四川省达州市万源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含答案解析与听力原文 有音频)


名称 四川省达州市万源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含答案解析与听力原文 有音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 43.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-24 14:51:45


1-5 ABCCB 6-10 BACBB 11-15 CCAAB 16-20 ABACC
21-25 CADCD 26-30 ABABD 31-35 BCBDC 36-40 GFECB
41-45 CABDB 46-50 ACCDB 51-55 ADDCB
56. to seek 57. out 58. places 59. confirms 60. whose
61. highest 62. commitment 63. an 64. protecting 65. remarkable
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I'm pleased to recommend a Chinese restaurant to you. Among the many well-known restaurants, I highly recommend you to dine with your friends at Big Harvest Restaurant, located at the foot of White Cloud Mountain.
The restaurant attracts a large number of customers each day thanks to its combination of elegant environment and delicious Chinese cuisine. The genuine local dishes served there have won praise from customers of all ages. More importantly, traditional Chinese wedding ceremonies which are often held there will provide you with a cultural feast.
I sincerely hope my recommendation will be of help to you.
All the best,
Li Hua
One possible version:
“Faster!” I screamed and in that instant, I felt like Superman. Julius was still ahead of me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. The war continued but the finishing line was within reach. Using my last ounce of energy, I raced past Julius! For the first time, I had passed the finishing line before Julius! Drops of sweat rolled down my cheeks, mixing with the intense expression on my face. This was not just a race — it was a representation of my willpower, a proof of the depths of my resolve.
“Yi Rou! Yi Rou! Yi Rou!” The whole school was cheering my name! I stood there excited. Julius, out of breath, reached out to shake my hand. “That was a brilliant race! I hope that I can race with you again.” Soon after, I collapsed as everyone came to congratulate me. They gave me warm pats on the back. I was so tired that all I managed to do was smile at them. “Thank you for all the support! It really was a challenge!”
21. C。理解具体信息。根据演员表可知,饰演哈姆雷特父亲的演员是David Pittsinger。
22. A。理解具体信息。根据The Creators部分中的dramatists whose other operatic co-productions include Gounod's Faust and Roméo et Juliette and Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann可知,这两位剧作家一起创作过多部作品。
23. D。理解具体信息。根据Notes部分中的Met Titles are available for this performance in English, German, and Spanish. To activate, press the red button to the right of the screen in front of your seat ... To turn off the display, press the red button once again可知,观众可以通过按动红色按钮来开启屏幕并选择需要的字幕。title在此处意为“(电影、电视的)字幕”。
24. C。推断。根据第二段的内容尤其是This experience made me unwilling to be honest about my struggles可知,作者考试前一天需要做出艰难决定,以至于失眠,第二天向教授请求延期考试被拒绝。此后,作者就不太愿意袒露自己的困难了。也就是说,经历此次事件后,作者在向他人求助时变得很犹豫(害怕遭遇拒绝)。
25. D。理解具体信息。根据第四段的内容及最后一段中的connecting with students on a deeper level可知,疫情期间,作者意识到学生需要精神支持,于是向学生分享了自己经历的父亲生病及去世的事情,由此加强了与学生之间的联系。
26. A。推断。根据第五段中的The response was immediate and powerful. Students became unafraid to share their stories with me. I changed nothing about the way I delivered course material, but student exam scores improved, as did my teaching evaluations可知,在向学生敞开心扉后,作者发现学生们不再害怕与自己分享他们的故事。在没有改变讲授课程材料的方式下,不但学生的考试成绩提高了,自己的教学评估分数也提高了。由but一词可推断出这一喜人的变化让作者始料未及。
27. B。推断。综合全文信息,尤其是最后一段的内容可知,作者认为,袒露自己的不完美,与学生建立更深层次的联系,为他们和自己创造成长的空间,这些事情是具有挑战性的,但也是值得的。虽然不能对每个学生生活的方方面面了解得事无巨细,但作为老师,可以选择永远支持学生。由此可推知,通过写出自己的故事,作者对于老师们的期待是关注学生的心理健康,为他们提供精神支持。
28. A。理解主旨要义。第二段主要讨论了过量摄入盐的健康风险:诱发高血压、心脏病及胃癌等疾病。
29. B。理解词汇。根据even形成的语气转折可知,即使有的食品品牌有意减少自家食品中的盐分含量,行业其他品牌的做法也会“妨碍”这些品牌做出限盐的行为。因为盐除了是最便宜的调味品之一外,还可以通过增加食物的水分含量来增加其重量。
30. D。推断。倒数第二段中MacGregor将英国政府推出的“responsibility deals”比喻为“让一只蚊子看管血库”,言外之意是让食品行业自愿控盐会造成监守自盗的行为。由此可推知,他认为这是一项欠考虑的举措。
31. B。理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的“If you really want to lower your salt intake, the best first step might be to write to your MP,” says MacGregor可知,MacGregor建议人们“如果你真的想减少盐的摄入,最好的第一步可能是写信给国会议员”。即民众应寄希望于政府通过实施严格的法律法规来推动减盐的行动。
cap (para. 2): 限额摄取
32. C。理解文章结构。第二段提到科学带来的许多变化都是非常有益的,但也会带来一些潜在的问题,需要公众的讨论。第三段中,划线部分所在句提到“为了对这一切进行重要的公开讨论,公众需要接受过科学教育”。由此可知,all this指第二段提到的“科学进步的潜在负面问题”。
33. B。理解具体信息。根据第四段中的A British Science Association (BSA) survey ... around a third of 14 - to 18 - year - olds find scientists inspirational or consider the subject to be relevant to their lives可知,英国科学协会调查发现,只有约三分之一的英国年轻人认为科学家有感召力或认为科学与他们的生活相关。这表明大部分英国年轻人与科学领域脱节。
34. D。推断。根据第六段的内容可知,《时间简史》获得科普著作奖的提名,它的写作受众是没有物理学基础知识的读者。由此可推知,这本书之所以广受认可,是因为它用简单的语言向大众普及了宇宙的知识,让更广泛的受众能够理解复杂的概念。
35. C。理解主旨要义。第五段作者提出了自己的论点:So, in this increasingly science - centred world, the same attention should be given to popular science writing as is given to other forms of literature(在这个日益以科学为中心的世界上,人们应该像关注其他文学形式一样关注科普写作)。C项与本文的主要论点相关,捕捉到了文章的主题,为最佳标题。
1. net zero economy:零排放经济,是指一个经济体系在净排放量上达到零的状态。这意味着经济体系在生产和消耗过程中所产生的温室气体排放量被完全抵消或削减到几乎零的程度。
2. the Enlightenment:启蒙运动,是指17-18世纪欧洲发生的一场思想文化运动,旨在通过理性、科学和人道主义的原则来改革社会、政治和知识体系。启蒙运动的核心观念是推崇理性和批判思维,反对迷信、封建主义和专制统治。
36. G。设空处下一句中的Sure提示设空处上一句所填内容应是表达了某种观点。再根据leaving it at that is often pretty uncomfortable可知,Vanessa Bohns应该是不同意这种观点。G项“你或许听闻过这种建议:‘不’是个(表示对话)结束的句子”符合语境。a complete sentence在这里要表达的意思是“你对别人的请求说了‘不’就可以了,不用再解释其他”。而Bohns建议在说了“不”后,还要进一步沟通三件事。故G项符合语境。
37. F。设空处上一句Bohns提出了一个建议;设空处所填内容应点明设空处下一句中的This指代的是什么。由此可推知,设空处所填内容应与Bohns建议的具体实施相关。设空处下一句意为“这能让他们放心,他们向你提出请求没有做错任何事情”。F项“这么做的一个方法是感谢对方想着你”符合语境。
38. E。设空处上文提到Bohns经常在食杂店门口被人要求捐善款,结合本段标题“为非正式的场合准备一个计划好的短语”可知,设空处应填Bohns准备的应对短语。E项符合语境,其中的go - to response意为“常用回答;常用应对方式”。
39. C。设空处为段落标题,所填内容应能概括段落主要内容。本段主旨句为If someone is applying undue pressure, adopt what psychologist Ellen Hendriksen describes as the broken - record technique。C项符合语境。
40. B。设空处上一句引出了the broken - record technique,设空处所填内容应具体指出这种方法的内容。设空处下一句中的repeating yourself two or three times承接了设空处的语意。由此可知,设空处所填内容应与此相关。B项中的sticking to与下文中的repeating构成词汇同现。综上,B项“那就是一直坚持你的回答”符合语境。D项不可选是因为本文强调拒绝他人请求,而不是自己提出要求。
41. C。根据As a single parent of two可推断,作为有两个孩子的单身母亲,Carolyn有很多的琐事,这些琐事都会挡在她获取学位的路上,故stood符合语境。
42. A。根据下文中的the Pattons celebrated their joint achievement可知,这对母子同时获得了学位。在这之前,儿子鼓励母亲攻读她的学位。
43. B。母子一起学习意味着他们可以一起获取学位。
44. D。45. B。46. A。根据The ... to graduation wasn't always easy, with Carolyn ... that completing her degree on top of working was a ... at times可知,求学之路并不容易,Carolyn提到在工作之外完成学业是一件困难的事。noting能使上下文连贯;struggle与wasn't always easy呼应。
47. C。48. C。根据下文中的a 1.0 grade point average(平均积分点)和being placed on academic probation可知,这句话说明Immanuel在求学路上的难处,故academic和receiving符合语境。
49. D。根据I had a meltdown, but I got back on可知,求学中的Carolyn一度崩溃,but一词说明上下文是转折关系,meltdown与got back on track(重回正轨)形成对比。
50. B。根据下文中的graduation可知,这对母子最终都毕业了。
51. A。52. D。这句话介绍这对母子共同求学的渊源:大约20年前儿子Immanuel在幼儿园的一个誓言最终促成了这对母子共同努力获取大学学位。joint意为“共同的”,符合语境;从almost 20 years可以推测出Immanuel在幼儿园时立下誓言。
53. D。在毕业典礼上,这对母子站好和大学校长一起拍照庆祝。
54. C。55. B。最后一段主要介绍获得学位后这对母子的计划。第一句介绍母亲的计划:就毕业后的生活而言,Carolyn说她希望学士学位能帮助自己加薪。In terms of意为“就……而言”,能使上下文连贯;secure意为“得到”,符合语境。
56. to seek。考查动词不定式。根据句意可知,这些鸟离开中国的东北部是为了去南方过冬,设空处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。
57. out。考查固定搭配。句意为:在这些鸟类冬季迁徙期间前往的众多地区中,湖北省作为一个重要的越冬地脱颖而出。stand out意为“脱颖而出”,符合语境。
58. places。考查名词复数。place是可数名词,其前无限定词,应用复数形式。
59. confirms。考查一般现在时。主语为The sighting,且本句叙述客观情况,应用一般现在时。
60. whose。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,对species作进一步解释;设空处与existence之间为所属关系,应填whose。
61. highest。考查形容词最高级。根据设空处后的in China可知,此处表达最高级含义。
62. commitment。考查名词。设空处在句中作主语,其前有China's限定,应用名词。
63. an。考查冠词。example是可数名词,且设空处表泛指,故填an。
64. protecting。考查动词-ing形式。设空处作at的宾语,应用动词-ing形式。
65. remarkable。考查形容词。设空处作定语,意为“非凡的”,故填remarkable。
1. numerous (para. 1): adj. 众多的
2. predate (para. 2): v. 早于第一节:听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
W: Please make your way to Gallery 12 now, and you’ll enjoy the “Dutch Masters” tour there. Your ticket is still available for the “Renaissance Revival” tour in Gallery 14.
M: Great!
(Text 2)
W: Hello, I’m here to collect my laptop. You rang to say it was fixed. Was it the charger again
M: No, we replaced that last time. And we had to put in a new battery. The old one was dead.
(Text 3)
M: I’m sorry. I’m completely blanking. What was it that you needed me to do next I wrote it down, but I can’t find the list.
W: Oh yeah, here it is. I need you to organize the files.
(Text 4)
W: In China, when newborn babies celebrate their first birthday, objects are placed around them and left for them to grab.
M: I know it’s an important tradition. The items chosen are supposed to give some indication as to the child’s future.
(Text 5)
W: I’ve never seen anything like it! One of the lamps in my bedroom doesn’t work.
M: Sorry, Madam. Some equipment does need a little updating.
W: What are you going to do now At the very least you can upgrade my room. Actually, no, I want my money back and I’ll find another hotel!
第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
(Text 6)
M: Amy, look at all the books you have. Are you going to read them
W: Actually I’ve already finished them. I’m considering throwing them away.
M: Why don’t you donate them Kids Need to Read is collecting inspiring books to help underfunded schools and libraries.
W: So have you donated books to them
M: Of course, almost once a year. They also have some fun activities. My students were so inspired after their Storybook Adventures program! The staff are friendly and they have a true passion for kids and reading.
(Text 7)
W: Jim, do you know any museums to visit with children in Shanghai
M: Yes. Shanghai Animation and Comics Museum is a fun museum to go to as a family. It gives an in-depth history of comics and cartoons in China.
W: That is Alice’s favorite but Jason isn’t interested in that.
M: How about Shanghai Auto Museum It’s well worth a trip for car enthusiasts, as it documents the past 100 years of automobile history through a collection of cars.
W: Jason likes that. What else
M: Shanghai Children’s Museum is also a good choice. It’s about different ways of traveling and includes activities that imitate a space exploration.
W: Sounds interesting. I think this is where we will go. Thanks.
(Text 8)
M: Why did you decide to become a doctor, Laura
W: Well, I was good at science subjects in school. I once got a chance to be Doctor Page’s assistant, which was part of a volunteer project, so that’s what convinced me to become a doctor.
M: Was studying medicine tough
W: Yes. I had to do four years of medical school to get my degree, one year of social service, one year of working in a hospital and four years of specialization in the study of medical care for children. Then I became a qualified doctor.
M: What about your job now
W: I work in a children’s hospital. I normally operate three mornings a week and the rest of the time I see patients in my office. When I see the children in the wards getting better, I know it’s worth it.
(Text 9)
W: Today we’re talking to Harry, who has just completed his first term at the University of Southampton, where he’s doing a 4-year course in Electronic Engineering. Welcome Harry!
M: Thanks!
W: So what made you choose the University of Southampton
M: Actually, my dad suggested Cambridge. But you have to do two years of general engineering before you can specialize. There are some aspects of engineering I don’t like, such as Civil Engineering. At Southampton, I can focus on Electronic Engineering right from the very beginning.
W: OK. Did you join any clubs for new students
M: Hmm, the university likes to promote healthy activities. There are no university commitments on Wednesday afternoons as they’re kept free for sports. I chose basketball.
W: And what are the professors like
M: We have great professors. For example, Mr. Smith likes playing movies for his students to encourage them. Professor Williams rewards students who have a good question with a book that’s currently out of print. It’s an attractive award.
(Text 10) W
Hello, everyone. In my class presentation today, I’d like to talk about a famous poet. She is Maya Angelou. Her childhood was filled with many challenges. When Maya was just eight years old, she faced a terrible event that made her unable to speak for five years. During this time, she found comfort in reading books and writing in her journal. Maya eventually found her voice again and discovered the power of words. She wanted to use her voice to make others think and bring hope to others. So, she started her journey as a poet. Her poems often talked about love, hope, and the strength of the human spirit. One of them is Still I Rise. It’s a powerful piece about overcoming difficulties, no matter what challenges you face. Another well-known poem is Phenomenal Woman, which is about the power of being a woman. Maya also wrote books and poems that were specially created for younger readers. One of her children’s books, Life Doesn’t Frighten Me, combines her poetry with paintings by a famous artist. This book encourages kids to face their fears and believe in themselves. So if you’re interested in her poems, please find some to read.万源中学高2025届高二(下)期中考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a gallery. B. In an office. C. In a store.
2. Why does the woman come to the man
A. To buy a charger. B. To get the laptop. C. To change a battery.
3. What is the man required to do
A. Find a list. B. Take a note. C. Sort the files.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A present. B. A party. C. A tradition.
5. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Fix the lamp. B. Give her money back. C. Offer her a new room.
6. What does the woman plan to do with the books at first
A. Sell them. B. Throw them away. C. Keep them at home.
7. What does the man do
A. He's a teacher. B. He's a writer. C. He's a librarian.
8. Who is Alice probably
A. The woman's sister. B. The woman's mother. C. The woman's daughter.
9. What may attract Jason most
A. Chinese cartoons. B. Car collections. C. Space exploration.
10. Where does the woman decide to go in the end
A. Shanghai Auto Museum.
B. Shanghai Children's Museum.
C. Shanghai Animation and Comics Museum.
11. What made the woman decide to become a doctor
A. Her family tradition. B. Her health problems. C. Her volunteer experience.
12. How long did it take the woman to qualify as a doctor
A. About eight years. B. About nine years. C. About ten years.
13. What does the woman think of her job
A. Rewarding. B. Demanding. C. Tiring.
14. Which year of college is the man in now
A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.
15. Why did the man select Southampton
A. Because of the fee. B. Because of the course. C. Because of the location.
16. What does Southampton motivate students to do on Wednesday afternoons
A. Do some exercise. B. Enjoy social activities. C. Go on field trips.
17. How does Professor Williams encourage students
A. By playing a film.
B. By giving a special book.
C. By assigning less homework.
18. What happened to Maya at age eight
A. She became speechless. B. She went blind. C. She lost her hearing.
19. Why did Maya begin to write
A. To enter a competition.
B. To become a famous poet.
C. To influence others positively.
20. Which of the following contains poems and paintings
A. Still I Rise. B. Phenomenal Woman. C. Life Doesn't Frighten Me.
Hamlet at the Metropolitan Opera
March 27, 1:00-4:20 pm
Claudius, king of Denmark James Morris
Gertrude, queen of Claudius Jennifer Larmore
Prince Hamlet, Gertrude's son Simon Keenlyside
Ophélie Marlis Petersen
La rte, Ophélie's brother Toby Spence
Hamlet's father David Pittsinger
Polonius, Ophélie's father Maxim Mikhailov
The Creators
Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896) achieved success in opera with Mignon and Hamlet. He was also highly regarded as a teacher and as the director of the Paris Conservatory. The libretto ( 剧本) for Hamlet was written by Michel Carré (1821-1872) and Jules Barbier (1825-1901), a team of dramatists whose other operatic co-productions include Gounod's Faust and Roméo et Juliette and Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann. The opera is, of course, based on the play by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), whose works have inspired generations of artists for the last four centuries.
●Met Titles are available for this performance in English, German, and Spanish. To activate, press the red button to the right of the screen in front of your seat and follow the instructions provided. To turn off the display, press the red button once again.
●If you have questions, please ask an attendant at intermission.
●The exits indicated by a red light and the sign nearest the seat you occupy are the shortest routes to the street.
●The photographing or sound recording of any performance is prohibited.
21. Who will star as Hamlet's father in the opera
A. James Morris. B. Simon Keenlyside. C. David Pittsinger. D. Maxim Mikhailov.
22. What do we know about the two dramatists
A. They worked together many times. B. They were students of Ambroise Thomas.
C. They studied at the Paris Conservatory. D. They were experienced on stage as well.
23. What can the audience do by pressing the red button mentioned in the Notes
A. Call for an attendant. B. Check the nearest exit.
C. Record the performance. D. Turn on the screen.
“Do we have permission to give your father a tracheotomy ( 气管切开术) ” I was a college student. My father had fallen into a coma ( 昏迷) a few weeks earlier and I was responsible for his medical decisions.
The call about the tracheotomy came the night before an exam. After a few hours of restless sleep, I was hardly in a state to take the exam. I told my professor what had happened the previous night and requested an alternative exam date, which was denied. This experience made me unwilling to be honest about my struggles. When I soon had to make the decision to take my father off life support, I told nobody.
Despite that sadness, I was able to make it through my studies and, eight years later, I became a professor myself. As a new teacher, I felt I needed to adopt a tough classroom persona ( 表面形象) to earn fellow teachers' respect. My behavior wasn't unlike that of the professor who had denied me the exam extension years earlier, and it did not reflect my actual character.
Then, the pandemic ( 大流行病) hit. I was too tired to keep up the act, and my students needed support. So, I shared the story about my father's illness and death to acknowledge that life goes on outside of my classroom. I told my students I knew they might be suffering and wanted them to know that if they came to me needing help, I would understand.
The response was immediate and powerful. Students became unafraid to share their stories with me. I changed nothing about the way I delivered course material, but student exam scores improved, as did my teaching evaluations. Students could see that although I still pushed them to learn the material, I cared about their well-being and wanted them to succeed.
Exposing your imperfections, connecting with students on a deeper level, and creating space for them — and you — to grow will always be challenging, but it is worth it. I cannot know everything that is going on in every student's life, but I can always choose sympathy.
24. What effect did the professor's denial have on the author
A. He lost confidence in himself.
B. He grew stronger in the face of challenges.
C. He became hesitant to ask for help from others.
D. He learned to be respectful of others' choices.
25. How did the pandemic change the author's teaching
A. He lowered his academic standards.
B. He adopted a tough classroom persona.
C. He stopped pushing his students to learn.
D. He shared his personal stories to bond with students.
26. What did the author think of his students' reactions in paragraph 5
A. A nice surprise. B. An anticipated response. C. A brave fight. D. A slow change.
27. What might the author expect teachers to do by writing the text
A. Set good examples for students. B. Care about students' mental health.
C. Respect students' individual differences. D. Focus on innovative teaching methods.
“The cure for anything is salt,” says a character in Karen Blixen's short story The Deluge at Norderney. Everyday life has got a lot saltier since Blixen's era — and salt is no longer the cure-all it once was. So what should we be doing about it
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends capping your salt intake at 5g a day, and keeping it even lower if possible. That's because, according to a large body of evidence, eating a lot of it is linked to high blood pressure, which in turn is a risk factor for heart disease. More recently, extra salt has also been associated with stomach cancer.
So is the answer to put down the shaker It's a bit more complicated than that: as the British Heart Foundation notes, 75% of the salt that we eat is added before our food even hits our plates. The UK was a world leader in salt reduction, with the Food Standards Agency enforcing ( 施行) strict limits on how much could be included in most products.
In 2010, however, as the government introduced “responsibility deals”, the food industry itself took the lead in the process, with limits becoming much more voluntary. Now, even brands that would like to reduce the salt content of their foods are hamstrung by what everyone else is doing: apart from being one of the cheapest forms of flavouring available, salt can also be used to bulk up ( 增重) foods by increasing their water content.
“As a work partner of mine said, leaving it up to the manufacturers (制造商) is like putting a mosquito in charge of a blood bank,” says Graham MacGregor, a professor of medicine. “Some supermarkets want better enforcement, but it has to come from above.”
The answer, then, is that this is one health concern that we should probably be collectively worrying about. You can take steps like cooking most of your meals and avoiding takeaways and ready meals. But it's not an option for everyone. “If you really want to lower your salt intake, the best first step might be to write to your MP (国会议员),” says MacGregor.
28. What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on concerning salt
A. Its potential danger to health. B. Its daily recommended intake.
C. Its significance to everyday life. D. Its curing ability for certain diseases.
29. What does the underlined word “hamstrung” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Copied. B. Restricted. C. Doubted. D. Criticized.
30. Which of the following describes “responsibility deals” in MacGregor's opinion
A. A win-win strategy. B. An ill-intentioned policy.
C. A business-restricting practice. D. A poorly thought-out initiative.
31. What is the key to lower salt intake according to MacGregor
A. The food industry's voluntary efforts.
B. The UK government enforcing strict laws.
C. The general public's return to home cooking.
D. The WHO introducing minimum standards.
Science is increasingly central to our lives — from its role in creating day-to-day objects such as the smartphones in our pockets, to the big challenges of tackling disease, addressing climate change and focusing on biodiversity loss.
Many of the changes that the discipline brings are hugely beneficial, but they often come with potential downsides that demand public debate. Will artificial intelligence take people's jobs or destroy elections with false news How fast can we practically achieve a net zero economy
For the crucial public debate that is needed on all this to take place, we must have a scientifically literate population. But there is a divide between the scientifically minded and those who choose not to engage with science.
It saddens me that our culture now views science as difficult, which discourages many from taking an interest in it. A British Science Association (BSA) survey recently suggested that only around a third of 14- to 18-year-olds find scientists inspirational or consider the subject to be relevant to their lives.
In fact, science is interlinked with every aspect of our existence and people from all walks of life and of all ages should be able to access it easily. The invention of the printing press was crucial to the Enlightenment because it democratised ( 普及) knowledge. So, in this increasingly science-centred world, the same attention should be given to popular science writing as is given to other forms of literature.
The Royal Society Science Book Prize is the only one in the world to promote popular science writing. Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, which was shortlisted ( 把……列入入围名单) for the prize in 1989, was written for readers who had no prior knowledge of physics and has since become a universally recognised text on the universe.
Democratising science has never been more important. There are so many scientific stories to be told that can help us better understand ourselves. A society equipped with a solid understanding of the issues of the day is a society more able to respond to them in a better way.
32. What does the underlined part “all this” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Beneficial scientific advancements.
B. Challenges facing human beings.
C. Potential downsides of science.
D. Disagreements between scientists and the public.
33. What does the BSA survey reveal about the majority of British young people
A. They have great respect for scientists.
B. They feel disconnected from science.
C. They know little about the Enlightenment.
D. They wish to land a career in the scientific field.
34. Why has A Brief History of Time been well-received according to the author
A. It won an international book prize.
B. It focused on important life issues.
C. It was written by a highly-honoured author.
D. It democratised knowledge about the universe.
35. What is the best title for the text
A. The crisis of science in our modern life
B. We must rely on science to tackle our problems
C. Popular science books have never been more important
D. Public debate about science could never be more necessary
Get Better at Saying No
“No” is a short, simple word that can cause anxiety for the person trying to say it. The following strategies can help you get better at saying no.
Be intentional about what you communicate.
36 Sure — but as psychologist Vanessa Bohns points out, leaving it at that is often pretty uncomfortable. Instead, she advises communicating three things: “It's not because of me, it's not because of you, and it's not because of us.” 37 This reassures them that they didn't do anything wrong by asking. Then, follow up with a short explanation: “I wish I could, but I just don't have the time right now.” That helps make it clear that your “no” isn't a poor reflection of your own character; it's not the other person; and it's not a disapproval of the relationship, Bohns says.
Have a planned phrase for more informal encounters.
Not every situation, of course, calls for such a thoughtful approach. Think through times when you've gotten stressed over delivering a quick “no”, and then brainstorm phrases you could use in the future. Bohns, for example, is often asked to donate to some cause or another as she checks out at the grocery store. 38 “It's true, and it's a way of saying, essentially, that I'm still a good person,” she says.
There's always that one guy who won't take no for an answer. If someone is applying undue pressure, adopt what psychologist Ellen Hendriksen describes as the broken-record technique. 40 Occasionally, the asker will get irritated (恼火的), she says — but usually after repeating yourself two or three times, even the most persistent (执著的) people will get the message.
A. She says no directly.
B. It's sticking to your answer.
C. Adopt the broken-record technique.
D. Repeat your request again and again.
E. She now has a go-to response: “I already donated this year.”
F. One way to do that is by thanking people for thinking of you.
G. You might have heard the tip that “no” is a complete sentence.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As a single parent of two, Carolyn had always been inspired to get her bachelor's degree ( 学士学位). However, the day-to-day life had 41 in the way. Luckily, her son, Immanuel Patton, continually encouraged her to 42 her degree as he was working towards his own. It 43 they could graduate from university together.
The 44 to graduation wasn't always easy, with Carolyn 45 that completing her degree on top of working was a 46 at times. Immanuel also faced 47 challenges of his own, at one point 48 a 1.0 grade point average and being placed on academic probation (留校观察).
“I had a meltdown (崩溃), but I got back on 49 . My son says: ‘If I can do it, you can do it, too,’ ” Carolyn recalled. The two encouraged one another and 50 completed their degrees.
The 51 graduation came almost 20 years after a promise Immanuel made to Carolyn while he was in 52 to get their degrees together. On 53 day, the Pattons celebrated their joint achievement, standing for photos with the UMGC president, Gregory Fowler.
54 what life looks like after graduation, Carolyn says she hopes to use her bachelor's degree to 55 a pay raise at work. Immanuel says that he is now looking for a job, possibly in academic advising.
41. A. changed B. lost C. stood D. come
42. A. pursue B. hold C. download D. fancy
43. A. showed B. meant C. requested D. proved
44. A. attention B. reaction C. devotion D. journey
45. A. apologizing B. noting C. demanding D. warning
46. A. struggle B. trick C. foundation D. process
47. A. technical B. general C. academic D. physical
48. A. restoring B. checking C. receiving D. expecting
49. A. land B. duty C. stage D. track
50. A. totally B. ultimately C. nearly D. repeatedly
51. A. joint B. virtual C. original D. improved
52. A. university B. danger C. power D. kindergarten
53. A. registration B. application C. interview D. graduation
54. A. In spite of B. In need of C. In terms of D. In hopes of
55. A. afford B. secure C. include D. review
As the severe winter conditions set in, the Chinese merganser (秋沙鸭) starts its annual migration ( 迁徙). These birds leave northeastern China 56. __________ (seek) shelter in milder climates further south. Among the numerous regions that these birds travel to during their winter migration, Hubei Province stands 57. __________ as a significant wintering site. The province's wetlands offer an ideal environment for the Chinese merganser, providing plentiful food and safe nesting 58. __________ (place). The sighting of nearly 500 of these rare birds 59. __________ (confirm) Hubei's role as a vital winter habitat.
The Chinese merganser, a species 60. __________ existence predates most of today's living organisms, enjoys the 61. __________ (high) level of national protection in China. China's 62. __________ (commit) to preserving these ‘living fossils ( 化石)’ is not just an effort to protect an endangered species, but also an effort to safeguard a piece of our planet's ancient history.
The significant presence of the Chinese mergansers in the wetlands of Jingmen City is 63. __________ example of hope for the conservation efforts aimed at 64. __________ (protect) these unique birds. It serves as a reminder of the complicated relationship we share with nature and the responsibility we bear to protect and preserve the diverse ecosystems that are home to such 65. __________ (remark) species.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,外教Mr. Smith打算周末去一家餐馆体验本地美食,发来邮件询问你的建议。请你给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 餐馆信息; 2. 推荐理由。
注意: 写作词数应为80左右;
Dear Mr. Smith,
Li Hua
“I challenge you to a hundred-meter race,” my opponent, Julius, declared. He had beaten me countless times during practice, but I wanted to prove him wrong for a change. “That'll wipe the smile off his face!” I thought, even as fear started to pool in my stomach. He was well-known around the school for being the fastest runner on the track-and-field team, while I tailed behind in second place — a respectable position, but not yet good enough to surpass him. Nevertheless, I shook his hand and said, “Challenge accepted!” However, negative thoughts flooded my mind. Would I be able to win After all, Julius' speed of light would guarantee a sure win!
Soon, all my friends and the teachers had gathered around to watch the challenge. “Oh no, I will lose and be embarrassed in front of the whole school!” I spoke in a low voice. Nonetheless, I turned my worried expression into a determined smile. To keep myself from sinking into self-doubt, I did some stretches and jumping jacks to warm up my body.
Finally, the crucial moment arrived. The referee ( 裁判) fired the starting gun and we took off like a shot. Adrenaline ( 肾上腺素) rocketed through my body as I launched myself forward. True to my expectations, Julius caught up with me easily and was in the lead! “No way will I lose! Victory, here I come!” I motivated myself as anger coursed through my body. As the race progressed, my eyes locked onto Julius, his athletic form effortlessly moving ahead. His quick steps and strong focus showcased his formidable ( 惊人的) skills. Yet, I refused to let doubt consume me. A fierce fire burnt within, fueled by a mix of unwillingness to admit defeat and anger. How dare he assume he was unbeatable With every step, my determination solidified, and my resolve to surpass him intensified.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
“Faster!” I screamed and in that instant, I felt like Superman.
“Yi Rou! Yi Rou! Yi Rou!” The whole school was cheering my name!