

名称 广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中素养提升学业水平测试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-28 17:14:29


On September 17, 2022, a father and son set out to begin the first of three legs of the Ironman competition in Oxford. David, 59, and his son, John, 28, weren’t the typical competitors. Despite difficulty in walking, John has his dream of being an athlete. His father would act as his arms and legs, carrying the weight of his son throughout the race.
To qualify as having finished, competitors must complete a hard 140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under 17 hours. David and John had participated together in five Ironman competitions, but they had yet to finish in the required time.
The race began with a 2.4-mile swim in the Choptank River. With one end of a rope tied to a belt around his back and the other end to a boat with his son inside, the father eased himself into the water. Swimming while carrying another person is tough enough — David also had to fight with jellyfish (水母).
The pair completed the swim in 90 minutes, and went through with the 112-mile bicycle ride in about nine hours, then set their sights on the final leg of the 26.2-mile marathon with David pushing John in the racing chair.
With minutes left and 200 feet to the finish line, his mom, on the sidelines, handed him the rolling walker. Not that long ago, John could hardly walk 23 steps. But after years of painful training, he increased his step count and was determined to finish the race on his own. He knew time was almost running out and worried they wouldn’t make the cutoff. “Not because I wouldn’t get my moment,” he says, “but because dad had worked so hard.”
After 16 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds — with just four minutes and 25 seconds to spare — father and son crossed the finish line together.
As the crowd flooded and cheered on John, the weary father kept a low profile. “He didn’t want his finish line moment,” says John. “He wanted it to be mine.”
1. How did David help his son in the swimming part
A. By pulling a rope tied to a boat. B. By swimming beside his son.
C. By pushing his son’s lifebelt. D. By carrying his son on his back.
2. Why did John worry about not making the cutoff
A. He wouldn’t get his moment.
B. His mom would be disappointed.
C. His father had put in lots of effort.
D. The audience had high expectations.
3. What can best describe David’s role as a father
A. Responsible and selfless. B. Brave and honest.
C. Committed and friendly. D. Gentle and determined.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A
细节理解题。根据第三段的“With one end of a rope tied to a belt around his back and the other end to a boat with his son inside, the father eased himself into the water. Swimming while carrying another person is tough enough — David also had to fight with jellyfish (水母).(父亲把绳子的一端绑在背上的皮带上,另一端绑在船上,船上有他的儿子,他慢慢地下水了。带着另一个人游泳已经够难的了——大卫还不得不和水母搏斗)”可知,大卫是通过拉一根系在自己背上和载着儿子的船之间的绳子来帮助儿子完成游泳部分的。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第五段的“He knew time was almost running out and worried they wouldn’t make the cutoff. “Not because I wouldn’t get my moment,” he says, “but because dad had worked so hard.”(他知道时间几乎要耗尽了,担心他们无法在截止时间内完成。“并不是因为我无法得到属于我的那一刻,”他说,“而是因为爸爸付出了太多努力。”)”可知,约翰担心不能按时完成主要是因为他知道父亲付出了巨大的努力,他不想让父亲的努力白费。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段的“Despite difficulty in walking, John has his dream of being an athlete. His father would act as his arms and legs, carrying the weight of his son throughout the race.(尽管走路很困难,约翰仍有成为一名运动员的梦想。他的父亲会充当他的胳膊和腿,在整个比赛中承受着儿子的重量)”以及全文可知,整篇文章描述了大卫为了帮助残疾的儿子实现运动员的梦想,不辞辛劳,承担起儿子的重量,陪伴他完成艰难的铁人三项比赛。这种行为体现了极强的责任感和无私的爱。故选A。
“Auntie Goose Legs”, a Beijing street food seller, was recently invited to a meeting on women entrepreneurship (企业家精神) at Peking University, one of China’s top universities. Her inspiring words moved the hearts of many.
In her 50s, Chen Xiufeng, from Lianyungang city in East China’s Jiangsu Province, along with her husband, Liang Decai, has been trying to make a living as street sellers in the country’s capital for more than two decades. In the past few years the pair began to sell homemade goose (鹅) legs. Their secret family recipe has won them a continuous stream of customers over the years, mostly college students, as they usually operated near campuses such as Peking University. They even took orders in advance and delivered goose legs to campuses by motorbikes.
Last winter, Chen became famous on the Internet after she moved her business to Tsinghua University. Old customers from Peking University and Renmin University of China began half-jokingly calling for Tsinghua University to give back their beloved “Auntie Goose Legs”. A “competition” among China’s top universities for “Auntie Goose Legs” soon unfolded. Related topics quickly topped the trending list on social media, making her a focal point of online discussions, while their homemade goose legs became hard to get. At one point, they sold out all 200 goose legs within 20 minutes.
At the meeting when asked by the host if she felt she was “entrepreneurial”, Chen shook her head, stating that her efforts were merely ordinary means to make a living. Peking University commented in an article posted on the university’s social media account on Friday, stating that entrepreneurship is not only a broad concept, but one that can also represent an attitude toward life.
In Chen’s closing speech at the meeting, she said, “I hope everyone can choose a comfortable pace... Life is a long journey, not something you can cross in one step. You, the youngsters, are full of vitality; everyone is their own hero.”
4. What caused the heated discussion about “Auntie Goose Legs” on the Internet
A. Her secret family recipe.
B. Her selling out 200 goose legs.
C. Her relocation to another university.
D. Her rich experiences as a street seller.
5. How did Chen react when being called “entrepreneurial”
A. She felt confused by the concept.
B. She thought it beyond her capabilities.
C. She considered herself a business genius.
D. She acknowledged it with a sense of pride.
6. What message did Chen deliver in her closing speech
A. Wealth comes ahead of happiness.
B. Rapid success should be encouraged.
C. Take your own pace on life’s journey.
D. Entrepreneurship is the key to success.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. C
细节理解题。由文章第三段中“Last winter, Chen became famous on the Internet after she moved her business to Tsinghua University. (去年冬天,陈将生意转到清华大学后,她在网上走红。)”可知,引起网上热烈讨论的原因是陈秀凤将她的生意搬到了另一所大学。故选C。
推理判断题。由文章第四段中“At the meeting, when asked by the host if she felt she was “entrepreneurial”, Chen shook her head, stating that her efforts were merely ordinary means to make a living. (在会上,当主持人问她是否觉得自己是“企业家”时,陈摇了摇头,说她的努力只是为了谋生。)”可知,当陈被称为“企业家”时,她认为这超出了她的能力。故选B。
推理判断题。由文章第一段中“In Chen’s closing speech at the meeting, she said, “I hope everyone can choose a comfortable pace... Life is a long journey, not something you can cross in one step. You, the youngsters, are full of vitality; everyone is their own hero.” (陈在会议的闭幕致辞中说:“我希望每个人都能选择一个舒适的节奏……人生是一段漫长的旅程,不是一蹴而就的。年轻人,你们朝气蓬勃;每个人都是自己的英雄。”)”可知,陈在闭幕演讲中传达的信息是希望每个人都能选择一个舒适的节奏,生命是一场长跑,不能一蹴而就,即在人生的旅途中保持自己的步调。故选C。
In a groundbreaking discovery, bumblebees (大黄蜂) have shown a previously unseen level of cognitive (认知的) ability. A new study, published in Nature, shows that they can learn difficult, multi-step tasks through social interaction, even if they cannot figure them out on their own.
Led by Dr Alice Bridges and Professor Lars Chittka, the research team designed a two-step puzzle (谜题) box requiring bumblebees to perform two separated actions to get a sweet reward at the end. Training bees to do this was no easy task, and bees had to be helped along by the addition of an extra reward at the end of the first step. This reward in the middle was finally taken away, and bees later had to open the whole box before getting their treat. Then some trained bees repeated the whole process for demonstration.
Surprisingly, while bees that worked on their own had great difficulty in solving the puzzle, those allowed to watch a demonstrator bee finished the two steps easily — even the first — while only getting a reward at the end.
This study shows that bumblebees have a level of social learning previously thought to be unique to humans. They can share and learn behaviors that are beyond their individual cognitive abilities. Professor Chittka further notes the implications, “This challenges the traditional view that only humans can socially learn difficult behavior beyond individual learning. It raises the amazing possibility that many of the greatest achievements of the social insects, like the nesting architectures of bees or the agricultural habits of ants, may have initially spread by copying clever innovators, before they finally became part of the species-specific behaviors.”
This groundbreaking research opens new possibilities for understanding animal intelligence and the development of social learning. It challenges longstanding assumptions and helps us learn more about the cognitive wonders of insects, even suggesting the exciting possibility of advanced culture amongst seemingly simple creatures.
7. What is the purpose of the study
A. To learn how to train bumblebees.
B. To compare bumblebees with ants.
C. To develop puzzles for bumblebees.
D. To test cognitive abilities of bumblebees.
8. How did the researchers train the bumblebees to solve the puzzle
A. By breaking it into two steps.
B. By providing an extra reward.
C. By demonstrating the process.
D. By making the puzzle interesting.
9. What do Professor Chittka’s words imply
A. Both bees and ants are intelligent creatures.
B. Only humans are capable of social learning.
C. Individual learning may not be that important.
D. Bees’ nest-building may be a learned behavior.
10. What could be the best title for the text
A. Bumblebees — willing learners
B. Bumblebees — smarter than you think
C. Social learning — intelligence indicator
D. Social learning — universal across species
【答案】7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“In a groundbreaking discovery, bumblebees (大黄蜂) have shown a previously unseen level of cognitive (认知的) ability. A new study, published in Nature, shows that they can learn difficult, multi-step tasks through social interaction, even if they cannot figure them out on their own.”(在一项突破性的发现中,大黄蜂显示出前所未有的认知能力。发表在《自然》杂志上的一项新研究表明,即使它们不能自己解决问题,它们也可以通过社交互动来学习困难的、多步骤的任务。)以及第四段“This study shows that bumblebees have a level of social learning previously thought to be unique to humans. They can share and learn behaviors that are beyond their individual cognitive abilities.”(这项研究表明,大黄蜂具有一种以前被认为是人类独有的社会学习能力。他们可以分享和学习超出他们个人认知能力的行为。)可知,这项研究的目的是测试大黄蜂的认知能力。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Led by Dr Alice Bridges and Professor Lars Chittka, the research team designed a two-step puzzle (谜题) box requiring bumblebees to perform two separated actions to get a sweet reward at the end. Training bees to do this was no easy task, and bees had to be helped along by the addition of an extra reward at the end of the first step. This reward in the middle was finally taken away, and bees later had to open the whole box before getting their treat. ”(由爱丽丝·布里奇斯博士和拉斯·奇特卡教授领导的研究小组设计了一个两步拼图盒子,要求大黄蜂完成两个独立的动作,最后获得甜蜜的奖励。训练蜜蜂做到这一点并不容易,在第一步结束时,蜜蜂必须得到额外奖励的帮助。中间的奖励最终被拿走了,蜜蜂后来不得不打开整个盒子才能得到它们的奖励。)可知,研究人员通过提供额外的奖励来训练大黄蜂解决谜题。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Professor Chittka further notes the implications, “This challenges the traditional view that only humans can socially learn difficult behavior beyond individual learning. It raises the amazing possibility that many of the greatest achievements of the social insects, like the nesting architectures of bees or the agricultural habits of ants, may have initially spread by copying clever innovators, before they finally became part of the species-specific behaviors.””(奇特卡教授进一步指出了这个含义,‘这挑战了只有人类可以社会性地学习超越个体学习的困难行为的传统观点。它提出了一个惊人的可能性,即许多社会昆虫的最大成就,如蜜蜂的筑巢结构或蚂蚁的农业习性,可能最初是通过模仿聪明的创新者传播的,然后最终成为了物种特有的行为。’)可知,奇特卡教授的话暗示了蜜蜂的筑巢可能是一种习得的行为。故选D。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段“In a groundbreaking discovery, bumblebees(大黄蜂)have shown a previously unseen level of cognitive(认知的)ability.”(在一项突破性的发现中,大黄蜂表现出了前所未有的认知能力。)以及第四段“This study shows that bumblebees have a level of social learning previously thought to be unique to humans. They can share and learn behaviors that are beyond their individual cognitive abilities.”(这项研究表明,大黄蜂具有一种以前被认为是人类独有的社会学习能力。他们可以分享和学习超出他们个人认知能力的行为。)可知,这篇文章主要讲述了大黄蜂的认知能力和社会学习能力,这些能力超出了人们的预期,B选项“大黄蜂——比你想象的更聪明”最能概括文章的主旨。故选B。
Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. Learning how to communicate well can be beneficial. ____11____
Consider your audience. ____12____ Knowing your audience can be key to delivering the right messages effectively. Their age, income, education level, background knowledge and experience can all affect how they’ll receive your message.
Practice active listening. Active listening means giving your full attention in a communication exchange. ____13____ This not only ensures that you comprehend the conversation accurately but also makes the speaker feel heard and valued.
Make your message as clear as possible. Once you have successfully identified your audience and listened to their purposes, needs, and desires, you may have something to communicate. To do this effectively, turn to the 3Cs of communication: Clear, Correct, Complete. ____14____
Use the right medium or platform. Effective communication requires you to consider whether you need to meet in person or online. Is your message casual enough to use WeChat, or would a formal email be more suitable ____15____ Whatever you choose should be appropriate for your current situation.
By following these four principles, you are well on your way to exercising communication effectiveness.
A. Who are you communicating with
B. What’s your preference when you catch up with friends
C. Here are a few ways to achieve effective communication.
D. Is it more effective to discuss the plan on the phone or face-to-face
E. Be sure to provide positive information based on your audience’s needs.
F. It includes paying attention to body language, and giving positive feedback.
G. Prepare to communicate in a way that achieves most of these characteristics.
【答案】11. C 12. A 13. F 14. G 15. D
由上文“Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. Learning how to communicate well can be beneficial. (有效的沟通是交换想法、意见、知识和数据的过程,这样信息才能被清晰而有目的地接收和理解。学习如何很好地沟通是有益的。)”可知,上文提到学习有效沟通是有益的,紧随其后的句子应该引出如何实现有效沟通的方法或好处,故C选项“Here are a few ways to achieve effective communication. (以下是实现有效沟通的几种方法。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
由下文“Knowing your audience can be key to delivering the right messages effectively. Their age, income, education level, background knowledge and experience can all affect how they’ll receive your message. (了解你的受众是有效传递正确信息的关键。他们的年龄、收入、教育水平、背景知识和经验都会影响他们接收你信息的方式。)”可知,了解你的听众是有效传达信息的关键。因此,本句应询问“你在与谁沟通”,故A选项“Who are you communicating with (你在和谁交流?)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选A。
由上文“Practice active listening. Active listening means giving your full attention in a communication exchange. (练习积极倾听。积极倾听意味着在交流中给予你全部的注意力。)”可知,本空要对主动倾听进一步解释,说明了如何实践这一技巧,故F选项“It includes paying attention to body language, and giving positive feedback. (它包括注意肢体语言,并给予积极的反馈。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选F。
由上文“Make your message as clear as possible. Once you have successfully identified your audience and listened to their purposes, needs, and desires, you may have something to communicate. To do this effectively, turn to the 3Cs of communication: Clear, Correct, Complete. (让你的信息尽可能清晰。一旦你成功地确定了你的听众,并倾听了他们的目的、需求和愿望,你就有东西可以交流了。要想有效地做到这一点,就要遵循3c沟通原则:清晰(Clear)、正确(Correct)、完整(Complete)。)”可知,本空需要介绍如何准确传达信息,以达到这些特点,故G选项“Prepare to communicate in a way that achieves most of these characteristics. (准备以一种能够达到这些特点的方式进行交流。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选G。
由上文“Use the right medium or platform. Effective communication requires you to consider whether you need to meet in person or online. Is your message casual enough to use WeChat, or would a formal email be more suitable (使用合适的媒介或平台。有效的沟通需要你考虑是亲自见面还是在网上见面。你的信息是否足够随意,可以使用微信,还是更正式的电子邮件更合适?)”可知,此部分讨论的是选择沟通媒介的问题,故D选项“Is it more effective to discuss the plan on the phone or face-to-face (通过电话还是面对面讨论计划更有效?)”询问哪种方式更有效,符合上文的语境。故选D。
Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love.
The source material for a film may be taken from classic novels, short stories, comic books and stage plays, as well as non-fiction such as biographies and autobiographies, even those written by ghost writers. All can work well, but why do many adaptations and indeed remakes fail with both cinema audiences and critics And why do some adaptations get lower ratings than others
A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take creative liberty and sometimes there may be changes to the plot, additions, and even different endings to please producers, directors and test audiences. I, like many people, have often left the cinema feeling “the film is not like the book”.
Another problem area is the cast. Finding actors acceptable to film audiences can mean the difference between success and failure. Readers of the book use their imaginations to visualise characters and have very definite ideas about how characters should look and sound. This is where I think many film adaptations fall down.
Despite the challenges, there have been some highly successful films made from popular books. For me, Jaws, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings all fit this category. And possibly the best proof of a successful adaptation is the James Bond series, the majority of which has been adapted from the 007 novels of Ian Fleming. Perhaps unusually, audiences seem to accept that the actors who have played James Bond have changed so often, although everyone seems to have their favourite. I know I do.
16. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 imply
A. The book is too long to read.
B The audiences don’t like the film.
C. The screenwriters are very creative.
D. The film is more attractive than the book.
17. What is the main topic of the article
A. How screenwriters affect an adapted film.
B. How the film industry develops recently.
C. What attracts audience to an adapted film.
D. What makes film adaptations challenging.
18. Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. (英译汉)
19. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love. (英译汉)
20. What factors should be taken into consideration when adapting books into films
【答案】16. B 17. D
18. 读书和看电影是两种完全不同的体验,但当你喜欢的书被拍成电影时,你会有很高的期望,这很正常。
19. 有很多次,我对自己喜欢的书改编的电影感到悲观甚至失望。
20. One is how close to the original the film is, the other is the cast.
细节理解题。根据第三段“Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take creative liberty and sometimes there may be changes to the plot, additions, and even different endings to please producers, directors and test audiences. I, like many people, have often left the cinema feeling “the film is not like the book”.”(由于一部典型的电影只有两个小时左右,所以编剧们要决定什么适合在银幕上放映,什么应该删掉,这就成了一个问题。编剧有创作自由,有时可能会改变情节,添加内容,甚至不同的结局,以取悦制片人,导演和测试观众。我和很多人一样,离开电影院时也常常感慨“电影不像书”。)本段在说明书籍改编成电影失败的原因,所以离开电影院时也常常感慨“电影不像书”,表明人们不喜欢电影。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love.”(有很多次,我对自己喜欢的书改编的电影感到悲观甚至失望。),第二段“All can work well, but why do many adaptations and indeed remakes fail with both cinema audiences and critics And why do some adaptations get lower ratings than others ”(所有这些都可以很好地发挥作用,但为什么许多改编和重拍电影在观众和评论家那里都失败了呢 为什么一些改编电影的收视率比其他的低 ),第三段“A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is.”(一个关键的问题显然是,这部电影与原作的距离有多近。)和第四段“Another problem area is the cast.”(另一个问题是演员。)可知,短文主要是关于是什么让电影改编具有挑战性。故选D项。
考查动名词和从句。Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences翻译为“读书和看电影是两种完全不同的体验”本句为动名词作主语,句子结构为主系表结构。but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made翻译为“但当你喜欢的书被拍成电影时,你会有很高的期望,这很正常”本句为when引导的时间状语从句,主语为“it is +形容词+to do”的句型,从句为一般现在时的被动语语态。故翻译为:读书和看电影是两种完全不同的体验,但当你喜欢的书被拍成电影时,你会有很高的期望,这很正常。
考查there be句型、时态和定语从句。There are many times翻译为“有很多次”,为存在句型there be。I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love翻译为“我对自己喜欢的书改编的电影感到悲观甚至失望”本句为现在完成时,a book为先行词,指物,关系词替代先行词作定语从句中love的宾语,关系代词that或者which被省略,定语从句为一般现在时。故翻译为:有很多次,我对自己喜欢的书改编的电影感到悲观甚至失望。
细节理解题。根据第三段“A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is.”(一个关键的问题显然是,这部电影与原作的距离有多近。)和第四段“Another problem area is the cast.”(另一个问题是演员。)可知,把书改编成电影应该考虑哪些因素是:这部电影与原作的距离有多近和演员。故回答为:One is how close to the original the film is, the other is the cast.
I was sixty-eight years old and retired when our church joined a prison service group. We went on a tour of the women prison. The metal doors gave me a sense of ____21____. I knew I couldn’t stand being locked behind those doors, ____22____ as a volunteer who knew she was getting out.
Then Margo, a young but experienced volunteer in the prison, ____23____ me to be her partner. She felt she could ____24____ the women by speaking to their needs. Her positive attitude gradually built my ____25____, and I accepted her invitation.
Later, Margo and I scheduled our first visit. ____26____, when we arrived at the prison, the women ____27____ to come out as they were watching TV. And when I arrived the next week for the second visit, I was told Margo couldn’t ____28____! How was I supposed to deal with them when she was absent Waiting alone ____29____, I almost jumped at the sound of the door unlocking. One by one, the women in orange entered the room. I saw daughters, mothers, and grandmothers. They had all once made bad decisions but they wanted to _____30_____. Suddenly, I felt no fear and couldn’t wait to share _____31_____ words with these women. Before I knew it, our meeting had ended and the women were _____32_____ me.
Fifteen years have passed now and I _____33_____ to go weekly to the prison. The greatest _____34_____ is to hear them say “thanks, Granny Bev,” as they follow the guard back to their rooms, and I go through the _____35_____ doors that once brought me fear.
21. A. fear B. curiosity C. surprise D. sadness
22. A. rarely B. especially C. even D. just
23. A. invited B. appointed C. allowed D. hired
24. A. control B. influence C. cheat D. evaluate
25. A. capacity B. patience C. confidence D. reputation
26. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However
27. A. planned B. refused C. managed D. remembered
28. A. stay B. speak C. come D. walk
29. A. nervously B. excitedly C. expectantly D. angrily
30. A. survive B. escape C. relax D. change
31. A. encouraging B. interesting C. polite D. sharp
32. A. congratulating B. asking C. thanking D. observing
33 A. claim B. struggle C. forget D. continue
34. A. satisfaction B. confusion C. disappointment D. amusement
35. A. hidden B. same C. spiritual D. wooden
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:金属门给了我一种恐惧感。A. fear害怕;B. curiosity好奇;C. surprise惊讶;D. sadness 悲伤。根据下文“I felt no fear”以及文章最后一句“doors that once brought me fear”可知,金属门给作者一种恐惧感。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我知道我不能忍受被锁在那些门后面,即使作为一个知道要出去的志愿者。A. rarely稀少地;B. especially特殊地;C. even甚至,即使;D. just仅仅。即使是一个志愿者,作者也不能忍受被锁在里面。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,监狱里一位年轻但经验丰富的志愿者玛戈邀请我做她的搭档。A. invited邀请;B. appointed任命;C. allowed允许;D. hired雇佣。根据下文“I accepted her invitation.”可知,志愿者玛戈邀请作者做她的搭档。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她觉得她可以通过说出妇女的需求来影响她们。A. control控制;B. influence影响;C. cheat欺骗; D. evaluate评估。根据下文“by speaking to their needs.”可知,通过说出妇女的需求来影响她们。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她积极的态度逐渐建立了我的信心,我接受了她的邀请。A. capacity能力;B. patience耐心;C. confidence自信;D. reputation名誉。根据上文“positive attitude”可知,积极的态度逐渐建立了作者的信心。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们到达监狱时,女人们拒绝出来,因为她们在看电视。A. Moreover况且;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. However然而。根据句意可知,前后为转折关系。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们到达监狱时,女人们拒绝出来,因为她们在看电视。A. planned计划;B. refused拒绝;C. managed管理;D. remembered记得。根据下文“as they were watching TV.”可知,女人们拒绝出来。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我下个星期第二次去拜访时,我被告知玛戈不能来了!。A. stay待着;B. speak说;C. come来;D. walk走。根据下文“How was I supposed to deal with them when she was absent ”可知,玛戈不能来了。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我一个人紧张地等待着,听到开门的声音几乎吓了一跳。A. nervously紧张地;B. excitedly兴奋地;C. expectantly期望地;D. angrily生气地。根据下文“I almost jumped at the sound of the door unlocking.”可知,作者很紧张。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们都曾经做过错误的决定,但他们想要改变。A. survive幸存;B. escape逃跑;C. relax放松; D. change改变。监狱的囚犯们渴望改变,重新做人,故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:突然间,我不再害怕,迫不及待地想和这些女人分享鼓励的话。A. encouraging令人鼓舞的;B. interesting有趣的;C. polite礼貌的;D. sharp尖锐的。根据下文““thanks, Granny Bev,””可知,是作者鼓舞的话语使得她们感谢作者。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还没反应过来,我们的会议就结束了,女人们都在感谢我。A. congratulating祝贺;B. asking问;C. thanking 感谢;D. observing观察。根据下文“thanks”可知,女人们都在感谢作者。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:15年过去了,我仍然每周去一次监狱。A. claim声称;B. struggle奋斗;C. forget忘记; D. continue继续。根据上文“Fifteen years have passed now”以及下文“The greatest ____14___ is to hear them say “thanks, Granny Bev,” as they follow the guard back to their rooms”可知,作者现在还继续去监狱,每周去一次监狱,坚持了15年。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最大的满足是听到他们说“谢谢,贝弗奶奶”,然后跟着警卫回到她们的房间,我穿过那扇曾经带给我恐惧的门。A. satisfaction满意;B. confusion困惑;C. disappointment失望;D. amusement娱乐。根据下文“hear them say “thanks, Granny Bev,””可知,这是作者最大的满足感。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最大的满足是听到他们说“谢谢,贝弗奶奶”,然后跟着警卫回到他们的房间,我穿过那扇曾经带给我恐惧的门。A. hidden 隐形的,隐秘的;B. same相同的;C. spiritual精神的;D. wooden木制的。根据上文“The metal doors gave me a sense of ____1____”以及“Fifteen years have passed now and I ____13____ to go weekly to the prison.”作者每次都是穿过那扇曾经带给作者恐惧的门。故选B项。
Long-term tai chi exercise can be used as a treatment for patients suffering from early-stage Parkinson’s disease(帕金森病), said a research team from Shanghai.
Parkinson’s is ____36____ progressive and disabling disease of the nervous system, resulting in slowness of movement, uncontrollable arm and leg shakes and muscle inflexibility. ____37____ is predicted that there ____38____(be)nearly 5 million Parkinson’s sufferers in China by 2030. Doctors say patients face problems with current treatments, including some side effects ____39____(cause)by long-term medication, and the limited ____40____(improve)of patients’ well-being.
In the research, ____41____ began in 2016, a total of 143 participants trained with coaches twice a week and practiced ____42____(regular)at home. Their conditions ____43____(compare)with a 187-patient control group. Evaluations of patients in the two groups showed differences in their yearly levels of disease progression, and the patients ____44____(practice)tai chi also needed less medical treatment in terms of both drugs and deep-brain stimulus.
Tai chi has been pursued as a treatment for Parkinson’s since 2012 with the specific benefits of long-term practice now _____45_____(far)clarified by the Shanghai study.
【答案】36. a 37. It
38. will be
39. caused 40. improvement
41. which 42. regularly
43. were compared
44. practicing
45. further
考查代词。句意:据预测,到2030年,中国将有近500万帕金森病患者。这里需要一个主语代词来引导后面的从句,it作为形式主语,代替真正的主语从句that there will be nearly 5 million Parkinson's sufferers in China by 2030,故填It。
考查时态。句意:同上。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作谓语,根据时间状语by 2030,这里需要使用一般将来时,故填will be。
考查非谓语动词。句意:医生说,患者面临着当前治疗带来的问题,包括长期用药引起的一些副作用,以及患者健康状况改善有限的问题。空白处在句子中作后置定语,使用非谓语动词,因与其逻辑主语side effects之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,使用过去分词,故填caused。
考查被动语态。句意:他们的状况与一个由187名患者组成的对照组进行了比较。空白处在句子中作谓语,因与主语之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,根据句意可知,句子表示的是发生在过去的动作,谓语动词使用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,故填were compared。
考查副词比较级。句意:太极拳自2012年起就被作为一种治疗帕金森病的方法,而上海的研究进一步明确了长期练习的具体好处。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作状语,使用副词,根据上文“Tai chi has been pursued as a treatment for Parkinson’s since 2012 with the specific benefits of long-term practice now(太极拳自2012年起就被作为一种治疗帕金森病的方法,……明确了长期练习的具体好处)”可知此处说的是对太极拳的当前的研究与过去的研究进行比较,应使用副词的比较级,故填further。
46. I ___________(participate) in a volunteer programme, visiting elderly people in my area for the last three years.(所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】have participated
【详解】考查时态。句意:在过去的三年里,我参加了一个志愿者项目,拜访了我所在地区的老年人。根据后文for the last three years可知为现在完成时,主语为I,助动词用have。故填have participated。
47. In the last 500 million years, there have been five times__________life on Earth has almost ended. (用适当的词填空)
48. Of course, as we humans depend on so many species for our ___________(survive), we would also be at risk of dying out. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. By the time she was seven years old, she still couldn’t speak, read or write and needed to have everything _________ (do) for her. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:到她七岁的时候,她仍然不能说、不能读、不能写,仍然需要别人为她做所有的事情。have sth. done固定搭配,意为“让某事被做”,宾语everything和动词do是被动关系,用过去分词形式作宾补,故填done。
50. When Mr. Bean looks at the menu, an ___________ (astonish) look quickly appears on his face. (所给词的适当形式填空)
A. dentist B. assistant C. architect D. physician E. journalist F. consultant G. photographer
51. 助理
52. 牙医
53. 顾问
54. 建筑师
55. 内科医生
【答案】51. B 52. A 53. F 54. C 55. D
名词“建筑师”,英文表达是architect 。故选C。
A. gently B. slightly C. entirely D. patiently E. precisely F. creatively G. potentially
56. 略微
57. 完全地
58. 精确地
59. 可能地
60. 创造性地
【答案】56. B 57. C
58. E 59. G
60. F
A. terrible B. reliable C. flexible D. capable E. sensible F. available G. incredible
61. 灵活的
62. 可靠的
63. 极好的
64. 明智的
65. 可获得的
【答案】61. C 62. B 63. G 64. E 65. F
A. insist B. intend C. indicate D. involve E. interrupt F. influence G. integrate
66. 打算
67. 坚称
68. 打断
69. 表明
70. 包含
【答案】66. B 67. A
68. E 69. C
70. D
71. At 7:50 pm, I am still scrolling through my friends’ silly posts and photos.
A. carefully selecting B. completely ignoring
C. quickly commenting on D. mindlessly looking through
【详解】考查动词短语。句意:晚上7点50分,我还在浏览朋友们的傻帖子和照片。A. carefully selecting精心挑选;B. completely ignoring完全忽略;C. quickly commenting on快速评论;D. mindlessly looking through不费心思地浏览。划线短语scrolling through表示“滚动浏览”,与D选项意思最接近。故选D。
72. Finishing what you are asked to do is not a recipe for great career success.
A. a secret in the chef profession
B. an instruction to cook after work
C. a method to achieve career success
D. a shortcut for immediate promotion
73. If you ask the British to name a comedian, chances are that they could!
A. they have no idea B. they know a name
C. they show interest D. they refuse the chance
【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:如果你让英国人说出一个喜剧演员的名字,很有可能他们能说出来!A. they have no idea他们不知道;B. they know a name他们知道一个名字;C. they show interest他们表现出兴趣;D. they refuse the chance他们拒绝这个机会。根据句子中的“chances are that they could(很有可能他们能说出来)”可知,这里使用了“chances are that”这个表达,意思是“很可能”,其完整表达为:If you ask the British to name a comedian, chances are that they know a name(如果你让英国人给一名喜剧演员命名,很有可能他们会知道一个名字),分析选项,B项“they know a name(他们知道一个名字)”表达的含义符合语境,故选B。
74. In other words, we learn more every day and none of us can ever sit back and say, “We know it all.”
A. everyone can be experts B. we can’t stand our limitations
C. no one has complete knowledge D. we should announce our success
【详解】考查句意辨析。句意:换句话说,我们每天都学得更多,没有人能坐下来说,“我们都知道了。” none of us can ever sit back and say, “We know it all.”翻译为“没有人能坐下来说,“我们都知道了。”与C选项“没有人都能知道所有知识”一致。故选C项。
75. I obsess over exactly how many followers I have on my social networking account.
A I am confused about B. I show no interest in
C. I occasionally wonder D. I am overly crazy about
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我痴迷于关注我在社交网络账户上到底有多少粉丝。A. I am confused about我对…感到困惑;B. I show no interest in对某事不感兴趣;C. I occasionally wonder我偶尔会想;D. I am overly crazy about我对…非常痴迷。根据句意,划线部分意为“我痴迷于...”之意,和D项意思相近。故选D项。
76. People are used to seeing a high standard of visual design, so modern advertisements need something else to separate them from their competitors.
A. to stand out from others B. to set different standards
C. to copy their competitors D. to focus on visual design
【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:人们习惯于看到高标准的视觉设计,所以现代广告需要一些其他的东西来将它们与竞争对手区分开来。to separate them from their competitors翻译为“将它们与竞争对手区分开来”,与A选项“从其他人中脱颖而出”意思一致。B“设定不同的标准”;C“模仿他们的竞争对手”;D“注重视觉设计”,均不符合题意,故选A项。
77. Sarah took some time to reflect on the feedback on her presentation skills.
A. Sarah was surprised by the response
B. Sarah thought highly of the feedback
C. Sarah hardly paid attention to the opinions
D. Sarah thought carefully about the comments
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:萨拉花了一些时间反思她在演讲技巧方面的反馈。A. Sarah was surprised by the response莎拉对收到的反应感到惊讶;B. Sarah thought highly of the feedback莎拉对反馈评价很高;C. Sarah hardly paid attention to the opinions莎拉几乎没有注意那些意见;D. Sarah thought carefully about the comments莎拉仔细思考了那些评论。take some time to do sth.“花费时间做某事”,reflect on“考虑,回想”,所以萨拉花了一些时间反思她在演讲技巧方面的反馈,换句话说,萨拉仔细思考了那些评论。故选D。
78. Though he knows the importance of staying fit, he just can’t be bothered to do any exercise.
A. he is too lazy to do any exercise B. he likes any activity but exercise
C. he doesn’t have time for exercise D. he feels annoyed when doing exercise
【详解】考查句意辨析。句意:虽然他知道保持健康的重要性,但他就是懒得做任何运动。 he just can’t be bothered to do any exercise.翻译为“他就是懒得做任何运动”与A选项“他太懒了,不想做任何运动”意思一致。故选A项。
79. Everyone was expected to do their part to keep the neighborhood beautiful.
A. was allowed to play a role B. was supposed to contribute
C. was praised for participation D. was encouraged to be selfless
【详解】考查动词短语。句意:每个人都应该尽自己的一份力来保持社区的美丽。A. was allowed to play a role被允许扮演一个角色;B. was supposed to contribute应该贡献;C. was praised for participation因参与而受到表扬;D. was encouraged to be selfless被鼓励无私。be expected to do为固定短语,含义为“被期望做……”。do one’s part为固定短语,含义为“尽自己的一份力”,根据语境可知,这里表达每个人都有责任为保持社区美丽做出贡献,分析选项,B项“was supposed to contribute(应该贡献)”表达的含义符合语境,故选B项。
80. After the software update, the computer system began to function more smoothly.
A. attract more people B. work more efficiently
C. have a smoother surface D. serve a different function
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:软件更新后,计算机系统开始更加平稳地运行。A. attract more people吸引更多的人;B. work more efficiently工作效率更高;C. have a smoother surface有一个更光滑的表面;D. serve a different function发挥不同的作用。结合语境可知,划线处的意思为“更加平稳地运行”,B项work more efficiently,意为“工作效率更高”,与划线处意义相近。故选B。
Text 1
Most students do an I_____81_____ Quotient (IQ) test early in their school life. Even if they never see their _____82_____(结果), they feel that their IQ is what d_____83_____ how well they are going to do in life. However, experts now say that EQ is as important, if not more, in _____84_____(预测)whether someone will be successful in life. Professor Salovey, the expert who invented the term EQ, explains that at work, it is IQ that gets youe_____85_____ but it is EQ that gets you promoted.
【答案】81. Intelligence
82. results
83. determines
84. predicting
85. employed
Text 2
At the school play, John decided to_____86_____ (假装) he was a confident actor, even though he felt some a_____87_____ (焦虑) about being on stage. He had a_____88_____ (幽默的) role that required him to make silly f_____89_____ expressions to entertain the audience. As the play progressed, John’s natural_____90_____ (天赋) for comedy shone through, and his initial nervousness disappeared. His funny faces and comedic timing had everyone laughing, proving that he had a real gift for making people laugh.
【答案】86. pretend
87. anxiety
88. humorous
89. facial 90. gift
考查动词。句意:在学校演出的时候,约翰决定假装自己是一个自信的演员,尽管他对在舞台上感到有些焦虑。根据汉语提示可知应用动词pretend,且上文为短语decide to do sth.。故填pretend。
91. 在过去的几年里,大多数国家的报纸销量都有所下降。(汉译英)
【答案】Over the past few years, newspaper sales have declined in most countries.
【详解】考查动词、介词短语、时态。表示“在过去的几年里”应用短语Over the past few years,根据该时间状语可知句子表示的是过去发生的动作对现在的影响,谓语动词使用现在完成时;表示“报纸销量”应用newspaper sales;表示“都有所下降”应用have declined;表示“在大多数国家”应用in most countries。故翻译为Over the past few years, newspaper sales have declined in most countries。
92. 人们普遍认为,情商高的人易接受新思想,对待生活积极乐观。(汉译英)
【答案】It is widely believed that people with high EQ are open to new ideas and have a positive outlook on life.
【详解】考查主语从句。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时。表示“人们普遍认为”应用it is widely believed that…,it为形式主语,that引导主语从句;表示“情商高的人”应用people with high EQ;表示“易接受”应用be open to,主语为复数,be动词用are;表示“新思想”应用new ideas;表示“对待生活积极乐观”应用have a positive outlook on life,此处have用原形,be open to和have为并列关系,需用连词and连接。故翻译成:It is widely believed that people with high EQ are open to new ideas and have a positive outlook on life.
93. 尽管他在职业生涯中多次受伤,但他始终保持着决心和专注。(汉译英)
【答案】Although he has been injured multiple times in his career, he has always maintained determination and focus.
【详解】考查让步状语从句、现在完成时。根据句意可知,本句为现在完成时态,“尽管”为although,引导让步状语从句,“他”为he是主语,“已经受伤”译为has been injured)是谓语,强调过去的动作对现在的影响,用现在完成时,且主语he与injure之间为被动关系,应为现在完成时的被动语态,“多次”译为multiple times,“在他的职业生涯中”译为in his career,“一直保持”has always maintained、“决心和专注”determination and focus。故整句翻译为Although he has been injured multiple times in his career, he has always maintained determination and focus.
94. 他过去常常结合很多实际例子解释看似很难的知识。(汉译英)
【答案】He used to illustrate seemingly difficult knowledge by combining many practical examples.
【详解】考查短语和动词时态。根据中文提示,“过去常常”表明句子应用一般过去时,译为“used to do sth”;“结合”译为“combine”,在这里用动名词形式“combining”作介词by的宾语;“很多实际例子”译为“many practical examples”;“解释”可用动词“illustrate”;“看似很难的知识”可译为“seemingly difficult concepts”。故翻译为:He used to illustrate seemingly difficult knowledge by combining many practical examples.
95. 这部电影以一种非常有趣和聪明的方式探讨了外貌的主题。(汉译英)
【答案】The film deals with the theme of appearances in a very interesting and clever manner.
【详解】考查名词、固定短语、时态、形容词。表示“电影”用film,此处为特指,film前加the,作主语,the位于句首,首字母大写。表示“论述”用deal with,结合语境可知本句陈述事实,故时态用一般现在时,且主语为第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数deals with。表示“主题”用theme,主题只有一个,且此处为特指,theme前加the;表示“外貌”用appearance,结合句意可知,外貌不止一种,应用名词复数形式;表示“外貌的主题”用the theme of appearances。表示“用一种……的方式”短语为in a(n)...manner;表示“有趣的”用形容词interesting;表示“聪明的”用形容词clever;表示“非常有趣和聪明的”应用very interesting and clever作定语,修饰名词manner,且very发音是以辅音音素开头,冠词应用a。故翻译为The film deals with the theme of appearances in a very interesting and clever manner.
96. 请描述下图所呈现的社会现象,并发表你的看法。
The image depicts a concerning social issue: the excessive use of smartphones in social settings. It is common to see people focusing solely on their screens while neglecting human interaction. This phenomenon indicates a growing trend of digital addiction that is hindering our ability to build genuine connections.
In my view, it is essential to find a balance between technology use and social engagement. We should prioritize face-to-face communication and appreciate the value of real-life experiences, while also harnessing the benefits of technology wisely.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
专注于:focus on→concentrate on
2. 句式拓展
原句:The image depicts a concerning social issue: the excessive use of smartphones in social settings.
拓展句:The image depicts a concerning social issue, which is the excessive use of smartphones in social settings.
【点睛】[高分句型1]This phenomenon indicates a growing trend of digital addiction that is hindering our ability to build genuine connections.(that引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2]We should prioritize face-to-face communication and appreciate the value of real-life experiences, while also harnessing the benefits of technology wisely.(状语从句的省略)南海区2023至2024学年第二学期高二素养提升学业水平测试
On September 17, 2022, a father and son set out to begin the first of three legs of the Ironman competition in Oxford. David, 59, and his son, John, 28, weren’t the typical competitors. Despite difficulty in walking, John has his dream of being an athlete. His father would act as his arms and legs, carrying the weight of his son throughout the race.
To qualify as having finished, competitors must complete a hard 140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under 17 hours. David and John had participated together in five Ironman competitions, but they had yet to finish in the required time.
The race began with a 2.4-mile swim in the Choptank River. With one end of a rope tied to a belt around his back and the other end to a boat with his son inside, the father eased himself into the water. Swimming while carrying another person is tough enough — David also had to fight with jellyfish (水母).
The pair completed the swim in 90 minutes, and went through with the 112-mile bicycle ride in about nine hours, then set their sights on the final leg of the 26.2-mile marathon with David pushing John in the racing chair.
With minutes left and 200 feet to the finish line, his mom, on the sidelines, handed him the rolling walker. Not that long ago, John could hardly walk 23 steps. But after years of painful training, he increased his step count and was determined to finish the race on his own. He knew time was almost running out and worried they wouldn’t make the cutoff. “Not because I wouldn’t get my moment,” he says, “but because dad had worked so hard.”
After 16 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds — with just four minutes and 25 seconds to spare — father and son crossed the finish line together.
As the crowd flooded and cheered on John, the weary father kept a low profile. “He didn’t want his finish line moment,” says John. “He wanted it to be mine.”
1. How did David help his son in the swimming part
A. By pulling a rope tied to a boat. B. By swimming beside his son.
C. By pushing his son’s lifebelt. D. By carrying his son on his back.
2. Why did John worry about not making the cutoff
A. He wouldn’t get his moment.
B. His mom would be disappointed.
C. His father had put in lots of effort.
D. The audience had high expectations.
3. What can best describe David’s role as a father
A. Responsible and selfless. B. Brave and honest.
C. Committed and friendly. D. Gentle and determined.
“Auntie Goose Legs”, a Beijing street food seller, was recently invited to a meeting on women entrepreneurship (企业家精神) at Peking University, one of China’s top universities. Her inspiring words moved the hearts of many.
In her 50s, Chen Xiufeng, from Lianyungang city in East China’s Jiangsu Province, along with her husband, Liang Decai, has been trying to make a living as street sellers in the country’s capital for more than two decades. In the past few years the pair began to sell homemade goose (鹅) legs. Their secret family recipe has won them a continuous stream of customers over the years, mostly college students, as they usually operated near campuses such as Peking University. They even took orders in advance and delivered goose legs to campuses by motorbikes.
Last winter, Chen became famous on the Internet after she moved her business to Tsinghua University. Old customers from Peking University and Renmin University of China began half-jokingly calling for Tsinghua University to give back their beloved “Auntie Goose Legs”. A “competition” among China’s top universities for “Auntie Goose Legs” soon unfolded. Related topics quickly topped the trending list on social media, making her a focal point of online discussions, while their homemade goose legs became hard to get. At one point, they sold out all 200 goose legs within 20 minutes.
At the meeting, when asked by the host if she felt she was “entrepreneurial”, Chen shook her head, stating that her efforts were merely ordinary means to make a living. Peking University commented in an article posted on the university’s social media account on Friday, stating that entrepreneurship is not only a broad concept, but one that can also represent an attitude toward life.
In Chen’s closing speech at the meeting she said, “I hope everyone can choose a comfortable pace... Life is a long journey, not something you can cross in one step. You, the youngsters, are full of vitality; everyone is their own hero.”
4. What caused the heated discussion about “Auntie Goose Legs” on the Internet
A. Her secret family recipe.
B. Her selling out 200 goose legs.
C. Her relocation to another university.
D. Her rich experiences as a street seller.
5. How did Chen react when being called “entrepreneurial”
A. She felt confused by the concept.
B. She thought it beyond her capabilities.
C. She considered herself a business genius.
D. She acknowledged it with a sense of pride.
6. What message did Chen deliver in her closing speech
A. Wealth comes ahead of happiness.
B. Rapid success should be encouraged.
C. Take your own pace on life’s journey.
D. Entrepreneurship is the key to success.
In a groundbreaking discovery, bumblebees (大黄蜂) have shown a previously unseen level of cognitive (认知的) ability. A new study, published in Nature, shows that they can learn difficult, multi-step tasks through social interaction, even if they cannot figure them out on their own.
Led by Dr Alice Bridges and Professor Lars Chittka, the research team designed a two-step puzzle (谜题) box requiring bumblebees to perform two separated actions to get a sweet reward at the end. Training bees to do this was no easy task, and bees had to be helped along by the addition of an extra reward at the end of the first step. This reward in the middle was finally taken away, and bees later had to open the whole box before getting their treat. Then some trained bees repeated the whole process for demonstration.
Surprisingly, while bees that worked on their own had great difficulty in solving the puzzle, those allowed to watch a demonstrator bee finished the two steps easily — even the first — while only getting a reward at the end.
This study shows that bumblebees have a level of social learning previously thought to be unique to humans. They can share and learn behaviors that are beyond their individual cognitive abilities. Professor Chittka further notes the implications, “This challenges the traditional view that only humans can socially learn difficult behavior beyond individual learning. It raises the amazing possibility that many of the greatest achievements of the social insects, like the nesting architectures of bees or the agricultural habits of ants, may have initially spread by copying clever innovators, before they finally became part of the species-specific behaviors.”
This groundbreaking research opens new possibilities for understanding animal intelligence and the development of social learning. It challenges longstanding assumptions and helps us learn more about the cognitive wonders of insects, even suggesting the exciting possibility of advanced culture amongst seemingly simple creatures.
7. What is the purpose of the study
A. To learn how to train bumblebees.
B. To compare bumblebees with ants.
C. To develop puzzles for bumblebees.
D. To test cognitive abilities of bumblebees.
8. How did the researchers train the bumblebees to solve the puzzle
A. By breaking it into two steps.
B. By providing an extra reward.
C. By demonstrating the process.
D. By making the puzzle interesting.
9. What do Professor Chittka’s words imply
A. Both bees and ants are intelligent creatures.
B. Only humans are capable of social learning.
C. Individual learning may not be that important.
D. Bees’ nest-building may be a learned behavior.
10. What could be the best title for the text
A. Bumblebees — willing learners
B. Bumblebees — smarter than you think
C. Social learning — intelligence indicator
D. Social learning — universal across species
Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. Learning how to communicate well can be beneficial. ____11____
Consider your audience. ____12____ Knowing your audience can be key to delivering the right messages effectively. Their age, income, education level, background knowledge and experience can all affect how they’ll receive your message.
Practice active listening. Active listening means giving your full attention in a communication exchange. ____13____ This not only ensures that you comprehend the conversation accurately but also makes the speaker feel heard and valued.
Make your message as clear as possible. Once you have successfully identified your audience and listened to their purposes, needs, and desires, you may have something to communicate. To do this effectively, turn to the 3Cs of communication: Clear, Correct, Complete. ____14____
Use the right medium or platform. Effective communication requires you to consider whether you need to meet in person or online. Is your message casual enough to use WeChat, or would a formal email be more suitable ____15____ Whatever you choose should be appropriate for your current situation.
By following these four principles, you are well on your way to exercising communication effectiveness.
A. Who are you communicating with
B. What’s your preference when you catch up with friends
C. Here are a few ways to achieve effective communication.
D. Is it more effective to discuss the plan on the phone or face-to-face
E. Be sure to provide positive information based on your audience’s needs.
F. It includes paying attention to body language, and giving positive feedback.
G. Prepare to communicate in a way that achieves most of these characteristics.
Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love.
The source material for a film may be taken from classic novels, short stories, comic books and stage plays, as well as non-fiction such as biographies and autobiographies, even those written by ghost writers. All can work well, but why do many adaptations and indeed remakes fail with both cinema audiences and critics And why do some adaptations get lower ratings than others
A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take creative liberty and sometimes there may be changes to the plot, additions, and even different endings to please producers, directors and test audiences. I, like many people, have often left the cinema feeling “the film is not like the book”.
Another problem area is the cast. Finding actors acceptable to film audiences can mean the difference between success and failure. Readers of the book use their imaginations to visualise characters and have very definite ideas about how characters should look and sound. This is where I think many film adaptations fall down.
Despite the challenges, there have been some highly successful films made from popular books. For me, Jaws, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings all fit this category. And possibly the best proof of a successful adaptation is the James Bond series, the majority of which has been adapted from the 007 novels of Ian Fleming. Perhaps unusually, audiences seem to accept that the actors who have played James Bond have changed so often, although everyone seems to have their favourite. I know I do.
16. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 imply
A. The book is too long to read.
B. The audiences don’t like the film.
C. The screenwriters are very creative.
D. The film is more attractive than the book.
17. What is the main topic of the article
A. How screenwriters affect an adapted film.
B. How the film industry develops recently.
C. What attracts audience to an adapted film.
D. What makes film adaptations challenging.
18. Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. (英译汉)
19. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love. (英译汉)
20. What factors should be taken into consideration when adapting books into films
I was sixty-eight years old and retired when our church joined a prison service group. We went on a tour of the women prison. The metal doors gave me a sense of ____21____. I knew I couldn’t stand being locked behind those doors, ____22____ as a volunteer who knew she was getting out.
Then Margo, a young but experienced volunteer in the prison, ____23____ me to be her partner. She felt she could ____24____ the women by speaking to their needs. Her positive attitude gradually built my ____25____, and I accepted her invitation.
Later, Margo and I scheduled our first visit. ____26____, when we arrived at the prison, the women ____27____ to come out as they were watching TV. And when I arrived the next week for the second visit, I was told Margo couldn’t ____28____! How was I supposed to deal with them when she was absent Waiting alone ____29____, I almost jumped at the sound of the door unlocking. One by one, the women in orange entered the room. I saw daughters, mothers, and grandmothers. They had all once made bad decisions but they wanted to _____30_____. Suddenly, I felt no fear and couldn’t wait to share _____31_____ words with these women. Before I knew it, our meeting had ended and the women were _____32_____ me.
Fifteen years have passed now and I _____33_____ to go weekly to the prison. The greatest _____34_____ is to hear them say “thanks, Granny Bev,” as they follow the guard back to their rooms, and I go through the _____35_____ doors that once brought me fear.
21. A. fear B. curiosity C. surprise D. sadness
22. A. rarely B. especially C. even D. just
23. A. invited B. appointed C. allowed D. hired
24. A. control B. influence C. cheat D. evaluate
25. A. capacity B. patience C. confidence D. reputation
26. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However
27. A. planned B. refused C. managed D. remembered
28. A. stay B. speak C. come D. walk
29. A. nervously B. excitedly C. expectantly D. angrily
30. A. survive B. escape C. relax D. change
31. A. encouraging B. interesting C. polite D. sharp
32. A. congratulating B. asking C. thanking D. observing
33. A. claim B. struggle C. forget D. continue
34. A. satisfaction B. confusion C. disappointment D. amusement
35. A. hidden B. same C. spiritual D. wooden
Long-term tai chi exercise can be used as a treatment for patients suffering from early-stage Parkinson’s disease(帕金森病), said a research team from Shanghai.
Parkinson’s is ____36____ progressive and disabling disease of the nervous system resulting in slowness of movement, uncontrollable arm and leg shakes and muscle inflexibility. ____37____ is predicted that there ____38____(be)nearly 5 million Parkinson’s sufferers in China by 2030. Doctors say patients face problems with current treatments, including some side effects ____39____(cause)by long-term medication, and the limited ____40____(improve)of patients’ well-being.
In the research, ____41____ began in 2016, a total of 143 participants trained with coaches twice a week and practiced ____42____(regular)at home. Their conditions ____43____(compare)with a 187-patient control group. Evaluations of patients in the two groups showed differences in their yearly levels of disease progression, and the patients ____44____(practice)tai chi also needed less medical treatment in terms of both drugs and deep-brain stimulus.
Tai chi has been pursued as a treatment for Parkinson’s since 2012 with the specific benefits of long-term practice now _____45_____(far)clarified by the Shanghai study.
46. I ___________(participate) in a volunteer programme, visiting elderly people in my area for the last three years.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. In the last 500 million years, there have been five times__________life on Earth has almost ended. (用适当的词填空)
48. Of course, as we humans depend on so many species for our ___________(survive), we would also be at risk of dying out. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. By the time she was seven years old, she still couldn’t speak, read or write and needed to have everything _________ (do) for her. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. When Mr. Bean looks at the menu, an ___________ (astonish) look quickly appears on his face. (所给词的适当形式填空)
A. dentist B. assistant C. architect D. physician E. journalist F. consultant G. photographer
51. 助理
52 牙医
53. 顾问
54. 建筑师
55. 内科医生
A. gently B. slightly C. entirely D. patiently E. precisely F. creatively G. potentially
56. 略微
57. 完全地
58. 精确地
59. 可能地
60. 创造性地
A. terrible B. reliable C. flexible D. capable E. sensible F. available G. incredible
61. 灵活的
62. 可靠的
63. 极好的
64. 明智的
65. 可获得的
A. insist B. intend C. indicate D. involve E. interrupt F. influence G. integrate
66. 打算
67. 坚称
68. 打断
69. 表明
70. 包含
71. At 7:50 pm I am still scrolling through my friends’ silly posts and photos.
A. carefully selecting B. completely ignoring
C. quickly commenting on D. mindlessly looking through
72. Finishing what you are asked to do is not a recipe for great career success.
A. a secret in the chef profession
B. an instruction to cook after work
C. a method to achieve career success
D. a shortcut for immediate promotion
73. If you ask the British to name a comedian, chances are that they could!
A. they have no idea B. they know a name
C. they show interest D. they refuse the chance
74. In other words, we learn more every day and none of us can ever sit back and say, “We know it all.”
A. everyone can be experts B. we can’t stand our limitations
C. no one has complete knowledge D. we should announce our success
75. I obsess over exactly how many followers I have on my social networking account.
A. I am confused about B. I show no interest in
C. I occasionally wonder D. I am overly crazy about
76. People are used to seeing a high standard of visual design, so modern advertisements need something else to separate them from their competitors.
A. to stand out from others B. to set different standards
C. to copy their competitors D. to focus on visual design
77. Sarah took some time to reflect on the feedback on her presentation skills.
A. Sarah was surprised by the response
B. Sarah thought highly of the feedback
C. Sarah hardly paid attention to the opinions
D. Sarah thought carefully about the comments
78. Though he knows the importance of staying fit, he just can’t be bothered to do any exercise.
A he is too lazy to do any exercise B. he likes any activity but exercise
C. he doesn’t have time for exercise D. he feels annoyed when doing exercise
79. Everyone was expected to do their part to keep the neighborhood beautiful.
A. was allowed to play a role B. was supposed to contribute
C. was praised for participation D. was encouraged to be selfless
80. After the software update, the computer system began to function more smoothly.
A. attract more people B. work more efficiently
C. have a smoother surface D. serve a different function
Text 1
Most students do an I_____81_____ Quotient (IQ) test early in their school life. Even if they never see their _____82_____(结果), they feel that their IQ is what d_____83_____ how well they are going to do in life. However, experts now say that EQ is as important, if not more, in _____84_____(预测)whether someone will be successful in life. Professor Salovey, the expert who invented the term EQ, explains that at work, it is IQ that gets youe_____85_____ but it is EQ that gets you promoted.
Text 2
At the school play, John decided to_____86_____ (假装) he was a confident actor, even though he felt some a_____87_____ (焦虑) about being on stage. He had a_____88_____ (幽默的) role that required him to make silly f_____89_____ expressions to entertain the audience. As the play progressed, John’s natural_____90_____ (天赋) for comedy shone through, and his initial nervousness disappeared. His funny faces and comedic timing had everyone laughing, proving that he had a real gift for making people laugh.
91. 在过去的几年里,大多数国家的报纸销量都有所下降。(汉译英)
92. 人们普遍认为,情商高的人易接受新思想,对待生活积极乐观。(汉译英)
93. 尽管他在职业生涯中多次受伤,但他始终保持着决心和专注。(汉译英)
94. 他过去常常结合很多实际例子解释看似很难的知识。(汉译英)
95. 这部电影以一种非常有趣和聪明的方式探讨了外貌的主题。(汉译英)
96. 请描述下图所呈现的社会现象,并发表你的看法。