

名称 安徽省黄山市屯溪第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中测试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 72.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-22 16:52:30


1. When is the woman asked to see the dentist now
A. This Thursday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Friday.
2. What does the woman enjoy most about learning maths
A. Working out answers. B. Getting high grades.
C. Applying it to everyday life.
3. What did the man think of the lecture
A. Easy. B. Difficult. C. Interesting.
4. Why does the man enjoy reading at home
A. It helps him pass the time.
B. It makes a change from his job.
C. It enables him to spend time alone.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A film. B. An athlete. C. A car accident.
6. What does the man say about Henry
A. He was fit. B. He was determined. C. He was friendly.
7. Who is Henry probably
A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A student.
8. What did the speakers do during the week
A. They had snowball fights. B. They went skating.
C. They went skiing.
9. What was the man dissatisfied with
A. The hotel. B. The airline schedule.
C. The sports facilities.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Neighbors.
11. How did the man feel about the end of the novel
A. Fascinated. B. Bored. C. Disappointed.
12. What is complex about the novel
A. The writing style.
B. The relationship between characters.
C. The writing background.
13. What will the woman do after class
A. Buy the novel. B. Go to the library. C. Join the book club.
14. Why did the woman start traveling
A. To escape a boring routine. B. To accompany her friend.
C. To overcome her fear of the sea.
15. What is the greatest benefit the woman has got from traveling
A. She has turned braver. B. She has become optimistic.
C. She has grown to be a writer.
16. What does the woman think is the biggest challenge for her
A. The lack of family support.
B. Readers’ negative comments.
C. The uncertainty about her work.
17. Why does the speaker usually go swimming after school
A. To keep healthy. B. To have fun.
C. To practice for a competition.
18. What is most special about the swimming pool
A. Its size. B. Its location. C. Its walls.
19. What does the speaker usually do after swimming
A. He goes shopping. B. He has a coffee. C. He meets his friends.
20. Where does the speaker think needs improving
A. The café. B. The shop. C. The changing area.
4 YouTube Channels That You Need to Watch
Yes Theory
6.57M Subscribers
Driven by the motto “Seek Discomfort,” Yes Theory aims to spread a message of positivity and fearlessness through pursuing projects and missions that help bring people outside their comfort zones. There is no doubt that many of us may feel too scared to pursue ambitious goals, which is why Yes Theory takes on some of the most daunting (令人望而却步的) adventures to show people that discomfort helps achieve a great life.
Nas Daily
2.45M Subscribers
Being a graduate of Harvard, Nuseir Yassin, also known as Nas Daily, makes an effort to provide a YouTube channel that highlights the “most incredible humans on planet Earth.” His videos often feature individuals who are creating change in the world, and he also covers some of the most important topics of discussion like climate change.
13.7M Subscribers
TED-Ed is one of the most famous YouTube channels when it comes to learning and inspiration. The channel has no specific video producer as it features presentations from people all around the world. These videos feature a wide variety of topics, and there is no specific subject that the channel focuses on. Instead, it provides insight into anything that can benefit the viewers, and it truly is a great resource to use if you would like to learn something new.
Be Inspired
7.4M Subscribers
Be Inspired is a YouTube channel that provides videos to help people improve their overall well-being. These videos include a wide variety of topics such as sleep, stress, economics, jobs, setting and achieving goals, and creating plans. The channel also includes short and inspirational videos that help people realize the mistakes they are making and ways to solve them.
1. Which channel encourages viewers to challenge themselves
A. Be Inspired. B. Yes Theory. C. Nas Daily. D. TED-Ed.
2. What benefit will viewers most probably get from Be Inspired
A. Learning the latest news. B. Meeting incredible humans.
C. Having access to job opportunities. D. Improving their overall well-being.
3. What do the four channels have in common
A They are inspirational.
B. They are favored by students.
C. They all have over 6M subscribers.
D. They all have one specific video producer.
I was born in 1990 — the year of the white horse. A girl born under this zodiac (生肖) is believed to have a wild, steed-like (骏马般的) spirit that will block her fortunes, bringing her family trouble. These beliefs were planted in my mind as a girl growing up in South Korea. I was repeatedly told to fight against my steed-like spirit and instead try being still, gentle, and quiet.
Actually, when I was young, I loved exploring the mountainous trails behind our house, examining the various soil layers in nearby fields, and generally running wild outdoors. I often returned home with soiled clothes.
In high school, I settled on a quiet career choice: I would become a lawyer. However, when I was accepted into a pre-law program, I found the courses boring. That’s when a teacher said, “You could always get a science degree, and go back into law.”
I took her advice and landed in the United States to study geology (地质学). Shortly thereafter, though, culture shock set in. I was not ready for the intense physical requirements of my field courses. One 6-week summer course required strenuous (费劲的) hikes, camping in extreme heat, and heavy lifting. My cultural upbringing had discouraged such “wild” activities and I had never gone on extended hikes or camps before. But other women in my program were an inspiration. I saw beauty in their strength, and I wanted to be like them.
By the end of my undergraduate degree, I had fully accepted my love of being a tough girl. And I’d given up on the idea of becoming a lawyer. My parents didn’t quite know what to make of my adventurous field life. But they were supportive when I told them about the change in my career direction.
I’m now a postdoc with years of experience collecting samples in challenging field environments, and I’m thankful I resisted the cultural expectations placed on me. My wild, steed-like spirit wasn’t something to suppress (压制). Instead, it led me to a career that’s a perfect fit for me.
4 What can we learn about the author in her childhood
A. She was a quiet and shy girl. B. She was encouraged to study hard.
C. She brought misfortunes to her family. D. She spent much time exploring the outdoors.
5. What was the reason for the author studying geology
A. The bright employment opportunity.
B. The difficulty of getting a law degree.
C. Her desire to act against her cultural expectations.
D. Her disappointment at the pre-law program courses.
6. What happened to the author when she started to learn geology
A. She was strongly opposed by her family. B. She was not interested in the field courses.
C. She was not used to doing strenuous activities. D. She was looked down upon by other women.
7. Which of the following best describes the author’s parents
A. Careful. B. Demanding. C. Far-sighted. D. Open-minded.
For most ordinary purposes, machine translation (MT) has got a lot better in the past years. The biggest source of improvement has been the adoption of “deep learning” in training translating systems. But improvement has also come about through the expansion of clever companies solving individual tasks. Some have created specialist dictionaries so that important terms can be translated accurately and consistently. Other inventions combine MT with a human translator’s editing tools, which means translators spend most of their time checking and perfecting MT output, rather than doing the work of the translating themselves.
For some translators, being a machine’s editor may sound depressing. This can be seen the other way around, however. A human repeatedly translating identical formulae can get bored. Allowing the machine to do these boring jobs frees the translator to apply specialized knowledge, solving more intellectually satisfying problems.
What are those problems One Madrid-based translator for a big law firm describes a recent task. It involved making a critical distinction in a legal document: a Spanish word (dolo) that’s properly translated as “wilful misconduct” was translated only as “misconduct” by software. Since the law requires considerably severer punishment when the misconduct is “wilful”, the omission (省略) was potentially disastrous.
Today, many translation firms are proud of using MT, not as a crutch (依赖) but as a means to cut costs and turnaround times. Part of their job becomes knowing what can be automated and what cannot. Instruction manuals can be left to MT while others like a novel legal argument cannot.
The bad news for some translators is that a tap of repeatable, easy work is being turned off. The good news is that what remains will be brain-challenging stuff for people who know a language and something else. Tales of artificial intelligence usually test humans against machines. But the translators of the future will be neither entirely human nor machine. They will be human beings with mechanical enhancements.
8. What can we learn about machine translation from paragraph 1
A. It has been mostly used by specialists.
B. Lots of efforts have been made to improve it.
C. Some clever companies have made a fortune from it.
D. It has replaced human translators in some simple tasks.
9. What can be inferred from the case mentioned by the Madrid-based translator
A. Experienced translators are hard to find.
B. Machine translation can be inaccurate.
C Machine translation has led to many misjudgments.
D. It is difficult for translators to tell“wilful misconduct”from“misconduct”.
10. What is many translation firms’ attitude towards using machine translation today
A. Positive. B. Critical. C. Uninterested. D. Doubtful.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Technology contributes to productive translators
B. Translation is faced with a great technical challenge
C. The translator of the future is a human-machine hybrid
D. Career opportunities in the field of translation are increasing
How much time do you spend doing the research before you make a big decision The answer for many of us, it turns out, is hardly any. When picking a doctor, for instance, many individuals simply use recommendations from friends and family rather than consulting medical professionals or sources such as healthcare websites or articles on good physicians.
While there are people who go over every detail before making a choice, a fair number of individuals are quick to jump to conclusions. Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias (认知偏差), a tendency toward a specific mental mistake.
It has been found that hasty (仓促的) judgments often lead to errors in behavior and thinking. Jumpers made more errors than nonjumpers on problems that require thoughtful analysis. Consider this brainteaser: “A baseball bat and ball cost $1.10 together. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost ” Many people jumped to the conclusion of 10 cents, but a little thought reveals the right answer to be five cents.
So what is behind jumping Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic, known as system 1, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily and without effort; and controlled, or system 2, comprising intentional and effortful reasoning that is analytical and mindful. Jumpers and nonjumpers are equally influenced by automatic thoughts. The jumpers, however, do not adopt controlled reasoning to the same degree as nonjumpers.
It is system 2 thinking that helps people counterbalance (抵消) mental biases introduced by the more knee-jerk (本能地做出的) system 1. To put it another way, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusions they made at first glance without thorough examination or questioning. A lack of system 2 thinking was also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning. Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers: it is suggested that using training to target their biases can help people think more meticulously.
12. How do many people choose their doctors according to paragraph 1
A. They surf healthcare websites.
B. They read articles by good doctors.
C They talk with medical professionals.
D. They ask their friends and family for advice.
13. How is paragraph 3 mainly developed
A. By making a prediction. B. By giving an example.
C. By introducing a concept. D. By referring to another study.
14. What problem do jumpers have when making a conclusion according to the text
A. They are less engaged in system 2.
B. They are unable to think analytically.
C. They think less about maths problems.
D. They ignore the errors made in system 1.
15. What does the underlined word “meticulously” in the last paragraph mean
A. Effortlessly. B. Specifically.
C. Independently. D. Thoroughly.
How writing has helped my life
Writing has and is changing my life and these are some of the ways it has greatly helped me over the years.
My writing got better.
Writing did make me become a better writer.____16____It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again without getting better at it, so when I say writing has improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.
I feel much more confident with words.
Writing helped me build a good relationship with the English language. Before, I had to check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be sure I was using it correctly.____17____And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without having to run to a dictionary every second.
My imagination and speed grew.
The more I wrote, the more my imagination grew so that everything around me started becoming an inspiration for an article. ____18____ I also went from someone who struggled to come up with a 450-word essay, to someone who could put together a 1,000-word essay in less than 30 minutes.
Just the act of putting down some words and creating a work of pure imagination gives me inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.
Finally ...
Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next time you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing.____20____ Just pour out your heart on your paper or screen.
A. My mental health has improved.
B. Writing helps me recover memories.
C. Now, that weight is off my shoulders.
D. We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.”
E I’ll never stop developing this beloved craft.
F. Don’t worry about being perfect because no one is.
G. I can look at a pencil and come up with a 500-word essay about it
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
My wife and I parked by a rough path the same time as a young man covered in tattoos (纹身). I ___21___ he was unfriendly,so we tried to ___22___ ourselves from him. But he struggled hard to ___23___ and wanted to talk some. We slowed down. He said he was recovering from a bad time in his life. We ___24___ left him in the dust,heading up the river.
Hours later we turned back ___25___ a flash flood had taken out the bridge. There he was again, following to ___26___ us. He shared a little more of his ___27___. He lost his mother and sister in a car accident and he was permanently ___28___ too. We slowed down to the pace he could ___29___ for the whole way back.
He continued, “During much surgery and ___30___ I came to hate life...” Then he pulled up his shirt to show us a ___31___ life size tattoo from neck to waist. It was two ladies in a ___32___ light waving to him. “This is my mom and this is my sister,” he pointed, “They told me to stop hating everything. They loved me just as they always had and ___33___ me to live in love too!” He explained the brightly colored tattoo was the exact dream he had that day.
My ___34___ went away. It had painted a wrong picture of this wonderful person with a beautiful ___35___ . I learned more than he hoped to tell.
21. A. assumed B. remembered C. admitted D. confirmed
22. A. tell B. distance C. save D. free
23. A. turn away B. set out C. catch up D. settle down
24. A. politely B. secretly C. carelessly D. accidentally
25. A. though B. unless C. because D. before
26. A. impress B. interrupt C. persuade D. engage
27. A. target B. story C. plan D. journey
28. A. confused B. discouraged C. ignored D. injured
29. A. observe B. judge C. manage D. challenge
30. A. silence B. pain C. failure D. guilt
31. A. massive B. funny C. random D. popular
32. A. brilliant B. gentle C. weak D. sensitive
33. A. allowed B. begged C. forced D. expected
34. A. doubt B. sympathy C. prejudice D. resistance
35. A. reputation B. message C. appearance D. insight
It’s part of life to have challenging experiences that get you down. At times like this, you might try to change your mindset, ___36___(remind) yourself that it won’t last forever or to focus on the bright side. Changing how you think about ___37___(emotion) events in this way can change how you feel about them. ___38___ sometimes this is easier said than done.
Imagine you lost a dream opportunity and you may wonder whether you’ll ever get another chance like that again. It can be difficult to break out of your mindset when having negative experiences. ___39___(fortunate), getting a good friend’s perspective(见解) can help.
Here ___40___(come) the question: Is getting a friend’s perspective when rethinking a negative event more powerful than rethinking it ___41___ your own According to some research ___42___(conduct) lately, we can choose the former. How you think and feel can ___43___(shape) by getting a friend’s perspective, both in the moment and over time. The next time you can’t get rid of your negative thought ___44___(pattern), remember that humans are fundamentally social creatures. It’s okay to turn to the people around you and your friends, from ____45____ you can get new perspectives and some help.
46. 假定你是李华,在外刊阅读中遇到了困难,尝试一些方法后仍未达到预期效果。请你给外教Marcus写一封邮件寻求帮助,内容包括:1.尝试方法;2.请求指导。
Dear Marcus,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The year 2013 marked a turning point in my life. In June, my husband was offered a new Job in Ghana. Feeling that I had hit a career bottleneck as a photographer and copywriter (广告文字撰写人), I, without any hesitation, made the decision to relocate with him.
While my husband engaged in work, my visa didn’t grant me the same privilege. But that’s okay. I didn’t know what to do anyway. I was left isolated, homesick and lacking purpose. Our new home was a bungalow near a river that cut across expansive grasslands. With few people around our home, I turned to nature, which had been a fondness of mine since childhood. Every day, I would take my camera and wander around, photographing aimlessly.
It wasn’t long before September arrived, bringing the full flow of the rainy season. After one particularly bad thunderstorm, I found a finch (雀) — a poor little thing barely a month old with one wing broken — on the ground. Evidently, he had been abandoned by his flock, his nest blown from a tree. The sight was heartbreaking. He was the size of my lite finger. His eyes were tightly shut and he was shuddering, too young to survive alone. I somehow felt a connection with it. Immediately I scooped him up and cautiously placed him in a cardboard box with towels, mimicking a nest, and stayed up all night researching how to care for him.
The next day, he seemed to regain some energy. He woke with his mouth open, though still too weak to let out a call. I fed him some food and chirped (叽喳) at him. To my amusement, he chirped back and even climbed into my hand. I affectionately gazed at this adorable creature, who was now boldly pecking (啄) my fingers now and then. A surge of warmth ran through me. Tenderly stroking his feathers, I chirped a lullaby, singing him to sleep. Gradually, his eyes drooped and he drifted off. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene — as far as he was concerned, I was his mother.
Para 1. “I will take care of you.” I murmured, making my promise to him.
Para 2. At that moment I realized that as I dedicated myself to the finch’s care, something within me changed.
听力答案:1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 CACBC屯溪一中2023-2024学年度第二学期期中测试
1. When is the woman asked to see the dentist now
A. This Thursday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Friday.
2. What does the woman enjoy most about learning maths
A. Working out answers. B. Getting high grades.
C. Applying it to everyday life.
3. What did the man think of the lecture
A. Easy. B. Difficult. C. Interesting.
4. Why does the man enjoy reading at home
A. It helps him pass the time.
B. It makes a change from his job.
C. It enables him to spend time alone.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A film. B. An athlete. C. A car accident.
6. What does the man say about Henry
A. He was fit. B. He was determined. C. He was friendly.
7. Who is Henry probably
A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A student.
8. What did the speakers do during the week
A. They had snowball fights. B. They went skating.
C. They went skiing.
9. What was the man dissatisfied with
A. The hotel. B. The airline schedule.
C. The sports facilities.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Neighbors.
11. How did the man feel about the end of the novel
A. Fascinated. B. Bored. C. Disappointed.
12. What is complex about the novel
A. The writing style.
B. The relationship between characters.
C. The writing background.
13. What will the woman do after class
A. Buy the novel. B. Go to the library. C. Join the book club.
14. Why did the woman start traveling
A. To escape a boring routine. B. To accompany her friend.
C. To overcome her fear of the sea.
15. What is the greatest benefit the woman has got from traveling
A. She has turned braver. B. She has become optimistic.
C. She has grown to be a writer.
16. What does the woman think is the biggest challenge for her
A. The lack of family support.
B. Readers’ negative comments.
C. The uncertainty about her work.
17. Why does the speaker usually go swimming after school
A. To keep healthy. B. To have fun.
C. To practice for a competition.
18. What is most special about the swimming pool
A. Its size. B. Its location. C. Its walls.
19. What does the speaker usually do after swimming
A. He goes shopping. B. He has a coffee. C. He meets his friends.
20. Where does the speaker think needs improving
A The café. B. The shop. C. The changing area.
4 YouTube Channels That You Need to Watch
Yes Theory
6.57M Subscribers
Driven by the motto “Seek Discomfort,” Yes Theory aims to spread a message of positivity and fearlessness through pursuing projects and missions that help bring people outside their comfort zones. There is no doubt that many of us may feel too scared to pursue ambitious goals, which is why Yes Theory takes on some of the most daunting (令人望而却步的) adventures to show people that discomfort helps achieve a great life.
Nas Daily
2.45M Subscribers
Being a graduate of Harvard, Nuseir Yassin, also known as Nas Daily, makes an effort to provide a YouTube channel that highlights the “most incredible humans on planet Earth.” His videos often feature individuals who are creating change in the world, and he also covers some of the most important topics of discussion like climate change.
13.7M Subscribers
TED-Ed is one of the most famous YouTube channels when it comes to learning and inspiration. The channel has no specific video producer as it features presentations from people all around the world. These videos feature a wide variety of topics, and there is no specific subject that the channel focuses on. Instead, it provides insight into anything that can benefit the viewers, and it truly is a great resource to use if you would like to learn something new.
Be Inspired
7.4M Subscribers
Be Inspired is a YouTube channel that provides videos to help people improve their overall well-being. These videos include a wide variety of topics such as sleep, stress, economics, jobs, setting and achieving goals, and creating plans. The channel also includes short and inspirational videos that help people realize the mistakes they are making and ways to solve them.
1. Which channel encourages viewers to challenge themselves
A. Be Inspired. B. Yes Theory. C. Nas Daily. D. TED-Ed.
2. What benefit will viewers most probably get from Be Inspired
A. Learning the latest news. B. Meeting incredible humans.
C. Having access to job opportunities. D. Improving their overall well-being.
3. What do the four channels have in common
A. They are inspirational.
B. They are favored by students.
C. They all have over 6M subscribers.
D. They all have one specific video producer.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据Yes Theory 部分中的“There is no doubt that many of us may feel too scared to pursue ambitious goals, which is why Yes Theory takes on some of the most daunting (令人望而却步的) adventures to show people that discomfort helps achieve a great life. (毫无疑问,我们中的许多人可能会因为太害怕而不敢追求雄心勃勃的目标,这就是为什么Yes Theory会采取一些最令人生畏的冒险,向人们展示不适有助于实现伟大的生活)”可知,该频道激励人们挑战自我。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Be Inspired 部分中的“Be Inspired is a YouTube channel that provides videos to help people improve their overall well-being. (Be Inspired是一个YouTube频道,提供视频帮助人们提高整体幸福感)”可知,该频道有助于人们的整体幸福感得到提升。故选D。
推理判断题。根据Yes Theory 部分中的“Driven by the motto “Seek Discomfort,” Yes Theory aims to spread a message of positivity and fearlessness through pursuing projects and missions that help bring people outside their comfort zones. (在“寻求不适”的座右铭的推动下,Yes Theory旨在通过追求项目和任务来传播积极和无畏的信息,帮助人们走出舒适区)”、Nas Daily部分中的“Being a graduate of Harvard, Nuseir Yassin, also known as Nas Daily, makes an effort to provide a YouTube channel that highlights the “most incredible humans on planet Earth.” (作为哈佛大学的毕业生,Nuseir Yassin,也被称为Nas Daily,努力提供一个YouTube频道,突出“地球上最不可思议的人类”)”、TED-Ed 部分中的“TED-Ed is one of the most famous YouTube channels when it comes to learning and inspiration. (谈到学习和灵感,TED-Ed是YouTube最著名的频道之一)”和Be Inspired部分中的“The channel also includes short and inspirational videos that help people realize the mistakes they are making and ways to solve them. (该频道还包括一些鼓舞人心的短视频,帮助人们意识到自己正在犯的错误,并找到解决问题的方法)”可推知,四个频道都是积极向上、鼓舞人心的。故选A。
I was born in 1990 — the year of the white horse. A girl born under this zodiac (生肖) is believed to have a wild, steed-like (骏马般的) spirit that will block her fortunes, bringing her family trouble. These beliefs were planted in my mind as a girl growing up in South Korea. I was repeatedly told to fight against my steed-like spirit and instead try being still, gentle, and quiet.
Actually, when I was young, I loved exploring the mountainous trails behind our house, examining the various soil layers in nearby fields, and generally running wild outdoors. I often returned home with soiled clothes.
In high school, I settled on a quiet career choice: I would become a lawyer. However, when I was accepted into a pre-law program, I found the courses boring. That’s when a teacher said, “You could always get a science degree, and go back into law.”
I took her advice and landed in the United States to study geology (地质学). Shortly thereafter, though, culture shock set in. I was not ready for the intense physical requirements of my field courses. One 6-week summer course required strenuous (费劲的) hikes, camping in extreme heat, and heavy lifting. My cultural upbringing had discouraged such “wild” activities and I had never gone on extended hikes or camps before. But other women in my program were an inspiration. I saw beauty in their strength, and I wanted to be like them.
By the end of my undergraduate degree, I had fully accepted my love of being a tough girl. And I’d given up on the idea of becoming a lawyer. My parents didn’t quite know what to make of my adventurous field life. But they were supportive when I told them about the change in my career direction.
I’m now a postdoc with years of experience collecting samples in challenging field environments, and I’m thankful I resisted the cultural expectations placed on me. My wild, steed-like spirit wasn’t something to suppress (压制). Instead, it led me to a career that’s a perfect fit for me.
4. What can we learn about the author in her childhood
A. She was a quiet and shy girl. B. She was encouraged to study hard.
C. She brought misfortunes to her family. D. She spent much time exploring the outdoors.
5. What was the reason for the author studying geology
A. The bright employment opportunity.
B. The difficulty of getting a law degree.
C. Her desire to act against her cultural expectations.
D. Her disappointment at the pre-law program courses.
6. What happened to the author when she started to learn geology
A. She was strongly opposed by her family. B. She was not interested in the field courses.
C. She was not used to doing strenuous activities. D. She was looked down upon by other women.
7. Which of the following best describes the author’s parents
A. Careful. B. Demanding. C. Far-sighted. D. Open-minded.
【答案】4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“Actually, when I was young, I loved exploring the mountainous trails behind our house, examining the various soil layers in nearby fields, and generally running wild outdoors. I often returned home with soiled clothes. (事实上,当我年轻的时候,我喜欢探索我们房子后面的山路,检查附近田地里的各种土层,通常在户外野外跑步。我经常带着脏衣服回家。)”可知,作者年轻的时候喜欢到外面探索。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段“In high school, I settled on a quiet career choice: I would become a lawyer. However, when I was accepted into a pre-law program, I found the courses boring. That’s when a teacher said, “You could always get a science degree, and go back into law.”(高中时,我选择了一个平静的职业:成为一名律师。然而,当我被法律预科课程录取时,我发现这些课程很无聊。就在那时,一位老师说:“你总是可以获得科学学位,然后重新进入法律界。”)”和第四段“I took her advice and landed in the United States to study geology (地质学). (我听从了她的建议,来到美国学习地质学。)”可知,作者选择学习地质学是因为他被法律预科课程录取时,他发现那些课程很无聊。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Shortly thereafter, though, culture shock set in. I was not ready for the intense physical requirements of my field courses. One 6-week summer course required strenuous (费劲的) hikes, camping in extreme heat, and heavy lifting. My cultural upbringing had discouraged such “wild” activities and I had never gone on extended hikes or camps before. (然而,不久之后,文化冲击开始了。我还没有准备好参加野外课程的高强度体能要求。一个为期6周的夏季课程需要剧烈的徒步旅行、在酷热中露营和举重。我的文化背景不鼓励这种“狂野”的活动,我以前从未参加过长时间的徒步旅行或露营。)”可知,当作者开始学习地质学时,她不习惯做剧烈的活动。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第五段“My parents didn’t quite know what to make of my adventurous field life. But they were supportive when I told them about the change in my career direction. (我的父母不知道该如何看待我冒险的野外生活。但当我告诉他们我职业方向的改变时,他们表示支持。)”可知,作者的父母是很开明的。故选D。
For most ordinary purposes, machine translation (MT) has got a lot better in the past years. The biggest source of improvement has been the adoption of “deep learning” in training translating systems. But improvement has also come about through the expansion of clever companies solving individual tasks. Some have created specialist dictionaries so that important terms can be translated accurately and consistently. Other inventions combine MT with a human translator’s editing tools, which means translators spend most of their time checking and perfecting MT output, rather than doing the work of the translating themselves.
For some translators, being a machine’s editor may sound depressing. This can be seen the other way around, however. A human repeatedly translating identical formulae can get bored. Allowing the machine to do these boring jobs frees the translator to apply specialized knowledge, solving more intellectually satisfying problems.
What are those problems One Madrid-based translator for a big law firm describes a recent task. It involved making a critical distinction in a legal document: a Spanish word (dolo) that’s properly translated as “wilful misconduct” was translated only as “misconduct” by software. Since the law requires considerably severer punishment when the misconduct is “wilful”, the omission (省略) was potentially disastrous.
Today, many translation firms are proud of using MT, not as a crutch (依赖) but as a means to cut costs and turnaround times. Part of their job becomes knowing what can be automated and what cannot. Instruction manuals can be left to MT while others like a novel legal argument cannot.
The bad news for some translators is that a tap of repeatable, easy work is being turned off. The good news is that what remains will be brain-challenging stuff for people who know a language and something else. Tales of artificial intelligence usually test humans against machines. But the translators of the future will be neither entirely human nor machine. They will be human beings with mechanical enhancements.
8. What can we learn about machine translation from paragraph 1
A. It has been mostly used by specialists.
B. Lots of efforts have been made to improve it.
C. Some clever companies have made a fortune from it.
D. It has replaced human translators in some simple tasks.
9. What can be inferred from the case mentioned by the Madrid-based translator
A. Experienced translators are hard to find.
B. Machine translation can be inaccurate.
C. Machine translation has led to many misjudgments.
D. It is difficult for translators to tell“wilful misconduct”from“misconduct”.
10. What is many translation firms’ attitude towards using machine translation today
A Positive. B. Critical. C. Uninterested. D. Doubtful.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Technology contributes to productive translators
B. Translation is faced with a great technical challenge
C. The translator of the future is a human-machine hybrid
D. Career opportunities in the field of translation are increasing
【答案】8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中“For most ordinary purposes, machine translation (MT) has got a lot better in the past years. (对于大多数普通用途,机器翻译(MT)在过去几年中有了很大的进步。)”等内容可知,人们已经为提高机器翻译的质量做出了很多努力。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“It involved making a critical distinction in a legal document: a Spanish word (dolo) that’s properly translated as ‘wilful misconduct’ was translated only as ‘misconduct’ by software. Since the law requires considerably severer punishment when the misconduct is ‘wilful’, the omission (省略) was potentially disastrous. (它涉及到在一份法律文件中做出一个关键的区分:一个西班牙语单词(dolo),正确地翻译为‘故意的不当行为’,被软件翻译成‘不当行为’。由于法律要求对‘故意’的不当行为进行相当严厉的惩罚,因此这一疏忽可能是灾难性的。)”可知,机器翻译有时可能不准确。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Today, many translation firms are proud of using MT, not as a crutch (依赖) but as a means to cut costs and turnaround times. (今天,许多翻译公司对使用机器翻译感到自豪,不是作为拐杖,而是作为削减成本和周转时间的一种手段。)”可知,今天许多翻译公司对使用机器翻译的态度是积极的。故选A项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,根据最后一段中“Tales of artificial intelligence usually test humans against machines. But the translators of the future will be neither entirely human nor machine. They will be human beings with mechanical enhancements. (人工智能的故事通常是人类与机器的较量。但未来的翻译人员既不是完全由人类也不是完全由机器完成的。他们将是具有机械增强功能的人类。)”可知,最后一段点明本文主旨:未来的翻译工作既不会全靠人力,也不会全靠机器,而是要靠人与机器共同完成。C“未来的翻译器是人机的混合体”符合主题,故选C项。
How much time do you spend doing the research before you make a big decision The answer for many of us, it turns out, is hardly any. When picking a doctor, for instance, many individuals simply use recommendations from friends and family rather than consulting medical professionals or sources such as healthcare websites or articles on good physicians.
While there are people who go over every detail before making a choice, a fair number of individuals are quick to jump to conclusions. Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias (认知偏差), a tendency toward a specific mental mistake.
It has been found that hasty (仓促的) judgments often lead to errors in behavior and thinking. Jumpers made more errors than nonjumpers on problems that require thoughtful analysis. Consider this brainteaser: “A baseball bat and ball cost $1.10 together. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost ” Many people jumped to the conclusion of 10 cents, but a little thought reveals the right answer to be five cents.
So what is behind jumping Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic, known as system 1, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily and without effort; and controlled, or system 2, comprising intentional and effortful reasoning that is analytical and mindful. Jumpers and nonjumpers are equally influenced by automatic thoughts. The jumpers, however, do not adopt controlled reasoning to the same degree as nonjumpers.
It is system 2 thinking that helps people counterbalance (抵消) mental biases introduced by the more knee-jerk (本能地做出的) system 1. To put it another way, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusions they made at first glance without thorough examination or questioning. A lack of system 2 thinking was also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning. Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers: it is suggested that using training to target their biases can help people think more meticulously.
12. How do many people choose their doctors according to paragraph 1
A. They surf healthcare websites.
B. They read articles by good doctors.
C. They talk with medical professionals.
D. They ask their friends and family for advice.
13. How is paragraph 3 mainly developed
A. By making a prediction. B. By giving an example.
C. By introducing a concept. D. By referring to another study.
14. What problem do jumpers have when making a conclusion according to the text
A. They are less engaged in system 2.
B. They are unable to think analytically.
C. They think less about maths problems.
D. They ignore the errors made in system 1.
15. What does the underlined word “meticulously” in the last paragraph mean
A. Effortlessly. B. Specifically.
C. Independently. D. Thoroughly.
【答案】12 D 13. B 14. A 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“When picking a doctor, for instance, many individuals simply use recommendations from friends and family rather than consulting medical professionals or sources such as healthcare websites or articles on good physicians. (例如,在选择医生时,许多人只是简单地使用朋友和家人的建议,而不是咨询医疗专业人员或健康网站或好医生的文章。)”可知,许多人是通过向朋友和家人寻求建议选择医生的。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Consider this brainteaser: “A baseball bat and ball cost $1.10 together. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost ” Many people jumped to the conclusion of 10 cents, but a little thought reveals the right answer to be five cents. (想想这个脑筋急转弯:“一个棒球棒和球加起来价值1.10美元。球棒比球贵1美元。这个球多少钱 ”许多人直接得出10美分的结论,但稍加思考就会发现正确答案是5美分)”可知,作者采用举例子的方法说明仓促决策会导致错误的发生。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic, known as system 1, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily and without effort; and controlled, or system 2, comprising intentional and effortful reasoning that is analytical and mindful. (心理学研究人员通常将思维分为两种途径:一种是自动的,被称为系统1,它反映的是头脑中很容易产生的想法,不需要努力;另一种是受控制的,或称为系统2,包括有意和努力的推理,分析和注意。)”可知,系统2是受控加工,包括有意识的、需要主观努力的推理活动;结合本段中“The jumpers, however, do not adopt controlled reasoning to the same degree as nonjumpers. (然而,思维跳跃者并不像思维非跳跃者那样采用受控推理。)”可知,比起思维非跳跃者,思维跳跃者的受控加工(系统2)的调动程度更低。故选A项。
词句猜测题。划线词句前文“To put it another way, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusions they made at first glance without thorough examination or questioning. A lack of system 2 thinking was also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning. (换言之,思维跳跃者更有可能在没有仔细检查或质疑的情况下接受他们第一眼得出的结论。缺乏系统2思维也与他们有问题的信念和错误的推理有更广泛的联系。)”说明思维跳跃者需要仔细彻底地检查和质疑问题,从而推知划线词句“Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers: it is suggested that using training to target their biases can help people think more meticulously. (令人高兴的是,思维跳跃者可能还有一些希望:有人建议,通过训练来针对他们的偏见,可以帮助人们更meticulously思考。)”其中划线部分意思是“仔细地,彻底地”。故选D项。
How writing has helped my life
Writing has and is changing my life and these are some of the ways it has greatly helped me over the years.
My writing got better.
Writing did make me become a better writer.____16____It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again without getting better at it, so when I say writing has improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.
I feel much more confident with words.
Writing helped me build a good relationship with the English language. Before, I had to check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be sure I was using it correctly.____17____And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without having to run to a dictionary every second.
My imagination and speed grew.
The more I wrote the more my imagination grew so that everything around me started becoming an inspiration for an article. ____18____ I also went from someone who struggled to come up with a 450-word essay, to someone who could put together a 1,000-word essay in less than 30 minutes.
Just the act of putting down some words and creating a work of pure imagination gives me inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.
Finally ...
Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next time you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing.____20____ Just pour out your heart on your paper or screen.
A. My mental health has improved.
B. Writing helps me recover memories.
C. Now, that weight is off my shoulders.
D. We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.”
E. I’ll never stop developing this beloved craft.
F. Don’t worry about being perfect because no one is.
G. I can look at a pencil and come up with a 500-word essay about it
【答案】16. D 17. C 18. G 19. A 20. F
根据下文“It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again without getting better at it, so when I say writing has improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.”(如果一件事不做得更好,反复做它几乎是不可能的,所以当我说写作提高了我的写作技巧时,不同意是愚蠢的。)可知,本段要谈了“(不断)写作让作者的写作技能得到提升。Practice makes perfect与下文中的It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again ... getting better at it ... has improved my writing skills相呼应。故D选项“我们都知道“熟能生巧”这句话”切题。故选D项。
根据上文“Before, I had to check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be sure I was using it correctly.”( 以前,我必须反复检查我想在文章中使用的每个单词,以确保我使用的是正确的。)根据下文“And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without having to run to a dictionary every second.”( 我很自豪地说,我可以有效地使用单词,而不必每秒钟都去查字典。)可知,前一句是说,作者以前写作时要反复斟酌单词,后一句是说,她现在不需要查词典就能灵活使用单词,因此,C项“现在,我肩上轻松多了”符合语境。C项中的Now和前一句中的Before形成对照,that weight指代前一句中的I had to check and recheck every word。故选C项。
根据设空处前一句“The more I wrote, the more my imagination grew so that everything around me started becoming an inspiration for an article.”(我写得越多,我的想象力就越丰富,所以我周围的一切都开始成为一篇文章的灵感)可知,作者的想象力越来越丰富,身边的任何东西都能成为她文章的灵感来源,因此,G项“我可以看着一支铅笔,写出一篇500字的文章”符合语境。G项是对前一句内容的具体举例说明。故选G项。
设空处为小标题。后面一段的内容“Just the act of putting down some words and creating a work of pure imagination gives me inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.”(仅仅是放下一些文字,创作一个纯粹想象的作品,就能给我内心的快乐和平静。每当我感到沮丧时,我就会写作。)主要谈了写作有助于抒发情绪,故A项“我的心理健康得到了改善”符合语境。故选A项。
根据上文“Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next time you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing.”( 写作是一种任何人只要努力学习就能掌握的技能。所以,下次当你感到孤独或焦虑时,试着写作吧。)及下文“Just pour out your heart on your paper or screen.”(只要在纸上或屏幕上倾诉你的内心。)设空处前后两句建议人们投入写作,故F项“不要担心自己是否完美,因为没有人是完美的”表明任何人都可以写作,鼓励大家投入写作,符合语境。故选F项。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
My wife and I parked by a rough path the same time as a young man covered in tattoos (纹身). I ___21___ he was unfriendly,so we tried to ___22___ ourselves from him. But he struggled hard to ___23___ and wanted to talk some. We slowed down. He said he was recovering from a bad time in his life. We ___24___ left him in the dust,heading up the river.
Hours later we turned back ___25___ a flash flood had taken out the bridge. There he was again, following to ___26___ us. He shared a little more of his ___27___. He lost his mother and sister in a car accident and he was permanently ___28___ too. We slowed down to the pace he could ___29___ for the whole way back.
He continued, “During much surgery and ___30___ I came to hate life...” Then he pulled up his shirt to show us a ___31___ life size tattoo from neck to waist. It was two ladies in a ___32___ light waving to him. “This is my mom and this is my sister,” he pointed, “They told me to stop hating everything. They loved me just as they always had and ___33___ me to live in love too!” He explained the brightly colored tattoo was the exact dream he had that day.
My ___34___ went away. It had painted a wrong picture of this wonderful person with a beautiful ___35___ . I learned more than he hoped to tell.
21. A. assumed B. remembered C. admitted D. confirmed
22. A. tell B. distance C. save D. free
23. A. turn away B. set out C. catch up D. settle down
24 A. politely B. secretly C. carelessly D. accidentally
25. A. though B. unless C. because D. before
26. A. impress B. interrupt C. persuade D. engage
27. A. target B. story C. plan D. journey
28. A. confused B. discouraged C. ignored D. injured
29. A. observe B. judge C. manage D. challenge
30. A. silence B. pain C. failure D. guilt
31. A. massive B. funny C. random D. popular
32. A. brilliant B. gentle C. weak D. sensitive
33. A. allowed B. begged C. forced D. expected
34. A. doubt B. sympathy C. prejudice D. resistance
35. A. reputation B. message C. appearance D. insight
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以为他不友好,所以我们尽量与他保持距离。A. assumed认为;B. remembered记得;C. admitted承认;D. confirmed确认。根据前文“a young man covered in tattoos”可知,这个年轻人浑身是纹身,所以作者认为他不友好。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以为他不友好,所以我们尽量与他保持距离。A. tell告诉;B. distance拉开距离;C. save保存;D. free释放。根据前文“I    1    he was unfriendly”可知,作者认为年轻人不友好,所以应是尽量与他保持距离。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是他努力地挣扎着赶上我们,并想说话。A. turn away拒绝…进入;B. set out动身;C. catch up追上;D. settle down定居。根据后文“wanted to talk some”可知,年轻人想要和作者说话,所以应是赶上他们。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们礼貌地把他抛在了后面,溯河而上。A. politely礼貌地;B. secretly秘密地;C. carelessly粗心地;D. accidentally意外地。根据后文“left him in the dust,heading up the river.”可知,作者没有听年轻人倾诉,所以应是礼貌地把他抛在了后面。故选A项。
考查连接词词义辨析。句意:几个小时后,我们折返,因为一场山洪冲毁了桥。A. though虽然;B. unless除非;C. because因为;D. before在……以前。根据前文后文“Hours later we turned back”以及后文“a flash flood had taken out the bridge.”可知,前后文是因果关系,应用because连接。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他又在那儿,继续来找我们说话。A. impress给…留下深刻印象;B. interrupt打断;C. persuade说服;D. engage参加。根据前文“wanted to talk some”可知,之前年轻人就想和作者一行谈话,现在应是加入他们中。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他又分享了一些他的故事。A. target目标;B. story故事;C. plan计划;D. journey旅行。根据后文“He lost his mother and sister in a car accident and he was permanently    8    too.”可知,年轻人是和作者分享了他的故事。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他在一场车祸中失去了母亲和妹妹,他也永远受伤了。A. confused困惑的;B. discouraged泄气的;C. ignored忽视;D. injured受伤的。根据前文“He lost his mother and sister in a car accident”可知,年轻人一家遇到车祸,所以他永远受伤了。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们放慢了速度,使他能走完全程。A. observe观察;B. judge判断;C. manage设法做到;D. challenge挑战。根据前文“he was permanently    8    too.”可知,年轻人在车祸中永远受伤了,所以作者一行放慢了速度,使他能走完全程。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他继续说道:“在经历了多次手术和痛苦之后,我开始讨厌生活……”A. silence沉默;B. pain痛苦;C. failure失败;D. guilt内疚。根据前文“He lost his mother and sister in a car accident”以及“During much surgery”可知,年轻人失去了亲人,自己又经历了多次手术,所以是痛苦的。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后他撩起衬衫,给我们看一个从脖子到腰部的巨大的真人大小的纹身。A. massive巨大的;B. funny滑稽的;C. random随机的;D. popular受喜爱的。根据后文“from neck to waist”可知,从脖子到腰部,应是巨大的纹身。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是两位女士在灿烂的灯光下向他招手。A. brilliant明亮的;B. gentle温柔的;C. weak虚弱的;D. sensitive敏感的。根据后文“He explained the brightly colored tattoo was the exact dream he had that day.”可知,纹身颜色明亮,所以是在灿烂的灯光下向他招手。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们一如既往地爱着我,希望我也生活在爱中!A. allowed允许;B. begged恳求;C. forced强迫;D. expected预期。根据前文“They loved me just as they always had”以及后文“me to live in love too”结合选项可知,应是希望年轻人也生活在爱中,符合语境。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的偏见消失了。A. doubt怀疑;B. sympathy同情;C. prejudice偏见;D. resistance反对。根据前文“I    1    he was unfriendly”可知,作者认为年轻人满身纹身,是不友好的,这是他的偏见。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它错误地描绘了这位有着美好信息的了不起的人。A. reputation名誉;B. message信息;C. appearance外貌;D. insight洞察力。根据前文“This is my mom and this is my sister”可知,年轻人把去世的妈妈和妹妹纹在身上,用以纪念她们,所以是有美好信息。故选B项。
It’s part of life to have challenging experiences that get you down. At times like this, you might try to change your mindset, ___36___(remind) yourself that it won’t last forever or to focus on the bright side. Changing how you think about ___37___(emotion) events in this way can change how you feel about them. ___38___ sometimes this is easier said than done.
Imagine you lost a dream opportunity and you may wonder whether you’ll ever get another chance like that again. It can be difficult to break out of your mindset when having negative experiences. ___39___(fortunate), getting a good friend’s perspective(见解) can help.
Here ___40___(come) the question: Is getting a friend’s perspective when rethinking a negative event more powerful than rethinking it ___41___ your own According to some research ___42___(conduct) lately, we can choose the former. How you think and feel can ___43___(shape) by getting a friend’s perspective, both in the moment and over time. The next time you can’t get rid of your negative thought ___44___(pattern), remember that humans are fundamentally social creatures. It’s okay to turn to the people around you and your friends, from ____45____ you can get new perspectives and some help.
【答案】36. reminding
37. emotional
38. But 39. Fortunately
es 41. on
42. conducted
43. be shaped
44. patterns
45. whom
考查谓语动词。句意:问题来了:在重新思考一个负面事件时,征求朋友的意见比自己重新思考更有力吗?分析句子结构和意思可知,这句话描述的是一般的情况,用一般现在时,句子为Here开头的倒装句,主语是the question,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填comes。
考查介词短语。句意:见第5题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查介词短语on one’s own,意为“某人自己”。故填on。
考查非谓语动词。句意:根据最近进行的一些研究,我们可以选择前者。分析句子结构和意思可知,动词conduct和被修饰的名词some research是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词形式,表示被动。故填conducted。
考查谓语动词。句意:你的想法和感受可以通过从朋友的角度来塑造,无论是在当下还是随着时间的推移。分析句子结构和意思可知,空处为谓语,动词shape和主语How you think and feel是动宾关系,用被动语态结构,前面有情态动词can,be动词用原形。故填be shaped。
46. 假定你是李华,在外刊阅读中遇到了困难,尝试一些方法后仍未达到预期效果。请你给外教Marcus写一封邮件寻求帮助,内容包括:1.尝试方法;2.请求指导。
Dear Marcus,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Marcus,
How is everything going Recently we are encouraged to read more foreign magazines to improve our English, but I have much difficulty with it, so I am wiring for your generous assistance.
It is so big a headache for me since despite trying various methods, I haven’t yet achieved the desired results. For instance, I attempted to resort to a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words while reading. However, I find it quite time-consuming and it interrupts the flow of my reading. In addition, I tried reading the articles aloud to help understand, but the complexity of the content and structure was a substantial challenge. Given that you have rich experience in reading and teaching in foreign magazines, could you kindly offer me some guidance to help me out
I would appreciate it if you could reply to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your energy.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb. to do sth.→inspire sb. to do sth.
各种各样的:various→all kinds of
尽管:despite→in spite of
原句:Recently we are encouraged to read more foreign magazines to improve our English, but I have much difficulty with it, so I am wiring for your generous assistance.
拓展句:Recently we are encouraged to read more foreign magazines to improve our English, but I have so much difficulty with it that I am wiring for your generous assistance.
【点睛】[高分句型1]It is so big a headache for me since despite trying various methods, I haven’t yet achieved the desired results.(运用了since引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]Given that you have rich experience in reading and teaching in foreign magazines, could you kindly offer me some guidance to help me out (运用了given that引导的条件状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The year 2013 marked a turning point in my life. In June, my husband was offered a new Job in Ghana. Feeling that I had hit a career bottleneck as a photographer and copywriter (广告文字撰写人), I, without any hesitation, made the decision to relocate with him.
While my husband engaged in work, my visa didn’t grant me the same privilege. But that’s okay. I didn’t know what to do anyway. I was left isolated, homesick and lacking purpose. Our new home was a bungalow near a river that cut across expansive grasslands. With few people around our home, I turned to nature, which had been a fondness of mine since childhood. Every day, I would take my camera and wander around, photographing aimlessly.
It wasn’t long before September arrived, bringing the full flow of the rainy season. After one particularly bad thunderstorm, I found a finch (雀) — a poor little thing barely a month old with one wing broken — on the ground. Evidently, he had been abandoned by his flock, his nest blown from a tree. The sight was heartbreaking. He was the size of my lite finger. His eyes were tightly shut and he was shuddering, too young to survive alone. I somehow felt a connection with it. Immediately I scooped him up and cautiously placed him in a cardboard box with towels, mimicking a nest, and stayed up all night researching how to care for him.
The next day, he seemed to regain some energy. He woke with his mouth open, though still too weak to let out a call. I fed him some food and chirped (叽喳) at him. To my amusement, he chirped back and even climbed into my hand. I affectionately gazed at this adorable creature, who was now boldly pecking (啄) my fingers now and then. A surge of warmth ran through me. Tenderly stroking his feathers, I chirped a lullaby, singing him to sleep. Gradually, his eyes drooped and he drifted off. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene — as far as he was concerned, I was his mother.
Para 1. “I will take care of you.” I murmured, making my promise to him.
Para 2. At that moment I realized that as I dedicated myself to the finch’s care, something within me changed.
【答案】“I will take care of you.” I murmured, making my promise to him. The bond between us grew stronger with each passing day. I named him Sunny, as his bright yellow feathers brought a ray of sunshine into my life. Sunny became my constant companion, and I poured all my love and attention into nurturing him back to health. I researched tirelessly, learning about finch behavior, diet, and habitat. Every moment spent with Sunny was a precious gift, and I found purpose in providing him with the care and love he needed.
At that moment, I realized that as I dedicated myself to the finch's care, something within me changed. I discovered a newfound sense of fulfillment and purpose that had been missing from my life for so long. As I watched him grow stronger, his broken wing healing, I felt a renewed sense of hope and joy. The experience of nursing Sunny back to health inspired within me a desire to make a difference in the lives of animals and share their stories through my photography.
①倾注我所有的爱和关注:pour all my love and attention into/pour out all my love and attention
② 了解:learn about/ acquaint
③ 看到:watch/witness
①不知疲倦地:tirelessly/without tirelessness
② 感受到一种新的希望和喜悦:feel a renewed sense of hope and joy/feel hopeful and joyful
【点睛】[高分句型1] I researched tirelessly, learning about finch behavior, diet, and habitat.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] As I watched him grow stronger, his broken wing healing, I felt a renewed sense of hope and joy. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
听力答案:1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 CACBC