family tradition: our first real Christmas tree.
So here’s a toast to all your family’s traditions—the old and the new. I hope you enjoy this issue, which we have filled with stories of seasonal joy and holiday cheer. Happy holidays!
( )24.Where is the author’s present home
A.In Chicago. B.In Brooklyn. C.In California. D.In Los Angeles.
( )25.Why did the author keep the old tree for so long
A.His budget was tight. B.He was attached to it.
C.It was in good condition. D.It was environmentally-friendly.
( )26.Who is probably the author
A.An editor. B.A salesman. C.A delivery man. D.A home designer.
( )27.What can we learn from the story
A.The finest diamond must be cut.
B.Out with the old, in with the new.
C.Old friends and old wine are best.
D.All things in their being are good for something.
While we might like to think we would rush to someone’s assistance, we know from studies that often people hang back and this can have tragic consequences.
One of the most famous examples of this is the tragic case of Kitty Genovese who was fatally stabbed (刺伤) in Kew Gardens, New York, in 1964.Subsequent investigations concluded that several people saw or heard what was happening, but did nothing to intervene. This has been termed the “bystander effect” —a well-known psychological phenomenon where individuals are less likely to offer help to someone when other people are present. The more people there are, the less likely they are to help.
There are various factors contributing to this effect—people think that others will get involved or intervene. Afterwards people often say they did not feel qualified or senior or important enough to be the one to intervene. It is also partly down to “pluralistic (多元化的) ignorance” —since everyone is not reacting to the emergency, they don’t need to either; it’s not serious because no one else is doing anything. After a serious incident where people have been affected by the bystander effect, they are often horrified that they didn’t do anything—they can’t believe they had not realized it was more serious or that they didn’t think to get involved.
The important thing to understand though is that other studies have shown that once people are aware of the bystander effect, they are less likely to be affected by it. Self-awareness is the best approach to it. When confronted with an emergency, think to yourself how you would behave if you were on your own. Ignore everyone else and how they are behaving and go with your courage—if you’d call an ambulance, do it. If you’d run for help, do it. If that’s how you would have behaved when you were on your own, then that’s probably the right course of action.
( )28.Why does the author mention “the tragic case of Kitty Genovese” in paragraph 2
A.To present a fact. B.To confirm a finding.
C.To predict a conclusion. D.To illustrate an approach.
( )29.Influenced by the bystander effect, people may ______.
A.feel confident to intervene. B.tend to help people in need.
C.be well aware of bad consequences. D.feel shocked after a serious incident.
( )30.What does the author suggest people do when faced with an emergency
A.Think twice. B.Follow others.
C.Step in at once. D.Take action cautiously.
( )31.What is the best title of the text
A.Behave Yourself B.Don’t Be A Bystander
C.Action in An Emergency D.Severity of Bystander Effect
Depending on your view, the recorder is an instrument of “incredible functions” or a tool of annoyance that has bothered primary schools for too many generations. But now, it faces extinction, with one of the UK’s top music schools reporting an 80% decline in the number of young people playing it in the last 10 years.
The instrument’s future is so imperiled that the European Recorder Teachers Association is trying to bring it back to life again so it does not leave the stage. The ERTA argues that if the recorder was good enough for the Beatles, it has a place in modern music today.
Tom Redmond, the principal of Chetham’s school of music in Manchester, said only three of its pupils practised the recorder, compared with 15 a decade ago. “More pupils were taking up the piano or other instruments,” said Redmond. “The ones that became really popular are the ones students spend more time playing alone. With the instruments being more socially based, there has been a decline, just like the recorder. ”
Redmond also said that this problem extended “beyond the recorder itself” and was a mirror of the future of music. “Like removing any plant or animal from an ecosystem, removing the recorder has a huge chain effect beyond just the instrument. You need these instruments to create the inspiration for music, and without that, there is less excitement to learn music,” he said.
Chris Orton, a recorder tutor and chair of the ERTA, is leading the fight against the instrument’s extinction. He said, “The recorder is increasingly overlooked by students, and yet it has a rich history and incredible attractions. As well as making beautiful sounds, it’s an accessible instrument in that it is low-cost compared to other woodwind instruments, and it’s light and easy to carry.”
( )32.What does the underlined word “imperiled” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.In danger. B.Full of hope. C.Out of memory. D.Beyond recognition.
( )33.What may result in a decrease of playing the recorder according to paragraph 3
A.Students are less excited to learn it.
B.Its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
C.It requires more cooperation with other instruments.
D.Students are more likely to play high-end instruments.
( )34.What can we infer from Redmond’s words
A.Music education is essential for students.
B.The recorder shapes the future of music.
C.The recorder plays an important role in music.
D.Nature is a rich source of inspiration for musicians.
( )35.What does Ort on think of the recorder
A.It needs to be improved. B.It is inconvenient to play.
C.It is a priority for students. D.It deserves more attention.
Knowledge is power, and the more you learn about mental health, the better the position you may be in to help those facing mental health battles. Consider doing the following things to support those closest to you.
Attend a training course
36 . In fact, anyone can benefit from depression awareness training that focuses on supporting those at risk. You might be a teacher that manages youth or a sports coach wanting to pick up on depression risk signs in your players. You may even be a worried parent who wants to make sure your children can tell you anything. Depression awareness and prevention courses teach you both theoretical and practical skills to recognize warning signs and behaviors. 37 .
If someone approaches you in their time of need, it’s not always easy to know what you’re supposed to do, and it may be more beneficial for you to just listen. 38 . They may just need to get what they are feeling off their chest and to feel valid at that moment. Try your best not to interrupt, but ask questions if you require clarification. The more listening you do, the better your position in deciding what to do next.
While being a listening ear is sometimes all someone needs to feel better, you can also become an ongoing source of support. Check in with the person experiencing a mental health problem like depression so that they know you are always there for them. Make contact with them regularly to see how they are feeling. Just knowing someone cares can make a world of difference.
Call emergency services
Your support, guidance, and listening ear can be of great value to anyone going through a tough time. 40 . If someone you know is experiencing self-abuse thoughts or tendencies, don’t delay in seeking emergency help. The faster you act, the safer your friend or family member may be.
A.Check in with them
B.Suggest support services
C.However, it’s essential to know your limits
D.Such a course may just help you to prevent someone’s depression
E.They may not need you to offer solutions or even give them a hug
F.Sometimes, the best thing you can do is encourage them to seek professional help
G.You don’t have to be in a professional health role to attend depression prevention training
It was December 2022. I was finishing up my Ph. D. in the United Kingdom, and a professor I admired invited me to interview for a position in his lab in Japan. The interview went well. I was sure everything would go 41 in 2023.
Then, in April, my mother told me about some strange symptoms she was 42 . “Have you submitted your thesis (毕业论文) yet ” she asked me. “Almost, Mom,” I said. She seemed to be 43 . But I was buried in finishing my experiments, so I brushed away my 44 . A week later, the doctors had an update: It was lung cancer. During the next 2 months, I was 45 between my research and my family as I prepared for my defense, 46 for mid-July. My Ph. D. supervisor (导师) encouraged me to take all the time I needed to be with my mom, but my 47 always pulled me back to the lab. In the meantime, cancer had spread throughout my mother’s body.
Yet my scientific 48 still occupied me. I was set to attend a conference in New Zealand in early July. But on my way to the 49 , I got the news that my mother had 1 or 2 years left. So I flew back to Madrid instead. I 50 my Ph. D. defense. Meanwhile—in just 3 weeks—the rest of my mother’s life was changed to 1 year, then months, weeks, days. Cancer 51 my mother at the end of July. I am always 52 for losing precious time with my mother. I had never slowed down before, knowing what it takes to secure an academic 53 . Losing my mother put things into perspective for me. I saw the humane side of science in the 54 and flexibility offered by my Ph. D. supervisor. And the work I missed felt 55 . I defended my thesis in September and moved to Tokyo later.
Please, take my advice: If your loved ones need you now, be there for them.
( )41.A.south B.miserably C.wrong D.smoothly
( )42.A.awaiting B.undergoing C.sowing D.recovering
( )43.A.holding back B.picking up C.turning down D.running out
( )44.A.patience B.technique C.concern D.knowledge
( )45.A.torn B.pessimistic C.loyal D.cruel
( )46.A.deleted B.scheduled C.polished D.pressed
( )47.A.strength B.strings C.expectations D.correspondence
( )48.A.breakthroughs B.disposals C.regulations D.commitments
( )49.A.airport B.hospital C.lab D.university
( )50.A.shaved off B.put off C.took off D.gave off
( )51.A.beat B.grieved C.abandoned D.restored
( )52.A.responsible B.sympathetic C.anxious D.sorry
( )53.A.integrity B.resolution C.position D.interview
( )54.A.prejudice B.vision C.consideration D.insistence
( )55.A.significant B.fixed C.flexible D.unimportant
As the world’s largest energy consumer, China plays a vital role in shaping the global energy market, said Sobotka, who serves as the co-chair of the Global Battery Alliance. China’s rapid economic growth and urbanization have led to 56 increase in energy demands across various sectors 57 (include) industry, transportation, and residential use, he said. He added that China’s energy consumption affects not only market prices but the demand for different energy sources worldwide. Regarding coal, China is 58 (current) the world’s largest consumer and producer of coal, according to data from the International Energy Alliance. Despite 59 (consist) efforts on energy transition, coal is about 60 (dominate) China’s energy mix due to its abundant domestic reserves and 61 (affordable) , he said, adding that this reliance contributes to a high level of greenhouse gas emissions. It is not only China’s energy policies, but its domestic production and imports that have a profound effect 62 global energy markets, he said. In recent years, China 63 (make) substantial investments in renewable energy such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.
Sobotka attended the China Development Forum 2024 in Beijing from Sunday to Monday, during 64 he shared his views with Chinese government officials and entrepreneurs from all over the world. The forum is hosted by the Development Research Center of the State Council 65 organized by the China Development Research Foundation.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
A 25-Kilometer Hiking
The newfound team, now officially known as the Wildcats, started their basketball journey with a mix of eagerness and anxiety. The community center’s basketball court became their arena (竞技场), a place where failures were just stepping stones to success, and every dribble (运球), pass, and shot was a lesson in disguise.
Under Mr. Jordan’s guidance, practices became more than just learning how to play basketball; they were about discovering the strengths within and the power of unity. He had an approach to seeing the potential in every player.
One afternoon, as the team gathered around Mr. Jordan, he introduced a new drill that focused on passing and communication. “Basketball is a language,” he explained. “If you can’t communicate, you can’t win. This drill will help you understand each other without words. ”
The drill was a disaster at first. Passes went wrong, and frustration mounted. Jasmine’s quick passes were too swift for Mia, and Lucas’s attempts at humor during the drill only led to more confusion. Eli, ever the observer, noticed the tension and suggested a simple r system of hand signals they had discussed in a previous practice. Gradually, the team began to find their rhythm, learning to anticipate each other’s moves and communicate more effectively.
It wasn’t just basketball skills that the Wildcats were developing; it was a sense of belonging and trust in one another. Each practice ended with a team gathering, where Mr. Jordan shared stories from his coaching days, emphasizing the lessons learned from losses more than wins.
Paragraph 1: Soon came their first real game against a more experienced team. ____________________________
Paragraph 2: The second half saw a different Wildcats team. ___________________________________________
1-5 ABABA 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 AABCA 16-20 CBCBC
第一节 阅读短文(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
21-25 DBCAB 26-30 ABBDC 31-35 BACCD
第二节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
36-40 GDEAC
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
41-45 DBACA 46-50 BCDAB 51-55ADCCD
56.an 57.including 58.currently 59.consistent 60.to dominate
61.affordability 62.on/ upon 63.has made 64.which 65.and
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
One possible version
A 25-Kilometer Hiking
Last Saturday witnessed our school’s 25-kilometer hiking, aiming to admire the beauty of the nature and relieve our pressure of the study.
As scheduled, last Saturday morning, at 8 o’clock, we gathered at the school Square and held a brief setting-off ceremony where our headmasters, teachers and classmates delivered speeches to cheer us on to finish such a long hiking. Then, we began our journey from the school gate, holding flags with inspiring slogans. Subsequently, we lined up and marched side by side, laughing and singing all the way. After that, we returned along the same path around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, exhausted but delighted.
What a meaningful activity it was! Not only did it sharpen our perseverance but it also promoted our bond with each other.
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
One possible version
Paragraph 1: Soon came their first real game against a more experienced team. The Wildcats started strong, their hard work and team spirit translating into a united performance. However, as the game progressed, their inexperience showed. The opposing team took advantage of every mistake, widening the gap in scores. During halftime, Mr. Jordan gathered the Wildcats. “Cheer up! Make full use of your potential and find your rhythm. Unity is strength!” Taking Mr. Jordan’s words to heart, they determined to make the best of their own strengths to cooperate.
Paragraph 2: The second half saw a different Wildcats team. Jasmine’s smartness became the team’s secret weapon. Eli’s quiet leadership on the court steadied the team’s nerves. Mia’s newfound confidence made her a powerful defender, and Lucas’s spirited energy kept their spirits high. Though still falling behind, they played with heart, each member supporting the others. Gradually, they narrowed the gap in scores. Eventually, they won the game. The game was a turning point. It taught the Wildcats the value of perseverance and the importance of supporting each other. They had faced their first real challenge and became stronger.
语篇解读:新建的野猫篮球队在教练Mr. Jordan的指导下,正面临着第一场比赛。
Text 1
M: Hello, Annie Green! Fancy meeting you here in the bookstore!
W: Hi, David Smith, long time no see. It seems that we haven’t seen each other for 2 years.
M: No, actually the last time we met was at Linda’s wedding. It was last year.
Text 2
W: Could you please tell me where the Forbidden City is
M: Yes. Follow this road and turn right at the second crossing. It’ll be right there.
W: Is it far
M: No, it should only take you about 15 minutes to get there on foot. You can also take a bus for 5 minutes.
Text 3
M: Could you babysit for me tonight I have to pick up my manager from the airport.
W: No problem. This is what the neighbors should do. And I like Peggy very much.
Text 4
W: Hello. I’d like to reserve a table for three at 6:30 this evening.
M: Let me check. Hold on, please, ma’am…Yes, that’s fine. Smoking or nonsmoking area
Text 5
M: Welcome to our shop. It seems you are interested in this dress. It is very suitable for office ladies like you.
W: Yes. But I am afraid it is too thick to wear in summer. It’s getting hotter in the following days.
Text 6
W: Merry Christmas, Mr. Brown. ⑥I would like to give you the book I specially chose as a gift. I think you would be fond of it.
M: Thanks, Mrs. White. ⑥It’ll be of great help in my work.
W: ⑦By the way, do you have any plans for this holiday
M: I used to stay at home or visit some friends, ⑦but this year I want to go somewhere alone.
Text 7
M: ⑧I was driven crazy by different advertisements on my cellphone and computer.
W: But we have to admit that there are still some good advertisements.
M: Really ⑨What is your favorite advertisement
W:⑨It was an advertisement made by Unilever. I accidentally saw it on TV.
M: What happened in it
W: It told a story in which the children all loved their stepmother due to the white shirts she prepared for them.
M: Sounds interesting. Was there any famous actor or actress in it
W: Not at all.
M: Did it attract much attention
W: I have no idea, but I saw it in many public places.
M: ⑩Okay, what do you like in the advertisement
W: ⑩Well, the vivid images and sound effects did attract me.
M: How have advertisements changed recently
W: They’re more modern. Digital marketing has proved successful in many fields.
Text 8
W: Have you ever thought of moving, Jay
M: My wife and I have thought about it, but we can’t afford it right now. Molly, you know, the only thing we could afford would be living in such bad conditions, although I don’t want to do it.
W: Buying a house can be expensive most of the time, but there are ways to find cheaper houses. Listen, sometimes the government sells some houses at a lower price. You have to make a quick decision in a day, but you would definitely save money doing it that way.
M: That’s a good idea. Do you know anyone who has done that before
W: Sure, my aunt just bought a house that way. She’s pretty satisfied with it. Her son also plans to buy a house that way.
Text 9
M: Our flight doesn’t leave for another hour. Why don’t we take a look around these duty-free shops
W: Sure. There’s the alcohol and tobacco store.
M: You know I don’t smoke, and I don’t want to carry any bottles with us.
W: How about giving them as gifts to our uncles in France It has been a year since we last went there.
M: I don’t know what they like. We can choose gifts for them after we arrive in Paris.
W: Okay, then let’s take a look around this store.
M: I should have guessed. Perfume and women’s items.
W: So Oh! Look! Christian Dior scarves. Armani and Chanel perfume!
M: Sounds like you died and went to heaven.
W: What’s wrong with a girl feeling good
M: Nothing. But I wouldn’t blow all my money here. We still have nine weeks in France to go!
Text 10
W: It is such a sort of instrumental part of our cooking vocabulary. And it is interesting that there are people who live without chopsticks. Chopsticks are a pair of two long sticks used to eat things with one hand. Holding chopsticks is a little bit like holding a pencil. Most of them are made out of wood. They’re also made out of plastic, bamboo, gold, silver and even ivory (象牙). There’s evidence of chopsticks as long ago as the Shang dynasty, which is about 3,000 years ago. Chopsticks are really well designed for eating small bits of food. They’re good for picking up noodles. If you’re skilled, you can eat rice, pick up dumplings and pieces of meat. There are some no-nos (禁忌) with chopsticks. You should not use the chopsticks like drumsticks. You don’t want to stick chopsticks into a bowl of rice face-up. And it’s sort of like a sign of death. Chopsticks are used in a huge portion of the world, across much of Asia, about 1.5 billion people are covered in the chopsticks sphere (范围). Different cultures have slightly different variations of chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks will tend to be long and round; Korean chopsticks are flatter and often made of metal; Japanese chopsticks tend to be round and very, very pointy (尖的). One of the things about Asian cooking is that it often comes in very small pieces. And I think part of that has to do with the fact that it’s actually a lot more energy-efficient (节能的) to cook little pieces quickly.
语篇出处: www.the week
21.D 细节理解题。根据题干关键词“over 12 years old”超过十二岁定位到原文第一本诗集Black Girl You Are Atlas中的Ages 12 and up,over对应up,因此选D。
22.B 细节理解题。根据题干关键词Poetry Comics定位到原文第三本诗集中的The book contains four chapters—one for each season of the year. 这本书有四章,每一章是关于一年中的一个季节。因此选B。
23.C 推理判断题。根据题干文章写作目的是什么?定位到原文第一段In honor of National Poetry Month, celebrated every April, we’re sharing a roundup of poetry collections that have been published within the last year. 为了庆祝每年四月的国家诗歌月,我们将分享过去一年出版的诗歌集。In honor of对应to celebrate因此选C。A.吸引诗歌迷。干扰项B为4本诗集做广告,而原文未提关于购买的花费和方式,不属于广告。干扰项D为了评论4本诗集,不是写作的目的。因此选C。
24.A 细节理解题。根据题干关键词present home定位到原文第一段中的Over the years, we dragged that tree from apartment, jammed it onto a moving truck to Los Angeles and later packed the weathered box onto another moving truck, this time to Chicago and our current home. 多年来,我们把那棵树从公寓里拖出来,塞进一辆运往洛杉矶的卡车上,后来又把这个饱经风霜的盒子装上另一辆卡车,这一次是运往芝加哥我们现在的家。present对应current,因此选A。
25.B 推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段的内容主要讲述了我的老圣诞树见证了我的搬家,妻子的怀孕,孩子的出生,成长等家庭变迁,在这辞旧迎新的节日,我更换了新的圣诞树,表达了我对它的恋恋不舍。因此选B。A项他的预算拮据。文章未提。B项我对它恋恋不舍,正是文章表达的情感。C项它的状况好,这与文中第一段首句中的in rough shape状况差和第二段首句looked run down看上去衰败的表达意思相反。D项环保的。文章未提。
26.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段I hope you enjoy this issue, which we have filled with stories of seasonal joy and holiday cheer. 我希望你喜欢这一期的文章,我们编排满了季节性欢乐和节日欢乐的故事,可以推断出作者可能是一名编辑。因此选A。B.一名售货员。C.一名快递员。D.一名家居设计师。issue n. 一期(刊物)
27.B 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句Rather than feel depressed, we used the moment to launch a new family tradition: our first real Christmas tree. 我们没有感到沮丧,而是利用这一时刻发起了一项新的家庭传统:我们的第一棵真的圣诞树。再结合全文的内容在这辞旧迎新的节日,我更换了新的圣诞树,因此选B。A.玉不琢不成器。B.辞旧迎新。C.老友陈酿最好。D.天生我材必有用。
语篇出处:www.the guardian.com
28.B 推理判断题。根据题干关键词the tragic case of Kitty Genovese定位到第二段 One of the most famous examples of this is the tragic case of Kitty Genovese who was fatally stabbed (刺伤) in Kew Gardens, New York, in 1964. 其中最著名的例子是1964年在纽约基尤花园被刺伤致死的吉蒂吉诺维斯的悲惨案例。this指代第一段While we might like to think we would rush to someone’s assistance, we know from studies that often people hang back and this can have tragic consequences. 虽然我们可能会认为我们会冲着去帮助别人,但我们从研究中知道,人们经常退缩,这可能会导致悲剧性的后果。举这个例子是为了证实这项发现。因此选B。A.为了呈现一个事实。C.为了预测一个结论。D.为了阐释一种方法。
29.D 细节理解题。根据题干关键词Influenced by the bystander effect定位到原文第三段After a serious incident where people have been affected by the bystander effect, they are often horrified that they didn’t do anything—they can’t believe they had not realized it was more serious or that they didn’t think to get involved. 受到旁观者效应的影响,在一个严重的事件之后,他们经常很震惊自己什么都没做—他们不相信自己没有意识到这件事的严重性,或者自己没有想到要参与其中。因此选D。
30.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段Ignore everyone else and how they are behaving and go with your courage—if you’d call an ambulance, do it. If you’d run for help,do it. 忽视其他人和他们的行为,跟着你的勇气走,你想叫救护车,快叫。如果你想找人帮忙,就去找。因此选C马上行动。A.三思而后行。B.追随别人。D.谨慎地采取行动。
31.B 最佳标题题。本文首先介绍了“旁观者效应”,然后分析了其原因,最后提出了解决方法,面对紧急情况,我们要马上行动,提供帮助,不做旁观者。根据全文的大意可知选B不做旁观者。A.行为规矩点。C.紧急情况下的行动。过于宽泛。D.旁观者效应的严重性。过于片面。
语篇出处:www.the guardian.com
32.A 词义猜测题。根据题干关键词“imperiled”in paragraph 2定位到第二段首句The instrument’s future is so imperiled that the European Recorder Teachers Association is trying to bring it back to life again so it does not leave the stage. 这种乐器的前途岌岌可危,欧洲竖笛教师协会正努力使它起死回生,这样它才不会退出舞台。因此选A处于危境。B.充满希望。C.被遗忘。D.无法辨认。
33.C 推理判断题。根据题干可知定位到原文第三段“The ones that became really popular are the ones students spend more time playing alone. With the instruments being more socially based, there has been a decline, just like the recorder.”真正流行的是那些学生花更多时间独自演奏的乐器。随着一些乐器需要更多的合奏性,这些乐器就会有所下降。而竖笛就是其中之一,因此选C,竖笛需要和其他乐器有更多的合奏。A.学生对学习它的热情就没那么高了。B.其缺点大于优点。D.学生更倾向于演奏高端乐器。
34.C 推理判断题。根据题干可知定位到原文第四段“Like removing any plant or animal from an ecosystem, removing the recorder has a huge chain effect beyond just the instrument. You need these instruments to create the inspiration for music, and without that, there is less excitement to learn music,”就像从一个生态系统中移除任何一种动植物一样,移除竖笛也有一个巨大的连锁效应,不仅仅是这个乐器。你需要这些乐器来创造音乐的灵感,没有灵感,就没有那么多学习音乐的兴奋感。因此选C,竖笛在音乐中起着一个重要的作用。A.音乐教育对学生来说是必不可少的。B.竖笛塑造了音乐的未来。D.大自然是音乐家丰富的灵感来源。
35.D 推理判断题。根据题干可知定位到原文最后一段Chris Orton, a recorder tutor and chair of the ERTA, is leading the fight against the instrument’s extinction. He said, “The recorder is increasingly overlooked by students, and yet it has a rich history and incredible attractions. As well as making beautiful sounds, it’s an accessible instrument in that it is low-cost compared to other woodwind instruments, and it’s light and easy to carry.” 竖笛教师兼ERTA主席克里斯·奥顿正在引领对抗这种乐器灭绝的斗争。他说,“竖笛越来越被学生忽视,然而它却有着丰富的历史和令人难以置信的吸引力。除了能发出美妙的声音外,它是一种便利的乐器,因为与其他木管乐器相比,它的成本低,而且它很轻,便于携带。”因此选D,它值得更多的关注。A.它还有待改进。B.它演奏起来不方便。C.它是学生的优先乐器。
36.G 【解析】启下句。根据下文“任何人都可以受益于关注支持那些有风险的人的抑郁意识的培训。你可能是一个管理青年的老师,或者是一个想要在你的球员身上发现抑郁风险迹象的体育教练。你甚至可能是一个担心的父母,想确保你的孩子可以告诉你任何事情。”可知选G项“你不一定非要是一个专业的健康角色才参加预防抑郁培训。”符合语境。前后呼应词training。
37.D 【解析】承上句。根据上句“抑郁意识和预防课程教授您理论和实践技能,以识别警告信号和行为。”可知选D项“这样的课程可能就会帮助你预防某人抑郁。”符合语境。前后呼应词course。
38.E 【解析】启下句。根据下句“他们可能只需要把他们的感受说出来,并在那一刻感到有效。”可知选E“他们可能不需要你提供解决方案,甚至不需要你拥抱他们。”因此E符合语境。相同的句型结构。
39.A 【解析】小标题。根据本段主要讲要和他们保持联系,给他们持续不断地支持。可知选A与他们保持联系,因此A符合语境。干扰项B建议支持服务。建议他们自己去找一些支持服务。
40.C 【解析】承上启下句。根据上句“你的支持、指导和倾听对任何正在经历困难时期的人来说都是非常有价值的。”“如果你认识的人有自虐的想法或倾向,不要拖延寻求紧急帮助。”既能承上又能启下的是C项“然而,知道自己的能力有限是必要的。”因此C符合语境。
41.D 考查副词。根据前句“面试进展的好。”可推测出我相信2023年一切也会进展顺利。因此选D。A.go south事与愿违 B.go miserably 进展糟糕 C.go wrong 进展有问题 D.go smoothly 进展顺利
42.B 考查动词。根据本句“然后,在四月份,我的妈妈告诉我关于她正在经受的一些奇怪的症状。”因此选B。A.等待 B.经受 C.播种 D.恢复
43.A 考查动词短语。根据前文的对白,她似乎欲言又止。因此选A。A.抑制,欲言又止 B.捡起,好起来 C.拒绝 D.耗尽,用光
44.C 考查名词。根据本句“但是我专心于完成我的实验,所以我打消了我的顾虑。”因此选C。A.耐心 B.技巧 C.担忧,顾虑 D.知识
45.A 考查形容词。根据本句“我在我的研究和我的家人之间左右为难,因为我要为原定于7月中旬的答辩做准备。”因此选A。A.左右为难的 B.悲观的 C.忠实的 D.残忍的
46.B 考查动词。根据本句可知“答辩是预定7月中旬开展的”,因此选B。A.删除 B.预定 C.擦亮,润色 D.按压
47.C 考查名词。根据首段尾句可知“我相信一切都会好起来。”可知,我的期望又把我拉回了实验室。因此选C。A.力量,优点 B.弦 C.期望 D.一致,通信
48.D 考查名词。根据上文“我专心于实验”可知,然而我的科研的投入依然占据了我。因此选D。A.突破 B.处理 C.条例 D.投入
49.A 考查名词。根据下文“我又飞回了 Madrid”可知,“在我去飞机场的路上”。因此选A。A.机场 B.医院 C.实验室 D.大学
50.B 考查动词短语。根据上文“我又飞回了Madrid”可知,“我推迟了我的博士答辩”。因此选B。A.剃光 B.推迟 C.起飞,脱掉 D.释放
51.A 考查动词。根据上文“妈妈的生命越来越短”可知,“癌症在7月底打败了我妈妈,夺走了我妈妈的生命”。因此选A。A.打败 B.使忧伤 C.遗弃 D.修复
52.D 考查形容词。根据上文“由于我忙于科研学习,我没能及时回到母亲身边,所以永远不会原谅自己失去陪伴母亲的宝贵时间。”可知选D。A.有责任感的 B.同情的 C.焦虑的 D.歉疚的,后悔的
53.C 考查名词。根据本文的首段中的position和全文的内容可知“我是为了得到一个职位才大费周折的”。因此选C。A.诚实,完整 B.决议 C.职位 D.面试
54.C 考查名词。根据第二段47空前一句“我的博导鼓励我花一切时间陪我妈”可知,我的博导是善解人意的。因此选C。A.偏见 B.视野 C.体贴 D.坚持
55.D 考查形容词。根据上文可知经过这件事我才明白我所错过的工作是无足轻重的,所爱的人才是最重要的。因此选D。A.有意义的 B.固定的 C.灵活的 D.无足轻重的
答案解析:56.an 57.including 58.currently 59.consistent 60.to dominate
61.affordability 62.on/ upon 63.has made 64.which 65.and
56.an 【解析】考查冠词。根据后面的名词increase,以元音音素开头表示泛指可知用an。
57.including 【解析】考查非谓语v-ing做定语。
58.currently 【解析】考查副词修饰动词。
59.consistent 【解析】考查形容词修饰名词。consistent efforts持续的努力。不能用consisting,它没有持续的含义。
60.to dominate 【解析】考查动词不定式,be about to do sth 将要做某事。
61.affordability 【解析】考查名词。
62.on/upon 【解析】考查介词。固定短语have a profound effect on/upon对…有深远的影响.
63.has made 【解析】考查现在完成时,时间状语In recent years。
64.which 【解析】考查关系词引导定语从句。
65.and 【解析】考查连词引导两个并列的成分。