

名称 浙江省金华市金东区金华市曙光学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-22 10:33:37


(满分150分 考试时间:120分钟)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Arab Republic of Egypt covers a land area of approximately 1 million km2, with an estimated 106 million people, Egypt accounts for one-fourth of the Arab world’s population. Egypt has long been considered the cradle of civilization and may be the oldest tourist destination on earth.
A typical visit to Egypt includes arrival in the capital city of Cairo, one of the largest cities in Africa and the Middle East, with a population of approximately 22 million. Cairo today is a modern, international mix of Arab, African, and European influences. Travelers generally spend at least a few days in Cairo seeing the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and Pyramids at Giza.
Upper Nile River
Most travelers include an Upper Nile River cruise as part of their schedule. Egypt is a beach destination, with thousands of miles of Mediterranean and Red Sea coastlines. Alexandria, Egypt’s second largest city is located on the Mediterranean Sea and has a string of beaches and seafood restaurants. For a truly relaxing beach vacation, travelers can visit one of the many resorts along the North Coast referred to as “Sahel”.
Red Sea coast
Egypt’s Red Sea coast has reefs offshore, with diving and snorkeling traditionally centered in Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh. Visits to Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the mountainous interior are popular destinations, especially with religious pilgrims. Adventure travelers favor desert jeep safaris and camel treks to remote oases and spectacular wadis.
21. What do we know about Egypt
A. Egypt makes up 25% of the world’s population.
B. Cairo today is a mix of modern and traditional elements.
C. Visitors can enjoy their beach vacations in Cairo.
D. Egypt has been considered as the oldest tourist destination.
22. Which place is most attractive to people with religious faith
A. Mediterranean. B. Alexandria.
C. Sharm El Sheikh. D. Saint Catherine’s Monastery.
23. This text is most likely taken from ______.
A. A travel guide. B. A geography book.
C. An Egyptian newspaper. D. A historical magazine.
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A
细节理解题。根据Cairo部分中的“Cairo today is a modern, international mix of Arab, African, and European influences.(今天的开罗是一个融合了阿拉伯、非洲和欧洲影响的现代化国际城市。)”可知,今天的开罗是现代与传统元素的融合。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Red Sea coast部分中的“Visits to Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the mountainous interior are popular destinations, especially with religious pilgrims.(参观山区内陆的西奈山和圣凯瑟琳修道院是热门目的地,尤其是宗教朝圣者)”可知,Saint Catherine’s Monastery这个地方对有宗教信仰的人最有吸引力,故选D。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“The Arab Republic of Egypt covers a land area of approximately 1 million km 2 , with an estimated 106 million people, Egypt accounts for one-fourth of the Arab world’s population. Egypt has long been considered the cradle of civilization and may be the oldest tourist destination on earth.(阿拉伯埃及共和国国土面积约100万平方公里,人口约1.06亿,占阿拉伯世界人口的四分之一。埃及长期以来一直被认为是文明的摇篮,可能是地球上最古老的旅游目的地)”可知,文章主要介绍了埃及的四个有名的旅游地,由此可推知,文章可能取自旅行指南。故选A。
For the first time in its 100-year history, Walt Disney Animation has cooperated with an outside animation studio on a project. The result is lwájú, an interesting and original six-part series set in a futuristic version of Lagos, Africa. It was created with the Pan-African entertainment company Kugali and premieres (首映) on Disney+ on February 28.
lwájú is a story about Tola, a young girl from a wealthy family, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, and their discovery of the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. The show explores inequality and the idea of challenging society’s standards. Like the Disney+ series Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, Marvel’s Black Panther films, and the Netflix animated series My Dad the Bounty Hunter, lwájú is part of a genre (体裁) called Afrofuturism. It combines elements of science fiction, the culture and history of Africa and Africans, fantasy, and a vision of a better future.
The series was directed by Adeola, “lwájú was born from my personal inspiration to tell a story about Lagos because one of the unique things I noticed is how the geography actually supports the societal divide in a way that is very obvious,” Adeola told in the interview, “In Lagos, the wealthy people live on the island, and the working class and poor people live on the mainland. So you literally see a body of water separating rich and poor. And so I thought that was a really interesting foundation upon which to build a science-fiction story.”
Adeola called lwájú “a love letter to Lagos” and said every frame praises the city’s diversity and spirit. The characters, he explained, represent typical types of Nigerian people and they wear clothing inspired by traditional African textiles (纺织品).
While the series of films questions the divisions in society, Adeola said it also highlights the bravery required to disrupt them. He added that he hopes lwájú inspires audiences to find strength in unity and the courage to dream of change.
24. What’s the similarity between lwájú and other Disney+ series according to the text
A. They are adventurous stories.
B. They explore inequality and challenge society’s standards.
C. They combine African traditional culture and futurism.
D. They are produced by Walt Disney Animation independently.
25. What can we infer from paragraph 3
A. The society is rarely divided by geography.
B. Generally, upper class live on the mainland.
C. Adeola’s friend inspired him to film lwájú.
D. The poor and rich are separated quite clearly.
26. The underlined word “disrupt” can be replaced by ______.
A. Break. B. Obtain. C. Estimate. D. Distinguish.
27. Which of the following can best describe the film lwájú
A. Imaginary and humorous. B. Innovative and realistic.
C. Attractive and inspiring. D. Critical and multicultural.
【答案】24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了Walt Disney Animation首次与外部动画工作室合作制作的新系列lwájú的相关信息,包括合作背景、系列内容、导演灵感来源、对城市的赞美以及作品想要传达的信息等。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Like the Disney+ series Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, Marvel’s Black Panther films, and the Netflix animated series My Dad the Bounty Hunter, lwájú is part of a genre (体裁) called Afrofuturism. It combines elements of science fiction, the culture and history of Africa and Africans, fantasy, and a vision of a better future.(与迪士尼+系列《Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire》、漫威的《黑豹》电影以及Netflix的动画系列《我的爸爸是赏金猎人》一样,lwájú属于一种名为“非洲未来主义”的体裁。它结合了科幻小说的元素,非洲和非洲人的文化和历史,幻想和对更美好未来的展望。)”可知,lwájú和其他迪士尼+系列的电影一样,结合了科幻小说的元素,非洲和非洲人的文化和历史,幻想和对更美好未来的展望。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Adeola told in the interview, “In Lagos, the wealthy people live on the island, and the working class and poor people live on the mainland. So you literally see a body of water separating rich and poor. And so I thought that was a really interesting foundation upon which to build a science-fiction story.”(Adeola在采访中说,‘在Lagos,富人住在岛上,工人阶级和穷人住在大陆。所以你真的看到一大片水把富人和穷人分开。所以我认为这是一个非常有趣的科幻故事的基础。’)”可知,在lwájú中的世界,穷人生活在漂浮的岛屿上,而富人则住在大陆上。这种描述清楚地表明了穷人和富人在地域上的明确划分。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线所在句“While the series of films questions the divisions in society, Adeola said it also highlights the bravery required to disrupt them.(虽然这一系列电影质疑社会的分裂,但阿迪奥拉(Adeola)说,它也强调了disrupt这种分裂所需的勇气。)”中的让步状语从句从句“While the series of films questions the divisions in society”以及下文“He added that he hopes lwájú inspires audiences to find strength in unity and the courage to dream of change.(他还补充说:‘希望lwájú能激发观众在团结中找到力量和梦想改变的勇气。’)”可知, Adeola认为它也凸显了打破社会分裂需要的勇气。划线单词disrupt和“打破”意思相似。选项A“Break (打破)”;选项B“Obtain(获得)”;选项C“Estimate (估计)”;选项D“Distinguish (区分)”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Adeola called lwájú “a love letter to Lagos” and said every frame praises the city’s diversity and spirit. The characters, he explained, represent typical types of Nigerian people and they wear clothing inspired by traditional African textiles (纺织品).( Adeola称lwájú是‘一封给Lagos的情书’,并表示每一帧画面都在赞美这座城市的多样性和精神。他解释说,这些人物代表了典型的尼日利亚人,他们穿着受非洲传统纺织品启发的服装。)”可知,这部电影非常有魅力,有吸引力;再根据文章最后一段“While the series of films questions the divisions in society, Adeola said it also highlights the bravery required to disrupt them. He added that he hopes lwájú inspires audiences to find strength in unity and the courage to dream of change.(虽然这一系列电影质疑社会的分裂,但阿迪奥拉说它也强调了打破这种分裂所需的勇气。他还补充说:‘希望lwájú能激发观众在团结中找到力量和梦想改变的勇气。’)”可知,这部它探索了社会不平等,并激发观众在团结中找到力量和梦想改变的勇气;由此可知,这部电影很有鼓舞性。故选C。
It is well established that eating vegetables is good for us. Why, then, do some people like them but others don’t A new study has found that other people’s likes and dislikes could play a part. According to the research, people who eat vegetables and show an obvious distaste for them can influence others.
A team of scientists in the UK set out to investigate how the facial expressions people make as they eat affect a person watching them. They asked more than 200 young women to watch videos of other adults eating raw broccoli. The people in the videos had different expressions while eating. They would smile, seem neutral (neither happy nor sad), or look disgusted by what they were tasting.
The study found that participants who watched someone else react with disgust while eating broccoli began to like broccoli less. The opposite was not true, however. When someone had a positive facial expression while eating broccoli, people watching them did not end up liking broccoli more.
Humans learn which behaviors, including eating, will benefit them by watching the reactions of others. Known as social modeling, this tendency can have a strong influence on people’s eating habits. Scientists believe that people might avoid food that appears disgusting because it could help protect them from eating something that tastes bad or could even be dangerous.
Although the research focused only on adults, experts think the results could also apply to children. This means that if children see their parents or siblings not enjoying certain foods, including vegetables, they might not want to eat them either. A previous study found that children between the ages of 4 and 6 were more likely to eat broccoli if they had seen video clips of adults enjoying it.
The team said further research is needed to understand more about how the behavior of adults influences children’s enjoyment of food. This could help experts find ways to encourage young people to eat more of the foods that are healthy for them.
28. What was the purpose of the UK scientists’ study
A. Assess young women’s eating habits.
B. Examine the effect of raw broccoli on people.
C. Investigate facial expressions during eating.
D. Study the impact of diners’ expressions on viewers.
29. What does social modeling in paragraph 4 refer to in the text
A. Correcting others’ behaviors.
B. Socializing one’s behaviors by learning from others.
C. Developing others’ eating habits.
D. Learning beneficial behaviors from observing others.
30. According to the text, what is the likely reason that children refuse to eat vegetables
A. Impact of friends. B. Influence of family members.
C. Personal taste preferences. D. Unpleasant taste of vegetables.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Developing Good Habits: The Importance of Modeling.
B. Impacting Food Preferences: The Power of Eating Habits.
C. Influencing Food Choices: The Power of Facial Reactions.
D. Encouraging Vegetable Consumption: The Importance of Healthy Eating.
【答案】28. D 29. D 30. B 31. C
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“A team of scientists in the UK set out to investigate how the facial expressions people make as they eat affect a person watching them. They asked more than 200 young women to watch videos of other adults eating raw broccoli. The people in the videos had different expressions while eating. (英国的一组科学家开始研究人们在吃东西时的面部表情是如何影响观察他们的人的。他们让200多名年轻女性观看其他成年人吃生西兰花的视频。视频中的人在吃东西的时候有着不同的表情。)”可知,英国的一组科学家着手研究人们在吃东西时做出的面部表情如何影响观看他们的人。他们让年轻女性观看其他成年人吃生西兰花的视频。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据文章第四段“Humans learn which behaviors, including eating, will benefit them by watching the reactions of others. Known as social modeling, this tendency can have a strong influence on people’s eating habits. Scientists believe that people might avoid food that appears disgusting because it could help protect them from eating something that tastes bad or could even be dangerous.(人类通过观察他人的反应来学习哪些行为(包括吃东西)对自己有益。这种趋势被称为social modeling,它会对人们的饮食习惯产生强烈的影响。科学家认为,人们可能会避免吃那些看起来很恶心的食物,因为这可以帮助他们避免吃那些味道不好甚至可能危险的东西。)”可知,social modeling(社会模型)指的是人们通过观察他人来学习并模仿那些他们认为有益或可取的行为。这里特别提到了父母、兄弟姐妹、朋友和同事作为社会模型的角色,孩子们通过观察和模仿他们的行为来学习。因此,这个“social modeling”指的是通过观察他人来学习有益的行为。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Although the research focused only on adults, experts think the results could also apply to children. This means that if children see their parents or siblings not enjoying certain foods, including vegetables, they might not want to eat them either.(虽然这项研究只针对成年人,但专家认为研究结果也适用于儿童。这意味着,如果孩子们看到他们的父母或兄弟姐妹不喜欢某些食物,包括蔬菜,他们可能也不想吃。)”可知,孩子们拒绝吃某种蔬菜可能是因为孩子们看到自己的父母或兄弟姐妹不喜欢某些蔬菜。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“A new study has found that other people’s likes and dislikes could play a part. According to the research, people who eat vegetables and show an obvious distaste for them can influence others.(一项新的研究发现,别人的好恶也会影响你的情绪。根据这项研究,吃蔬菜并表现出明显厌恶蔬菜的人可以影响其他人。)”以及全文内容可知,文章介绍了一项研究发现人们吃东西时表现出的喜好表情会影响其他人的食物选择;选项C“Influencing Food Choices: The Power of Facial Reactions.(影响食物选择:面部反应的力量。)” 准确地捕捉了文本的核心内容,即面部表情如何影响食物选择。故选C。
Europe’s series record-breaking hot and dry summers have broken an easy link to climate change. Climate models show Europe warms faster than the rest of the planet and the Arctic melting eventually causes massive ocean currents (洋流) and regional hot air circulation patterns.
Arctic melting is adding roughly 6000 cubic kilometers of water or more to the ocean per decade. As that fresh-water pours into the North Atlantic Ocean, it sits on top of heavier ocean salt-water and stops mixing. With less heat being stirred in from below, the surface water gets colder than usual during the fall and winter months, says Marilena Oltmanns, a climate scientist at the U.K. National Oceanography Centre. This phenomenon may explain the so-called “cold blob”, an area of sea in the North Atlantic that NASA nodeling suggests is one of the few spots on Earth getting colder.
To explore how the fresh water from Arctic ice might be affecting weather, Oltmanns and her colleagues developed a way to combine data from satellites, and weather stations. They found when the freshwater-caused cold blobs were more intense, the boundary was sharper, bringing more powerful westerly (向西的) winds. As a result, the stronger westerlies move a warm ocean flow from roughly 45°N to 60°N. That shift can continue into the next summer. And like a barrier, this warm current, curls up and around the British Isles, allowing a mass of hot, dry air to camp out over Europe.
“The study convincingly puts meat on the bones of an expectation I and others have had for a while — that the cold blob south of Greenland would influence North Atlantic weather patterns, as well as those downstream over Europe,” says Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center.
32. What does the underlined word “cold blob” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Climate models. B. Ocean current.
C. Cold water zone. D. Air circulation patterns.
33. What does paragraph 3 focus on
A. Introduce the form of cold blob.
B. Present a phenomenon of climate changes in Europe.
C. Survey some data for the study.
D. Analyze the reason of hot and dry summer in Europe.
34. What is Jennifer’s attitude toward the study
A. Approving. B. Indifferent. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
35. What can we infer from the passage
A. Human activities change climate models.
B. Arctic melting contributes to European heat waves.
C. Climate changes have little impact on ocean currents.
D. Global warming results in the rise of the temperature.
【答案】32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
词义猜测题。根据划线单词下文“an area of sea in the North Atlantic that NASA modeling suggests is one of the few spots on Earth getting colder.(美国宇航局模型显示北大西洋的一片海域是地球上为数不多的变冷的地方之一。)”可知,“This phenomenon may explain the so-called “cold blob”(这种现象或许可以解释所谓的cold blob)”中的cold blob指的是“冷水海域”。选项A“Climate models (气候模型)”;选项B“Ocean current (洋流)”;选项C“Cold water zone (冷水区)”;选项D“Air circulation patterns(空气循环模式)”。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“To explore how the fresh water from Arctic ice might be affecting weather, Oltmanns and her colleagues developed a way to combine data from satellites, and weather stations. They found when the freshwater-caused cold blobs were more intense, the boundary was sharper, bringing more powerful westerly (向西的) winds. As a result, the stronger westerlies move a warm ocean flow from roughly 45°N to 60°N. That shift can continue into the next summer. And like a barrier, this warm current, curls up and around the British Isles, allowing a mass of hot, dry air to camp out over Europe.(为了探索来自北极冰的淡水如何影响天气,oltmann和她的同事们开发了一种方法,将卫星和气象站的数据结合起来。他们发现,当淡水引起的冷团更强烈时,边界更尖锐,带来更强大的西风。结果,较强的西风带将温暖的洋流从北纬45度左右移动到北纬60度。这种转变可能会持续到明年夏天。这股暖流就像一道屏障一样,缠绕在不列颠群岛周围,让大量炎热干燥的空气在欧洲上空扎营。)”可知,第三段描述了北极冰融化产生的淡水如何可能影响欧洲的天气,特别是如何导致炎热干燥的夏天。它分析了北大西洋的“冷斑”现象,以及它如何与风和洋流相互作用,造成热干空气在欧洲上空滞留的条件。因此,该段的主要内容是分析欧洲炎热干燥夏季的原因。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““The study convincingly puts meat on the bones of an expectation I and others have had for a while — that the cold blob south of Greenland would influence North Atlantic weather patterns, as well as those downstream over Europe,” says Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center.( Woodwell气候研究中心的气候科学家Jennifer Francis说:“这项研究令人信服地证实了我和其他人一段时间以来的预期——格陵兰岛以南的寒冷团将影响北大西洋的天气模式,以及欧洲下游的天气模式。”)”可知,Jennifer Francis认为这项研究为她和其他人长期以来的一个预期提供了有力的证据,即格陵兰岛南部的冷斑会影响北大西洋的天气模式以及下游的欧洲天气模式。因此,她对这项研究的态度是赞同的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Climate models show Europe warms faster than the rest of the planet and the Arctic melting eventually causes massive ocean currents (洋流) and regional hot air circulation patterns.(气候模型显示,欧洲变暖的速度比地球上其他地区都要快,北极融化最终会导致巨大的洋流和区域热空气循环模式。)”、第二段中“Arctic melting is adding roughly 6000 cubic kilometers of water or more to the ocean per decade. As that fresh-water pours into the North Atlantic Ocean, it sits on top of heavier ocean salt-water and stops mixing. With less heat being stirred in from below, the surface water gets colder than usual during the fall and winter months, says Marilena Oltmanns, a climate scientist at the U.K. National Oceanography Centre. This phenomenon may explain the so-called “cold blob”(北极融化每十年向海洋中增加大约6000立方公里或更多的水。当淡水涌入北大西洋时,它会停留在较重的海洋盐水之上,停止混合。英国国家海洋学中心的气候科学家Marilena oltmann说,由于从海底进入的热量减少,在秋季和冬季,地表水比平时更冷。这一现象或许可以解释所谓的‘冷水区块’)”以及第三段中“They found when the freshwater-caused cold blobs were more intense, the boundary was sharper, bringing more powerful westerly (向西的) winds. As a result, the stronger westerlies move a warm ocean flow from roughly 45°N to 60°N. That shift can continue into the next summer. And like a barrier, this warm current, curls up and around the British Isles, allowing a mass of hot, dry air to camp out over Europe.(他们发现,当淡水引起的冷团更强烈时,边界更尖锐,带来更强大的西风。结果,较强的西风带将温暖的洋流从北纬45度左右移动到北纬60度。这种转变可能会持续到明年夏天。这股暖流就像一道屏障一样,缠绕在不列颠群岛周围,让大量炎热干燥的空气在欧洲上空扎营。)”可知,北极融化的淡水涌入大西洋会引起“冷水区块”现象,当“冷水区块”更强烈、边界更尖锐时,带来更强大的西风带,把温暖的洋流移动到北纬60度,让大量的炎热干燥空气停留在欧洲上空;由此可知,北极融化加剧了欧洲的热浪。故选B。
Some people only exercise self-discipline in the parts of their lives they think as necessities — such as turning up to work on time and getting the job done. But self-discipline is a skill that can be applied to every aspect of life. And the benefits can be great. ____36____ .
It will help you reach your full potential
When you have self-discipline, you are able to push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible. You set high standards for yourself and then work hard to meet them. ____37____. It can also help you feel proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Ultimately, it can help you be the best you can be in all aspects of your life.
Self-discipline can help you get more done in less time. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to waste time on things that are not important. This means you can use your time more effectively and get more done. This can lead to greater productivity at work, at home, and in your personal life.
It will help you be healthier
Self-discipline can also help you live a healthier life. When you have self-discipline, you are more likely to make healthy choices and stick to them. This means you will be less likely to overeat, smoke, or engage in other unhealthy behaviors. ____39____. All of these things can lead to better physical and mental health.
It will help you be happier
Last but not least, self-discipline can help you be happier. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors. ____40____ . This can lead to a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing.
So, as you can see, self-discipline can improve your whole life. If you want to be more successful, productive, and happier, then start working on your self-discipline today.
A. It will help you finish work on time.
B. It will help you be more productive.
C. Here’s how self-discipline can improve all aspects of your life.
D. This can lead to personal and professional success.
E. This is because you are less likely to give up when things get tough.
F. This means you will be more likely to focus on the positive and enjoy your life.
G. It can also mean you are more likely to exercise regularly.
【答案】36. C 37. D 38. B 39. G 40. F
根据上文“But self-discipline is a skill that can be applied to every aspect of life. And the benefits can be great.(但自律是一种可以应用于生活各个方面的技能。而且好处可以很大。)”可知,自律有很多好处。而下文则从不同方面讲述了自律的好处。选项C“Here’s how self-discipline can improve all aspects of your life.(以下是自律如何改善你生活的方方面面。)”承上启下,承接上文说明自律有很多好处,同时引出下文自律具体的好处。故选C。
根据空前内容“When you have self-discipline, you are able to push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible. You set high standards for yourself and then work hard to meet them.(当你有自律的时候,你就能强迫自己去实现你从未想过的事情。你为自己设定了很高的标准,然后努力工作以达到这些标准。)”可知,当一个人自律的时候,就会为自己设定很高的标准,然后努力达到这些标准。选项D“This can lead to personal and professional success.(这会带来个人和职业上的成功。)”是上文的自然延续,指的是当我们为自己设定很高的标准并为此而努力的时候,我们就会拥有个人和职业上的成功。故选D。
空处为小标题,为本段的主要内容。根据下文“Self-discipline can help you get more done in less time. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to waste time on things that are not important. This means you can use your time more effectively and get more done. This can lead to greater productivity at work, at home, and in your personal life.(自律可以帮助你在更短的时间内完成更多的事情。当你有自律的时候,你就不太可能把时间浪费在不重要的事情上。这意味着你可以更有效地利用时间,完成更多的工作。这可以提高工作、家庭和个人生活的效率。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是 自律可以让我们在更短的时间内完成更多的事情,也就是说,自律会让我们更有效率。选项B“It will help you be more productive.(这会让你更有效率。)”能够概括本段主旨,是本段内容的总结,适合作为小标题。故选B。
根据上文内容“Self-discipline can also help you live a healthier life. When you have self-discipline, you are more likely to make healthy choices and stick to them. This means you will be less likely to overeat, smoke, or engage in other unhealthy behaviors.(自律也能帮助你过上更健康的生活。当你有自律时,你更有可能做出健康的选择并坚持下去。这意味着你不太可能暴饮暴食、吸烟或从事其他不健康的行为。)”可知,自律可以让我们做出健康的选择。选项G“It can also mean you are more likely to exercise regularly.(这也意味着你更有可能经常锻炼。)”与上文内容相符,指的是自律会让我们经常锻炼,这也是健康的选择。故选G。
根据上文“When you have self- discipline, you are less likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors.(当你有自律时,你就不太可能从事自我毁灭的行为。)”可知,当一个人自律的时候就不会做出自我毁灭的行为。选项F“This means you will be more likely to focus on the positive and enjoy your life.(这意味着你将更有可能关注积极的一面,享受你的生活。)”是上文内容的自然延续,指的是当我们自律的时候就不会做出自我毁灭的行为,从而更有可能关注积极的一面,享受生活。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题: 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
When I was a boy, we lived right next to a forest. I spent a lot of time ____41____ alone. I would spend hours every day playing in the ____42____ with the oak trees (橡树).
That was why it was so hard for me ____43____ I worked in a lumber mill (木材厂) as a young man.It wasn’t just the ____44____ work and the low pay. It was also seeing day after day beautiful oak trees being ____45____ and made into flooring (地板). I thought they looked more ____46____ as living trees reaching up to the sky than as dead flooring lying under my feet.
One afternoon after a long day’s work, I was feeling particularly ____47____, thinking I should be out somewhere. I then decided to take a ____48____ in the forest in the hope of lifting my spirits.As I walked along with my aching body I longed for those ____49____ days again. Suddenly, I saw a single acorn (橡子) that had somehow ____50____ the hungry squirrels all winter long. A ____51____ flashed through my mind, “Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!” I smiled, bent down, dug up a handful of dirt, and ____52____ that little acorn. My heart was filled with joy.
In this life we all start out as an acorn, but whether we ____53____ a forest or not is up to us. We have the ___54___ to grow, learn, laugh, love, smile... Don’t just be an acorn. Embrace this gift of life.____55____ it to your everyday life to stretch your soul towards the sky and create a large forest of love.
41. A. working B. playing C. studying D. watching
42. A. mountain B. yard C. forest D. park
43. A. when B. until C. if D. unless
44. A. unfair B. tiring C. poor D. dangerous
45. A. thrown away B. carried off C. cut down D. turned over
46. A. available B. promising C. lovely D. concrete
47 A. depressed B. amazed C. ashamed D. frightened
48. A. walk B. picture C. lesson D. risk
49. A. school B. team C. childhood D. farm
50. A. survived B. attracted C. surprised D. convinced
51. A. message B. sentence C. letter D. story
52. A. uncovered B. pocketed C. planted D. swallowed
53. A. discover B. protect C. search D. become
54. A. reason B. ability C. courage D. chance
55. A. Leave B. Explain C. Introduce D. Apply
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. A 51. B 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我花了很多时间一个人玩。A. working工作;B. playing玩;C. studying学习;D. watching观看。由下文“I would spend hours every day playing”可知,作者独自一个人玩,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我每天都会花几个小时在森林里和橡树玩耍。A. mountain山;B. yard院子;C. forest森林;D. park公园。由上文“When I was a boy, we lived right next to a forest.”和下文“with the oak trees”可知,橡树长在森林里,由此可知,作者在森林里和橡树玩耍。故选C。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么我年轻时在木材厂工作时感到如此艰难。A. when当……时候;B. until直到;C. if如果;D. unless除非。上文“I would spend hours every day playing in the ________with the oak trees (橡树).”提到作者小时候一直和橡树玩耍,所以当作者在木材厂工作看到橡树被砍掉做成地板时感到很艰难。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是工作累和工资低。A. unfair不公平的;B. tiring令人疲倦的;C. poor贫穷的;D. dangerous危险的。上文“That was why it was so hard for me ________ I worked in a lumber mill (木材厂) as a young man.”指出作者在木材厂工作时感到很艰难,由此可推知,这工作不仅累人,而且还工资低,故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我还日复一日地看到美丽的橡树被砍伐并制成地板。A. thrown away扔掉;B. carried off 带走;C. cut down砍倒;D. turned over翻过来。由下文“and made into flooring (地板)”可知,橡树被砍倒,制成地板,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我觉得相比于我脚下死气沉沉的地板,作为活生生的树木,伸向天空,这会让它们看起来更可爱。A. available可利用的;B. promising有前途的;C. lovely可爱的;D. concrete具体的。由下文“as living trees reaching up to the sky than as dead flooring lying under my feet.”可知,橡树作为活生生的树木,伸向天空会让它们看起来更可爱,而不是被制作成地板,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一天下午,结束了一天的工作后,我感到特别沮丧,心想我应该出去走走。A. depressed沮丧的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. frightened害怕的。由下文“thinking I should be out somewhere”和上文提到作者不喜欢在木材厂上班可知,作者在结束一天的工作后感到很沮丧,故选A。
考查词名词义辨析。句意:然后我决定去森林里散步,希望能振奋精神。A. walk散步;B. picture照片;C. lesson课;D. risk冒险。由下文“As I walked along with my aching body”可知,作者在森林里散步,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:拖着酸痛的身体走着,我又开始怀念童年的时光了。A. school学校;B. team团队;C. childhood儿童时期;D. farm农场。由上文“When I was a boy, we lived right next to a forest. I spent a lot of time ________ alone. I would spend hours every day playing in the ________ with the oak trees (橡树).”可知,作者在怀念小时候和橡树玩耍的时光。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我看到一颗橡子,它不知何故从饥饿的松鼠手中幸存了整个冬天。A. survived幸存;B. attracted吸引;C. surprised使惊讶;D. convinced使信服。由上文“I saw a single acorn ( 橡子)”可知,作者看到了一颗橡子,说明这个橡子没有被饥饿的松鼠吃了,即这颗橡子从饥饿的松鼠手中幸存下来了,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的脑海里闪过一句话:“橡子最终会变成森林!”A. message信息;B. sentence句子;C. letter信;D. story故事。由下文“Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!”可知,“橡子最终会变成森林!”这是一句话,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我微笑着,弯下腰,挖起一把泥土,种下了那颗小橡子。A. uncovered揭露;B. pocketed把……装入衣兜;C. planted种植;D. swallowed吞咽。由上文“dug up a handful of dirt”可知,作者应该是弯下腰,挖出一杯泥土,并种下那颗橡子,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这一生中,我们都是从一颗橡子开始的,但能否成为森林取决于我们自己。A. discover发现;B. protect保护;C. search搜寻;D. become变成。由上文“Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!”可知,作者感悟到,我们这一生都是从一颗橡子开始,但能否成为森林取决于我们自己。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们有能力成长、学习、欢笑、爱、微笑……A. reason原因;B. ability能力;C. courage勇气;D. chance机会。由下文“to grow, learn, laugh, love, smile”可知,此处指我们有能力成长、学习、欢笑、爱和微笑,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:将它运用到日常生活中,将你的灵魂伸向天空,创造一片爱的森林。A. Leave留下;B. Explain解释;C. Introduce介绍;D. Apply应用。由上文“Embrace this gift of life.”可知,作者认为我们也要像橡子一样把生命给予我们的这份礼物运用到日常生活中,以此创造一片爱的森林,故选D。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class at the age of 9! You can imagine how ____56____ (terrible) shy I was with so many eyes ____57____ (fix) upon me. I had no ____58____ (choose) but to prepare for it, though.
First of all, I was to draft the speech, which was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part ____59____ (lie) in my oral presentation from my memory—for to read from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began ____60____ I stood on the platform with my legs trembling and my mind blank. But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found myself back, ____61____ (deliver) my speech with difficulty. After ____62____ seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding—I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before the audience disappeared.
Actually with my ____63____ (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way ____64____ success is our fear. Overcome it _____65_____ we will be able to achieve our goals.
【答案】56. terribly
57. fixed 58. choice
59. lay 60. when
61. delivering
62. what 63. confidence
64. to 65. and
考查名词。句意:不过,我别无选择,只能做好准备。have no choice but to do sth.是固定短语,意为“别无选择,只能做某事”。故填choice。
考查介词。句意:回顾过去,我知道在我们成功的路上最大的困难是我们的恐惧。on our way to是固定短语,意为“在我们去……的路上”。故填to。
考查连词。句意:克服它,我们将能够实现我们的目标。“祈使句+and sb. will”是固定句型,因此空格处用and。故填and。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的新西兰朋友David将要参加他的学校举办的中国诗歌朗诵比赛(the Chinese Poetry Recitation Competition),特发邮件向你咨询一些备赛方面的建议。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
【答案】Dear David,
I was glad to hear that you will participate in the Chinese Poetry Recitation Competition at your school. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your talent and share your passion for Chinese culture.
As for your preparation, I suggest that you first choose a piece of poetry that speaks to you. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation, and try to convey the emotions and ideas within the poem. Besides, I recommend that you research the background and meaning of the poem, which will enhance your understanding and interpretation of the work.
I hope these tips will be helpful to you and I wish you the best of luck in the competition.
Best regards
Li Hua
高兴的:glad →happy
参加:participate in →take part in
比赛:competition →contest
此外:besides →what’s more
原句:It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your talent and share your passion for Chinese culture.
拓展句:It’s a wonderful opportunity where you can showcase your talent and share your passion for Chinese culture.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Besides, I recommend that you research the background and meaning of the poem, which will enhance your understanding and interpretation of the work.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】I hope these tips will be helpful to you and I wish you the best of luck in the competition.(运用了宾语从句)
67. 读后续写
A couple of months before I started high school, my parents gave me the greatest gift any teenage boy could ask for: a cellphone. I lived on that phone all summer with my face buried in its screen. I ignored my family and my surroundings. Being connected was more important than being present.
So you can imagine my displeasure when I learned what my dad had planned for our family vacation that year. “This year,” my dad said, “we’ll be doing something special. We’re going camping!” His excitement was met with a disappointed sigh. It wasn’t my dream vacation because mind was on my phone. I was so buried in the screen, in fact, that the first time I can remember truly looking up was when we drove across a bridge on the way to our campsite.
I stared out the window and saw redwoods towering above us, their branches threatening to pierce (刺破) the blue sky. I saw a roaring river, with slivers of silky black water appearing between crashing white rapids. The air blowing into the car from the open windows was hot. But none of that mattered to me. The reason I had looked up was for something far more serious: my phone no longer had service.
The last hour of the drive was increasingly tense. My dad announced that he had chosen a campsite that had no cell service, and that my phone would be useless until we returned home. I would be trapped in the forest for four days with no way to contact the outside world! I went through the full cycle of teenage emotions during the first day of the trip. I raged. I bargained. I begged. I flip-flopped (转变) from a depressive state to anger and back.
I went to bed angrily that night. But when I awoke in the morning, something had changed.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Instead of burying myself in my phone, I focused on something else: my surroundings.
The next four days passed in a flash with many fun activities.
【答案】 Instead of burying myself in my phone, l focused on something else: my surroundings. I let the noise of the wilderness wash over me, animals and bugs creating a ruckus that was both loud and serene at the same time. My anger turned to peace, then little interest and, finally, excitement. Standing on the high campsite, I felt the weight of stress melt from my shoulders as I viewed the vast expanse that unfolded below me. The sight that met my startled eyes nearly took my breath away. For the first time, I thought camping in a place that had no cell service might not be so bad.
The next four days passed in a flash with many fun activities. I hiked. I swam. I fished. My dad and I learned how to start a fire together after several false starts. We cooked together and I ate the sweetest marshmallows I had ever tasted. Dad told me stories of his life, stories I had never heard or perhaps I hadn’t been listening. When the weekend came to an end, I realized I hadn’t thought of my phone once. I hadn’t felt the need to be connected to anywhere else. It dawned on me that what mattered most were the moments I was sharing with just my father and nature.
①.结束:come to an end/draw to an end
②.想起:think of/call to mind
①.愤怒:anger/wrath/ indignation
【点睛】[高分句型1]. The sight that met my startled eyes nearly took my breath away.(运用了由关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. When the weekend came to an end, I realized I hadn’t thought of my phone once.(运用了由when引导时间状语从句)金华市曙光学校2023-2024学年第二学期期中考试
(满分150分 考试时间:120分钟)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Arab Republic of Egypt covers a land area of approximately 1 million km2, with an estimated 106 million people, Egypt accounts for one-fourth of the Arab world’s population. Egypt has long been considered the cradle of civilization and may be the oldest tourist destination on earth.
A typical visit to Egypt includes arrival in the capital city of Cairo, one of the largest cities in Africa and the Middle East, with a population of approximately 22 million. Cairo today is a modern, international mix of Arab, African, and European influences. Travelers generally spend at least a few days in Cairo seeing the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and Pyramids at Giza.
Upper Nile River
Most travelers include an Upper Nile River cruise as part of their schedule. Egypt is a beach destination, with thousands of miles of Mediterranean and Red Sea coastlines. Alexandria, Egypt’s second largest city is located on the Mediterranean Sea and has a string of beaches and seafood restaurants. For a truly relaxing beach vacation, travelers can visit one of the many resorts along the North Coast referred to as “Sahel”.
Red Sea coast
Egypt’s Red Sea coast has reefs offshore, with diving and snorkeling traditionally centered in Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh. Visits to Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the mountainous interior are popular destinations, especially with religious pilgrims. Adventure travelers favor desert jeep safaris and camel treks to remote oases and spectacular wadis.
21. What do we know about Egypt
A. Egypt makes up 25% of the world’s population.
B. Cairo today is a mix of modern and traditional elements.
C. Visitors can enjoy their beach vacations in Cairo.
D. Egypt has been considered as the oldest tourist destination.
22. Which place is most attractive to people with religious faith
A. Mediterranean. B. Alexandria.
C. Sharm El Sheikh. D. Saint Catherine’s Monastery.
23. This text is most likely taken from ______.
A. A travel guide. B. A geography book.
C. An Egyptian newspaper. D. A historical magazine.
For the first time in its 100-year history, Walt Disney Animation has cooperated with an outside animation studio on a project. The result is lwájú, an interesting and original six-part series set in a futuristic version of Lagos, Africa. It was created with the Pan-African entertainment company Kugali and premieres (首映) on Disney+ on February 28.
lwájú is a story about Tola, a young girl from a wealthy family, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, and their discovery of the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. The show explores inequality and the idea of challenging society’s standards. Like the Disney+ series Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, Marvel’s Black Panther films, and the Netflix animated series My Dad the Bounty Hunter, lwájú is part of a genre (体裁) called Afrofuturism. It combines elements of science fiction, the culture and history of Africa and Africans, fantasy, and a vision of a better future.
The series was directed by Adeola, “lwájú was born from my personal inspiration to tell a story about Lagos because one of the unique things I noticed is how the geography actually supports the societal divide in a way that is very obvious,” Adeola told in the interview, “In Lagos, the wealthy people live on the island, and the working class and poor people live on the mainland. So you literally see a body of water separating rich and poor. And so I thought that was a really interesting foundation upon which to build a science-fiction story.”
Adeola called lwájú “a love letter to Lagos” and said every frame praises the city’s diversity and spirit. The characters, he explained, represent typical types of Nigerian people and they wear clothing inspired by traditional African textiles (纺织品).
While the series of films questions the divisions in society, Adeola said it also highlights the bravery required to disrupt them. He added that he hopes lwájú inspires audiences to find strength in unity and the courage to dream of change.
24. What’s the similarity between lwájú and other Disney+ series according to the text
A. They are adventurous stories.
B. They explore inequality and challenge society’s standards.
C. They combine African traditional culture and futurism.
D. They are produced by Walt Disney Animation independently.
25. What can we infer from paragraph 3
A. The society is rarely divided by geography.
B. Generally, upper class live on the mainland.
C. Adeola’s friend inspired him to film lwájú.
D. The poor and rich are separated quite clearly.
26. The underlined word “disrupt” can be replaced by ______.
A. Break. B. Obtain. C. Estimate. D. Distinguish.
27 Which of the following can best describe the film lwájú
A. Imaginary and humorous. B. Innovative and realistic.
C. Attractive and inspiring. D. Critical and multicultural.
It is well established that eating vegetables is good for us. Why, then, do some people like them but others don’t A new study has found that other people’s likes and dislikes could play a part. According to the research, people who eat vegetables and show an obvious distaste for them can influence others.
A team of scientists in the UK set out to investigate how the facial expressions people make as they eat affect a person watching them. They asked more than 200 young women to watch videos of other adults eating raw broccoli. The people in the videos had different expressions while eating. They would smile, seem neutral (neither happy nor sad), or look disgusted by what they were tasting.
The study found that participants who watched someone else react with disgust while eating broccoli began to like broccoli less. The opposite was not true, however. When someone had a positive facial expression while eating broccoli, people watching them did not end up liking broccoli more.
Humans learn which behaviors, including eating, will benefit them by watching the reactions of others. Known as social modeling, this tendency can have a strong influence on people’s eating habits. Scientists believe that people might avoid food that appears disgusting because it could help protect them from eating something that tastes bad or could even be dangerous.
Although the research focused only on adults, experts think the results could also apply to children. This means that if children see their parents or siblings not enjoying certain foods, including vegetables, they might not want to eat them either. A previous study found that children between the ages of 4 and 6 were more likely to eat broccoli if they had seen video clips of adults enjoying it.
The team said further research is needed to understand more about how the behavior of adults influences children’s enjoyment of food. This could help experts find ways to encourage young people to eat more of the foods that are healthy for them.
28. What was the purpose of the UK scientists’ study
A. Assess young women’s eating habits.
B. Examine the effect of raw broccoli on people.
C. Investigate facial expressions during eating.
D. Study the impact of diners’ expressions on viewers.
29. What does social modeling in paragraph 4 refer to in the text
A. Correcting others’ behaviors.
B. Socializing one’s behaviors by learning from others.
C. Developing others’ eating habits.
D. Learning beneficial behaviors from observing others.
30. According to the text, what is the likely reason that children refuse to eat vegetables
A. Impact of friends. B. Influence of family members.
C. Personal taste preferences. D. Unpleasant taste of vegetables.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Developing Good Habits: The Importance of Modeling.
B. Impacting Food Preferences: The Power of Eating Habits.
C. Influencing Food Choices: The Power of Facial Reactions.
D. Encouraging Vegetable Consumption: The Importance of Healthy Eating.
Europe’s series record-breaking hot and dry summers have broken an easy link to climate change. Climate models show Europe warms faster than the rest of the planet and the Arctic melting eventually causes massive ocean currents (洋流) and regional hot air circulation patterns.
Arctic melting is adding roughly 6000 cubic kilometers of water or more to the ocean per decade. As that fresh-water pours into the North Atlantic Ocean, it sits on top of heavier ocean salt-water and stops mixing. With less heat being stirred in from below, the surface water gets colder than usual during the fall and winter months, says Marilena Oltmanns, a climate scientist at the U.K. National Oceanography Centre. This phenomenon may explain the so-called “cold blob”, an area of sea in the North Atlantic that NASA nodeling suggests is one of the few spots on Earth getting colder.
To explore how the fresh water from Arctic ice might be affecting weather, Oltmanns and her colleagues developed a way to combine data from satellites, and weather stations. They found when the freshwater-caused cold blobs were more intense, the boundary was sharper, bringing more powerful westerly (向西的) winds. As a result, the stronger westerlies move a warm ocean flow from roughly 45°N to 60°N. That shift can continue into the next summer. And like a barrier, this warm current, curls up and around the British Isles, allowing a mass of hot, dry air to camp out over Europe.
“The study convincingly puts meat on the bones of an expectation I and others have had for a while — that the cold blob south of Greenland would influence North Atlantic weather patterns as well as those downstream over Europe,” says Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center.
32. What does the underlined word “cold blob” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Climate models. B. Ocean current.
C. Cold water zone. D. Air circulation patterns.
33. What does paragraph 3 focus on
A. Introduce the form of cold blob.
B. Present a phenomenon of climate changes in Europe.
C. Survey some data for the study.
D. Analyze the reason of hot and dry summer in Europe.
34. What is Jennifer’s attitude toward the study
A. Approving. B. Indifferent. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
35. What can we infer from the passage
A. Human activities change climate models.
B. Arctic melting contributes to European heat waves.
C. Climate changes have little impact on ocean currents.
D. Global warming results in the rise of the temperature.
Some people only exercise self-discipline in the parts of their lives they think as necessities — such as turning up to work on time and getting the job done. But self-discipline is a skill that can be applied to every aspect of life. And the benefits can be great. ____36____ .
It will help you reach your full potential
When you have self-discipline, you are able to push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible. You set high standards for yourself and then work hard to meet them. ____37____. It can also help you feel proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Ultimately, it can help you be the best you can be in all aspects of your life.
Self-discipline can help you get more done in less time. When you have self-discipline you are less likely to waste time on things that are not important. This means you can use your time more effectively and get more done. This can lead to greater productivity at work, at home, and in your personal life.
It will help you be healthier
Self-discipline can also help you live a healthier life. When you have self-discipline, you are more likely to make healthy choices and stick to them. This means you will be less likely to overeat, smoke, or engage in other unhealthy behaviors. ____39____. All of these things can lead to better physical and mental health.
It will help you be happier
Last but not least, self-discipline can help you be happier. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors. ____40____ . This can lead to a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing.
So, as you can see, self-discipline can improve your whole life. If you want to be more successful, productive, and happier, then start working on your self-discipline today.
A. It will help you finish work on time.
B. It will help you be more productive.
C. Here’s how self-discipline can improve all aspects of your life.
D. This can lead to personal and professional success.
E. This is because you are less likely to give up when things get tough.
F. This means you will be more likely to focus on the positive and enjoy your life.
G. It can also mean you are more likely to exercise regularly.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题: 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
When I was a boy, we lived right next to a forest. I spent a lot of time ____41____ alone. I would spend hours every day playing in the ____42____ with the oak trees (橡树).
That was why it was so hard for me ____43____ I worked in a lumber mill (木材厂) as a young man.It wasn’t just the ____44____ work and the low pay. It was also seeing day after day beautiful oak trees being ____45____ and made into flooring (地板). I thought they looked more ____46____ as living trees reaching up to the sky than as dead flooring lying under my feet.
One afternoon after a long day’s work, I was feeling particularly ____47____, thinking I should be out somewhere. I then decided to take a ____48____ in the forest in the hope of lifting my spirits.As I walked along with my aching body I longed for those ____49____ days again. Suddenly, I saw a single acorn (橡子) that had somehow ____50____ the hungry squirrels all winter long. A ____51____ flashed through my mind, “Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!” I smiled, bent down, dug up a handful of dirt, and ____52____ that little acorn. My heart was filled with joy.
In this life we all start out as an acorn, but whether we ____53____ a forest or not is up to us. We have the ___54___ to grow, learn, laugh, love, smile... Don’t just be an acorn. Embrace this gift of life.____55____ it to your everyday life to stretch your soul towards the sky and create a large forest of love.
41. A. working B. playing C. studying D. watching
42. A. mountain B. yard C. forest D. park
43. A. when B. until C. if D. unless
44. A. unfair B. tiring C. poor D. dangerous
45. A. thrown away B. carried off C. cut down D. turned over
46. A. available B. promising C. lovely D. concrete
47. A. depressed B. amazed C. ashamed D. frightened
48. A. walk B. picture C. lesson D. risk
49 A. school B. team C. childhood D. farm
50. A. survived B. attracted C. surprised D. convinced
51. A. message B. sentence C. letter D. story
52. A. uncovered B. pocketed C. planted D. swallowed
53. A. discover B. protect C. search D. become
54. A. reason B. ability C. courage D. chance
55. A. Leave B. Explain C. Introduce D. Apply
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class at the age of 9! You can imagine how ____56____ (terrible) shy I was with so many eyes ____57____ (fix) upon me. I had no ____58____ (choose) but to prepare for it, though.
First of all I was to draft the speech, which was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part ____59____ (lie) in my oral presentation from my memory—for to read from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began ____60____ I stood on the platform with my legs trembling and my mind blank. But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found myself back, ____61____ (deliver) my speech with difficulty. After ____62____ seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding—I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before the audience disappeared.
Actually with my ____63____ (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way ____64____ success is our fear. Overcome it _____65_____ we will be able to achieve our goals.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的新西兰朋友David将要参加他的学校举办的中国诗歌朗诵比赛(the Chinese Poetry Recitation Competition),特发邮件向你咨询一些备赛方面的建议。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
67. 读后续写
A couple of months before I started high school, my parents gave me the greatest gift any teenage boy could ask for: a cellphone. I lived on that phone all summer with my face buried in its screen. I ignored my family and my surroundings. Being connected was more important than being present.
So, you can imagine my displeasure when I learned what my dad had planned for our family vacation that year. “This year,” my dad said, “we’ll be doing something special. We’re going camping!” His excitement was met with a disappointed sigh. It wasn’t my dream vacation because mind was on my phone. I was so buried in the screen, in fact, that the first time I can remember truly looking up was when we drove across a bridge on the way to our campsite.
I stared out the window and saw redwoods towering above us, their branches threatening to pierce (刺破) the blue sky. I saw a roaring river, with slivers of silky black water appearing between crashing white rapids. The air blowing into the car from the open windows was hot. But none of that mattered to me. The reason I had looked up was for something far more serious: my phone no longer had service.
The last hour of the drive was increasingly tense. My dad announced that he had chosen a campsite that had no cell service, and that my phone would be useless until we returned home. I would be trapped in the forest for four days with no way to contact the outside world! I went through the full cycle of teenage emotions during the first day of the trip. I raged. I bargained. I begged. I flip-flopped (转变) from a depressive state to anger and back.
I went to bed angrily that night. But when I awoke in the morning, something had changed.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Instead of burying myself in my phone, I focused on something else: my surroundings.
The next four days passed in a flash with many fun activities.