

名称 天津市滨海新区塘沽第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷板+解析版,无听力原文,含音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-27 22:57:28


1. Which city has the woman been to
A. Paris. B. London. C. Amsterdam.
2. How much do two shirts cost today
A. $15. B. $20. C. $30.
3. What does the woman think of the person yesterday
A. He is smart. B. He is careless. C. He is brave.
4. What will the woman probably do next
A. Help the man with his school project. B. Continue to do her homework. C. Do some cleaning.
5. What is the main topic of the conversation
A. Printers. B. Reports. C. Online shopping.
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
6. Why does the man refuse to play badminton at first
A. He got hurt. B. He is busy on Sunday. C. He is not good at it.
7. What do we know about the badminton players
A. They will play for the first time this weekend. B. They are all professionals.
C. They are a relaxed group.
8. What does the man decide to do
A. Join the game. B. Get into better shape. C. Play a different sport.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Coach and athlete. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient.
10. What did the man suggest the woman do
A. Go to the hospital. B. Take some days off. C. Change to another sport.
11. What is the world record for running 400m
A. 47 seconds. B. 47. 6 seconds. C. 48 seconds.
12. What was the speaker's problem in attending a university
A. His parents didn't support him. B. He wasn't qualified. C. He had no money.
13. What is the speaker's life-changing moment
A. When he got a job. B. When he received a scholarship.
C. When he graduated from university.
14. What is the speaker's job
A. A managing director. B. A university president. C. A professor.
15. What advice does the speaker offer
A. To make a difference. B. To be determined. C. To get a job.
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. —I have got the first prize in the VEX Robotics Competition.
—_______________! Your efforts have paid off.
A. Gook luck B. Come on C. Good for you D. Cheer up
【详解】考查情景交际。——我在VEX机器人大赛中获得一等奖。——好样的!你的努力得到了回报。A. Gook luck祝你好运;B. Come on(用于命令)快,加油,加把劲;C. Good for you真了不起,好样的;D. Cheer up加油。分析语境可知,上文中提到的是“在比赛中获得第一名”,由此可知,此处表达认可或者赞扬对方,所以“好样的,你真了不起”符合语境。故选C项。
2. ______ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.
A. Far from B. Apart from
C. Instead of D. Regardless of
【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:除了服务好之外,这个饭店还提供不同种类的传统福建菜。A. Far from远离;B. Apart from除…外;C. Instead of代替;D. Regardless of 不管。根据“offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.”可知,除了服务好,饭店还提供不同种类的传统福建菜。故选B。
3. ____ he had worked out the challenging math problem aroused our curiosity.
A. What B. How C. Which D. Where
【详解】考查主语从句。句意:他如何解出这道具有挑战性的数学题引起了我们的好奇心。分析句子可知,此处为主语从句,该主语从句的主语是he,谓语是had worked out,宾语是the challenging math problem,故空格处应填入连接副词作状语。根据句意,此处指“他如何解出这道具有挑战性的数学题”。故用how。故选B。
4. Such a simple experiment can effectively______ people’s doubts about the new technology, so they are willing to embrace the innovation.
A figure out B. put on C. carry out D. wipe out
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这样一个简单的实验可以有效地消除人们对新技术的疑虑,让他们愿意去拥抱创新。A. figure out解决,算出;B. put on穿上;C. carry out 执行,实行;D. wipe out消灭,消除。根据句意和句中“people’s doubts”可推知,实验可以“消除”疑虑。用动词短语 wipe out。故选D项。
5. Many young people, most _________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.
A. of which B. of them
C. of whom D. of those
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:许多年轻人,其中大多数受过良好教育,前往偏远地区追逐梦想。本题中含有一个定语从句,先行词是Many young people,关系代词whom指代先行词,在定语从句中作介词of的宾语。故C项正确。
【点睛】在非限制性定语从句中,先行词作为一个整体,表示整体中的一部分,即表示"部分与整体"的关系时,用…of which / whom表示,这时不能用whose来代替of which。表示所属关系时,of which/whom可以与whose互换。
1. The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大多数都已经挤满了人,它们被愤怒的人群包围着。
2. I picked up the apples, some of which were badly bruised. 我拣起那些苹果,其中有一些伤得很厉害。
3. I bought a dozen eggs, six of which broke when I dropped the box. 我买了一打鸡蛋,六个在我掉盒子时摔碎了。
4. There are two bottles of coke, one of which is full and the other of which almost empty. 有两瓶可乐,一瓶是满的,另一瓶快喝完了。
5. The treasure some of which has been recovered, has been sent to the British Museum. 这些宝藏已被送往大英博物馆,其中有一些是失而复得的。
1. He’s written a book, the name of which I’ve forgotten. 他写了一本书,书名我忘了。
句中的the name of which="whose" name。
2. It was an agreement the details of which could not be altered. 这是一项细节不可更改的协定。
句中的the details of which="whose" details。
6. It is reported that more than 70% of water ________ in the past five years.
A. was polluted B. were polluted
C. have been polluted D. has been polluted
【详解】考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:据报道,在过去的五年里,超过70%的水被污染了。主语more than 70% of water与谓语构成被动关系,应用被动语态,根据后文in the past five years可知,应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是不可数名词,助动词用has。故选D。
7. More and more people choose to withdraw from their busy life and seek a ________relationship with nature in the quietness of some faraway places.
A. harmonious B. crucial C. identical D. outstanding
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:越来越多的人选择从繁忙的生活中退出,在一些遥远地方的宁静中寻求与大自然的和谐关系。A. harmonious和谐的;B. crucial关键的;C. identical相同的;D. outstanding杰出的。根据句意可知,人们远离繁忙的生活,去一些遥远的地方,应该是想寻求与大自然的和谐关系,“harmonious”意为“和谐的”,形容词词性,在句中作定语,符合语境。故选A项。
8. In China, a man from Jiangsu Province ________ from university at the age of 88, ________him the oldest university graduate in the country.
A. graduated; making B. graduated; to make
C. being graduated; made D. having graduated; made
9. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and ________ every page of my draft.
A. converted B. regulated C. polished D. enlarged
【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我要感谢我的导师,他对我的论文提出了很多建议和评论,并且修改了我草稿的每一页。A. converted 转换;B. regulated 规定;C. polished 擦亮,修改;D. enlarged 放大。根据“offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper ”可知,这里指的是导师修改了论文的每一页。故选C。
10. China has ________ improved the living standards of the ordinary people in the past four decades.
A. necessarily B. additionally C. dramatically D. desperately
【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:在过去的四十年里,中国已经极大地提高了普通民众的生活水平。A. necessarily必要地;B. additionally此外;C. dramatically显著地;剧烈地;D. desperately 绝望地,拼命地。根据下文“improved the living standards of the ordinary people (提高了普通民众的生活水平)”,可推理出这里强调中国在提高民众生活水平方面取得了巨大的进步,C 项“dramatically显著地;剧烈地”符合题意。故选 C。
11. —Did you have butterflies in your stomach at the interview
—________ That was my first job interview.
A. It depends B. Not really C. Never mind D. You bet
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——面试时你紧张吗?——当然。那是我第一次面试。A. It depends视情况而定;B. Not really不完全是;C. Never mind没关系;D. You bet当然。根据后文“That was my first job interview.”可知,第一次面试当然紧张。故选D。
12. I want to put the photo ________ I can see it every day, because it can remind me of the happy days ________ I spent in the countryside.
A. in which; when B. where; when C. in which; which D. where; which
【详解】考查地点状语从句和定语从句。句意:我想把这张照片放在我每天都能看到的地方,因为它能让我想起我在农村度过的快乐时光。分析句子结构及句意可知空①为地点状语从句,从句中缺少地点状语,应用连接副词where;空②为定语从句,先行词为days,先行词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词which/that ,所以空① 应填where,空② 应填which。故选D项。
13. We shouldn't take _____ for granted that we still have a lot of time before the Entrance Examination.
A. this B. that
C. it D. such
【详解】考查固定句型。句意:我们不应该想当然地认为在高考前我们还有很多时间。take it for granted that认为……理所当然,该句型是固定句型,其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的从句,故选C。
14. You must set realistic for yourself, so you are able to track your growth in the long run.
A objectives B. occupation C. capacity D. reputation
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:你必须为自己设定现实的目标,这样你才能长期跟踪自己的成长。A. objectives目标;B. occupation职业;C. capacity能力;D. reputation名声。根据“so you are able to track your growth in the long run.”可知,必须为自己设定现实的目标。故选A。
15. Only a few people are ________ to enter this Potala, which helps to ________ the buildings and the items in it.
A. admitted, protect B. allowed , preserve C. admitted, protecting D. allowed , preserving
【详解】考查动词词义辨析和非谓语动词。句意:只有少数人被允许进入布达拉,这有助于保护建筑物和里面的物品。be admitted to somewhere表示“准许进入”,be allowed to do表示“被允许做某事”,空后的to enter是不定式,所以第一空用allowed,preserve和protect都表示“保护”,help(to) do表示“有助于”,故B项正确。
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, ___16___ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases. ___17___ at school for practice hours. ___18___ anyone else had to be there. He swore to himself to ___19___ music, as he hated getting to school extra early.
___20___ , one day, in the music class that was ___21___ of his school’s standard curriculum, he was playing idly (随意地) on the piano and found it ___22___ to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually ___23___ doing it. He tried to hide his ___24___ pleasure from the music teacher, who had, ____25____ over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, ____26____ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ____27____ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there ____28____ him. There he decided to give the cello (大提琴) a ____29____ . When he began practicing, he took it very ____30____. But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was ____31____ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This ____32____ , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, ____33____ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the ____34____ looks of the non-musicians he had left ____35____ .
16. A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D. struggling
17. A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up
18. A. before B. after C. until D. since
19. A. betray B. accept C. avoid D. appreciate
20. A. Therefore B. However C. Thus D. Moreover
21. A. part B. nature C. basis D. spirit
22. A. complicated B. safe C. confusing D. easy
23. A. missed B. disliked C. enjoyed D. denied
24. A. transparent B. obvious C. false D. similar
25. A. run B. jogged C. jumped D. wandered
26. A. because B. but C. though D. so
27. A. ear B. tasto C. heart D. voice
28. A. occurred to B. took to C. appealed to D. held to
29. A. change B. chance C. mission D. function
30. A. seriously B. proudly C. casually D. naturally
31. A. committed B. used C. limited D. admitted
32. A. proved B. showed C. stressed D. meant
33. A. pushing B. dragging C. lifting D. rushing
34. A. admiring B. pitying C. annoying D. teasing
35. A. aside B. aside C. behind D. out
【答案】16. D 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他上高中的头几年,Gabriel 会怜悯地看着那些拿着沉重乐器箱在校园里艰难行走的学生。A. travelling旅行;B. marching前进;C. pacing踱步;D. struggling挣扎;根据“with their heavy instrument cases(拿着沉重乐器)”可知,每天上学的时候,加布里埃尔总是同情地看着背着沉重的乐器的同学们艰难地穿梭于校园中,struggle“艰难地行进”,符合语境,故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:在上学前几个小时出现在学校练习。A. rising up上升;B. coming up走近;发生;C. driving up抬高;开车赶到;D. turning up出现;根据上文“across the campus with their heavy instrument cases.(拿着沉重的乐器穿过校园)”可知,学习音乐的同学需要比不学音乐的早到学校几个小时,为了练习弹奏乐器,turn up“出现”,符合语境,故选D项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:在其他人必须到达那里之前。A. before在……之前;B. after在……之后;C. until直到;D. since自从;根据上文“at school for practice hours.(在练习时间到学校)”可知,学习音乐的同学要在练习时间到校,可推理出在其他学生到校之前就到校练习乐器,故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他对自己发誓要避免音乐,因为他讨厌早到学校。A. betray背叛;B. accept接受;C. avoid避免;D. appreciate欣赏;根据下文“as he hated getting to school extra early.( 因为他讨厌早到学校)”可知,加布里埃尔讨厌过早到校,可推理出他对自己发誓要避免音乐,故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,有一天,在音乐课上,这是他学校标准课程的一部分,他随意地弹着钢琴,发现很容易就能分辨出曲调。A. Therefore因此;B. However然而;C. Thus因此;D. Moreover而且;根据下文“he was playing idly(随意地)on the piano and found it…to pick out tunes(他随意地弹着钢琴,发现很……就能分辨出曲调)”可知上下文之间为转折关系,应用 however,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. part部分;B. nature自然;C. basis基础;D. spirit精神;根据上文“one day, In the music class that was”可知此处说的是音乐课,它是学校的标准课程的一部分,故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. complicated复杂的;B. safe安全的;C. confusing困惑的;D. easy容易的;根据下文“to pick out tunes(分辨出曲调)”以及“the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good(老师告诉Gabriel他有很好的……)”可知,他随意地弹着钢琴,老师赞美了他,可推理出很容易就能分辨出曲调,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:带着一种消沉的感觉,他意识到他实际上很喜欢做这件事。A. missed错过;B. disliked不喜欢;C. enjoyed喜欢;享受;D. denied拒绝;根据下文“He tried to hide his…pleasure from the music teacher (她试图掩饰从音乐老师那里得到的……快乐)”可知,Gabriel随意弹奏就能分辨出语调,被老师表扬,感到高兴,可推理出他很喜欢弹奏音乐,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他试图在音乐老师面前隐藏他明显的快乐,音乐老师已经踱步过来听了。A. transparent透明的;B. obvious明显的;C. false错误的;D. similar相似的;根据上文“he realized that he actually(他意识到实际上……)”可知,他意识到自己实际上喜欢弹钢琴,此处试图隐藏自己明显的喜悦之情,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. run跑;B. jogged慢跑;C. jumped跳;D. wandered漫步;根据下文“to listen(来听)”可知,音乐老师要听他的弹奏,可推理出音乐老师踱步过来听,wander over“漫步”,符合语境,故选D项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:他可能做得不是很好,因为老师告诉 Gabriel,他的乐感很好,并建议 Gabriel 到音乐商店去看看那里有没有什么乐器。A. because因为;B. but但是;C. though虽然;D. so所以;根据下文“the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good(老师告诉Gabriel他有很好的……)”以及“suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there(建议Gabriel到音乐商店看看是否有什么乐器)”可知,下文说的是老师的建议,可推理出上文说的是老师给出建议的原因,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. ear耳朵;B. taste味道;C. heart心;D. voice声音;根据下文“suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there(建议Gabriel到音乐商店看看是否有什么乐器)”可知,老师建议他到音乐商店看看是否有什么乐器吸引他,可推理出老师认为他有很好的乐感,have a good ear为固定短语,含义为“对……有鉴赏力”。符合句意,故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. occurred to发生;B. took to带走;C. appealed to吸引;呼吁;D. held to坚持;根据上文“suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there(建议他到音乐商店看看是否有什么乐器)”可知,老师建议加布里埃尔去音乐商店看看乐器,可推理出老师建议他寻找吸引他的乐器,故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那里,他决定试一试大提琴。A. change改变;B. chance机会;C. mission使命;D. function功能;根据上文“There he decided to give the cello a(他决定试一试大提琴)”可知,他决定试一试大提琴,give sth. a chance为固定短语,含义为“试一试”,符合句意,故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他开始练习时,他非常随意。A. seriously认真地;B. proudly自豪地;C. casually随意地;D. naturally自然地;根据下文“But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was …to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.( 但他很快发现他喜欢演奏这种乐器,并……练习,以至于在几个月内,他的演奏就相当不错了)”可知,很快发现自己爱上了大提琴,再根据转折连词but可推理出起初他只是随意地练习,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但他很快发现他喜欢演奏这种乐器,并致力于练习,以至于在几个月内,他的演奏就相当不错了。A. committed尽心尽力的;B. used习惯的;二手的;C. limited有限的;D. admitted公认的;根据下文“to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.(……练习,以至于在几个月内,他的演奏就相当不错了)”可知,在几个月内,他的演奏就相当不错了,可推理出他致力于练习大提琴,故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这当然意味着他一大早就到了学校,拖着沉重的乐器箱穿过校园,他已经把非音乐生的怜悯抛在身后了。A. proved证明;B. showed展示;C. stressed强调;D. meant意味着;根据下文“he arrived at school early in the morning(他早上早到学校)”可知,加布里埃尔早上要早到学校,拖着沉重的乐器箱穿过校园,可推理出此处上下文说的是爱上了大提琴意味着早上早到学校,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. pushing推;B. dragging拖;拉;C. lifting举起;D. rushing冲;根据下文“his heavy instrument case(沉重的乐器箱)”可知,此处说的是沉重的乐器箱,分析选项,B项“dragging拖;拉”表达的含义符合语境,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. admiring钦佩;B. pitying同情;怜悯;C. annoying惹恼;D. teasing取笑;根据上文“across the campus with their heavy instrument cases(拖着沉重的乐器箱穿过校园)”以及 “In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students (在高中的前几年,加布里埃尔会怜悯地看着音乐生们)”可知,以前的时候加布里埃尔会怜悯地看着音乐生们,而现在他也是音乐生了,可推理出空白处应填表示“同情”含义的表达,故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. aside在旁边;B. aside在旁边;C. behind在后面;D. out出去;根据上文“But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was …to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.( 但他很快发现他喜欢演奏这种乐器,并……练习,以至于在几个月内,他的演奏就相当不错了)”可知,加布里埃尔喜欢上了音乐,可推理出他不在乎非音乐生的怜悯的表情,分析选项,leave behind为固定短语,含义为“把……抛在后面”,符合语境,故选C项。
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)
Smile: It’s a family photo! While your background might not be a foreign place or an international landmark, it’s still important to capture your family’s current experiences for future reference and enjoyment. Here are five ideas to consider:
①People pictures stand the test of time
Including people, especially your loved ones. In your shot adds tremendous (极大的) interest. Encourage family members to be the focus of landscape images, providing context and great memories. Overtime, you may not remember that towering forest or the flower-strewn grassland. But you will recall the memories made in that location.
②Capture color
Whether you travel near or far, markets, parades (游行) and streetscapes will often provide a lot of colorful subjects and unique experiences that will help tell the story of your family adventure. At the market, for example, be on the lookout for brightly colored vegetables, fruits, meat or fish unlike those in your local grocery store. Inspire your children’s natural curiosity by asking the seller to explain the origin of items.
③Give animal p otos a shot
Whether at the zoo, in the countryside or in a national park, shooting photos of animals can be an enriching experience. Will you get the shot when the lion roars, the giraffe reaches upward or the monkey swings from the branch
④Get in on the action
It’s fun to capture the movement and the excitement of the adventure. Whether it’s a swing or slide in a nearby park, a child running through a field, rafting (漂流) through the rapids or biking down at rail, capture the action in an image or video.
⑤Seek beauty
Focus on the small details of everyday life. Look for the beauty found in blooming wildflowers, the fluttering wings of a hummingbird, a bird building a nest, shifting clouds or a full moon.
Consider sharing your favorite pictures with friends and family in distant places. They will likely take comfort in the connection and the glory of your extraordinary images.
36. Who is the passage intended for
A. Someone who loves his family.
B. People who are good at finding beauty.
C. People who want to take good family photos.
D. Someone who wants to capture the family experiences.
37. The underlined part “stand the test of time” in Paragraph 2 can be understood as________.
A. Your pictures can help bring back memories
B. Your pictures can be stored for a long time
C. The family members in the pictures will live forever
D. The family members must stand for a long time while being photographed
38. According to Paragraph 3, what is the purpose of asking the seller to explain the origin of goods
A. To get the kids interested. B. To add more colors into your pictures.
C. To better understand the local customs. D. To get along well with the seller.
39. According to the passage to take good family pictures, you’d better NOT________.
A. shoot animals
B. shoot while your family members are rafting through the rapids
C. miss the little details of everyday life
D. focus on the shifting clouds
40. Where is the passage probably taken from
A. An ad website. B. A fiction book.
C. A travel magazine. D. An environmental report.
【答案】36. C 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. C
推理判断题。根据第一段“Smile: It’s a family photo! While your background might not be a foreign place or an international landmark, it’s still important to capture your family’s current experiences for future reference and enjoyment. Here are five ideas to consider: (微笑:这是全家福!虽然你的背景可能不是一个陌生的地方或一个国际地标,但捕捉你家人目前的经历对于未来的参考和享受仍然很重要。以下是你可以考虑的5个想法:)”可知,文章讲述了如何在外出旅游时拍好全家福照片的五个建议,因此推断是写给想要拍好全家福照片的人的。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第二段的“Overtime, you may not remember that towering forest or the flower-strewn grassland. But you will recall the memories made in that location. (久而久之,你可能会忘记那参天的森林和那洒满鲜花的草原。但你会回忆起在那个地方留下的记忆。)”可知,人们的照片可以经受住时间的考验是应为它有助于唤起人们的回忆,故划线词可以理解为A项“你的照片可以帮助你回忆起往事”。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段的“Inspire your children’s natural curiosity by asking the seller to explain the origin of items. (让卖家解释商品的来源,激发孩子天生的好奇心。)”可知,要求卖方解释货物的来源是为了让孩子们感兴趣,故选A。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Focus on the small details of everyday life. Look for the beauty found in blooming wildflowers, the fluttering wings of a hummingbird, a bird building a nest, shifting clouds or a full moon. (关注日常生活中的小细节。从盛开的野花、蜂鸟扇动的翅膀、筑巢的鸟、移动的云或满月中寻找美。)”可知,拍摄好的家庭照片,要关注日常生活中的小细节,最好不要错过,故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Smile: It’s a family photo! While your background might not be a foreign place or an international landmark, it’s still important to capture your family’s current experiences for future reference and enjoyment. Here are five ideas to consider: (微笑:这是全家福!虽然你的背景可能不是一个陌生的地方或一个国际地标,但捕捉你家人目前的经历对于未来的参考和享受仍然很重要。以下是你可以考虑的5个想法:)”可知,文章讲述了如何在外出旅游的时候拍家庭照片的五个建议,结合选项,最有可能选择旅游杂志。故选C。
Technological progress has transformed every aspect of my life. I bank online and learn online. Just like other young people, when I’m hungry and busy, I will order food through a food delivery app, especially during the pandemic. These apps are fast and convenient.
A survey of the food delivery service online conducted in the US shows that 26% of the people surveyed use food delivery service once a week, while 24% order food 2—3 times per week. Some have meals delivered even more often, with 8% ordering 6 times per week.
However, I deleted Uber Eats from my phone two months ago. Not because I didn’t like using it. I loved it. I can order precisely what I feel like eating. And I can have that hot meal delivered to my door within about 30 minutes with only a small fee. It’s the kind of on-demand service that used to be reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Now ordinary people, like me, lying on their couches, working late in their living rooms, or isolating themselves at home during the pandemic can enjoy it, too.
However, I was shocked when I knew that five delivery riders were killed in three months last spring. Some riders sometimes were paid at rates lower than the minimum wage or without much of the basic protection enjoyed by the rest of us. They were also doing their jobs in an unsafe working environment — our city streets. This is particularly the case in Sydney, where some major media organizations have complained about the construction of safe cycling infra-structure(基础设施)for decades and worse still, state governments have previously torn up bike paths.
So I deleted the app and haven’t used it, or any of its competitors, since then. I have no illusions that my standpoint will make a big difference. But I think our governments need to fight against the companies reshaping our lives and our communities for the worse to make our cities safer for everyone, including cyclists.
41. What does the survey conducted in the US tell us
A. The use of food delivery apps.
B. The quality of food delivery apps.
C. People’s preference for certain apps.
D. Influences of the food delivery service on people’s life.
42. What can we learn about Uber Eats from Paragraph 3
A. It used to deliver hot food.
B. It can satisfy different users’ demands.
C. It favors a particular group of people.
D. It was the most popular app during the pandemic.
43. What’s the main reason for the author’s deleting Uber Eats
A. The extra delivery fee.
B. The attraction from other apps.
C. Delivery riders’ safety problems.
D. Heavy traffic jams caused by delivery riders.
44. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the last paragraph
A. To ask us to rethink the advantages of technological advances.
B. To call on us to play a role in the community development.
C. To state the problems of commercial companies.
D. To appeal to governments to make some changes.
45. What can be the best title for the text
A. Why I gave up using food delivery apps
B. The rise and fall of Uber Eats
C. My addiction to social apps
D. How I can live with apps
【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“A survey of the food delivery service online conducted in the US shows that 26% of the people surveyed use food delivery service once a week, while 24% order food 2—3 times per week. Some have meals delivered even more often, with 8% ordering 6 times per week.(一项针对美国在线外卖服务的调查显示,26%的受访者每周使用一次外卖服务,而24%的人每周订购2-3次。有些人甚至更频繁地叫餐,8%的人每周点6次餐)”可知,在美国进行的调查告诉了我们外卖APP的使用频次。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“I can order precisely what I feel like eating. And I can have that hot meal delivered to my door within about 30 minutes with only a small fee. It’s the kind of on-demand service that used to be reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Now ordinary people, like me, lying on their couches, working late in their living rooms, or isolating themselves at home during the pandemic can enjoy it, too.(我可以点我想吃的东西。而且我只需付很少的费用,就可以在大约30分钟内叫人把热饭送到我家门口。这种按需服务曾经是超级富豪的专利。现在,像我这样的普通人,在大流行期间躺在沙发上,在客厅里工作到很晚,或把自己隔离在家里,也可以享受它)”可知,Uber Eats可以满足不同用户的需求。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“However, I was shocked when I knew that five delivery riders were killed in three months last spring. Some riders sometimes were paid at rates lower than the minimum wage or without much of the basic protection enjoyed by the rest of us. They were also doing their jobs in an unsafe working environment — our city streets.(然而,去年春天,当我知道3个月内有5名快递员死亡时,我感到震惊。有些骑手的工资有时比最低工资还低,或者没有我们其他人所享有的基本保障。他们也在一个不安全的工作环境中工作——我们的城市街道)”以及最后一段中“So I deleted the app and haven’t used it, or any of its competitors, since then.(所以我删除了这款应用,从那以后再也没用过它,也没用过它的任何竞争对手)”可知,作者删除Uber Eats的主要原因是送货员的安全问题。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I have no illusions that my standpoint will make a big difference. But I think our governments need to fight against the companies reshaping our lives and our communities for the worse to make our cities safer for everyone, including cyclists.(我不幻想我的立场会产生重大影响。但我认为,我们的政府需要与那些让我们的生活和社区变得更糟的公司作斗争,让我们的城市对每个人都更安全,包括骑自行车的人)”可知,作者写最后一段的目的是呼吁政府做出一些改变。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Just like other young people, when I’m hungry and busy, I will order food through a food delivery app, especially during the pandemic. These apps are fast and convenient.(就像其他年轻人一样,当我又饿又忙的时候,我会通过外卖app订餐,尤其是在疫情期间。这些应用程序又快又方便)”可知,作者本来和其他年轻人一样,也喜欢用外卖APP,再根据第三段“However, I deleted Uber Eats from my phone two months ago.(然而,两个月前,我从手机上删除了优步外卖)”以及最后一段“So I deleted the app and haven’t used it, or any of its competitors, since then.(所以我删除了这款应用,从那以后再也没用过它,也没用过它的任何竞争对手)”可知,本文之后是在讲作者为什么删除外卖APP,所以A项“Why I gave up using food delivery apps(为什么我放弃了用外卖软件)”是本文最好的标题。故选A项。
Every spring, as the weather warms, trees up and down the East Coast explode in a display of bright green life as leaves fill their branches, and every fall, the same leaves provide one of nature’s great color displays of vivid yellow, orange and red.
Thanks to climate change, the timing of these events has shifted over the last two decades, Harvard scientists say.
Andrew Richardson, an associate professor of organismic and evolutionary biology, and research associate Trevor Keenan worked with colleagues from seven different institutions on a study which found that forests throughout the eastern United States are showing signs of spring growth dramatically earlier, and that the growing season in some areas extends further into the fall.
Richardson said, “Climate change isn’t just about warmer temperatures. It’s also about changes in precipitation (降水) patterns... so in the future, an earlier spring might not help forests take up more carbon dioxide if they end up running out of water in mid-summer.”
The research combined information from three sources. Using satellite data, Keenan tracked when forests across the region began to turn green in the spring, and when leaves began to turn yellow in the fall. Ground observations made every three to seven days at the Harvard Forest in Petersham and a long-term research site in New Hampshire provided information about the state of buds, leaves and branches. When combined with records from instrument towers, the data sets allowed the researchers to paint a richly detailed picture that shows spring starting earlier, and the growing season lasting longer than at any point in the past two decades.
Another important result, Richardson said, was the discovery of a significant source of error in existing computer models on how forest ecosystems work.
“This shows an opportunity to improve the models and how they simulate how forests will work under future climate scenarios forecast.” he said.
The real power of the findings, however, may be in helping to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public, the researchers said.
46. What is the reason of the earlier spring according to the Harvard scientists
A. The human activities. B. The climate change.
C. The tree growth. D. The reduction in water.
47. What can we infer from Richardson’s words in the fourth paragraph
A. An earlier spring can only bring benefits.
B. The influence of climate change is complex.
C. The water in mid-summer will increase.
D. The role of forests becomes less important.
48. What is closest in meaning to the underlined word simulate in the seventh paragraph
A. Change B. Explain C. Imitate D. Create
49. What is the real power of the findings of the research
A. It helps scientists to figure out how forest ecosystems work.
B. It reflects how the growing season is extending faster.
C. It provides an opportunity to improve the computer models.
D. It helps to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public.
50. What is the purpose of this text
A. To tell us people should be more aware of the climate change.
B. To tell us the climate change has some effects on the world.
C. To tell us the early spring in eastern USA is a good time to travel.
D. To tell us high technology is useful to detect the climate change.
【答案】46. B 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A
细节理解题。文章第二段讲到“Thanks to climate change, the timing of these events has shifted over the last two decades, Harvard scientists say (哈佛大学的科学家表示,由于气候变化,这些事件的发生时间在过去二十年中发生了变化。)”可知,根据哈佛大学科学家的说法,早春的原因是气候变化,故选B。
推理判断题。文章第四段讲到“Climate change isn’t just about warmer temperatures. It’s also about changes in precipitation (降水) patterns (气候变化不仅仅是气温升高,还与降水模式的变化有关)”可知,在第四段中从理查森的话中推断出气候变化的影响是复杂的,故选B。
词义猜测题。文章第六段讲到“Another important result, Richardson said, was the discovery of a significant source of error in existing computer models on how forest ecosystems work. (另一个重要的结果是,在现有的计算机模型中发现了森林生态系统如何工作的一个重要错误来源)”可知,第七段中带下划线的单词所在句子This shows an opportunity to improve the models and how they simulate how forests will work under future climate scenarios forecast的意思是:这显示了一个改进模型的机会,以及它们如何模拟森林在未来气候情景预测下的工作。可知划线单词的意思最接近“模拟”,故选C。
细节理解题。文章最后一段讲到“The real power of the findings, however, may be in helping to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public, the researchers said. (然而,研究人员表示,这些发现的真正力量可能是帮助公众更清楚地了解气候变化的影响)”可知,研究结果的真正力量是它有助于让公众更清楚地了解气候变化的影响,故选D。
推理判断题。本文主要介绍了哈佛大学科学家们进行了一项研究,气候变化会导致季节发生变化,并能帮助公众更清楚地了解气候变化的影响。尤其是文章最后一段讲到“The real power of the findings, however, may be in helping to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public, the researchers said. (然而,研究人员表示,这些发现的真正力量可能是帮助公众更清楚地了解气候变化的影响)”可知,本文的目的是告诉我们,人们应该更加了解气候变化,故选A。
We are in the midst of a battle for our attention. Our devices have affected our brains and destroyed our collective ability to concentrate. Journalist Johann Hair’s new book, Stolen Focus, has just joined the voices complaining about the great influence of the digital age. His and other recent books reflect a public perception that our focus is under attack.
Indeed, in our new research, we found some clear concerns. We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2, 093 UK adults in 2021. Half of those surveyed felt their attention spans were shorter than they used to be, compared with a quarter who didn't And three quarters of participants agreed we're living through a time when there's non-stop competition for our attention between a variety of media channels and information outlets (渠道).
There has long been a worry about the threat to attention brought by new cultural forms, whether that’s social media or the cheap paperback sensation novels of the 19th century. Even as far back as ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates complained that the written words created “forgetfulness in our souls”. There has always been a tendency to fear the effects that new media and technologies will have on our minds.
The reality is that we simply don’t have long-term studies that tell us whether our attention spans have actually shrunk. What we do know from our study is that people overestimate some of the problems. There’s no such thing as an average attention span. Our ability to focus varies hugely depending on the individual and the task at hand.
It’s also important not to ignore the many benefits that technology brings to our life. Much of the public surveyed recognized these, so while half thought big tech and social media were ruining young people’s attention spans, roughly another half felt that being easily distracted was more to do with people’s personalities than any negative influence that technology may or may not have. Also, half of the public believed multitasking at work and switching frequently between emails, phone calls, and other tasks can create a more efficient and satisfactory work experience.
51. What might be the theme of the books mentioned in Paragraph 1
A. The main focus of social media. B. The great influence of public opinion.
C. The attention crisis in the digital age. D. The fierce competition in the digital age.
52. What can we know about some of the participants in the new research
A. They were frequently disturbed by digital devices.
B. They felt it hard to acquire useful information online.
C. They had shorter attention spans than average people.
D. They felt challenged by fierce competition from others.
53. Why does the author mention Socrates in Paragraph 3
A. To stress new cultural forms have limitations.
B. To show worry about attention is an age-old problem.
C. To prove the important role be played in literary history
D. To explain cultural differences between the past and the present
54. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. People tend to overestimate their abilities.
B. Digital distractions might have potential benefits.
C. Technology’s benefits have been largely ignored.
D. Switching between different tasks frequently is difficult.
55. What message does the author want to convey
A. Digital devices can benefit our work. B. We should say “No” to digital devices.
C. We should think highly of new cultural forms. D. Digital distractions really affect us so much.
【答案】51. C 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. D
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“We are in the midst of a battle for our attention. Our devices have affected our brains and destroyed our collective ability to concentrate. Journalist Johann Hair's new book, Stolen Focus, has just joined the voices complaining about the great influence of the digital age. His and other recent books reflect a public perception that our focus is under attack.(我们正处于一场争夺注意力的斗争之中。我们的电子设备已经影响了我们的大脑,破坏了我们集体的集中注意力能力。记者约翰·海耳的新书《被偷走的注意力》刚刚加入了那些抱怨数字时代巨大影响的声音中。他和其他近期的书籍反映了一种公众认知,即我们的注意力正遭受攻击)”可推知,这些书的主题应是数字时代的注意力危机。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2, 093 UK adults in 2021. Half of those surveyed felt their attention spans were shorter than they used to be, compared with a quarter who didn't And three quarters of participants agreed we're living through a time when there's non-stop competition for our attention between a variety of media channels and information outlets(我们在2021年调查了2093名英国成年人的全国代表性样本。一半的受访者觉得自己的注意力比以前更短了,而四分之一的人没有这种感觉。四分之三的参与者同意,我们正生活在一个各种媒体渠道和信息渠道之间不断竞争我们注意力的时代)”可知,他们四分之三的人同意我们正生活在一个各种媒体渠道和信息渠道之间不断竞争我们注意力的时代,所以是他们经常受到数码设备的干扰。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“There has long been a worry about the threat to attention brought by new cultural forms, whether that’s social media or the cheap paperback sensation novels of the 19th century. Even as far back as ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates complained that the written words created “forgetfulness in our souls”. There has always been a tendency to fear the effects that new media and technologies will have on our minds.(长期以来,人们一直担心新的文化形式会威胁人们的注意力,无论是社交媒体还是19世纪廉价的平装小说。早在古希腊,哲学家苏格拉底就抱怨说,书面文字造成了“我们灵魂中的健忘”。人们总是倾向于担心新媒体和新技术会对我们的思想产生影响)”可知,作者提到苏格拉底是为了表现出对注意力的担忧是一个古老的问题。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“It’s also important not to ignore the many benefits that technology brings to our life. Much of the public surveyed recognized these, so while half thought big tech and social media were ruining young people’s attention spans, roughly another half felt that being easily distracted was more to do with people’s personalities than any negative influence that technology may or may not have. Also, half of the public believed multitasking at work and switching frequently between emails, phone calls, and other tasks can create a more efficient and satisfactory work experience.(同样重要的是,不要忽视科技给我们生活带来的诸多好处。大部分接受调查的公众都认识到了这一点,因此,虽然一半的人认为大型科技公司和社交媒体正在破坏年轻人的注意力持续时间,但大约有一半的人认为,容易分心更多地与人们的个性有关,而不是科技可能产生或不产生的任何负面影响。此外,一半的公众认为,在工作中多任务处理,在电子邮件、电话和其他任务之间频繁切换,可以创造更高效、更令人满意的工作体验)”可知,在最后一段作者讲述了科技带给我们的好处和便利,故数字干扰可能有潜在的好处。故选B项。
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
Just like everyone, I have experienced ups and downs in my life. I am an aerospace engineer from India. I was told by my relatives, close friends and others that it was hard for a non-IT student to pursue a master’s degree in IT and graduate from a US university.
I had never taken courses related to computers or programming. I was never interested in being a programmer, but things changed. I became so captivated by the convenience IT has brought to our life that I made up my mind to chase a master’s degree in IT.
At first, I came across too many difficulties and ing from a middle-class family, the huge cost per credit was a big issue. My English accent was terrible. Most importantly, the course seemed impossible at first. Although I felt so discouraged and frustrated, I never thought of giving up.
Then I decided to choose my university because it promised its students to help them learn practically. During my first month, it was difficult to understand the Americans’ accent and finish my assignments. But I never gave in. I walked two miles to the university every day so that I could use my travel money to buy a meal. I started looking for jobs and I got an offer to work as a student assistant, which meant lifting benches and chairs every day.
I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and a job offer from a multinational company that has asked me to start right after graduation.
When you have a dream to realize, there is nothing that can stop you. All you need is the diligence and persistence. Hard work always pays off. Having a determined will is also necessary.
56. Why did the author’s family and friends say that it was hard for him to pursue a master’s degree in IT (no more than 8 words)
57. What does the underlined part “captivated by” in paragraph 2 mean (2 words)
58. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 (no more than 10 words)
59. What made the author graduate with a higher GPA and a good job offer (no more than 15 words)
60. What do you learn from the author’s story (no more than 25 words)
【答案】56. Because he was a non-IT student.
57. Fascinated by.
58. Many difficulties and setbacks the author came across.
59. Taking all challenges as his chances and believing hard work was his strength.
60. When facing challenges on the way to our goals, we should believe in our strength and spare no efforts to overcome them.
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I was told by my relatives, close friends and others that it was hard for a non-IT student to pursue a master’s degree in IT and graduate from a US university.(我的亲戚、密友和其他人告诉我,对于一个非IT专业的学生来说,很难攻读IT专业硕士学位并从美国大学毕业。)”可知,作者是非IT专业的学生,因此很难在这个专业攻读硕士学位。故答案为:Because he was a non-IT student.
短语猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“I made up my mind to chase a master’s degree in IT”可知,作者下定决心要攻读IT专业硕士学位,由此可推测出,作者对它给生活带来的便利很着迷,因此“captivated by”表示“对……着迷”。故答案为:Fascinated by.
主旨大意题。根据第三段“At first, I came across too many difficulties and ing from a middle-class family, the huge cost per credit was a big issue. My English accent was terrible. Most importantly, the course seemed impossible at first. Although I felt so discouraged and frustrated, I never thought of giving up.(起初,我遇到了太多的困难和挫折。来自中产阶级家庭,每个学分的巨大花费是一个大问题。我的英语口音很糟糕。最重要的是,这门课程一开始似乎是不可能的。尽管我感到沮丧和沮丧,但我从未想过放弃。)”可知,本段主要讲述了作者遇到的许多困难和挫折。故答案为:Many difficulties and setbacks the author came across.
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and a job offer from a multinational company that has asked me to start right after graduation.(我把所有这些挑战视为我的机会,我相信努力是我的力量。现在我以3.96/4的平均学分绩点毕业,一家跨国公司向我提供了一份工作,要求我毕业后立即开始工作。)”可知,作者把所有这些挑战视为我的机会,相信努力工作是自己的力量,最终作者以很高的平均学分绩点毕业,并且获得了一份好工作。故答案为:Taking all challenges as his chances and believing hard work was his strength.
开放性试题。根据全文内容,尤其是倒数第二段中的“I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength.(我把所有这些挑战视为我的机会,我相信努力是我的力量。)”和最后一段“When you have a dream to realize, there is nothing that can stop you. All you need is the diligence and persistence. Hard work always pays off. Having a determined will is also necessary.(当你有梦想要实现时,没有什么能阻止你。你所需要的只是勤奋和毅力。努力总是有回报的。有坚定的意志也是必要的。)”可知,作者在面临挑战时,他把挑战看作机会,相信努力是力量,他不断努力,最终取得了成功。由此可推测出,在面对通往目标之路上的挑战时,我们应该相信自己的力量,努力克服挑战。故答案为When facing challenges on the way to our goals, we should believe in our strength and spare no efforts to overcome them.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
61. 假定你是李华,你校正在组织英语演讲比赛。请以“你敬佩的一位名人”为主题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
注意:1.写作词数应为 100 个左右;
The person I admire most is Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. When he was young, he traveled around to study medicine. His medical skills are comprehensive, especially good at surgery. He was the first to use general anesthesia for surgical operations and was honored as the “ancestor of surgery” by later generations.
I admire Hua Tuo because he treated many people throughout his life. He was a milestone in Chinese medical field and played an important role in promoting the development of Chinese medicine.
著名的:famous→ well-known
尤其:especially→ in particular
被誉为:be honored as→ be praised as
在……中起重要作用:play an important role in→ play an important part in
原句:His medical skills are comprehensive, especially good at surgery.
拓展句:Not only are his medical skills comprehensive, but also he is good at surgery.
【点睛】【高分句型1】When he was young, he traveled around to study medicine.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】I admire Hua Tuo because he treated many people throughout his life.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)塘沽一中2023-2024学年度第一学期
1. Which city has the woman been to
A. Paris. B. London. C. Amsterdam.
2. How much do two shirts cost today
A. $15. B. $20. C. $30.
3. What does the woman think of the person yesterday
A. He is smart. B. He is careless. C. He is brave.
4. What will the woman probably do next
A. Help the man with his school project. B. Continue to do her homework. C. Do some cleaning.
5. What is the main topic of the conversation
A. Printers. B. Reports. C. Online shopping.
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
6. Why does the man refuse to play badminton at first
A. He got hurt. B. He is busy on Sunday. C. He is not good at it.
7. What do we know about the badminton players
A. They will play for the first time this weekend. B. They are all professionals.
C. They are a relaxed group.
8. What does the man decide to do
A. Join the game. B. Get into better shape. C. Play a different sport.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Coach and athlete. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient.
10. What did the man suggest the woman do
A. Go to the hospital. B. Take some days off. C. Change to another sport.
11. What is the world record for running 400m
A. 47 seconds. B. 47. 6 seconds. C. 48 seconds.
12. What was the speaker's problem in attending a university
A. His parents didn't support him. B. He wasn't qualified. C. He had no money.
13. What is the speaker's life-changing moment
A. When he got a job. B. When he received a scholarship.
C. When he graduated from university.
14. What is the speaker's job
A. A managing director. B. A university president. C. A professor.
15. What advice does the speaker offer
A. To make a difference. B. To be determined. C. To get a job.
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. —I have got the first prize in the VEX Robotics Competition.
—_______________! Your efforts have paid off.
A. Gook luck B. Come on C. Good for you D. Cheer up
2. ______ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.
A. Far from B. Apart from
C. Instead of D. Regardless of
3. ____ he had worked out the challenging math problem aroused our curiosity.
A. What B. How C. Which D. Where
4. Such a simple experiment can effectively______ people’s doubts about the new technology, so they are willing to embrace the innovation.
A. figure out B. put on C. carry out D. wipe out
5. Many young people, most _________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.
A. of which B. of them
C. of whom D. of those
6. It is reported that more than 70% of water ________ in the past five years.
A was polluted B. were polluted
C. have been polluted D. has been polluted
7. More and more people choose to withdraw from their busy life and seek a ________relationship with nature in the quietness of some faraway places.
A. harmonious B. crucial C. identical D. outstanding
8. In China, a man from Jiangsu Province ________ from university at the age of 88, ________him the oldest university graduate in the country.
A. graduated; making B. graduated; to make
C. being graduated; made D. having graduated; made
9. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and ________ every page of my draft.
A. converted B. regulated C. polished D. enlarged
10. China has ________ improved the living standards of the ordinary people in the past four decades.
A. necessarily B. additionally C. dramatically D. desperately
11. —Did you have butterflies in your stomach at the interview
—________. That was my first job interview.
A. It depends B. Not really C. Never mind D. You bet
12. I want to put the photo ________ I can see it every day, because it can remind me of the happy days ________ I spent in the countryside.
A. in which; when B. where; when C. in which; which D. where; which
13. We shouldn't take _____ for granted that we still have a lot of time before the Entrance Examination.
A. this B. that
C. it D. such
14. You must set realistic for yourself, so you are able to track your growth in the long run.
A. objectives B. occupation C. capacity D. reputation
15. Only a few people are ________ to enter this Potala, which helps to ________ the buildings and the items in it.
A. admitted, protect B. allowed , preserve C. admitted, protecting D. allowed , preserving
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, ___16___ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases. ___17___ at school for practice hours. ___18___ anyone else had to be there. He swore to himself to ___19___ music, as he hated getting to school extra early.
___20___ , one day, in the music class that was ___21___ of his school’s standard curriculum, he was playing idly (随意地) on the piano and found it ___22___ to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually ___23___ doing it. He tried to hide his ___24___ pleasure from the music teacher, who had, ____25____ over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, ____26____ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ____27____ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there ____28____ him. There he decided to give the cello (大提琴) a ____29____ . When he began practicing, he took it very ____30____. But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was ____31____ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This ____32____ , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, ____33____ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the ____34____ looks of the non-musicians he had left ____35____ .
16. A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D. struggling
17. A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up
18. A. before B. after C. until D. since
19. A. betray B. accept C. avoid D. appreciate
20. A. Therefore B. However C. Thus D. Moreover
21 A. part B. nature C. basis D. spirit
22. A. complicated B. safe C. confusing D. easy
23. A. missed B. disliked C. enjoyed D. denied
24. A. transparent B. obvious C. false D. similar
25. A. run B. jogged C. jumped D. wandered
26. A. because B. but C. though D. so
27. A. ear B. tasto C. heart D. voice
28. A. occurred to B. took to C. appealed to D. held to
29. A. change B. chance C. mission D. function
30. A. seriously B. proudly C. casually D. naturally
31. A. committed B. used C. limited D. admitted
32. A. proved B. showed C. stressed D. meant
33. A. pushing B. dragging C. lifting D. rushing
34. A. admiring B. pitying C. annoying D. teasing
35. A. aside B. aside C. behind D. out
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)
Smile: It’s a family photo! While your background might not be a foreign place or an international landmark, it’s still important to capture your family’s current experiences for future reference and enjoyment. Here are five ideas to consider:
①People pictures stand the test of time
Including people, especially your loved ones. In your shot adds tremendous (极大的) interest. Encourage family members to be the focus of landscape images, providing context and great memories. Overtime, you may not remember that towering forest or the flower-strewn grassland. But you will recall the memories made in that location.
②Capture color
Whether you travel near or far, markets, parades (游行) and streetscapes will often provide a lot of colorful subjects and unique experiences that will help tell the story of your family adventure. At the market, for example, be on the lookout for brightly colored vegetables, fruits, meat or fish unlike those in your local grocery store. Inspire your children’s natural curiosity by asking the seller to explain the origin of items.
③Give animal p otos a shot
Whether at the zoo, in the countryside or in a national park, shooting photos of animals can be an enriching experience. Will you get the shot when the lion roars, the giraffe reaches upward or the monkey swings from the branch
④Get in on the action
It’s fun to capture the movement and the excitement of the adventure. Whether it’s a swing or slide in a nearby park, a child running through a field, rafting (漂流) through the rapids or biking down at rail, capture the action in an image or video.
⑤Seek beauty
Focus on the small details of everyday life. Look for the beauty found in blooming wildflowers, the fluttering wings of a hummingbird, a bird building a nest, shifting clouds or a full moon.
Consider sharing your favorite pictures with friends and family in distant places. They will likely take comfort in the connection and the glory of your extraordinary images.
36. Who is the passage intended for
A. Someone who loves his family.
B People who are good at finding beauty.
C. People who want to take good family photos.
D. Someone who wants to capture the family experiences.
37. The underlined part “stand the test of time” in Paragraph 2 can be understood as________.
A. Your pictures can help bring back memories
B. Your pictures can be stored for a long time
C. The family members in the pictures will live forever
D. The family members must stand for a long time while being photographed
38. According to Paragraph 3, what is the purpose of asking the seller to explain the origin of goods
A. To get the kids interested. B. To add more colors into your pictures.
C. To better understand the local customs. D. To get along well with the seller.
39. According to the passage to take good family pictures, you’d better NOT________.
A. shoot animals
B. shoot while your family members are rafting through the rapids
C. miss the little details of everyday life
D. focus on the shifting clouds
40. Where is the passage probably taken from
A. An ad website. B. A fiction book.
C. A travel magazine. D. An environmental report.
Technological progress has transformed every aspect of my life. I bank online and learn online. Just like other young people, when I’m hungry and busy, I will order food through a food delivery app, especially during the pandemic. These apps are fast and convenient.
A survey of the food delivery service online conducted in the US shows that 26% of the people surveyed use food delivery service once a week, while 24% order food 2—3 times per week. Some have meals delivered even more often, with 8% ordering 6 times per week.
However, I deleted Uber Eats from my phone two months ago. Not because I didn’t like using it. I loved it. I can order precisely what I feel like eating. And I can have that hot meal delivered to my door within about 30 minutes with only a small fee. It’s the kind of on-demand service that used to be reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Now ordinary people, like me, lying on their couches, working late in their living rooms, or isolating themselves at home during the pandemic can enjoy it, too.
However, I was shocked when I knew that five delivery riders were killed in three months last spring. Some riders sometimes were paid at rates lower than the minimum wage or without much of the basic protection enjoyed by the rest of us. They were also doing their jobs in an unsafe working environment — our city streets. This is particularly the case in Sydney, where some major media organizations have complained about the construction of safe cycling infra-structure(基础设施)for decades and worse still, state governments have previously torn up bike paths.
So I deleted the app and haven’t used it, or any of its competitors, since then. I have no illusions that my standpoint will make a big difference. But I think our governments need to fight against the companies reshaping our lives and our communities for the worse to make our cities safer for everyone, including cyclists.
41. What does the survey conducted in the US tell us
A. The use of food delivery apps.
B. The quality of food delivery apps.
C. People’s preference for certain apps.
D. Influences of the food delivery service on people’s life.
42. What can we learn about Uber Eats from Paragraph 3
A. It used to deliver hot food.
B. It can satisfy different users’ demands.
C. It favors a particular group of people.
D. It was the most popular app during the pandemic.
43. What’s the main reason for the author’s deleting Uber Eats
A. The extra delivery fee.
B. The attraction from other apps.
C. Delivery riders’ safety problems.
D. Heavy traffic jams caused by delivery riders.
44. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the last paragraph
A. To ask us to rethink the advantages of technological advances.
B. To call on us to play a role in the community development.
C. To state the problems of commercial companies.
D. To appeal to governments to make some changes.
45. What can be the best title for the text
A. Why I gave up using food delivery apps
B. The rise and fall of Uber Eats
C. My addiction to social apps
D. How I can live with apps
Every spring, as the weather warms, trees up and down the East Coast explode in a display of bright green life as leaves fill their branches, and every fall, the same leaves provide one of nature’s great color displays of vivid yellow, orange and red.
Thanks to climate change, the timing of these events has shifted over the last two decades, Harvard scientists say.
Andrew Richardson, an associate professor of organismic and evolutionary biology, and research associate Trevor Keenan worked with colleagues from seven different institutions on a study which found that forests throughout the eastern United States are showing signs of spring growth dramatically earlier, and that the growing season in some areas extends further into the fall.
Richardson said, “Climate change isn’t just about warmer temperatures. It’s also about changes in precipitation (降水) patterns... so in the future, an earlier spring might not help forests take up more carbon dioxide if they end up running out of water in mid-summer.”
The research combined information from three sources. Using satellite data, Keenan tracked when forests across the region began to turn green in the spring, and when leaves began to turn yellow in the fall. Ground observations made every three to seven days at the Harvard Forest in Petersham and a long-term research site in New Hampshire provided information about the state of buds, leaves and branches. When combined with records from instrument towers, the data sets allowed the researchers to paint a richly detailed picture that shows spring starting earlier, and the growing season lasting longer than at any point in the past two decades.
Another important result, Richardson said, was the discovery of a significant source of error in existing computer models on how forest ecosystems work.
“This shows an opportunity to improve the models and how they simulate how forests will work under future climate scenarios forecast.” he said.
The real power of the findings, however, may be in helping to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public, the researchers said.
46. What is the reason of the earlier spring according to the Harvard scientists
A. The human activities. B. The climate change.
C. The tree growth. D. The reduction in water.
47. What can we infer from Richardson’s words in the fourth paragraph
A. An earlier spring can only bring benefits.
B. The influence of climate change is complex.
C. The water in mid-summer will increase.
D. The role of forests becomes less important.
48. What is closest in meaning to the underlined word simulate in the seventh paragraph
A. Change B. Explain C. Imitate D. Create
49. What is the real power of the findings of the research
A. It helps scientists to figure out how forest ecosystems work.
B. It reflects how the growing season is extending faster.
C. It provides an opportunity to improve the computer models.
D. It helps to make the effects of climate change clearer to the public.
50. What is the purpose of this text
A. To tell us people should be more aware of the climate change.
B. To tell us the climate change has some effects on the world.
C. To tell us the early spring in eastern USA is a good time to travel.
D. To tell us high technology is useful to detect the climate change.
We are in the midst of a battle for our attention. Our devices have affected our brains and destroyed our collective ability to concentrate. Journalist Johann Hair’s new book, Stolen Focus, has just joined the voices complaining about the great influence of the digital age. His and other recent books reflect a public perception that our focus is under attack.
Indeed, in our new research, we found some clear concerns. We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2, 093 UK adults in 2021. Half of those surveyed felt their attention spans were shorter than they used to be, compared with a quarter who didn't And three quarters of participants agreed we're living through a time when there's non-stop competition for our attention between a variety of media channels and information outlets (渠道).
There has long been a worry about the threat to attention brought by new cultural forms, whether that’s social media or the cheap paperback sensation novels of the 19th century. Even as far back as ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates complained that the written words created “forgetfulness in our souls”. There has always been a tendency to fear the effects that new media and technologies will have on our minds.
The reality is that we simply don’t have long-term studies that tell us whether our attention spans have actually shrunk. What we do know from our study is that people overestimate some of the problems. There’s no such thing as an average attention span. Our ability to focus varies hugely depending on the individual and the task at hand.
It’s also important not to ignore the many benefits that technology brings to our life. Much of the public surveyed recognized these, so while half thought big tech and social media were ruining young people’s attention spans, roughly another half felt that being easily distracted was more to do with people’s personalities than any negative influence that technology may or may not have. Also, half of the public believed multitasking at work and switching frequently between emails, phone calls, and other tasks can create a more efficient and satisfactory work experience.
51. What might be the theme of the books mentioned in Paragraph 1
A. The main focus of social media. B. The great influence of public opinion.
C. The attention crisis in the digital age. D. The fierce competition in the digital age.
52. What can we know about some of the participants in the new research
A. They were frequently disturbed by digital devices.
B. They felt it hard to acquire useful information online.
C. They had shorter attention spans than average people.
D. They felt challenged by fierce competition from others.
53. Why does the author mention Socrates in Paragraph 3
A. To stress new cultural forms have limitations.
B. To show worry about attention is an age-old problem.
C. To prove the important role be played in literary history
D. To explain cultural differences between the past and the present
54. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. People tend to overestimate their abilities.
B. Digital distractions might have potential benefits.
C. Technology’s benefits have been largely ignored.
D. Switching between different tasks frequently is difficult.
55. What message does the author want to convey
A. Digital devices can benefit our work. B. We should say “No” to digital devices.
C. We should think highly of new cultural forms. D. Digital distractions really affect us so much.
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
Just like everyone, I have experienced ups and downs in my life. I am an aerospace engineer from India. I was told by my relatives, close friends and others that it was hard for a non-IT student to pursue a master’s degree in IT and graduate from a US university.
I had never taken courses related to computers or programming. I was never interested in being a programmer, but things changed. I became so captivated by the convenience IT has brought to our life that I made up my mind to chase a master’s degree in IT.
At first, I came across too many difficulties and ing from a middle-class family, the huge cost per credit was a big issue. My English accent was terrible. Most importantly, the course seemed impossible at first. Although I felt so discouraged and frustrated, I never thought of giving up.
Then I decided to choose my university because it promised its students to help them learn practically. During my first month, it was difficult to understand the Americans’ accent and finish my assignments. But I never gave in. I walked two miles to the university every day so that I could use my travel money to buy a meal. I started looking for jobs and I got an offer to work as a student assistant, which meant lifting benches and chairs every day.
I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and a job offer from a multinational company that has asked me to start right after graduation.
When you have a dream to realize, there is nothing that can stop you. All you need is the diligence and persistence. Hard work always pays off. Having a determined will is also necessary.
56. Why did the author’s family and friends say that it was hard for him to pursue a master’s degree in IT (no more than 8 words)
57. What does the underlined part “captivated by” in paragraph 2 mean (2 words)
58. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 (no more than 10 words)
59. What made the author graduate with a higher GPA and a good job offer (no more than 15 words)
60. What do you learn from the author’s story (no more than 25 words)
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
61. 假定你是李华,你校正在组织英语演讲比赛。请以“你敬佩的一位名人”为主题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
注意:1.写作词数应为 100 个左右;