湖北省十堰市2023~2024学年高二下学期级5月联合测评英语试卷(含答案解析与听力原文 无音频)


名称 湖北省十堰市2023~2024学年高二下学期级5月联合测评英语试卷(含答案解析与听力原文 无音频)
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文件大小 119.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-22 20:55:53



考试时间:2024年5月22日8:00-10:00 试卷满分:150分 考试用时:120分钟
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. What will the steak be dealt with
A. Replaced. B. Reheated. C. Flavoured.
2. What does the athlete owe his success to
A. Racing at sea level. B. Training at high altitudes . C. Living in a mountainous area.
3. When will the man leave
A. At 7: 30. B. At 8: 00. C. At 8: 30.
4. Why does John look upset
A. He failed to get a new job. B. His pay claim was rejected. C. He broke his arm accidentally.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Exercising. B. Finding a job. C. Choosing a trainer.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. Why does the woman make the phone call
A. To ask for a discount. B. To return a refrigerator. C. To inquire about the directions.
7. Where should the woman get off the train
A. At Broadway. B. At Brich Street. C. At Flora Square.
8. What is the woman
A. A receptionist. B. An operator. C. A waitress.
9. What does the woman ask the man for
A. His address. B. His ID card. C. His signature.
10. What might hold the woman back from meeting her neighbors
A. The language barrier. B. Cultural differences. C. A tight schedule.
11. What does the man offer to do for the woman
A. Help her improve her English.
B. Introduce her to his neighbors.
C. Show her around the neighborhood.
12. What's the woman's plan for Thursday
A. Keeping an appointment. B. Looking for a flat. C. Attending a party.
13. What will the woman prepare for the gathering
A. Some drinks. B. Some dessert. C. Some flowers.
14. What impresses the man in Montolieu
A. Its scenery. B. Its population. C. Its bookshops.
15. What may be displayed in the museum
A. Oil paintings. B. Second-hand books. C. Machines for printing.
16. What's the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Guide and tourist. C. Husband and wife.
17. What does the woman think of the visit to the museum
A. Informative. B. Entertaining. C. Challenging.
18. How did the speaker find Beijing on his arrival
A. Smelly. B. Lively. C. Primitive.
19. When did the speaker reach Jinan
A. Aug. 28, 2016. B. Aug. 29, 2016. C. Aug. 30, 2016.
20. What has the speaker's experience in China rewarded him with
A. Breakthroughs in his research.
B. Lifelong fellowship with young learners.
C. Strong attachment to the country.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Bill Gates isn't doing much light reading this summer. For his annual list of reading recommendations for the season, he's picked four books that you can really sink into on vacation.
Upheaval, Jared Diamond
Diamond examines how people react to the different crises in their lives. Specifically, he looks at how six countries responded to big challenges, and learned how to adapt in the face of adversity. Gates writes. “I finished the book even more optimistic about our ability to solve problems than I started.”
Nine Pints, Rose George
Gates glowingly recommends this deep dive into what you ever wanted to know about the stuff in your veins (静脉) . He thinks everyone should know more about this topic. “There is nothing that more people have in common than blood,” he writes.
A Gentleman in Moscow, Amor Towles
It's 1922 and Alexander Rostov has been sentenced to spend the rest of his life under house arrest in a Moscow hotel. Even though this book is sure to please anyone who is interested in learning more about Russia, Towles goes beyond just politics in his best-seller. “The book is technically fiction,” Gates writes.
Presidents of War, Michael Beschloss
Beschloss studies how presidents dealt with nine different US conflicts from the War of 1812 to the Vietnam War, and makes critical connections about their decisions and power as leaders. "It is hard to read about today's conflicts without thinking about how they might connect to the past, "Gates writes.
21. Which book would most appeal to those interested in serious politics
A. Upheaval. B. Nine Pints.
C. Presidents of War. D. A Gentleman in Moscow.
22. What is Nine Pints mainly about
A. Tricks of diving. B. Illustrations of blood cells.
C. A thorough study of blood. D. A glimpse of blood function.
23. What is Bill Gates' reflection after his reading the fourth book
A. It's impossible to solve all the problems. B. It's critical to make far-sighted decisions.
C. It's difficult to understand today's conflicts. D. It's necessary to connect the present to the past.
Abraham Lincoln was a typical self-made man. He obtained his license to practice law without ever having stepped foot inside a college or academy building. Books became his academy. Everywhere he went, Lincoln carried a book with him. He thumbed through page after page while his horse rested at the end of a long row of planting. Whenever he could escape work, he would lie with his head against a tree and read.
Though the young Lincoln never left America, he traveled with Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal; accompanied Robert Burns to Edinburgh; and followed the English kings into battle with Shakespeare. As he explored the wonders of literature and the history of the country, the young Lincoln developed ambitions far beyond the expectations of his family and neighbors. It was through literature that he was able to
go beyond his surroundings and reach his destination.
The volumes to feed Lincoln's intellectual hunger did not come cheaply. The story is often recounted of the time he borrowed Parson Weems's The Life of George Washington from Josiah Crawford, a well-to-do farmer. Thrilled by this account of the first president's life, he took the book to his loft at night, where he read as long as he could stay awake, placing the book on a makeshift shelf between the cabin logs so he could fetch it at daybreak. During a severe rainstorm one night, the book was badly soiled. Lincoln went to Crawford's house, explained what had happened, and offered to work off the value of the book. Crawford calculated the value of two full days' work pulling corn, which Lincoln considered an unfair repayment. Nevertheless, he straightway set to work and kept on until all work was done. Then, having paid his debt, Lincoln wrote poems and songs teasing Josiah's large nose. Thus Crawford, in return for loaning Lincoln a book and then overly punishing him, won a permanent place in American history.
24. What can we learn about Lincoln from the first paragraph
A. He wasn't academically competent. B. He read on horseback to escape work.
C. He failed to obtain a valid law license. D. He is an excellent autonomous learner.
25. How did Lincoln succeed in achieving his ambition
A. By reading extensively. B. With his family's support.
C. Through self-employment. D. By traveling around the world.
26. What happened to the book he borrowed from Crawford
A. Stolen by a farmer. B. Burned by a candle fire.
C. Damaged in a rainstorm. D. Lost and never recovered.
27. Which of the following best describes Lincoln according to the last paragraph
A. Tough and helpful. B. Diligent and generous.
C. Intelligent and humble. D. Determined and sharp-tongued.
Handwritten notes in class might seem outdated as digital technology involves nearly every aspect of learning. But a steady stream of research suggests that compared with typing, taking notes with pen and paper is still a better way to learn. And scientists are zeroing in on why.
In a recently published study, scientists found that those writing by hand had higher levels of electrical activity across many interconnected brain regions. They added 256sensors into a hairnet, which helped monitor 36 students' brains as they wrote or typed words displayed on a screen. When students wrote by hand, the sensors picked up widespread brain connectivity including visual regions, regions that receive and process sensory information, and the motor cortex (运动皮层) . Typing, however, resulted in minimal activity in these brain regions.
Across many contexts, studies have shown that students appear to learn better when they're asked to produce letters or other visual items using their fingers and hands. The educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent study highlights the clear tie between motor action and conceptual recognition: “As you're drawing a letter or writing a word, you're taking this perceptual (感知的) understanding of something and using your motor system to create it. That creation is then fed back into the visual system, where it's processed again—strengthening the connection between an action and the images or words associated with it.”
The new findings don't mean technology is always a disadvantage in the classroom.
Laptops, smartphones, and other such devices can be more efficient for writing essays and can offer fairer access to educational resources. But people now increasingly tend to “offload” mental tasks to digital devices, such as by taking a photograph instead of committing information to memory, says Yadurshana Sivashankar at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. “If we're not actively using these areas, then they are going to worsen over time, whether it's memory or motor skills.”
28. What is the function of the sensors in the recent study according to Paragraph 2?
A. To record brain activity. B. To activate brain waves.
C. To connect visual regions. D. To process sensory information.
29. What is the finding of the recent study according to Sophia Vinci-Booher
A. One's motor system boosts his creativity. B. One's writing action enhances his perception.
C. Learning performance relies on visual memory. D. Concrete images contributes to comprehension.
30. What does the underlined word “offload” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Owe. B. Link. C. Shift. D. Bring.
31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Note-taking: the key to a good grade B. Digital learning: beneficial or harmful
C. Typing vs handwriting: efficiency counts D. Handwritten notes: conventional but effective
Animal-like robots, such as quadrupedal (四足的) robot dogs, continue to be popular. However, Italian roboticist Barbara Mazzolai argues that the robotics field has proved less keen to investigate another category of living things—plants. She owes this to a misconception that plants are capable of neither motion nor perception. “It's not true at all,” she says.
Mazzolai and her team at the Bioinspired Soft Robotics Laboratory recently introduced “FiloBot”, a robot based on climbing plants, which is capable of growing, attaching to supports, and journeying through environments in response to external stimuli (刺激) .
To survive in forests, a climbing plant must grow out of the soil and travel along the ground searching a support to attach to. This requires a structure capable of bearing its own weight. Once a support is located, though, the plant must switch strategy-securing itself around the object and then growing towards light as quickly as possible to outcompete other plants. To choose the best growing angle, it uses information from light and gravity receptors distributed along each shoot.
FiloBot imitates these behaviours using sensors on its main shoot, which is also equipped with a spool (卷轴) of plastic and a heating element. By melting and forcing out the plastic, it can 3D-print itself. Depending on brightness and direction, it changes the heat the plastic is exposed to—lower temperatures result in a more breakable body that increases in size more rapidly, while higher temperatures make a stronger body that grow more slowly.
The researchers found that these functionalities enable FiloBot to move through complex environments flexibly, making it suitable for potential applications including environmental monitoring in hard-to-reach locations or unstable disaster sites.
FiloBot is not the only plant-like robot the team is developing. Mazzolai hopes that our robots will motivate other roboticists to take clues from plants. The plant kingdom is another world, she says, with a completely different approach to the animal one. “We can develop completely new technologies and artificial solutions, because it is so different.”
32. Why are roboticists less interested in plant-like robots according to Barbara Mazzolai
A. They are misled by some new concepts.
B. They underestimate the competence of plants.
C. They see little economic value in plant-like robots.
D. They misunderstand the motion of plant-like robots.
33. What is the purpose of Paragraph 3
A. To explain a model. B. To give an example.
C. To develop a formula. D. To introduce a rule.
34. How does FiloBot control its growth speed according to Paragraph 4
A. By setting the direction. B. By producing the plastic.
C. By adjusting the brightness. D. By varying the temperature.
35. What is Mazzolai's expectation of their plant-like robots
A. They will encourage research on plants. B. They will outperform animal-like robots.
C. They will provide universal artificial solutions. D. They will inspire innovative robotic technologies.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Do you feel like you're always dealing with problems when it comes to work, relationships, health, or finances Are you tired of feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and like your problems never seem to go away 36 With the world developing faster than ever, finding the right mix of habits can keep you on your toes and ahead of your game.
Manage Your Time Wisely
Make the most of your 24 hours without feeling like you're in a never-ending race against the clock. In order to take control of your time and use it wisely, you need to start prioritizing your tasks. Determine what needs your immediate attention and what can wait. 37 Minimize distractions like social media, unnecessary meetings, and pointless busy work.
Develop a Solution-focused Mindset
38 But don't let it take center stage. Focus on taking action and being constructive. For example, if you have a conflict with a friend, instead of stewing in hurt feelings, reflect on how you can communicate better.
Practice Assertiveness (果断)
Being assertive means having the courage to speak your truth, share your opinions, and defend your needs while equally valuing the perspectives and needs of others. 39 It's essential for resolving misunderstandings and building strong, transparent relationships. Don't be afraid to say “no” when something isn't in line with your priorities or values.
Adopt a Comprehensive Approach to Wellness
Look at your well-being from a 360perspective: mind, body, and spirit. 40 Each one plays a vital role in your overall health. Nourish your body with foods that energize you. Exercise regularly in a way that you enjoy. Make sure you're getting enough sleep to recharge.
A. Acknowledge the problem.
B. Lengthen your working hours.
C. Life throws challenges as well as opportunities to you.
D. It's recognized that these elements are interconnected.
E. This habit encourages open and honest communication.
F. Identify activities that consume time but deliver low value.
G. Most people underestimate how much power they have to fix problems.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
During my teens, I was the champion of the sports day every single year, and my mother won the moms' trophy (奖杯) every single year. Why Because she was always chasing me to 41 me for various “crimes” I had committed, and I was running 42 not to get my ass kicked.
We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship. She was the strict disciplinarian; I was the 43 boy in the whole neighborhood. She would send me out to buy 44 , and I wouldn't come right home because I'd be using the 45 from milk to play video games at the supermarket. Lost in the games, time would 46 away until a sudden jolt (震惊) of reality arrived in the form of my mother's belt-wielding (挥舞) presence. Thus began our 47 race.
When I was little, she always caught me, but as I got older and faster, and when speed 48 her she'd use her wits. If I was about to get 49 , she would turn to the 50 weapon, the two magical words “Stop! Thief!”. In my birthplace, nobody gets 51 in other people's business-unless it's public safety incident, and then everybody 52 . So with her yelling “thief”, even strangers would instantly join the 53 , mistaking me for a genuine thief.
Reflecting on those exciting days two decades later, I've come to understand that amid the 54 of our wild chases, amid laughter and shouts, my mother and I were deeply 55 by our unique, unforgettable game.
41. A. discipline B. defend C. abuse D. battle
42. A. occasionally B. slowly C. constantly D. awkwardly
43. A. smartest B. cutest C. naughtiest D. youngest
44. A. games B. groceries C. belts D. books
45. A. change B. protein C. bonus D. benefit
46. A. fade B. slip C. turn D. back
47. A. magical B. annual C. unusual D. typical
48. A. dominated B. disturbed C. failed D. seized
49. A. out of place B. out of breath C. out of sight D. out of balance
50. A. ultimate B. casual C. military D. offensive
51. A. motivated B. stuck C. buried D. involved
52. A. holds on B. stands by C. turns back D. steps in
53. A. purchase B. pursuit C. crime D. commitment
54. A. chaos B. ruins C. emergencies D. comedies
55. A. touched B. bound C. hurt D. enhanced
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Cinemas may be dying. But the high end is thriving.
The box office has a bad case. Worldwide takings last year were a quarter below their peak. Americans, who went to the cinema more than five times each in 2000, last year went 56 (few) than three times. As streaming services keep audiences 57 (glue) to the small screen, theatre chains including Cineworld, the world's second-largest, have gone bankrupt. 58 the biggest of the big screens are thriving.
IMAX, 59 screens are as large as 38 metres wide with denture-rattling (震感十足的) sound systems, had worldwide box-office takings of $1. 1 bn last year and its biggest-ever haul in America. The luxury-cinema trend is not limited to America. IMAX's share of the international box office 60 (rise) from 1. 7% in 2019 to 2. 1% last year. CGV, 61 South Korean chain with branches across Asia, has rebranded its multiplexes (多厅影院) as “cultureplexes”, offering music, gaming and 62 (dine) alongside films.
Theatre operators must hope audiences are 63 (hunger) for these add-ons, especially when this year's movie menu is limited. Ever since strikes last year in Hollywood, they 64 (delay) titles, including Mission: Impossible and Avatar sequels, to 2025.
Successful cinemas will treat a trip 65 the movies as the rare luxury.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 阐明写信事由;
2. 征求建议;
3. 表示感谢。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear William, I'm Li Hua, one of your students from Senior Two. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua
I love to watch my father paint and I love to hear him talk while he paints. The words always come out soft. As a mason (泥瓦匠) , he doesn't have a studio, and I've always felt a little sorry for him, having to paint in our backyard, which is not exactly picturesque. Dad doesn't seem to see the backyard when he's painting, though. It's not just the canvas he sees either. It's something much bigger. He gets this look in his eye like he's gone beyond the yard, the neighborhood, the world.
“A painting is more than the sum of its parts,” he would tell me, and then go on to explain how the cow by itself is just a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and flowers, and the sun is just a beam of light, but put them all together and you've got magic.
I understood what he was saying, but I never felt what he was saying until one day when I was up in the sycamore tree (梧桐树) . I'd never seen a view like that! I got the feeling that I was flying above the earth. The view from the sycamore was more than rooftops and clouds and wind and colors combined. It was magic. It wasn't long before I found the spot that became my spot. I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world. Sunsets were amazing. Some days they'd be purple and pink, some days they'd be a blazing orange, setting fire to clouds across the horizon.
Then came the day. When I was sitting in the branches of my tree, I found two trucks parked right beneath me. Four men came out of the trucks, and started unloading tools, gloves, ropes and saws (锯子) .
Pretty soon they spotted me. One of the men called, “Hey! You'd better come down from there. We gotta take this thing down.”
I managed to choke out, “The tree ”
“Yeah, now come on down.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: My heart was crazy with panic. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2: When I was locked up in my room mourning for the loss of the tree, my father came in with a painting. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2023~2024 学年高二年级5月联合测评
第一部分 听力
1-5 BBABA 6-10 CAACA 11-15 BABCC 16-20 AABBC
第二部分 阅读
21-23 CCD 24-27 DACD 28-31 ABCD 32-35 BADD
21. C【解析】细节理解题。根据Presidents of War一书的简介中的 “Beschloss studies how presidents dealt with nine different US conflicts from the War of 1812 to the Vietnam War, and makes critical connections about their decisions and power as leaders.” 可知,作者在本书中主要研究的是历任美国总统是如何处理美国历史上九次不同的冲突,以及对他们作为领导者的决策和权力进行批判性的关联,内容涉及严肃的政治议题。
22. C【解析】细节理解题。根据Nine Pints一书的简介中的 “Gates glowingly recommends this deep dive into what you ever wanted to know about the stuff in your veins.” 可知,这是一本深入讲述人体血液构成的书,其中deep dive在此句中意为“深入全面的分析研究”,与C项的thorough study 意思一致。
23. D【解析】细节理解题。根据Presidents of War一书的简介中的 “It is hard to read about today's conflicts without thinking about how they might connect to the past.” 可知,比尔·盖茨在读到有关当今冲突的报道时很难不想到它们与过去有何联系。
24. D【解析】推理判断题。亚伯拉罕·林肯从来没有读过大学,通过自学获得律师执照。因此,可以推断出他是一名优秀的自主学习者。
25. A【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段,尤其是最后一句 “It was through literature that he was able to go beyond his surroundings and reach his destination.” 可知,亚伯拉罕·林肯是通过大量的阅读实现了他的梦想。
26. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的 “During a severe rainstorm one night, the book was badly soiled.” 可知,书是在暴风雨中被损坏了。此句中soil为动词,意为“弄脏”。
27. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 “he read as long as he could stay awake” “he straightway set to work and kept on until all work was done” 可知,亚伯拉罕·林肯是个很有决心的人;再根据该段中的 “Lincoln wrote poems and songs teasing Josiah's large nose” 可知,亚伯拉罕·林肯在内心愤愤不平时也会言
28. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “They added 256 sensors into a hairnet, which helped monitor 36 students' brains as they wrote or typed words displayed on a screen.” 和 “the sensors picked up widespread brain connectivity” 可知,传感器的作用是监测记录学生的脑区活动。
29. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中的Sophia Vinci-Booher 所说的内容可知,这项研究强调了运动动作和概念认知之间的关系。手写笔记的过程中,我们先感知理解,然后通过手写这一动作创作笔记,之后这个笔记会被反馈到视觉系统中再次处理。这种反馈循环加强了动作和与之相关的图像或词语之间的联系,从而学习效果更好。
30. C【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句 “But people now increasingly tend to ‘offload’ mental tasks to digital devices, such as by taking a photograph instead of committing information to memory. . . ” 可知,人们越来越倾向于把脑力任务交给数字设备来完成,比如用拍照代替记忆。因此offload的意思是“shift (转移) ”。
31. D【解析】标题归纳题。通读全文可知,尽管数字技术在教育中被广泛应用,但最新的研究揭示了手写笔记的优势所在,看似过时的手写笔记仍然是传统却更为有效的学习方式。
【D篇大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了意大利机器人专家Barbara Mazzolai及其团队新近开发的一款模仿攀缘植物的机器人FiloBot,展现了植物启发型机器人的巨大潜力。
32. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “She owes this to a misconception that plants are capable of neither motion nor perception.” 可知,大多数机器人专家对植物型机器人不感兴趣的原因是他们认为植物既不能动也不能感知,但Mazzolai 认为这其实这是一个误解。
33. A【解析】写作意图题。第三段主要介绍了攀缘植物在森林里的生存策略及行为,结合第四段第一句可知,第三段的写作目的是解释FiloBot机器人的设计原型。
34. D【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的 “it changes the heat the plastic is exposed to—lower temperatures result in a more breakable body that increases in size more rapidly, while higher temperatures make a stronger body that grow more slowly” 可知,FiloBot机器人通过调节温度来控制自己的生长速度。
35. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 “our robots will motivate other roboticists to take clues from plants” 和 “We can develop completely new technologies and artificialsolutions, because it is so different.” 可知,Mazzolai期望他们研究的植物型机器人能激发更多机器人研究者从植物中获得灵感,推动机器人技术的创新。
36-40 GFAED
36. G【解析】本空位于段中,前文使用了两个一般疑问句将读者迅速代入到生活中所面临的挑战或困境,后文用一句话直接引出下文。因此,G项“大多数人低估了自己解决问题的能力”承上启下,符合语境。
37. F【解析】本空位于段中,前文讲述了要高效利用时间,要为任务设定优先级,区分紧急与可等待的事项,后文继续用具体事例讲述要尽量减少一些不必要的干扰因素。因此,F项“要识别那些消耗时间但价值不高的活动”衔接前后文,符合语境。
38. A【解析】本空位于段首,本段的小标题为“培养以解决方案为导向的思维方式”,后文开头用“but”引出具体观点,其中明确 “don't let it take center stage” 中的“it”是解答本题的关键,根据后文可知,不要让它占据主导地位,要专注于采取行动和保持建设性。因此A项“承认问题”符合语境。
39. E【解析】本空位于段中,前文阐述了关于“assertive”的定义,根据后文提到这种行为对消除误解、建立强大且透明的关系至关重要可知,E项“这种习惯鼓励开放且诚实的交流”符合语境。后文中的“it”指代的是E项中的“this habit"。
40. D【解析】本空位于段中,根据小标题可知,本段讲述的是采取全面的健康方法,首句提到要从心理、身体和精神全方位看待健康,后文从每一方面进行阐述。因此,D项“认识到这些要素是相互联系的”衔接前后文,符合语境。
第三部分 语言运用
41-45 ACCBA 46-50 BDCCA 51-55 DDBAB
41. A【解析】考查动词。根据该空后面的 “crime” 可知,作者母亲是因为他犯了错去管教 (discipline) 他的。
42. C【解析】考查副词。根据前文“我”和母亲都是学校赛跑冠军,以及41空前面的“she was always chasing me”可知,“我”也是常常 (constantly) 跑来跑去以逃避妈妈的管教。
43. C【解析】考查形容词。根据后文的例子可知,“我”是这一带最淘气的 (naughtiest) 孩子。
44. B【解析】考查名词。根据后文的 “from milk” 可知,“我”被妈妈安排去买牛奶,而牛奶属于食品杂货 (grocery) 。
45. A【解析】考查名词。此处讲的是“我”用买牛奶剩下的零钱 (change) 去打游戏。
46. B【解析】考查动词。此处讲的是当“我”沉浸在游戏中时,时间悄无声息地流逝 (slip away) , 大把时间很快过去了,以致母亲找过来,被她当场逮住。
47. D【解析】考查形容词。根据第一段可知,“我”母亲是经常追着“我”跑的,所以当母亲发现“我”在玩游戏时,“我们”之间一贯的 (typical) 赛跑就开始了。
48. C【解析】考查动词。当母亲速度不行时,她开始运用她的智慧。此处fail意思为“使失望,有负于”。
49. C【解析】考查介词短语。此处讲的是当“我”快要跑出母亲的视线范围 (out of sight) 时,她要使用终极武器。
50. A【解析】考查形容词。根据后文可知,在作者的家乡,只要有人喊“抓贼”,大家就会一起抓贼。由此可见母亲的“抓贼”二字威力巨大,所以是个终极 (ultimate) 武器。
51. D【解析】考查动词。根据后面的 “unless” 可知,在作者的家乡,除非是涉及公众安全事件,大家都不会去干涉 (get involved in) 别人的事。所以作者的母亲才会去喊“抓贼”,而不喊“帮我抓住我的孩子”。
52. D【解析】考查动词短语。此处讲的是当涉及公众安全事件时,大家就会介入 (step in) 来提供帮助。
53. B【解析】考查名词。此处讲的是大家都会加入到对“我”的追捕 (pursuit) 中。
54. A【解析】考查名词。根据后文的 “wild chases” 和 “amidst laughter and shouts” 可知,此处指在疯狂的你追我赶的混乱 (chaos) 中。
55. B【解析】考查动词。在疯狂的你追我赶的混乱中,在笑声和呼喊声中,“我”和母亲的关系因为这独特而难忘的游戏而变得非常紧密。bind意思为“使联合在一起”,过去分词为bound。
56. fewer【解析】考查形容词的比较级。根据句意可知,此处是把去年美国人进影院的次数与2000年的次数进行比较。故填fewer。
57. glued【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处应用非谓语动词形式;glue和前面的audiences之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。故填glued。
58. But/Yet【解析】考查上下句间的句意衔接。根据句意可知,此处是讲“然而,最大的巨幕公司正在蓬勃发展”,前后两句为转折关系。故填But/Yet.
59. whose【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词引导非限制性定语从句。先行词为IMAX,引导词在从句中作定语。故填whose。
60. rose【解析】考查动词的时态。根据后面的时间状语 “last year” 可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填rose。
61. a【解析】考查冠词。空处修饰的中心词为chain (连锁店) ,表示泛指,且South的发音以辅音音素开头。故填a。
62. dining【解析】考查名词。此处表示在提供电影的同时,还提供音乐、游戏和餐饮服务。空处词性应和and前面的music、gaming一致。故填dining。
63. hungry【解析】考查形容词。be hungry for为固定结构,意为“渴望得到”。故填hungry。
64. have delayed【解析】考查动词的时态。根据空前的时间状语“ever since strikes last year (自从去年好莱坞的罢工以来) ”可知,此处应用现在完成时,且主语是复数 (they) 。故填have delayed.
65. to【解析】考查介词。a trip to the movies意为“观影之旅”,所以填介词to。故填to。
第四部分 写作
One possible version:
Dear William, I'm Li Hua, one of your students from Senior Two. I'm writing to seek your guidance on some challenges I have been facing in my English writing. My problems are as follows. Firstly, what confuses me most is the proper use of tenses. I often mix up tenses, leading to low scores on my writings. What's more, I struggle to find appropriate words to express myself accurately. Despite my massive efforts to expand my vocabulary, words still fail me when I need to write. In addition, I find it difficult to make my writing well-structured and coherent, which frustrates me a lot. I'd appreciate it if you could give me some practical suggestions on my problems. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua
One possible version:
My heart weas crazy with panic. “You can't cut it down!” I cried. One of the men shook his head and said, “Come down or I will call the police.” What happened after that was a bit of a blur. I remembered the neighborsgathering, and the police coming. Then my father came racing up and climbed to where I was. I started crying and tried to get him to look out over the rooftops, but he wouldn't. He said that no view was worth his little girl's safety. He got me down and took me home. When I was locked up in my room mourning for the loss of the tree, my father came in with a painting. He sat down, showed me the painting, and there was my tree. And in the tree was a tiny girl looking into the distance. I saw more than the tree and what being up in its branches meant to me. I saw the day when my view of things around me started changing. “I want you to remember how you felt when you were up there.” Father handed me the painting. “Thank you, Daddy,” I choked out.
M: Excuse me, can you tell me how much the shirt is
W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.
Text 1
M: This steak is too raw. Could you take it back to the kitchen and have them cook it longer
W: Oh, I'm sorry about that. If we reheat the steak, it may be too dry.
M: That's OK. I prefer it dry over eating raw meat.
W: OK, I'll take care of it right away.
Text 2
W: Could you share the secret of your success in the London Marathon
M: I practiced running in the hills which are about 3, 000 metres high. So when I ran the races at the sea level, my body has all this extra energy to help me run faster.
Text 3
M: It's 7: 00, and I have an early appointment tomorrow. I need to go home now.
W: Your appointment is at eight thirty. You can stay for another hour, can't you
M: Well, even so, I'll leave in half an hour. I need to prepare for it.
W: OK.
Text 4
W: You look upset, John.
M: Well, I'm broke. I tried to ask my boss for a pay raise but it didn't work. What am I going to do
W: If I were you, I'd get a job that pays more money.
M: Oh, why didn't I think of that Thanks, Lucy.
M: How long have you been working out here
W: About two years.
M: Do you have a personal trainer
W: I took a couple of classes with a trainer when I first started. But these days I usually join the classes they offer like yoga. How about you
M: I prefer working out by myself.
Text 6
M: Dragon Home Electronics. This is John speaking. Can I help you
W: Hi, I saw a poster on the underground that says you're having a sale on refrigerators.
M: Yes, madam.
W: Could you tell me the way to your store from Flora Square
M: Certainly. First, you take the B or the F train to Broadway. Take exit 3, and head down Brich Street until you see our sign.
W: That's B or F train to Broadway, exit 3, down Brich Street.
M: That's right. However, we don't open for another hour. It's 9 o'clock now.
Text 7
M: Hello, I've made a reservation. My name's Mark Ryder.
W: Can you spell that, please
M: R-Y-D-E-R.
W: For five nights.
M: Yes, that's right.
W: Can I have your passport, please
M: Just a moment. Here you are.
W: Can you sign here, please Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room
M: Non-smoking, please.
W: Here's your key. It's room 425 on the fourth floor.
M: Thank you.
M: Hi, Mary. Have you met any of your neighbors yet
W: No, not really. It's quite difficult because my English isn't very good.
M: What Your English is fine! Anyway, lots of people here are from different countries.
W: Are they I didn't know that.
M: Actually, two of my neighbors are coming round to my flat for coffee on Friday morning.
Do you also want to come so that you can meet them
W: Let me think. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going to see my friend Luke. So yes, I should be free on Friday. What time should I come round
M: Is 10: 30 OK
W: Yes, that sounds great, thank you. I'll make a cake. That's my country's traditional snack.
It's called “mava” cake. I'm sure all of you will like it!
M: Wow, thanks! My neighbors also promised to bring some lilies from their garden. I'm really looking forward to the gathering. See you on Friday then.
W: See you.
Text 9
M: Hey, Kanti. It's a long time since we last met. I just got back from Montolieu, a small village in southern France. It's remarkable.
W: Wow, what's so special about Montolieu
M: Well, it's known as the Book Village, and for a good reason. There are 15 independently owned second-hand bookshops in a village with a population of only 833!
W: That sounds incredible.
M: What makes Montolieu unique is that it was never meant to focus on selling books, but rather on creating them.
W: Creating books How did that come about
M: A man named Michel Braibant founded a museum dedicated to the art and craft of bookmaking, which still stands today. The museum not only houses exhibits on writing systems and machines for making books, but also holds regular workshops where artisans share their expertise in various bookmaking techniques.
W: It must be an enriching experience to learn from these artisans.
Text 10
M: My name is Haroon Ali Kabeer. I am from Pakistan. Here, I would like to share my personal experience of living and working in China, which has changed my life.
In 2016, I came to China and I must say it was the best decision I have made in my life. My first impression of China was a mix of awe and amazement as I arrived at Beijing on Aug. 28, 2016. The city was bustling with people, the air smelled of street food, and the LED lights on buildings were telling me that I was in another world.
On the second day I arrived in Jinan at Shandong University where I did my IMBA (International Master of Business Administration) . My first few months were a bit challenging because of the language barrier, but thanks to the friendly and helpful locals, I was able to navigate my way around quickly. After completing my IMBA, I landed a job as a teacher.
Working in China has allowed me to experience the culture more in-depth, and I have had the chance to teach international business courses to young learners, which has been rewarding.
China has now become my second home. I hope that my experiences will inspire others to explore the rich culture and history that China has to offer.