

名称 安徽省示范高中培优联盟2023-2024学年高二春季期中联赛英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 76.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-25 22:49:08


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Bridport Prize
The Peggy Chapman-Andrews First Novel Award
The Novel Award is open to writers aged 16 and over living in Britain and Ireland and British writers living overseas.
IMPORTANT: All entries are judged anonymously(匿名地). Please do not include your personal information in the document or the file name, otherwise it will be disqualified.
Entries can be on any subject in any style or form.
Entries must be submitted online or by post. No email submissions.
Entries must be in English.
Do not add cover or title pages.
Do not send illustrated work.
Entries can be withdrawn by logging into your submittable account. Entry fees will not be refunded.
The deadline date for entries is 12 midnight (UK time) on 30 July 2023.
8000 words maximum, 5,000 minimum taken from the opening chapter.
24 per novel. There is no limit to the number of novel submissions.
Entries must be typed in Arial 12 pt black font, double-spaced with numbered pages and the novel’s title on every page. Save as a Microsoft Word document(. doc or. docx) or PDF file with the novel title as the file name. Please do not include your name in the file name as this will lead to disqualification. The maximum allowed file size is 2MB. Include the word count for the submission on the top right first page.
Results & Awards
A prize-giving event will be held at Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset for the winner, runner-up and three Highly Commended winners on 22 October 2023. Full results and the Judges’ Report will be published on the website that afternoon.
If you want to learn more about the Novel Award, please contact kate@bridportprize.org.uk.
21. Which of the following will result in disqualification
A. Writing a novel of 6,000 words. B. Resubmitting your entry by post.
C. Including illustrations in your entry. D. Forgetting to add the cover page of your entry.
22. What should you do to meet the format requirements
A. Name your file with your name.
B. Ensure your file size is 2MB at most.
C. Add the word count to every page of your entry.
D. Include the title of your entry on the top right first page.
23. What do we know about the Novel Award
A. It charges 24 per competitor.
B. It demands a specific subject.
C. Its winners will be awarded prizes on the website.
D. Its Judges’ Report will be available on 22 October 2023.
Billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he has formed a new artificial intelligence(AI) company, xAI, which has employed researchers from Google, OpenAI and other top technology companies. The goal, Musk tweeted, is “to understand reality.”
xAI is a separate company from Musk’s other businesses, such as Tesla and Twitter, but will work closely with them, according to the new company’s website.
Musk isn’t a novice to AI since Tesla uses the technology in its cars. While xAI didn’t mention what projects it will be working on, the company noted that its team of 11 researchers are drawn from top tech companies such as Microsoft Research, OpenAI and Google.
Musk suggested that the reason he picked July 12, 2023, to announce the start of xAI is connected with a science fiction (科幻小说) classic, Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” In his tweet, he noted that adding the date 7-12-23 equals 42, which the work of the fiction famously assumes is the answer to life.
“The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe,” the xAI website states.
The company said it will be advised by Dan Hendrycks, director of the Center for AI Safety. Hendrycks pointed out where AI could cause problems. “AIs could be used by bad people to make new deadly bioweapons (生物武器),” Hendrycks said in May. “Or people could make AI that tries to hurt people on purpose. If this AI was really smart, it could be a big danger to all of us.”
The first time xAI was shown to the public was after Musk talked about it in April to the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Musk told Carlson that OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a bit biased (有偏见的) and that he wanted to create a different tool that would be a super honest AI that tries to learn how everything in the world works.
The new company reflected (反映) Musk’s long-voiced concerns about a future in which AI systems could present a risk to human existence. The idea, Musk said, is that an AI that wants to understand humanity is less likely to destroy it.
24. What does the underlined word “novice” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Boss. B. Coach. C. Partner. D. Beginner.
25. Why did Musk announce the start of xAI on July 12, 2023
A. He chose the date to remember a friend.
B. He was influenced by a number in a book.
C. It was suggested by a writer at his invitation.
D. It was the decision of all the 11 researchers of xAI.
26. What does Hendrycks think of AI
A. It is quite worrying. B. It is money-making.
C. It will not be smarter than humans. D. It can be used to punish bad people.
27. What did Musk say to Carlson
A. It will take time to create a new AI. B. OpenAI’s ChatGPT has its advantages.
C. Creating an honest AI is his dream. D. It is hard to change people’s ideas of Al.
While most states have laws that prohibit relocating wild pigs, the practice still happens, and is one of the main factors contributing to the recent increase in pig numbers across the United States. “That’s why we did the study. All these pigs are being moved around and we really have no idea what’s happening with them,” said James Beasley, senior author of a new study.
Researchers made the study at the Savannah River Site outside Aiken, South Carolina. Because the area covers more than 310 square miles, Beasley said the researchers could move pigs to new locations within the area and still feel confident they were in an unfamiliar place. South Carolina law prohibits moving wild pigs unless they remain in the same area.
After catching a pig and fitting it with a GPS tracker, the researchers moved it to another location, usually at least 10 miles away, and tracked its movements over several months. The trackers showed the pigs were able to cover a lot of ground within a short time. Over a seven-day period, on average, the wild pigs would make sweeping paths across the landscape, seldom returning to their original drop-off point and often finally ending up several miles away.
The researchers also found that not long after being released the wild pigs hooked up with other pigs in the area—sometimes joining an existing social group of pigs and other times creating new groups of relocated individuals.
In one example, two pigs from the same group were released more than a mile apart. “They started moving in different directions. Then, one seemed to cross the path of the other one and found that pig,” Beasley said. “They have this really extraordinary social bond.” More study is needed to understand how these social bonds form, but it’s clear that wild pigs are willing to accept unrelated individuals within their social group.
Infamous for the damage they cause to crops and landscapes, the research shows the potential for problems when wild pigs are relocated and the potential risks of them spreading diseases such as African swine fever when they are moved around the landscape. Beasley said, “This type of information is important to developing management plans for responding to new introductions of pig populations.”
28. Why did the researchers carry out the study on wild pigs
A. To study their sudden population increase. B. To improve their survival after relocations.
C. To manage their daily activities. D. To understand their movement behavior.
29. What did the trackers find out about the wild pigs
A. They came back to their familiar places. B. They explored the new area a lot.
C. They stayed near their release locations. D. They moved in the same direction.
30. What does the example tell us about the wild pigs
A. They were very lonely. B. They were very curious.
C. They were very sociable. D. They were very competitive.
31. What is Beasley’s attitude to relocating wild pigs
A. Concerned. B. Indifferent. C. Uncertain. D. Supportive.
Stress can cause physical impacts to the body, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, the release of adrenaline and cortisol (肾上腺素和皮质醇). If adrenaline and cortisol levels are increased for an extended period of time, that can damage DNA and cells.
In a new paper, published in April in the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers described how they measured biological age by looking for changes in DNA’s structure connected to aging.
In the first stage of the research, the researchers surgically attached three-month-old mice to twenty-month-old mice so that blood could flow between them. Over three months, the biological age of the younger mice increased while they shared blood with the older mice. But after the younger mice were separated and allowed to recover for two months, their biological age fell once again.
Then, the researchers looked at human DNA from blood samples gathered in previous studies to measure how human bodies react to stress.
In one stage, the researchers examined blood samples from elderly patients. Patients who had received emergency surgery for a fractured hip (髋部骨折) had an increased biological age the morning after the procedure, but it returned to pre-surgery levels four to seven days later. However, the researchers did not find the same effect in patients who had undergone elective hip surgery or colorectal (结肠直肠的) surgery.
The team also looked at patients who had been hospitalized with Covid-19, but these results varied by sex. While the biological age of female patients dropped within two weeks of recovery, that of men did not.
“The study looked at biological age both before and after stressful events. There are just very, very few studies that have looked at these clocks before and after some kind of intervention (干预),” Daniel Belsky, a medical scientist at Columbia University who did not participate in the study, tells The Scientist.
The study shows that biological age is “much more dynamic than people previously thought,” Jesse Poganik, a co-author of the study, tells Live Science. “You can have these very severe stress events, which increase biological age, but it can be short-lived, if the stress is short-lived, then the age can be restored.”
32. What did the researchers find about the biological age of the younger mice
A. It increased during blood sharing.
B. It could be restored by blood sharing.
C. It dropped when they were attached to the older mice.
D. It returned to pre-sharing levels as soon as they were separated.
33. Who experienced a decrease in biological age after recovery
A. Those who had had fractured hip surgery.
B. Those who had received colorectal surgery.
C. Those who had undergone elective hip surgery.
D. Those women who had been hospitalized with Covid-19.
34. What does Belsky want to stress about the study
A. It stands out in similar studies. B. It is truly remarkable.
C. It has some limitations. D. It is influential.
35. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Biological age can be measured easily
B. Recovering from stress is a long process
C. Stress ages you with not permanent effect
D. Stress’ harming human bodies means protecting them well
How to cancel plans at the last minute
Make a phone call
If you’re canceling at the last minute, consider giving the person you’re trying to contact a call rather than a text. “I know a call can be scary because sometimes you don’t know exactly what to say,” says friendship expert Danielle Jackson. “____36____, which can make a cancelation easier to accept,” she adds.
Apologize upfront
____37____. Apologizing demonstrates that you respect the other person’s time and energy and understand that your cancelation may affect them. Jackson also suggests acknowledging your original commitment and how you came to the decision to cancel.
Lies, even small ones, can damage a friendship more than simply starting with the truth. If you really feel like you have to stretch the truth, keep it general rather than inventing a story by saying something like, “I’m so sorry this is last-minute, but I’m unfortunately not going to be able to make it,” Jackson advises.
Expect and accept disappointment
Your friend may have been really looking forward to your time together. This may have been the only plan he has all the week, or the one that he has prepared for a long time. ____39____. This is a normal reaction. But remember, a heartfelt apology can go a long way!
Offer to reschedule first
Once you’ve explained yourself, try to find an alternative time to reschedule. ____40____. Jackson thinks that it’s now your job to do all the planning and find a solution that works for both of you.
A. Before canceling plans, assess the situation
B. Remember to start with the words “I’m sorry”
C. Either way, be prepared for a bit of a letdown
D. No lying even though you have no real excuse
E. Don’t wait and let the other person launch a new plan
F. It’s also important not to over explain when canceling plans
G. However, that’ll give the person a chance to hear your tone and sincerity
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I just returned from India. While driving home from the airport, I was amazed by how everything in American streets ____41____ those in Delhi, a city in northern India. “You can eat off the street here!” I said. My family looked at me ____42____ I had gotten off a spaceship rather than a plane.
During the two years I was away, my friends and family ____43____ sending texts to each other by phone. After I came back, my phone was no longer ____44____ as before, just lighting up with the “ding” sound of a text, and I felt very ____45____. I chose to talk to my friends instead of texting them. I asked my friends for their ____46____ as I made an effort to ____47____ with them and rebuild our friendships.
While I was on my ____48____ trips, most of my friends had moved on with their ____49____. We felt disconnected from each other’s experiences. Just as ____50____ would always be part of my life, I understood that raising a family would always be part of theirs. I told them sometimes I felt ____51____ because I had been away and wasn’t there for their ____52____ events.
Expats (侨民) in Laos say that sometimes, if you stay abroad too long, you become a permanent ____53____, never quite making it as a local, and never feeling ____54____ in your home country. I ____55____. If you always travel with a heart beating for your beloved ones, no matter how long you have been abroad, you will find satisfaction at home.
41. A. results in B. results from C. differs in D. differs from
42. A. even though B. as though C. now that D. in that
43. A. were devoted to B. looked forward to C. got used to D. were addicted to
44. A. functioning B. ringing C. shining D. shaking
45. A. lonely B. energetic C. curious D. fortunate
46. A. encouragement B. expectation C. understanding D. description
47. A. research B. recall C. relax D. reconnect
48. A. ideal B. extraordinary C. international D. dramatic
49. A. lives B. studies C. expectations D. ambitions
50. A. travelling B. surfing C. exercising D. competing
51. A. desperate B. memorable C. ashamed D. nervous
52. A. factual B. special C. external D. similar
53. A. native B. foreigner C. civilian D. resident
54. A. content B. uncontrolled C. astonished D. secure
55. A. acknowledge B. bet C. promise D. disagree
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
To boost the city’s post-pandemic economic recovery, the government of Harbin has made special efforts to take advantage of the winter months to attract visitors from the south of the country. During ____56____ three-day New Year’s Day holiday from Dec 30 to Jan 1, the city received 3.05 million visits, with the income from tourism ____57____ (reach) 5.91 billion yuan, both historical records. It is worth mentioning that the city authorities have promptly and ____58____ (effective) addressed complaints of tourists. Harbin’s swift response ____59____ the complains gave people a good impression of the city.
As such, thanks to the snowball effect of social media, Harbin appears to have become the ____60____ (popular) tourist destination in the country in a short time, overshadowing Sanya, Hainan. That seems ____61____ (awaken) the long-sleeping ____62____ (proud) of the over 9 million residents in Harbin.
Over the past 20 years, Harbin’s population has contracted by about 2 million. Its withering (凋零的) economy is dominated by State-owned companies, ____63____ technology and management lag (滞后) behind the market demand. The reduction of oil and coal in nearby regions ____64____ (contribute) to its economy running out of steam as well. Once Harbin’s fast-gained appeal fades away, a major challenge facing the local government remains how to improve the city’s business environment to attract investment and boost the growth of private companies, ____65____ (breath) life back into its huge SOE system, and enhance its own performance.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 进入2024年,各地火灾频发并带来巨大损失。为增强学生的安全意识,某国际学校决定对在校外籍学生单独召开安全会议。假定你是校学生会主席李华,请你代表校学生会拟定一篇会议广播通知,通知内容包括:
第二节(满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The dog days of summer in Central Texas are hot and damp. It was a pity that our home didn’t have air conditioning. Momma and I were just trying to get through this August afternoon the best we could. Reading helped take our minds off the heat. Momma was stretched across the sofa, a pillow (枕头) under her head, reading. I sat on the floor, leaning (倚靠) back against the sofa, a curious nine-year-old in shorts sharing a fan’s flow. My book rested on the floor.
I looked at the thin hardcover my mom was reading, Ed Nichols Rode a Horse. There was a cowboy riding his horse on the front cover, but otherwise the book appeared plain and unimpressive. Before I settled, I asked, “Momma, what’s your book about ”
“It’s a story about a man, his horse and the hardships he encountered in Texas. Some of it takes place in Bosque County,” she answered.
With that, my mom returned to her story. I knew Bosque County was near where Momma had grown up. And I also knew it was best if I didn’t ask any more questions. My mom took her reading seriously.
We’d been reading for the better part of an hour-the only sounds were those that came from the fan and an occasional turn of a page — when I heard something unfamiliar. The sniffling (抽鼻子) back of tears.
I turned in her direction and saw something I’d never seen before: my mom crying. Something big — really big must have happened. My mom did not cry.
“Momma, what’s wrong ” I got up on my knees, staring directly into her face. “Are you all right ” “Jennifer, I’m fine.” Momma sat up and wiped (擦) her eyes. “You don’t need to be concerned.”
I wasn’t buying it. This was not normal behavior. “Why were you crying ” I asked in a whisper. She looked at me hard. “The book made me cry” she replied.
I was trying to figure out how that plain-looking book could make my mostly no-nonsense momma cry when she said the most amazing thing. “The story made me sad when the horse got hurt.”
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
That’s when I learned the truth that stories affect us.
I read Ed Nichols Rode a Horse from cover to cover with a big plan forming in my mind.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Bridport Prize
The Peggy Chapman-Andrews First Novel Award
The Novel Award is open to writers aged 16 and over living in Britain and Ireland and British writers living overseas.
IMPORTANT: All entries are judged anonymously(匿名地). Please do not include your personal information in the document or the file name, otherwise it will be disqualified.
Entries can be on any subject in any style or form.
Entries must be submitted online or by post. No email submissions.
Entries must be in English.
Do not add cover or title pages.
Do not send illustrated work.
Entries can be withdrawn by logging into your submittable account. Entry fees will not be refunded.
The deadline date for entries is 12 midnight (UK time) on 30 July 2023.
8,000 words maximum, 5,000 minimum taken from the opening chapter.
24 per novel. There is no limit to the number of novel submissions.
Entries must be typed in Arial 12 pt black font, double-spaced with numbered pages and the novel’s title on every page. Save as a Microsoft Word document(. doc or. docx) or PDF file with the novel title as the file name. Please do not include your name in the file name as this will lead to disqualification. The maximum allowed file size is 2MB. Include the word count for the submission on the top right first page.
Results & Awards
A prize-giving event will be held at Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset for the winner, runner-up and three Highly Commended winners on 22 October 2023. Full results and the Judges’ Report will be published on the website that afternoon.
If you want to learn more about the Novel Award, please contact kate@bridportprize.org.uk.
21. Which of the following will result in disqualification
A. Writing a novel of 6,000 words. B. Resubmitting your entry by post.
C. Including illustrations in your entry. D. Forgetting to add the cover page of your entry.
22. What should you do to meet the format requirements
A. Name your file with your name.
B. Ensure your file size is 2MB at most.
C. Add the word count to every page of your entry.
D. Include the title of your entry on the top right first page.
23. What do we know about the Novel Award
A. It charges 24 per competitor.
B. It demands a specific subject.
C. Its winners will be awarded prizes on the website.
D. Its Judges’ Report will be available on 22 October 2023.
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D
【导语】本文是应用文,文章介绍了Bridport Prize小说奖的参赛信息。
细节理解题。根据General部分中“Do not send illustrated work.(不要发送插图作品)”可知,参赛作品不能带插图。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Format部分中“The maximum allowed file size is 2MB.(允许的最大文件大小为2MB)”可知,参赛作品允许的最大文件最大为2MB。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Results&Awards部分中“A prize-giving event will be held at Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset for the winner, runner-up and three Highly Commended winners on 22 October 2023. Full results and the Judges’ Report will be published on the website that afternoon.(颁奖活动将于2023年10月22日在多塞特郡的布里波特艺术中心举行,为冠军、亚军和三名优胜者颁奖。比赛结果及评审报告将于当日下午在网上公布)”可知,小说奖的评审报告将于2023年10月22日发布。故选D。
Billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he has formed a new artificial intelligence(AI) company, xAI, which has employed researchers from Google, OpenAI and other top technology companies. The goal, Musk tweeted, is “to understand reality.”
xAI is a separate company from Musk’s other businesses, such as Tesla and Twitter, but will work closely with them, according to the new company’s website.
Musk isn’t a novice to AI since Tesla uses the technology in its cars. While xAI didn’t mention what projects it will be working on, the company noted that its team of 11 researchers are drawn from top tech companies such as Microsoft Research, OpenAI and Google.
Musk suggested that the reason he picked July 12, 2023, to announce the start of xAI is connected with a science fiction (科幻小说) classic, Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” In his tweet, he noted that adding the date 7-12-23 equals 42, which the work of the fiction famously assumes is the answer to life.
“The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe,” the xAI website states.
The company said it will be advised by Dan Hendrycks, director of the Center for AI Safety. Hendrycks pointed out where AI could cause problems. “AIs could be used by bad people to make new deadly bioweapons (生物武器),” Hendrycks said in May. “Or people could make AI that tries to hurt people on purpose. If this AI was really smart, it could be a big danger to all of us.”
The first time xAI was shown to the public was after Musk talked about it in April to the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Musk told Carlson that OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a bit biased (有偏见的) and that he wanted to create a different tool that would be a super honest AI that tries to learn how everything in the world works.
The new company reflected (反映) Musk’s long-voiced concerns about a future in which AI systems could present a risk to human existence. The idea, Musk said, is that an AI that wants to understand humanity is less likely to destroy it.
24. What does the underlined word “novice” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Boss. B. Coach. C. Partner. D. Beginner.
25. Why did Musk announce the start of xAI on July 12, 2023
A. He chose the date to remember a friend.
B. He was influenced by a number in a book.
C. It was suggested by a writer at his invitation.
D. It was the decision of all the 11 researchers of xAI.
26. What does Hendrycks think of AI
A. It is quite worrying. B. It is money-making.
C. It will not be smarter than humans. D. It can be used to punish bad people.
27. What did Musk say to Carlson
A. It will take time to create a new AI. B. OpenAI’s ChatGPT has its advantages.
C. Creating an honest AI is his dream. D. It is hard to change people’s ideas of Al.
【答案】24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C
词句猜测题。根据划线单词下文“since Tesla uses the technology in its cars.(因为特斯拉在汽车中使用了这项技术。)”可知,特斯拉已经在汽车中使用了这项技术,这说明这项技术并不是第一次使用,即这项技术并不是人工智能的新手,由此可推知,划线单词novice与D项“Beginner.(新手)”意思一样,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Musk suggested that the reason he picked July 12, 2023, to announce the start of xAI is connected with a science fiction (科幻小说) classic, Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” In his tweet, he noted that adding the date 7-12-23 equals 42, which the work of the fiction famously assumes is the answer to life.(马斯克表示,他选择2023 年7 月12 日宣布 xAI 启动的原因与科幻小说经典作品道格拉斯·亚当斯 (Douglas Adams) 的《银河系漫游指南》有关。他在推文中指出,加上日期 7-12-23 等于42,小说作品中著名的假设就是生命的答案。)”可知,马斯克要在2023年7月12日宣布启动xAI是受到书中的一个数字的影响。故选B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中““AIs could be used by bad people to make new deadly bioweapons (生物武器),” Hendrycks said in May. “Or people could make AI that tries to hurt people on purpose. If this AI was really smart, it could be a big danger to all of us.”(亨德里克斯五月表示:“坏人可能会利用人工智能来制造新的致命生物武器。”“或者人们可以制造试图故意伤害人们的人工智能。如果这个人工智能真的很聪明,那可能对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的危险。”)”可推知,Hendrycks认为人工智能是令人担忧的,故选A。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Musk told Carlson that OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a bit biased (有偏见的) and that he wanted to create a different tool that would be a super honest AI that tries to learn how everything in the world works.(马斯克告诉卡尔森,OpenAI的ChatGPT有点偏见,他想创建一个不同的工具,成为一个超级诚实的人工智能,试图了解世界上的一切是如何运作的。)”可知,Musk对Carlson说创造一个诚实的人工智能是他的梦想。故选C。
While most states have laws that prohibit relocating wild pigs, the practice still happens, and is one of the main factors contributing to the recent increase in pig numbers across the United States. “That’s why we did the study. All these pigs are being moved around and we really have no idea what’s happening with them,” said James Beasley, senior author of a new study.
Researchers made the study at the Savannah River Site outside Aiken, South Carolina. Because the area covers more than 310 square miles, Beasley said the researchers could move pigs to new locations within the area and still feel confident they were in an unfamiliar place. South Carolina law prohibits moving wild pigs unless they remain in the same area.
After catching a pig and fitting it with a GPS tracker, the researchers moved it to another location, usually at least 10 miles away, and tracked its movements over several months. The trackers showed the pigs were able to cover a lot of ground within a short time. Over a seven-day period, on average, the wild pigs would make sweeping paths across the landscape, seldom returning to their original drop-off point and often finally ending up several miles away.
The researchers also found that not long after being released, the wild pigs hooked up with other pigs in the area—sometimes joining an existing social group of pigs and other times creating new groups of relocated individuals.
In one example, two pigs from the same group were released more than a mile apart. “They started moving in different directions. Then, one seemed to cross the path of the other one and found that pig,” Beasley said. “They have this really extraordinary social bond.” More study is needed to understand how these social bonds form, but it’s clear that wild pigs are willing to accept unrelated individuals within their social group.
Infamous for the damage they cause to crops and landscapes, the research shows the potential for problems when wild pigs are relocated and the potential risks of them spreading diseases such as African swine fever when they are moved around the landscape. Beasley said, “This type of information is important to developing management plans for responding to new introductions of pig populations.”
28. Why did the researchers carry out the study on wild pigs
A. To study their sudden population increase. B. To improve their survival after relocations.
C. To manage their daily activities. D. To understand their movement behavior.
29. What did the trackers find out about the wild pigs
A. They came back to their familiar places. B. They explored the new area a lot.
C. They stayed near their release locations. D. They moved in the same direction.
30. What does the example tell us about the wild pigs
A. They were very lonely. B. They were very curious.
C. They were very sociable. D. They were very competitive.
31. What is Beasley’s attitude to relocating wild pigs
A. Concerned. B. Indifferent. C. Uncertain. D. Supportive.
【答案】28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“While most states have laws that prohibit relocating wild pigs, the practice still happens, and is one of the main factors contributing to the recent increase in pig numbers across the United States. “That’s why we did the study. All these pigs are being moved around and we really have no idea what’s happening with them,” said James Beasley, senior author of a new study.(虽然大多数州都有禁止迁移野猪的法律,但这种做法仍然在发生,这是最近美国各地猪数量增加的主要因素之一。“这就是我们做这项研究的原因。一项新研究的资深作者詹姆斯·比斯利说:“所有这些猪都被转移了,我们真的不知道它们发生了什么。”)”可知,研究人员进行这项研究就是为了了解这些野猪的活动行为。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The trackers showed the pigs were able to cover a lot of ground within a short time. Over a seven-day period, on average, the wild pigs would make sweeping paths across the landscape, seldom returning to their original drop-off point and often finally ending up several miles away.(追踪器显示,猪能在短时间内跑过很多地方。在平均7天的时间里,野猪会在这片土地上穿行,很少会回到它们最初的落脚点,最后往往会在几英里外的地方结束)”可知,追踪器显示,这些野猪在新区域内到处游荡。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段“The researchers also found that not long after being released, the wild pigs hooked up with other pigs in the area—sometimes joining an existing social group of pigs and other times creating new groups of relocated individuals.(研究人员还发现,在被释放后不久,野猪就与该地区的其他猪联系在一起——有时加入一个现有的猪社会群体,有时则形成一个新的重新安置的个体群体)”可推知,野猪善于社交。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Infamous for the damage they cause to crops and landscapes, the research shows the potential for problems when wild pigs are relocated and the potential risks of them spreading diseases such as African swine fever when they are moved around the landscape. Beasley said, “This type of information is important to developing management plans for responding to new introductions of pig populations.”(这项研究表明,野猪对农作物和景观造成的破坏是臭名昭著的,当它们被重新安置时,可能会出现问题,当它们在景观中移动时,可能会传播非洲猪瘟等疾病。Beasley说:“这类信息对于制定管理计划以应对新猪种群的引入非常重要。”)”可知,Beasley对于重新安置野猪可能带来的负面影响持关切的态度。故选A。
Stress can cause physical impacts to the body, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, the release of adrenaline and cortisol (肾上腺素和皮质醇). If adrenaline and cortisol levels are increased for an extended period of time, that can damage DNA and cells.
In a new paper, published in April in the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers described how they measured biological age by looking for changes in DNA’s structure connected to aging.
In the first stage of the research, the researchers surgically attached three-month-old mice to twenty-month-old mice so that blood could flow between them. Over three months, the biological age of the younger mice increased while they shared blood with the older mice. But after the younger mice were separated and allowed to recover for two months, their biological age fell once again.
Then, the researchers looked at human DNA from blood samples gathered in previous studies to measure how human bodies react to stress.
In one stage, the researchers examined blood samples from elderly patients. Patients who had received emergency surgery for a fractured hip (髋部骨折) had an increased biological age the morning after the procedure, but it returned to pre-surgery levels four to seven days later. However, the researchers did not find the same effect in patients who had undergone elective hip surgery or colorectal (结肠直肠的) surgery.
The team also looked at patients who had been hospitalized with Covid-19, but these results varied by sex. While the biological age of female patients dropped within two weeks of recovery, that of men did not.
“The study looked at biological age both before and after stressful events. There are just very, very few studies that have looked at these clocks before and after some kind of intervention (干预),” Daniel Belsky, a medical scientist at Columbia University who did not participate in the study, tells The Scientist.
The study shows that biological age is “much more dynamic than people previously thought,” Jesse Poganik, a co-author of the study, tells Live Science. “You can have these very severe stress events, which increase biological age, but it can be short-lived, if the stress is short-lived, then the age can be restored.”
32. What did the researchers find about the biological age of the younger mice
A. It increased during blood sharing.
B. It could be restored by blood sharing.
C. It dropped when they were attached to the older mice.
D. It returned to pre-sharing levels as soon as they were separated.
33. Who experienced a decrease in biological age after recovery
A. Those who had had fractured hip surgery.
B Those who had received colorectal surgery.
C. Those who had undergone elective hip surgery.
D. Those women who had been hospitalized with Covid-19.
34. What does Belsky want to stress about the study
A. It stands out in similar studies. B. It is truly remarkable.
C. It has some limitations. D. It is influential.
35. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Biological age can be measured easily
B. Recovering from stress is a long process
C. Stress ages you with not permanent effect
D. Stress’ harming human bodies means protecting them well
【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
【导语】本文是说明文。一项研究发现, 短期的压力可能会暂时提高生物年龄,但是随着压力的减少,生物年龄也会恢复到原来的水平。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Over three months, the biological age of the younger mice increased while they shared blood with the older mice. But after the younger mice were separated and allowed to recover for two months, their biological age fell once again.(三个多月后,年轻老鼠的生物学年龄增加了,同时它们与年长老鼠共享血液。但是,当年轻的老鼠被分开,并被允许恢复两个月后,它们的生物年龄再次下降)”可知,与年长老鼠共享血液三个月后,年轻老鼠的生物年龄增加了。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第六段中“The team also looked at patients who had been hospitalized with Covid-19, but these results varied by sex. While the biological age of female patients dropped within two weeks of recovery, that of men did not.(研究小组还研究了因Covid-19住院的患者,但这些结果因性别而异。虽然女性患者的生理年龄在康复后两周内下降,但男性患者的生理年龄却没有下降)”可知,因新冠住院的女性在康复后的两周内生物年龄降低。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段““The study looked at biological age both before and after stressful events. There are just very, very few studies that have looked at these clocks before and after some kind of intervention (干预),” Daniel Belsky, a medical scientist at Columbia University who did not participate in the study, tells The Scientist.(这项研究考察了压力事件发生前后的生理年龄。哥伦比亚大学的医学科学家丹尼尔·贝尔斯基(Daniel Belsky)没有参与这项研究,他告诉《科学家》杂志说:“很少有研究在某种干预之前和之后观察这些时钟。”)”可知,Belsky 指出这项研究考察了压力事件发生前后的生物年龄,并指出很少有研究在某种干预前后观察这些生物年龄。由此可推知,Belsky 在此强调该研究不寻常。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段“The study shows that biological age is “much more dynamic than people previously thought,” Jesse Poganik, a co-author of the study, tells Live Science. “You can have these very severe stress events, which increase biological age, but it can be short-lived, if the stress is short-lived, then the age can be restored.”(该研究合著者杰西·波加尼克告诉《生活科学》杂志,研究表明,生物年龄“比人们以前认为的要动态得多”。“你可能会有这些非常严重的压力事件,这会增加生物年龄,但它可能是短暂的,如果压力是短暂的,那么年龄就可以恢复。”)”以及纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了一项研究发现,短期的压力可能会暂时提高生物年龄,但是随着压力的减少,生物年龄也会恢复到原来的水平,故 C项“Stress ages you with not permanent effect(压力会让你变老,但不会有永久的影响)”为本文最好的标题。故选C项。
How to cancel plans at the last minute
Make a phone call
If you’re canceling at the last minute, consider giving the person you’re trying to contact a call rather than a text. “I know a call can be scary because sometimes you don’t know exactly what to say,” says friendship expert Danielle Jackson. “____36____, which can make a cancelation easier to accept,” she adds.
Apologize upfront
____37____. Apologizing demonstrates that you respect the other person’s time and energy and understand that your cancelation may affect them. Jackson also suggests acknowledging your original commitment and how you came to the decision to cancel.
Lies, even small ones, can damage a friendship more than simply starting with the truth. If you really feel like you have to stretch the truth, keep it general rather than inventing a story by saying something like, “I’m so sorry this is last-minute, but I’m unfortunately not going to be able to make it,” Jackson advises.
Expect and accept disappointment
Your friend may have been really looking forward to your time together. This may have been the only plan he has all the week, or the one that he has prepared for a long time. ____39____. This is a normal reaction. But remember, a heartfelt apology can go a long way!
Offer to reschedule first
Once you’ve explained yourself, try to find an alternative time to reschedule. ____40____. Jackson thinks that it’s now your job to do all the planning and find a solution that works for both of you.
A. Before canceling plans, assess the situation
B. Remember to start with the words “I’m sorry”
C. Either way, be prepared for a bit of a letdown
D. No lying even though you have no real excuse
E. Don’t wait and let the other person launch a new plan
F. It’s also important not to over explain when canceling plans
G. However, that’ll give the person a chance to hear your tone and sincerity
【答案】36. G 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. E
根据本段小标题“Make a phone call(打电话)”和上文““I know a call can be scary because sometimes you don’t know exactly what to say,” says friendship expert Danielle Jackson.(友谊专家丹妮尔·杰克逊说:“我知道打电话可能会让人害怕,因为有时候你不知道该说什么。”)”及 However 可知,G项“这会让对方有机会听到你的语气和真诚”承接上文,符合此处语境。G项中的hear与小标题中的phone call相呼应。故选G。
根据本段小标题“Apologize upfront(道歉的前期)”和本段中所讲述的道歉的重要性可知,作者在此建议在取消和他人的约定时要先表示歉意,B 项内容“记得以“对不起”开头”符合此处语境。B 项中I’m sorry与小标题中的 Apologize构成同义复现。故选B。
根据本段“Lies, even small ones, can damage a friendship more than simply starting with the truth. If you really feel like you have to stretch the truth, keep it general rather than inventing a story by saying something like, “I’m so sorry this is last-minute, but I’m unfortunately not going to be able to make it,” Jackson advises.(谎言,即使是很小的谎言,比简单地从真相开始更能破坏友谊。杰克逊建议,如果你真的觉得你必须把事实拉长,那就把它概括起来,而不是编造一个故事,比如说:“很抱歉,这是最后一刻,但很不幸,我不能去了。”)”可知,本段旨在说明说谎并不可取,故D项“即使你没有真正的理由也不要撒谎”作为小标题最合适。故选D。
根据本段小标题“Expect and accept disappointment(期待并接受失望)”可知,作者建议你要做好接受对方将会感到失望的这一事实,C项中的Either way与设空处前的“This may have been the only plan he has all the week, or the one that he has prepared for a long time.( 这可能是他这一周唯一的计划,或者是他准备了很长时间的计划。)”相呼应。且C项中的 letdown与小标题中的disappointment构成同义复现。C选项“无论哪种方式,都要做好失望的准备”符合语境,故选C。
根据本段小标题“Offer to reschedule first(先提出重新安排时间)”和后文“Jackson thinks that it’s now your job to do all the planning and find a solution that works for both of you.(杰克逊认为现在是你的工作来做所有的计划,并找到一个解决方案,对你们俩都有效)”可知,本句建议不要等别人先安排,要自己做计划。故E项“不要等着让对方着手新计划”符合此处语境。故选E。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I just returned from India. While driving home from the airport, I was amazed by how everything in American streets ____41____ those in Delhi, a city in northern India. “You can eat off the street here!” I said. My family looked at me ____42____ I had gotten off a spaceship rather than a plane.
During the two years I was away, my friends and family ____43____ sending texts to each other by phone. After I came back, my phone was no longer ____44____ as before, just lighting up with the “ding” sound of a text, and I felt very ____45____. I chose to talk to my friends instead of texting them. I asked my friends for their ____46____ as I made an effort to ____47____ with them and rebuild our friendships.
While I was on my ____48____ trips, most of my friends had moved on with their ____49____. We felt disconnected from each other’s experiences. Just as ____50____ would always be part of my life, I understood that raising a family would always be part of theirs. I told them sometimes I felt ____51____ because I had been away and wasn’t there for their ____52____ events.
Expats (侨民) in Laos say that sometimes, if you stay abroad too long, you become a permanent ____53____, never quite making it as a local, and never feeling ____54____ in your home country. I ____55____. If you always travel with a heart beating for your beloved ones, no matter how long you have been abroad, you will find satisfaction at home.
41. A. results in B. results from C. differs in D. differs from
42. A. even though B. as though C. now that D. in that
43. A. were devoted to B. looked forward to C. got used to D. were addicted to
44. A. functioning B. ringing C. shining D. shaking
45. A. lonely B. energetic C. curious D. fortunate
46. A. encouragement B. expectation C. understanding D. description
47. A. research B. recall C. relax D. reconnect
48. A. ideal B. extraordinary C. international D. dramatic
49. A. lives B. studies C. expectations D. ambitions
50. A. travelling B. surfing C. exercising D. competing
51. A. desperate B. memorable C. ashamed D. nervous
52. A. factual B. special C. external D. similar
53. A. native B. foreigner C. civilian D. resident
54. A. content B. uncontrolled C. astonished D. secure
55. A. acknowledge B. bet C. promise D. disagree
【答案】41. D 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. C 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. D
考查动词短语辨析。句意:从机场开车回家时,我惊讶地发现,美国街道上的一切与印度北部城市德里的街道是如此不同。A. results in导致;B. results from由……引起;C. differs in在某方面不同,指两个或多个事物在某些方面存在差异或不同;D. differs from不同于。根据上文“I was amazed”可知,作者感到惊讶的是美国街道上的一切与印度北部城市德里的街道是如此不同,应用differ from。故选D。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:我的家人看着我,好像我是从宇宙飞船而不是飞机上下来的。A. even though即使;B. as though好像;C. now that既然;D. in that因为。此处为方式状语从句,且从句为虚拟语气,表示“好像”应用as though。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:在我离开的两年里,我的朋友和家人已经习惯了用电话互相发短信。A. were devoted to致力于;B. looked forward to期待;C. got used to习惯于;D. were addicted to沉迷于。根据上文“During the two years I was away”可知,作者离开是的时间比较久,朋友和家人已经习惯了用电话互相发短信。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:回来后,我的手机不再像以前那样响了,只发出短信的“叮”声,我感到很孤独。A. functioning运行;B. ringing响起;C. shining闪耀;D. shaking摇晃。上文提到朋友和家人已经习惯了用电话互相发短信,所以电话不再响起了。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回来后,我的手机不再像以前那样响了,只发出短信的“叮”声,我感到很孤独。A. lonely寂寞的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. curious好奇的;D. fortunate幸运的。根据后文“I chose to talk to my friends instead of texting them.(我选择和朋友聊天,而不是发短信)”以及“with them and rebuild our friendships”可知,作者感到孤独。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我请求朋友们的理解,因为我努力与他们重新建立联系,重建我们的友谊。A. encouragement鼓励;B. expectation期待;C. understanding理解;D. description描述。根据上文“I chose to talk to my friends instead of texting them.(我选择和朋友聊天,而不是发短信)”可知,作者请求朋友的理解,想要和朋友聊天。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我请求朋友们的理解,因为我努力与他们重新建立联系,重建我们的友谊。A. research研究;B. recall回想起;C. relax使放松;D. reconnect重新连接。根据后文“with them and rebuild our friendships”指努力重新建立联系,重建友谊。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我在国际旅行时,我的大多数朋友已经开始了他们的生活。A. ideal理想的;B. extraordinary非凡的;C. international国际的;D. dramatic戏剧性的。根据上文“I just returned from India.(我刚从印度回来)”可知,作者进行的国际旅行。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我在国际旅行时,我的大多数朋友已经开始了他们的生活。A. lives生活;B. studies学习;C. expectations期待;D. ambitions抱负。根据后文“We felt disconnected from each other’s experiences.(我们感到与彼此的经历脱节了)”指朋友在作者外出期间开始了自己的生活。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如旅行永远是我生活的一部分一样,我明白养家糊口永远是他们生活的一部分。A. travelling旅行;B. surfing冲浪;C. exercising锻炼;D. competing比赛。根据后文“If you always travel”可知,此处指旅行是作者生活的一部分,故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他们有时候我感到羞愧,因为我离开了,没有参加他们的特殊活动。A. desperate绝望的;B. memorable难忘的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. nervous紧张的。后文提到作者没能参加朋友的特殊活动,所以是感到羞愧。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他们有时候我感到羞愧,因为我离开了,没有参加他们的特殊活动。A. factual真实的;B. special特别的;C. external外部的;D. similar相似的。根据上文“because I had been away and wasn’t there for their”可知,作者外出旅行缺席了朋友人生中的一些特殊活动。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在老挝的外籍人士说,有时候,如果你在国外待得太久,你就会成为一个永久的外国人,永远不会像当地人那样生活,也永远不会对自己的祖国感到满足。A. native本地人;B. foreigner外国人;C. civilian平民;D. resident居民。根据后文“never quite making it as a local”可知,如果你在国外待得太久,你就会成为一个永久的外国人,永远不会像当地人那样生活,故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在老挝的外籍人士说,有时候,如果你在国外待得太久,你就会成为一个永久的外国人,永远不会像当地人那样生活,也永远不会对自己的祖国感到满足。A. content满意的;B. uncontrolled不受控制的;C. astonished吃惊的;D. secure稳固的。根据上文“never quite making it as a local, and never feeling”指在国外待得太久,你就会成为一个永久的外国人,永远不会像当地人那样生活,也永远不会对自己的祖国感到满足。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不认同。A. acknowledge承认;B. bet打赌;C. promise承诺;D. disagree不同意。根据后文“If you always travel with a heart beating for your beloved ones, no matter how long you have been abroad, you will find satisfaction at home.(如果你总是带着一颗为你所爱的人跳动的心去旅行,无论你在国外待了多久,你都会在家里找到满足)”可知,作者不同意上述观点。故选D。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
To boost the city’s post-pandemic economic recovery, the government of Harbin has made special efforts to take advantage of the winter months to attract visitors from the south of the country. During ____56____ three-day New Year’s Day holiday from Dec 30 to Jan 1, the city received 3.05 million visits, with the income from tourism ____57____ (reach) 5.91 billion yuan, both historical records. It is worth mentioning that the city authorities have promptly and ____58____ (effective) addressed complaints of tourists. Harbin’s swift response ____59____ the complains gave people a good impression of the city.
As such, thanks to the snowball effect of social media, Harbin appears to have become the ____60____ (popular) tourist destination in the country in a short time, overshadowing Sanya, Hainan. That seems ____61____ (awaken) the long-sleeping ____62____ (proud) of the over 9 million residents in Harbin.
Over the past 20 years, Harbin’s population has contracted by about 2 million. Its withering (凋零的) economy is dominated by State-owned companies, ____63____ technology and management lag (滞后) behind the market demand. The reduction of oil and coal in nearby regions ____64____ (contribute) to its economy running out of steam as well. Once Harbin’s fast-gained appeal fades away, a major challenge facing the local government remains how to improve the city’s business environment to attract investment and boost the growth of private companies, ____65____ (breath) life back into its huge SOE system, and enhance its own performance.
【答案】56. the
57. reaching
58. effectively
59. to 60. most popular
61. to have awakened
62. pride 63. whose
64. has contributed
65. breathe##breathing
【导语】本文是说明文。2024 年哈尔滨冬季旅游火爆出圈现象背后的原因及面临的问题。
考查非谓语动词及 with 复合结构。句意:在12月30日至1月1日为期三天的元旦假期中,该市接待了305万人次,旅游收入达到59.1亿元,均创下历史纪录。此处是with引导的复合结构,reach逻辑主语income之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式作宾语补足语。故填reaching。
考查介词。句意:哈尔滨对投诉的迅速回应给了人们对这座城市的良好印象。此处是固定搭配: response to 表示“对……做出回应”。故填to。
考查形容词。句意:因此,由于社交媒体的滚雪球效应,哈尔滨似乎在短时间内成为该国最受欢迎的旅游目的地,使海南三亚黯然失色。空后是名词,所以空处应填形容词作定语,根据句意,表达“最受欢迎的”之意,用最高级。故填most popular。
考查非谓语动词。句意:这似乎唤醒了900多万哈尔滨居民沉睡已久的自豪感。此处是固定搭配:seem to do意为“看起来似乎”,为不定式作表语,根据语境需与上文的“appears to have become”一致,所以用不定式的完成时。故填to have awakened。
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:附近地区石油和煤炭的减少也导致其经济失去动力。根据语境应用现在完成时,与上文的has contracted一致,且主语为the reduction,谓语动词应用单数形式。故填has contributed。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 进入2024年,各地火灾频发并带来巨大损失。为增强学生的安全意识,某国际学校决定对在校外籍学生单独召开安全会议。假定你是校学生会主席李华,请你代表校学生会拟定一篇会议广播通知,通知内容包括:
Boys and girls, may I have your attention please I have an announcement to make.
In order to increase us students’ safety awareness, a conference is going to be held at 7 p.m. this Friday in Room 308 of the First Teaching Building in our school, whose topic is related to fire and security. Please you’re your notebooks to make necessary notes while listening carefully. All the international students are required to attend it on time! Do come as early as you can!
That’s all. Thank you!
为了:in order to→so as to
参加:attend→take part in
原句:Boys and girls, may I have your attention please I have an announcement to make.
拓展句:Boys and girls, since I have an announcement to make, may I have your attention please
【点睛】[高分句型1] In order to increase us students’ safety awareness, a conference is going to be held at 7 p.m. this Friday in Room 308 of the First Teaching Building in our school, whose topic is related to fire and security. (运用了whose引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Please you’re your notebooks to make necessary notes while listening carefully. (运用了状语从句的省略)
第二节(满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The dog days of summer in Central Texas are hot and damp. It was a pity that our home didn’t have air conditioning. Momma and I were just trying to get through this August afternoon the best we could. Reading helped take our minds off the heat. Momma was stretched across the sofa, a pillow (枕头) under her head, reading. I sat on the floor, leaning (倚靠) back against the sofa, a curious nine-year-old in shorts sharing a fan’s flow. My book rested on the floor.
I looked at the thin hardcover my mom was reading, Ed Nichols Rode a Horse. There was a cowboy riding his horse on the front cover, but otherwise the book appeared plain and unimpressive. Before I settled, I asked, “Momma, what’s your book about ”
“It’s a story about a man, his horse and the hardships he encountered in Texas. Some of it takes place in Bosque County,” she answered.
With that, my mom returned to her story. I knew Bosque County was near where Momma had grown up. And I also knew it was best if I didn’t ask any more questions. My mom took her reading seriously.
We’d been reading for the better part of an hour-the only sounds were those that came from the fan and an occasional turn of a page — when I heard something unfamiliar. The sniffling (抽鼻子) back of tears.
I turned in her direction and saw something I’d never seen before: my mom crying. Something big — really big must have happened. My mom did not cry.
“Momma, what’s wrong ” I got up on my knees, staring directly into her face. “Are you all right ” “Jennifer, I’m fine.” Momma sat up and wiped (擦) her eyes. “You don’t need to be concerned.”
I wasn’t buying it. This was not normal behavior. “Why were you crying ” I asked in a whisper. She looked at me hard. “The book made me cry,” she replied.
I was trying to figure out how that plain-looking book could make my mostly no-nonsense momma cry when she said the most amazing thing “The story made me sad when the horse got hurt.”
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
That’s when I learned the truth that stories affect us.
I read Ed Nichols Rode a Horse from cover to cover with a big plan forming in my mind.
That’s when I learned the truth that stories affect us. A reader can be transformed and feel strong emotion over something printed on a page. Words had just become very powerful. I looked into my mom’s eyes. “Momma, could I read your book ” I held my breath, afraid she’d deny me the right to read such a sad, adult tale. But my mom was a wise woman. She studied me for what seemed a long time. Finally, she said, “I think you’re old enough to handle it.” Momma handed me her book.
I read Ed Nichols Rode a Horse from cover to cover with a big plan forming in my mind. In the process of my reading I cried just like my mom. The powerful story told on those pages affected me, just like it had my mom. And, the shared reading of it united us. We were unified that hot Texas day over the power of written words. And from that moment on, I knew what I wanted to become. I wanted to be a writer of stories capable of bringing such emotions into others’ mind.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
②由第二段首句内容“我通读了Ed Nichols Rode a Horse,脑海中形成了一个宏伟的计划。”可知,第二段可描写作者看过书后,也哭了,明白了文字的力量,想成为一名故事作家。
2. 续写线索:读书——发现妈妈哭了——好奇——请求也阅读那本书——妈妈同意自己看那本书——看完之后自己也哭了——明白了文字的力量——想成为一名故事作家
3. 词汇激活
②认为:think (that)/hold the belief that
【点睛】[高分句型1] She studied me for what seemed a long time. (what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] And from that moment on, I knew what I wanted to become. (what引导的宾语从句)