四川省南充市仪陇县2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(有答案 无听力原文 无音频)


名称 四川省南充市仪陇县2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(有答案 无听力原文 无音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 40.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-22 17:10:37



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What’s the man’s job
A. A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A salesman.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In an office.
3. How did the man get the news about the earthquake in San Diego
A. On TV. B. Online. C. From the woman.
4. What’s the man trying to do
A. Introduce a game. B. Comfort the woman. C. Share a story.
5. How did the man get here today
A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bike.
6. What does the man need to do first if he wants to borrow books
A. Pay 50 pence a day. B. Have a library card. C. Fill in the application form.
7. What’s the woman doing
A. Introducing the library. B. Giving tips on reading. C. Explaining library rules.
8. Where is the man from
A. Leeds. B. Glasgow. C. London.
9. What subject are the speakers both interested in
A. Maths. B. History. C. French.
10. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Schoolmates. C. Teacher and student.
11. Why are the speakers going to meet
A. To plan a project. B. To share some news. C. To help the man.
12. What time is suitable for the man on Wednesday
A. At 3 pm. B. At 4 pm. C. At 5 pm.
13. Where are they going to meet
A. In the cafe. B. In the library. C. On the playground.
14. How many strong applicants are selected
A. 2. B. 12. C. 200.
15. What does the man especially want to know about the applicants
A. Personal information. B. Problem-solving abilities. C. Presentation skills.
16. How does the man sound about the coming presentation
A. Excited. B. Worried. C. Surprised.
17. What do we know about Buy Nothing Day
A. It’s popular world wide. B. It’s held on Black Friday. C. It was formed in the 21st century.
18. What’s the aim of Buy Nothing Day
A. To reject fast fashion. B. To protest Black Friday. C. To help people spend wisely.
19. What are people advised to do on Buy Nothing Day
A. Donate coats. B. Upgrade the phone. C. Exchange gifts.
20. What’s the purpose of the talk
A. To compare two festivals. B. To help people make decisions. C. To introduce Buy Nothing Day.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Walled Cities Of The World
There are numerous historical walled cities across the world, whose walls date back several centuries. These walls were fortifications (碉堡), a necessity throughout medieval eras for defense. They have been preserved as historical monuments and popular tourist attractions in the modern time.
York, England
The city of York is a medieval city situated in the north of England. Historically, the city was ruled by the Romans, Angles, and the Vikings before being incorporated as part of the Kingdom of England in 954. Located in the city are walls built in 71 AD which have been restored and extended with time.
Xi’an, China
The city of Xi an is one of the oldest cities in China. It prospered economically as the eastern last station of the Silk Road. The existing walls were originally built in 770 BC and reconstructed in the 14th century under the Ming Dynasty. The walls are well preserved and are a major tourist attraction in the city.
Quebec City, Canada
Quebec City was a colonial (殖民地的) town which was fortified by the settling Europeans. The walls began to be built in 1608 under both British and French regimes (政权). A fort was constructed by the British as an additional defensive measure and remains undamaged to date. The city’s fortifications were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.
Mexico City, Mexico
Historically, the City of Mexico gained importance as the Aztec Capital. The Spanish then drove out the Aztecs and rebuilt it as the Spanish Capital. The walls protecting the city were built in 1521. Mexico City is also home to numerous colonial-era buildings which together with the walls are major tourist attractions in the city.
21. Which city has walls of the longest history
A. York, England. B. Xi’an, China.
C. Quebec City, Canada. D. Mexico City, Mexico.
22. What do Quebec city and Mexico city have in common
A. They were once colonies of other countries.
B. They were once the capital of the Aztec empire.
C. Their walls were once built under British regime.
D. Their walls were once damaged after construction.
23. In which section of a magazine may this text appear
A. Culture. B. Entertainment. C. Science. D. Society.
Had she been a singer, she might have been an American star. But Clora Bryant played the trumpet, and reputation came slowly. Bryant, a barrier breaker who stood firm in her determination to be a respected jazz trumpet player despite the open sexism (性别歧视) that shadowed her, died on August 25, in 2019, in Los Angeles, when she was 92. Life as a jazz trumpeter was an uphill battle, said her son Darrin. “It was a man’s world, and that made it hard for her. But that only fueled her fire, and made her more resolved.”
Bryant played the trumpet with such passion and she became a mainstay in the growing jazz scene in the 1940s. Dizzy Gillespie once told Times jazz critic Leonard Feather that Bryant was the most underrated (低估) trumpet player in L. A.
But by 1992, she was living on Social Security, staying at a son’s Long Beach, in California, apartment, and two of her trumpets were in the pawnshop (典当铺). “A lot of clubs have closed.” she told the Times. “And how many female trumpet players do you see working ”
Bryant and her brothers were raised by their father, a patient man who encouraged his children to think big. She wanted to be in the high school marching band, but Charles Bryant warned his daughter she’d likely face resistance. “But anything you want to do, I’m behind you,” she recalled. It was her father who encouraged her to do whatever she wanted to do that made her stronger and stronger.
24. What does the underlined word “resolved” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Adventurous. B. Unique. C. Emotional. D. Determined.
25. Why is “Social Security” mentioned in paragraph 3
A. To show people’s acts of kindness. B. To prove Bryant’s struggle through life.
C. To explain how Bryant earned his living. D. To stress the importance of the pawnshop.
26. What’s the key reason for Bryant’s being underrated
A. The open sexism from society. B. The poor family background.
C. The terrible financial situation. D. The mental pressure from colleagues.
27. What played an important role for Bryant to stick to her dream
A. Her son’s support. B. Her brothers’ company.
C. Her strict family education. D. Her father’s encouragement.
Amazon recently announced its latest launch, a robot called Astro. Small in size, but with impressive technology, Astro is seemingly similar to Amazon’s popular virtual assistant. With all the same capabilities as Alexa, many critics are asking why there’s a need for Astro.
Answering this question, Amazon’s Vice-President of Products, Charlie Tritschler, highlights some unique features of Astro that make it a different kind of robot. Astro can move on its own and follow people, offering consumers a far broader range of options. Besides, it can monitor home security. Astro uses Artificial Intelligence to learn more about household members by interacting with users. Users can also register themselves and others into its recognition system. When they leave home, they can make an away mode, which means “Sentry (哨兵)Mode”, or “Patrol Mode” start working. If someone who is not recognized enters the house, Astro will follow and record them. Astro’s mobility seems to be the key feature in its technological enhancement, but what appeals to people most is its “unique persona”. Its big, circular, blinking “eyes” displayed on its screen-like head making it look rather cute are a big reason for this.
Years of research show that humans often experience positive emotional connections with robots. According to MIT’s technology review of Astro, it may not fall far from this observation. People have come to love robotic pets, though they are fully aware that the pets are lifeless. Robots at home can play a useful role in helping elderly patients fight loneliness or young children face social anxiety.
Amazon is offering people interested in Astro the chance to sign up for Day 1 Editions, a program giving invitations to Astro as soon as it goes on the market later this year. Tritschler is encouraging people to personalize the robot when it becomes available, and he is confident that users will come up with more ideas and features they will want to see in the robot in the near future to make it even better.
28. What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A. The convenient operation of Astro. B. The essential functions of Astro.
C. The increasing popularity of Astro. D. The distinctive capabilities of Astro.
29. Which aspect of Astro attracts people most
A. Its recognition system. B. Its ability to move on its own.
C. Its adorable appearance. D. Its ability to monitor home security.
30. What is Tritschler’s attitude to the future of Astro
A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Uncertain. D. Doubtful.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. Astro: A Robot Assistant B. The New Revolution of AI
C. Astro: An Emotional Relief D. The Great Potential of Robots
Nocturnal (夜间的) exposure to blue light containing short wavelength emissions (450-500nm)—the kind of light produced by the screens of many devices raises blood sugar levels and increases sugar intake, according to a study performed on Sudanian grass rats.
“Much of the artificial light we are exposed to comes from LED lights and screens, which emit high levels of blue light,” said Anayanci Masis-Vargas from the Universities of Strasbourg and Amsterdam and his colleagues. According to their study, retinal (视网膜的) cells of the eye are sensitive to this blue light and directly convey information to areas of the brain that control appetite.
In the study, the scientists exposed diurnal Sudanian grass rats to nighttime blue light (490 nm) and measured their food consumption and glucose (葡萄糖) tolerance the following day. “In order to better model human light exposure, the rats were diurnal, meaning awake during the day and asleep at night, rather than the typical nocturnal laboratory rats which are awake during nighttime hours,” the researchers explained. They found that after only one hour of nocturnal blue light exposure, glucose tolerance was changed in the rats, a warning sign of pre-diabetes.
To investigate what happens with appetite control and food choice after exposure to blue light at night, in the follow-up study, the rats were given the option to choose among a nutritionally balanced food, water, pig fat, and sugar water. After the exposure to blue light, the study authors observed that the rats preferred sugar water and drank more of it that night than during the nights with no blue light exposure. As the experiment continued, the researchers noticed more exposure to blue light caused rats’ heavier bodies as well.
“Limiting the amount of time that we spend in front of screens at night is, for now, the best measure to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of blue light,” Masis-Vargas said. “In case it is necessary to be exposed to devices at night, I would recommend the night mode features on the devices, which turn the screens more orange and less blue or the use of blue light filtering glasses that are already available in the market.”
32. According to the study, nocturnal exposure to blue light will ________.
A. affect blood pressure B. influence appetite
C. disturb the delivery of information D. decrease retinal cells of the eye
33. Why were diurnal rats used instead of nocturnal rats in the study
A. Their sleep model is simpler to follow.
B. Their sugar intake is easier to measure.
C. Their light contact is similar to that of humans.
D. Their glucose tolerance is close to that of humans.
34. Which was NOT considered in the follow-up study
A. Food choice. B. Animal weight. C. Food consumption. D. Animal gender.
35. Which is the most effective way to lessen the harm of blue light according to Masis-Vargas
A. Upgrading phone mode. B. Changing the color of the screen.
C. Restricting night screen time. D. Wearing blue light filtering glasses.
By thinking and using habits like great scientists, we can learn how to change our way of thinking and come up with new ideas. 36
Constantly ask questions. One thing that curious young children always do with their parents is ask questions. “Why is the sky blue ” “Why does a dog bark ” 37 Scientists also constantly ask questions. You have to continue asking questions if you want to keep learning.
Share your results. 38 Scientists often find solutions after knowing the findings of other scientists’ experiments. In study, share your results with your classmates and you can learn from others’ results.
39 You’re rarely ever going to get something perfect on the first try. When you don’t get it right, learn from it. To a scientist, failures or any negative result is not a bad thing.
Challenge assumptions (设想). Scientists like to challenge conventional thoughts. They do it by experimenting with the assumption and then test it to see if the results are true. 40 Make basic assumptions about your work or personal life and then find a way to experiment with them to see if your assumptions are really true.
A. Work with others.
B. We all should do the same thing.
C. Accept failure and then learn from it.
D. Kids do this because they want to learn.
E. Here are some habits that can help you think like a scientist.
F. For scientists, it’s important to share the results of their findings.
G. Proving something is wrong is just as useful as proving something is right.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
A woman professor was giving a lesson to her students on stress management. As she 41 a glass of water, everyone in the class 42 they would be asked the “half-empty or half-full” question. However, that was not the case. With a smile on her face, she asked the students, “How much do you think this glass of water weighs ”
Answers called out 43 from eight to twenty ounces (盎司).
She quieted the students down and then responded, “The absolute weight doesn’t 44 . But it matters how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my 45 . If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb. In each case, the weight of the glass of water doesn’t change, but the 46 I hold it, the heavier it becomes. Why ”
Lost in thought, all the students kept silent and listened to the professor carefully. “Our stresses and 47 in life are like that glass of water. If we 48 our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will feel exhausted, even unable to 49 .”
50 you have to do is put all your burdens down, as 51 in the evening as possible. Don’t carry them through the evening into the night; by doing this, we can get 52 next morning and are able to move forward.
More often than not, life gets terrible when we think too much. And the moment you 53 your burdens, you’ll find yourself feeling so much more relaxed.
So rather than being upset and feeling 54 for yourself, start doing something about it. After all, life is too short to 55 yourself to anything that is not making you happy.
43. A. read B. indicated C. pulled D. stressed
41. A. raised B. agreed C. expected D. argued
42. A. wondered B. ranged C. replied D. seized
44. A. fade B. exist C. increase D. matter
45. A. stomach B. toe C. fingernail D. arm
46. A. longer B. deeper C. fewer D. further
47. A. doubts B. joys C. surprises D. worries
48. A. cover B. hide C. carry D. show
49. A. pick up B. carry on C. work out D. take in
50. A. Anything B. Nothing C. All D. Something
51. A. early B. eagerly C. quickly D. Naturally
52. A. depressed B. entertained C. refreshed D. amazed
53. A. put up with B. catch up with C. look down on D. let go of
54. A. greedy B. confused C. sorry D. happy
55. A. treat B. abandon C. drive D. help
Delicate, bright, and soft to the touch, the silk has passed the way throughout China’s history. No one can be 56 (exact) certain of its origin. But the humble ancient Chinese people credited their own wisdom to Leizu, wife of the Yellow Emperor (the legendary ancestor of Chinese people), as 57 inventor of sericulture (养蚕).
Like all kinds of art on the vast land of China, the style and texture (质地) of silk are also various. Hangluo from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is known 58 its airy and thin texture, while Yunjin from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, an expensive cloth, 59 (represent) China’s silk technique at its peak.
Yunjin is best made by hand on large machines, in a complex procedure 60 contains more than a hundred steps. Even the most 61 (experience) workers. can only make a few centimeters a day. Time, patience and skill all play an important role in its beauty.
In the Western Han Dynasty, with Zhang Qian 62 (open) up the routes to the western regions, silk was highly praised in countries of Central Asia, later extending 63 (it) reach to other parts.
In the hands of Chinese artists, the thinnest string can make pictures of great possibilities and the 64 (soft) material can pass through thousands of years. As one of the many 65 (wonder) of ancient China, silk is not only a type of cloth, but also a cultural symbol and a representation of elegance and grace.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假如你是李华,你校将要举办一场以“The Power of a Role Model”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请结合一位对你有影响的中国杰出人物,写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Good morning, everyone!
Thank you for your listening.
When I was in high school, I had a dream: to appear in a television program. I was too shy to share my dream with my teacher, however, or anyone else-except my parents. To me, it sounded like a dream that could never come true.
People often told me I could be a nurse, a teacher, or a hairdresser, which I thought were all great careers. But that was not what I wanted. Thankfully, my parents had raised me and my siblings to have lots of confidence. Both my parents, especially my dad, often said, “You can do anything you want to.”
With his encouragement, I applied to the radio and television arts program at Ryerson University in Toronto. I was overjoyed when I was admitted. I really loved the program and worked hard—and I was named the most outstanding graduate of the year. Just by getting into Ryerson and graduating at the top of the class, I began to think that maybe my dream could come true.
After I graduated. I applied to the CBC and CTV for a job. They both said the same thing: We love your education, but you don’t have any e back when you get some!” And I kept saying, “How can I get this experience I’ve been busy getting an education.” They both turned me down.
Luckily, Global Television had just started broadcasting in Canada that year. I thought to myself, I’m new and they’re new. Why not give it a try ” I didn’t know anyone there, so if I was going to get to know one person at Global, it might as well be the president. I found out who the president was and decided to call him directly. What could I lose I was scared, but I knew deep down inside that this was what I wanted. When I called my dad and told him my plan, he said, “Good! That’s exactly what you should do.”
With excitement, I called the president of Global Television. _______________________________________
A week later, my big day for the stage came. ____________________________________________________
第一部分 听力(满分30分)
1~5 CACBC 6~10 CCABB 11~15 ABABB 16~20 ABCAC
第二部分 阅读理解(满分50分)
A篇 21-23 BAA
B篇 24-27 DBAD
C篇 28-31 DCBA
D篇 32-35 BCDC
七选五:36-40 EDFCB
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41-45:ACBDD 46-50:ADCBC 51-55:ACDCB
56. exactly 57. the 58. for 59. represents 60. which/that
61. experienced 62. opening 63. its 64. softest 65. wonders
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Good morning, everyone!
Today, I’d like to share what a role model means to me. A role model is someone who inspires us and shows us the way forward.
The person who has influenced me the most is Jing Haipeng, the first Chinese astronaut to travel to space three times. His courage and commitment inspire my love for science and exploration. Watching him face and overcome many challenges has taught me to be strong and work hard.
Jing’s journey into space shows us that anything is possible if we keep pushing ourselves. He inspires me to chase my dreams with determination and bravery, and reminds us all that no goal is too far if we persist.
Thank you for your listening.
One possible version:
With excitement, I called the president of Global Television. It wasn’t long before Mr. Slaight was on the phone. I had practiced what I was going to say for thousands of times. After a brief introduction, I said, “I heard that your studio is actively seeking for quality individuals for your new show. I want to be an addition to your studio. “To my delight, Mr. Slaight offered me a chance to try out for the show. At the studio, everything went beautifully and they hired me on the spot.
A week later, my big day for the stage came. I was about to get on the stage when negative thoughts flooded into my mind. . “What if the audience don’t like me Then with my father’s words echoing in my mind, I replaced the negative thoughts with positive ones. “This is going to be the best show ever. You are going to just shine!” I told myself. My positive thinking worked. Soon I restored my confidence. It turned out a good show and was the beginning of my hundreds of television shows. And my success came from picking up the courage to make that phone call.