小学英语广东版(先锋、开心)开心学英语四年级上册unit 1 school subjects (4课时)


名称 小学英语广东版(先锋、开心)开心学英语四年级上册unit 1 school subjects (4课时)
格式 zip
文件大小 18.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 广东版
科目 英语
更新时间 2015-12-03 11:59:34


课件36张PPT。Unit 1 School Subjects(1)Let’s singWhat do you like?Do you like baseball?EnglishEnglish The 1st lesson is___________.
第一节课是_______A:Do you like ________?English B:Yes, yes, yes, yes, I do.B:No, no, no, no, I don’t.A:____ you like ________?English Do The 2nd lesson is_______.artA:Do you like ________? artB:Yes, yes, yes, yes, I do.A:Do you like _____? artB:No, no, no, no, I don’t. The 3rd lesson is_______.mathA:Do you like ______ and ______? A:Do you like ______? mathB:Yes, I do.mathB:No, I don’t.Englishx+2 The 4th lesson is__________.sciencescienceA:Do you like ________? science B:Yes, I do.A:____ you like _______, ____ and ______? science B:Yes, I doDo artEnglish The 5th lesson is_______.P.E.A:Do you like ________? P.E.B:No, I don’t.A:___ you like ______ and ______? artP.E.B:Yes, I doDo A: What do you like?
B: I like___________.EnglishscienceartP.E.mathPair workTony, Tony, what do you like?Jenny,Gogo, what do you like?According to the story,choose and tick.√√√√√√Role playHomework:
read the story with your partners Princeton University普林斯顿大学 普林斯顿大学于1746年在新泽西州伊丽莎白镇创立,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院,当时名为“新泽西学院”,1747年迁至新泽西州,1756年迁至普林斯顿,并于1896年正式改名为普林斯顿大学。它还是八所常春藤盟校之一。 普林斯顿大学[是全世界最富有的大学之一,US NEWS最新排名第一位,迄今为止已经收到了将近一百亿美元,来自校友会的源源不断的捐款和一些投资专家的努力。普林斯顿将不少钱花到了为校艺术博物馆购买藏品上,包括莫奈、Andy Warhol以及其他名画家的作品。普林斯顿校图书馆目前有一千一百万藏书。主要的馆址燧石图书馆(Firestone Library)拥有超过六百万册藏书。在燧石图书馆之外,许多独立的学科(包括建筑学、美术历史、东亚研究、工程、地质学、国际关系和公共政策,以及近东研究)也都有自己的图书馆。美术博物馆大约有六万件藏品,从古代到现代的艺术品都有收集,并主要集中于地中海、西欧、中国、美国和拉丁美洲的作品。博物馆有专门的古希腊、古罗马的文化遗产收藏,包括陶器、大理石、青铜、以及罗马的镶嵌工艺收藏。传统之一:总统演讲
普林斯顿大学有个传统,每逢50年“大庆”,必请当时的总统来演讲:1946年逢200 周年校庆,请了杜鲁门总统,1996年逢250周年校庆,请了克林顿。克林顿总统认为:这是普林斯顿大学给在任总统的一个极大的面子。
普林斯顿大学的名人爱因斯坦Thanks for your listening课件28张PPT。Unit 1 School Subjects
Period 3
Sounds and words
Alphabet songfcrdececWhat’s the sound of letter ce ? 字母ce组合发什么音?eLance’s story.LanceWhat about you?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely face.I can dance.I like rice and ice cream.I like science.I don’t like mice.ce / /s字母ce发什么音?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely _____. bace
facefaceI can ______.dancedanceI like _____ and __________.riceice creamI like _______.scienceI don’t like _____.A.
B. nicemice What about you?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely face.I can dance.I like rice and ice cream.I like science.I don’t like mice.ce / /sce /s/ ce /s/ rice, I like rice.
ce /s/ ce /s/ science, I like science.
ce /s/ ce /s/ dance, I can dance.
ce /s/ ce /s/ mice, They’re mice.
ce /s/ ce /s/ face, lovely face.
ce /s/ ce /s/ ice cream, yummy ice cream
Let’s chant.Bubble game
Listen and choosericemicefacebacedancepanceice creamsciencemicenicedanceice creamricefacedancesciencemiceice creamDance, rice
Dance, rice,
Mice are dancing around the rice.Rice, face
Rice, face,
Oh, rice is all over the face.Can you read?ceirmnldpCan you read?cefabadamalaCan you read?cedanpanlanmanCan you read?cescienoffipolijuiDice game退后1格退后3格前进2格退后4格前进2格退后2格四人一组掷骰子玩游戏,经过每个格子都必须读出单词。 I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.

I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.
I like rice.ABC I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.
I like rice, ice cream and science.根据你自己的能力,选择A,B,或C来朗读,看谁最棒。 I am ________ ( Lance, Alice, Bace, Dace人名).
I have a _____ ______. (nice好看的 face, nice lace.)
I can ______. (dance, cook rice)
I like _______ and _______.
I don’t like _________.
Make your own rhyme in four a group.四人一组创作一首韵律诗。选词填空,填完后小组读几遍。(rice, ice cream , science, juice, mice, dice, lace蕾丝 , lice虱子 , dace鲦鱼 .Homework1. Read the words and chant on P13.
2. Read the rhyme to your parents.课件28张PPT。Unit 1 School SubjectstopicThe second periedLet’s sing.ReviewReview(复习): Read and choose.math P.E. English art sciencescienceRead and choose.math P.E. English art sciencedoRead and choose.math P.E. English art sciencedon’tartPresenter(主持人)Orchestra(乐团)We want new members!
新 成 员Warmly welcome!Warmly welcome!ChinesemusicRead and choose(选择).sciencemusicChineseWhat subject(科目)?ChineseChineseChineseWhat subject(科目)?musicWhat subjects do you like?Let’s chant.What subjects, what subjects?
What subjects do you like?
Music, music.
I like music.
What subjects, what subjects?
What subjects do you like?
Chinese, Chinese.
I like Chinese.What subjects do you like?I like music.ChinesemusicPair work.Repeat the dialogues.Try to do. (试试看吧) Hello! ---- Hi! Good afternoon! ---- Good afternoon!What’s your name? I’m (Tony).
Do you like (music)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.What subjects do you like? I like (English).
This way(这边走), please. Thank you. Goodbye! ---- Bye!See you. ---- See you.(再见)123Let’s sing.What subjects do Tony and Gogo like?Listen and tick√.TonyGogoListen and tick√.TonyGogo√√√√√√√√√√√I like science / music/ P.E. / art.I like Chinese / math / English. I like them all(全部).Let’s sing.Read and write.Do you like math?____________Yes, I do.No, I don’t.No, I don’t.Do you like science?____________Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Yes, I do.Read and write.I like them all.subjectsubjectsWhat _________ do
you like?subjectsRead and write.subjectsTalk with your partner(同桌). Hello! ---- Hi! Good afternoon! ---- Good afternoon!Do you like (math)? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.What subjects do you like? I like (English). Nice to see you! ---- Nice to see you, too! Goodbye! ---- Bye!See you. ---- See you.(再见)Talk with your friends(朋友们). Hello! ---- Hi!Do you like (math)? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.What subjects do you like? I like (English). Nice to see you! ---- Nice to see you, too! Goodbye! ---- Bye!See you. ---- See you.(再见) Good afternoon! ---- Good afternoon!Like it more, better you’ll be.越喜欢就会越好。Homework1. Review P9.2. Interview(采访) your family.Do you like…?What subjects do you like?Bye!课件15张PPT。 Let’s look! A:What’s this?
B:It’s a / an …Let’s
say !Let’s Guess!Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Do you like…?Yes, we do. No, we don’t. Let’s look! A:What’s this?
B:It’s a / an …Let’s
say !Let’s Guess!Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Do you like…?Yes, we do. No, we don’t. Our School Timetable Let’s check! Our School TimetableSchool Timetable of UK
Hello, I’m __________. I’m ________.
I like _____________. I can __________.
I can __________ too.
Let’s write! Fill in the blanks.1. Do you like _____ ?
Yes, I _____.
2. What______ do you like?
I like______.
3.____ you like ______?
No, I _____.
4. ____ _______ do you like?
I like ______ and ____. mathdosubjectsmusicDoartdon’tWhatsubjectsEnglishP.E.HomeworkRead,choose and write:(读,选择和写。)1.In ___ class, we can draw. 2.In P.E. class, we can ____. 3.In music class, we can ____. 4.In _____ class, we can learn ABC. 5.In _____ class, we can count the number 1,2,3. art run sing English math sing art English math run art